r r ? $mpm - -. ' :- r Published Every Thursday by Tttf nWtffll rWmSHwf wMffUM. T. J. O'KBBPB . Editor J. B. KNIEST Associate Editor " " -" ' "' Entered at the postofilce at Alliance, Nebraska, (or transmission through the mails, as second-class matter. Subscription, $1,50 per year in .advance. f Alt. . President-elect Wm. H. Taft. Vice President-elect James S. Sherman. Hurrah for Alliance! Box Butte county. And the Btat'e of Nebraska. Now, don't say, "I told you so." Pay your bets and look pleasant. Has anybody heard from Mrs. Guin ness since the election? Washington dispatch. Weducsday niorning ''De-lighted." Good old Missouri, came back to its first love last Tuesday by glviug Mr. Bryan 30,000 plurality. A democratic legislature is the indi cation now and a democratic governor. Well, we'll be at home in Nebraska, anyway. What's the matter with Judge West over as a congressional race horse? Ho surely gave Brer, Kinkaid the race of his life, . Where in the world has Hen Tillman been during the war? Will some one please issue a search warrant for the senului ? Well, with Box Butte's fertile soil and encrgptic people we can stand a whole lot of republican panic and fail ures before we are knocked out. Burton's re-election aB county attor ney, is a most gratifying testimonial of his past administration. The race was a clean one between two deserving young men. Commissioner Jensen did like the rest of the Nebraska democrats, ran like a race horse. And be Had a Hard op ponent to beat in W. M. Fosket, one of Box Butte county's best citizens. John D. Rockfellow announces since Taft'B election that the country is safe. Yes, and permit us to predict that standard oil is likewise secure from legal interference. Raise the price of oil, Johnny. Mr. Bryan surely ha9 every reason to feel elated over the substantial vote giveu him at home in Lancaster county. To prove his worth with those who are in daily touch with him, republicans as well as democrats exerted themselves to make his majority in the county cer tain. w r f "" Jf 'rTV r 9 C . s TAFT IS ELECTED PRESIDENT Republicans Carry New York, Ohio and Indiana. PLURALITYINTHE CITY. Greater New York is Repub lican for President for First Time in Twelve Years. New York, Nov. 4. Qeneral election returns received show the following results: William II. Taft Is elected president by approximately 298 electoral votes. Practically no chango Is Indicated In the complexion of the national house of representatives, The United States senate will retain its present Republican majority. Governor Charles E. Hughes has been re-elected in New York by about 70,000 plurality. Indiana has gone for Taft by from 16,000 to 18,000 plurality. Bryan haB apparently carried Ne braska. Ohio returns have been seriously delayed, owing to the immense size of the ballot, but Taft has carried the Btate by a majority ranging from 50, 000 to 75,000. Taft carried New York city by about 11,000 plurality, this being the first time the city has given its vote to a Republican presidential candidato olnco 1896, when Mr. McKInley had a small plurality. Mr. Taft received a greater plu rality in Now York state than Presi dent Roosovolt did four years ago, the indications pointing to 220,000 for Tatt, ob against 175,000 for Mr. Roose velt. The Republican plurality fell off heavily in the middle west, In a man ner thoroughly surprising to the Re publican lenders. Cannon Re-elected to Congress. Speaker Cannon has been re-elected. Representative Payne of New York and Representative Dalzell have been re-elected and the liouiso of representa tives probably will continue under its old regime. Mr. Payne will havo charge of the new tariff bill In the oxtra session, which Mr. Taft will call immediately after March 4 next. Missouri has returned to the "solid south" on the presidential ticket and elected Cowherd as its governor. The first returns received came from scattering districts in Massachusetts. The 'heavy pluralities Indicated thero for Mr. Taft seemed at once to dissi pate any probability of a "landslide" for Mr. Bryan, as many Democrats had claimed, and the Republican man agers at once began to put out claims of victory. Returns from tho up-country dis tricts of New York state, where voting machines aro largely used, were the next to arrive. It had been predicted for days that Erie county, including the heavy vote of Buffalo, might be taken as an index to tho drift through out the country. This proved to be the case, bo far aB the national ticket was concerned, Mr. Taft having a plu rality of something more thau 4,000 votes. Erie county, surprisingly, how over, gave Lieutenant Governor Chan ler a plurality of moro than 3,000. The opponents of Governor Hughes were quick to claim a sweeping victory, but roturnB from tho other largo coun ties and cities soon changed tho com plexion of the returns completely. The vote in Greater Now York for Mr. Chanler was deeply disappointing to his friends, while tho heavy vote for Mr. Taft, especially In the borough of Brooklyn, completely eclipsed the most sanguine hopes of the Republic ans. Governor Hughes was cut heav ily up the state, but not so deeply as to imperil his election, once the drift in his favor "below the Bronx" had begun to make Itself felt. Some Republican Slumps. Some of the figures relating to the Republican slump in some states, re garded as certainly Republican are little short of amazing. Pennsylvania's Immense plurality of over 500,000 four years ago has been cut in two. Illinois, which gave Roosevelt 305,000 in 1904, bus gone for Taft by about 170,000. The highest claim of the Re publicans for Indiana is 15,000, against a plurality of 93,000 In 1904. Iowa, which gave Mr. Roosevelt 168.000 plurality In 1904, has dropped down to about 40,000 for Taft. The return of Missouri to tho Democracy on the presidential ticket wiped out a Republican plurality of 25,000 four years ago. Massachusetts, New York and New Jersoy were striking exceptions to the generally reduced Republican plural ities. There has been a shrinkage in the Democratic vote In several of the southern states, notably in Virginia and North Carolina. Mr. Taft has carried Wisconsin by . plutallty istlmated at 75,000, a fall ing off from the Roosevelt plurality of 150,000 In 1904. Kentucky has gone Bafoly for Mr. Bryan by about 15.000. ' lllsgeu. the Independence party can didal!' for president, received about 28,000 votes In'Greater New York. Tht indications dro the Democratic governors have beon elected in sev eral middle western states that have given tholr presidential votes td Taft. Mr. Taft has exceeded Mr, Roose velt's plurality In New Jersey and In Massachusetts, as well as. In Now York. Mr. Taft practically carried every Eo-cnlled doubtful state, except Ne braska, where the Indications point to a Democratic victory. Mr. Bryan has carried Nevada and Montana, in addition to tho solid south, which includes Missouri. The latest Republican advices arc that Tnft has carried Maryland by about 3,000. The Electoral Vote. The electoral voto Is as follows: Bryan. Taft Alabama 11 Arkansas 9 California - 10 7 , 3 Colorado Connecticut , Delaware , Florida 5 Georgia 1 13' Idaho , Illinois Indiana , cr 10 Yi H ' ' JrvQllSUn t """ Kentucky 13 Louisiana 9 Maine . ... Maryland - Massachusetts ( Michigan Minnesota Mississippi 14 Missouri 18- Montana 3k Nebraska .'. 3 Nevaan 3 New Hampshire New Jersey Now York North Carolina... ... 12 North Dakota....!...'.... Ohio : 4 12 39 4 23 7 4 34 4 Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania ....... Rhode Islaud South Carolina 9 South Dakota Tennessee 12 Texas 18 Utah ,.... Vermont Virginia 12 Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 3 4 5 7 13 3 311 Totals TAFT CARRIES JJIS HOME STATE. Reports on Governorship Unfavorable to Harris. Cincinnati, Nov. 4. Notwithstand ing the raeagerness of the early re turns from Ohio they seemed to give a fair Indication of tho result, al though a positive statement of plural ity was Impossible. All sections of the state, both city and country, were included In the first returns, and the same ratio continued would, give a plurality for Taft for president In his home state of about 50,000. The early Indications aB to plurality for Taft were cut down as fuller re ports came In, but the Republican candidato seemed to have ft good safe lead. The vote came in so very slowly that beyond tho general indications little positive Information was possi ble. For the governorship, the reports were unfavorable to Harris, Republic an, the present incumbent. G. O. P. Carries Wisconsin. Milwaukee, Nov. 4. Tho Republican national and state tickets were vic torious in Wisconsin by a plurality of 75,000. Tho congressional delegation will remain about the same as two yearB, ago, nine Republicans and two DemocrntB. The legislature, which will elect a United States senator to succeed Isaac Stephenson, will be overwhelmingly Republican, tho ro turnB Indicating tho election of 73 Re publicans, 21 Democrats and G Social Democrats in the assembly, and 27 Republicans, 4 Democrats and 2 Social Democrats in the senate. Taft Carries Indiana. Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 4. Indica tions aro that William H. Taft has carried Indiana by about 15,000 plu rality. Thomas R. Marshall, Demo crat, Is elected' governor by about 5, 000 plurality over James E. Watson, the Republican candidate. The chan ces are favorable for the Democrats to have seven out of the 13 congress men from Indiana. The legislature on Joint ballot is in doubt. The next legislature will select a successor to Jamos A. Hcmenway. Congressman Jesse Overstreet (Re publican) congressman from the Seventh district claims bis election by 300. Close Vote In Colorado. Denver, Nov. 4. Colorado, which gave Mr, Roosevelt a majority of 34, 582 in 1904, has again gone Republic an, but by less thau 8,000. Jesse F. McDonald has been elected governor, and three Republican representatives have been chosen Kansas Still Republican, Topeka, Kan., Nov. 4. Kansas Is again In the Republican column this year. Mr. Tuft's majority In tho state Is 40,000, 86,093 less than Mr. Roose velt's majority In 1904. Walter R. Stubbs, Republican, has been elected governor. IOWA 40,000 FOR REPUBLICANS. Plurality Not So Large as In Previous Election Hepburn Defeated. Dcs Moines, Nov. 4. Late returns Indicate that Taft has carried Iowa by a pturnllty of 40,000. This Is a tre mendous falling on from the Roosevelt plurality of 158,000 of four years ago, but It represents only a slight railing off from the normal plurality. The en tiro Republican state ticket Is elected by about the same plurality. Govern or A. B. Cummins probably carried the Republican senatorial primary over Major J, F. Lncoy by a plurality of 40,000 a tremendous gain from last June, when he waB defeated by Alli son by 11,000. Thero is a close race In the Sixth district between Hamilton, pres ent Incumbent, Democratic, and Ken dall, Republican. Both sides are claiming the district. In the Second and First, close districts, Dawson and Kennedy, Republicans, are elected by safe pluralities. Returns from two thirds of the Eighth district Indicate that Jamleson haB defeated Hepburn. In Des Moines there was a big loss of votes to the Republicans, due to the large labor vote for Bryan. Hull, in. the Seventh district, was elected, but by a reduced plurality. CONNECTICUT ING. 0. P; LIST. Republicans Carry State by Increased Majority. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 4. The great size of the Republican victory In Connecticut yesterday was evident this morning when William H. Taft was found to havo a plurality of 38, 450. Debs polled 2,804 and' Chafln, the Prohibitionist, 2,280. The plurality for governor of Mr. Lilley, against whom a great fight was waged, was 16,004 over Judge A. Heat on Robertson, his Democratic oppo nent. Tho leaders of both parties in the state expressed great Interest in the growth of the Socialist vote, which In creased from 2,932 in 1906 to 5,250 this year. Hughes Wins In New York. New York, Nov. 4. Governor Hughes won by over 50,000 plurality tho biennial battle of High Brldgo which was waged again as the regi ments of ballots were marshalled. Hughes came down to the city from up-state with nn Indicated plurality or about 121,000. Chanler's plurality south of High Bridge was upproxl-' lmately C8,000. The vote of two years ago was Increased by about 150,000. Chanler surprised the Democratic lead, era by an unexpectedly large vote in the rural districts, but lost tremen dously In the city of Greater New York, where his followers had expect ed at least 100,000 plurality. Missouri Is Democratic. Kansas City, Nov. 4. Roturns.from nearly every county in Missouri point to a plurality of at least 30,000 for Bryan, the election of the Democratic state ticket by a smaller plurality. Cowherd, Democrat, for governor, run ning Borne thousands below the re mainder of the ticket; the defeat of Governor Folk by United States Sen ator William J. Stone in the Demo cratic balloting for United States sen ator, and the election of a congres sional delegation of unchanged' polit ical complexion, a Democratic gain or one seat being offset by the loss of another seat. West Virginia Is Close. Wheeling, W. Va., Nov. 4. Returns from West Virginia came In slowly, but enough had been received Jthis morning to indtcate a Blight advan tage for Judge Taft, although the mar gin was so slight that the state coulo still be called doubtful. On the first 150 precincts tho advantage In favor of Taft indicated probably 1,000 plu rality for him. Practically the same precincts gave figures indicating the election of Bennett, Democrat, for gov ernor, over Glasscock, Republican, by a larger plurality than that Indicated for Taft. Illinois. Chicago, Nov. 4. Late returns showed conclusively that Taft had carried the stato by 170,000. Deneen, tho Republican candidate for govern or, was elected by a plurality esti mated at from 40.00D to 65,000. The next legislature, which Is to chose a successor to United States Senator Al bert G. Hopkins, will be composed of 58 Republicans and 176 Democrats Ip the house. The congressional delega tion from Illinois, with three districts yet to hear from, will be composed of seventeen Republicans and five Demo crats. Michigan. Detroit, Nov. 4. With Taft and Sherman carrying the state by a large majority, estimated at about 100,000, the successful candidate for governor of Michigan 1b not known this morn ing. Returns from the state are slow, er than they have been for years. Re publican candidates for congress have been elected in all but the First dis trict, where the votos have not been counted, and the result is not known. Taft Wins In South Dakota. Pierre, S. D., Nov, 4. This Btate has been carried by Taft by a plurality es timated at 30,000. In 1904 Mr. Roose velt received a plurality of 50,114 Robert S. Yessey, Republican candi date for governor, has been elected. Bryan Loses In Utah. Salt Lake. Nov. 4. Mr. Bryan has lost Utah by a majority estimated at 5,000, 52,500' of the state's 100,000 votes going to Mr. Taft. William ipry, Republican, has been elected governor by a small majority. PENNSYLVANIAJS REPUBLICAN. Party's Vote Cut Down Jn Cities Whero Labor Element Is Strong. Philadelphia. Nov. 4. Pennsylvania has gone Republican by a majority of 200,000, the figures being as follows: Taft, G00.O0O; Bryan,, 400,000. In 1904 Roosevelt carried "tho state by 505,519, and two years ago Stuart, Re publican, was elected governor by 48, 435. This city, PUtt-urg, Harrisburg, Altoona and other cities have given Mr. Taft pluralities, but Scr-nton, Wilkeabarre and towns in which tho so called "labor" vote Is strong have gone Democratic. The election in Pennsylvania turned almost entirely on national issues, tho highest state offloer voted for being a Judge of the superior court. For that offlco William D. Porter, Republican, has beeu elected by a majority of 50, 000 over Webster Grim, Democrat. The vote In the country districts was, as usual, heavily Republican. The state's representation will again be Republican In the Sixty-first con gress, the Democrats having gained only one seat. The figures will be as follows: Republicans, 24; Democrats, 8. NEW ENGLAND REPUBLICAN, Taft Successful In Massachusetts and Other Eastern States. Boston, Nov. 4. The Republican na tional and stato candidates carried the state and all eleven Republican congressmen were re-elected. Both branches of the legislature will be Re publican by heavy margins. Returns indicate a plurality for Toft of 120, 000. The plurality of Lieutenant Gov ernor Eben S. Draper, Republican for governor, Is estimated at 60,000. Boston, Nov. 4. Complete vote of Massachusetts for president: For Taft, 250,221; Bryan, 1G5.360. Taft'B plurality, 84,361. For governor, Drap er (Rep.), 233,874; Vahey (Dem.), 173, 335. Draper's plurality, 60,539. Rhode Island. Providence, Nov. 4. With about two thirds of the 161 precincts heard from, the figures indicated' a probable plu rality of 16,000 for Taft in the state. The Republican Btate ticket, headed by Aram J. Pothler, candidate for gov ernor, has undoubtedly been successful. New Hampshire. Concord, N. II., Nov. 4. New Hamp shire gave Mr. Taft almost as large a vote as It did Mr. Roosevelt four years ago. The balloting resulted In a ma jority of 20,000 for the Republican can didate, which is a decrease of 185 since the last presidential election. Henry B. Qulnby, Republican, has been elected governor, Vermont. White River Junction, Vt.. Nov. 4. William H. Tnft carried Vermont by about 27,000. Returns from about all the cities and 144 of the 240 towns give Taft 27.531. Bryan 8.345. In 1904, the same places gave Roosevelt 28, 200 and Parker 6,977. Maine. Portland, Me., Nov. 4. Maine gave Taft an estimated plurality of 31,500. John P. Swasey and Frank E. Guern sey, Republicans, were chosen In the Second and Fourth congressional dis tricts, respectively, to fill short term vacancies. PACIFIC GOAST FOR TAFT. Republicans Win In California, Oregon and Washington. San Francisco, Nov. 4. There was no Btate election in California to com plicate the issues, and the Republican national ticket carried the state by about 40,000 majority. In 1904 Roose velt carried the Btate by 115,822 over Parker. The solid Republican delega tion has been re-elected without change, and a Republican state legis lature Insures the election of a Re publican to succeed Senator Perkins. The proposition to remove the state capital from Sacramento to Berkeley has been rejected. Washington. Seattle, Wash.. Nov. 4. Washing ton's five electoral votes will be cast for Taft, the Republican candidate having carried this stato by a popular majority of 30,000, reducing Mr. Roose velt's majority in 1904 by 43,442. Sam uel C. Cosgrove, Republican, has been elected governor, nnd the state's legla lature will remain Republican by a large majority. Oregon. Portland. Ore., Nov. 4. Returns from all parts of the state indicate that Taft has a large majority. There was no state election. Speaker Cannon Re-Elected. Danville, 111., Nov, 4. Joseph G. Cannon has been re-elected to con gress by a plurality of at least 10.500. The fight made against him by various church organizations, the Anti-Saloon League and organized labor, coupled with the fact that the Democrats had for the first time since 1863 a com plete organization In this district, led the Republicans to believe that Mr. Cannon's plurality would not be over 3,000. Delaware Goes Republican. Wilmington, Del., Nov. 4. Delaware, considered' doubtful before the elec tion, has gone Republican, giving three electoral votes to Taft. Simeon S. Peunewiil, Republican, will be the new governor. Wyoming Republican. Cheyenne, Wyo., Nov. 4. This atate's three electoral votes will be cast for William H. Taft, but his pop ular majority is considerably below that of Mr. Roosevelt NEW J.RSEY GOES REPUBLICAN. Taft's Plurality Will Be About Seventy Thousand. Trenton. N. J-, Nov. 4. Revised re turns indicate that Mr. Taft's plurality in New Jersey will be 70,000. The Re publicans elect seven of the ten congressmen, the Democrats two, the Sixth district, which Is now represent ed by a Democrat, William Hughes, be ing very close and In doubt. The Democrats elect their congressional candidate, Klnkead, in tho Ninth dis trict and Hnmlll In the Tenth. Thomas Foxhall is the Republican candidate in tho doubtful district The Republic ans have re-elected Loudenslager la the First, Gardner In the Becond, Low ell In the Third, Wood In the Fourth. Fowler In the Fifth, Parker in the Seventh and have elected Congress man Wylle In the Eighth, which now Is represented by a Democrat, Pratt. The present congressional representation is now six Republicans and four Dem ocrats, bo that the Republicans gala one and possibly two congressmen. THE SOUTHJTILL SOLID. Usual Democratic Majorities Returned In Dixie. Oklahoma. Guthrie, Okla., Nov. 4. Oklahoma has continued loyal to tho Democratic party, but the majority haB been re duced materially, and Bryan's lead la estimated at only 25,000. The five members of congress, four Democrats and one Republican, havo been re elected. Tho legislature Is two-thirds Democratic, Insuring the re-election of United States Senator Thomas P. Gore, the blind' orator. Texas. Austin, Tex., Nov. 4. William II. Taft did not make as good a showing In this state as President Roosevelt, who polled 51,242 votes in 1904. The vote this year is approximately as fol lows: Bryan, 220,000; Taft, 20,000. Thomas M. Campbell", Democrat, has been re-elected governor. Georgia. Atlanta. Ga., Nov. 4. Georgia's thir teen electoial votes will be cast for William J. Bryan', and the state's rep resentation will continue solidly Dem ocratic. The state election was held In September. The Taft vote In this state fell 10.000 below that of Mr. Boose velt, which was 24,003. Kentucky. Louisville, Ky., Nov. 4. Kentucky has gone Democratic by a vote of 230, 000 in a total vote e 430,000. The Re publicans have lost two of their con gressmen, giving the state now nine Democrats to two Republicans. There was no state election. Florida. Jacksonviirc.'FlaVNov. 4. Albert W. Gilchrist, Democrat, has been elected goveror of Florida, and the Demo cratic national ticket has carried' the state by a majority of 25,000, the Re publican vote showing a loss of 3,000 since 1904. South Carolina. Charlestown, S. C, Nov. 4. The Re publican party polled only 2,000 of the 58,000 votes in this state, running slightly behind the figures of four years ago. M. F. Ansel haB been re elected governor without opposition. Virginia. Richmond, Va., Nov. 4. The Old Do minion is still safely within the Demo cratic ranks by a very large majority. Taft polled' only 30,000 votes In a total of 130,000, a Republican loss of 17,880 since 1904. North Carolina. Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 4. The Demo cratic national ticket has carried North Carolina by a majority of 25,000, tho total vote being 210,000. W. W. Kltch In has been elected governor. Alabama. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 4. Bryan, 90,000; Taft, 13,000, are the election figures in this state. Mr. Taft polled 9,472 fewer votes than Mr. Roosevelt did In 1901. Arkansas. Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 4. Arkansas has given Mr. Bryan a majorlty.of 30. 000, an Increase of 12.43G over the vote polled by Mr. Parker In 1904. Tennessee. Nashville, Tenn.,- Nov. 4. Tennessee Is still strongly Democratic by a ma jority of 80,000. The Republican vote of 1904 was greatly reduced. Mississippi. Jackson, Miss., Nov. 4. Mississippi's ten electoral votes will go, as usual, to the Democratic candidate. There was no state election. Louisiana. New Orleans, Nov. 4. As usual, Lou isiana is solidly Democratic by a very large majority. There was no guber natorial election. Bryan Carries Nevada. Carson City, Ney., Nov. 4. Nevada has been carried by the Democratic party, reversing the result in 1904. Of the state's 10,000 votes Mr. Bryan has received 7,000, Montana Goes for Bryan. Helena, Mont.. Nov. 4. The three electoral votes of this state will be cast for Bryan. Norrls, Democrat, has been elected governor. G. O. P. Wins In Idaho. Boise, Ida., Nov. 4. Idaho haB gone Republican on both state and national Usues. James H. Brady has been elect ed governor. r--i