The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 17, 1909, Image 5

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Stories of Alliance and Box
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Capyright, 1909, by Herald Publishing Co
The Herald editors are more inter
ested in Alliance and Box Butte county
than any other city or county in the
world, and we believe that most of our
readers are, also. Accordingly wo are
adding another departmental feature,
L 2igijiitipi t -T2j ifiHRlHliHBH j"x"'' i t HikJi j$i Ss
Alliance Commercial Club
Continues to Bo- Things for the Good
of the City
An interesting meeting of the Alli
ance Commercial Club was held on
Monday evening. In the absence of
both the president and vice president
from the city, E. V. Spencer was se
lected as chairman for the evening.
Several new members were voted in
and the normal committee gave en
couraging reports regarding the pro
gress of the work for the State Normal.
A letter from an Oklahoma firm,
relative to the establishment of a busi
ness college in Alliance, was read and
referred to a special committee.
An extended invitation from the city
of Crawford to the city of Alliance to
send a delegation to Crawford on July
4th with Governor Shalleiiberger on his
way through from Sidney was read to
the Club. After much deliberation it
was decided to accept this invitation
and as large a delegation as possible
will accompany the governor to Craw
ford and spend the day there.
Two proposed amendments to the
Constitution of the Club were , read.
One is a proposed change of meeting
night from the second Monday of each
month to the second Tuesday. This
will enable more members to be present
at the meetings. Another proposed
amendment includes the calling of the
roll of Club members at each meeting.
A committee of three was appointed
for the purpose of taking up the ques
. tion of having a big county fair at Al
liance this fall. This would be a fine
thing for the city and should be push
ed. Prof. Hayes stated that State Sunt.
E. C. Bishop would be in Alliance on
Thursday aud Friday. Plans are be
ing made for his entertainment while
A delegation from the Woman's Club
arrived during the session bringing the
news that the city couucil had passed
an ord'u.auce providing for the main
Stories of Alliance and. Box Butte
We have had engraved and copy
righted an outline map of Nebraska
and adjoining states showing at a
glance the importance of this city's po
sition. Now is an opportune time to
tenance of a public library. This will
now open the wav for a' fine public li
brary in Alliance. The Woman's
Club has started a library and the cir
culatiou has now reached the 4,000
Junior Normal Notes.
Enrollment to date is 196, of which
number 1C1 have eurolled for Junior
Dr. Baber of Lincoln, who was liere
last week attending the Northwestern
Baptist Association, visited the normal
Thursday morniug aud gave the stu
dents an interesting talk on school
methods. Dr. Baber was formerly en
gaged in the teaching profession and
was president of a normal school in the
south but withdrew from work on ac
count of his health.
So far as we have been able to learn
the enrollment at the various Juniors
at the close of the first week was as
follows: Valentine, 80; North Platte,
80; McCook, 136; Geneva, 172; Al
liance, 181. O'Neill and Broken Bow
each enrolled about 200, but each is
situated, in a verv large county where
the enrollment for institute would be
very large. Holt, the county in which
O'Neill is situated, has 319 teachers,
while Ouster, the county in which
Broken Bow is located, has 290. As
the fiist two weeks ot the normal con
stitute the institute for the county in
which the Junior Normal is located,
the enrollment in these two places
would probably be large on account of
the large number of teachers who
would attend institute only. We think
that when the count comes in for ac
tual Junior Normal enrollment Alliance
will be found near the top.
Dr. Eubank, a medical missionary
to China, was present at chapel Mon
day morning and gave a very interest
ing talk about the way a knowledge of
mediciue removes the prejudice these
people feel toward all foreigners and
thus paves the way for the introduction
of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Prof. Philpott gave a chapel talk
Tuesday morning on the subject near
est hij heart Physics. Prof. Philpott
Butte County
- i
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present this to our readers.
It is our intention to publish photo
gravures of scenes in this city and
county and in addition to the map give
this week a photo cut of an Alliance
business house, Breuuau's Sanitary
Soda Fountain- .
is recognized as one of the best teach
ers of physics in the state and what,
ever he says along thisjme . is always
interesting aud inspiring.
The various religious young peoples'
organizations gave a reception to the
faculty and students of the Junior Nor
mal Wednesday night of thi3 week and
a very enjoyable evening was spent by
those present.
The Woman's Club of the city has
very kindly extended the use of the
city library to the Junior Normal stu
dents while in the city, an act of kind
ness which will, undoubtedly, be great
ly appreciated by the students.
Deputy State Superintendent Perdue
was in the city Tuesday aud Wednes
day for the purpose of inspecting the
Junior Normal school. He s,eemed
highly pleased with the management
and spirit for work that prevails and
said that, without doubt, wc have the
largest bona fide Junior Normal enroll
ment in the stale. Mr- Perdue gave a
very pleasant chapel talk on Wednes
day morniug.
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Conductor Gaddis of the Seneca
Ravenna run, spent Sunday with his
family in Alliance, returning to Seneca
on 42 Monday to take his run.
A. V. Gavin is in Lincoln at present,
and Dispatcher McLeese is acting as
chief dispatcher, while the extra dis
patcher, Coleman, has McLeese's trick
on the west end,
Mr. Birdsellhas returned from Dead
wood, where he ha3 been the past ten
days fighting the high water and help
ing to relieve the road and the city of
Deadwood of the flooded conditions.
W, D. Mclntyre, for the past two
years serving the Burlington in the ca
pacity of agent at Mullen, has resigned
aud accepted a position with the North
western at Chadron. His place has
been filled by C, C, Campbell of
The Alliance freight crews, who
made a few trips on the Deadwood line
to relieve the congestion in the Edge
inotit yard, have returned to the main
line, things on the former lino having
been restored to normal onco more.
Joe Prieco ntid Tommy Richards,
who have been calling crews for the
past several months, have resigned and
left for Montana. Their places have
been filled by Harry Bctebenner and
John Shay.
L L. Northington is a recent addi
tion to the Alliance telegraph office
Mr. Northington has worked hero s6v.
era! times before so is not an entire
strauger in these parts,
Henry Moshcr, sou of Dispatcher
L. H. Mosher, is home from college in
Omaha to spend the summer vacation.
Mrs. Archie Gregory and children
are spending a few days visiting with
her parents at Ravenna.
Conductor W. V Johnson returned
Sunday from a short trip to Omaha.
1?. L. Litty, formerly of this placo
and now working as dispatcher in
Sheridan, was shaking hands with his
many friends Monday. Ho was on his
way to Deadwood to work a few days,
it being necessary to keep the Dead
wood office open all night on accouut
of heavy business and so much trouble
with high water.
Mrs. Lottio Richards is acting as
agent at Hcmiugford temporarily while
Mr. Carey is laying off on account ol
the death of his sister.
The passenger runs between Raven
na and Deadwood have been arranged
so that the five oldest conductors will
run between Alliance and Ravenna,
and the five others between AlHauco
and Deadwood. This will be much
more pleasant than it has been hereto
fore as it will give tho crews more time
at home, and less timo at the other cud
of the run.
Brief and Breezy
"Lydia Pinkham's body lies mould
ering in the grave, but her dope goes
marching on," says an exchange.
4----'WW WW'W--rf-'rWA.4
Wanted, to trade one or two resi
dent lots near St. Agnes Academy for
prairie breaking within two miles from
town. Phone G15. 27-tt
Found Large door key. Owner
can have same by calling at Tho Her
ald office. WUJWXJX 27-tf
Wanted--A girl for general house
work on a rancher Wages S35. 00 per
month. Apply to E. W. Whitcomb,
Moorcroft, Wyo.
Buy a Boyer gliding settee for your
porch or lawn at The Gadsby Store.
For sale cheap A new Dunbar pop
corn aud peanut roaster. Can give
good terms, monthly payments if de
sired. Inquire of L. E. Bye at Pool
Hall- 23-tf
I am now ready to make contracts
for cement woik to be done as soon as
the weather will permit. John Ped
erson. wwwrw.
Will trade a fine automobile for land
if suited. F. J. Betzold. i8-tf
Fine Model "F" Jackson automobile
with one rumble seat and turtle deck
attachment; will trade for land close to
any siding in Box Butte county or sell
for cash cheap. F. J. Betzold, Al
liance. i8-tf
Have you land to trade for an auto
mobile? See P. J. Betzold. i8-tf
For Sale Modem, 7 room house,
$2,550.00. W. C. Taylor, phone 394,
Repair Work
Sewing Machines and
Have secured the services of a prac
tical mechanic and can guarantee all
work done by him. Don't trust your
work to travelling repair tpen. This
man will be here permanently. Re
pairs and parts furnished for all ma
chines. Phone 139. Geo. D. Darling.
The Seventh Day Adventists of
Northwestern Nebraska, Wyoming1 and
the Black Hills will hold their annual
ponfereuce aud camp meeting at Craw
ford, Nebr., June 1727, 1909. All
are invited. Committer.
Pure Bred Poultry.
Choice R. C. Leghorn cockerels for
sale. Eggs 50 cents per setting. Call
or write Mrs. A. Gregory, Marsland,
Nebr. 18.13W
Sale of Household Goods
Beginning on Saturday, June 19th, and
continuing next week, I will sell all or my
household goods at private sale.
Mrs, Titos. Allen.
714 Laramie Ave.
Found, Switch key. Call and
identify at Herald Office.
Heminsford Happenings.
Mr. and Mrs, Wilkes from Randolph,
Nobr., were here for a visit Saturday and
G. J. Ward from Morrill, Iowa was hero
Pete Annen went to Alliance on bus!
noss Thursday,
Robort Hunter came up from Alliance
with some cattle Friday taking them to
the ranch.
Jack Carey assisted his sister in taking
Miss Lettio to her home in Canada Thurs
day. John Katen returned from school Thurs
day to spend tho summer vacation on tho
Mr. Lester came through from Alllanco
with some horses on his way to Crawford.
Dr. Little went out to see Mrs. Ander
son, who is very sick, Tuesday.
N. Frohnapfel went to Hay Springs on
business Monday.
Jones, Hickey and Rowland returned
from the Blackfoot country Saturday and
woro well plcasod with it,
Roy Hickey sold his hardware store to
Charlie Shindler Tuesday.
Mr. Kuhn wont to Alliance to attend
the Stockmen's meeting Tuesday.
Mrs. Jennio Hughes returned to her
home at Wood Lake altera pleasant visit
of two weeks hero with relatives and
Mr. Copeland roturned from Scotts-
bluff, whero he went reveral weeks ago for
his health, much benefited by the trip.
We Get Them
HUTTON, Hemfngford
The Old Reliable
Hardware, Harness and Implement Firm
In order to make room for new goods will make special
prices on
Buggies, Spring and Farm Wagons
Agent for the well known Decring Hay Tools aud Harvesters aud J. I,
Case Threshing Machines.
In HARNESS My motto: "How Good;' Not, How Cheap."
Anton Uhrie
Hemingford, Nebraska
Livery Sbkk 4 A a Fi inric
and Feedlk
in connection
Hemingford, Neb.
Makes a specialty of stock sales. Mat
ters pertaining to general auctions
carefully attended to. Dates for
sales mav he made at The Alliauce
Herald office. Satisfaction guaranteed
Va.1 .rViiWiVy tBi vnt Ivy v7Jvj
Miss Oresee is tho new clerk at Bush
noil's, at present.
Rachaet Browu quit work in Bushnel.'
store Saturday and is taking a lay off now,
Mr. and Mrs. Langford and son went to
Crawford to visit with Grandma Langford
Monte Green and a friend camo up
from Alllanco Sunday to do some painting
A. M. Miller went to Alliance on busi
ness Thursday.
Brad. Tenner bought some lots from Dr.
Eikner and is having a houso built there
on, Leo Moeller went to Alllanco on land
business Monday.
Mrs. Clark's sister was hero for a short
visit last week, returning Saturday.
McLuskoy Bros, and Mr Butler autoed
to Alliance with Mr. Sloan Sunday.
Tho Alliance High School ball team
played against Hemlngford Sunday, the
game being 4 to 7 in favor of Hemfngford.
Georgo Fendrich and Anna HopkUn
took tho train for Crawford Thursday,
getting married while there. They re
turned Friday. Congratulations.
Mrs. Falknor from Stoux county came
In Friday to meet her daughter and grand
pa. Her daughter has been attending
school in tho east.
Mrs'. Molllo Frlel, Frances and Mabel
Michael went to Alliance Friday,
, C. P. Sadord camo Friday for a visit
with bis son, Honry, in Sioux county.
Mrs. Lotspelch and children moved out
on their place Friday.
SlHHf uaa
of all descriptions
for any part of a
house or barn.
Dierks Lumber fiCoal Co.
Phone 22 D. Waters, Mgr.
Taxes are due Nov. i. Persoual
taxes delinquent Dec. i. Land tax
delinquent May i. Interest 10 per
ceut from date of delinquency. Real
estate advertised for sale the first week
in October aud sold for taxes the first
Monday in November. In all com
munications relative to taxes, please
give description of property.
Fred Mollring, Co. Treasure