i jmui mwmrrmmpim wiwmmt,mu2MMwimwm r fawn's More I Patronized by oareful and discriminating buyers The one place in town where you can buy really go o d chocolates Cement Walks I make a specialty of ce ment walks and work. Have been constructing same in Al liance more than one year, and invite the most rigid in spection of my work. Use only thebest of materials and make prices as low as can be done with honest work. Have had many years experience in cement construction in vari ous cities. Remember poor cement work is dear at the cheapest price and when you have had to replace it is mon ey thrown away. John Pederson When a Plumber is Needed send for us. Wo havo plenty of time now to attend to all classes of work This is not our buBy season and it will pay you to have your PLUMBING, HEATING, FITTING, etc., atteuded to now before the rush of work begins. Wo are thoroughly posted in our business and an order from you will promptly put all our knowledge and skill ' at your service. The cost will not be great. Fred Bren nan FiTlLOT FRANK RE1STLE LNOHAVtR AND ELECTROTYPER fnOM 1114 M20-24 lAWRlKCt DUVES COLQ rri iWd btfdsii Tn miHiium; ill FAIR PRICE Shoe Repairing PROnPTLY DONE All Work Strictly First-Class H. D. Nichols BOX BUTTE AVENUE ist door north of Herald office .U'CTloXEEIi ELLSWORTH, NEBR. Col. New has had 25 years' experience and is one of the most successful auctioneers in the northwest. Dates made at this office. MANY m PLAYERS Small Army of Young Diamond Stars to Have Tryout In 1910.' YANKEES ARE WELL FORTIFIED Now York Amarlcan Team Carries Scvon Miner Lmjuo Cracks, St. Louin Drowns Ton Brooklyn Lead Lilt In National League. I$y degree tile old Minora, those who wore connected with tlio gnmo of lnslull n doendo nnd more ngo, nro Issl:i out of tho llniollght nnd now oiifi nro taking their places. Of late this npppitrs to lmve been tho enso more tlmn ever before. For tlio pnst two or threo Heu8ons not u club In ei ther organization but tins taken tlio fluid nt the clarion call In the miring with ninny youngsters occupying prominent plncos on Its personnel. But such Is the fnte of tl.e game. It must be. Tho fans want fast baseball, nnd If they must have fast ball It fulls upon tho younger men to furnish It. The season of 1000 started with more youngsters In the gnmo than nny other year that has gone before. Jinny of tho veterans. It seems, were relegated to tho Bonip heap nbout the same time, nnd their places had to bo tilled. Ami next season promises to rival the pres ent one for tho record In this respect. Kver Hhieo the curtain was pulled up nnd tho Rrentest of athletic drnmns ntnged tho scouts of tho various clubs In tho American nnd National leagues have traveled around tho country with wenther cyo set nnd cars open trying to locate now tnlcnt talent good enough for tho select circles of tho big circuits. Scarcely a league, oven though It bo stowed away In some re mote part of the country, but what has had n visit from ono or the other of the hunters for players. And, Judg ing from tho reports which these Im portant factors to a team have made to their employers, the crop has been a good one. Tho smnller organizations have uncovered many likely looking young fellows who next season will journey to the southland with tho teams which havo already secured or will In the near future secure a hold on thorn for a trial. Some of them, of course, will be sent back for more sea soning, but others will find regular berths, nnd more of tho fnmlllnr aces will drop from view. Already the notebooks containing tho nnmes of plnyers In tho minors who will bear watching nro nenrly filled. Tho names of hundreds of play ers havo been filed nwny therein for future reference, nnd -while the present teams nro busily cngnged In battling for their respective pennnnts the man ngemonts nre beginning to live in the future, to bojourn In 1010. It tnkes competent men to pick out the young sters senmpering nbout on tho din- monas of tlio "bush" lengues to "size" them up correctly. But this portion of tho work Is ns nothing compnred with that which fnlls upon tho mnnngcrlnl shoulders nt tho beginning of the sen son, when tho Blftlng must begin and tho chaff must bo got rid of with as little loss as nosslblo nnd tlio wlmnt must bo retained for use throughout another six or seven months. Just how many youngsters will have been corralled by tho various teams In tho big leagues by next spring It would lie folly to try to estimate, but the early season returns thus far linvo boon so great as to Insure n record breaker in this respect. To dnte the records show tho American league to linve been far more active In this re spect than tho National. The following tnble shows some of tho more recent plnyers obtained by the various tenuis, their positions nnd tho clubs they como from: AMERICAN LEAGUE. NEW YOIUC YANKRKS. Player. Position. Club. Jack Frill Pitcher.... Nownrk. Otey Johnson. .Outllohlor. Portland. G. McConnell.. Pitcher.... ItochoMer. McKcchnlo Inflotilor. . . Wheeling. Ticmcver, Inileloor . . . Altoona. Farrcll Outtlehlor. Marlon. Earl dardncr. . iMlelder. . Jersey City. WASHINGTON SENATORS. NoahIIenlIno..lnnolder...BIrrntnRham. DETROIT. Drake Outfielder. Wllkesbarre. PHILADELPHIA ATHLETICS. Houser Inflelder. .. Toronto. Peter Noonan..Inno!dor...WIlkQsbarro. II. Malloy PItoher.... WllUosbarre. ST. LOL'IS imOWNS. Fishur.,., Outfielder. Omaha. Kins Outfielder. Omalm. Hollenbeck PItoher. . . . Omaha. Protmh......... Pitcher.... Keokuk. Corridon Inneldor... Keokuk. Klnsella Pitcher. . , Portland. Earl Hamilton. PItoher.... Springfield. Kllllfer Catcher.. ..Houston. Rose Pitcher.... Houston. Johnson ,.. Pitcher.... Galveston. BOSTON ItED SOX. Thompson Inflelder. , . Syracuse. CLEVELAND BLUES. Jim Basket t... .Pitcher.... Chattanooga. CHICAGO WHITE SOX. Zeldei Inflolder... Padrone Inflelder. . . Cuban. Colllnb Inflelder... 8prlnKfleld. Willis K. Coin .Outnelder. Wichita. NATIONAL LEAGUE. OROOKLYN SUPERBAS. Forbes Alcock. Inttolder... Chattanooga. Cranston Inflelder. . . Memphis. E. R. Envln... .Catcher.. ..Rochester. Georgo Smith. . Infleldo.v .. Shrevoport Wheat Outfielder. Shreyeport. PHILLIES. Frank Scanlon Pltchor. . . . Notre Dame, Mortel Inflelder... Steubonvllle. Arch Oeborn. . . Pitcher. . . . East Liverpool. CINCINNATI REDS. W. Jnhnston . Infjeldar... Chattanooga. Jim Vaughn. ..Pitcher..,. Macon. M. Kendrlck...Gatoher.'.AVllkesbarre. Williamson.. Jltchcr....,Looklud.Crcr CARDINALS. RsMofon lafloldw... Milwaukee. KMlth Pitcher. . . . Vernon. PELTY'SG00D WORK. 8t. Louia Americans' Pitcher Hat Twirled Consistently All Season. Due to the miserable showing of tho St. Louis Americans in the pennant rnco this season after being figured ns Btirc contenders for tho banner early in tho year, there Is bound to be a big shakuup in the team. Many n player will bo missing from tho team next season, but there in 0110 who will be surely kept, lie I'ltcher llnriiuy I'ulty. Ho cnti ensily l- put down 11s f J? I I1A11NEY rCLTV, ST. I.0U18 AME1UCAN WIN NINO riTGHEU. tho Browns' best pitcher. Pelty hns pitched grentor bnll nnd won more consistently thnn nny of the St. Louis twlrlers this senson, nnd he has won many of his games from tho strongest tenms in the lengue. ltnrney is sure of being retained on the stuff of twlrl ers who will fight for St. Louis In 1010, SOCKER TEAM COMING. English Expected to Arrive Sept. 30 Will Tour tho Country. Tho Fllgrlms, the well known ainn- teurs plnylug for football nssoclutlon clubs In England, will snll from Liver pool on Sept. 25 and will arrive at New York probably Sept. 30. Matches have been nrrnnged for New York, Newark, Baltimore, Washington, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Gillespie, Chlcngo, Cleveland, Philadelphia, Fnll Itlver, Boston, Niag ara nnd Toronto. Tho team that will make the tour Is not yet complete, but ninong those who have accepted Invltntlons nre II. M. I.emolne, Sheppnrd's Bush; J. J. Bnyley, Clapton; II. C. LIttlewort, West Norwood; J. Brown Sim, Shef field and Queens Pnrk, Glasgow; A. K. Campbell, Southampton; W. O. Clenilnson, Darlington; T. T. Fltchle nnd G. It. I Ion re. Woolwich arsenal; C. K. Dunning. Norwich City; II. J. Kastwocd, Word, nnd V. II. Mlincs, Shetilold, who will captain tho side. Kour other players have been Invited, 'nit have not yet accepted. It Is hoped that G. II. Barlow, tho Everton out side left, will be able to make the trip, and If so he will greatly strengthen the side. The amateur Internationals In the team nre I.emolne, Campbell, Clemlnson. I Ion re, Dunning nnd Mllnes while I-'ltchl Is a Scottish In ternational, and Bnyley. LIttlewort nnd Eastwood have played in the ain nteur trial match for tlio south ngnlnst tlio north. Cosgrove May Row in England. Jimmy Cougrove, the great young sculler of the Argonaut elub of To ronto, may go to England to compete for tho Diamond sculls next year. COMING SPORT EVENTS Toronto, Canndn. is tn!klng of erect ing a $.'00,000 rl ik for hockey and other Ice sporK Tho Illinois Ati''"tlc club c Chicago will hold Its ; ..mil Mnrathou run Oct. 2. Tenpln Experts Jimmy Smith and Alex Dunbar of New York will go on n tour of the west the latter part of September. Lou Scholes, Si, has put up n silver cup for an nnnuul pigeon race, open to all fanciers of Toronto, It will be tlown toward tho eud of September. Wnngnnul (Australia) sporting men mny offer Sculling Chnmplon Ernest Barry of England $2,500 nnd expenses If he will go to Now Zealnnd and row IUchard Anist for the championship nnd $r.000 n side. Then? is n movement on foot among lacrosse players to arrange n series of gamas to be played at Central pnrk in connection with the Hudson-Fulton colobratlon next month hi New York city. At n meeting of the Baltimore Bowl ing Tournament company held recent ly It was deckled to hold the annual tonrnoiuout of the National Bowling i""-tt!tIou iu Baltimore nt the Garage building from April 0 to 30,, inclusive. S Methods of the Handlers of Big Baseball Teams. CLARKE IS THE GREATEST. Leader of tho Piratcc Has No Apparent Weakness as Pilot of a Major League Team Chance, Jonnlngs, Mack nnd McGraw Groat Leaders. Dy TOMMY CLAR.K. Now that tho teams in the major baseball leagues havo struck the home stretch and it looks nt the present writ ing as If Detroit would enrry olT the American lengue banner for tho third time, thereby establishing a new rec ord In the Junior organization, nnd as though Pittsburg would carry on tho glory nnd coin In the Natlniinl lengue, the dyed In the wool fans nre busy discussing the merits of the clubs, and involved in tills discussion Is the very Interesting question, "Who Is tho greatest ninnugcr In the two big cir cuits?" Apropos of this question it might be Interesting to briefly mention live lead ing malingers nnd what they linvo done with their teams. For instance, take Hugh Jennings of the Detroit Tigers. There Is no more universal favorite In baseball than this follow, the leader of ono of tho most aggressive teams In either lengue todny. Ho stnnds out ns one of the grcntest pilots that ever di rected the affairs of a nine. Ilughle Is a fighter from tho drop of tho hat nnd Is never benten till the Inst man is out That McGraw of New York Is one of tho brainiest men In baseball cannot bo denied. Ho knows ns much about tho gamo as any man living nnd is n fighter from his feet up. He Is keen to grnsp n situation, nnd none In the business can catch the signal of dis tress ns quickly ns McGrnw. Ills only wenknoss, Judging by the pnst, Is thnt ho hns been unable to develop a first class pitcher. Few will dispute the statement thnt as a lender of n team Frank Chnnce of the Chicago Nationals Is one of tho greatest that ever lived. His record Is too well known to bo tnken up here, but It can be said without fear of con tradiction thnt It Is duo to his brllllnnt work ns mnnnger that his team hns cnrrled off the pennant honor three times In succession nnd two world's championships. Connie Mnclt of the Phllndclphln Americans Is one of the shrewdest mnnngers in the business. He is a student of tho game. Not alone does he study his own players, but mem bers of tho other teams as well. Dur ing tho game Mack Jots down little notes of the weakness of some batter or perhaps a mlsplay by his own men that cosus a rim or two. In the latter case he will cnll the player's attention to this and Inform him how It could FUED LAKE, MAKAOEIt OF THE BOSTON AMUIUCANS. be avoided. Mack is ono of tho great est developers of youngsters that ever lived. Nearly every season ho devel ops one or two stars, men that were not good enough for other tenms. Credit must bo handed to Fred Lake, manager of the Boston Amerlcaus. This fellow took hold of what appear ed to bo the joke team of the league and whipped It Into a splendid plnylug machine.' Lnko has proved what ho en n do, and next "season we will henr from his great collection of youugsters. Now wo come to Fred CInrke of tho PIttsburgs, who hns proved himself ono of tho greatest lenders In baseball history. Ills achievements for this nnd last season stand out nbovo those of Chance, Jennings or McGraw, although ono would not belittle the efforts of any of them. But they started out with tho stars of tho country nt first, second and third base, made up of men noted for their slugging qualities und all around ability. Clarke took n lot of men who looked no better than a third or fourth place proposition and developed them Into a great baseball machine. Ho is, In the opinion of the writer, the greatest manager In the gnmo todny, CInrke has everything a successful leader needs, no Is a de veloper of youngsters, a fighter, nnd no one knows more nbout lnsldo than docs this same fellow. Besides being a gruud lender, he Is also one of the greatest players In the game. Clarke has been mnnnger of tho Pittsburg National league team for nine years, and In thnt tlino tho team has never finished out of the first dlvl si"" 'vl'iplnfr threo consecutive pen-ua- finishing second three times, third once, fourth once nnd last year being tied with the NVw York Giants for ?u?ond petition, MANAGER COMPARED REGANS ZE3CesLca.q.-u.a;rtGrB for Millinery and Ladies' Furnishing Goods Opera House Block 'wvynrwrrwwvvrwwvww CHAS. C. STREET ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Traveling Box Butte J. R. .Watkin's Celebrated Household Remedies Poultry and Flavoring Extracts, Ground Spices Toilet Articles, Soaps and Perfumes Irrigated Farms At the recent drawing for Oarey Act land in the Big Lost River tract, Idaho, nearly all of the land was taken the first day. We have on our list some fine relinquishments in this tract. Call at our office and we will be very glad to show you our list and prices. We have a large crowd going out next excursion day, Tuesday, October 5th, to look at these lands. Be sure and see our exhibit of fruit and otherproducts grown around Blackfoot. BLAGKROOTT INVESTMENT C O 7V F A IN Y H P.HAP RRAfilWC AI H. E. JONES, HEYUNGFORD, NEBRASKA Ml The Home Paper SK WlJ?"SSr i terest the home news. Its every issue will prove a welcome visitor to every member of the family. It should head your list of newspaper and periodical subscriptions. rftTtTTTTf '. . A. Agent in county for Stock Tonic I lAMrc mcdhacii A i'-t2-arfWSm.V xv