The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 30, 1908, Image 3

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Lamberson d? Clason have dissolved partner
ship but Clason is still In business
Furniture and Carriage Upholstering a Specialty
In fact,
We Take up CARPETS, Clean and Lay Them
Furniture crated with care
All work satisfactory . All work called for
Located back of Kibble's office
P H 0 IS E 5 5 8
Expert Salesmen
Reliable Yard Help
Efficient Office Help
. All Cattle, Hogs and Sheep
consigned to us
Try us and be convinced
Livestock Commission Company
South Omaha, Neb.,
Write us for any information about the market
Machine Oil Big Stock of Repairs
Newberry's Hardware Co.
NOWHERE can quality be made to express care and skill more than
in laundering. You can get clothes, washed anywhere, But
steam laundering means more than washed. It means, xst thor
ough cleansing with steam and harmless soap; :d finishing by good
machinery and skilled laDor. Plain clothes show the result as well as
fancy articles. Won't you let us show you' PHONE 60
Since purchasing- the hardware stock of Mr. Gadsby
we have added a car of mills and pumps. We
I shall also continue our line in plumbing- and
heating-. Goods and work guaranteed. We
respectfully solicit your patronage J- &
The John Hague Company
Checkered Front
OSCAR BRAMAN . Proprietor.
FURNITURE of all kinds, also
1 stoves, bicycles, baby carriages,
macmnes ana umoreiias
anything to be repaired
of all descriptions
for any part of a
house or barn.
Dierks Lumber 6Coal Co.
Phone 22 D. Waters, Mgr.
r T3g
AN OKOINANl'l! providing for tho construi
Hon of sidewalk In tin' city of Alliance, Xo
brasl.a. proscribing tliu width, unci the pro
cedtire for compelling tlit'lr construction and
for imiesulug thi t thereof against the
adjoining property owners,
lie It Ordained by tho tnuyor una the conn
ell of the City of Alliance.
Soctlou I. That the construction of allstdo
walks hereinafter laid, widened or repaired,
shall lx donu under tho direction of tho com
mlttcvon streets and alleys and under nucIi
rules nnd regulations not Inoonnhtent with
tho provisions of this ordinance as said oltv
council may from time to time adopt. All
sidewalk liall he laid to such permanent
grade a said council shall director establish,
anil shall lie in width as follows, to-wit;
All walks fronting on Railroad Street shall
bo four feet nnd eight inches in width, except
ing tho east half of block twenty-Novell, front
ing Hallrontl ittreet, whlcli shall liu eight feet
In width; block twenty-eight, froiitlngon Kall
road Street, which shall he seven feet In
All walks fronting on Dakota Street shall bn
four feet aiidelwht Inches In width, excepting
the east half of block twen'v eight: the west
half of block twoiitj-two: tin west half of
block twenty-seven, tho east half of block
twenty-onoj which .shall lie eight feel In width.
All walk-Nfroutliigou Wyoming Avenue Mm 11
bo four feet and eight Inches in width, ex
cepting on the west half of hlock twenty-two;
block tw cut j-onet block twenty: block seeu
tti'ii: mid hlock sixteen: which shall bo twelve
I feel in width Mock lifteeii shall Ih ten feet
in width
i Ul sidewalks fronting on the sides of Mon
tana Mtet't plmll m four feet and eight Inches
, In -wdth exo-ptiug block nine; block sixteen
tlie west liu If of block llfteon; the west half of
bliti-l. ten, which shall be eight feel III width;
ami the east halt of block ten which snail bo
six feet in width. . ..
All sidewalk, fronting mi Idaho Street shall
In four feet and oight Inches in width
All sidewalks fronting on Oregon street shall
be four feet and eight inches in width.
All sidewalk fronting on Aruona Street
shall be four feet and eight Inches In width.
All sidewalks fronting on Colorado Stieet
shall I xi four feet and eight Inches In width,
excepting tlie south side of hlock eight, sec
ond addition; the east half of block ultiu,
which shall be six feet in width
All sidewalks fronting on Nebraska Street
shall be four feet and eight inches In width.
All sidewalks fronting on tho North Count)
road shall be four feet and eight Inches In
All sidewalks fronting on Nevada street
shall be four feet and eight Inchon In width.
All sidewalks fronting on Niobrara avenue
shall be four feet and eight Inches in width.
All sidewalks fronting on Sweetwater ave
nue shall bo four feet and eight Inches In
All sidewalks fronting on Yellowstone, uve
uuh shall lie four feet mid eight Inches In
All sidewalks fronting on Missouri avenue
glinll be four feet and eight Inches In width.
All sidewalks fronting on Mississippi avenue,
shall lie four feet and eight Inches in width.
All sidewalks fronting on llox lluttu uvenuo
shall bu six eel wide excepting blocks nino,
sixteen, twenty-one, ten and fifteen, which
shall Do fourteen feet in width. Mocks twenty-two,
twenty-seven and twenty eight shall
be twelve feet In width.
All sidewalks fronting on fjiramto avenue
shall be four feet aud eight Inches In width,
excepting blocks nine and six, second uddl
tlon, which shall bo six feet In width; the
south half of block Blxteea, original town, the
south half of block seventeen, the north half
of block twenty; the north halt of block twen
ty two, tho south half of block twenty, the
south half of block twenty-one, shall tie six
feet in width.
All sidewalks fronting on Clieyeunu avenue
shall be four feet and eight Inches In width.
All. sidewalks fronting on Ulg Horn uvenuo
shall bu four feet and eight Indies In width,
All sidewalks fronting on l'oluca uvenuo
shall bo four feet and elirlil Inches 111 width.
All sldewulks on west County ro.ul snail Ih
four feet and eight inches In width.
All sidewalks shall liu built la accordance
with ordinance No. Ill ns to material. All
sidewalks not herein specltled shall bo four
feet and eight Inches wide. All sidewalks four
feet eight inches aud six feet wide Bhall be
eight Inches front lot line
Section 2. Whenever the city council may
liereuSter deem it expedient It niuy by resolu
tion require tnu walK in imni oi or anjaceiii,
to any premises along any street within the
limits of sad city to he constructed or widened
to coufoi m to tliu ordinance herein and such
i evolutions shall bo in the following form:
"Ho It resol veil by tho city council of the city
of Alliance, that it sidewalk bu within thirty
days from tho publication of this resolution,
constructed or widened, and laid to the es
tablished grade on the side of ....
street In the city of Alliance, and adjoining
the follow lug described premises, to-wit:... .
tu accordance with the following
specitlcatlous, to-wit: and under
tno super; Klou of tho committee on streets
and alleys, in conjunction with the city engi
neer, and In accordance with the provisions of
ordinance number 111 of said city." And In
the eventof tlu talluro of the owner to hate
such walks built or widened, tho said commit
tee shall cause the same to be laid aud the city'
clerk snail ruriilsii tlie chairman or siiiu com
mittee with a certified copy as early as prac
ticable. .section 3. The city clerk shall cause a copy
of said resolution to be published In the otll
cial paper of tliHClty ut least once a week for
two convsmtlte weeks, and the publisher or
such paper or his agent, shall Hie wlthsald
city clerk an nltidaWt of the publication of
said resolutions us soon us tho publication
herein required Is completed, aud such publi
cation shall be deemed good and sulticlcut no
tice to tho owners of tho property In front of
ubuttlug or udjaceut to which the sidewalk Is
to be constructed or widened, said athduvll of
thu printer or his agent shall bo prima fade
evidence of the publication herein requited
and shall 1m; carefully preserved and made a
part of the records of said city.
Section 4 All sldewulks shall be construct
ed, widened or repaired by the owner or own
ers of the nronertv 111 front of which the same
ureoidered. in the manner required by this
ordinance within thirty days inter the com
pleted publication lis above required.
Sections, if. after thu expiration of thirty
days from the completed publication of said
resolution as above required, tho sidewalks
ordered constructed, widened or repaired, us
by this ordinance required, bo not built und
lu strict accordance with thu provisions of
thu said resolution und ordinances of said city
of Alliance, thu street commissioner, under the
supervision of the committee on streets and
alleys shall see that the said sidewalk Is iui
tueulutcly constructed, widened or repaired
without unnecessary delay, and cald commit
tee shall report the same to said council at
tho first regular meeting thereafter, to be
dealt Willi according to law.
Section B. Sidewalks to be constructed, laid
or widened by order of tho council shall be
constructed upon not less than thirty days
notice. If the owner In any case shall fail to
do such work us ordered or us herein required, shall be let to thu party or purttes
who have agreed with thu council to perform
sikl work und lurnlsh all necessary material
tiierefor, In pursuance of and according to the
provisions of section seven of this ordinance.
Section 7. At the tlrsl regular meeting of
the city council in each municipal year, thu
city clerk shall be instructed to advertise for
bids to perform ull work und furnish ull uiu
terhil necessary for laying said sidewalk or
sidewalks within tho corporate limits of the
city of Alliance us tho council may order
from time to time to Ih) laid during the cur
rent municipal year. Mild woik to bo per
formed und material furnished strlcih lu
uccoiduncu with thu terms und provisions of
this ordinance, und thu contructer to receive
Ills pa) f r such work and material from the
assessments from thu real estate In front of
which tho said work is donu and to accept In
full payment therefor warrants issued against
said assessments, tho contract for laying all
sidewalks ordered by thu council during mun
icipal year, shall bu let by the council to the
lowest bidder, after advertising for such bids
not less than ten days lu thu o.lkial paper of
the city, thucouucll reserving tho right to re
ject unv und nil bids. Said uotlcu sluill re
quire bids r square foot for walks construct
ed of stone, vltiltied brick or cement, ulso per
running foot for curbing. Iiic'udlug thu per
formance of the work und furnishing mater
la l.
I'hoclt clerk shall keep u record
of sldewulks built or widened liv the clli
which slull contain the dat the amn were
ordered, thu time in which the walk i to lw
built, widened or repaired, width of walk
upon what street, anu lu fiotilot what lot or
parcel of laud, (with the dUtuncu from lot Hue
that walk Is required to bo laid) albo tho name
ot owner or owners of each lot or niece of
ground, tho iiumuof tho contractor, the date
of the contract, date of Inspection and of ac
ceptance of work with proper Hpaco or column
for number of feet, rate per foot, charge-, for
advtrtiMitu; and Inspection, with on
column for summary or total of ull co-t ami
eeii!es made analnst any lot or piece of
Krouud, and tucli other details an may keetn
necessary to thu ald council.
Section 9. The committee on streets and
alleys shall certify to the council ull walk
laid, widened or repaired und the cost of the
same, uxaineteacb. tot or piece of ground, and
such other fact as may be necessary to
enable It to make the proper lery. also that
sdld walks huT been b them accepted, or
what action the have taken In the matter;
whu i-rtti ti'-able tli said mnitti shall
cmiM lb, iiwnoi nrnvuersnf lotstr grn'ind In
front or whiiii sidewalks are ordered laid,
whlimdoi repaired, to be lint I lied of the or
dor i made in respect thereto and that they
will be held responsible for all damages here
after, that may arise by reason of neglect to
lay or widen or repair as by law Provided. At
the lispicst of the chairman of said committee,
the rlty engineer shall 'utln to U-furnUI Oil
lines for sidewalks mid grade for sume setting
suitable stakes.
Section 10. In case of corner lots such lots
shall lie charged with the costs of so much
additional walk ns wan required to be laid for
the Intersection of tho walks abutting the
frontnge of such lots. The cost of tho con
struction, widening or repair of any sidewalk
shall bu levied upon tho lot or lots or parcel
of ground fronting und adjoining which such
sidewalks are laid, widened or repaired bv
lesolutlou, which resolution shall specify the
street uihjii which such walk us leon so con
strutted, widened or repaired, tho lngtli nnd
width of each walk constructed, widened or
repaired frontlngonatiy lot or piece of ground,
such assessment shall bo made by the council
at ii special meeting by resolution, llxlng the
valuation of the lots assessed, taking Into ac
count tho licncllts derived or Injuries sustain
ed in consequence of jutch Improvements, and
the amount charged against the same, whlcli
with thu vote thereon by )eas and na)s, shall
li spread uixm the minutes Notice of the
time of holding such meeting and tho purion
for w hleh it Is to lie. held shall bo published lu
the official paper, published und or general
circulation lu said city, at least four weeks
before the samo shall lie held, or lu lieu there
of, personal service inav be made uihiii person
owning the propel tv to be assessed. All such
assessments shall bo known as special as
sessments for Improvement ' and shall be lev
ied and collected us a sepaiatu lax, In addition
to the tax for general pursoses, to bo placed
upon the tax roll fur collection, subject to tho
same penalties and collected in like manner
us other city luxes. Whenever any such spe
cial tax Is levied, tho city clerk shall forth
with deliver a cert illed cop) of such resolution
to tlie city Ireasuier who shall pioceed to col
lect the said tax by law us lit such cases innde
and provided.
Section II. It shall be unlawful for any oc
cupant of aii.v lot or lots or the owners of liny
lot or lots In this city to stiller snow. Ice or
mud to accumulate on the sidewalk contig
uous thereto or Id remain thereon, but such
sidewalk shall beclcansl within otic hour af
ter the cessation of mi) storm or full of snow,
unless such storm or fall of snow shall take
place lu the night time, In which cusc tho
sidewalk .shall bo cleared b) 10 o clock a.m.
the follow 111? day In the business portion of
tlie cltj such snow, Ice or mud shall bu re
moved Into the traveled portion of the street
and so spread u round us not to Interfere with
public tiavel, and no portion thertsif shall bo
allowed to remain wlthlii live feet of the sldo
walk Any person who shall fall or rcfuso to
comply with the above provision shall m
deemed guilty of u misdemeanor and on con
viction thereof shall be lined lu any sum not
exceeding Twenty (J.'O) Dollars, mid shall
stand committed until Mich fines and costs
ure paid, or secured to bo paid, and every day
that tho sumuuru nllowdd to remain on thu
sidewalk shall bu considered a separate and
distinct breach of this ordinance.
Section 12, That It shall bo unlawful for
any person to erect, build or construct iiny
hitching posts or any other contrivances for
hitching animals or teams to.or any other ob
structions, or post, along, by, or upon any
sidewalk built or constructed under tho pro
visions of this ordinance without having herc
toforo or hereafter first obtained thu consent
of thu mayor und city council so to do.
Section til. That no person shall repair, any
sidewalk constructed of auy material except
as herninlM'foro prescribed, when such repairs
shall exceed lu tho aggiegatu XiH per cent of
the total amount of running feet in the side
walk as reconstructed or repaired, aud when
any siduwalk within said cltv shall require
repairs to be mado thereon which said side
walk Is constructed or wooden iHinrilsnr nlnnks
and stringers, the person or persofis repairing
or constructing thu samu shall not Place new
stringers thetelu, nor lay or renlacu boards or
planks In such s dew a Iks, which lioariln or
plunks shall exceed In tiiu aggregatu .'Km st
cent of the total number of running feet in
such sidewalk, and such sidewalk shall not
lu aii) event lie repalied unles such repairs
shall first lie consented to, ami authorized In
writing by thu committee on streets and alleys
of said city, anil the said committee shall
cause a copy of such wrltteu authority to bo
Illed wltucity deik.
Section U. Thai any sidewalk constructed,
widened or repaired tu any other manner, or
of any other material than as required by this
ordinance shall bu deemed a uulsnnco, and any
person building or procuring or cuusiug to bo
nullt, constructed, repaired, or wldeu?d any
sidewalk within said city, contrary to the pro
visions of this ordinance shall be deemed
gulit) of i misdemeanor, und upon conviction
thereof shall tx lined in auy sum not less than
five ($."i) dollars nor more than twenty if.0) dol
lars and stand committed until much line and
costs aru paid, and each and every fort)-elght
hours during which such sidewalk shall bo
permitted to remain shall bo deemed a separ
ate otlensc. and subject to an additional pen
alty as hereinbefore prescribed, ami It shall bo
thuduty of thu committee on streets and ul
lj)s to cause such sidewalks to Iw removed.
section la. All ordinances aud parts of or
dinances lu contllct herewith are hereby re
pealed .
Section 111. This ordinance shall take effect
aim bo lu force from-aud after Its passage, ap
proval and publication,
1' irst reading, duly 15. I1HH
ec ml reading. .Inly 15. MKH.
Third reading, July 15. loos.
Passed and approved July 15, lvVR
W. o. lUit.NUs, u. 0. Smith.
tity Clerk. Mujnr.
1. Tin uauip of tliu corporation .shall lw the
On lllu Cattlu Company.
.'. Its principal pliiru of liunlnt-nt shall lie at
KllsRiirth, Sheridan ( 'ounty. Nebraska.
3. The Kunurnl uatiiru of thu huslnetH to bo
trautactoiiAli.ill be the buylni? anil sellluc of
cattle ami utlit-r live .stock, aud tliu produc
tion of tho satnu fur tliu market ami .sale. Also
to hold, purchase, sell and mortgage real
4. The amount of capital stix-k authorized
is ItO.uoo.ou divided into sluircn of $100 00 each,
of which at least W,U0.00 Is to lm paid in at
the time of thu commencement of business.
3. The. Corporation shall beirln business on
the 1st day of July. 11HW. und shall continue for
11 period of 20 years unless sootier c
u mulorityof Three-l'iftlis of tlie 1
0. The hlidiest amount of liideh
uissoiveu iy
btedness for
which thin Corporation shall be liable ul any
one time shall not exceed Two-Thirds1 of the
capital stock.
7. The affairs of this Corporation shall be
managed by a Hoard of Directors, consisting
of three persons, who shall be stockholders In
this Corporation, unJ who shall serve for a
term of one ear, or until their successors In
oflice are elected. Haktlktt Iticiunus
OltVIM.K (inhoh.
fp Julr 30-4w Wll.1. O. COMSTOCK.
m:gai. notick'
To Jack .Sampson, nun-res (lent defendunt:
You are hereby notified that on tho 23rd
day of July, HWS, Nettle Sampson Illed a iie
tltiou aitalust you In the district court of Ilov
lluttu luiity, Nebraska, thu object and pray
er of wlilui aro to obtain a divorce from you
on the Kroumls of extreme cruelty, on the part
of said defendant toward said plaintiff, with
out lust cause, ami that said defeuUuut Is an
habitual drunkard; and that she bu restored
to her former name of Nettle lSortou.
You ure required to answer said petition on
or befoie Mouday, the 3It day ot August, l!KM.
Nettie Sampson. Plaintiff,
3-Mw by Kuuene llurtou, her attorney
noiici: 10 :iti:inous.
The State- of Nebraska t In the eour.fy
itox Ilutte county, ("' court
In the matter of tlie estate of Uobert I.elsli
1111, deceased.
To the et editors of said estate:
You bio herebv notified, that I will sit at
I Uie county court room In Alliance, lu said
county, on the ."'Ird daj nf February, UW, nt
11 o'clock a. 111., to receive and examine all
claims uj-aliiBt said estate, with a view to their
adjustment and allowance. The time limited
for the presentation of clalmx tit-alnst said es
state isslx months, from thu !lst day of August.
A. 1). ltH, and the time limited for payment
ot debts is one year from said -,'tst day of Aug
ust, 1WH
Witness my hand and tho sil of said county
court, this lath day of July, ilXX.
fp.Iul -il-lw I.. A. lli'.iiuv. County Jud;-.
Petition forAppoIntmcnt of Administrator
The State of Nebraska, i In the (.'ounty
liox liutte Countr, I Court
In matter of the eatateof John 11. Whitney,
On reading and tilliu the petition of Oeorge
C. Whitney pr tying that Administration of
said K-ttate may b grunted to J, V.
McOorkle a Administrator,
Ordered, that August 14th. A. D. 1SXH. at 9
o'clock ii. m , Is assigned for hearing said pe
till hi wliiti i I pi r-,i lis 'rtrrea'nl rl said
matti r tn IV'appt ar at itollnty I otirt In lie
held in and for said t ounty, and show iue
why the prayer of petitioner should mil lio
granted, and Hint notice nf the pendenc) of
said petition and the hearing thereof, he given
to nil persons interested In said matter by
publishing a copy of this order lu the Alliance
llsrahl.a vviskly newspaper printed lu said
County, for three successive weeks prior to
said day of hearing.
Dated JnlyKnd, IPOs,
(kai,1 I A. Utnnv.
fp.IulS.)-4w County Judge.
Some High-Class Short-Horn Bulls.
I raised tho bull calf that took first
premium, also calf that took fifth in
same class, in open competition, at our
State fair in September igo7. My
herd took fourteen ribbons, altogether.
I now have thirty bulls, from one to
three years old, which I would like to
sell for fall delivery; a car load. 1 will
sell from twelve to twenty; you tnke
your pick for Sioo each. I will keep
them for two months, feed them onts,
alfalfa, etc., get them in good shape.
You take them in December, winter
them at home, and they will do you
some good. J. G. Hrknukr,
Broken How, Neb.
1. C. MeCotkle, Mir. Lloyd C. Thomas, Secy.
IMcbrnslm Xanfc Company
Phone 2S1 Offices. Alliance Nat'l Bank Bids
city rv row hi:nt.
I'lvcroom basement, electric lighted,
water, 11.
Seven-room residence, shade trees, barn,
cellar, JIB. For sale cheap.
Two furnished rooms in a neat little cot-
toge, fine furniture, $15.
roit SAIX-ltcfcr to Number.
No. 13 Seven-room residence, four lots,
one lot in fruit, cheap for cash.
No. 14 Seven-room residence, electric
light, furnace, bath and toilet two stories,
a fine home. Kents for jo. bale price,
No. ao Eight-room residence, two stories,
hot air furnace, fine basement, two lots,
fruit, cheap for cash.
No. 22 Five-room stone house, worth
S2000, our price $1600.
No. 30 Five-room house, fine condition,
cellar, etc. $1300.
This is only a partial list.
Ask for other bargains
iu' roit sam:
A SNAPA half interest in the best gro
cery in Alliance. Owner is leaving the
state and we will sell this half intorest for
half what the stock and fixtures invoice for.
This is a rare bargain. NOW,
List your city property, your farm, land,
ranch or stock with us. We are doing the
largest business of any firm in llox Butte
Cement work, sidewalks,
curbs, foundations, floors, etc.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Those contemplating ha'iiig any such
work done are invited to examine the
work I have done in Alliance.
When you plan your home
remember the importance of
Good Plumbing.
1 do sanitary work and guar
antee it.
I install Standard bath room
Steam and Hot Water Heat
ing1 with modern, up-to-date
Ideal Boilers and American
Radiators right in my line.
Wm. James,
Dealer in
... WOOD
No. 5.
Your Printing
It should be a fit representative o your
business, which means the high grade, ar
tistic kind, That.s the kind we do.
These represent our facilities for doing
the kind of printing that will pleaso you,
Tho prices ara right, and prompt delivery
the invariable rule at this office.
SUWatVM, "KtbttlVs.
axvti SuTcrA Cases
GbsUVrAcs a ScdoXVa
feiAraae 5. ChveMW, Su?.
Miss Mary E, Smalley
Hiss Edith H. Swan
STUDIO 424 Laramie Avenue
Phone - - 220
Physician nno .Surtmm Day and nlghtc-cll
Omcoovur HoRiioHtoro. Phone 1J0.
Olllce in Firm National Hank block. Alll
41100 Nebraska.
I'hy-ilelnii mid Surgeon
Phono 3(10
Calls answered promptly day and night from
oflllce. Oflleesi Alliance National llank
llulldlm over the Post Olllce.
Special Attention
Paid to Eye Work
II () .M K O P A T 11 I C
Formerly Interne llomoopathlo Hos
pital University of Iowa.
Phone 231. Oillco'over Alliance Shoe Htoro
Residence Phone S5I.
Churchill & Thornton
(Successors to Dr. J. E, Mooro)
Office hours -11-12 a.m., 2-4 p.m. 7:30-0 p.m.
Office I-hone 62
Res. Phone, Dr Thornton, 187
Night calls, Phono 62 or 187
Drs.jCoppernoll & Petersen
(HucceasurM lo I)r. Krey ti Halfe)
17 and 18 Rumer Block
Office Phone 43 Residence 20
With Dr. riowman
Office Phone 65
Res. Phone 184
Mr. .and Mrs. B. F. Lockwood
Funeral Director and Embalmer
Phones Office 214. Res. 205
Graduate Chicago School of Embalming
Private Nurse
Phone 492
Attorney at Law
Office in rooms formerly occupied by
U. C. Noleman, First Nal'l Bank blk
'Phone 180. ALLIANCE. NEB.
Long experience in state and federal
courts and as Register and Receiver U. S.
Land Office is a guarantee for prompt and
efficient service.
Orflcc In Land Office lluildlng.
Attorney at Law,
KurthUaln St, ALLIANCE, MSB.