Vftlb iftHW"-IKjBfl M.Ty m WATER PROOF I I The nasty, wet, inclement weather of early winter will soon be here prepare for it by purchasing" a pair of our SHOES shoes that will give you dry, warm foot comfort on the worst da vs. They're sniiiri, in ilusiyii, comfortoblo and excellent wearers Alliance Cash Shoe Store ! fr LOCAL PARAGRAPHS 3 phelan Opera Housg Monday Night, Nov. 8 n "Pi Satno company, wimu players, same play and tamo scenery that played one solid season in NewVork Cliy nud was witnessed by i.joo.ooo paid admissions. Without doubt the finest play and best actiuR company that over played this territory, Prices, $1.50 and $1. Cillery, 75 cents, tickets sold less then 75 cents Seats on sale beginning Saturday No Market Day Sale Market Day anlo lias become n per manent thing in Alliance. Next Satur day afternoon, following tlio sale of Dinccn, Rnbcnilall & Young's stullions on tho street, Hr P. Courscy will sell nt public auction at tlio Palace Livery Ham, the foll6winc property, and probably more: For Mr. Fredorick of Uerca i black mare, 6 years old, weight x.ooo; i black colt, 5 months old; i cow, fresh soon; i Osborn disc; i Dccro cultiva tor; i Deere i4-inch breaking plow, and other small articles, For Philip Knapp 4 six-months-old thoroughbred Poland China boar pigs, 4 cight-tnonths-old thoroughbred Dur ham bull calves. For P. Broils Two brown marcs, broke and heavy in foal to imported horso, i Bix-year-old black gelding, i two-year-old bay marc, a yearling marcs. For C. A. Newberry Driving team, lmincss and buggy. A. S. Reed will act as clerk of the snlc Card of Thanks We wish to thank tho many friends who so kindly assisted us during the illness and burial of our beloved wife and mother. R. H. West and family. Lost Tan riding bridle, Thursday night, Oct. 2i. Finder please return to tho owner, Fred Countryman. A Stately Colonial. Interior Pleasing and Well Laid Out Estimated Cost, About $5,000. CopyrUht, 1000. by P. T. MscLitfin. Newark, N. J. ' AfJL Jlr "" mu TBSfjl "W WMF Kb 4'it HHHEBVAHlBHBVHHHC!A'l''iiiiiiHH TMsCffBMKTt J PEIt8PECTIVI3 VIEW-FROM A PHOTOGRAPH JILL T i, ... ? t I w I V L J " I l- J ,n 11 1 I UIHH I I II II V.TV" " . IMUIMr " """ j ' j I - -J FIRST FLOOR PLAN. SECOND FLOOR PLAN. This design makes an exceptionally fine colonial home, rich and effective lu appearance. The Interior arrangement Is wcU laid but. both for comfort ns well as pleasing offect. There Is a grandeur about this house not always found in more costly houses. Note the reception ball with Its nook, seat mid flue staircase. First floor Is trimmed In local hard w ood and finished natural except the parlor, which la enameled Secoud floor trimmed in soft wood and finished natural. Two rooms finished in attic. First story ten Tect IiIkIj second nine feet high: cellar seven feet high, with laundry under kitchen! The stairs to the laundry are under tho main stairs, but lead from the lobby between hall and kitchen. Full modern plumbing throughout lb,. ikum.- i liontcd with a'en.n nnl nl nails aid tellings r,. plastered with three coats of plaster rust about $3,000 Size JS by 3(1 aud ten foot pr. h P. T MAC LAGAN. Architect Picture sale at Darling'B next Satur day. Tho infant child of W. G. Miller of Reno was buried last week. Market Day salo at Palace Livery Barn next Saturday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. Kennedy aro the proud parents of a baby girl, born last Fri day. Miss Mae Coleman of Clinton. la.. is in Alliance visitinc Minn Mnrv O'Kcefo. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dcitlien left for their home in Crawlord on 43 Wednes day. Three dollars from Jos. Bills sets Mm away ahead on subscription to Tho Herald. Col. A. D. New was elected sheriff of Sheridan county by a majority around tho hundred mark, Mr. Anderson, ono of the genial clerks at Wallaco & Swanson's, has been quite sick for several days. Editor C. B. Cass of tho Ravenna News visited in Alliance yesterday on his return from a trip up the North Platte valley. M. Kling left on 303 this afternoon for Dalton, where- ho goes to complete arrangements for tho newspaper soon to be started there. Win. Stackpolo and wife of South Wayne, Wis., friends of Mrs. D. W. Hayes, visited with the latter from Friday to Monday. Tho young pcoplo of tho Epworth League enjoyed themselves at n Hal lowe'en party at tho M. E. parsonage last Saturday evening. Pictures now on exhibit at Darling's store. Sale next Saturday. Rev. Geo. Vogt of Orleans. Nebr.. an old time friend of the editor, stopped over night in Alliance last Thursday. enroute from Bridgeport to Aiusley. Harry Troupe, formerly of tho Al liance Grocery Co., has quit clerking and will devoto his time to foot ball until after the Thanksgiving game. Frank Wallaco returned Tuesday from Wallace, Nebr., where ho has been overseeing the erection of now buildings on his farm at that place. Tho editor of the Herald would like to communicate with Mr. M. A. Scott. Anyone knowing his address will oblige by sending the same to this office at once. Horses, cattle, hogB, farming imple ments, vehicles, harness, etc., will be sold at the Market Day sale at the Palace Livery Barn next Saturday afternoon. Jesse J. Steele returned recently from a visit among relatives and other frieuds in Missouri,, bringing back some samples of corn for which part of that state is noted. L. E. Peugeo, traveling representa tive of tho Bennett Piano Co., left on 43 today for Chadron, Sturgis and tho Black Hills. He will be gone several weeks on company business. Geo. Wixon of Papillion, Nebr., son-in-law of R. H. West, attended the funeral of Mrs. West last week. He is stopping in this vicinity a few days, and may remain several weeks. Dollar pictures for seventy cents at Darliug'8 next Saturday. Fred Countryman has been market ing some of this year's crop of white beans, of which he had quite a cood many in spite of the hail that struck them. They are of the best quality and find a ready home market. John Sullivan of Fort Collins, Colo., was in Alliance Tuesday. He is not the ex-pugilist of that name, but a very agreeable appearing gentleman, and we are pleased to learn that he may possi bly become a resident of this county, Seventy cents buys a dollar picture next Saturday at Darling's. Art Mote is doing the carpenter work on John Weinel's new frame house six miles northwest of town The building will be completed in about two weeks and will be quite an ad dition to tho farm improvements in that neighborhood. E. Rasmussen, one of The Herald's Heiningford subscribers,who lives near Berea, came to Alliance last Fiiday with his wife and children to start them on a trip to Story Citv, Iowa, where they will visit several months with friends aud relatives. On last Suuday occuired the death of Katherine Pierce, the ten-year-old daughter of James Pierce, of this city, typhoid pneumonia being the cause. Funeral services wore conducted by Fr. McNamara at tho. Holy Rosary chtitch Tuesday morning. The Swastika Dancing Club will li.ue chuige of the Satuidav niht dances at the opera house until such time as Mrs iker cares to take them up again. The usual dance will be held tho coming Saturday night and a largo crowd is much desired. E. E. Terry started Tuesday noon for a visit ni the homo of his father and mother near Tilden, Nebr, He will return bv way of Crawford next Monday where ho will be joined by Danny Crilley and together they will return to Helena, Mont. C. H. Tully of the Star Cattle Co. is one ol The Herald's reliable subscrib ers, and although having a good deal of business that demands his attention does not forget to drop in occasionally and set himself ahead on subscription, which he did the ist inst. Lucile Thelma, the month old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs, W. V. Howard, passed away from this world Saturday, October 30. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Vallow at tho homo Sunday at 4 p.m., after which inter ment was made in Greenwood cemetery. John Vollmer of Spokane, Wash., representing tho Prairie Luipber Co., was in Alliance last Saturday, pros pecting for a location for a branch yard, When seen by a representative of Tho Herald he had not decided whether they would put in a yard here or not. The R. Simmons millinery and ladies' furnishings store will occupy the ground floor of tho new J. B. Denton building at 313 Box Butte avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Simmons with their little son will occupy the rooms on the sec ond floor as a residence, which will be very convenient for them. W. M. Robinson of Omaha, general manager of the Bennett Piano Co., came in on 41 today and left on 43, spending tho time between trains with W. C. English, manager of uorthw6st cm Nebraska and the Black Hills. This house is doing a big business and the men in charge seem determined to increase it. Soon after his public sale which will bo held next Monday, Geo. Key will leave for Clarks, Nebr., where he will take his children and leave them with their grandfather and an aunt while he looks up a new location. We regret to lose Mr- Key and his family fiom Box Butte county and hope ho may decide to return. George, William, and Mary Hoff man of Willey, Carroll county. Iowa, at rived in the city recently to stay for the winter at least. George is in deli cate health and his physicians advised him to spend some time in the health renewing atmosphere of Box Butte county, which will no doubt bring about the desired effect. Some time since Mrs. B. Mewhirler informed The Herald editor that Dr. Lee of Ong, Nebr., has a "mad stone." so that in event of anyone here bejng bitten by a dog having the rabies it will not be necessary to send to Chi cago for mad stone treatment. Mrs. Mewhirter mentioned this thinking it might bo a matter of public interest. A number of new buildings are Hear ing completion in Alliance, iucludiug the new Rumer block at 301-303 Box Butte avenue and the three story New berry factory and warehouse on Mon tana street, The J. B. Denton two story building, 313 Box Butte avenue, will soon be ready for occupancy, as noted elsewhere in" this issue. Work is now being pushed ou the McCorklo garage and office building, southwest cornet Laramie aud Wyoming avenues. 1 When completed it will be one of the principal business blocks of the city. I Col. G. V. flnilTfr nf Pirtlimnn.l 1 Va., was in Alliance a few days this week. He is a locomotive engineer and was making friends with the rail rodd boys and others. The colonel is of a convivial disposition which, ac cording to his statement, came near getting him into a little difficulty up at Spearfish, where the officials thought to eurich the city exchequer by pinch ing him, as we" understand, for a pretty good sum; but with the assistance of friends he eluded the vigilance of the minions of the law and made a jump to Alliance on his way back home. He showed his interest in the west by subscribing for this paper and order ing it sent to his address at Richmond. On Monday of last week The Herald job printiug department printed some dainty birth anuouueements containing the following data: "Emma Lucile. nine pounds, Sunday, Oct. 24th, 1909. Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Warrick, Alliance, Nebr." A notice of the important event was written up for the paper, of course, giving the additional informa tion that with the new arrival Mr. and Mrs. Warrick's happy home is blessed with two boys and two girls; but for some reason, for which we are not et able to account, tho copy never saw the type. "Better Inte than never." so we make the aiiiimuirttiiMit tt.w week aud give impression to the con gratulatio-is which we wished to give a week ago CLOAK SALE! On account of the delay in shipment by the manufacturers this season, our stock of Cloaks was very late in arriving, so we have decided to make a reduction at this time while there is a demand for the goods. Here we give you some very attractive prices: One lot LADIES' COATS in black, grays and fancy weaves, $12.50 to $15.00 values, specially priced & ( O S UffJ P J Jr at One lot LADIES' and MISSES' COATS in black and mixed colors, $8.00 to $10.00 values, specially priced gtt 5.00 Our entire line of MISSES' and CHILDREN'S COATS at a reduction Ol PER of -tfS-1 CHILDREN'S COATS, 2 to 6 years CEIST BEAR SKIN $1.98 Ladies' Suits t for you to purchase your suit now, we offer our entire line of Ladies' Suits at 1 f PER a discount of MJ CENT SPECIAL Silk Underskirts in $4.48 Blacks and colors SMnm Norton' 4 ational Monthly A Democratic Magazine for Men and Women PRICE, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR NORMAN E. MACK, Editorand Publisher, Buffalo, N. Y. jHflBH9HSiVIttr' vUHfilBRBBwBflBSi'IHE THOMAS JEFFERSON. ONE of the largest and handsomest illustrated magazines published in the United States. Each issue contains a mass of valuable information for Democrats in' every locality, and articles by well known leading Demo crats throughout the country. The NATIONAL MONTHLY will keep every Democrat thoroughly posted upon aU the leading issues of the day, It will also contain a mass of Democratic news and current comment from the leading Democratic newspapers throughout the United States, & addition to the political features above mentioned every issue contains a large amount of interesting fiction and good read ing for the entire family, thus making it a doubly welcome visitor in every home. -" NATIONAL MONTHLY:9 f '6ttCrS ""' c""""a the Hits the Nail Right on the Head HON. NORMAN E. MACK, Buffalo, N. Y. Dear Sirs I herewith enclose you my cheek and ask mv nim to be enrolled as a regular subscriber to your Natlona' MothlJ I have Just fln.shed examining the first numLr. It is a publication of cort?yUtnk,.0j;ui,itlllKeXtrt a Br9,at Influence 1oPrUgoodnnoSr country. It ran8 with the best magsz ines that are printed In all JTwIM VJfart Def"ocry Sives It distinctive superiority !! S h6e.CpCesaveftrh tuXK apltlltfa?" H0" ffi and from the dangers of .o'claC and anarchist ol VU0hT !? heart and soul with you In your new enterprise Your, truly m r .FRED J' KERN, Mayor of the City of Belleville, III. Subscriptions received at this office and liberal clubbinir terms aro offered by this paper. fa 33