' jK-3tf.1AMb 'HIIIW I ENTIGEDTO DEATH Execution of Two Amoricans Was Held Illegal. ACTION AROUSED INDIGNATION NIcaraguan Lawyers Oppoied Inflict Ing Death Penalty Cannon and Groce Were Taken on Board 8hlp by Captain, Who promised to Protect Them Zelaya Threatens United 8tates Consul at Managua. Washington, Nov. 30. The United States consul at Managua has boon thrcntencd by President Zelaya and lie has been granted permission to oc cupy tho legation premises as bolng more secure Tho NIcaraguan congress will as eemblo tomorrow and It Is rumored that President Zelaya will retire and possibly attempt to oscnpo from tho country at night by tho Pacific coast, Annrchy, It 1b Bald, may ensuo. Per slfltent rumors from various quarters Indicate that Irlns may succeed Zelaya ub president of Nlcnragua. This Information Is embodied in telegrams which have been received nt the state department from tho consul nte representatives In Nicaragua. Tho first telegram, dated Managua, stales that Jveroy Cannon was cap tured on Oct. 21 and Loonard Qroco on Nov. 2, They were executed Nov. 12 unfl no nows reached the. department of the execution until the 17th. l MoiSPers of tho lied Cross arriving from CdstMo stato tlint Cannon and Oroco wore .captured while they woro lost on the brinks of tho San Juan rlv or, nnd that tlid captain of a ship called them, promising not to harm .thorn. Thoso allegations were In part confirmed by tho NIcaraguan jjresB, which stated that tho execution was for an attempt to blow tip steam ore, Tho execution caused general indignation, which was shared by tho commander in chiof. The minister general, Irlos, claims to have Inter ceded on the ground of humnnlty. $ NIcaraguan lawyers maintained that o execution was unlawful. The Nic nrnguan cnptaln is In prison for hav ing refusod to carry out Ze'aya's sen tencc that tho Americans bo shot. A later telegram from the consul at Dluoflclds states that Cannon and Groco rcBpectivoly woro lieutenant colonol and colonel of engineers in tho revolutionary nrmy nnd both were rog tilarly onllBtcd under tho command of General Chammorro. Tho highest rev olutionary loaders declare that Groco, acting In tho lino of duty, was with an outpost of ten men beyond the camp of ''General Chammorro, and Cannon, wltjl two men, had .been sent beyond to purvey n now position. The outpost waM surprised by tho forces of Gen eral Toledo nnd both officers were captured. FIVE MEN PICKED UP AT SEA Search Continues for Five Others Missing From Gunboat Marietta. Washington, Nov. 30. Five of tho membors of tho deck crew of tho gun boat Marietta, who were adrift In a gig oft Port Union, Costa Men, woro picked up by a rescue party of th Dob Moines, according to a dispatch received nt the navy department. The men had made their way to tho shore at Coleta point, about twenty miles from Port Umon. Tho gig was not recovered. ,Tho five men adrift In tho whale boat of the Marietta have not been heard from, but It Is said tholr rescue -will bo reported soon, as searching parties have been sent out for them. Tho men in the boats wero missed Friday, but owing to the fact that pro visions are kept In tho boats, It Is bo llevod they have suffered little from hunger nnd thirst, ON TRIAL FOR 8UOAR FRAUDS Six Former Employees of Trust Are In Court In New York. Now York, Nov. 30. On criminal charges, resulting from the revelations of extensive uudorwolghlng frauds on tho docks of the American Sugar Re fining company in Wllllamsbuig, six former employees of that company were placed on trial In tho United States circuit court hero. Two yenrs ago, on Oct. 20, 1007, Richard Parr, then a special agent of thu customs service, raided the Will- ' . B , T 'vlHHBBBBBk. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlft flB JH'H RICHARD PARR, lamsbitrg sugar docks and Reported tho discovery of fraudulent attach ments to the scnlcs used In weighing Biignr ImportB. It was aa one outcome of this raid that James F. Bender nagel, former manager of tho com pany's Wllllnmsburg plant, and Oliver Spltzcr, formor dock superintendent, nnd five checkers and welghors em ployed on tho docks nt tho time wero Indicted' and brought to trial. CRANE IS WIRE KING ATTACKS DR. COOK Wellman Analyzes Claims of Rival Explorers, GALLS DOCTOR AN IMPOSTER, 8ays It Is Suspicious Both In What It Tells and In What It Does Not Tell. Could Not Have Reached Pole With Meager Outfit Says Commander's Claims Are Consistent and Cred ibleCook in Vicinity of New York. New York, Nov. 29. They found Dr. Frederick A. Cook last night. That is, an authoritative statement was issued by his brother, W. L. Cook, saying that the oxplorer, who mysteriously dropped from public view Saturday, was still In the vicinity of New York recuper ating. He was on the verge of a nervous breakdown and his retire ment was absolutely necessary. Massachusetts Senator Largest Holder of Stock In Western Union Combine. Now York, Nov. 27. W. Murray Crnno, Junior senator from Massachu setts, appears to be tho dominant fig ure in the field of wlro communication and electrical manufacturing, the combination in the latter of which is being Investigated by the department of justice. Sonator Crane is tho head of tho Crano company, paper manu facturers of Daltou, Massi., n.ia 13 a mnn af great wealth, but the showing of his extensive holdings in the tele phone and electrical concorn Is a sur prise even to thoso conversant with tho situation. He Is tho largest sin gle stockholder In tho American Tele phone and Telegraph company, and thereforo becomes n power In the Western Union Telegraph, which tho former corporation absorbed lust wook. Ho Is a director In the West orn Klectrlc company, also owned by tho American Telophone, nnd how It develops that he Is a heavy stockhold er In the General Klectrlc company. IOWA STUDENT8 WIN In Ames Team Takes First Hono-s Cattle and Hog Judging. Chicago, Nov. 30. Students of the Iowa agricultural college wero award ed first In the students' judging com petition for tho J. Ogden Armour scholarship at tho International Live stock ox position. Tho Iowa students won with a total of -1,940 points. Tholr nearest com petltora were tho students of the On tario agricultural college with 103 points. Ohio state college wub thlrtt, Kansas agricultural collego fourth, Mississippi fifth and Texas sixth. The Iowa team took first honors In cattle and hogs; the Mississippi team was first In horses, and Ohio first in sheep. TWO DIE IN BALLOON WRECK Washington, Nov. 29. Walter Well man, whose preparations for a con quest of the North pole In an airship was abandoned upon the announce ment of the claims of Dr. Frederick A. Cook and Commander Robert E. Peary, Issued hero a long statement in which he analyzes the claims of tho two ex plorers, declaring that of Peary "pre cise, workmanlike, consistent, credible In every particular," and denouncing thnt of Dr. Cook as a self evident and even deliberate Imposture. ''Cook's story Is suspicious both In what it does tell nnd what It does not toll," Mr. Wellman declares. "Ho Is generally vague and indefinite, but, like most men of his class, altogether too preclso at the wroug place. No where does his Btory ring true, It Is always an approximation of reality itself. This Is true of his figures, his descriptions of everything. Those of us who havo had a share In Arctic work, and who havo felt anxiety that no blot of fraud should stain the proud record of effort and sacrifice, had a first hopo that Dr. Cook would bo able to demonstrate his good faith. This has dissolved in analysis of his own story. A second hope that ho was the victim of an hallucluatlou, nnd he him solt believed he had been to the pole, though of course he has not, vanishes in tho light of earlier and subsequent ovents. There remains, though ono snys It with keenest regret, only tho wretched alternative that the journey which ho did make, and the report which ho gave of It were deliberately planned from the outset." Tho gist of Mr. Wellmnn's finding Is that with his meager party and equip ment Dr. Cools could not possibly havo accomplished tho feat for which ho claims credit, that his astronomical dnta are too minutely precise to havo been made under the claimed condi tions In the Held, nnd that the ex plorer's nash or tho lecture platform nnd his acceptance of "crowns of flow ers placed upon his head by Innocent women and children," before submit ting his field records to scientific oxnmlnntlon all conspire to his discredit, WILL NOT ASK PARDON SEND GANG EAST FOR TRIAL Court Orders Alleged Swindlers Sent to Omaha. San Francisco, Nov. 30. Judge Do Haven or the United States district court issued an order sending R. D. llerriman, 11. W. llrown and 15. C. Moore, said to be members of tho Ma bray gang of alleged racing and prizo fight swindlers, to Omaha for trial. Tho men woro arrested a few weens ago at San Jose. Tho attorney of tho accused men maintained that the pre liminary hearing did not specify that the nets complained of were commit ted' In the Omaha district, and Judge Do Haven, in Issuing the warrauts, granted a three days' stay n order that habeas corpus proceedings may be brought. Rattess Nurses Now. St. Louis, Nov. 27. The thirty nurses at Mullanphy hospital began their labor last night with only their rooted hair on their heads, following the order of Sister Gabriel that all "foreign material" Bhould be abolished. Vhe Injunction prohibiting "rats" was Issued for sanitary reasons. Bodies of Most Daring Members of Berlin Club Found In Austria. Berlin, Nov. 27. Dr. Brcnckmnnn and Hugo Fraucke, the two most dur ing members of the Aero club of Berlin, have been killed through the collapse of their balloon, Kolmur. Their bodies wero found near Flume, Austria-Hungary. Nearby was their bal loon, a huge rent In tho envelopo toll Ing tho story of their death. Shoots Wife and Himself. Beatrice, Neb., Nov. 29. Fred T. Robinson ennio hero from Lincoln and, going to the home or his father-in-law, shot his wife, who was visiting there, nnd then shot himself. Iloth Robin son nnd his wlio woro taken to tho hos pltal. Tho woman probably enn live but a fow hours, and there is little hope .thnt the husband will long survive. Gompers to Go to Jail If He Loses Appeal to Supreme Court. Washington, Nov. 27. "I repeat what I have said heretofore. Justlco Wright Is biased and Is unfit to wear the judicial ermine." Samuel Gompers, the president of the American Federation of Iabor, who arrived here, thus rererrod to As sociate Justice Wright or the District supreme court, who sentenced Mr. Gompers, John Mitchell and Frank Morrison, all officers of the federa tion, to varying terms of Imprison ment for contempt of court. "If the supremo court of the United States affirms the decision or tho low er court, will you nsk the president Tor a pardon?" was asked' Mr. Gompers. "I will not," ho replied; "nor will I willingly permit my friends to do so. Hnd I violated any law nnd been found guilty and sentenced to prison, I might consider tho question of seeking execu tive clemency." HUNDRED WORDS A MINUTE Calls Special Election. Jefferson City, Mo., Nov. 30. Gov ernbr Hadley Issued a call for a spe cial election In the Sixth congressional district of Missouri for Jan. 25, 1910, to All the vacancy caused by the death of Congressman David A. De Armond. "Dry"' Amendment Defeated, . Birmingham, Ala- No. 30. All In dlratlons point lo a niajorlty or be twee 4 I8.0i)i and 20.90 J in Alabama asnti'8 the prohll. Ua constitutional ftinendaient Robber and Officer Shot. BemldJI. Minn., Nov. 27. One rob ber, whose name Is said to bo Jim Smith, was instantly killed and Deputy Sheriff Andrew Johnson was totally shot In n gun fight between two rob bers who had blown a safe in the vil lage of Pupoaky, seventeen miles from here. Tho other robber escaped. Combine Four Railroads. Chicago, Nov. 27. Official announce ment was made of the consolidation under one management of the Chicago and Alton, tho Toledo. St. Louis and Western (Clover Loaf) roads with the Minneapolis nnd St. Louis and the Iowa Centra' railroads. '140 Horses Cremated, Kansas City, Npy, 29. One hundred and forty horses were cremated when the Blue Front livery stables burned. LoS3, IGO.000. New Yorker Sets New Mark for Fast Typewriting. St. Joseph. Mo., Nov. 27. At the mecetlng of the Missouri Vnlley Com mercial Teachers' association II. O. Blalsdell o; New York made a new world's record, writing 1,505 words from copy lie had not seen before In fifteen minutes. This was a little more than 100 words n minute, the pre vious high .record being ninety-five words a minute. Mme. Stelnhell at London. London, Nov. 29. Mme. Stelnhell, who recently was acquitted In Paris of the charge of murdering her hus band, arrived In London. The woman evaded the crowd or waiting newspa per reporters nnd proceeded to a hotel. Traced to this place, she declined to see anybody, and the manager or the hotel, upon learning her Identity, re quested her to leave. She took a tratn at Huston station, it is belloved. for Liverpool. Surgeon Is Selected. Chlcjvso. Nov. 29. Dr. Harry Ed munds of Snn FrnnclsaQ has lean elected ns the surgeon of the Amund sen Arctic expedition, which will start frtm Nrtrway in July. JAS. GRAHAM The Leading Dealer in Groceries and Provisions Fresh and Cured Meats wery s Hi ;lie h Dm rices Kit Northwest Corner Box Butte Avenue and Montana Street Phone 50 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSkui "t X- J-. f-V T ""' " ii -ii- ,i ft d ' -ffc tt bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHbbbbbEbbbbb?- ssBB3:sB8iaE HbHbbbbbbbbbEbIbbb8H& f ?i,A(; HssBH' 'WIssbbbbbbbbbbbH- BBBJBIbPIIb-' " ufflBBW ' nHmfiPw ' IBBsbWbshT i niv iBtFitipf1'' IBBBBBBBBBBB- TJ "- iT 't- . Jft'T" - i M . . J. , , . , , . ' , ,- , , , HWini l i l BBMWWU I J:1 Wif -i 7, 1 - J 7, M ;l aW H BB t '-,'' bbb! Ibw aflHHHBHB9Hs9Hi.HK3'l MARKET I. W. Herman, Prop. Miss Rose C. Herman Cashier and Bookkeeper Jos. Skala. - Meat Cutter Jake H. Herman Stock Buyer Louis Skala ( Sansngemakers John Herman S and Butchers Win. C. Herman Delivery Boy Phone 131 Residence Phone, 375 Best Equipped, Most Up-to-Date Exclusive Meat Market in Western Nebraska Shop open from 6:30 a. m. to 7 p. m,; Saturday and pay days, open till 9 p. m.; not open on Sunday during winter Prompt Attention to Phone Orders We purchase good dressed beef and pork in the carcass. ; Call at our shop before selling & ,r . i! L.M