The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 03, 1910, Image 7

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-4 i it t i "' l
Groceries, Fresh and Oured
Meats, Fruits, Vegetables,
Nuts, Candies, and every"
thing else good to eat
Phone 50
N. W. Cor. Box Butte Ave.
and Montana St.
Wealth in Land
The Big Horn Basin, the Yellowstone Valley and the large Dry Farming val
leys in Wyoming along the Burlington, offer exceptional opportunities for
tanners, merchants, mechancs and professional men to locate near and in
the new towns now springing uo along the
Burlington's Main Lines to the Northwest
All of these rich farming valleys are surrounded by valuable pasture lauds
containing timber for the settlers aud in most cases, coal and valuable build
ing stone.
GOVERNMENT IRRIGATED HOMESTEADS. Homesteads under the Carey Act. Deeded
lands and 320 acre free Homesteads under the Mondell law.
Go with me on one of our personallv conducted Land Seekers' excursions
first and third Tuesday of each mouth.
DON'T PAY REHT, but send for our free folders with maps telling all about these
o'd Thinsfs to Eat
i Phone i r-v
I j9 j uesens i j9 s
2 On tne corner west of P. O. ;
we will receive by express a fine line of
pbbsh: petjit
! fTl . 1 i iT i 7
lands. State which proposition you are most
interested in. Wiite today.
D. CLEM DEAVER, General Agent,
Land Seekers Information Bureau,
Room 7, "Q" Building, Omaha, Neb.
of all descriptions
for any part of a
house or barn.
Dierks Lumber &Coal C.
Phono 22 D. Waters, Mgr.
Palace Livery Barn
H. P. COURSEY. Prop.
(successor to C c. Smith)
Good turnouts. Courteous treatment to all.
Give us a trial; we will treat you right.
-, irlioiiei
County Industrial Contest.
The Box Butte County Industrial
contest for boys anil girh will bo held
in the high school building at Alliance,
April 16, into. It was thought for a
while that this contest would be held
at a somewhat earlier date, and the
Herald has deferred making this an
uounccmcut until the date was definite
ly decided upon as above.
The following bulletin issued by City
Superintendent D. W. Hayes and
County Superintendent Delia Reed,
gives interesting information that should
be read by all persons interested in edu
cation: Eveky Boy And Girl
In Box Butte County should have some
part in this contest. It is conducted
under the auspices of the schools of
the county, by and for the boys and
girls of the county. Its object is to
stimulate a greater interest in home life
and to make more practical the work
of the schools. It will be a day for an
educational rally, a day for comparing
the work of the various schools, and
also will afford an opportunity for see
ing the best that is being done in the
various schools of the county.
Who May Enter The Contest.
Any boy or girl who has been eu
rolled in the public schools of Box
Butte county during the present School
year, providing the work in the indi
vidual exhibits shall be done by the
pupil, unassisted by parents or others.
The work exhibited by schools must bo
mounted on card board, each school
being allowed four mounting boards,
each 22x28 iuches Sufficient wall space
will be 'provided where these mounting
boards may be placed so as to show the
work to the best advantage. Work
must be so mounted that the mounting
bpards may be placed on the wall, the
long way up and down. Work of the
industrial type is to be especially en
couraged. 4 4
Space Awarded Each School.
In addition to the wall space,
(enough for the four mounting boards
as described above), sufficient shelving
and table room will be provided for the
forms of industrial work that can not
be mounted. Also space for all indi
vidual exhibits.
All exhibits must bo entered not later
than Friday noon, April 15, excepting
that the biead, cookies, doughnuts aud
chocolate cakes may be entered on
Satin day morning before 9 a. m-
Name, age and address of exhibitor,
teachers name, No. of school distiict,
must accompany every separate item of
exhibit. Blanks will be furnished.
Competent judges from outside the
county will be selected. Pupils who
find it impossible to come should send
their work anyway. It will receive the
same recognition aud will be judged
with the same fairness and impartiality
as if the pupil was present.
Other features of the program will
be an address at 2.30 p. m. by the
State Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion E. C. Bishop. Also a musical and
literary program'will be furnished by
the pupils and teachers of the Alliance
city schools.
Prizes Awarded
As will be noted in the premium lists
a number ot valuable prizes are being
offered. At least four prizes are offered
in each class of exhibits.
Begin At Once
Every school and every pupil who
expects to enter this contest should be
gin at once on the work you expect to
enter. Let every effort be along the
line of improvements from now on
looking toward the best that you can
do by persisteut and faithful effort.
Collection Ok School Work furnished
by any teacher of graded or ungraded
school. Limited to four mounting boards
each 22x23 inches.
jst prize given by Geo. D. Darling
picture value ., $500
2nd prize given by Geo. D. Darling
picture value ,,.2.50
3rd prize given by Goo. D. x Darling
picture value. ....1.50
41I1 prize given by Geo. D. Darling
picture value loo
Map Drawing by pupil under 13 years
of age.
1st prize solid gold or signet ring given
by F. E. Holstcn .500
2nd prize Eastman kodak given by F.
E. Moisten.... 200
3rd prize two ounces Palmer's perfume
given by F. E. Ho'sten... T25
Map Drawing by pupils I3 years of age
or over
1st prizecamera given by H.F. Thiele
value 6. so
2nd prize tennis racquet given by U.K.
Thiele 250
3rd prize penant given by H.F. Thiele
value.... 1.25
Waier Color Work, no frames permitted
ly pupils under 13
1st prize frame and glass given by the
Gadsby store , 200
2nd prize frame and glass given by the
Gadsby store t.oo
Water Color Work no frame permitted
by pupils 13 or over,
1st prize shirtwaist set given by the
Bee Hive Store ,....,....3 50
2nd prize scarf pin given by the Bee
Hive Store ...200
3rd prize cuff buttons given by the Bee
Hive store.... 100
4th prize shirt waist studs given by the
Bee Hive store 75
Free Hand Drawing, pencil or charcoal
by pupil under 13.
1st prize frame and glass given by the
Gadsby store 1. 50
2nd prize frame and glass given by the
Gadsby store 50
Free Hand Drawing, pencil or charcoal
by pupil 13 or over
1st pme t dozen photos given by M.
U. Grebe 0.00
2nd prize 1 dozen photos given by M
15. Grebe 4,00
Sofa Pillow Cover, (needlo work) by
pupil under 13.
1st prize drawn work given by U.
Simmons 1.50
2nd prize doily given by It, Simmons
; ; 1. 00
3rd prize drawn work, set collar and
cuff given by E Essay .50
4th prize drawn work, handkerchief
given by E. Essay.. , 40
Sofa Pillow Cover, (needle work or
painting) pupil 13 or over.
1st prize sofa pillow and material to
finish given by Regan's.. 1.50
2nd prize center piece and material to
finish given by Regan's ..1.25
Specimen Of Work, made with knife
and hammer,
1st prize pearl handled knife given by
2nd prize Maydole hammer given by
3rd prize knife given by Acheson
4th prize hammer given by Acheson.
Dressed Doll, all garments to be made
by exhibitor, open to pupils under 11.
1st prize one dress pattern given by E.
C. McCluer. , . . .3.00
2nd prize dress pattern given by E.C.
McClure 2,00
Hand Sowed Apron, by pupil under 13.
1st prize one pair dress shoes given by
Norton ., 2.00
2nd prfze one pair dress shoes given
by Norton 1.50
3rd prize dress pattern given by Nor
ton r.oo
4th prize Iron Clad hose given by Nor
ton 7,,
Hand Sewed Apron by pupil n or over.
1st prize pair Simmon kid gloves by
Mollring 175
2nd prize dress pattern given by Moll
ring j. 25
3rd prize dross pattern given by Moll
ring 100
4th prize 1 pair Black Cat hose given
by Mollring .... , 75
Machine Sewed Apron, no age limita
tion, 1st prize belt gitfen'by Regan's. . ... 1.50
2nd prize veil given by Regan's ... 1.25
liest ten Box Butte county potatoes
(quality as well as sire considered, pre
miums on selection not on growing) select
ed by any school boy.
1st prize due bill by Newberry .4.00
2nd prue due bill by Newberry .. ..300
3rd prize due bill by Newberry .... 2.00
4th prize due bill by Newberry 1.00
Best Loaf While Bread.
1st prize sack Morning Glory flour by
Mallery Grocery Co.
2nd prize sack Valley Patent flour by Mal
lery Grocery Co.
3rd prize sack New York Buckwheat flour
by Mallery Grocery Co.
,)th prize. 2 packages Ferndell pancake
flour by Mallery Grocery Co.
Best Corn Bread.
1st prize 50 lb sack Puritan flour by Rod-
2nd prize 25 lb sack Puritan flour by Rod-
3rd prize 25 lb sack corn meal by Rod-
41I1 'prize one sack Imperial Ten by Rod-
Rest Dozen Sugar Cookies.
1st prize sack Watson Cream Patent flour
by Watsou.
2nd prize due bill by Watson I.50
3rd prize duo bill by Watson 1.00
4th prize due bill by Watsou 50
Best Dozen Doughnuts.
1st prize 10 lb pail pure Leaf Lard Coupon
brand by Alliance Grocery.
2nd prize 25 lb sack Victor flour by Al
liance Grocery.
3rd prize 2 lb can Chase & Sanborn Seal
brand coffee by Alliance Grocery.
4th prize 1 lb Chase Sanborn Jap tea by
Alliance Grocery.
Rest Chocolate Cake.
1st prize home painted cake plate by
Miller Bros 2.00
2nd prize sterling silver souvenir spoon
by Miller Bros ,. 1 50
vd prize candle stick by Miller Bros, . l.oo
4th prize post card album by Miller
Bros 5
Best Product Map by rural school.
1st prize school dictionary by Horace
2nd priz? school library book by Horace
Best Product Map by any grade or town
1st prize $5 cash by Alliance Creamery
2nd prize S3 cash bv Alliance Creamery.
Be6t Specimen Penmanship, under I3
(specimen to consist of first stanza of
"America," on unruled paper size Oxgin-)
it prize fountain pen by Barnes. .. .5.00
jnd prize fountain pen by Barnes. . . .2.50
Write for information to Supt. D. W,
Haves or Supt Delia Reed, Alliance.
Miss Reed, conutv superintendent,
went to Hoiiiiiigfoid on No. 43 Tues
day, intending tp spend buverwl davs
visiting schools in that vicinity.
The fiee High School bullutiii No. 0,
regulations covering state pupiU' oighlb
grade examinations, has just boon to-
ccived ai the county supeiinteudeiit's
Three examinations will be given in
Box Butte county this school car, on
the following dates: Thursday and
Friday, March 24 and 25; Thursday
and Friday, April 21 and 22; Thursday
and Friday, May 12 and 13.
Certificates of award were issued this
week to the following pupils from Hem
ingford: Lois Wildy, Charles Hall,
Fawutine Johnson, Iva Hall, lua
Hucke, Dolly Hall, George Unrig and
Elsie Green.
Dist, No. 11, Mrs. Leishtnan has
a wide awake school of boss. We
hope these bos will enter the contest
for individual work.
... . the public,
and bring to you that Incteate ot builneu you ar
looking (or if you give u jour store newt to print
1L !,
Groceries and Provisions
A full line of fresh
Our prices are right
Telephone, orders nlledHpromptly
Phone 55
S. W. Cor. Box Butte Ave. and Dakota St. ; one block
north'of Burlington station, on west side of street
Club Top 'ji her
and Save Money
All orders amounting to $15.00 for Mechanics'
Tools, accompanied by cash, we will
discount 10 per cent
Inspect each too before buying
UlTot one but what's guaranteed
""ariety and assortment large
DE3ach tool marked in plain figures
Save time '
1?ell your friends
XfcWv&A. Co.
Graduate Nurses in Attendance
HOSPITAL STAFF Dr. Bcllvvood, Dr. Bowman, Dr. Hand, Ur. Copscy
Open to All Reputable Physicians.
Address all communications to
Alliance, Nebraska.
HuRono ItueUor and Llrzln It. Itueker, his
wife mill U. A Merrill, defendant, will Uko
notice that on tlto lotli day of IVIiriinry, IUID.
Lyciinrusl'', McCarthy, plaintiff herein Hied
Ills petition in tuo uiKirici uour' or nox uuiie
County, Nebraska, ak'ulnst Mild defendants
tliu object mid prayer of which arc to liuvo
stitUUcil mid cancelled or record n uiortKURO
lu tlio uin of 8600. datid .luno "0, IMiunrt
upon tlio Southeast Quarter of Section 27 in
IDWMhlllpi'l IlOltll lillllK'l'4llOSt In Hox llutto
Comity, Nebraska, cxrctittul by Kintunt) Itucli
tTiiiitl I.lzlu II. ltui'kfr tu I A Nerrtlt ami
rivor lud In IkiuU II of nt pugo k of
tbu Mortc:i.'(" Records of Mild Countv;tuhuvu
tbo tltlo tu Mild premises liletcd In tlio philii
tln, mid tt exclude nil, mid i-arli mid any one
or nuld ilufoiiiUnt. from any rlitln, tltlo or In
turehl therein n owiuirs of iiild propcity or
othurli!iind for udi'i rnniuletiii nod con
llrmliit; tlio title to said reinl. in Urn pUtu
Von iiro rwjnltwl tomiswor enld petition on
or before tint x'lst duy of Miirub. 181U
iMtod Fnlirimry 10 IPI0.
Lycuuuus I'. ,M.0irrnv, Plaintiff,
, llv II. IMI I.MW.
D-lt Hlsatiorni'j
Putur N. StirlMMM'k, I'sinnle 8vrljoiiMl Ids
vrlfe, and A N Bi,liimur. to iMrndunth.
will Uikinioliee ilmt on the Hitlnl.i r ilnii
uri.HUO. ("or i .Mm Trlplm. platmtlf herein,
lllttd Imr volition In tlio DKtrlei ourr of llo
Unite County, NobraiUa, UKiliit kuiI (lu
frnduuth the objool unit iWhtiiI which uro
lo have hiltlulleil unit CHie'el.e.l .if record a
certain moriuxoof SI03xiv-ii by Peter N.
Si rluiii.ek anil lAiunlo SorboilMik tosaid A. N
yclnilcr .V Co upon tlivtiuiiili Hit Quarter
(dWIii ot Section 27 In tnwiiMup '.'U north
It.iliKO ID wii-t in llnx llutto C'ouiiiy, iNt-lir.iv-ka.
d.Hcd Am: U, imU. recoided lu Ho k V-.
HKO410 JIortKUiio word of haul County,
anil lonuiet the iltlofMild pruiUuN lu the
pUluliir, unci to ux. lude nil, and fucli aud
any oiio of wild deioniliintj,. from mi) rltflit,
tltlo or Interei-t therein hs owners of s dd
property or otlierwlMi and for u ducreo m iut
lfliiK and CriiH-elliiiK iatd uioiWUKe and
qiliutliiB said title.
You aro required to nnsor milil petition on
or Ixlloru the 21st d ay of March, 1V10.
Dated Ken 10, H10.
Couv Mat Tkii'I.ktt. Plaintiff.
Hy U. F. Oilman,
0-4t liorattotiie).
Kllnbotb J.Danuer and John Diuiner lior
huslkind; William Halo and Mrs. Il.ilo first
real nuiiio unknown, his wlfe;Geori,'o h. Halo
mid Nellie Halo bis wifo; .John P. Halo and
AllleJlulo Ids wlfoi M.ikkIu KUter and Charle
Ititter her husband, heirs of tlijli
11a e, deceased. dcfenduiUN. will take
notlco that on tliulOtu day of Pehruary, lljlp.
vVillium A Sprinter, phnntllf horelu. tlb-d Ids
petition lu tlio district court of llox llutto
County, Neoraska mculiiNl said defendants,
the object mil prujeror which are to quiet
the tltlo lu the plaintiff of the southeast
Quarter t.I.' i of !ectloii 23 in township ,20
north ltunue 19 west in Hox llutto County, .Ne
braska, ami to exclude all, and each mid any
one of suld defendants from any rlitlit, tltlo
or Interest therein tu owner of said pioporty
orothorwlseaud for a decree quieting and
continuing the title to said premises in the
plaintiff. , ,
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 21st day ot Muruh, 1910.
Wii.uau a. bpniNaun.
Dated IVsbruary 10. 1 10.
goods to order from J
Iron Dan's
Patronized by
-r,,i ,n w
wto sm.'.'urreTgi
The one place in
town where you
can buy really
good chocolates
County Commissioners'
Estimate of Expenses
The Board of Box Butte County
Commissioners being iu session at their
regular meeting in January, to-vvit,
January nth, 1910, made the following
estimate of expenses for the year 1910,
on which to babe their levy for the
year 1910:
County officers 8 5000.00'
free t ana uist. olticers 4500.00
Fuel 800.00
Dooks and stationery. 1 000, do
mecnons , 1300.00
Incidentals 1700,00
SI4300.00 J
Road and bridge
fund $7000
Pauper fund.. I500
Institute fund. 200 $8700,00
7-5' W C. Mounts. Co. Clerk.