LIVE STOCK WIND STORM and TORNADO 9 FIRE and LIGHTNING I If u 1 ft-- 1 Life Insurance On Men and Women A protection in case of death, an investment if you live, collateral in your hour of need. The kind you don't have to die to beat. Tornado and Cyclone The past week has shown Western Nebraska within the Cyclone belt. Better let the Insurance Com panies carry this risk. I Fire and Lightning Lightning is a prolific cause of loss to Ranchers and Farmers. Every Known Kind of Insurance GRAY & GUTHRIE The Insurance Men FVont Rooms Over All! National Bank u V ' AS-';' Combined Assets of Companies Represented Exceed $630,000,000.00 Office open at all hours, whether to write new business, adjust claims or pay losses Accident Insurance Accidents will happen. It costs but a trifle, to insure your time against loss. Live Stock Insurance We write an animal in surance policy on high grade horses and cattle against death from any cause. Bonds Don't ask your friends to sign your bond, we furnish these at a' nomi nal cost. I LIFE 1 BONDS ACCIDENT NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS Kulin Bchocnuurn & Co., M. E. Smith & Co.. Xi. W. Ki'ndull Hoot & Slioo Co., Kvmppr Hundley AcMtilloiiuld Dry Goods Co., J. Ii. Ilrudy &CV. Itunilium Ilunna Munger tc Co., American Hand Sowed Miuo Co., Clumrnl Ituua & Co., Friend Hrotlii'l UlotliiiiK Co.. llnbt. KniusoCo., Uoniluy J: Olmsted, l)avld Adier As Bonn ClotliliiK Co., Hlrsli IClson & Co., .loseph IkMfeld & Uo.. IlLTinun Itros.. Strom bei-K Krau & Co.. GlcM'-eke & Oo Ot-i.'o OlovoCo., Abel JJucli Trunk Co., Itodimili llros , Tlio Kockfoid Siihpuudi'r Co., uefuud unts, will tnljo nollec Una on tho lUlidny of April, lSi'.O, Murtlia E. K-bs uiul Ai.zor lto,.s, plulntltr herein tiled tliulr petition In the Dis trict Court of Hox Hutto County, NcforusWii, against said defendants the object and pniyor of which aro to have satisfied and cancelled of record u morticaso In the sum of $11, two &2, dated May 28,- 1HW. and upon thu Nurthuait Quarter (NKM) of section twenty ($0) In town ship Iwenty-hvu (25) north of Rungo forty nine (49) west In Hox Uullo County, Nebraska, executed by W. W. Norton und Ids wife Kmmii IJ. Norton to the said defendants und others, and recorded in book 10 pau 4.'1 of tho real estate mortgage records of said Hox Hutto County: on the ground that same has been paid, to have the tltlo to said premises quiet ed In the plalntllT, uad to exclude all and each und any one of said defendants from any right title or Interest, therein nsownersof said firoperty or otherwise and for a decree quiet US and cotillrmlng the title to said premises in the plulntltr. You ure required to answer said petition on or before the 23rd day ut May, 1010. Dated April 14. 1010. Martha E. Koss, An 7.0 u Hogs. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS The American Investment Company of Em metsburg, l3wa, defendant, will take notice that on thu 14th day of April 1010. Jacob (I. Osboru. plulutilT herein tiled IiIb petition In the District Court of Hox Hutte County, Neb raska, ugalnst mild defendants the object and prayer of which ure to have satisfied andean celled of record a mortgage in tho sum of dutnl Sent. 1. 1S8A. and noon the South east Quarter uf Section :n, In township 23 north of Hungu 49 west in Hox Rutte County, Nebraska, executed by Nathan F. Simpson to American Investment Co, and recorded in book 1 page 89 uf the mortgage records of said County; to have the title to said premises quieted hi tho plaintiff and to exclude all, uud each and any one of said defendants from uny right, title or Interest therein us owners of said property or otherwise and for u decree quieting uud confirming tho title to said prem ises in thu pluintill. You ure required to answer said petition ou or before the 23d day of May, 1910. Dated April 14. 1010, Jacob O Osiiobkk. I'laliitllT, is- Uy H. F. Oilman, hU attorney, Kemingford Happenings. Mrs. Chas. Glaze went to Cliatlron Monday. Wm. Walker left Monday for a visit In Illinois. Fred Melick was a passenger to Alli nnce Friday. Mrs. Hesseltine returned Tuesday from her eustern visit. K. L. Pierce and a party utitoed to Alliance Friday evening. s Miss Martha Sjehlaman spent u few days last weelc at Rev. Kozalc's. Ira Scribner returned to his home stead near Snake Creek Tuesday. Fred Hucke was a passenger to Alli ance Saturday returning Sunday. Dr. Andrews went to his home in Scottsblun? Friday returning Tuesday. Phil Michael and wife visited over night at the Swanson ranch Tuesday. K. L. Pierce and L. F. McClusky autoed to Alliance on business Thurs day. Lotspcich & Carr are doing some plowing with their steam plow east of town. Misses Amelia liueke and niece Ellle Traeey are spending a few days this week with Mrs. B. U. Shepard. If. L. Pierce and wife, Rollie John son, Clark Mclntyreand Clarence Can Held autoed to Alliance Sunday. Geo. Stetzel was a passenger to Alli ance Monday. Mr. Stetzel is on his way home and will go by way of Texas. Phil Michael Jr. and wife. Omar Scribner and Mayme Miller autoed to Alliance Sunday to attend a ball game. Hashman Notes Royce Nichols took his grandmother, Mrs. Tallada, and his cousin, Leon Tallada to Sioux county last Sunday. Mrs Bertha Sage spent a few days of last week with her father and mother, re turning to her home in Alliance on Wed nesday. There was a largo crowd at the box social at Unity church and when the money was counted there was found to be $2i 95. .w Hubble's Flat. NOTICE OF SALE In the District Court of Hox Hntte County. Nebraska. , , ... In tho matter of tho application of J. J. Hutterr. administrator of the estate of Addle E. Thompson, deceased, for leave to sell real estate. .... . Notice Is hereby given that. In pursuance of auorderof tho Hon. W. II. Wcstover, Judge of the District Court of Box Hutte County. Nebraska, made ou tho SUtli day of March, 1910. for the alu of the real estate hereinafter described, there will bo sold at public vendue to the highest bidder for ut leust one-half cash, balance on not to exceed two years time, secured by mortgage on tho land, with not less than 7 per cent inU'rest. ut the front door of the Court House In the Cltv of Alliance. In ald county, on the loth day of May. 1010. at tli hour of two o'clock u. m , tho following described real estate: Lot "umber U, In Ulock 20, In First Addition to Alliance. Huld Male will remain open one hour. J. .1, HUTTEKY, Administrator of the estate qf fpApr!4-3t Addle K. Thompson, deceased. MRS. LOIS RILEY Trained Nurse WIOXK 510 Ethel Tallada Is on the sick list. Roy Denton Is huving a well dug. Royce NtchoIs'Vviis a visitor at Lore's Monday. Win. Dunlap was a Sunday caller at Geo, Denton's. Arthur Hubbell has gone trapping for a few days. Calvin Durr's visited with their son John DurrSunduy. Ethel Tallada visited at A. Ross' a few days last week. There was a large attendance at church last Sunday. A. Meakes and wife are visiting their daughter near Canton, Leo Sanders whs in this vicinity hunting cattle Tuesday. Mrs Tallada and grandson Leon visited Sunday with Mrs. A. Lore. The surprise party on Rollin Ross was well attended Friday evenlug. Fay Hembry was a caller at Mrs. Stnices last Sunday. Guy Wayne was a caller at Jas. H. Skinner's last Sunday. A. Ross returned to his home in Sioux county one day last week. The attendance at Unity Sunday School last Sunday was fourteen. Alfred Ghehagen and family spent Sun day at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turners. Mr- Nichols and his sons were hauling potatoes to his home a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leishman were callers at Jas. Skinner's last Thursday evening. Walter La or ford and Ada Parkins visited with Mrs. Hashman Thursday afternoon- Mildred, Lydia and Deliah Nichols were visitors of Ethel and Fay Hembry on Fri day of last week. " Miss Amy Hashman and her brother George spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Carl H ashman's. Mrs. Tallada and her grandson Leon Tallada were visitors at Mrs. Ella Skinner's last Thursday. Reno Notes trips to Alliance L. D. Blair made two last week on business. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Leislritz visited at Jesse Nelsons last Sunday. Miles Hagamen is hauling telephone poles from Lakeside this week. Joe Herian had a valuable mare struck liv lightening during the first rain storm this spring, Henry Hier has his new wind mill up and in good working order Chas. Leisl ritz put one up last week also. Bert Betebenner and Elmer and Frank McFall are some of the ranchers that dehorned their steers last week. Henry Hier butchered four hogs this week, three of them weighing two hundred each and the other one three hundred. He took three of them to Alliance and sold them to the butchers. Ed Foster of Lincoln stopped off in Alliance between trains last Friday to visit with his sister-in-law, Mrs. B. C. Heeler. He was on his way to Gering on business connected with his grain elevator This was his second visit to Alliance and he thinks it has improved wonderfully since he was there last, about three years ago. "Mike" said Pat, "What do two green flags on the front end of n train mean?" "It means another one is coming," said Mike. A few days later Pat appeared on the streets wheeling his baby and two green flags were fast on the baby cab. Fremout Herald- Neighboring Notes The editor of the Mitchell Index re grets that there were 27 "wet" votes cast at their village election this year, but is glad that tho 27 were more than offset by the too "dry" votes that were polled. Things political are not so otic-sided in Crawford as they used to be. A t the election on the 5th itist. the vole on mayor was a tie between the civic league candidate and the present in cumbent. Bridegcport went wet by a small majority on a direct vote at the recent election- There seems to be some doubt, however, whether the necessary petitions can be secured to grant li censes this year- At the meeting of the school bo&rd held on April 4 the following teachers for the ensuing year were chosen: H. H, Reitnuud, superintendent, Olga M, Gerke, principal, Susie Boyer, asst. principal, Maud Andrews, 1st nnd 2nd grades, Carrie Peterson, 3d nnd 4th grades, Edna Rinker, kindergarten. There are three more teachers to select Crawford Tribune- Points Regarding the Census. The census begins April is and must be completed in thirty days, 1 Tile enumerators will wear a badge inscribed "United States Census 1910." The law requires every adult person to furnish the prescribed information, but also provides that it shall be treat ed confidentially, so that no injury can come to any person from answering the questions- The Census Bureau, prior to April 15, will, distribute, to.every farm owner and tenant in this state a blank or schedule containing the Census ques tions relative to farm operations and equipment. This should be filled up, if possible, not later than the morning of April 15, but if anyone has been unable to fill it up by that time, he should do it as soon afterwards as he can. People who do not speak English or who do not understand the schedule completely should get help from others if possible in filling it up. The President has issued a procla mation, calling on all citizens to pope rate with the Census and assuring them that it has nothing to do with taxation, army or jury service, compulsory school attendance, regulation of immi gration, or enforcement of any law and that no one can be injured by answer ing the inquiries. It is of the utmost importance that the farm census of this state be com plete and. correct. Therefore tvery farm owner and tenant should prompt ly, fully nnd accurately fill up the "Ad vance Farm Schedule, and carefully preserve it for the enumerator when he calls. Repair Work Sewing Machines and Organs. Have secured the services of a prac tical mechanic and can guarantee all work done by him. Don't trust your work to travelling repair men, This man will be hero permanently. Re pairs and parts furnished for all ma chines. Phone 139- Geo. D. Darling. Steam Outfit for Sale. For sale The best steam outfit in Chey enne county, consisting of one new Cak'e separator, one steam (32 h p.) engine and eleven fourteen-inch plows. Address OREN GRISWOLD. D7-io A7-10 Dalton, Neb. 1 IBisctxa, lEirxe Shoe Repairing PROHPTLY DONE All Work Strictly First-Class H. D. Nichols BOX BUTTE AVENUE AT ALLIANCE SHOE STORE eTrTeTad EAT rs LOOK FOR LABEL None genuine without it McCluer's We are showing a fine line of White Goods consisting of India Linens, Per sian Lawns, French Lawns, Organdies, Batistes inflight and heavy weights, plain and figured. Silk and cotton tis sue Susane Silks. The yard lOc to 75c These goods are now ready for your inspection iJSdgmgk C, B. & Q. Watch Inspector