"WJJX- inlo TTlHtorlonl Socfoty Alliance Herald Official Publication of the City and County. '' Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. "T VOLUME XV. ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA: THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1908 NUMBER 20 The V K CUAS. E. roitD. President. A.'S. REED, Vice Prcst. R. M. HAMITOX, Vice Prcs. (No. 4220) First National Bank OF ALLIANCE CAPITAL - - $50,000.00 SURPLUS and PROFITS $34,000.00 UNITED STATESDBPOSITORY OUR POLICY: Courtesy and Conservatism The First National Bank has no clients but its customers and no interests to conserve but those of its clients. it will render any service 01 a financial na ture which any Individual or Corporation may properly desire. If success to banking- be measured by service rendered, then the First National Bank shall take the first rank. PAVE YOB J hoticepI furnished and we Forest Lumber Company W. C. HIBBS, Hgr. HHiHnHHHHHH I Glove: Gloves 1 - Gloves , t - ' rfr Gloves?"' REGAN'S j New Machine Shop. K. E. Rodgers, a practical machin ist, h.is opened up a general repair shop in Gadsby's carpenter shop, hack of Bogue's store. He will give special attention to repairing automobiles, sett ing machines, guns and all kinds of machinery. Reasonable charges and satisfaction guaranteed. Give him a call. Telephone 303. i8-tf S. K. WARRICK, Cashier. Q. O. HAMPTON, Asst. Cash. that the most exacting people speak well of our LUMBER That's worth something It's , conclusive proof that our timber must possess many good qualities, otherwise we would not be favored with so many orders. Estimates cheerfully await your orders Miss Etha Dewey Teacher of Piano Two years at Nebraska Wes leyan. One year at Morning side Conservatory, Sioux City. Studio 612 Box Butte Ave. HOLSTEN HAS JUST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD OF Lincoln Paint Every Gallon Guaranteed IT STANDS THIS CLIMATE BEST HOLSTEN'S t .:k:x--:" Wv. YXl. ICXCISAJtXlCIt, j-TD12X,rZ:Ti3r'JZ i-rn f J Office in Alliance National Bank Blk.X X Over Posloflice. A ? 'Phoue 391. ' Shirt Waist Sale. Regan's Pay cash for groceries and buy them cheap of M. O. New. ig-2w X LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. E. C. Olday bid adieu to Alii, ance friends Tuesday morning and started for Boulder, Colo., where Mr. Olday is now employed, and will make their home in that city. Robert Graham went out to his ranch Sunday and will stay a week or two. Herman Peters came in from the ranch yesterday. Herman would not think of giving up his Maxwell auto for his faithful pair of "buckskins" which ho used to drive. He says all he has to do now is to feed oil instead of oats. Herman was always liberal with both. Allic Mabin and Frank- Bcvan were stockmen from the west part of the county who had business at the county scat tho latter part of the week, J. H.Vaughan returned Friday from Lexington, Mo., where he was called three weeks ago to see his aged lather, who passed away a few days after his arrival. Mr. Vaughan, Sr., had reached the ripe old age of eighty-one years and had enjoyed good- health until a short time before his death. He was an old settler in that part of Missouri and was .held in tho highest esteem by a largo circle of friends. For a pleasant evening's entertain ment go to the Crystal Picture Parlors. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Grothe, Mrs. Anna Dcitlein and Miss McHugh visited at Ravenna Sunday, the guests of Miss Ella Valek and other friends. W. A. Baily, the genial and hustling representative of the Curtice Piano Co., left last night for Lincoln and expects to be gone about a week. Eleven cars of mules consigned to the United States army in the Philli pines which had been feeding in transit were loaded at the local yards last Monday and sent speeding on their way to our possessions across the water. Largest stock of Rugs, Carpets, Lin oleums, FJoor Oil Cloth and Mattings in Alliance.- GeorD. Darling.s siare,- Mrs. E. C. Anderson entertained the "500" card club and their gentlemen friends last Friday evening. Mrs. Davis won first honors, a hand-painted plate. Refreshments were served and a general good time was had by those present. W. D. Rumer left Monday night for Fairfield, Iowa. Mrs. Rumer and Miss Florence will accompany him home. Miss Mary Krejci living Northeast of HemingforJ died yesterday morning, after a lingering illness of severa months. Miss Krejci was an exempla ry young lady and many friends will mourn her demise. Funeral services will be held at Hemincford Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Arthur S. Bent, of Hazard, arrived in Alliance yesterday and has a car of full-blood Hereford bulls for sale. Mr. Bent was a resident of this county eighteen years ago and for several years has been engaged in the stock business in Custer county. J. E. Porter, a prominent attorney of Crawford, had legal business in Al liance Saturday. G. W. Erb who has been a patient in the Box Butte hospital lor a couple of weeks, is able to be out and around again. Mr. Erb expresses himself as highly pleased at the results of the treatment he received at that institu tion and says that he did not consider it possible to secure the relief he did. The "Insurance". Safest gasoline stove on the market. Geo. D. Darling, Agent, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Osborn, who re sfde near Hemtngford, were Alliance visitors Monday. Ray Clapp left Tuesday morning for Sheridan where he has accepted a posi tion as bookkeeper for the Forest Lum-bt-r company. Ray has been employed at the Burlingou freight depot for sev eral months and is a capable and popu lar young man. T. J. Beal is spending the week at Lincoln and other points in the eastern part of the state on business. Frank McFarland and family have gone to Stanton for a couple of weeks visit with relatives. ' . Herbert Pardey left Saturday night for the east, having spent a couple of weeks with relatives and friends in Alli ance. ' Jack Burns returned today from South Omaha where ho went with a ship nent of mules for Mike Elmore. Mr. Elmore has sold his mules, number ing 355 head to Kilpatrick Brothers, railroad contractors. Mm F. P. Craver, returned mission aryirom Mexico and South America, will lecturo at tho Methodist church in Alliance noxt Sunday. Mrs. Craver is said to be a most interesting speaker andjit is hoped that she will havo a largo audience. Edgar Adler is hero from Seward looking after the property interests of tho Adler brothers, D. W. Butler came down from Hem ingtord Saturday evening and spent Sunday with his family. Mr. Butler bas'charge of Norton's general store at that place, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Hcdgecock, Omer Scribner and Miss Nora Brown autocd down from Hcmingford Tuesday in Mr. Hcdgecock's car. Dr. Willis, C. H. Richey and Mr. MrB. J. F. Furman were among tho Marsland -peoplo in the city this week. Earl Fosket of Hcmingford was an Alliance visitor today. The many friends of Mrs. J. S. Heater and Mrs. A. K. Lore, patients at the Box Butto Hospital, arc pleased to lparn that they are improving, Mrs. A. A. Wright has recovered sufficiently to feturn home. Tho following ladies will go to Sid ney tomorrow morning as delegates to a meeting of tho state federation of woniens' clubs: Mesdames J. Rowan, M.JE. and W. W. Johnson, W. R. Birny, S. K. Warrick, B. Mewhirter, E. 1. Wilson. Father McNamara returned yester day' from a trip to Chadrou and O'Neill. M. O. New is moving his grocery from the old Rumer building to the one next to tho Star restaurant. Miss Minnie Wagner, of Omaha, wjio came here a few weeks ago to he Wii her sister. Mrs. W. R. Birney, during her illness, returned home Mon day. Miss Wagner made many friends during her stay in this city. A recep tion was given in her honor Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. W. H. Zchrung at which a very pleasant time was had. Misses Myrtle and Alice Carbon re turned Monday evening from a .visit with friends in Deadwood. City Superintendent Hayes and County Superintendent Phillips have issued the Alliance Junior Normal, a journal devoted to the interests of the normal school to be held here this sum mer. It is a very creditable production in every respect, containing splendid reading, information for teachers and everyone interested in educational work. Lost Bolt of insertion and 'bolt of lace, on main street between Charters hotel and City hall. Please return to Mrs. John Wiker. Sunday at the Baptist church, G. C. Jeffers pastor. Sunday school at ten o'clock. Subject of morning discourse, "The Ditched Valley." Evening ser mon, "The Law of Growth." Evening services changed to 8 o'clock. A wel come to all services. Postmaster Tash has been informed that the following named parties have successfully passed the examination for carriers which was held in this city sev eral weeks ago: Alvah J. Mac Alfon so M. Poole, Fred G. Leavitt a.id Carl W. Thomas. These gentlemen passed in '.he order named and with much credit to themselves, Mr. Macey at taining an average of over ninety per cent. Free city delivery will commence here on May the 15th, but owing to the fact that there are to he but three carriers employed, Mr. Thomas the fourth man on the list, will he a sub stitute carrier. The applicants before entering the service will bo subjected to a rigid physical examination and must also give a bond through the me dium of a surety company in the sum of $1,000. Much of the pharphernalia accompanying the installation of free delivery has been received by the Postmaster. Don't fail to see Cluistopher Colum bus and reception of natives, at the Crystal. Walter Davis returned Monday from a visit at Havelock. Alliance National Bank Or ALLIANCE, CAPITAL STOCK PAID IN SURPLUS State, County, City and School Depository All Its Officers and Directors Stands Squarely on Has No Borrowed Honeyand No Branch Banks F. M. KNIGHT, President W. H. CORBIN, Vice-President Dr. Fray Seriously III. The many friends of Dr. Julia V. Frey will regret to learn of her serious ' illness from a complication of pneumo nia and meningitis. Dr. Orie Copper noil, who succeeded Dr. Frey hero, re turned Tuesday morning from Denver, where she had been summoned to at tend on Dr. Frey, and sho reports that there are no hopes for her recovery. A woman of much skill and learning in her chosen profession Dr. Frey mado many friends in Alliance, where she was engaged in the practice of osteopa thy hut owing to the failure of her health shi shjs found it necessary to AJftrip through the sou leave here, south in search of health was without avail and she returned to the home of her sister in Denver where sho is comforted with the presence of her father and other relatives, who have arrived in Denver to ho with her during the last sad hours. A message received today states that Dr. Frey is some better. C. G, Hollihaugh, of Marsland, has business in Alliance today. Mrs. Nellie Hillier will entertain the Che.ese & Cracker club at a Scotch tea this afternoon. The guests of the club will bo Mesdames Frankle, Tully, Gav in, Butler, Wood. The Herald is not quite up to the standard this week owing to a shortage of help in the office and an extra rush in the job printing department. How ever wo shall have our regular help next week and things will go along ns usual. 1 W. R. Kent and John Krausc are Sheridan county stockmen in the city today. The "Alaska", Coldest refrigerator sold in Alliance. Buy 'em of Geo. D. Darling. Miss Pearl Copsey is a new employe at Norton's store. Mrs. Barton stopped off and visited her neice, Mrs. Moshcr, in this city yesterday. Mrs. Barton was on her way to St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Broomtt enter tained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. McCluerand Mr. and Mrs. C. H, Tully. See tho grand picture in colors of Christopher Columbus lauding in Amer ica at the Crystal Picture Parlors. Remember the May Polo entertain ment at the opera house Saturday night. See program in another col umn. Fred Dickinson was a passenger Tuesday night for Omaha where he will visit a few days. Saturday matinee Christopher Col umbus, the discoverer of America at the Crystal Picture Parlors. D. F. Barber arrived Saturday from Lincoln to accept a position as pharma cist at Holsten's, Another one of those great big cars of new furniture just unloaded at Geo. D, Darliug's store, Tell him your fur niture needs. NEBRASKA $50,000 20,000 aro Residents of Alliance Its Own Resources F. W. HARRIS, Cashier S. FICKELL. Assistant Cashier IIIIIIIIIIHIIII The Ml I Dressed Man : Hwho wants a shoe that's different who wants solidK comfort who wants to bel Hpleased, not for an hour! Hor a day, but for everyl gjjshoe-wearing- minute thr'uJE Hout the year, should knowH BSthe j gFLORSHEIM SHOE" $4.00 to $6.00 1 ! 1 Where you find the bestl in everything. j NORTH mv IIIIIIIIIIHIIII 1000 Every dollar spent in painting your house and sheds and fence this spring will make it look 100 dollars better, last, longer and give vou a degree of pleasure nover experienced before. Come here and select your paint if you waijt the real genuine satisfaction giv ing kind. lAXCUUA GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. Freezers and Squeezers, for Ice Cream and Lemons. Geo. D, Darling's' store. Harry Thielo went to. Crawford and Marsland today on business. Mules will make you money. Talk with the Holts who will sell ten splen did Jacks at Alliance, Saturday, May 2. SVT