The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 21, 1909, Image 1

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    N'nlo Historical SvMnfy
The Alliance Herald.
Largest Circulation
of any Newspaper in
Western Nebraska.
Official Publication
of Box Butte county.
If you expect to travel
do not carry money but carry our Letter
of Credit or Traveler's Cheques.
The)' bear your identification and are
readily replaced in case of loss.
Use Drafts issued by The First
National Bank in place of Postoffice
or Express Money Orders. They cost
less and duplicates can be obtained in
case the original is lost.
Our Drafts are payable any place in
the United States, Canada, Mexico
or Cuba. We issue Foreign Drafts pay
able any place in the World.
The First National Bank
15c sllkelenes J2lAc
Saturday, at Bogue's.
Fall plowing in small tracts and
gardens done satisfactorily. Call on
Oliver Countryman or i phone 154
red. , r 38tf.,
Lost A black plume between Chey
enne Ave. and Bogue's store on Wyo
ming Ave. Reward. Mrs. C Feagins.
Phone 457. 4S-2t
Eight room residence iti good town
in western Nebraska for sale or trade
for land. Rents for S20. Phone 58.
Get one of those Nobby
Ladies' Suits at Norton's.
We always give
you the Most of
the Best for the
J. A. Berry, Mgr.
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted.
u. mH"KSK-KMX .;.
J-Office in Alliance National Dank Dlk A
V Over Postoffice. -j-
'Phono 391, X
"The Lyman Twins"
This company guarantees a produc
tion next Tuesday night, Oct. 26,
equal to, if not better, than the Royal
Chef. They want to play at the same
prices but the opera house management
insisted that it would be more satisfac
tory to play at lower .prices and .to a
, , ' , - - - .
larger house, and a compromise was
made whereby the best seats will be
held at 1.00; second choice 75 cents;
gallery 50 cents; children 25 cents, re
gardless of age. They guarantee to
use all of their own scenery and elec
trical effects. Seats will be on sale
Saturday morning at usual place and
one ticket for every seat in the house
will be in the box; f.rst come, first
served. The high school orchestra will
again play overtures, the company
carrying their own musical director to
play the show.
Peter Kauffold was born November
1, 1837 in Rhine Biren Falls, Germany,
and died eleven and onc-lialf miles
northwest of Alliance October 18, 1909.
In 1859 he was drafted in the Ger
man army and was honorably dis
charged in 18G5. He then came to
America September 15, the same year
and settled in Woodford county, III.,
where he married Miss Flora Croush.
To them were born two children, Fied
erick Herman and Emma Louise. His
wife died in 1870, and in 1871 he mar
ried again to Miss Elizabeth West
berger. To this union ten children
were born, namely, Charles, Gertrude,
Rose, Adolph, Lulu, Bertha, James,
Walter, Ralph and Yettie. He lived
with his wife and children in Woodford
county till in December 1902, and in
1903 went to Nebraska and made his
home with his oldest son, Frederick,
of Alliance, Nebr., until January 10,
1904 when he filed on a homestead in
Duel county, where he lived until his
last illness when he went back to live
with his son, Frederick.
Deceased was a member of the Cath
olic church during his entire life and
was a faithful member to his belief.
The funeral services were conducted
by Father McNamara from the Holy
Rosary church Wednesday, October
Card of Thanks
To the many friends and neighbors,
who so kindly assisted us in the late
sickness aud burial of our little boy,
we wish to extend our sincere thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Strand.
Call and see the new
weaves in Dress Goods at
Chadron Knights Initiate
Last Sunday was an eventful day in
the history of Chadron council, Knights
of Columbus, when thirty-two can
didates were initiated into the mysteries
of the order. The degree work was
put on by District Deputy J. 13. Ken
nedy of this city, assisted by W. J.
Hamilton, Jos. O'Connor, Harry Rear
don, Robt. Driscoll, and other mem
bers from Alliance in attendance. After
the degree work a fine banquet was
served at the skating rink that reflected
credit on the ladies who prepared the
bountiful feast. Among the speakers
of the evening were Father McNamara,
who gave an able talk 011 the Catholic
University project at Washington, Dr.
Weber, J. B. Kennedy and others. At
the conclusion of the festivities Chad
ron council in a body thanked the visit
ing team and other members of Al
liance council who participated, for the
kindness extended and many signified
their intention to attend the initiatory
work that will take place in this city
Dec. 19.
A Runaway Accident
Last Monday afternoon as Mrs.
Fred Davison was driving to Heming
ford with Mrs. Roy Hickcy's little boy
they met County Supt. Phillips driving
his auto. The loam was accustomed
to automobiles and seldom became
frightened, but in turning to one side
of the road the wheels of the buggy
ran up on a ridge, and the team start
ed up suddenly throwing both out,
breaking the little boy's leg. We un
derstand that Mrs. Davison does not
attach any blame to Mr. Phillips for
the accident.
Prospective Factory for Alliance.
Joe Orchowski, the tailor, informs us 1
that he is in correspondence with east-1
era parties who contemplate putting iu '
n shirt, pants and overall factory at'
!." . .. . ...... 1
Alliance, -n. gaou mciury 01 mis Kinu,
manufacturing enough goods to supply
the demand within the patronizing
territory, would give our city quite a
boost, and we hope the scheme will
materialize. An expression of opinion
from our business men as to the feasi
bility of the proposition might help
the matter along.
If the factory is located here, Mr.
Orchowski will have the management
of it, but it will have no connection
with his tailoring establishment.
i 11. . . j'r.-i f 11 ...
See the new showing of
Ladies' Coats at Norton's.
Grand Opening
North-West Hotel and Cafe Under
Last Friday a deal was consummated
whereby Peter Rubendall became pro
prietor of the Hotel North-West, hav
ing traded some good Box Butto county
soil to T. H, Barnes for the furniture,
fixtures, lease and good will of the bus
iness. The hostelry was rechristened
Hotel Alliance, a name more appro
priate, whether it sounds better or not.
Mr. Barues had kept the house in good
condition, as is well known by persons
who havo patronized it under his man
agement, but improvement is the order
of the day with the new proprietor,
hence a thorough renovating was made
and opening was deferred till Sunday.
The first meal served wjib dinner,
for 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. It was intended
to serve dinner louger and ample
A Deserving Candidate
We do not wish to seem to give un
due prominence to any ouo or more
candidates, but there are some circum
stances wo bclievo that make it right
for us to make special mention of the
democratic caudidato for county clerk.
J. B. Kniest is n staunch democrat,
but in one respect he is "Roosoveltian";
ho is the head of n well respected family
and the lather of seven children. He
is a laboring man and cams his bread
and the other necessaries of life for
himself and family by the sweat of his
brow aud the labor ot his hands.
His love lor his children prompts
him to make every effort possible to
give them a good education. The five
of them that are old enough are now
attending school. Mr. Kniest has not
the financial nbility that will permit
him to stop work to make a canvass
ol the county in the'interest of his can
didacy, so while other candidates havo
put in days, or oven weeks, electioneer
ing, ho has stuck to his work as fore
man iu The Herald office.
He has net asked or even suggested
the writing of this article, but wo be
liovo that it is due him that the above
facts bo mentioned, and that our
readers be asked to give them careful
consideration and govern themselves
Miss Nina Boyscn, after thirteen
months' absence from the city, returned
this week and has resumed her former
position as lynotypp operator at tlm
Times office.
In a letter to her parents .written
from Los Angeles, Miss Laveta Barnes
tells them she is homesick to return to
Alliance. There are some places where
the wind blows less and tho trees grow
larger and the climate is less variable
than in Box Butte county, Nebr., but
taking everything into consideration it
is hard, to find a country that is more
desirauloas a- place1- of residenco than
right here. .
Another real estate man has opened
up for business in Alliance W. R,
Drake and family, consisting of wife
and four children, artlved from Ard
more, S, D., last week and will make
Alliance their home. Mr. Drake was
ill the real estate business at Ardmore
and will continue in the same here,
having rented the upstairs rooms in the
new Palace meat market building for
office aud residence. He starts out
right by ordering his name placed on
The Herald subscription list, paying a
year in advance.
Hotel Alliance
New Management and New Name
preparations were made to feed a large
number, but either the size of the
crowd or that of the appetites to be
appeased was underestimated, and at
two o'clock it w,as necessary to shut
down, turning away a large number of
people who wished to partake of the
fine turkey dinner.
Under the new name and new man
agement the hotel will be continued on
the European plan; the guests may
take their meals at the cafe in connec
tion or not, just as they choose. Rooms
will be paid for at the office and meals
at the cafe.
Hotel Alliance not only starts out
with a good cafe patronage, but the
rooms have all been ocoupied eaah
night since the opening.
The agricultural area surrounding' BLACK
FOOT is not surpassed, if indeed it is equaled,
anywhere. Enormous yields of grains, spuds,
grasses and especially alfalfa, are made, and
apples and other fruit attain the degree of per
fection that has made Idaho famous.
Our next excursion
For tull information see
Office with Watkins & Feagins
innTlDf rltl1tjrll
Mnmine nnrmoii subicct. ' Doers of
Mm Word:" nvnnlmr. "A Miclltv Sav
ior." Mrs. Burris will Bing morning I
aim evening, young people s meeting
at 6:30 p.m.
Services next Sabbath as usual.
Morning topic, "Give and It Shall Be
Given Unto You;" evening, "Tho First
Day Sabbath."
First Quarterly Conference will be
hold at tho M. . church in Alliance
on Saturday, Oct. 23 at U30 p.m. All
efficient members of the Alliance cir
cuit are urged to bo present.
First Quarterly meeting and com
munion services for the Alliance circuit
will be held at the Valley church at 3
p.m., Sunday, Oct. 24. Rev. A. It.
Julian, Dist. Supt. will preach.
Rev. Dr. A. It, Julian, Dist. Supt.,
will preach Sunday forenoon and' ad
minister the sacrament of the Lord's
supper, it being the occasion of the first
quarterly meeting of this conference
year. Dr. Julian will probably preach
in the evening also, but no definite an
nouncement can be made yet.
Services next Sabbath as usual;topic
of morning sermon, "Paul's Boasting;"
evening, "Daniel in the Lion's Den."
New Silk Waist Pat
terns at Norton's.
Returns from a Delightful Trip.
Miss Inice McCorkle returned yes
terday morning from an outing of sev
eral months along the sun set side of
the Rocky mountains, having left Al
liance June 1st in company with Miss
Kathryn Roddy who went to Delling-
ham, Wash., to accept a position as
primary teacher in the schools of that
city. Miss McCorkle visited the most
interesting places along the coast from
Los Angeles, Calif., to Vancouver, B.
C, and reports having had the time of
her life, but was more than glad to
get back home. "The coast is' lovely,
but O, you Alliance," is the way she
expressed herself upon her return.
Apples! Apples!! Apples!!!
Will have a car of choice, hand
picked apples ou track at Creamery
about Oct. 22nd. Give us your orders
and get good stuff for your winter use,
Leonard Pilkington & Co.
Get a Wooltex Suit or
Coat at Bogue's and you
will save money.
will leave Alliance
NOV. 2
Windy? Well, yes, rather tho last
few days; but it doesn't blow this way
all tho time in this country it blows
tho other way part of the time.
Win. Morrow of Rosonroll, Alta, -Canada
sends Tho Herald u natnne of.
oats on the straw grown on his Alberta
farm. It is certainly a fine speciman
of grain and speaks well for that coun
try. By referring to tho Alliance Cream
ery notico iu The Herald, our readers
will sec that tho price of 'cream is still
going up. Milkfng cows and soiling'
the butter fat at twenty-seven cents
is'nt a bad proposition.
Many compliments have been heard
on tho excellence of the high school
orchestra, which played in public for
the first time this season for the Royal
Chef. Prof. Williams is certainly a
proficient and accomplished leader.
Died, October 15, igog, the infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A- StranJ.
Tho child had been in poor health since
his birth. The funeral took place from
the home Friday afternoon aud inter
ment in Greenwood cemetery. Mr.
and Mrs. Strand have the sincere sym
pathy of their many friends in their
John LivoringhoiHo of Wayne, Neb.,
and C. W. Worth of Gettysburg. S. D., t
father and uncle of Mrs.'L. C. Thomas,
arrived Tuesday for a two days' visit
here." Mr. Liveringhouse brought a
treat for his daughter and son-in-law iu .
the shape of a suit case full of choice
apples grown in his Wayne county or
chard. J. W. Colorick of West Lawn in
forms us that he has secured a good
claim by contest in Twp. 25, R. 52,
F. E. Reddish being his attorney. His
son, It. H. Colcrick, has taken a claim
cornering with his. It is their inten
tion to move on to their land and im
prove the same until they have been
transformed iuto first-class farms.
Judge Good of Wahoo spent several
days in Broken Bow the fore part of
the week. He was called here to try a,
case for Judge Hostetler, which the
latter did not wish to pass on. Judge
Good is one of the democratic nomi
nees for supreme judge and has a host
of friends in Custer county. He owns
a farm a few miles northeast of 'the
city and makes occasional trips here'fo'
look after the same. Custer County
F. M. Allen, one of The Herald'
Sheridan county subscribers liviug
fourteen miles northeast of Alliance,
purchased a well machine about the
first of September, and has since been
doing a lot of work in the vicinity of
Minatare. He may bring-his machine
to Box Butte county before winter, but
if he does he will probably leave un
done a good deal of work that he can
secure in the neighborhood where he is
now working.