The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 04, 1909, Image 3

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4' ' .' ,
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- --
a, V-
from a Reliable House
We have the BEST of everything good to eat
Our Prices are Right
Yours for a square deal,
4. D. Rodger s
Good Things to Eat
IB I oescft's i'SI
2 On the corner
we will receive by express a fine line of
-CT uw CJ iw u3 J Jew w .X. J.
Gem City Cook Stove
(Sold in Alliance 18 years)
It has a very large Oven. Is a
splendid baker, and lias the lat
est Patented G-rate, that will
not warp or get out of order.
Hardware Company
Early Winter Excursion Rates
TO CHICAGO: The National Farm Land Congress and United States
Laud and Irrigation Exposition, also The Great Inter
national Live Stock Exposition the most wonderful exhibition ot farm pro
ducts ever held in this country. Students of modern fanning methods and of
improved grades of live stock should attend; rates open to the public.
Tickets sold Noveihber 15th, 19th, 28th, 29th, 30th, Dec. 6th and 7th,
final limit December 13th.
TO OMAHA: National Corn Exposition, December 6th to 18th, A new
new Exposition in character and scope. The future ben
efits of this Exposition should mean increased wealth to every farm.
WINTER TOURIST RATES: Da'l' from November 1st, to Southern and
Cuban resorts, Sec the New South and
enjoy its winter climate, the hospitality of its people and the luxury of its
grand hotels.
TO THE PACIFIC COAST: The usual winter tourist rates to California
with return via Puget Sound.
The Home Paper Z&'ZXXlSSSt
, ,. terest the homo news. Its every
issue will prove a welcome visiter to every member of the family. H
should head your list of newspaper and periodical subscriptions.
-nSW H
west of P. O. 2
F. L. Skalinder, Agent,
L. W. WAKELEY, G. P. A., Omaha
Improvement Promises to Make a Rec
ord for Current Year.
Now York, Oct. 30. llrndstroct's
says: Trait 0 ns a whole Is good, or
hotter, tho former word, In fact, be
ing hardly sufficient to characterize
the buuynncy find broadth of domand
shown in many linos. Industry, In turn,
responds with advices of mnnufactur
ors' 'order IiooUb full or ovortlino runs,
and general reports of nn insufficiency
of labor to meet requirements. Alto
gether, the situation Is very satisfac
tory, nnd tho rato of Improvement In
tho lato mouths of tho year promises
to placo 1009 closo to tho front Jn tho
list of years of prosperity. While
mild weather has tondod to rotnrd ro
tall trado in some sections of the
northwest, tho general roport Is that
the advance of the senium and tho
ninrkollng of the year's crop Is bring
ing out a largo volume of trade In tho
country districts, while onlarglng pay
rolls, fall festivals and state fnjrs are
all helping to stimulate distribution
In tho cities.
Members of Georgia University Foot
ball Team Afflicted With Disease.
Atlanta, Ga Nov. 1. Tho prova
lence of tho hookworm among stir
dents of the University of Georgia Is
causing the faculty alarm, and a cam
paign lias boon determined upon to
eradicate tho llttlo parasite.
Dr. J. C. Dloomfluld, president of the
city board of health, has been examlu
lng tho students at tho request of the
faculty, and ho reports that at least
30 per cent of tho boys are suffering
from hookworms.
Many of those examined, Dr. Dlnom
flold said, aro members of wealthy
families, which, In his opinion, dlscred
Its tho belief that the diseaso Is preva
lent only among tho poor. Some ol
thoso afflicted with nookworm nrc
members of tho university football
team, and physicians Bay that the
hookworm Is undoubtedly responsible
for tho poor showing tho team Is mak
ing, ns ono offect of tho parasite 1b
extreme physical sluggishness.
Wife of "Adam God" Not to Be Proso
cutcd at Kansas City.
KansaB City, Nov. 1. Mrs. .Tamos
Sharp, wife of "Adam God," leader ol
a religious band which engaged In n
battle with U10 police hero last Do
comber, which rosulted In tho death ol
five persons, w,lll bo released from the
county Jail today.
Proaocutor Conklln announced that
he would not prosecute tho womnn,
who wns charged' with being Implicat
ed in the fight.
Tho woman's husband Is now serv
ing a sentence of twonty-flvo years Id
prison, having been convicted of mur
der In connection with tho rjot.
Brother of James McMahon Killed b
Worry Over Tragedy.
Kansas City, Nov. 2. Timothy Mc
Mahon, a brother of James McMahon
the confessed slayer of his two sisters
and brother-in-law, died from excite
ment incident to the crime. He had
been nn Invalid for two years. Pat
rick McMahon, another brother of the
murderer, who wbb held by tho po
lice up till Saturday night laBt, when
he suffered' .n mental collapse, is better
Sheriff Becker maintains thnt an
other arrest may be expected soon,
probably after tho Inquest Friday.
Four Robbers, One of Them Wounded
Escape In Stolen Buggy.
Kansas City, Nov. 2. Four robbers
surprised at work 4n the general mer
chandise store of Bradshaw Brother!
at Lenox, Kan., twelve miles west of
Kansas City, shot and mortally wound
ed W. D. Haskln, the town marshal,
after an exchange of shots. Ono of the
robbers also was shot, how badly ii
not known, as all four escaped. A
posse Is In pursuit.
Will Try to prevent Election Riots In
Jackson, Ky., Nov. 1. State troopi
w,lll be on guard in Breathitt county
today and tomorrow during tho hours
of election nnd as long thereafter as
there Is a probability of bloodshed as
a result of the heated contest which
has grown out of the bitter campaign
being waged here over county and dis
trict offices.
Highwaymen Obtain $5,000 From Reg
istered Mall Sacks.
Vancouver, B. C., Nov. 2. Two
masked highwaymen held up tho Cari
boo stage and stole several sacks of
registered mall. The robbers were
armed with rifles and met with no re
sistance from driver or passengers.
It is believed they obtained four or
five thousand dollars.
Chicago Woman Jumps From Auto
and Is Killed by Taxlcab,
Chicago, Nov. 2. Believing that the
automobile In which she was riding
with her husband was about to collide
with a rapjdly moving taxlcab, Mrs.
Mary Blakeloy jumped to the pave
ment and was run over and killed by
tho taxlcab.
Was Representative From Fourth
Virginia District.
Petersburg, Va., Nov. 1. Repre
sentative Francis R. Lassiter of the
Fourth Virginia district died sudden
ly at his hoBo here, aged forty-three.
White People to Go-operate
With Federal Commission.
Citizens of Counties Adjoining Reser
vation at Pender Hold Meetings and
Appoint Seven Members to Act With
Government Commission In Solving
Such Problems as Improvements In
Schools and Roads.
Ponder, Neb., Nov. 1. Cltlzona of
Thurston nnd othor counties adjoin
ing tho Indian reservation nro prepar
ing to co-oporato with tho govornmont
commission which 1b now at work
among tho Wlnnobngo Indians. Tho
commission has boon sent to Investi
gate nml roport what Indians nro cupa
bio of rccolv,Ing tholr lands In fco nnd
making such othor rocommondnlloiiB
as clrcunistnncea warrant to tho In
dian bureau.
The interests of tho IndlaiiB and
their probloiim nro of so vital Import
nnco to tho white pcoplo of tho sur
rounding counties that meetings woro
held at Ponder, Rosnllo and Bancroft
to organlzo n commltteo to co-oporato
with tho government, taltjng up such
questions as lmprovemonta lu tho
Bchoola nnd roads and othor reserva
tion mattors. Thcro will ho seven
members or this commltteo, which
will be a permanent one, tho countloa
of Thurston, Burl nnd' Cuming having
representation thereon. This commit
teeo will meet at Lyons "Wednesday.
Commission to Decide What Institu
tion Is to Have Support of Church.
Hastings, Nob., Nov. 1. Tho Pres
byterian Bynodlcal commission recent
ly named to Investigate Bollovuo and
Hastings colleges with a view to de
termining upon ono of them for ox
cluslvo Btipport by the synod In this
state, comploted Its inspection of tho
local Institution and this weok will be
gin tho consideration of reports from
both colleges.
Tho commissioners woro non-committal
as to tholr findings and nobody
ventured' an opinion ns to what tho de
cision would bo. A report w,lll bo pro
pared for submission to tho synod nt
Kearney on Doc. 7 nnd probably tho
doelslrn of the commission will not bo
published until that timo.
HnstlngB collego has nn endowment
of $100,000 and an Investment In col
lege buildings nnd camps of nearly
$200,000. It has boon well supported
by. the citizens of Hnstlngs, who just
now aro raising a fund of $25,000 to
pay off a deficit of long Btnndlng.
Judge Dungan Refuses to Release
Parties to Marriage Contract.
. Mindcn, Nob., Nov. 1. Tho most Im
portant case tried during the recent
session of the district court wns the
divorce suit of Ida Goings against Jo
soph G. Gojngs. It was bitterly fought
on both sides, something llko thirty
witnesses being exnmlncd. It was tho
most sensatlonnl case of Its kind, prob
ably, over tried In Nebraska, and took
throe and one-half days for trial. Judge
Dungan decided' neither of the parties
were entitled to a decree.
More Time on Water Project,
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 1. Through En
gineer Weiss, tho government has
asked for and received an extension
of time for tho construction of what
Is known ns tho North Platto project
for five years, and also flvo years' ex
tension of tlmo the water shall be
turned on tho lands. The government
Informed tho state engineer thnt $8,
000,000 Is being spent annually In the
reclamation service and there Is nvall
ablo for oxpondlturo In Nebraska next
year $300,000. Already $2,370,000 has
been spent In Wyoming on this proj
ect and this expendlturo is essential
to tho success of tho Nebraska project.
Dies With Secret Concealed.
Omaha, Oct. 30, Tho mystery of a
man who faced fatal Illness and death
without disclosing more than a namo
nnd ago Is that which surrounds the
flomlse of A. Soderberg, who died at
tmmanuol hospital. Several days ago
thjs man appeared at the hospital dan
gerously 111. He was admitted, but
treatment was of no avail, it Is
known that Soderberg has a sister,
MrB. Richards, at Chadron, la., and
that he waB seventy-two years old.
His effects and tho appearance of the
body Indicate that he was a farmer.
Barbecue at Sargent.
Sargent, Neb., Nov. 1. A large
srowd assembled In the city and djd
Justice to two fine ronst beeves. A
dozen automobiles brought tho people
from over the county. Tho day being
a little disagreeable, two bands led
the crowd, one to the Freemnn opera
house and the other to the Congrega
tional church, where the speakers,
Representative Bushee of Kimball and
Messrs. Brega and' Miller of Custer,
by exchanging platforms, gave tho two
audiences the same talks.
Holmes Sues Anti-Saloon League.
Omaha, Nov. 2. Suit for $25,000 Is
brought by George Holmes In tho dis
trict court against the Omaha Issue
and D. C. John nnd Harry A. Stone for
alleged libel. Holmes, wro Is the
Democratic candldnto for county
Judge, asserts' that tho alleged llbol
was designed to Injure h,ls standing as
an attorney as woll aB to hurt his candidacy.
light Vote Is Being Polled Through
out the State.
Omaha, Nov. a. . im Election In Ne
brnska today In proceeding rather
quietly, nnd a light vote 1b being
pollod, owing to tho fact thnt tho only
stato officers to bo elected are tlitis
Judges of tho supremo court nnd thrui"
rogonta of tho stato university. A
number of county uUlcorn aro chosen,
which hn given local Interest to Un
contests in many cquiiUob.
Of tho candidates for tho suprcnu
bouch, two of tho Republican noml
noes, Barnes and Fnwcolt, nro presont
Incumbents, nnd tho third, Sedgwick,
Is a former member of that court. The
Democrats and Populists hnvo united
on three candidates jhi opposition, 01
whom Doan Is now a membor of the
court by appointment from former
Govomor Sheldon, whon tho supremo
court wns enlarged a year ago from
throe to soven members. Sullivan, an
other fiiHlnu nominee, wnB Aral jip
pointed by Govomor Sheldon, but
decllnod. Tho other fusion candidate,
Good, Is a prominent attorney.
No question of Importance has been
nt Issue, tho fuslonials making- their
principal argument on tho deslrnblllty
of a suproiuo court of mixed polltlcnl
Lincoln Men Buoy on New Movement.
If tho voters of Nebraska have an
Idea they aro to got a rest after today,
Ihoy aro badly mlstakon. A number
of citizens of Lincoln will sco to It
that nnothor campaign Is launched
th,ls weok. Theso citizens, university
professors and a fow business men,
have announced n call for a meeting to
bo hold in Lincoln noxt Friday night
for tho purpose of corralling tho sentl
mont, If thero bo any, for the Initiative
and referendum for tho stnte. In the
cnll it Is sot out that there is a lot of
sentiment out over Neurnaka for tho
Btato-wldo Inltlntlvo and referendum,
and that Btops should bo mado to cul
tivato thnt Bontimout nnd boost It
Continued by State's Witnesses All
Day at Omaha.
Omaha, Oct. 30. Evidence Intended
to connect William Mathews, alias W,
G. Marvin, ono of tho men now on
trial lu tho United States court,
charged with tho robbery of tho Union
Pudflr- mall. train lu tho suburbs of
this city last May, with tho other de
fondnuts, nnd to show that ho wab
with thorn in April of this year, was
Gus Bren, a tailor of KaiiBas City,
identified Mathews nnd' Grlgwnro as
having visited 1i.Ib place of business ou
April 3, at which tlmo ho measured
Mathows for a Biilt. Tho suit wns In
troduced In ovldonco and Idontllled by
tho witness.
Rudolph Maransky, ngod soventeon
years, and John Kudrnn testified to
having been present whon Woods, one
of tho prisoners, wbb arrested near
the Brown Park school house, May 27.
Kudrnn said ho saw a man resem
bling Shclton, tho man who was lator
ancstcd in Denver, going south from
the vicinity of the school houao at
about the timo Woods, TorgeiiBon
and Grlgwaro wore arrested.
Harry Carter, aged nineteen, nnd
William Fltzgorald, aged seventeen,
snld they woro playing bnll at Man
ning park, a fow blocks from the
school house, on Sunday, the day fol
lowing the robbery, when four men
passed them. Thoy Identified Woods,
Torgcnson and Grlgwaro as members
of tho party, but were not eortajn
about tho fourth.
Engel May Be Ineligible.
Butte, Neb., Oc. 29. WilUam d. En
gel, who drew clnlm No. 1 In the South
Dakota land lottery at Aberdcon, was
husking corn for his brother, four
miles west of town, when Informed of
his good fortune. Joy gave way to foar
lest he be Ineligible to tako the claim
because of tho fact that only four dayB
ago Engel went to Gregory and filed
on a quarter section of land In Tripp
county, four miles from Rosedale. It
cost him $50 to mako the trip to
PJerre. Ho nover had any hope of
drawing a claim, for ho says he nover
had been lucky in such tbinga. Engel
received' a half bushel basketful of
messages from nil parts of the coun
try. Many newspapers wired and tho
Milwaukee railroad offered to locate
him free of chnrgo.
Mumford to Lecture at Corn Show.
Omaha, Nov. 2. One of tho really
big educational features of the Na
tional Corn exposition will bo the lec
ture of Professor Herbert Mumford,
head of the chair of animal husbandry
In tho University of Illinois, on the
subject, "Live Stock and Agriculture
in tho Argentine." This lecture has
never been delivered and wJll be giv
en to tho public for tho first time upon
this occasion.
Making War on Squirrels.
Wymoro, Neb., Oct. 30. Tho open
Reason on squirrels Is being made the
most of by farmers and others In this
vicinity. Tho animals have become so
numerous thnt they are doing consid
erable damage in corn fleldB. Ono
farmer living two miles west of town,
on Indjan creek, says that he has
killed sixty-four squirrels at one of
hl3 corn cribs since tho season opened
nnd they aro as thick as ever.
Street Railway Case Postponed.
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 1. The Omaha
street railway case has beon post
pond by the stato railway commls
sJoiAroin today until Nov. 23. At
that time tho demurrer filed by John
L. Webster to the potltlon of L. I. Ab
bott, asking for n ruling of tho valua
tion of the street railway company,
ivlll be heard.
ta Dan's
Patronized by
careful and
The one place in
town where you
can buy really
good chocolates
numr 1114 1420-24 Lwnxhct dmvcb cold
F. J. Brennan
Wm. James,
Dealer in
... WOOD
No. 5.
Al Wiker
Grand Island Granite
1 and Marbe Works
All kinds of Granite ami MafDTe
Tombstones and Monuments.
Lower prices and less
freight than from firms
farther east
Taxes aro due Nov. 1. Personal
taxes delinquent Dec. 1. Land tax
delinquent May 1. Interest 10 per
cent from date of delinquency. Real
estate advertised for sale the First week
in October and sold for taxes the first
Monday in November. In all com
munications relative to taxes, please
give description of property,
Fred Mollrihg. Co. Treasurer.
Repair Work
Sewing Machines and
Have secured the services of a prac
tical mechanic and can guarantee all
work doue by him. Don't trust your
work to travelling repair men. This
man will be here permanently. Re
pairs and parts furnished for all ma
chines. Phone 139. Geo. D. Darling,