rssttft I Magnificent Stock of New I Goods for the Ladies Special Sale on Ladies' Shirts We have the best line of New Skirts In the IflQL CItyton which we will make a sp7 discount of O Saturday and Simmons' hiwwwwwwi aiiiis Save Money by Buying for Cash Groceries for Cash at Cash Prices Call or telephone your orders W. A. SPRINGER THE CASH GROCER Second Door West of Postoffice I. L. ACH ESPN Hardware. Farm Wagons Buggies Everything in Harvesting Machinery Harness and Saddlery 319 Box Butte Ave. Phelan Opera House Block ALLIANCE HOSPITAL Graduate Nurses in Attendance HOSPITAL STAFF Dr. Bellwood, Dr. Bowman, Dr. Hand, Dr. Copsey Open to All Reputable Physicians. Address all communications to ;XHE MATRON, ALLIANCE HOSPITAL,, Alliance, Nebraska. . - . w . , Right J Monday, April 16 New Store at 313 Box Butte Ave. &$&&& am: SSKSi Hats 4 Large Variety and Latest W Styles g Underwear I Veif Goods, Just the Kind jj& Vou Want for Comfort S? and Servce Ladies9 Furnishings i 4 Complete Line Prices Always w - 18 Patronized by careful and discriminating buyers The one place in town where you can buy really go o d chocolates Finding a Leak is sometimes a dangerous and dirty job unless you are a Practical Plumber. If there is any trouble in the bath room or heating apparatus Send for Us and we will fix it promptly and at reason able charge. We do good work and guar antee it. Fred Brennan House phone, 356. Shop phone, 744 Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ... WOOD 'Phone Alliance No. 5. Nebraska. WV Mm) m, Ifl I Kill i EWfJflpfrtf! Si fames ugStore READYFQRGENSUS Uncle Sam Thinks Kb Has Fam ily of Nlnely Million People, ONLY MONTH FOR THE WORK. Seventy Thousand Enumerators Will Be Turned Loose on People of Unit, ed States Next Friday Cost of Work Will Be $5,500,000 Scope of In. qulry. Washington, April 11. With tho break of day on next Friday, a host of 70,000 Interrogators, men and women, white and colored, will be turned loose In pursuit of the people of the United States. On that day Uncle Sam will begin numbering his children In preparation for the thirteenth census. He estimates that he has a family of about 90,000,000 men, women' and chil dren, and he already has employed and will then put to work a body of enumerators considerably greater than the standing army. The law provides that the enumer tlon shall begin on the 15th, but It is not so peremptory about the com mencing time as about the closing time, and already intimations have been received that in some Instances tho work may be postponed'untll Sat urday. This Js due to the fact thnt the 15th falls on Friday, and CTnmg tho 70,000 name takers there are some who are superstitious as to this day of the week. The enune:-tio:i will cover all of the forty-flve states and two terri tories of the Union proper, and' also Hawaii and Porto Rico. Alaska, the Philippine islands and Guam will not be included, as especial arrangements nre made for numbering the people of thoso dependencies. Under the statutes governing the work the entire enumeration must be completed within a month, and in the cities the work Is limited to fifteen days. It is expected that some of tho returns' from the cities will be re ceived as early as the first week In June, but the exact population of the entire country wjll not be determined "before sometime In September. The mere getting ofthe information will cost the government the pretty sum of $5,500,000. PREACHER SHOT DOWN Slain by Listener After Voicing Will ingness to Die. Pittsburg, April 11. A sermon on "Martyrdom," in which Frank Skala, an editor and prominent mission worker, had declared himself willing to lay down his life for the Christian cause, was followed by his as sassination In a highly sensational manner and the shooting down also of a fellow church leader, John Gay. Arm In arm the two missionaries were leaving tho little Congregational church In Wood's Run, a suburb, at the head of more than 100 foreigners. A raggedly dressed man poked his way through the crowd, and when he was but a step behind the leaders he pressed a revolver to Skala's head and fired twice. The bullets took effect in the jaw and temple and in the midst of his followers Skala fell dead. Gay, who threw up his right hand as If to ward off the weapon, was struck first in the thumb, and then a second bullet was buried in his head. He fell unconscious across the lifeless body of his colleague. The madman was Jan Radowltch, a charncter known to most of the mis sion for his shiftless habits and radi cal opinions. HUGHES GOES FOR GRAFTERS Governor of New York Orders Whole sale Probe of Legislature. Albany, N. Y., April 12. Declaring that the recent revelations in the Allds-Conger bribery inquiry and the facts brought out in the Insurance Investigation by Superintendent of In surance Hotchklss, "have caused every I honest citizen to tingle with shame and indignation and made irresistible the demand that every proper means should bo employed to purify," Gov ernor Hughes sent a special message to the legislature recommending "an Immediate, impar'tvl thorough and un sparing investigation Into legislative practices and procedure and into the ns3 of corrupt or improper means for the promotion or dofeat of legislation." Poultry Men Want Better Rates. Washington, April 12. In a com plaint filed against nineteen express compnn.leB, the board of railroad com jnlsstoners of the state of Kansas pe titions tho interstate commerce com mission to rescue the poultry business of the state which Is reported to suf fer undor'tbe rate now imposed It is reported the express companies charge the shippers for Icing whether ship ments are Iced or not and that the rates are excessive. The poultry busi ness of the state Jn 1907 aggregated Last Message of Dying Miners. Cherry, 111., April 12. "All alive, 2 p, m.. November i." This, the latest message from the fatal St. Paul coal mine, was brought to light with the recovery of thirty-one more miners' bodies which have been entombed since the disaster of Novmber 13. Twenty-seventh Trolley Death, Philadelphia, April 12. With thr death -here of Edgar Tannehill, the Qf 'parsons killed by streot pars"" since' the trolley strike began ttUbt'wefli o. reached twec'y ravan Useful Household Article GIVEN AWAY We have just received some of the newest of household Articles and desire to put one in every home in this vicinity. We are not go ing to sell them but are going to give one with your next purchase of a pair of shoes. SEE OUR NICE LINE OF JUST RECEIVED AT Colburn's Cash Store s JAS. GRAHAM'S 1 fawaiii 1 Groceries, Fresh and Cured Meats, Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Candies, and every thing else good to eat t Phone 50 N..W. Cor. Box Butte Ave. and Montana St, m m Club Together and Save Money All orders amounting to $15.00 for Mechanics' Tools, accompanied by cash, we will discount 10 per cent Inspect each too before buying ZbTot one but what's guaranteed sTariety and assortment large Each tool marked in plain figures Save time ILTell your friends TtoevYto. Co. Met a Boards of all descriptions for any part of a house or, barn. IK ?ffl Phone 22 D. Waters, Mgr. 1 i ? ' y