The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 31, 1908, Image 6

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HE affert to reform humanity should not always begin at
the bottom. Sometime It la wise to begin at the top,
mnti omatlmea In the middle and always where the
soil Ic worth the seed.
In speaking of thfs matter recently a man of wide busN
nets experience said:
"There lsa big field waiting for reformers. It Is not
amting the so-called lower classes, where so much reform
effort Is spent, and where a good deal of tt Is no doubt
wasted. It Is among the people who are represented by the
'average employe' In our great mercantile and Industrial In
stitutions. It is a sad fact that enly a very small percentage
of thess people sre really In earnest that Is, are really try
ing to do their best."
"What per cent would you say?" t asked.
Net ever five per cent," he replied. "I really think that
would be a high estimate."
"Oh, you can't mean thatl" I exclaimed.
"Yes I do," he asserted. "It may vary a little In differ
ent establishments, and In different kinds of work, but in
general that Is Just about where the matter stands. My ob
servations are wide, and cover a period of twenty years.
Something should be done to turn back the tide of Indiffer
ence and shlftlessness which spreads through this class of
employes In nearly every business establishment."
CepjrlBfct,l07,by Jottph B. Bon))
HB t
Postmaster W. F. Walker, Editor.
VaifnTWVliirfWfl !!
Capital and Surplus, $15,000.00
Keith L. Pierce, Cashier
Notary Public in Bank & Insurance Written
Highest Interest Paid on Time Deposits &
Real Estate Loans, any size, made or negotiated
Imported and Home-Bred
We Have Two-year-old Colts Weighing Over 1800 Pounds
Call and Inspect Them
(Too late for last week.)
B. E. Johnson returned from Omaha
Little Kathryn Carey has been quite
sick this week.
A. M. Miller went to Crawford Monday,
returning Tuesday.
Miss Emma Ann en spent Saturday night
with Myrtle Roland.
Miss Dill is assisting in Norton's store
here during the big sals.
Miss Clara Burn closed her school Fri
day for a two weeks' vacation.
Harry ShelqUest departed Wednesday
for his home at Melrose, Iowa.
Mrs. J. T. Carey was shopping In Al'
liance the latter part of the week,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Hedgecock were in
from Sioux county the first of the week,
Miss Warren came in from Agate Tues-
? day for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. T.
Rev. Kuhler's little son and Gerty Olds
each suffered an attack of pneumonia the
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. A Bass and Edith Bro
shar were Canlonites shopping in tdwn the
first of the week.
Grandma Kendall, who has been visit
ing at the Burleigh home, returned to
Lakeside Saturday.
Quite a number of Carrie Bushnell's
friends met at her home Saturday night
for a farewell surprise
W. D. Mclntyre's family arrived tho
last of the week. They expect to make
this their home in the future.
John Wiltsey, who has been attending
school at Lincoln, returned Wednesday to
spend his holiday vacation at home.
W. A. Clark went back to his old home
in Iowa for a visit with his parents. Mr.
Clark has not been home for two years.
Ralph Hopkins arrived the latter part of
the week from Dixon, Nebraska, to assist
in caring for his brother Bert.
Mrs. Hindman of Sioux county had the
misfortune to have her eye put out Tues
day. We did not get particulars.
C. W. Brown and Carrie Bushnell left
Sunday for San Diego, Cali., where they
will join the rest of the family for the
Mr. McKinney is stationed at the depot
in the place of Mr. McCarthy who went
to Lead, S. D., last week after his house
hold goods.
Mrs. E. E. Ford left for Omaha Tues
day. She will be joined there by Gene
vieve in a visit to Lawrence who is attend
ing school there.
Misses Conkliq, Killeen and Schultabler
came home Saturday to spend Xmas vaca
tion. They had been attending the sisters'
school at Alliance.
While driving to town with his family
last Saturday the buggy of Mr. Shoemaker
upset, spilling them all out, but fortunately
no one was hurt.
Miss Eva Blanchard came in from Dun-
lap Saturday and took the afternoon train
for Chadron where she will spend her
Xmas vacation with home folks.
Mrs. John Carey, who has been visiting
her daughters and son for the past three
months, left for her home in Canada Sat
urday. She was accompanied as far as
Alliance by Jack and Miss Lettie where
they visited until Sunday with their sister.
4 !
to spend Xmas with homo folks and friends.
He was accompanied by hit friend, Mr.
McNeal. The boys returned to Crawford
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Rnstin came up from Lincoln to
spend the holiday vacation with'her many
friends and relatives here. We are a little
late but wero not aware of her arrival here
until too late for last week's items.
The I. O. O. F. lodge members .are
making quite extensive preparations for
the installation and banquet to take place
January 4, Installation paivate, banquet
for the members and their families.
Old Santa was a pretty busy body in
out town Christmas eve with a chimney
and tree at the M. E. church and a cave
at the Congregational. Each and every
child in and around town was well re
membered. Mr. and Mrs. Fronhapfel and family
had a very narrow escape from what might
have been a serious accident. While driv
ing out to Leo lrohnapfel's place Christ
mas morning the buggy upset, spilling
them all out. With the exception of a
good shaking up no damrge was done.
The orchestra dance Xmas night was
well attended and a neat little sum real
ized therefrom. The orchestra boys de
sire to thank the public for their liberal
patronage. Our little town has just cause
to feel proud of its orchestra as each and
every member is an artist. We hear only
words of praise for them.
Word reached reached here Christmas
day that A, Q. Staggs, well known here,
had died the day before at Fremont, Neb.
We do not know the direct cause of his
death but it is supposed that it wai due to
rheumatism. Mr. Staggs had been suffer
ing with reeumatism for several months
and some time ago he was taken to Omaha
for treatment with above result. It has
been understood for some time that the
end was near, however, the news came as
a shock to this community. The funeral
was held at Marsland Saturday. Mr.
Stnggf waf an honest, upright man whom
everybody respected. He leaves a wife
and large family of small children to mourn
the loss of a kind and loving husband and
father. The entire community extends
sympathy to the bereaved family.
While Out for Stroll Poorly Clad In
dividual Seizes FalHeres.
While President Falllores of France,
nccompnnied by M. Itamondou, his sec
retary, and Colonel Lasson, was tnl'.ng
a morning stroll in Paris, a poorly
clad Individual, who evidently had
been lying In wait, suddenly jumped
on the president from behind and
throw his arms about M. FalHeres'
neck In an effort to seize bis beard.
Colonel Lnsp.on and Secretary Ro
mondou sprang to the assistance of
the president, dragged off his assail
ant and turned him over to two de
tectives. President FalHeres' cane was
broken In the struggle, but beyond a
scratch on the ear he was not injured.
Tho prisoner, who gave bis name as
Jean Mathls, has been formally charged
with ussaultlng a magistrate in the
exercise of his functions. 'This crime
is punishable by from two to five
years' imprisonment.
The leaders Of the reactionary op
position to the government and the
newspapers championing their" cause
disavow the assault and claim that It
is instigated by the police to throw
discredit upon their cause and dlstrac"
public attention from graver questions.
New Year Presents I
Hand - Painted
and other importations in
pleasing artistic designs.
Other ?nd
Suitors Slash Each
The regular price is $4 and
cut-price is good only during
Winter Tourist Rates: Daily reduced rate excursions
to California, Old Mexico, Southern and Cuban Resorts.
Landseekers Excursions: -Advise' your friends back
east of the cheap Landseekers Excursions on the first and
third Tuesdays of each month, and help settle up your coun
try. We run personally conducted excursions on the first
and third Tuesdays also to the Big Horn Basin and Yellow
stone Valley and help buyers locate on the new Government
Irrigated Lands. Excursions in charge of D. Clem Deaver,
General Agent, Landseekers Information Bureau, Omaha.
Tell your old home friends about this good chance to own an
irrigated larm watered by Uncle bam, the greatest irrigator
the world has ever known.
F. D. CAMPELL, Agt,,.
Alliance, Neb.
L. W. WALELY, Q. P. A., Omaha
Rnch te Lease.
To lease, for from one to three yeats,
the Hughes ranch, one mile southwest
of Marsland. This ranch consists of
eleven jjuarter sections, one half under
irrigation. Good buildings, corrals,
etc. For particulars, address Mrs
Mary Hughes, Marsland, Neb. 2-4t
Frank Potmesil returned Tuesday from
the trip east.
Mr. Blythe departed for the east Mon
day for a visit at the old home.
Mrs. I'otmesil and daughter Alice are
both dangerously ill at ttieir home near
Ira Scribner was a Hay Springs visitor
over Christmas, returning to these parts
Born, De;. 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Roliand, a daughter. Mother and babe
doing fine.
Dr. and Mrs. Little were Christmas vis
itors at the Bresee home at Rushville, re
turning Saturday.
John Warren came in from Sioux county
Tuesday to do some trading and to get ac
quainted with the new nephew.
Miss Esther Neeland spent a few clays
in town last week and went on up the road
Saturday for a visit with friends.
Miss Madaline Carey spent Thursday
and Friday of last week with her sister
and brother here.
Born, on Saturday morning, Dec 26, to
Mr, and Mrs. C. T, Warren, a son. All
concerned doing nicely.
Miss Dollie Pierce came up from Al
liance last week Thursday, returning to
her work at the Norton 'store Sunday
The many friends of Miss Gertrude Olds
will be pleased to know that she is able to
be around again ifter her siege of throat
and lung trouble.
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Donovan and little
son spent Christmas with Mrs. D's mother
and family, 7 hey went on down the road
for a few days' stay.
The Misses Foster arrived Tuesday and
in company with Mr. and Mrs. II. U.
Shepherd drove out to Sioux county Wed
nesday where their father has a claim.
F. . Olds came down from Chadron
last week and ate Christmas dinner under
the parental roof. Mrs. Olds is in Omaha
at present, a guest at her sister's home.
W. B. Millett came down from Crawford
Nebraska During 1909
During the week of December 21 to 28
inclusive. The Lincoln State Journal will
accept $3 from mail subscribers for the
whole year of 1909. without Sunday, or $4
with Sunday.
$5 This
this Bargain Week, and all you have to do
is to mail your remittance to the State
Journal, Lincoln, Nebr., and the paper
will be mailed to your address commenc
ing January 1. 1909, and continue until
January 1, 1910, when it will be stopped
unless you pay for it another year. All
subscriptions are payable in advance, con
sequently no unpaid bills, and this saving
together with cutting out solicitors' salar
ies, hotel bills and railroad expenses make
it possible to give you this cut-price. The
Journal is the paper you will want to read
during the legislature because its right
here in Lincoln and with its great corps of
trained newspaper men will be able to
give yqu the most thorough and reliable
legislative news. It is uncontrolled by
party bosses or selfish ambition to lipid or
get a job for its proprietor. It is not
afraid to print all the news all the time
about all things. Is is a clean home
paper, no liquor or unclean medical ads.
appear in its columns. Its business is
profitable enough to give its owners legiti
mate returns without making alliances
with any interests opposed to the public
welfare. Every public matter is treated
impartially, unselfishly and entirely from
the standpoint of the people's interest.
One years' reading will convince you that
the State Journal is truly Nebraska's
greatest newspaper. Remember, this spe,
cial rate is only made during this one
week of December 21 to 28 to get new
subscribers and regular price of $4 and $5
will be charged thereafter. Why not test
the Journal this one year and see if its
publishers are really conducting their
newspaper upon such high standards'
A duel to the death with knives in
a dark room at Cleveland, Friday, be
tween two suitors for the hand of fourteen-year-old
Julia Pice, resulted In
the death of Powell Fromich and the
serious Injury of Michael Milanovitch,
who. Is tinder arrest on the charge of
murder. Fromlch's brother was prob
ably fatally stubbed when ho attempt
ed to separate the fighting men. The
girl was struck by Milanovitch and
badly hurt. Both Fromich and Milano
vitch had pressed their suit and pro
posed marriage to the girl. She re
fused each In Ills turn. Each thought
the other the cause of his rejection,
both men boarded at the Pice home.
Milanovitch Is said to have gone to
Fromlch's room and accused the latter
Of stealing his sweetheart.
"I am going to kill you for it," the
jiollce say he threatened. Then en
sued the fatal fight. The men slashed
at each other and also at Fromlch's
brother when he tried to act as a
Also a fine line of
Cut Glass Ware
Call and see the new stock
wm. James,
Dealer in
... WOOD
No. S.
When you plan your home
remember the importance of
Good Plumbing
Three Others Severely Injured When
Car Strikes Curb and Overturns.
As a result of a wild' automobile race
one man was instantly killed and
another man and two young women
were severely Injured. The accident
occurred near San Leandro, Cal.
The dead: W. L. Mowery, chauffeur.
The Injured: A. .lorgensen, Marie
Jorgeiison, his sister; Mary Jansen.
Mowery, with his party, was racing
with another machine driven by John
Morgan. The foimer machine came to
grief on a sharp and dangerous double
turn, which Mowery attempted to
make while going at terrific speed.
The automobile broke away .from the
control" of Its driver, skidded to one
side', struck the curb and turned com
pletely over. Mowery was caught and
pinioned under his machine. Tho
steering wheel rested on his neck nud
the back of the front seat had crushed
his chest. Death was almost instanta
neous. The others were thrown clear
of the wreck, and to this foil they owe
their lives.
I do sanitary work and guar
antee it.
I install Standard bath room
Steam and Hot Water Heat
ing with modern, up-to-date
l8eal Boilers and American
Radiators right in my line.
Alliance, Nebraska, October, 23, 1908
A Mittlelent contest atlldavtt InivlnK been
filed In this olHco by Fred J. lUrnes. contest
ant, against homestead entry No. 0025 and ser
ial No. 010CK, made April SI. 1902. for nwK
upctlon 'JO. township 23, range 52. by Jamee K"
Coleman. Contcstee, In which it Is alleged Unit
e:ild James K. Oolemau has fulled to reside up
on and imnrovo mild truct as rcmilmri liv law.
mid hits wholly abandoned tlin sumo for in urn
than ix months lost past, mild parties are
hereby notified to appear, respond and olfcr
evidence touching suld allegations at 10
o'clock a. tn. on January 12, IftiO, before the
Kenl liter mid Receiver at tho United Htatcs
Lund Otlleoin Alliance, Nebraska.
The wild contestant having. In. a proper
ullldavlt, Hied Oetolwr , lsxw, sot forth facta
which show that ;ifter due diligence personal
service of this nollcu cannot Imj made. It Ih
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
be given by duo and proper publication
fp Novv-.ij-iw W. W. V0011, Itccelvor.
It Draws Ten
Per Cent
Taxes, are due JJov. 1. Personal
taxes delinquent Dec. 1. Land tax
delinquent May 1. Interest to per
cent from date of delinquency. Real
estate advertised for sale the first week
in October and sold for taxes the first
Monday in November. In all com
munications relative to taxes, please
give description of property.
Fred Moi.lring, Co. Treasure.
Notice is hereby given that Box Butte
county warrants register No. 1 to 8g
can be paid and interest stops. Fkkd
MollrinGi treasurer.
The Alliance and Box Butte county
Auti-Saloon Leagues will pay J 100. 00
for the arrest and conviction of any
person found illegally selling intoxi
cating liquors in Box Butte county,
Nebraska. 51-tf
Wanted to buy small house in north
or west part of Alliance. Inquire at
The Heiald office.
Parents Fight; Babe Is Killed.
Alhprt Turner, aged fifteen weeks,
was killed in a peculiar manner during
a fight between his parents at Phila
delphia. William Turner, the father,
according to the report made to the
police, attacked his wife because she
did not have breakfast ready when he
came down stuirs. Mrs. Turner had
the child In her arms and In the fight
she diopped It to the floor. She was
subsequently knocked down ami fell
upon the Infant, crushing it to death.
Both parents were arrested.
Ethel Roosevelt Makes Debut.
Washington, Dec. '20. President
Roosevelt's youngest daughter, Ethel,
last night made her formal bow to so
ciety. Preceding the dancing In the
east room of the' White House, which'
began at 10 o'clock, Mrs. Roosevelt
and Miss Roosevelt received the
guests in the blue room. Miss Roose
velt's gown was of soft white satin,
trimmed with crystals. The guests
numbered about. 400, only unmarried
members of the younger set participat
ing in the dancing.
Recommends Industrial Schools.
A report of the committee appointed
by the National Society for the Promo
tion of Industrial Education to con
sider the relation of industrial educa
tion to the general system of education
to the country has been made public
It recommends the establish of Indus
trial schools and trade schools and a
national department, with a secretary
of education In the cabinet.
lit the District Court of Hex Iltitte county,
Lucy HiTsh, Plaintiff i
vs. V
Trunk llcrsh. Dcfendcul I
To Krank HerMi, non-resident defendant:
on are hereby nottlled that on tho Htb day of
December, ID0H, Lucy Ilerali filed 11 petition
against you In the district court of Hox mute
county.' Nebraska, the object and prayer of
which are to obtain it divorce from you on tho
ground that )ou have been gujly of extreme
cruelty towards tho plalutitr, without Just
cause or provocation 011 part of the plaintiff
anil nave grossly, wantonly, willfully and
cruelly failed and neglected to support and
provldo suitable maintenance for the plain
tiff, although of tmillclciit ability to do bo.
You are rvitilred to answer said petition on
or liefum Monday, tho lsth of January, iy00.
, i.tirv llr.BSii, Plaintiff.
Hy W. Mitchell, her attorney.
Dated Deeemlier hth, lls.
fp Dec liMw
m:gai. notici:
In the District Court of Hox
Cornelius It. Speak, I'lalnlltT
ltutte county.
Five Negroes Fatally Shot.
Five negroes were fatally wounded
In a general pistol fight at Fidelia, Ky.
Eugene Carrot, Thomas Sanders.
John Garrot and Ike Qanot are the
victims. Charles Sanders attempted
to steal a jug of whisky and was shot
This started a general fight, In which
nearly a hundred shots were fired.
Allien Miller and Ed. Perry
Miller, partners doing busi
ness under tho names and
style of Albert Miller & Co.,
'Albert Miller and Hd. I'erry Miller, partners
doing business under tho name and stylo of
Albert Miller and Company, defendants, will
take notice that on the 8th day of December.
11W8. Cornelius It. Hpeaks, plaintiff herein,
hied Ids petition lu the district court of Box
ltutte county, Nebraska, against said de
fendants, tho object and prayer of which are
to rt-cover Judgment against the defendants
in tho sum of SHH.BO, with Interest thereon
from October 1U. ipos, due plaintiff from defen
dants', for potatoes sold uud delivered defen
dants by plaintiff ut defendant special lu
stunco and reouost. And that an order of at
tachment was Issued in said case and prop
erty of the defendants, towlt: About 1800
bushels ot potatoes in bins 2, 3, 4 und 5. on west
side or the potato cellar, known as tho A. M.
Miller collar lu the town of Uemlngford. Iloi
Hiitte county, Nebraska, were attached under
said order of attachment
Yoa and each of von urn reniietMl in nn-
sweraald petition on or beforo the 1st day of
rehniary, lKm.
.. ... . , ''oniKM08 It. Spnakb. Plaintiff.
Hy Wright & Wright and W. Mitchell, his
attorneys. fp Deceit
Fatal Shooting Affray In Kitchen.
Ruby File was shot and killed and
bis brother, Noah File, was wounded
toy John and George Wllleford In the
kitchen of the File home, near Reno,
111., while attempting to preent the
WillHfortl brothers from Injuring Giin
uei File.
Q The news items of the home com
munity. Q The thincs in which you are most
flThetrirtbs, weddings, deaths of
the people you know.
Q The social affairs of our own and
surrounding towns.
Tbi are th Wind of facts this paptr
ie you in every iuu. They ar
certain!) worth tbe (ubicription price.
- -sVi "W"
r m