The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 18, 1909, Image 5

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F. J.
n 9 PJ L M v tI iK fl M
Try My Flour
and you won't have any more
worry about your bread.
My brands of Ai and Cow are
not excelled anywhere in this
country, and ladies who have
used them are my best adver
tisers. Phone No. 71
Res. Phone No. 95
When a Plumber is Needed
send for tis. We have plenty of time
now-lo -attend to at) Masses of work
This is not our busy season and it will
pay you to have your
etc., attended to now before the rush
of work begins. We are thoroughly
posted in- our busiuess and an order
from you will promptly put all our
knowledge and skill at our service.
The cost will not be gn at.
Fred Bre n na n
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers.
Painting, Paper Hanging
and Kalsomining
Phone 641
Long experience in state and federal
courts and as Register and Receiver U. S.
Land Office is a guarantee for prompt and
efficient service.
Office In Land Office Iluiiaing.
Remember It Draws Ten Per Cent
Taxes are due Nov. 1. Personal
taxes delinquent Dec. 1. Land tax
delinquent May 1. Interest io per
cent from date of delinquency. Real
estate advertised for sale the first week
in October and sold for taxes the first
Monday in November, In all com
munications relative to taxes, please
give description of property.
Fkep Mollkinc, .Co. Treasure.
Martha Washington ten.
Fathor McNuinara is spending part
of the week in Oinalm.
P. J. Kunpp unloaded his steam plow
and threshing outfit this week.
j Sheriff Wiker returned a couple of
Idescitcrs to Fort Robinson recently,
j Mrs. Anna Mumpor returned last
j Sunday from her visit to eastern Ne
braska. Mrs. S. J. Holdridgc returned from
j her busiuess trip to Omaha the fust of
i the week.
i William Corey of the west side of the
1 county was in Alliance on busiuess Inst
j Saturday,
J G. H. Miller was one of the Angora'
j ites who had business in this metropolis
1 a few days ago.
I Tom O'Keefe made a business trip
to Marsland in the north part of the
1 county yesterday.
Remember the Martha Washington
( tea, next Monday, at the residence of
Mrs. W. S. Acheson.
1 Miss Edith Courtright of York is
visiting with her sisters, Mesdames
Ben Beach and M. Col burn.
C. A. Hawkins, representing the
Arlington, Nebr., nurseries, is taking
orders in Alliance thi3 week.
Frank Davis nnd wife of Deweese,
Nebr., are visiting in Alliance. Mr.
Davis is a brother of A. L Davis.
We are pleased to note that Dr.
Copsey is convalescent and again able
to attend to his professional duties.
Don't forget "A Quaker Tragedy"
at the Phelan opera house, Monday,
February 22. Prices, 25c, 35c and 50c.
All next week the Dougherty stock
t company. The finest line of vaude
ville specialties for between1 acts, no
Next Monday, Feb. 22, being a legal
holiday, both the First National bank
and the Alliance National bank will be
Geo. Dai ling has returned from his
eastern trip, having visited Chicago,
St. Louis, Louisville and other prom
inent points.
J. M. Liedtke and O. H. Rahlfs are
two railroad boys whose names have
( been recently added to The Herald
1 subscription list.
Mrs. Rev. Graves gave a Kensington
Tuesday afternoon in honor of her hus
band's mother, the wife of Bishop
Graves of Kearney-
J. H. Brown and G. M. Parker are
tuo new subscribers to The Herald
whose names were placed on our books
yesterday afternoon.
Scott McCotkle and Mr. Smith, two
of Morrill county's prominent citizens,
the latter county commissioner, were
in Alliance yesterday.
Rev. H. E. Reeder, Seventh Day
Adventist evangelist, formerly of this
place butnow of Sheridan. Wyo., was
in Alliance yesterday.
H. N. Gambill took the train last
Friday for Seneca, Nebr., near which
place he has a brother living, where he
will visit for a few days.
Beginning Monday, February 22,
the Dougherty slock company will ap
pear at the Phelan opera house.
Change of play each night.
Undertaker Darling was called upon
to disinter the body of Mrs. O. J. Wil
son at Reno and remove the same to
Merna, in Custer county.
"Preparing the Ground" is the timely
subject of the third article in our Home
Course in Modern Agriculture, appear
ing in this issue of The Herald.
"The Burlington Hotel" is a neatly
printed sign that adorns the entrance
to what was formerly the Hila Grand,
opposite the C. B. & Q. station.
W. J. Sutton whose ranch is about
fifteen miles southwest from Alliance
was in town yesterday apd reports ev
erything lovely in his neighborhood.
C. A. Newberry, the rustling whole
sale and retail hardware'merchant, at
tended the convention of the Nebraska
Retail Hardware association at Omaha
this week.
J. H. Krause was in from the ranch
Monday evening and made The Herald
a pleasant call to meet old friends and
get acquainted with the new members
of the "force."
One of the Valentine parties of the
past week was given at the hoifie of
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. H, Barnes by their
daughter, Miss Laveta, assisted by
Miss Anna Snyder-
Quite appropriately the new postage
stamps bearing the vignette of Abra
ham Lincoln -were placed on sale last
Friday, Feb. 12th, the birthday anni
versary of "Honest Abe."
Misses Ethel Hagaman and Sadie
Underwood of Alliance and Bert Un
derwood of Belfry, Mont , wore guests
nt the home of J. E. Hunt nnd family
Sunday. Baynid Transcript.
Rov. W. S. Ritchie of Omnhn. ft&ld
secretary of the Stnte Auti-Snloon
I.oague ntid supariutoiidont of the
Oiuahn district, was in Allinncc n day
this week
Attorney B. F. Gilniim lias removed
his office from the Ruiner block to the
suite of rooms occupied by the Ncbrns
kn Land company over the Allinnce
National bank.
You won't have time for nnything
but the Doughcity Stock company and
the new and interesting specialties nt
the Phelnu opera house all next week,
opening Februnry 22-
F. D. McMillan, one ol tho Western
Office Supply company's "Knights of
the Grip," camo in on No. 42 Tuesday
morning from the Black Hills, where
lie reports business good.
Our friend M. F. Donovan called at
The Herald office and made nu ex
change that pleases us pretty well. He
exchanged a check for $4.50 on sub
scription for a receipt for that amount.
The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E
Church will be entertained nt the home
of Mrs. J. A. Mnllery, Wednesday,
Februnry 24th, at 2:30 P. M. All
members and friends are cordially in
vited. E. T. Gregg of Marsland had busi
ness at the county seat this week and
fnvored The Herald with a call yester
day. He reports the farming outlook
as being exceptionally good in his lo
cality. P. M. Bezanson of Ardmorc, S. D.,
had business in Alliance again last
Friday and was compelled to remain
over till Saturday on account of the
U. S. laud office being closed on Lin
coln's birthday.
F. P. Shields of Lincoln, organizer
and field secretary of the Nebraska
prohibition party, stopped over Sunday
in Alliance, enroute to Minatare, Nebr.,
where he goes to assume the manage
ment of The Free Press.
James Graham, the grocer and meat 1
dealer west of the postofiice, has a good j
trade but wants to increase it and as a I
help in so doing enlarges his ad. in the 1
Herald this week, to which we wish to
call our readers' attention.
The Dutch Lunch given by the Lad
ies of the First Presbyterian church
last Thursday, and mention of which
was made in The HeralcL at the time,
was a very cnjovable affair and proved
to be a financial 'success as well.
Encourage the young in the right
way by attendiug.tho W. C. T. U. Sil
ver Medal contest at the Baptist church
next Wednesday evening. Admission
only 10 cents, but a good program has
been prepared and you will enjoy it.
Sights & Carter, who recently became
proprietors of the Younkin restaurant,
did not remain in that line of business
long but have given it up on account of
not being able to make satisfactory ar
rangements for the lease of the building.
The heating apparatus at the Bap
tist church declined to work properly
last Sunday forenoon took a day of
rest, as you might say and as a result
the Sunday school and preaching ser
vice for the morning were dispensed
Sister Conisia, teacher in the gram
mar department of St. Agnes Academy.
received a telegram Monday informing
her of the death of her father, who re
sided in one of the eastern states.
Sister Conisia has been a member of
the order of Sisters of St. Francis for
25 years.
Programs have been-printed for the
entertainment by the pupils of St,
Agnes' Academy at the Phelan opera
house tonight- The program is an ex
ceptionally good one, it indicates care
ful preparation and no doubt those who
attend will be well repaid-
Last Friday morning The Herald
editor read in The Commoner, Gover
nor Shallenbreger's proclamation re
questing the citizens of Nebraska to
display the flag on that day, and forth
with purchased a flag and displayed it
during the day from the front of our
I Sang C. Reck is back from his trip
to the Rocky Mountain region, re
freshed and rested . from business by
the pleasant vacation which it afford
ed. Prospects are good for a big
spring trade and he will enjoy business
all the more on account of the rest and
A. F. Allen who has been giving
some attention to real estate transac
tions has" decided to engage in the busi
ness more extensively, and has had
cards printed announcing "Government
Homesteads, Relinquishments and
Deeded Lands". 42: Yellowstone
Ave.; phone, 125.
We wish to call attcntiou to the
special sale advertisement of Ferris &
1 ssv, successors to Simmons & Essn ,
lirst door south of tho Nohe restaurant.
While this film does not carry as heavy
a stock as some othors, wo think you
will find some gonuitic bnrgnins there'
if you call while this sale continues.
Miss Mary O'Keefe loft yosterday
morning for n six weeks' visit in Cnli
fornin. She will spoud a part of tho
time nt Los Angeles. No doubt she
will find the change in climato quite
ngrccablo for a time, but will lie glad
to get back to her Nebraska homo when
April sunshine and showers make this
one of the most delightful places on
T. V. Kelly, teacher in the Sherlock
district eight miles west of Alliance, is
elated ns well ho may be over the re
sults of the contest at Hcmiugford last
Saturday. Pupils from his school re
ceived n total of seven prizes, a part of
which were on school work and a part
on farm products. This was, we be
lieve, the largest number going to the
students of any one teacher.
W. S. Acheson left yesterday for
Omaha to attend the Nebraska Retail
Hardware association which is in ses
sion this week. Ho, intended to stop
on the way down at Lincoln for n short
visit with his daughter Alice who is at
tending Wesloyan University, at Uni
versity Place. After the convention at
Omaha he will go to Allcrton, la., for
a few days' visit with relatives belorc
returning homo.
An item ot news is contained in the
ad. of the Western Office Supply com
pany this week that ought to interest
every person who wishes to see Alliance
and her enterprises get to the front.
Tho closing of the deal by Mr. Pierson
with the county officials of Buffalo
county, selling two of the L. C. Smith
typewriters in competition with other
leading makes, was not merely a victory
I for that machine, but was also n signal
1 victory for an enterprising western firm
of an enterprising western city.
Last week The Herald published an
obituary notice of Mis. Alex Hill who
died at her home, 705 Toluca avenue,
Wednesday evening, Feb. 10, '09.
Since then we have been furnished
some additional facts which wo are
I ,-ilnnonfl Ir, ,,tll,1tall- Qlln nnrl llnr line.
band came to Box Butte county in 18S6,
since which time they resided on their
ranch seven miles west of Alliance un
til two years ago when they moved into
town, She was born in Ireland in the
year 1843, aud came to this country
when two years old. Her maiden name
was Margaret Brennan. Slie was mar
ried to Alex Hill at Mineral Point,
Wis., where they resided for nine
years after their marriage, moving from
there to Dixon county, Nebr., and from
there to this county twenty years ago.
Program W. C. T. U. Silver
Following is tho program of tho W.
C. T. U. Silver Medal contest to be held
nt the Haptibt church, Wednesday ev
ening, Februnry 31, 1009:
Voluntary Violin Solo Cuuillo Nolio
Invocation .ltov. Huston
Conlct Welcotno Sonic CliiSHOf Girls
1. Itoudlati In tlio Ken Alice Grnhum
2. My Son Xulllo Wrlpht
SOUS ' OIKS', ofllojs
3. KeadliiB-WhoHtriicktlieHlow
Doris llnj'os
4. Picture from Life JM1111 llowmuu
Quartette--Mlss McCnrklo, Nulln AuheHon,
I'rof. Hctrnuml, Cainllo Nolle
5. Heading How a little Kmptled tlio .Tnjr
.... ... . Carolyn GrluK
0. TIip Qld Man's Story Jiinut Ornsiinin
Iluptlst Quartette Male Voices
Gpncral admlsfdou, 10c
Alliance Public Library
Any resident of Alliance or vicinity who
signs the required application card and
agreement may draw books. A book may
be kept for tvso week; and may then be
renewed for two weeks more.
A fine of two cents a day will be charged
for overdue books and the borrower will
be held responsible for all lost books and
for injuries beyond reasonable wear.
Parents signatures are required for
children under the age of twelve.
If borrower's card is lost a fee of 5 cents
will be charged.
Public Library open from three until
five o'clock week days, except Saturdays
from two until five.
The library has now 500 books and the
ladies have ordered new books. We ac
cept books. They can either be taken to
the Librarian or to any member of the
Woman's Club.
Mrs, L, C
Another Power
Plow Outfit
Petor Kicken, six miles northwest of
Alliance, has added another power plow
outfit to the number already in use in
Box Butte' county. His engine is one
of the new kerosene kind, in which the
power is produced by gas generated
from kerosene, either crude or refined,
He has both moldboard and disc plow
Mr. Kicken informs us that he will
turn over about fioo or 700 acres of soj
011 his own land, tho coming spring,
besides doing some breaking for others
Victims of the Blizzard
Rov. D. B. McLaughlin, writing from
Bridgeport last Monday, informs The
Herald of the death of two persons, fattier
and son, who were lost in tho storm last
Saturday and froren to death. The fath
er's name wns Frank Eiclitoler. He and
his family had come to Nebraska but a
few months since from St. Louis.
They had boon to Bridgeport and were
on their way home, near Dugout creek,
and had evidently become lost. They
had left their wagon and were trying to
find a place of shelter when they suc
cumbed to the cold.
Alliance Post Office Directory
Lobby- Open from fi to
General Delivery Open from 9 a.m.
to 7 p.m.; until 8 p.m. Saturdays nnd
pay days.
Money Order and Registry Open
from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Lobby Open all day.
General Delivery Open from 3 to 4
Carriers' Windows Open from 3 to
4 p.m.
For Alliance and Guernsey train at
7 n.m.
For train No. 43, west, nt 2 p.m.
For train No. 44, east, nt 3 p.m.
For all other trains, 8 p.m.; or. 6
p.m. Sundays and holidays.
Notice for Bids for Burial of Ptuptrs
Notice is hereby given 'that by order
of the Board of County Commissioners
of Box Butte county sealed bids will
be leceive'd at this office until Februaiy
3. 1909, for digging graves and proper
burial of any count' paupers, said con
tract to continue in force for term of
one year, beginning March ist, 1909
and ending March ist. 1910. The
board reserves the light to reject any
ami all bids for good and sufficient
W. C. Mounts, County Clerk.
Leading Figure In a Divorce Scandal
In High Life In England.
The Stirling divorce suit, which Is
absorbing the Interest of nrlstocrntk'
circles In nnglund, Iiiih 1111 American
end to It, for Mrs. Cliiru Elisabeth
Stirling, the defendant In the suit. wn
.formerly Miss Taylor of Washington
Her husband, John Alexander Stirling,
in suing for divorce iiiuihw ns core
spondent Viscount Northland, heir to
the Karl of Itnnfutiy, and in her reply
Mrs. Stirling mimes the fnsclnntlng
nnd brilliant but rather too much talk
ed about Mrs. Mabel Louise Athcrton.
Mns. CI.A11A ULIZAIIbTll tmitfilXd.
Tho testimony has btought out many
revelations of Intrigues in connection
with military an olllclnl life In South
'While lie was on the stund Stirling
testiiicd to pranks Mrs. Atherton's son
played on him. Tho boy put all of
Stirling's boots in his bed one night
nnd 011 another occasion annoyed the
man whoso attentions to his mother
hnd caused comment by filling his bed
with snud.
Your Printing
It should be & fit representative of your
business, which means tho high grade, ar
tistic kind, That.s the kind we do.
These represent our facilities for doing
the kind of printing that will please you.
The prices are right, and prompt delivery
the invariable rule at this office.
SHeadqiiarters for
Found Gold spring bracelet. Own
er can secure same by calling at the
Herald office.
Household goods stored in basement
of Yonkin's restaurant. Terms reason
able. Enquire of S. W. Holt at Yon
kin's restaurant for further particulars
Dr. AllcnjlentistOpera house blk
For sale; Two well-bred colts. One
broke to drive single, the other halter
broke. Full brother nnd sister. In
quire of Ira Reed. 5-tf
Dr, Allen, dentist. Opera house blk.
Christian Science services held every
Sunday at n o'clock, in Odd Fellows'
hall. All ato cordially invited to
attend, 50-tf.
Dr. Allen, "dentist. Opera house blk.
Wanted A good, reliable man to
sell tea and coffee at once. Grand
Union Tea Co., Omnha, Nebr.
Few choice Leghorn cockerels for sale
Eggs, $1 per setting. Call or write B. H.
I'erry,g24 Box Butte Ave., Alliance. 4-17
Person's who have odd jobs of work
that they wish done promply, call on
S, Glidden, phone 58, and they will be
served satisfactorily. tf
Having moved my- office from the
First National bank building to tho
Fletcher block, water consumers are
requested to call at the latter place to
pay'their accounts. C. W. Bhennan,
Water Commissioner
The Alliance and Box Butto county
Anti-Saloon Leagues will pay S 100.00
for the arrest and conviction of any
person found illegally selling intoxi
cating liquors in Box Butto county,
Nebraska. 5i-tf
Wanted Position ns cooks by man
mm who, nt same or mirerent places.
Best of references. Applv to Ueo. Al
bright, lUi W. Wyoming St.
House and two lots with barn 28x32,
and new windmill, to trnde for horses
or cattle. Inquire of E. Becker, at
Alliance Bowling Alley. 5-tf.
Notice is heieby given that Box Butte
county "warrants register No, 1 to 89
can be paid and interest stops, Fred
MOL.1.KI.NG, ireasurei.
For Sale
A nice quarter section of land 2K
miles east of 'Alliance. Address owner,
A. D. Kouilliard, 711 Walnut St.,
Denison, Iowa. 8-3
We always have money to loan on real
estate security. F. E. Reddish. 8-tf
George W. Miller, graduate piano
tuner, will tune and repair pianos on
short notice. All work guaranteed
Telephone G05. 93W
For sale Cold storage building, ad
joining International Harvester build
ing on east side. For sale cheap- In
quire of E. B. Soder- g2w
Room for rent- A fine, furnished,,
furnace heated room, to one or two
young men- Lloyd C- Thomas, g-tf-
Wanted Work in families by day by
experienced housekeeper. Applv to
IUH West Wyoming Street.
For sale 2 h. p. engine, grinder,
pumping jack, nil good us new. Can bo
bought for nearly half price if taken
at once. C. E. Mauck, i'A miles south
of town. io-l
Bids for County Poor Farm and Care of County Poor
Notice is hereby given that by order
of the Board of County Commissioners
of Box Butte county sealed bids will
be received at this office until February
231 1009, such to specify rent that will
be paid for county poor farm, price per
week charged for board of county
poor, same to include lodging, washing
and care of county paupers For the
term of one year, beginning March r,
1909. The board reserves the right to
reject any and all bids for good and
sufficient reasons.
"kW. C. Mounts, County Clerk.