'v. .V fc WJ . m.( f at' fef' & 4 , fF WP C LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Moncybak Silks. Cogues. Norton's always the largest, best and cheapest. M. C. Beaumont of Hcmingford is in Alliance today. A number one, second-hand bicycle for sale cheap. G. C. Jeffers. Mrs. Ella Haines is in from her ranch in the west part of the county. Fred Abley and son, Emery, of Non pareil precinct were in the city yester day. The next meeting of the Daughters of Isabella w ill be Wednesday evening, Nov. nth. Chas. Wallace of the Times force went to his home in Sioux county to cast his vote. Mrs. R. G. Holden and Miss Mary Regan returned this morning from a trip to Chicago. Miss Mary Basse left Saturday morn ing for Sidney, where she will begin a six months term of school. Bert Carr and D. W. Butler came home last Sunday from Hcmingford to visit with relatives and friends. E. L. Baschky is a new fireman em ployed ou the Burlington, arriving here Sunday from his home at Crawford. Good specialties between acts at the Ruth Craven Co. at opera bouse three nights starting Thursday, Nov. iath. Miss Ruth Craven in a fine repertoire of plays at Phelan opera house three nights starting Thursday, Nov. 12th. Everett Eldred and Mrs. Belle Bren an came up from Orlando yesterday and are guests at the Newberry home. R. J. Westover of Hyannis is in the city today on business. He is a broth er to Congressman-elect W. H. West over. Adolph Nikont and Jos. Moeller, well known stockmen of Laun pre cinct, are in Alliance today .on busi ness. Mrs. J. W. Reed will entertain the Cheese and Cracker club thi3 after noon in honor of her mother, Mrs. M. Elmore. Frank Lenahan came up from Al liance Sunday for a visit with relatives and friends in this city. Crawford Tribune. Mrs. Isaac Rockcy and Mrs, E. M. Sniijer and little daughter of Heming ford were shopping with our merchants yesterday. Harry Ketchum, formerly an em ploye at the Times office at this place, came down from Crawford Sunday and spent the day with friends. John Pedersen, the cement sidewalk manufacturer, expects to leave in a day or two for Omaha, where he will spend the next two months. Mrs. John Brennan and little daugh ter, Margaret, left Sunday afternoon for St. Paul, Minn,, where they will visit for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cunningham are occupying the rooms of the M c Whinney block since the removal of Mr. Hill of the Star store. Capt. W. H. Corbin arrived from Excelsior Springs last Sunday morning and of course was on hand to rejoice over the election of Mr. Taft. Mrs. Winnie Boals, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. H. Zehrung, returned to her home at Springfield, Mo., the latter part of last week. Miss Pearl Copsey has resigned her position as bookkeeper at the W, W. Norton store and accepted a like posi tion with an establishment at Lincoln. Having decided to return east on account of my wife's physical condi tion, all of our household effect are offered for sale at a bargain. Rev. G. C. Jeffers. Miss Eliza Spearman, who is one of the "hello" girls at Crawford, arrived here on 42 Sunday morning and visited until Monday with her friend, Miss Ida Posvar. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Barber last Monday night and the little one was christened Mable Bryan in honor of the democratic leader. The talented actress, Ruth Craven, well known to the theatre going public of this city, will open a three nights . engagement at the Phelan opera house Thursday, Nov. 12th. Miss Ruth Craven will open her en gagement in this city with a beautiful four act comedy drama, "Bess of Ida bo," a play abounding with good come dy and heart interest. Messrs. Gray and Guthrie will leave Monday for Denver to attend a con vention of Equitable Life agents call ed to meet at that place. Paul Morton and other high officials will be present and the inviting of both Messrs. Gray and Guthrie from here shows a good business for the Equitable. The Herald haB devoted much space to political matter during the catnpaigu but after this week the usual attention will be given to local and general news. Messrs. W, G. Comstock, C. C. Jameson, C. A. Newberry and C. O. Aspcnwall visited Rushvillc Monday. The trip was made in nine hours with an International auto. Judge Bullock was interrupted long enough csterday from rejoicing over Taft's election to unite in marriage Al bert Jensen and Miss Nettie Smith, both of Whitman. Walter Kent was in the city last Monday from Long Lake. Mrs. Kent is now at Hay Springs aud gradually recovering since her return from St. Joseph's hospital in Omaha. A ride over the Briggs-Patutore ranches and" a dance were indulged in by Mrs. Jerry Rowan and Mrs. Roy Beckwith last week. The ladies joined the round-up outfit and enjoyed the strenuous outing greatly. The hunting season still continues good and among those who recently enjoyed a campaign against the web footed birds were Dick Allen, Chas. Tillet and Roy Beckwith, who return ed Sunday from tho Avery ranch. Rev. Anderson will preach in the M. E. church at n a.m., the pastor being absent. In the evening the subject will be "Man vs. Environment." All the services of this church are open to the general public and a cordial wel come waits you. It is rather chilly for some of the three-to-one betters on general results, but the republicans who saw victory in Nebraska and Box Butte county be fore the 'ballots were counted are mourning more than their misguided democratic brethren. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bogue enter tained the store force at their home on Cheyenne avenue Thursday evening at dinner. The ones present were Misses Eaton, Baker and Bowles of the first floor and Misses Roberts, Cox aud Chapman of the second floor. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Broome re turned Monday from their visit at Om aha and Des Moines. They were ac companied home by Mrs. James Newell, of Omaha, who is visiting Alliance friends this week; also by Miss Annette Eidndge, a cousin of Mr. Broome, who will be their guest a few days bctore going to California, where she will spend the w inter. Sunday at the Baptist-church, G. C. Jeffers, pastor. Sunday School at 10 o'clock. The morning sermon will be a farewell discourse to the church. Young people's meeting at 6:30, sub ject for discussion, "Commending Our Society by Missionary and Evangelis tic Zeal" and the meeting will be led by Miss Lillian Brown. Subject of the evening service will be "The Lord's Benefits." Midweek prayer service Thursday evening. A welcome to all services, ji. Wanted Private board and room or rooms for light housekeeping. Inquire at Herald office. iw Piano tuning and repairing, phone Dorothy Dodd Shoes, Bogue's. Handsome rugs at city prices at Bogue's. Wanted to buy small house in north or west part of Alliance. Inquire at The Heiald office. CONTRIBUTIONS TO SISTERS' ACADEMY Weekly Report of Payments Toward the Erection of the School Building. HOW THE FINANCES STAND TODAY Previously acknowledged $13,315.00 P.J.Nolan 50.00 II. F. Carey t 25.00 F, D. Cody 15.00 H. H, Uellwood..., 74.00 T. Ktlleen 5.00 A. Hill, Sr 5.00 M, Brennan... ,. 25.00 Total $13,515 00 G, G. Gadsbi T. J. Threlkeld THE GADSBY STORE Funeral Directors and Embalmers,. fUNERAL SUPPLIES OFFICE PHONE 493 , RESIDENCE PHONES 207 and 510 MARSLAND. P. Clatterbuck has two autos to trade for land. Marshal Gooch ot Crawford was down for a duck hunt last week. James Grey, one of the solid republi cans of Alliance, was in town Tuesday Fred Vargason ot Hazteton, Iowa is at B. H. Miller's cutting wood for sale. George Gregg and family have moved into the upstairs rooms at Grid joralemon's. C. H, Richey cought the building fever and erected a commodious new hen house. B: H. Moore of 33 ranoh had teams drawing his winter supply of coal last week. Lee Gregory and family have moved to Belmont Mr. Gregory will engage in railroad work again, T, E. Hunsaker has moved his family to town and occupy rooms in the Jorale mon house near the track. Mrs. Bellomy and daughters accompan ied Mrs Kennedy and Miss Nation to Al liance on Saturday, returning Sunday Burt Richardson and W. H. Thomas came up from Alliance on Monday, the former to visit his family, the latter on business. Fred Tollman and family of Belmont were down to visit relatives Wednesday and to show the new boy that arrived at their house recently. Mrs. Clatterbuck, mother of our real es tate man, who has been visiting here for three weeks, returned co her home at Council Bluffs, Iowa Friday. E. T. Gregg's children have moved to the house near town to be more conven ient to school. The icing cook has ar rived and is at present cooking for the children. Ed. James, of Hamburg, Iowa, whoso family, has been here for some time visit ing at the Tollman homes, came out to ac company them home. They left on 44 election day. A. A. Mailey, of Pawnee county, Nebr., was side tracked here last week with a car load of apples. Another car was also on the track at the depot, accompanied by a gentleman from Richardson county, whose name we did not learn The school board in the Trussed dis trict unloaded a car of lumbar last week, which they purchased of Geo. Adams of Crawford. They will begin the erection of a school house at once. E. T. Gregg has been hauling lumber from the Wentz sawmill with which to ereot a large and roomy bunk house for his ice men. There will be rooms for forty men and a large sitting room. "Silent as Clams" is the head line to a little editorial paragraph which appeared in last week's issue of The Herald atfd which was directed to The Times editor and the writer of Marsland items. We feel sure that The Times man is able to speak for himself, and as for the writer we will say that early in life we were taught to reverence and respect grey hairs and bald heads, (no personalities intended in either clause, Mr. Editor,) and further more we feel sure that we voice the opin ion of many when we say that our friend, Capt. Akers, shows to much better advan tage in his lecture "To the Holy City" than he does in open campaign letters. The Heratd seems to have a fondness for reproaching letters, for the years ana not so far removed that its readers have for gotten the nauseating ''Pilkington" letters whose vituperations were hurled at this same Capt. Akers, who was then running on the city ticket for mayor of Alliance with a pronounced temperance platform. We try, always, to give praise where praise is due, but reserve the right to keep "silent as clams" when we choose to do so. ELECTION NOTES The largest number of votes were polled since the first year of this polling place. Election in this place passed off quietly, only a small amount of "lithiawater' be ing in evidence. John Sullenberger left Wednesday for Chadron carrying the ballots which help to decide the destiny of many. Precinct officers elected were. L. Snow, justice of the peace, F. R. Bellamy, con stable and N. G. Poole, road overseer. James Butler, Albert Parmer and Thos. Lyttle, all octagenarians, were in to cast their ballots according to the dictates of their conscience. Mr. Palmer has voted at fifteen presidential elections and missed one. Father Butter came down from the ex treme west end to cast a straight demo cratic ticket, with the exception of con gressman. He said he was here to vote for "that man Kinkaid " Father Butler must have missed getting that copy of the Heratd which contained the Akers letter. The republican ticket carried with the exception of county attorney. The demo crats rallied nobly to the support of their candidate, young Edwin Crites of Chad ron, and it is said they even influenced some republicans to vote for him, and as a consequence he ran far ahead of his ticket. www. Don't buy your rugs until you see Bogue's line. Wooltex garments. Bogue's. Wanted, Stock to Winter. Wanted, 150 to 200 head of cattle or horses to winter at my place, oj miles northeast of Alliance. Plenty of feed UUU ttlCl ill ! UAMlUbl,. 44-UtT immmmmm ISTOVES! rB 1 1 e9 EizB KsB CM t 5j3 ' '' " ' 1 f&lf h I SkA f O GEO. D. DARLING HOTJSElF,TjrK.3SriSIiESK. WMM WMWmmmm BUSINESS LOCALS. IA"'WWW' Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. Try Pardy's Cottage Bread. See F. E. Reddish for loans on real estate. www. 27'ff Go to Pardy's Bakery for your Pies and Cakes. .,xwwww. Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk Pardy's Bakery is 114 West Montana street. , If you want to rent a house, flat, store, or barn, see S. . niller. He has them. 30-tf. For Tfccnt A .large' east front room, close in. Inquire at Herald office. Wanted Auyone having a car or more of potatoes to sell, write us best prices; smooth, screened, matured stock. Johnson Bros., Nebraska City, Neb. J Notice to Hunters. Notice is hereby given that no hunt ing will be allowed on premises of the undersigned near Reno. J. C. Berry, fp Sept. i7-8w W. G. Wilson. Far Sad Two story dwelling, eight rooms, with furniture. Corner Niobraria and Dakota street. Apply to F. B. Dismer. 40-tf. Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. Notice to Hunters. Notice is hereby given that no hunt ing will be allowed on the premises of the undersigned. p. H. Briggs, Mrs. M. H.Patmore No one allowed on premises with gun and dog on all land owned and con trolled by undersigned. T. L. Briggs, W. H. Brick. Mason fruit jars, too cheap for com fort. ScRinNER, phono 519. 42. tf. HOUSE FOR SALE Ou Yellowstone Ave., six rooms. Price, 51300. Call on Geo. Pauley. 4W Furnished rooms for rent at 404 Wyoming avenue, or phone 205. NOTICE Complaint having been made that railroad crossings have been obstructed by trains for an unreasonable time, in some instances for one hour, trainmen and switchmen are hereby notified that henceforth when crossings are closed for more than ten minutes and com plaint is hied, those responsible for such obstruction shall be arrested and srosecuted. The law is that crossings shall not be obstructed for more than ten minutes on public highways. S. C, RECK, County Commissioner Wanted to Winter 300 to 400 cat tle, plenty of hay and range. D. W. Albright, Keuotni, Sheridan Co., Neb., or Hall & Graham, Alliance. Tell Us About It. This paper can glvo all the local rows only as our friends lend us their co-operation. If anyone visits you, it you contemplate leaving town, It you tee or hear or do anything out ot the ordinary day's routine, tell us about J It, that we may tell the public. STOVES STOVES STOVES PUBLIC Stallion sale The undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at Smith's Jivery barn in Alliance, Nebraska Thursday, November 19 AT 2 P. M. One of the best.stailions ever brought to western Nebraska. He was shipped here with the inten tions of selling to a stock company but after climating a year we have decided to give every body a show at public'auction : . : : : MAJOR Registration fio. 5577 ' This horse is one of the world's famous Shire breeders, bred by Bilbo & Wilson, of Creston, Iowa, sired bv Clinton No. 1016-5890 and his dam is Creston Daisy, No. 4480, both imported animals. Major has passed the examination of the Iowa Department af Agri culture. He also received first premium at the 1907 Southwestern Iowa Fair Association. Major is a handsome dark bay, six years old, and weighs 1700 lbs. We guarantee him sound in every respect and a sure breeder. Gan be seen at Smith's barn in Allia'nce one week before sale : : : : : : ; : : : Come and look at a good horse for once, whether you want to buy or not. HpfctttlC Nine months' time, 10 per cent. ; 5 per I CFITl. cent. off for cash. C. L. DRAKE, Auctioneer. MARTINDALE & SON