Slitlo Historical Socloty The Alliance Herald. Official Publication Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. of t;he City and County. VOLUME XVI, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1U09 NUMBER 10 ( Lt h ttt ItEl'OUT OF THE CONDITION OF The First National Bank, OIlAKTEIt NO. 4220, At Alliance, In the State of Nouriultn, at the close of business. February 5, lPOft nraouncnes. Loans ami discounts.... S30t,lW(l 7, Ovenlraft-ssecured and nnnccureil.. 008 M U. S. IkmhIi to wcuro circulation.... 50,000 00 U. B. Ilonds to secure U. 8. Deposits 40,000 00 Hanking house, furnlturo and noc tures , 10,000 00 Due from National llankn (not reserve agents) 5,031 1"J Hue from State and Pri vate Hanks and Banker, Trust Companies and Sav ings Hanks 071 III Hue from approved re- serro agents (11,550 M) Cheeks and other cash Items i,or9 10 Notes of other National llaukg 2300 rrnctlonal paper currency, nickels and cents ..... .'102 32 Lawful money reserve In ' bank, vlr Hpecle..... j3,Xtt Tfi Lejtul tender notes 2.025 W 15,337 73 ItcuVmptlon fund Willi U. S. Treas urer (5 per cent of cliculntlon).... 2.300.00 Due from U. S. treamiier othorthftn i per cent redemption fund 2.60 -IK .1 flW Total S5S3.S6 7I MA11IMT1KS. Capital stock paid ll ...$50,000 00 Surplus fund 50.000 00 Undivided proflla, less expenses and ., taxcspalcl., .-i(V) tS National bank uotcsouhttundlutt,... 50,ouo 00 Due to Statu and l'rlvate Uauks und Hankers .... 53 10 Individual deposits subject to check 220,003 37 Demand certificates of de posit,., . .. 8.100 SO Time rcrtlnciitcsof depo-dt 122,020 27 United .States Deposits... J0.000 00 300,f09 0 Total ?&33,33T 71 State of Nebraska, County of Hox Ittitte, s. I, S. K. Warrick, cashier of tlio nbovo named bank, do solemnly swear that the abovo statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief S. K. W'AitMCK, Cashier. SuUserlbed unit sworn to Imforo mo this 10th day of February, A. I). 1000. Kl'tsnNR JWHTON. (.seal Notary l'liuHc My comm.sslon expires .Inly 7th, li'12. Coiiiieot Attest: . M. Hamito.n, I A. 8. Kef.ii, V Directors. Chas. K. 1'imli, i On the Strength of this statement of our condition we solicit your business. Supervised by the United States Govern ment. Managed by an alert Board of Directors. Officered by exper ienced bankers. Wide awake and pro gressive. Always courteous, al ways accommodating-. The First National Bank of Alliance Mat Brennan Dead in California A telegram was received by (he Brennan amity yesterday from Los Gatos, Calif., announcing the death of their brother, Mat, that morning at 9:30. While the information came as a shock, the fact that Mr, Brennan's serious illness with tuber culosis was well known, prepared them for the news. In company with C. A. Newberry, de ceased left here shortly after Christmas for California in hopes of regaining strength in the balmy atmosphere of the Pacific slope, where the warm sunshine brings forth the buds and tlowers even in winter months, but this anticipation was not realized, The frail nature of this esti mable young man could not fly from the shadow of death and he soon passed away at the home of his aunt, Mrs. M. Fitzger ald. Mat Brennan was well known in Box Butte county, where with his mother, brother andvsisters he came in the early days. He was a man among men, so to speak, and possessed a disposition that to know was to admire. Although suffering and fighting a constantly losing battle with the affliction that was gradually drawing him toward the goal, he was always cheer ful and patient. In fact, his patient dis position was the admiration of all. In tellectually, Mr. Brennan was profound and broad He had read much and was conversant on many subjects. When ask ed why he persisted in the long and losing struggle for life, he replied that it was a duty lie owed nature and the struggle must be pursued even to the end. Mr, Brennan was one of five brothers, and'lcavcs a sister, MrsvC. A, Newberry, with whom he resided while in the city. He was thirty-four years old. Chas. Brennan left this morning for Los Gatos to attend the funeral, the date of which Is not known as yet. Deceased was a member of Alliance Council 975 Knights of Columbus, and the members thereof will join with the rela tives tn mourning the demise of this noble young man, who was nn honor among them fill. May his soul rest in peace. Mf ft, Walters of Onslow, In., father of Mrs. S. O. Curr of Alliance, died last Mondhy nt his home, being- 88 years of iifjeips detith being caused by heart fuUurt: superinduced by old njre. The fiinerftl was conducted yesterday at tho oul home church, five mlleN south of OriMow, by the pastor of tho Presby terian church. GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested nnd Glasses fitted. That Cough Must Stop This is a Lad time of the year to neglect either a cold or cough. A cough easily leads into other and ofton more ser ious diseases. You can easily cure any cough with CHERRIPIN'E Xntuie's great cure for cough, bionchial hoarseness or cold on llitr lungs. ' HALF-PRICE Ladies9 and Misses9 Coats, Suits, Skirts Cravenettes NORTON'S A Safe, Sound, Strong and Conservative Institution UiH'OUT OV Til (CONDITION OP The Alliance National Bank OIlAItTr.ll NO. 6(tt7, At Alliance, In the Hlato of Nelirakn, at timeline of ImihIiiokm, Krb. u, Won. MdOUHCKMi Loans mill illncounti $2iW,(78.1l Overdrafts, sccurrd und unsecured lilS.Oj IkmuN lOHCciireclrciilatlon.... 12,500,00 Nanking houio, furnlturo null II. - i,lim? ;. ., .' 30.000.00 Due from national ltanUs (not re- ervo awnts) t tflt.ia Duo from Stale Hanks und Hankers 70030 Duo from approved rcMirvo iiRonU.. ft-MOTiM Oliecks unci otlioreasli It cum rcJAI Notcc of otliur national . hoiks . .. 20500 1 motional pnptir currency, nlokels and cunts .... 21P.I0 Ltwrui, McixitT Itmmm: in Hahk, Vlfcl Hpefllo IIJ.CuMU) .ngnl.timiiurnoto-f. t.vmoo i!!,ll?, 7lW-J Jiwlumptlon fund with U.S. trentun irf5puro,ciit,of circulation). ...... (lis 00 Total $33.35 MAlitUTIfcH: Capital sUksk tialil la J.V),00()00 ?,WV" fuml.w... 3S.O0O.OO Undivided iirolltM, lsuApcnu3itml taxed P'ilil .... .............. 4.081.70 National twink nottsH nuiotniiiuiiK. . . l.Bu) 00 puu toStnto Hanks anil Hanker 2.1C&91 Individ mil ilaposltH duV Jijot to chock. .... l(il,7Pl.M Domain! curtlllmttiw Of ilc- ..POiIt 173a,"..7rt Tlnioi-erllllwUuwottlciMwIt 7t,t8r.0j dMal.05 Total ,...v. jMoiS STATU OI NKItltAHKA,u, ('oi'nt up Ilox Harm. J 1, V. V Harris, ciiHliIcr of tins nuovi namuu hank, do holoiiuily nwuur tliut tho nllntll sintouiont Is true to the hunt of my kilOVyltMlRo ami belief. jfo R "W. Haihiik, Cnsliler. fjrfnnKCT -Attest: 1'. M. Kkiout i V. K. Homtkx 5-Dlrcctors. It. V. llKTTnt.iii:m 1 Ktiliserllietl and sworn to heforc mu this 0th day of Knhrunry, 1W8. IHKAI. II. F. ClIUMAN. Notary I'ulilie. My cbintnWiton expires December -7, 101 1. We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least W. C. Hibbs, Mgr. bit t------------ KREAMER& KENNEDY uni 11010, ? Office in 'Alliance National Dank Blk.; T - Over Postoffice. w Ti . ..!.:. . " : T rnouo 301. j, v DR. T. ALLEN, DENTIST Pillule Kxtractlou Latest Methods Safe. 8urt ALL.HNOE NKHKA8KA EXCURSION RATES ON ALL LINES OF Boys Winter Suits and Overcoats preat Slashing of Clothing Values osoo9oeeeeaeeoeeoooec9oooeoaeeosQe0aeeooeee0 I Big Lot of Men's Suits that (P'T' Q C sold up to $15.00, now $ OD o O9oaoaoaaoe8eeeoooooeooeesai(9eeeoeaaoes0oo ooeaooacco 0000 os&9oooaeo9CO99Oco9eeee90 ace 1 Big Lot of Hen's Suits that S sold up to $12.50, now eosst9eaoaoeoeooeoceoo9eeiceoeeea909ecoei)i9 $6.85 90909oeooooocoooeaooo9909e9seoaoaGaoe9ec9 e S 1 Big Lot of Hen's Suits that g sold up to $ 1 0, go now at eoooeaeooooeooooooooeooocae9oaweeoeQ9eeoeo90 $5.00 You can save now from $5.00 to $10.00 on a Winter Overcoat We must clean them out before the arrival of our Spring Purchases OUR LOSS WILL BE YOUR GAIN-WE ARE DETERMINED TO SELL THEfl SdZuHljILj "XT-A-IEBES POE ZLvdCZEUST &. ZLST TD BOTS -A. O? BCCJBSIOIT lEB -A. O? E3 S Wright's Health 2 Pairs, Men's 2oo Pairs Men's sol- EXTRA SPECIAL Boys' Sweaters, Boys' 65c 5 Pairs Canvas Underwear, 1.25 Wool Sox for id leather $3 Shoes Boys' $2 Shoes, for 75c kind, now Knee Pants, Gloves for k,nd 89? 25c I at $225 1 $1.39 39c 39c 25c 1.25 Blue Flannel loo pairs Men's $4, QHc Hen's high cut A good Any Boys' Cap Boys' 65c Shirts. 4.5o and $5 Pants, J7 O Shoes, 3.50 quality, . Work Shirt for in the house, Hittens, now 89c $3.50 ,i"gn'S.. $2.50 39c 25t 39c These prices win hold Tne Famous One-Price Clothing House good for 10 Days only s Douglas Shoes Stetson Hats Manhattan SMrU it c J a i J 1 Hart, Shaffner A flarx Clothes wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ? nrt.