A4 A The Alliance Herald Official Publication of the City and County. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. lk - - VOLUME XV. ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTECOUNTY, NEBRASKA,' THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, IU08 NUMBER 37 m I f l THE FIRST NATIONAL Capital, $50,000.00 Surplus, 40,000.00 BANK OF ALLIANCE Sisters Arrive to 'Take up Work OFFERS ITS CUSTOMERS: Every safeguard known tQ modern banking for ' the security and safety Of their funds. ' Interest on Time Deposits. '' i" , LOANS when you need them at-reftsh-f able rates. .. ' A c- -1 - r. . . Safety deposit boxes at $1.00 to $2.00 per, 'jr.. J V'K ll JWlugv, . ... tw..- jupvi , , , ' ' .. . ".... ' Interest paid on deuosits made'for one ?ar: Exchange on all principal cities of the world. Our satisfied patrons are our best advertisement. ir FIRST STATE BANK HEMINGFORD, NEBR. Capital and Surplus, $15,000.00 Keith L. Pierce, Cashier V Notary Public in Bank & Insurance Written Highest Interest Paid on Time Deposits & Real Estate Loans, any size, made or negotiated Just Received AT- Brennan's DRUG STORE HKAUTIFUI. LINE OF IMPORTED Hand - Painted Chinaware Haviland Japanese and other importations in most pleasing artistic designs. Also a fine line of Cut Glass Ware Call and see the new stbek HOLSTEN'S Headquarters for School Supplies TABLETS NOTE BOOKS COMPOSISION BOOKS NOTE PAPER PENCILS PENS, INKS CHALK CRAYONS COLORED CRAYONS . ERASERS and , PAINTS RULERS GIVEN AWAY AT HOLSTEN'S Aftor veins of agitation and much work, .the great desire of Alliance peo ple will soon be roalUcd in the cstab lishmedt of a Sisters' academy in our thriving city, and n groat deal of the credit for this grunt task must be given to Father McNamara, who has done Herculean work in finishing the same. St. Agnes academy, as it now stands completed,- inspires one with the spirit that prevails amoiig the good people of Alliance and vicinity for their generous contributions to tljo fund required to erect the fine brick structure. It speaks volumes for the brotherhood of man, irrespective of .religious difference, and surely is an indication of the hue spir it of christian chatity. The management of this new cducn tional institution will be conducted by the Sisters of St. Francis of whom we have spoken of before ami hope to have the pleasure of referring to often frgm now on. Last Monday noon the first of the order to have charge of St. Ag ues academy arrived from the mother house in Buffalo, N. Y., in the persons of Sisters Euphtasia, Cornice, Geralda and Olinda, and It will be a matter of much importance in years to come, when time shall have removed, them from their field of labor to thcii homes beyond, that their namds will be in sciibed upon memory's to-nb as the pioneers of education in St. Agnes academy m the days when western Ne braska was merging from the wild and wooly west to a peaceful, settled ton as staid as the cities and villages of old New York state. The Sisteis have a printed piospec tus which they will be pleased to send to any one desiring information re garding St. Agnes academy. This will explain all matters in leference thereto. For the benefit of out-of-towii people who desire to send their children to the academy, we publish the following terms and conditions: ?TKHMS I'KU SESSION. ,ltuitrci. tuition. I km, unfiling, plain Mjnlujr 'nnuyuiicy uurkf, $M).0U. Clillilrcn tinder twole year-., $73.H) K LKCT1 VB ST UI ) I KS Musli- pinno, per .e-.iloii of lh mouth. $15 00 Organ, $15.1)0. Violin, Guitar, Mandolin, 1 11.00. PhIuUhk In Oil. per monttOfcl.UO. In Wa-er Colors, SUA. . Each pupil hiuhI provide hur own guitar, violin or mundolln. IVe of pliinonroreiiu, per HUitslon. f'i.M. REGULATION OF WAIiMtOJlK. 3 complete change of underclothes, 0 pulri of hose, 12 pocket handkerchiefs, 4 LowuIh.S black upronn, 2 pairs of hlioes, 1 pair of rob bers, 1 blanket (single bed). I wliltB bed spread, l small rug for alcove, I toilet act, consisting of brushes, combs, soup, aoapdlsh, and tooth miie, 1 needlework box furnished, .stationery and stamps, 0 napkins. I tablespoon, I ten spoon, I silver kulfe uml fork, 1 napkin ring. (Uniforms will be Introduced later). The terms for day scholars and children residing in the city will be made known by the Sisters. The date for opening of school at St. Agnes academy is set for Monday, September 14th. Those interested should bear this in mind and have their children at the school promptly at that time. This will be one of the princi pal rules of the academy, punctuality at all times. and give lectures each cvoning on tho advantages of organization and methods fof boosting tho resources of the city. He is, it is said, well qualified in work ' along this line tuul our citizens will de rive valuable information from his talks. A musical program will also be a fea- ' turc of the evening's euteitainmeut. A rousing special mooting of the Comineicial club was hold in the l'res ' ; idont's office Wednesday evening, I Thoie was a good attendance and much t I interest manifested. 1 ! Acoininittoo was appointed to so-, cure a locution for a county fair, to be t liultf, lliin fall. . Mr. Aspeuwall made j first application for space, saying that he would take 90,000 squaro feot. The , matters of coal rates to Alliance mid raihoad crossings wore discussed. The matter of lower coal rate- was tofcrred to the committee on manufactutes and traffic and a motion passed instructing 1 this.coiuiuittee to 'got data necessary l, with' n little delay ns" possible, and to1 expend a reasonable amount in doing so. , i The buttons are being distnbuted as 1 fast its possible and a big attendance is.' . expected at tho Jaynos lectures next , j week. Mr. Jaynea uses a powerful! ' electric lantern and shows views taken in Our own town in illustrating the 1 lectures. Sheridan Forger Men In By City Marshal We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least W. C. Hibbs, Mgr. DR. T. ALLEN, DENTIST 1'aluless Kxtrai'tlon I.uttbt Metliodh Safe. Sure- ALUANUE - MiUKASKA 4 j-5.......j...;;.;...;jj. j; 1R. KBEAMEH, ij." fDEITTIST i j-Uffice in Alliance National Bank Blk.T T Over PostoEice. ! J 'Phoue 391, : 4-W"j5"j-":----:--:"5";-x.4:M.i Castor Machine OI L Best Quality Lowest Prices Acting Sheriff M. V. DCTovan re ceived a dispatch Monday afternoon about 4 o'clock to look out for a forger by the name of J. Henderson, who was supposed to have left that city for the east. The east-bound passenger had just left here when the marshal receiv ed the telegram ami he supposed the . man wanted had gone on east. How- j ever, about 8 o'clock in the evening Marshal Donovan noticed a stranger1 going by the' Disuier pool hall who I tallfed with the description received. ' He appiehcnded Henderson, who de nied any knowledge of the deed and j even declared that he had never been uuSlieiidiiu. Hut the suspicious .mar shal would not believe this and took him into custody. A telegram was sent to Sheriff Beneficl of Sheridan county Monday inght and Deputy Wood arrived yesterday to take Hen dei son back with him on the afternoon train. Henderson is said to be an all around crook. He also goes by the name of Kickctts. The forgery was that of the name of a liveryman at Sheridan in the sum of S40. After beating his Way to Edgelnont, Henderson got in with horse shippers, who gave him a pass east, and when the train reached here he came up town to purchase a package of tobacco and hence met his fate. Marshal Don ovan turned the prisoner over to Sher iff Wiker pending the arrival of the Sheridan official. j Fire Department Sends Team to Tournament1 jumuoaA Primary Election j Next Tuesday! - The primary election to nominate 1 candidates for the various offices, as well as national electors, will take ' place next Tuesday. There are five tickets in the field, namely, democratic, people's independent, republican, so-' cialist and prohibition. The polls will ' be open at each polling place from iz m. until 9 p.m. In Alliance the voting places will be as follows: First ward, 1 city hall; second ward, Rowan's feed store. GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. "Booster" Club Still Boosting Alliance Wanted 10 to 25 cows on shares or to pasture. . M. Dunn, Spade, Neb. Will Davis says his Monitor Drill purchased of C. A. XeAvberry plants every kernel of seed at the bottom of the furrow. 37-nv" The work of the municipal League of Chicago, which has taken hold of Al liance with the aid of our newly or ganized Commercial club, is showing indication of accomplishing that which will do our thriving city much good. Frank E. laynes, a lecturer of the league, will visit Alliance next week The Alert Fire Depattment- have all arrangements completed for their trip to the state tournament which will be held at North Platte next Wednes day, Thursday and Friday and will stait for that place next Tuesday morn ing on the Denver train. It can be said that the Alliance hose team is in excellent shape for the coming races and there are good indications that they will either win some of the prizes or make their opponents go some to beat their time. Following is the line-up of the team that will attend the tournament: Jud Lara'ie, Lou Luft, Will Con nors, Ross Hull, Ben Grimstead, Frank Connors, Tom Monis, I'lummer, John Hague, O. Scribner, Ira Scribner, Joe Buskins, Ben Kauffmau, McConnick, I'ete Muntz, O. Owen, Lou Suprise, "Fat", Klasseu and Carl Spacht. The hose team will be on exhibition of speed free at the ball grounds next Sunday aftcnoon. .A special sleeper has been secured to make the trip to and from North Platte on this occasion. "The "Lieutenant and the Cowboy" is attracting crowds everywhere. At opera house tomorrow night. Special Suit Offer During this sale we will give you the free and unrestricted choice of any suit in our Hen's Clothing Department at the very low price of Remember, this is a bona fide offer and we mean just what we say. LADIES' SILK SUITS We offer our entire line of Silk Shirt Waist Suits in browns, blues and blacks that sold at $12.50 and $15 in this sale at 9.85 New IPall Suits We are now receiving shipments .of our Fall stock of Ladies' Tailored Suits. Call and inspect this first showing. tZSHBI Komma Norton's ? w w Ail the fail and winter styles in WOMENS' SHOES just re ceived. Tans, Oxbloods and Blacks, in the new Wave and Neapolitan Tops COME IN AND SEE THEM ALLIANCE SHOE STORE SHOES FOR THE FAHILY COST LESS WEAR BEST Boy s Wcariiur lp Our fine all-wool SCHOOL SUITS, with 2 pairs knicker- r r f bocker pants, Sizes up I III to 17, at iWW is what your boy needs Douglas Shoes for your boys will solve the shoe question sizes up to 5', $2.25, 2.35 and 2.50 Guaranteed Corduroy Pants .. . 5 Boys' Summer Shirts jf Q and Drawers, only . . A JsL Boys' Shirts . . . 39c Daylight Store Daylight Methods The Famous Sells it lor Less THE FAMOUS ? H