r- PREINVENTORY SALE DECEMBER 14 TO 25 WE want to sell $10,000.00 worth of Merchandise in the next ten days, to get our stock in shape to invoice, which we expect to begin right aftr Christmas.' In order to do this amount of selling in so short a time we realize that we must make a sacrifice in price, and with this idea in view we are making you these exceptional reductions on good, dependable merchandise. $2.65 $1.45 Overcoats One lot Men's fancy dress Overcoats in latest styles and patterns, from$ 1 .5o $15 to $17.50 values, priced at J. J& One lot Men's dress Overcoats, up to the minute style and coloring, from $Q.jZO 510 to $12.50 values, priced at Jf One lot Men's dress Overcoats and heavy Ulsters, worth up to $8.50 (1 S nriced at tc One line Men's Pants $3.50 values, priced at One line Men's Pants $2. 50 values, nriced at One line Men's Pants, $1.25 QSZ(t values, priced at Z7Jr Men's heavy lined Duck Pants ZS(f $1.25 values, priced at J T One line Men's Sweaters, all fwf f wool, worth $2 to $5, price at Q SJ,ii Underwear Wright's Health Underwear1 for men, the $1.50 value, priced at Men's heavy fleeced Underwear fZflfj 65c and 75c values, priced af sJ Men's heavy fleeced Underwear QQsy ! Men's Suits 75 Men's high grade Suits, finely tailored, Cheviots, Worsteds and Cassimers in both single and double tf J ZTJ breasted styles priced at! JL jkJJ 65 Men's Suits in plain and fancy d t I worsteds and cassimers priced at tjj JL J 47 Men's Suits in plain and fansy $ 7.5o worsteds and cassimers priced at Watch Free with every boys' knee pants suit sale from now until Christmas. $1 50c values,' priced at 50 Men's good heavy Corduroy tf Ttf Pants priced at jJ JL Boys' Corduroy Pants, excep- Cfhsy tional values priced at tLC' Ladies' Coats Broadcloth Coats in blacks, blues, browns and greens, full satin lined, beautifully trimmed, from $15 to d 1 ",()C $17.50 values priced at Si jt Kersey Coats with fur collars, Meltons with and without collars, from tfj .S6? $ 10 to $ 13. 50 values priced at Hr ' Kersey Coats, heavy cloakiiigs in plain, and fancy colorings $7. 50 to & g? AA $10.00 values priced at kOVf Entire line of Misses' and Child-J jfiff ren's coats at the very low price of O Large line Men's Caps, worth l!Zffi 75c to $1.00, in one lot at t7iw Furs make acceptable Christmas presents We offer your choice at a dls- ZO count of v J&IJO Kimonas and Dressing Sacques in Silks, Crepes and Tennis Flannels " g?0 at a discount of ?0 Ladies' Waists including all of our Silk and Net Waists at a discount of 258 Dress Goods One lot heavy Suitings in Blues, Browns and Greens, $1.25 values priced at 98c 54-inch heavy wool Suitings, eC-r 75c to $1.00 values, priced at Jjf 36-inch to 42-inch wool Suitings in plain and stripe effects, 65c to 75c v Ajfo ues pricee at 'nt Silks and Velvets in colors for Christ mas fancy work, in three special lots at 69c 62V-2C 42Ytc Ladies' Suits One lot Ladies' Suits, fancy stripes in blues, browns and greens; this seasons' newest creations, from tfyf 0"?f $17.50 to $22.00 values v7f jT3-7 One lot Ladies' Suits, satin lined Jackets in blue, brown and green effects $ X85 from $1 2. 50 to $1 7. 50 values at JA Ladies' Silk Suits in blacks, blues and browns, $12.50 to $15 VJd-2jO Q ues priced at kJ3OCJ Entire line of Ladies' Cravenetts and Storm Coats specially priced at $4.85 t Underwear Ladies' union and two-piece suits, the 85c to $1.00 values priced at Ladies' Jersey Ribbed underwear vests, and pants, 60c values at Ladies' Jersey Ribbed underwear vests and pants, 40c values at Children' Underwear, entire line at a discount of Childrens, Gray Union Suits 65c 49c 25c 158 25c Wool Blankets make nice Xmas pres ents. We have a large assortment for your selection. Rugs, Carpets, Linoleums, Mattings, Trunks, Suit Cases, Bags. I NORTON'S NORTON'S CONTRIBUTIONS TO SISTERS1 ACADEMY Wttkly Rtftrt if. FaymMts Ttwari Tin Ei-Ktta tf ttw S(M iBMfcf . Entertained Their Young Schoolmate MW THE FIHANCES STAND TODAY Previously acknowledged , . . . B.F.Gilman Basktas & McCray, V. Mounts....... M. P. Daily J. A. Hunter. ... .......... N. A. Kirk ,.. T. Griffith ,t... Je. King ,..', II. A. Copsey, ...... ...... ,$14,490.00 15.00 35.00 jo. 00 10.00 35.00 10. 00 10.00 25.00 25.00 Total $14,655.00 Get your seats teserved early for Col. Gearhart's lecture next Wednes day evening. W. W. Not ton visited Hemingford yesterday, A delightful time was enjoyed by thu scholars of the academic class of St. Agnes academy last Tuesday after noon. The occasion was in honor of Miss Beatrice Spencer, otie of the students who enjoyed the kindness of her associates at an elaborate evening dinner. About fifteen young misses, whose hearts are as light and warm as the rays of the sun, participated and we doubt if Mis9 Spencer will ever for get the delightful occasion. The as seinbly room was used for the gather ing, and tlie decorations were artistic ally arranged by the sisters. Pale blue and white colors, with carnations artistically used, lent an inviting ap pearance to the interior. Games suit able to young folks and music were enjoyf d by the guests. XfjM? y $? $ J ! RAILWAY NOTES AND PERSONALS '. '. H-HHI-IHt-MIt-IvI- I RAILtt Homesteader Hung Himself in Barn Brakemen R. E. Gram and L. David son have left the service. Engineer F. C. Wood has been trans ferred to Marsland hill. H. P. Short and wife left last Friday for Omaha to make their, future home. Engineer VV. W. Cooke, Fireman S. Davidson and Geo. Rittcr have left the service. Superintendent L, B. Lyman of the Sterling division is in the city this week on business. Mrs. A. P. Got don left a few davs ago few days ago for Denver to spend the holidays with relatives. T. C. Waddell of the shop force will leave in a few days for an extended visit with relatives and friends in Cieston. Eagles Under New Government James Feagins returned from a tiip to Denver. Monday THE VARIETY STORE The IS ew Bargain Store at 405 Box Butte Avenue is the place to buy your Holiday Goods and SAVE MONEY Doll Heads and Dolls from 1 cent up. Fancy Dishes, Cut Glriss and Opal Glassware. Also a complete line of Towels from 1 5 cents to 25 cents a pair. Overalls for ' children from 4 to 14 years, with bibs and brass rivets. Store Open Till 10 O'clock Evenings Until After The Holidays. Alliance arie Fraternal Order of Eagles held an election last Thnrsday evening and the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: W. O. Barnes Worthy President. W. M. Heish Vice President. F. W. Irish Secretary. Sam Nelson Tieasurer. George Snyder, Jr. Chaplain. Carter Calder Inside Guaid. M. O. New Outside Guard. J. K. Buskins Trustee. Sale and Supper The'M. E. Laflies Aid will hold a handkerchief and apron sale and serve supper in connection, in the Charters hotel dining room Fiiday, December 1 8. Everybody invited. Christmas Entertainment Edward Murphy committed suicide last- Thursday morning by hanging himself in the barn on the Ingraham place at Spottedtail' Springs. Murphy was seen by the Kellcy mail carrier coming towards town on foot, and a report is also current that Murphy had been accompanied by a friend, who found onjt that he was in a crazed con dition and that he intended doing him self injury, and being unable to dis suade him, left him and went to Davis' camp not far away to get help. Mur phy was seen to go into the Ingraham barn, and when help from the camp got there he was found hanging and all efforts to return him to consciousness were futile. Murphy had a claim in Spottedtail valley, and has been for some time past working with a gang of men on this branch of the Burlington, and it is said that he was formerly a superintendent of bridge construction on the government canal. His people are presumed to live at Arcadia, Neb.,. according to Mr. Whitman of this place, who wired there informing them of the fatality. The coroner of Sioux county was advised of the affair, but at this writing the inquest has not been held. Gering Courier. The saloonkeepers of Sheridan will probably be forced to pay more money into the municipal treasury for the privilege of doing business. A move is on foot to raise their license from $600, the amount now paid each year, to a figure considerably higher, and the city is expected to settle the ques tion at its next meeting. Some are in favor of making the license $1500 a year, w hile others insist that it should not exceed $1000. It is rumored that certain of the salooumen are behind the move, with a view of crowding out several of the drink shops. Sheridan Post. Joel D. Brown of Canton returned home Wednesday after spending two weeks in Alliance having a fractured arm cared for. He sustained the in jury in a runaway. HAVE YOU PAID YOUR PERSONAL TAX? KentffMtf it Draws Ten Interest PerCtnt Taxes are due Nov. 1. . Personal taxes delinquent Dec. 1. Land tax delinquent May 1. Inteiest 10 per cent from date of delinquency. Real estate advertised for sale the first week in October and sold for taxes the first Monday in November. In all com munications relative to taxes, please give description of property. Fred Mollring, Co. Trea'suier. 'I REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ? REPORTED BY $ A. V UALDKIIK1E, Bonded Abstracter Colbum to Wm. D. Rumer, blk 9, orig. town of Alliance, Joseph P, Its 8 and 9, $7500. t Chenia A. Newberry to Lewis H. High land, It 4, blk 2, first additian to Alliance, 83000. "r- T sW'',w f ?! .. nr . - rnr m w w-s rW-. to buy a new coat and hat Tight Fitting, Semi-Fitting or Loose Coats from $5.00 to S40.00 at .fl y Si You will surely buy your Christmas Gifts much cheaper if you patronize THE VARIETY STORE 405 BOX BUTTE A VENUE. There will be a box social on Thurs day, December 24th, at the school house in Dist. No. 130, eight miles uoitli of Reno, with a piogram in the evening; then distributing of presents, after which will be the selling of the boxes. With each box sold there will be a free ticket given for the dance. Hot coffee will bu seived with the lunch. . Col. Gearhart's lecture Wednesday evening on "Footprints of Hie Con tury" ul be a 1 are literary treat. T)q 25 REDUCTION $25.00 WOOLLEX COATS $18.75 ) All Ladies' Hats at 25 Reduction All Millinery Goods to be Closed Out AT COST V. Thf Hnrfirp Rnoriif tnr v M MKS M M S -4-jW trgsM W in I x .1 Ik K. j J A ;ja ?& ;j- v. .,? 1' u Jrjflt fail to hear it.