The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 05, 1908, Image 6

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    nnjfciynl I'iiiiHifl I'M wji-HiM li I'll Iilni'l
Just Received
Hand Painted
nnd other Importations in most
pleasing artistic designs.
Also a fine line of
Cut Glass Ware
Call and see the new stock
Wm. James,
Dealer in
... WOOD
No. 5.
Ladies, Look at these
Prices on Flat Work
Sheets, 4 cents.
Pjllow cases, 3 cents.
Tea towels, t cent.
Napkins, i cent.
Counter Panes, plain, to cents.
Roller towels, 2 cents.
Bath towels, 2 cents.
Crash towels, 2 cents.
Table cloths, sinnll, 5 cents.
Table cloths, large, id cents.
Give us your work, we'll please you.
Alliance Steam Laundry.
Ted lurton Tells Remarkable
Stacy of Depredation,
Gives Names of Forty Members of the
Band and Makes Damaging Disclos
ures Regarding Killing of Captain
Ted Burton, self confessed night rhP
or, under arrest nt Tlptoiivllle, Tcnn.,
told a remarkable story of night rider
depredations In the vicinity of Koelfoot
Juke, confessing to the part he played
Jn the outrages which reached a culmi
nation In the putting to death of Cap
tain Quentln Rankin, a prominent at
torney of Trenton, Tenn., on the banks
of the lake a week ago, nnd implicat
ing men prominent In that section of
tho state. Of the number, he declared',
who had a part in the killing of Cap
tain Rankin, more than half are now
in custody at Camp Nemo, the military
base near Samburg.
While Burton denies that ho was
present when Captain Rankin wna put
to death, ho admits that It was through
information given by htm that tho
bnnd congregated and secured the at
torney whllo Ira stopped at the hotel
tit Walnut Log. According to Burton's
confession, Tom and Garret Johnson,
tinder arrest, and William Wilson, un
der bond In connection with another
raid, were the leaders of the lake
band. Burton declares that the first
part he played as a member of tho
night riders' band was when he aided
in the burning of a fish dock at Sam
burg and several weeks later was one
of a party which crossed thS county
line from the Reelfoot lake district
into the adjoining county of Lake and
whipped Justice of the Peace Winn,
an aged man.
Coming to tho killing of Captain
Rankin, Burton declared that tho night
before the lynching he went to Walnut
Log and there met James F. Carpen
ter, the attorney of Union City, at
whose solicitation Rankin and Judge
R. Z. Taylor; his associate la the West
Tennessee company, tho owners of the
land upon which the lake is situated,
came to the lake. It was stated that
tho visit of tho two men was to enter
Into a timber, deal with Carpenter.
After this conversation, Burton states
he communicated with the night rider
leaders and told of the intended visit
of the representatives of the land com
pany. On tho following night he saw
the two men ut supper at tho hotel,
but declares he left Walnut Log early
In the night and went out Into the
lake to fish. Ho states that he was
'fishing when he heard tho shots which
ended the life of Captuln Rankin, but
did not return to the shore for some
time. In the course of hla confession,
Burton gave' the names of no less than
forty members c the night riders.
Postmaster W. P. Walker. Editor.
Yonkera People Brave Elements -to
j 1 ' 1 1 1 1
Dail) low excursion rates
after November 20 to South
er n and Cuban resorts.
Daih now in effect to South
ern California. Lower yet,
homeseekers excursion rates
first and third Tuesdays to
the south and southwest.
1 1 1
December 9 to 19. Visit
this interesting exposition
of the best corn products
and their use. Attractive
program with moving pic
tures, electrical illumina
tions, sensational prizes for
the best exhibits. Consult
the agent or local papers.
Send D. Clem Deaver,
General Agent, Land Seek
ers Information Bureau,
Omaha, the names and ad
dresses of your old neigh
bors back east, whom you
think might be induced to
settle in your locality.
W. L. Wakhlky. G P A . Omaha Net
Greet Republican Candidate.
Industries of the towns which line tho
banks of the picturesque Hudson from
Oreater New York to Troy were made
the text for the speeches of William
II. Taft to tho people of these cities
ami towns.
Yonkers smiled on the big form or
the Ohloan through a heavy bhowcr.
He talked nt length to as many ns
could get Into the largest theater, 1
and then addressed thoao who had
Blood and waited in the rain, whoso
number was even greater.
Jlr. Bryan spoke fn Yonkers Mon
day and, saying he understood his dis
tinguished opponent had charged that
the Republican party had done noth
ing for labor, Mr. Taft llrst asserted
that the policies of the Republican
party had been chiefly devoted to tho
Interests of labor and then pointed
out that the protective policy made
possible tho sugar refining industry,
the chief enterprise of the city.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Kinslejr and son of
Sioux county were in town the last of the
Miss Edith Broshar went home Tuesday
to spend her vacation.-
The masquerade ball given Saturday
night was a decided success in every par
ticular. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bartos are the proud
parents of a baDy boy born Friday night,
Oct. 30th. Molher and child doing nicely
as reported by Dr. Little.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bass and Mrs. H.
Safford were in from Canton Tuesday.
Supt. Phillips was up from Alliance the
last of the week,
Jim Evans is nursing a broken arm at
present as the result of a runaway acci
dent. W, S. Sioan enjoyed a visit the later
part of last week with his brother, Roy
Sloan, of St. Louis, Mo.
Jno. Anderson and Chauffeur Sloan
autoed to Alliance Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coe went to Craw
ford Monday.
Mrs. P. Kinsley left Monday for a visit
at the old home in Illinois.
J, T. Butler was a passenger to Alliance
Miss Gladys Burleigh is assisting in the
central office this week.
Miss B. Parkyn went to Alliance Friday
returning Sunday.
Mrs. N. Frohnapfel visited friends in
the country last week.
J. R. Pierce left for Kansas City last
week to look up a location.
Sandy Clark from Belvidere, Neb.,
came Sunday for a visit with old time
Mr. Klemke lost a horse valued at $200
last week.
Mrs, C. Raum visited with her sister,
Mrs,. C. J, Wildy the first of the week.
Miss Esther Neeland came up from Al
liance and spent Sunday at the C. J.
Wildy home.
Frank Potmesil had the misfortune last
week to get his nose badly injured, Ac
cording to the adage, Frank is slightly dis
figured but still in the ring.
Mrs, Lottie Richards came down from
'Ardmore, S. D. the last of the week and
is visiting friends in this locality.
Miss Madeline Carey visited over Sun
day in Hemingford.
Miss Ina Green came up ' from Alliance
the last of the week and is visiting friends
and relatives.
Miss Dollie Pierce went to Alliance
Cat. Vinsel came up from Alliance Sun
day on his motorcycle and returned the
same evening.
School was dismissed Tuesday p.m. at
2 o'clock in order that the teachers might
go to the state convention at Lincoln.
Mulford In Blllbld Prison.
Omaha, Oct. 24. Word has been re
ceived here that Harry B. Mulford, I
who went to the Philippine ns captain
of the Thurston Rifles when the Span-1
ish war broke out, has been sentenced
in Manila to two years and eleven
mouths In Blllbld prison nnd will be
forced to pay a flue of $1,000 into the
insular treasury. He was convicted
some time ago of falsifying entries
and using forged notes as legitimate '
assets of the American Bank of Ma
nila, of which he was cashier and his '
wife vice president. '
Mrs. W. G. Wilson went to Alliance
Tuesday to visit Mrs. Swan.
F. M. Olmsted returned from Portland,
Ore., Wednesday where he has spent
the summer for his health. He will spend
a lew days visiting Here ueiore going to
his home at Urolten Dow.
Mrs J. C. Berry is home' again after
spending a week visiting her daughter at
Chas. Herian returned Sunday from
Pierce, where he had been visiting..
Chas. Costle made a trip to Alliance
Otner Wilson is down on his hopiestead
now. He has finished digging his potatoes
which yielded quite good.
O R. Hale got' tired of Ranching and
has moved back to Alliance.
Mayor of Boston Inaugurate Telepost
6rvlc One Cent a Word the High
est Rate For Any Distance.
"In sending you the first Telepost
message between Boston arid Port
'mud I extend congratulations upon tho
successful Inauguration of quicker nnd
cheaper means of communication which
automatic telegraphy has now brought
nbout and. which cannot fall to be n
groat boon to the people of our own
and other municipalities."
With this message to the mnyor of
Portland. Me.. Mnyor George A. Illb
"hard of Boston announced the ensiling
of the lines of the new telegraph com
pany, the Telepost. This system,
which sends and receives wire mes
sages nt 1,000 wards a minute, innkcs
possible so ninny economies that the
new company Is able to make n rate
of 25 cents for twenty-five words be
tween nil points. On Tcleposts deliv
ered nt destination through the malls
the rate is 25 cents for fifty words,
telecards 10 centB for ten words.
One of the best descriptions of the
Delany automatic system controlled
by the Telepost is given in the report
of the Franklin institute, Just made
public, awarding Patrick B. Delnny the
Elliott Cresson gold medal. In mak
ing this award the Franklin institute
authorities describe the Delnny sys
tem ns "the lutest development In au
tomatic telegrnpbj."
The system embraces both electro
magnetic and electro-cher.ik'n! methods
of receiving inesNages and transmitting
them by perforated tapes. Referring
fto the mnln features of the Delany
system, the Franklin Institute report
J Could Kilted Former Automatic Co.
The most notable use of the chem
ical system was by the Automatic Tel
egraph company, which built lines In
'1871 from New York to Washington
and Charleston, with offices at Phil
adelphia and other intermediate
points. It continued in business for
about three years with fair success,
when Jay Gould obtained control of
the stock and sold it to Vundcrbllt and
(Western "Union Interests. Delnny, Ed
ison, Johnson and some other well
known electrical engineers were prom
inent In that company, Mr. Delany be
ing its general manager. He has nev
er wavered In his belief that automat
ic telegraphy miibt eventually become
The principal difficulty encountered
by Jill high siieed telegraphs nnd which
j-'uve the dd automatic line the most
tvoti'ilt l "retardation." or the "static
clnr -v." or "capacity," of the circuit.
Tii" most important of the Delany
pafoM s deals with the object lettable
static -barge. In this patent Mr. De
lnny describes a method of utilizing
the "ctipuclty" of the circuit In produc
ing tjie record on the receiving tape.
Tire capacity of the line as 0 dis
turbing factor liiivlug been removed, It
Is a short step to Increase the speed
and distance over which chemical tele
graphs may be operated.
Tested at 1,200 Word a Minute.
The committee saw the Delany ai
purutus In operation on two occasions
and tested the speed of transmission
of the chemical system at 1,200 words
n minute. The record on the tape was
perfect, much more uniform than could
possibly have been inudu by bund
The commercial Importance of Mr.
Delnny's completed system of high
Jspeeil automatic telegraphy and par
ticularly of his elimination of that bane
of telegraphy, the static charge, or re
tardation, becomes more and more ev
ident as Itu application to existing con
ditions is cumddcicd. I Huh speed upon
long or short lines Is now assured Tho
carrying capacity of n line is uuulu
hl.t.fud neater than hand worked
lines. Kxpcrt service is reduced to a
minimum. Krrors in transmission are
eliminated. Line maintenance Is de-
ei en sell In piopnrt'011 to Increased
speed. As :i result uf these conditions
tw cost of M'rx lee be made so low
that the volume of business should be
very great.
Money Laid
Out On Groceries
in our store is always well spent You get
your full money's worth, besides the satis
faction that you are consuming only pure
goods. Even all the Canned goods that
are so much consumed during the summer
season are bought by us from the most
reputable packing houses, with their guar
antee that we can warrant the purity ot
each article to our customers. Our Pickles,
Soup, Sardines and Fruits are the best
manufactured today.
Office at Geo. Darling's Store
Phone 139.
Residence Phone 570.
Painting, Paper Hanging
and Kalsomining
Phone 641
When you plan your home
remember the importance of
Good Plumbing
Some High-Class Short-Horn Bulls.
Republicans Deny Bryan's Claims.
Lincoln, Oct. 28. Mr. Bryan's state
ment at New York that he would carry
his home precinct and the city of Lin
coln is sustained by the Democratic
state and county committee cKalrrnen,
but is denied by Republican campaign
managers, who declared Mr. Bryan
had probably been misled by reports
from home. The city of Lincoln has
a normal Republican plurality of about
l.COO and to overturn this would re
quire a Democratic gain of slightly in
excess of thirty-one to the precinct.
I raised the bull calf that took first
premium, also calf that took fifth in
same class, in open competition, at our
1 State fair in September 1907. , My
' herd took fourteen ribbons, altogether.
1 now have thirty bulls, from one to
1 three years old, which I would like to
sell for fall delivery; a car load. I will
1 sell from twelve to twenty; you take
1 your pick for 100 each. I will keep
them for two months, feed them oats,
' alfalfa, etc., get them in good shape.
, You take them in December, winter
, them at home, and they will do you
1 some good. J. G. Bkehuer,
1 do sanitary work and guar
antee it.
I install Standard bath room
Steam and Hot Water Heating-
with modern, up-to-date
Ideal Boilers and American
Radiators right in my line. !
Elected President of W. C. T. U
by Acclamation.
43-1 year"
Broken Bow, Neb.
Taken Up On my premises, one
black cow, about 8 or g years old.
Owner can secure same by proving
property and paying costs. S. Glidden,
South Alliance. 4S-4W
Aged Woman Files Suit for Divorce.
Beatrice, Neb., Oct. 23. This city
has been stirred up over a divorce fuit
filed by Mrs. Eliza Erb, who is eighty
years old and wife of Rev. Edmond
Erb, a prominent minister, also very
old, In this city. Erb has filed a cross
petition, in which he sues two daugh
ters of his wife by a former husband
for 125.000 damages for alienating his
wife's affections. The case has re
ceived more than ordinary attention
because ot the prominance and age of
the principals.
t'alnleM Extraction Uttcst Methods
Safe. Sure-
Undertaker and Embalmer
I'lKAE 207
Resolution i& Adopted to Prepare Wei
come for Men of Atlantic Fleet or
Their Return From Trip Arounc
the World.
Mrs. Lllliau M. N, Stevens of Port
land, Me., wus unanimously reelectcc
president of the National Woman'
Christian Temperance union by tin
convention at Denver.
Thanking the convention for th
confidence In her, showu by her ro
election, President Stevens said. "I
will bear the torch of the W. C. T. U
blnce you have chosen me. It is the
torch of God-giving truth and I will
try to keep it burning so brightly and
hold it so high that the W. C. T. U
will be high over everything."
The recording secretary, Mrs. Eliza
beth Preston Anderson, reappointed
Mrs. Sarah H. Hoge of Lincoln, Ya
assistant recording secretary.
Mrs. Ella H. Thatcher, at the end
of her address on "Work Among Sol
diers and Sailors," offered the follow
ing resolution, which was adopted;
"Believing that, notwithstanding all
the foting and feasting which our
sailors have been tendered In their
trip around the world, they have not
found braver, truer mother hearts
than those of their motherland.
"Resolved, That the members ol
the National Woman's Christian Tem
peianee union prepare- a proper wol
come for these sailors on their return,
in recognition of- their service to our
Seven room
flodern House
A firie seven-roqm, modern
house located in the best resi
dence district in Alliance, on
Laramie avenue. -This house
has a good hot-air furnace,
electric lighted throughout,
bath room, lavatory, etc. A
good steel range connected i
with the hot-water system,
goes with the house. Dumb 5
waiter to basement, good elec-j
trie lighted barn, laundrv, etc. I
lhis will not last get in now
and see it.
Land Co. I
J. C. Mi-Corkle, Mgt
Lloyd C. Thomas, Sec'y. j
Phone 281-Alliancce Natl. Bank 01k.
Try My Flour
and you won't have any more
worry about your bread.
My brands of At and Cow are
not excelled anywhere in this
country, and ladies who have
used them aje my best advertisers.
Phone No. 71
Res. Phone No. 95
1, $. ;x'XX-'X--X--X"X-'H' -h
?XDE3 3S,Z?IS'X,
The Ian Wil
A Millstone
About His Neck
The millstone is tack of
special training. It holds
one man down to hard work
and small wages while
others, properly trained, go
ahead. But every man and
woman who is laboring
under such a burden can
easily rise to a better posi
tion and increased earnings
and can find out how for
the asking.
To find out how, simply
write the I. C. S., stating
the position you wish to
gain. In return, an institu
tion with 15 years of suc
cessful experience in train
ing thousands of others for
advancement will tell you
how it can fit YOU for a
better-paying position. No
risk to run. No books to
buy. Isn't such a chance
for advancement worth this
muck to you f
Box 799, Sainton, ft.
Box 79?, Scrtnloo, Pi.
Please explain, without further obligation on mypart.
how 1 L&n qualify for a larger salary and adrance
men! to the position helorc which I hae marked X.
Ad Writer Architectural Drafts.
Show.Canf Writer Structural Engineer
Window Trimmer Structural Draftsman
Clrll Service Kiann Contractor t Builder
Ornamental Designer Foreman Dumber
Mechanical Engineer CItII Engineer
Mechanical Draftsman K K Con. Engineer
Foreman Machinist Surveyor
Electrical Engineer Mining Engineer
Electrician Chemiit
Puwe r-Statlun Supt. Bookkeeper
Architect Stenographer
. Xamr
.St. ami .Vff.
J The news items of the home com
munity. J The things in which you are most
The births, weddings, deaths of
the people you know.
3 The social affairs of our own and
surrounding towns,
Theta are the kind of facts thia paper
sirea you In erer? issue. They are
certainly worth the subscription price.
fn thu Iltttrli-t Court or Uiu Untto County,
.Mioitl Mi-Oonnoll, riitintliT 1
Kihwtrd Mt'Connoll, Ik'fondnnt I
To Ktlvwtn.1 McComiull, non-rt'ehlt'iit (lofcnd-
Vou nru hereby tintilled that oti tho JOtli
fluy of Ootobov, IKK Mantl McConnull tiled u
in.tlticii against ym in tlip district court of
l!g Hutte County, Nelimska. tho ohjcttuntl
prayurof which tiro to obtain,! clUoro from -you
on thegroumlsl lmt you urt tin liabltiuil
drunkard and t hut you liuvoijrornly, wanton
ly iiurt cruelly rufiwl nnd neidfcttvl to hi
port and provide suitable mulntiiii.tnco for
plalntltr, attliousli of sullleleiiuablllty to do
Yon arc rijuIrHl to answer fcild petition on
or before Monday, the 7tli day of December,
MAU1 Mt-t'ONNKLL, Plullltln",
fpOct. '9-4 by V Mitchell, uer attorney
l.ill.Al. notici:.
The State of NebrasUa, I In the County
Hox Hutte County 1" Court
In matter of thaeslate of K1 ward James flany
To the creditor!, of said estate:
Vou are hereby notltled. that 1 will lt at
tliu county court room In Alliance, Hoy Hutte
county. Nebraska, on tho aith day of April.
Iliou. to receive anU examine all claims
against said estate, with a view to their ad
justment und allowance. The time limited for
the presentation of claim against said estate
is six months from the 10th day of October.
A I). 1!VW. and the time limit for payment ot
debts is one year from the JiHh day of Mctalier.
Witness my hann und the seal of saldCounly
Court this nth day of Ootoltor. JOM.
f p Oct 15-0w County J udge.
Office in Alliance National Bank Bile j.
j- Over Postoflice. '
X Phoue 39:. ij. j
Statu of Nebraska 1 .
litis nutto county i
At 11 County Court, huld ut thu County
Court ltoom In a!d county on the li'th day of
October, l!0s.
l'rueut 1 A. Berry. County J udjre.
In the matter of the estate of Morris Keiloire.
On readlus the petition tf Rdlth S, Kelli.RL
Hied hen in. praylnu that administration of
(.aid estate lm granted to A S. Iteed as admin
istrator. Ordered, That said petition will lw heard on
the'.ith tlay of November, linfe, at 10 o'clock
a in. That all persouH liiteronted in said os
late may appear at county court on said dato,
am! show cause If any there be why said peti
tion should not be Kruntod : and that notice of
the pendency of said petition and of tsaid hear
ing be ghen to ail persoim lutorosted In said
matter by publishing u copy of this order in
the Alltiiucy lUruld a Meekly newspaper,
tiubUn-d in said rvnmy for ihr. s-,ssle
niTki triw 10 wiiuirnnni! I. A UtttlllV
1 ounli J mice.
lr-r.a.1 1
fptrrt it-
:i&kfek- &Mria&&&,iA
'Jyj&f.ii',: -e -Aaskii., MiiiilAs
jts js,.
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