The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 03, 1910, Image 5

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    j.--" i-arww nss. -at t tip taMiiii!fmaK''
-w. UJWPM J""I" .VTh-iBiaa' "Tl
V!fiB'j i iHlliJMMVlJVFwn'!lin' nj
One Hundred
Kinds of Good
at the
Candy Kitchen
Our Motto:
E)iiritu nnA Plnotllltinpp'
. m m- -m. -
Silver Yedding.
Last Friday beinp; t e twenty-fifth
wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
H. E. noon, between forty and fifty of
their friends, nearly all members of the
M. B. A., surprised them by calling at
their residence in Duncan's addition
that evening. It is unnecessary to say
the evening was spent in a manner be
fitting the occasion, and was greatly
enjoyed by hosts aud guests. The
visitors brought as a token of their
esteem and friendship, an elegant 24
piece silver set, besides which Mr. and
Mrs. Boon's daughter, Miss Gladys
Boon, made them a present of a beauti
ful silver berry spoon, making a total
of 25 silver pieces a striking coinci
dence of one silver piece for each year
of their married life.
After spending the evening in a most
delightful manner, the guest3 depatted
wishing Mr. and Mrs. Boon many
happy wedding anniversaries.
Examination at Alliance High School
Just one examination will be hold in
the county for March 24 25 at the
High School building in' Alliance:
Thursday a.m., 5: to m:3
Grammar. 10:30 to i2:oo-U. S.
Thursday p.m., 1:00 to 2:30 Or
thogiaphv, Writing. 2:30 to 4:00
Fiidav , y 00 to 10:30 -Arithmetic.
10:301012:00 Reading.
Friday p.m., 1:00 to 2:00 Mental
Arithmetic. 2:00. to 3130 Geofrtiphy
and Agriculture
Card of Thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E- Boon wish to
express their appreciation of the kind
ness of their many friends who called
to celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding
anniversarv last Friday evening and
u ho so generously presented them with
a 24 piece silver set in honor of their
silver wedding.
Branching Out In Business.
G. C. Younkin is in Crawford this
week, conducting a moving picture
show. He has been successful in that
line of business here aud it is not sur
prising to see him branching out and
starting up the same business in neigh
boring towns.
Public Sale
The undersigned will sell at public
sale, three miles east of Alliance, north
of railroad track, on
beginning at 10 a. m., the following
personal property:
Four Head of Horses: One team of
mares coming 5 years old, in foal,
weight about 2,600; two geldings, 6 and
10 ycais old.
One cow and one brood sow.
Farming Implements: One farm
wagon, spring wagon with top, new top
buggy, disc harrow and seeder combin
ed, disc harrow used one season, 1 rid
ing G-shovel cultivator new, walking
cultivator, 2 John Deere sulky plows
with sod-breaking attachment, steel
harrow, double shovel plow, 6-loot
McCormick bindor almost new, 2 hay
racks, 1 new potato sorter, water tank,
two mowcis, hay rake.
Harness, Etc.: Three sets of work
harness, one cook stove, one heating
stove, eight dozen chickens, lot of
Bromus grass seed.
Free Lunch at Noon.
Tetms of Sals: All sums under? 10.
cash in hand. Oyer ?io, S months'
time, interest at 8 per cent, with bank
able paper.
H. P. Cquksky,' Auctioneer.
11. at A. S, Rimn, Clerk.
Dressmaking Satisfaction guaran
teed. Mrs. Heisonbuttel, 127 Yellow-
Sunday school wan rcorganiied Sun
day with Win, Aspdon Supt.
J. R. Lawraucc has boon laid up
with the quinsy the lust week.
Win. Rust Jr., bought a toam at the
sale Tuesday.
Grandma Lawrence is sick with the
grip this week.
The attendance at church Sunday
was large it being such a fine day.
Wm. Aspden and wife visited at the
home "of J. R, Lawrence Sunday.
Harry Parkor and sistor Elsia visited
with the Hadley young folks Sunday.
D. R. Lawrence killed the first wild
duck of the season in these parts Mon
day. The dance at Otto Voglo's Saturday
night was well attended. A good time
Harry Parker left here Wednesday
going to Mason City, Neb., to work for
the summer.
Otto Vogle left Monday with Engi
neers Dcittcin and Allen of Alliance
for their annual gooso hunt in the south
T. J. Lawrenco and family and
Grandma Lawrence aud boys called
on John Parker and family Sunday
The sale at the Wilson place Tues
day was well attended everything
bringing a good pi ice. One team of
mares sold for $585-
R. II. West who left heio sometime
'ago going to Hot Springs, S. D., ie-
turned a few days ago and is making
his home with' his son, George.
stone. Phone 354
If you need your cream separator
repaired 'bring it to the Alliance Ci cam
cry, wheie is kept a full lino of rcpaiis
for all makes of machines. Q-3t
I have 300 tons of good hay for sale
J. D. Hagerty. Bridgeport, Neb. 8-tf
Money to loan on roal estate. F. E.
Reddish. 3-tf.
Wanted Sowing by day or piece.
117 Sweetwater avenue. 8-tf
Removed The BennettPiano com-
I panv has moved their stock of pianos
to the building formerly occupied by
the Btcnuan drug company, wheto
they will be pleased to show prospective
buyers their lino of high grade pianos.
Mr. English has ordered a carload of
pmno3, which will arrivo in a few days,
and expects to do a larger business this
year than over bofore. Mrs. Wiker
will be in charge as heretofore, with a
full and complete lino of new aud tip
to date shoot tirusic. j to Want Wyom
ing Ave.
Two houses for sale. Enquire bf
Mrs. S.J. Holdridge. 8-tf
For Rent.
80 acres farm land nuo milo from
Alliance. O'Kcefo Land Co.
For Sale
Gang stubble plow used one season.
Price, $55.00. Weinel Br03. io3t
For Sale
Lot 3, block 8, Gt2 Toluca Ave
East front. All fenced. Cement
sidewalk and curbing, Inquire at
Herald office or phone 55G. 4-tf
Scotch topped Short Horns. Have
25 head from 8 to 24 months old, full
bloods, not registered. Have been
raising bulls for 20 years and nqver
had a better lot. Sold farm and want
to close them out this spring.
A. S. Rutin,
S-4t 1 mile east of Alliance.
Wanted Work by day or take wash
ing home. Katie Gerald, at Mrs.
Kokc's, So. Alliance. Phone 485. Gtf
Relinquishment lor Sale G40 acres
unusually good land, plenty hay. land;
12 miles from railroad station; mail
route by place; cheap if taken soon.
Call on James Potmcsil, Long Lake, Neb.
w I0"tf
For Rent or Sale
I will rent or sell the building at 219
Box Butte avenue which has been
used as a meat market. Will also sell
or rent the butcher tools, ale, if desir
ed. C. F. Kkoil. n-3t
For Sale
320 or 1G0 acres good bottom land,
seven miles in a westerly dhection
from Alliance, Nobr. For further in
formation address H. J. Grusskr,
n-i4t Theriunpoli, Wyo.
in the Wit rift Court or lliti United Slates for
thu.Dlstilrtor Nuliruskn, Norfolk Division
lit the tniUti'rof 1
Christopher II. Hockey, In Unnkruptry
Iliinkrupt,. I
To the CrtMItors of theulxivi) niimoil IliinU
Not in Ib horohy slum Hint nil the-lMt day
of l-'olirimry A. I). 1010 the Mild Christopher II.
Hockey was duly iitljmlaod iituikniDt, ami
tlmt the first inntliii; of Creditors will he hold
lit Norfolk In Mild District on the I5th (Inv of
March A. I). 1010, at H o'clock In the forenoon
at wliU'li llmo tlmsuld urodliora imiv nllrnd.
ptuvo Ihi-lrrhilmM, appoint utriisteo, examine 1
mo iiuiiimipiniHi ir:innaet eucn oinor uusi
ness us inuy propcily eoino heToro Mild mci'l
IllK. JMted February Shtli. 1010.
i:. I". Wrath niinv.
Hefurco In l!itnkriiU-y.
Win. P. DovatiK was a Bridgeport
vIitor Tuesday.
Bertha Dayir wag a ftridf dport visit
or Monday night.
Frod Benton wont to Bridgopoit
Tuesday to cry a snlo.
Rov. Phillips of Miuataro was in town
between trains Monday.
Rov. Harris preached at the Episco
pal chinch Monday evening.
Mr, Pat ton of Mitchell was in town
tho first of the week on business
Rev, Allen Chamberlain preached
Sunday evening in the Methodist church
and hold the second quarterly confer
ence Monday morning.
M. Walford is hnving his storo en
larccd by tearing ii il-e partition bo
Mlcii the front and t! back rooms
ti.ikii will make considerable more
Prof. Morris went to Bridgeport Fri
dav evening to be one of the judges of
the debate between tho Alliance and
Bridgeport High School teams. Clyde
Leach and Harold CalkitiB accompanied
him in his auto,
Home raised Short Horn bulls for
sale. James B. Loith, Box loOfi, Alli
ance, Nebr. 12-tf
ie, Bee Hive
rhc Alliance Llackct Store
210 Box Butte Ave.
Big Stock of
New Goods at
Prices Lower
timn Elsewhere
Call at U10 Red Front
When You Buy
Tha Borne Merchant! merit your inpport,
tboy ate tho tntinkMys of tho community.
And when yon buy of Uorao Mstchutt,
buy of tbo who Aavertito.
sKZ2sTa- cSc s-o":iv:M::E3:Ee isio
Homeseekers' Excursion Rates first and third Tuesdays
of each month to your locality; advise your eastern friends
of land and industrial chances in your country.
Low One-Way Rates, March ist to April 15th, to Cali
fornia and.the far Northwest.
To the East. The usual summer excursion fares will be
announced later, for those planning a vacation tour of the East.
Pacific Coast Summer Tours. Attractive excursion fares,
embracing a tour of the Coast, will be in effect duriirg the
coming summer.
Consult the nearest ticket agent of the Burlington. He
is currently supplied with special rate sheets and descriptive
publications for all kinds of tours, or write the General Pas
senger Agent, giving as definite an idea as possible of the
trip you have in mind. It will be a pleasure to a.dvise you
L. W. WAKELEY. G. P. A., Omaha
ggaraagnagassaaaaisasa ansafflttjuaaaasgisccssm egaeggggBEZsaaaaaaisuaCT ZxaSLmRSXi -22
o &
rJP""" IS" 5J H NHfc. H K7k.l PI
65 jb H ' j a i& s 5J Ri
iMiwvcosSiff JCJ4
To the lady receiving the largest number of votes from subscribers
to The Alliance Herald
The rcular .selling price of this piano is Three Hundred Dollnrs. It is a better instrument than many pianos that sell for $32.")
to $400. These pianos tire carried in stock by the Bennett Piano Company at their Alliance
store, where they may be inspected by interested persons.
The Alliance Herald has purchased one of these magnificent pianos to be given as a present to the. lady who receives the largest number or votes
during the next few weeks from subscribers to the paper.
g. -"
Our Plan
Commencing Friday, January 21, 1910, every
person paying on subscription to The Alliance
Herald during the time of this contest will be
entitled to vote forxtho contestant of his or
her choice, at the rate of one hundred votes
for every dollar paid on subscription, whether
arrearage or on advance subscription. The
lady having the largest number of votes at
the close of the contest, or election, will re
ceive the $800 Bennett Piano, in either Ma
hogany, "Walnut or Oak case as she mny pre
fer, delivered absolutely free to hor residence
in Box Butte county, or if she does not ro
n'.side in Box Butte county, it will be deliv
ered at the freight depot in Alliance, proper
ly crated-or boxed for shipment.
Any reader of Tho He raid may nominate a
lady acquaintance as a contestant. There is
no limit to the number of nominations that
may be made, but the right is reserved to
drop the name of any one nominated if she
receives no additional votes within a reason
able length of time after her nomination.
Grand List 'of Additional
In addition to the Magnificent Bennet Piano,
we are preparing a large list of additional
presents, to begiven to ladies who are con
testants but fail to receive the piano. A list
of these presents will be published soon.
Greatest Offer Ever Made in
Western Nebraska
We believe this is tho greatest offer ever
made by any newspaper in Western Nebraska.
5,000 Free Votes
At the time of her nomination, ovory con
testant will receivo 5,000 votes free, in ad
dition to what may be given her on subscrip
tion paid. If any lady shall bo nominated by
more than one person, she will receive the
5,000 free votos only on the lirst nomination.
Now is the Time to Nomi
nate and Vote
We expect this contest to continue only a few
weeks. Subscribers, and persons wishing to
become subscribers, who wish to make nom
inations or vote for persons nominated ' by
some one else, should act promptly. We re
sorvo the right to close nominations at any
time after Thursday, January 27th.
Number of Votes will be Published
Each week we will publish the number of
votes received by all contestants up to the
evening preceding publication day.
Herald Employes Barred
No member of the family of any person em
ployed in The Herald ofiico will be permitted
to be ji candidate for the Bennett Piano
whioh wo are soon to give away to tho lady
receiving the largest number of votes from