I, ( u ,i Spring Has Come and now is the time to get busy We Jiave a largo assortment of FLOWER and GARDEN SEEDS in packages Onions Peas Beans Sweet Corn Turnips . Pumpkin also Onion Sets in large quantities We want your trade A. D. RODGERS i FIRST STATE BANK of Hetningford, Nebr. Our first consideration The safety of the funds de posited with us. Our next To take care of the legitimate demand for money to carry on business in our territory. Wo want well secured conservative loans from ranchmen, farmers and merchants, all the time. Our depositors, whose balances are good, receive spe cial recognition when they become borrowers, both in the length of time given and the rate of interest charged. A deposit account in somejgood bank is a business necessity. No one conveniently located to Hemingford can afford not tolbe a customer of the First State Bank. We have a savings bank for every boy and girl in the county. $1.00 opens an account. Write S for particulars or call in i .i.. : NOTICE Owing to the fact that our patronage has increased nearly one-third in the last 30 days, we would kindly ask patrons to give us their orders as early as pos sible. Phones 131a and 131b. Palace Meat Market S. H. DESCH, Prop. MHHHHUr V fAalffllPV ISTIDLSON FLETCHER FIRE INSURANCE AGENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING! INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford Fire Insurance Company. North American of Philadelphia. Phoenix of Ulnoklyn. Now York. Continental of New York Olty. Mascara Klre Insurance Company. Conuccticutt Flro Commercial Union Assurance Oo London Palace I KK ( I f AMH HlH Jl Jl II 3BB3EaSis3aj6e C. C. SMITH, Prop. (Successor to S. II. Dcsch) ONE IllcCK WKST OF THE NP. VZ1IINDEN llt'ILDCNO. 'Phono Checkered Front jiffek OSCAR BRAMAN . Proprietor. Qs$gpF K&ae person. ! mm -mm Liverpool. London and Globe Ins. Co. German American Ins. Co., New York. New Hampshire Columbia Fire Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwriters. I'hoenlx Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn Office UD-Stairs.Flctchcr lllock. Wallace's Transfer Line Household goods moved promptly and transfer work solicited. Phone 1 Frank Wallace, Prop'r. ivexy Barn. Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, and courteous treatment to all has won for us the excellent patronage we enjoy. Try us. FALLS UNDER MOVING TRAIN Tocfel Luccznick, a Miner, Fatally Injured while Attempting to Board of Freight Train. While attempting to steal a ride on cnst-bonml 'freight train No. 48 last Friday morning at Hirdscll, Tocfel Luectiick, a polish coal miner, on his way east from Dietz, Wyo., fell under the traiu and had his right leg crushed below the knee, besides receiving other injuries about the body. Tocfel was in company with a companion, also a miner, from the same place, who first attempted to get on tlio train but failed. Then Toefel made the fatal leap for the cars as thuy rolled by. Conductor Will Cruickshauk was in charge of the train and Engineer Miller at the throt tle. The train men saw the stranger by the track as they approached Uird sell and suspected that they would at tempt to get on, and saw Toefel when ho fell. They stopped and picked the injured man up and brought him back to this city where Drs. Bcllwood and Slaglc amputated the limb below the knee. Toefel was unable to withstand the shock and died a few minutes after. His brother, Anthony, from Pittsburg, Pa., arrived here Monday morning and the funeral of the unfortunate man held from Holy Rosary church Tuesday morning, the remains being interred in the Catholic cemetery here. Will Recover from His Injuries. Fireman D. E. Byrnes who lost his limb by falling from his engine one day last week at Belmont tunnel, is resting comfortably at Box Butte hospital and there is every hope that he will recover from his injuries, though for a time.it was feared ho would not survive the shock. fltAILWAY NOTES AND PERSONALS J Geo. Dietlein spent Sunday in Ra venna. Frank Pierson spent Sunday in Omaha. Flagman F. C. Randall is visiting friends in Guernsey. Brakeman S. W. Hagerty is on the sick list. Mrs. T. D. Roberts is spending a few weeks with friends in Omaha. Mrs. W. V. Richards is on an exten ded visit with relatives in Lincoln. Mrs, C. B. Gibsou spent a few days in Hemingford this week with friends. W. L. Randall will leave in a few days for Chadrou to spend Easter with his parents and friends. R. L. Hunniwcll of the shop force is on an extended visit with friends and relatives in Sioux City. Mrs. C. F. Greene will leave in a few days for Lead for an extended visit with relatives and friends. W. T. Kissinger, Ass't Supt. of Tel egraph, of Lincoln, was a business vis itor in Alliance Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wykoff are re joicing over the arrival of twin baby girls at their home last week. Mrs. S. A. Heater was taken to Box Butte hospital for treatment, having been in a precarious condition for some time. Mrs. Guy Lock wood and babv left Sunday night on 44 for Omaha where she will visit with relatives for several weeks. Mrs. George McGill and Mrs. C. A. Landberg will leave in a few days for 1 a week's visit with friends and relatives in Ottumwa, la. Machinist W. A. Davis expects to leave in a few days for a brief trip to Sheridan. Wonder what's ttie attrac tion at Sheridan. Dr. I. W. Howard, the genial relief doctor left Friday night for Aurora, 111., where he will be placed in charge of the relief department at that place. Dr. B. Brown has been appointed as assistant to Dr. Bettleheim at Alliance. Dr. Brown hails from Chicago and has made quite a hit with the girls already. On instructions received from Mr. Roupe's office at Lincoln the machine shops will be closed on Friday and Sat urday of this week and Saturday of, next week. Brakeman H. G. Lawson sustained a light injury to his right arm last Wednesday while climbing on an en gine at Broken Bow. He is resting easy at the present time. Firemen J. Rust and J. A. Bacon of Deadwood are in Crawford this week making arrangements to move their families to Deadwood where both of these men arc now employed. C. E. Thompson, Stationary Engin eer nt Deadwood passed through Al liance Tuesday morning curouto to Kuusns City where he was called on account of tho serious illness of a rela tive. Thos. Roupe, Superintendent of Mo tive Power, of Lincoln, was in the city Tuesday and left on 43 Wednesday for a trip over tho Sheridan Division, lie wos accompanied as far as Edgcmout by L. Bartlctt. Miss Pearl Copscy arrived in tho city from Broken Bow last Sunday on 41 and left Tuesday morning for Den ver, where she will assume n position as stenographer. Miss Copscy is a sister of Dr. Copsey. Mrs. E. C. Olday delightfully enter tained the members of tho Fortnightly Study Club and their mothers on Mon day evening. A Jollo party, refresh ments at Ilolstcn's and games at the Olday home made tho evening pass quickly. Next Sunday the christian world ob serves the event of the ressurection of the Savior from tho tomb. Humanity which for thousands of years hoped for the day when tho stain that rested on tne human soul on account of tho disobedience of Adam and Eve would bo removed aud in the death and tri umphant resurrection of the God man such is the case. Albert Machon, a two-year old boy of Lead City was struck and knocked down by somo cars on tho WcBt Addie Street crossing Monday morning. Tho child had his lower lip cut and his face slightly scratched and several abra sions on his body. On account of the mines the crew could not see the child until it was too late to stop. It is re ported that the injury sustained by the child is not serious. This office of General Foreman which for the past year has been held by W. A. Sutherland will be abolished effec tive next Sunday. Mr. Sutherland and family will move to Deadwood where Mr. Sutherland has accepted a position as roundhouse foreman. W. S. Wheaton, the present incumbent of that position, will be transferred to Al liance. While all the railroad boyB regret to lose such an estimable man as Mr. Sutherland, it will be but a matter of a few months until the office will be resumed, Mr. Sutherland will again be in our midst. Railway Notes from Edgemont. Edgemont Express The car men are again working nine hours per day. Engine 2982 is going to shop for a gener al overhauling. Engine 602 was completed on the 8th and will go on the Deadwood Line. H. E. Grabb, an old fireman on the Deadwood Line, has gone to helping host ler. Water from the new well will be tried in the west end freight engines this week. T. O'Neal, general boiler inspector passed through here on his way to Lincoln on the 7th. Don't miss the Fremen's dance on the first of May. Engineer J. I. Waddoll has gone to Sher idan, being on the sick list. Engineer H. J. Peters will move his family from Spearfish to Edgemont. Engineer Wm. Dye has been transferred from the Crawford Hill to running on the High Line. J. L. Berryhill, storekeeper at Alliance was in Edgemont this week on company business. Fireman N. W. Sherman is firing freight, Engineer Young having taken his place on the passenger. Fireman Dunaway has been bumped off the Hot Springs run by Fireman C. It. Witham, from Alliance. Engine 1G58 is still in service on the 15 days test with water from the new well and is reported to be working O. K. George Redfern who has been running on the Ball Mountain run has gone to host leriny in the Deadwood round house. Engineor C. J. Young has gone to firing on the Deadwood Line passenger having been bumped by Engineer J. E. Parsons. Harry Johnson of the store department here, is going to Alliance to be chief clerk in the store department at that place in stead of Mr. McAllister. W. J. McAllister who was chief clerk in the store department at Alliance passed through here this week on his way to Deadwood. C. J. Young, who has been working at Lead, came down Tuesday evening and fire passenger from here to Deadwood for awhile. F. W. Strickert, boilermaker, met with an accident while chipping rivets, a piece of one of the rivets struck him on the fore head, making a gash, but he is again able to return to work. S. C. Reck will nuote von nrices on all kinds of mill work, tanks, screens, Storm sash and repairwork. MAYNARD MUST SERVE LIFE SENTENCE Roy Manyntd, for the killing of Lc roy W. Barnes in the Burlington eating house in this city, must servo a lite sentence in tho penitentiary, tho su preme court having affirmed tho deci sion of tho district court of Box Uuttn county in a decision handed down last Friday morning. Judge Reese wrote the opinion. "Leroy Barnes was shot and killed January 29, 1907. He was in charge of tho lunch county at the railroad de pot. Leroy's father had brought May nard from Denver to work for him. After Mnynard had worked six nights the young man found that some of his money was missing and as ho learned that Mayuard was spending money with a free hand in tho saloons ho accused Mnynard of tho theft and asked for a return of tho money. Barnes attempted to take? 10 from Mnynard, but he was unsuccessful. Maynard went to a hardware store, purchased a pistol and cartridges, went to the lunch room about 4:30 in tho afternoon of tho day he was discharged and demanded an npron aud jacket that he had there. Barnes commanded him to get out nnd took hold of May nard and pushed him out. Maynard immediately turned and fired with fatal effect. Malice on tho part of defendaut was inferred nnd tho court holds that tho instructions of tho lower court on this point were not erroneous. Tho instruc tions arc generally held not to indicate prejv lice on the part of tho court. Tho instruction in regard to self-defence which was objected to by Maynard is held to be not erroneous. It was held that there was no proof that at tho time of the tragedy the ac cused was so far intoxicated that he could not the held responsiblo'for his acts. While it was disclosed by the evidence that the deceased committed a number of assualts upon the accused, no assault had been made immediately prior to the time the deceased was killed and it is held that these facts as matter of law afford no defense to tho charge of murder, although they might be considered in mitigation, tho essen tial elements at that time having been iound by the jury to exist nt the time tho deceased was killed." Theodore Curry Dead. Theodore Curry, a well-known young man of this rcity, died last Sunday morning at 2:30, at his room in the Fox" rooming house, of dropsy. He had just returned the Friday previous from Hot Springs, where he hoped, without avail, to secure relief. The young man had been failing for several months. He has an uncle, Abner Cur ry, living in the country northeast of Alliance, where the remains were taken and tho funeral occurred last Monday nftcrnon, the body being interred in Libby cemetery, near by. Theodore Curry was an old resident of this county, where he was raised and was 31 years of age at the time of his death. His father resides in tho state ot Washington, but was not able to be present at the funeral. Deceased was for some time prior to his illness, clerk at the Charters hotel and proved a most popular employe. Rev. Jeffers conducted tho funeral services and the popularity of the young man was attested by the large number of friends who attended the fu neral, 31 teams being in line, besides many on horseback. Stray Horses. We know the whereabouts of the follow ing horses: One dark brown horse with star on fore head; left hind foot part white; fresh brand on the left jaw over another brand so as to blur it, Visible fresh brand 13. Weighs about Soo pounds. One bay horse, few white hairs in fore head, same brand as above; weight about 900 pounds, Both are broke saddle horses and evidently used to a rope corral. One brown mare, weight about 1050 pounds, coming three years old, halter broke. Branded on right thigh "y low down. We are very anxious to get any informa tion as to who the owners are. Ciias. C. Jameson, Ellsworth, Neb. Estray Notice. Strayed onto my premises about No vember 1907, one blue roan mare un branded, weight about 1000 pounds, age about 7 years. Owner can have same by proving property. Walter R. Kent, sec. 12, twp 26, R 46, Sheridan county. l.tifMLKOTICK Notlco of Snlo Under Chattel Mortgage. Notlco It hereby given thitt by virtue of 11 chattel mortgage, dated March 33, IW7. Iitut ilnljr nii'il In tliuoillun tif tho county dork ot Hox llutlo county, ?4(hrnskii, on tho ittth ilnjr nt March HOT, und executed by I'. II. Iteosoii to .1. II. Vaughn to secure paymunt of tho slim of fiKKUX), nnd upon which ilium In how due tho sum of JiKVI.St Default having been miido In tht payment ot said sum. and no suit or other proceedings at law having lH.'1'll instituted to recover tho mild debt or any part thereof, therefore 1 will sell tho property therein do serlbod, vU! My cntlrn steam laundry equip ment and outfit consisting principally lis fol lows! OiioOl Inch Wilton manglo.onc .in Inch body Ironcr (i'roy Mfg kmo neck Uinril Ironer, nno shirt nnil collar Ironer, ono shirt pross, nil Troy Mftf.. one Wclton sturdier (shirt) ono blower. tmiK mid ims nliint comtilcto. ono sli section dry room, ono Troy extractor, two Troy tuliod, 0110 Troy copper starch cooker, one roii.ir nun ciui siarcncr, ono mum norso power high sliced climax ( I'roy) engfiio, 0110 20 horse power boiler (Troy Mfg.,1 ' foot 1 11-10 shnftlng, tovuti t 11-1(1x10 drop hangers nnd pulllcs complete, ouoUxSx7)i galvaulred Iron water I mill, alt piping, pump nnd Injectors complete. All boltlmr.coutitcrti.stovos, shelv ing, table and all other articles not herein enumerated however small a part nt thin Mdg. All kept ut my laundry In Uit in, Jlloclc 2i, llox HiittoAvo., Alllnncc. Nebraska. All tlio lnunilry nnd only laundry out lit I own, nt ptihlio auction at tho building located on lot Id, lllock S3, original town of Alllnuco. In llox llutlo county, NehriiHka, on tho IHtli dny of April UW nt ono o'clock p. m. of euld dny. luted Mnrc.li SO, lWH J. II. Vaughn, MortgiiRee, William Mitciiki.l, Attorney. fp Mar. 2fl.w no nor. to Di:ri:Ni)ANT. I rank W Hharp, defendant, will tako notlco that on tho fth dav of March, WOH, Watson & Watson, thuplalntlirH herein, II led tholr pe tition In tho County Court of llox liutto coun ty. Nohraskn, ngalnst tlio mild defendant, tho objoct und prayer of which in to recover thn mini of four hundred und twenty dollnrH dun plaintiffs from Hie dufendant, nnd that a niuii or money In tho possession of tho OIiIcmko, llurllnitton .V Oulncy Itallroad Company linn leen nttncho.l by process of garnishment ls Niiod out of mild court, which Bald fund In tho possession of Niild rnllrond company It In Nought to apply to tho payment for tho said clnlm of tho plalntllfH. Von are nspilrcd to answer Nnld petition on or before tho 4th day of May, 11)08. Dated March 21, IPOS. , Wathom Ut Watson, Kp April i-4 w l'lalntlff. Notlco to Credit 01 s. ' Tho Stato of Nebraska, I In tlio llox liutto County. (" County Court In tho matter of tlio Kslnto ot Guslar .lonncn, Dpceamul. To tho creditors of said PHtatoi You aro huroby notlllod, That I will Hit at tho County Court Koom In Alllanco In mild County, on the tit li day of Oclolwr. 11H)8, to rccnivu nnd uxnmtno all claims against wild estate, with a vluwto tholr adjustment nnd allowance Tho tlmo limited for thn presen tation of claims against Paid oslatn Is six months, from tho 2;ird day of April, A. 1). 11XW. and tho tlmo limited for payment ot debts la ono yar from said 23rd day of April, 11KW. Witness my baud and the seal of said Coun ty Court, thls.'Wth day of March, IPOS. ihral) ii. a. lucimv. fp April 2-4w County Judge. Legal Nnttco. In thn District Court of llox liutto County, Nebraska. William J. Earl. Plaintiff, vs. Doiilol W. Karl. Holmj Earl, M vra Perkins, ot nl Defendants. notice id nci-eiiy given t union tho nth day or April, 1008, William J. Karl, Plalntlfl. filed bis petition In tho District Ooart or llox liutto County, Nebraska, wherein Daniel W. Karl, Helen Karl, Myrn Perkins, Frank Perkins, htis Imnd of defendant, Myra 1'orklns, Johu II. Karl, Qeorgu N, Karl. Uiwson Karl, Agnes Karl wlfo of defendant, Lawson Karl, lthoda Hell, William Hull butband of defendaut, lthoda flail. Hurry Hurt, Kmma 1 1 ulcer, l.aw rciico llulcer huslmud of defendant, Kmma llulcor, .losephluo M. Allurd, Daniel O. Allurd husband of defendant, Josephlno M, A Hard, I.ucinn.l. Archer, Maria Archer wife of defen dant, I.uelun J. Archer, Lawson K, Archer. Klla Archer wlfo of defendant, Lawson K, Archer. Klleii It. Allan!, Porry L, Allan! hus Imnd or defendant, Kllcn It. Allanl. Alien A. Cntler.Churlos C, Cntlor husband of ilofendan t, Allro A. Cutler. Stephen Mhorman, (leorgj Maxlinm, HattioC. Hpooner, (loorgo Hpoouer husband of defendant, llattlo C. Hpoouer. Kusscll II Archer, Addln M. Archor wlfo of defendant, Itussoll II, Archer, Kstullo Hot. .Mr. Itoss, llrst real namo unknown, husband of de fendant, Kstello Itoss, tJroco Colby. Mr. Colby, llrst real name unknown, husband of defou dun t,(i race Colby, and Myrtlm Maxham, holr of .loel T.Knrl.dccvabcd.wero made defendants, the object and prayer or which said petltU.11 uro to foreclose n tux Hen based on a certain treasurer's cortllicato of lax sale, dated No vemberJlh. IP03. for tho delinquent taxes for tho year u0-.' and subsequent taxes paid by iilalutlfT for (ho years UW1. lnaj, lDOj, 1PO0 and 1007, which said treasurer h ct -11 Ileal 0 of tux sale was Issued by tho treasurer of Hox Hutto County, Nebraska, to this plaintiff, for Bald taxes upon tho Wont Half of tho Northwest Ouartor of Section 5, aud tho South Half of tho Uoutliwcst Quarter and tho Kast Half of tho Northeast Quurter of Section 0, all In Township 24, of Kaugo 40. In Hox Hutto Coun ty, Nebraska Thu amount claimed by plaln tlir upon said tax Hen Is tho sum of jf55.:i5 with Interest theroon as provided by law, from April 4th, WOS. That to :o of which said sum Is for attorney's fee and tho sum of Jt.00 for publication or redemption notlco. Tho pray er of said petition Is for n decree of foreclosure declaring the aforesaid amount, together with Interest thereon and costs, to bo a first Hon upon the aforesaid real estate, and that bald real estate may ho sold under an order of the court to satisfy tho same und that said defen dants and tills plttiutlir bo forever barred and foreclosed of all Inteiest or claim in and to said real estato or nny part thereof, as tho heirs, of Joel T. Karl, decease You and each of you aro required to answer said peti tion on or before the ihlh day of May 1008. William J. Kaiil, Plaintiff. Ily W. Mitchell, bis attorney. fpAprllO, 4w - ., Bids for School Building. Sealed bids will be received until May 1st, 1908, for the erection of a school house in district No 12, Hox Butte county. The building to be of lumber aud 32x20, with concrete foundation Separate bids are required on the building and foundation. Plans and specifications may be seen at tho county clerk's office. Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Further particulars ma) be had of Peter Kicken, director, Peter Belgum, modera tor, P. H. Zobel, treasurer, or C. J. Ben jamin, all of Alliance. April 2 4W Estray Notice. Want to know who claims horses branded V on right thigh. R. M, Hampton. NOTICE Having1 had twenty years' experience in the Scavenger business in Chicago, St. Louis and other cities I feel compe tent to do all kinds of cess pool cleaning and scavenger work to your satisfaction and solicit your patronage. All orders will receive prompt attention. v Win. n-X0FF