V i - If n I i I mL " Jiv. B-fnEcoiSfCo HocHCSTtn N.Y. Our FALL STOCK is nil in now and we never had a more complete line. Durable Comfortable Dres$y Rmintftri with Mntlnntn PrJr.ns HfflpWill mako them popular with all fl Alliance Cash Shoe Store HEHINQFORD HERALD. HEMINGFOIU), 1IOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEIL, SUIT. 30, I909. Hcmingford Happenings. Miss Eininn Norm! i'b back to take charge of her school. We hear there Is to bo another bank in town- Mrs. Stigcle's baby is very sick. Dr. Little is in attendance. A bunch from hero went to the liorso sale at Alliance Saturday. Mrs. Hugh Petro returned homo Friday. Geo. Carrol sold his farm to Mr. Pitman. Mr. and Mrs. Bushnell and Iro drove to Allianco Friday. Mrs. R, H. Brown moved in town Monday and has taken rooms ovor the bank. Mr. Westlako from Iowa is here visiting friends, John Bumgartnor" and wifo were hero from Allianco Wednesday on a visit. Mrs- Preston and Mrs, Bncauan, daughters of John Hughes, are here on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Frod Ilofcldt returned to the eastern part of the state Mon day. John Ilerlmo and wifo from Sioux county were in town Monday on their way to the fair. Fred Nccland and father shipped cattle east last Monday Mrs. Henderson of Curly, who has' been visiting her old homo at Shuberi, this stato, returned Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley, on their way to Montana, stopped hero between trains with their fricuds. C. A. William from Lincoln is hero with Mr. Canflcld buying a load of horses. Tho dance given hero in the new opera house was well attended. The music and ilonr were lino and every o"no Bccmcd to be enjoying themselves immensely. Miss Sarah Colvin and Mr. Will Lawrence of near Alliance wore mar ried Saturday by Kev. Burleigh at tho bride's homo. The Old Reliable Hardware, Harness and Implement Firm In order to make room for new goods will make special prices on Buggies, Spring and Farm Wagons Agent for tho well known Deering Hay Tools and Harvesters and J. I. Case Threshing Machiues. In HARNESS My motto: "How Good; Not, How Cheap." Anton Uhrig 1 EMINGFORD, NEBR. Return of the Favorites! THE Chase-Lister Co. HEADED BY CLINT AND BESSIE ROBBINS An Entire New Repertoire of Plays A Spanish Romance Monti Cristo The Genius and the Gentleman Trilby A Traveling Man The Million Dollar Kid Robinson Cruso The Famous Chase-Lister Ladies' Orchestra will give a concert every night from 8 to 8:30 Prices, 25, 35 and 50 cents TINKER'S GREAT WORK. Stellar Playing of Cubs' Shortttop Brings Him Into Limelight. Rhould ilif Clilt-ux" NntionHls npih) land tin- much coveted gonfalon grout credit must be given to .loo Tinker, the Cnlis' slur shortstop for lilt er nest efforts In trying to Inml the tonni nt the top. Tinker hat won ami oared many games for the Cubs (his moumfi by his timely bnttlng and hi neima tlonnl fielding Early in the (iinirmtgn "Srnp .loe" played very poorly, mid then tin anvil clioru began to got In some of Km line work. Report weie lu (Imitation Unit tho Cutis short a 2a H.' z ' RAILWAY NOTES AND PERSONALS. i JOB TINKEIt, CH10AOO NATIONAl.8' BTAn BUOltTBTOP. stop had seen his best days and would soon be relegated to tho minors. The real trouhle was that Tinker's back was very weak, but after a short rest he was back on the Job again playing havoc with pitchers averages and robbing the sluggers of sate hits. HUDSON-FULTON SPORTS. Races For Motor-boats, Shells and Ca noes During Celebration. Arrangements for tho nquatlc con tests during tho Hudson-Fulton cele bration have been practically complet ed. These will take place In New York, pulling races Sept. 20 aud mo torboats Sept. 30; In Yonkers. motor boat races Sept. 29, rowing and canoe contests on Oct. 2. Newburg will have its wnter contests on Oct. 2. The program will start with a race between tho crews of the foreign war vessels. Tho prizes will bo n silver shield of tho Iludson-Fulton design to the ship of the winning crqw. each member of which will receive n silver medal. Each man of tho second crew will get a bronze n.cdal. The second race will bo contested by crews of the American war vessels, and the prizes will be the same as In the first race. The third race will have as contest ants crews from foreign vessels. Amer ican warships, the naval militia, the revenue cutter service and sucb other naval branches of American or foreign ofllcial servlc as may bo selected. A race between naval militia crews will fellow. Then will come n contest of revenue cutter crews. Motorboat races In live classes for silver cup3 ns prizes will end the program. The rowing rnces on Oct. 2 are to be under the rules of the National As sociation of Amateur Oarsmen mid will be over a course of one and one Miiarter miles straightaway as follows: Intermediate single shell, senior sin gle shell. Junior double gig. Intermedi ate four oared gl;j, senior quadruple sculls, senior four oared barce. senior eight oared shell and intercity octuple sculls. The canoe racc3 will be over n distance of one-half mile straight away for tandem single blades, tan dem double blades and club fours sin gle blade under the rules of tho Amer ican Canoeing association. r'"H"h-H,':'H''K":'h-y:'-i Fireman Tom Bnrcholl is at homo after n two weeks' stay nt Hot Springs. Dick Burke, who 1ms been laying off for a few clays, has rctuttud to work. Mr. Rugglesof Rnvonna, father of Mrs. V. G. Diotlalu, is visiting in AN liauco. Firemen Svvartout aud Bell have been promoted and now havo charge of cngmas. W. G. Conton and J. Costlc aro two cant end than who havo boon trans ferred to Allianco. Conductor Frank Dunning returned last Sunday from a thirty days' stay on his farm in Montana. A second operator hag been put on at Broken Bow to help out during tho remainder oi tho slock season. ' Frank Vaughn made u Irip from Ra venna to Grand Island last Saturday. Don't let the girls in Broken Bow hear this. Engineer Geo. Hicks is ranidlv re covering from his injuries in tho mack and expects to be on his regular run soon. The freight service has won another passenger man, John Lcidtke, who now wears a uniform of overalls and black shirt. Conductor Olson, who was relieving Chas. Turney on the east end, has re turned to Alliance and is running out of here again. It was reported this week that Eng. Charley Tubbs had resigned from the service. Everybody will be sorry to see Charley go. Brakcman Raymond Mark left Tues day for a trip to Denver and a visit with his parents at Fort Collins. He expects to be gone about ten days. Dan Hetrick, who had the misfor tune sometime ago of losing a thumb while making a coupling, was not ren dered unfit for service by the accident, however, and is now doing the extra naming between Ravenna and Seneca. A banana car in the train of Con ductor Hoskins caught fire from sparks from the engine about three miles east of Ellsworth. Over S500 worth of damage was done to the car before they could reach the water tank at Ellsworth. A Genteel Colonial. "; One Chimney Serves the Entire House Economical to Build and Can Be Constructed as Planned For $2,500. Designed by P. T MscLaain. Newark. N. J. PERSPECTIVE VIEW-FROMJ A PHOTOGRAPH. ?fltmywRcn E ri ff DlrWG ROOtlfj f;ruir wzptmau. I mcony Sl mjL- Wi Roor FIRST FLOOR PLAN. SECOND FLOOR PLAN. The colonial shown lu the photograph is almost squnre. It having a frontage of 28 feet and a depth of 31 foot. Being constructed on strnlght lines. In tho main, the cost enn be moderate If desired. The lirst story can bo covered with siding and tho second story shingled, basement contains lauudrv. furnace or boiler, coal bins. etc. Reception ball has n nook with mantel and seat. A short tllght or stairs leads from the kitchen to tho landing of the main stairs making a convenient arrangement for houseworkers at small cost in space The feature of n single chimney for the whole house is one of economy. All the rooms of tho first iloor are of good size and connect well for entertaining. Mrst story ceilings rise 0 feet 0 Inches In the clear and the second story U feet. Ilelght of cellar 7 feet. The attic has two bedrooms and ample storage room, steam heating apparatus and n finish throughout In native Hardwood aro provided for in the architect's estimate of about 52.500 for tho outside cost when finished as here described. P. T. MAO LAGAN, Architect. iWMOJlM J. J M III I 1-1 ftflBBM-MTT7i7yTffff!3FW INTERCOLLEGIATE GOLF. Students Aro Eligible to Big Tourney In New York Sept. 13-18. For tho animal golf championship, which this year will be held over the Apawamls links, In Rye. N. Y Sept. 13 to 18. the Intercollegiate Golf asso ciation is already beginning to have things whipped Into shape. Accordlug to a slight change In the constitution, any college In good standing may now be elected to membership, but the most Important departuro this year will be with regard to the scoring for the team championship. This will allow of only one point for a win in place of tho old system of a point for tho match and a fraction for every hole. The week's proceedings will open with team matches on Monday and Tuesday, the whole of Wednesday be ing set aside for the Individual cham pionship qualifying play over thlrty-slx holes. The composition of nil the sides for the team matches has not yet been raado known. Yale, however, wilt have n strong representation in the fol lowing: K. E. Mossor. II. G. Logg. Robert Hunter, B. P. Merriman, R. Y. Ilnyne nnd V. R. Lnngford. Logg Is this year's transmlsslsslppl champion and Merriman the Connecticut title holder. Capable substitutes- have also been chosen. Clifford Dunning nrd R. L. Jackson will form the backbone of tho WIN Jhms team. The colleges at present lu membership are Yale. Harvard. Wil liams. Prluceton. Columbia. Cornell, Dartmouth nnd Pennsjlvanln. Conductors Turney and Ferrier and Engineers Townsend and Morris have been assigned to the east end locals with two of the new R 3 engines. Hereafter these crews will do all the local work jn this district and the rest of the crews will handle the rest of the business. A car of shingles in a stock train caught fire from a spark from an en gine at Marvin Sunday night, totally destroying the car and contents. The car was placed on tho side track to burn and it fell over onto the main line, blocking traffic for awhile until it could be moved. If anyone asks about the genial smile on the countenance of Jim Ar mour these days, they can he told that Jim is the proud father of a young daughter, who just arrived last week to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Aimour. We haven't seen the treats yet, by the way. A bridge between Berwyn and Brok en Bow caught fire Monday afternoon and was destroyed, delaying traffic badly for about ten hours. Messrs. Birdscll and Joder left here almost immediately with a special train with biidge material and they had the bridge ready for use about 2 a.m. There is a great amount of stock be ing shipped from the sandhill country at present. During the past week there has been special trains run for stock loaded at six different towns be tween here and Broken Bow, and No. 46 Sunday night picked up betweeu 45 aud 50 cars of stock between Al liance and Ravenna. A small engine of the K 2 class has been sent to Ravenna to be used in double heading No. 41 when this train is extra heavy, or during bad weather. Owing to the popularity of this train, travel on it has been extremely heavy all summer, necessitating the handling of fourteen or more cars most of the time, and fourteen cars s more than can be handled aud make the schedule time. A Stately Six Room Cottage. Broad Piazza With Colonial Columns A Unique De sign Which Can Be Built For $5,660. Desltfned by Albert E. Divl. the Bronx, New York. PERSPECTIVE VIEW-FROM A PHOTOGRAPH. Do Scmt Boosting Do not be a knocker As through life you pass. If you are looking out for faults, Get a looking glass. Throw away your hammer And do your friends surprise. Do a little boosting, If you're needing exercise. Eben Smith, switchman. niOlixi I MfclS I Ji I BEDROOM 1 LJ B""l J fjlji iJ h'xkj. T BA-ny I "J BrJ til 5tt 7 1 IsSna Li ) DEN 8 BED ROOM ! PIAZZA k -j It l-uirnrwi i- uNj FIRST FLOOR PLAN. SECOND FLOOR PLAN. The cottage shown In the photograph was erected on the crown of a bill, nnd n hlppod roof seemed appropriate to the landscape. There Is a broad piazza across the front, with colonial columns resting on brick piers First storj walls nre clapboarded. The second story, attic and roof shingled' The from doors nre of bevelnl plato glass. To the right of tho stair landing is a hall seat and to tho left a coat clotot. Tho parlor projects out In the form of a bay. nnd there Is a large bay window In the dining room The vestibule, hall nnd dining room are finished In oak, parlor In whltewood painted Ivory white, kitchen and pantry in nsh and the second story In sycamore. Tboro Is an open fireplace in tho dining room and mantels in tuo parlor and second story bedroom. The dining room has a plate rack around tho walls six and a half feet above floor. There are stained glass windows on tlie stairs. There Is n tine large pantry between the kitchen nnd dining room. The total cost. Including plumbing and hot water bentiuc W.IW0. Size. 25 by 31 feet. ALBERT E. DAVIS. Architect. M