The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 26, 1905, Image 4

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, , . . Publisher
Associate Editor
Entered At tho postofltco nt Alliance,
Nebraska, for transmission through the
mails, as sccond-lass matter.
, I, '
5T The Hkralp is the Ofhcial Publlca
(Ion of Box Butte county and its circula
tion Is nearly twice that of any other Al
liance paper.
Display, per slnglo column Inch per
month. t 5
Business locals, per line first insertion .10
Each subsequent insertion, per lino .50
Display advertining on first page, 50 per
cent mora thin on any other page.
Legal notices nt statuto rates.
Subscription, Si. 50 per year in advance.
Stole Ticket.
For Supremo Judge
W. E. HASTINGS, Wilbur.
For Regents
? D. C, COLE, Polk Co.
Fusion Ticket.
For Clerk D. K. Spacht
For Treasurer C. V. Hrennan
For Judge W. S. Ridgoll
For Sheriff Enoch Boycr
For Coroner.. . Dr. G. W. Mitchell
For Sun-oyor John P. Hazard
For County Commissioner J. W. Christy
Man of Integrity.
' One of tho candidates on the fusion
ticket whom Tub Hit it aid takes pleas
ure in supporting is James V, Christy,
candidate for commissioner of tho
second district. Mr. Christy is a native
of Wayne county, Iowa, where he was
born Dec; 3, 1854. He knows tho ups
and downs of pioneer life, having settled
on a homestead twelve miles southwest
of Alliance nineteen years ago last May
and where he ndw resides. By his in
dustry nnd good business judgment Mr.
Christy has prospered and is considered
ono of our most substantial farmers.
He is quiet, unassuming, possesses a
good education and sound judgment,
honest and upright in every respect,
and a gentleman whom voti would
never 1 egret having elected to the office
of county commissioner.
. Would Make a Good Sheriff
Enoch Boyer, the fusion candidate
for sheriff, is making an active cam
paign and it is universally ndmittcd
that his name has strengthened the
ticket very materially. Mr. Boycr
finds that he is belter acquainted
through the county than ho thought
for, having met many persona who re
membered him ns being so long en
gaged in the dairy business in Alliance.
Tho only argument tho opposition can
put up against Mr. Boycr is that he
"does not need tho office" and .that is
pretty weak argument. That he owns
A few quarter sections of land cast of
Alliance, 'tis true. It is also true that
he knows tho hardships of pioneer life,
having como to the county with little
means and what property ho has was
secured by the sweat of his brow. He
owes no man a dollar and his word with
the business men of Alliance is as good
as his note. A vote for Enoch Boycr
means a vote for an upright, honorable
man who would conduct the affairs of
the sheriff's office as successfully as he
has managed his personal business,
Consult Your Own Interest, Mr.
v Property Owner.
The voters of Box Butte. county should
carefully consider the matter of a new man
to fill the office of county clerk, from a
business standpoint. The office is an all
important one, as every business man and
tax payer is aware. How many would
want to entrust their business with a bank,
unless the officers thereof were men of in
tegrity and business qualifications? Very
few. It is equally important whom you
place in charge of the records of your
property, and when you desire information
from the county records, you want to know
that it is given correctly. Inasmuch as the
county clerk also acts as register of deeds
and clerk of the district court, he should
be versed in law in order to properly trans
act such business? Judge Spacht, the
fusion candidate for county clerk, does not
have to go outside of the county or state
for endorsements. During his residence
of eighteen years in the county, he has
proven himself a good citizen, and the
only thing his opponents can clamor
about is that he has been in office too long
some even being unfair enough to say
that he has been in the court house since
he came to the county. That he has been
county judge for several years is true, but
it is also a fact that he has received very
small renumeration for the services he has
rendered the county. Mr. Spacht taught
school in the county for several years, and
then lived on his farm, until tendered the
deputy clerkship by Mr. Smyser. He has
raised a large family, who are a credit to
himself, our schools and the community,
and like himself, they are held in the high
est esteem by the best people of the county.
If yon want a clean, capable man to con
tinue in charge of your business, investi
gate the matter before casting your vote.
A. J. Ahloy cnnio ovor from Denver
Philip Pullman was n jfasscngor from
the oast last Saturday.
Hamilton Hall was down from Hem
ingford yesterday on business.
Tho Social Hour Club will meet Fri
day nt tho homo of Mrs, Warrick.
Tho Elks gave another very pleasant
social function Wednesday evening.
II. P. McGuire returned Tuesday
from his visit at Kansas City and will
again take his run as brakeman.
Mrs. Connctt and little daughter re
turned from St. Josoph, Mo., laBt Sun
day. C. E. Franklin, representing II. E.
Bucklcn & Co., Chicago, is in the city
Misses Rdse Krnjicck and Bertha An
derson spent last Sunday in Dcadwood
Bernard Pitz and daughter from the
north part of tho county wore Alliance
visitors yesterday.
Dr. Campbell went out on the Guern
sey lino today to inspect a bnud of
Bhccp before shipment. 1
Tho Highlanders will give a dance
next Tuesday night at the Eagles' hall.
Everybody cordially invited.
John Kcanc and family were passen
gers for Glrard this morning to spend
a couple of days with rclutivcs.
Mrs. Thos. Higgins, who has been
visiting in Alliance, returned to her
home in Lakeside last Saturday.
Mrs. Phelps is homo from a visit at
Brownvillo and other parts of the
state, having arrived Inst Saturday.
Key. L. W. Hortoh of Butte stopped
on his way home from Lakeside last
Tuesday to visit with Row C. W. Ray.
John Curran was in from Sioux
county yesterday and purchased a
couple of steel tanks for use on tho
ranch. j
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Reid are en
joying a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
of Phillips, this state, the ladies being
Robert Bruce of Hay Springs was. in
Allianco Sunday to meet his family who
arrived from Denver u here they visited
a mouth.
Mrs. D. C. Mclntyre, formerly of
thi3 city, but now of Cody. Wyo., ar
rived in the city last Sunday for a visit
with friends.
Conductor Will Cruickshank and
wife wcro called to Talmagc, Neb., yes
terday, Mrs. Cruickshank's father hav
ing died Tuesday.
Mrs. Lcavitt who has been visiting
her father, J. C. Osborn and family
near Hcmingford for a few weeks, re"
turned to Minataro today.
Mrs. Harris came down from Hunt
er's ranch on the Runuingwater
and visited her son T. L. Harris a few
days the first of tho week.
A. L. Harrison of the Golden Rod
Bottling Works was soliciting trade
along the Guernsey route last week,
returniug Saturday evening.
Thomas Darnell of Lincoln, attorney
for the anti-saloon league of Nebraska,
addressed a large audience in the M.
E. church last Sunday evening.
Thomas Darnell, of Lincoln attorney
for the anti-saloon league of Nebraska,
addressed a large audience in tho M.
E. church last Sunday evening.
Ambrose Fitzpatrick of Fulton, III.,
arrived in the city last week. He left
today for Sheridan, where ho enters
the service of the Burlington as fireman.
Ten cars of cows, belonging to Mike
Elmore, were shipped to South Omaha
market Monday. Jack Bums, foreman
of the ranch accompanied the shipment.
Tho father and mother of W. J.
Johnson left last Saturday for their
home at Gardner, 111., after a pleasant
visit of several weeks with their son
and family.
Mrs. James Bcllwood went to Omaha
last Saturday, where she will undergo
an operation at one of the hospitals.
Mr. Bellwoodwill be with her the latter
part of this week.
H. J. Ellis returned today from Liu
coin and Omaha where he spent several
days. Mrs. Ellis and child who have
been visiting there for a few weeks re
turned with him.
Episcopal church services next Sun
day at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sun
day school at 10 a. tn, Archdeacon
Cope will officiate at the. service.. All
are cordially invited.
. A. Hall bought a hundred head
of cattle Monday of Thos. Barkell,
twenty-five miles south of Minatare.
He went down today and will receive
the stock at that point Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ayres went to
Denver last Sunday morning where Mr.
Ayres is in consultation with an oculist
regarding his eye which was injured m
the accident he recently met with.
Missess Madge and "Babe" Hill
made Denver a visit the first of the
week, going over Sunday and returning
Tuesday. They met a number of former
Alliance people nnd had a pleasant
Gep. A.Fendrich and Miss Susye Hop
kins drove down from Dunlap yester
day, Miss Hopkins recently returned
from the eastern part of the state
wnere sue lias oeen spending llie sum-.
W. B. Tagg arrived from South
Omaha today and went through to
Marsland expecting to return to Alii-
anco the latter part of tho week. Ho
reports his firm as doing an excellent
business this season.
Col. Wisncr of the Oshkoah Herald
spent Sunday in tho metropolis. This
was tho Colonel's first trip here in sev
eral mouths and ho enjoyed a whiff of
city air. He is prospering in his new
location and prodicts a bright future
for Oshkosh.
Dan Burke was in tho city from
Guernsey last week oir business.
While hero Mr. Burko spoke as if he
had great faith in the Burlington's ex
tension work east of Bridgeport, and
that work would commence thereon
before long.
II . R. Green, wife and daughter
spent yesterday with relatives hCre,
having just returned from an extended
trip to Mr. Green's former home in
Vermont. They report a pleasant time
but wero glad to gel back to Box Butte,
They went to Hcmingford, their home,
G. W. Harmon returned to Auburn
Wednesday, Mr. Harmon spent sev
eral days here, looking after the tel
ephone company's business, Uie service
of which he is continually improving in
tho way of equipment, Mr. Harmon is
a genial gentlemen, whom we are al
ways pleased to see.
Dr. F. M. Knight left last Tuesday
morning for Chicago, as the represen
tative of the Business Men's club, to
attend the National Interstate- law con
vention at tho auditorium in that city.
Railway rates is tho principal subject
of discussion, and one in which the
business interests of the country is di
rectly interested in.
John Potmcsil, a substantial stock
man from the north part of the county,
returned Monday from a trip, to Wash
ington nnd the Portland exposition. He
visited V- Cladck out there whom, he
says, is prospering, but Mr. Potmesjl
says he thinks more of this country
every time ho leaves vand is perfectly
contented tc remain here.
F, G. Baumgardner, who resided about
eighteen miles northeast of Alliance, died
Monday at the advanced age of seventy-two
years. Mr, Baumgardner was an old sol
dior, and leaves a wife and six children to
mourn. Mho luneral services were con
ducted at the home Wednesday forenoon
and the remainslaid to rest iti Evergreen
cemetery in the afternoon. Rev. Ray of
the M. E. church officiated.
Services will beheld in the M.E. church
next Sunday as usual. Morning subject
"The Man of God." In the evening the
pastor will deliver the second sermon of
tho special scries, entitled: ''Cloaks Used
to Cover Sin," Bible study class meets
with Captain Akers next Tuesday evening.
The usual prayer meeting will be held in
the basement of the church next Thursday
evening. All are cordially invited to at
tend. Poor Politics
Judging by reports from both democrats
and republicans, there seems to be a com
bination formed in county politics to ad
vance tho interests of a few. In other
words there are candidates who have de
cided to "fuse," without regard to politics,
or their party candidates, Such things
have been attempted before, but it is diffi
cult to steer such a craft clear of the
breakers. To say tho least, it is bad pol
itics. Salesman Wanted.
We desire to secure the services of a
real live, energetic and competent sales
man in every county in this state, to
represent us among farmers and stock
raisers. Guaranteed salary and com
mission. Address,
Superior American Stock Food Co.,
Find'.av, Ohio.
Ordinance No. 07
Anordlnunce prohibiting women to enter sa
loons, wlno rooms, and providing that pro
prietors shall not permit tho same, or to
solicit drinks, nnd providing a penalty
Do It Ordaintd by tho Mayor nnd City Council
of tho City of Alliance, Nebraska.:
Bko. I. It fa hereby declared unlawful for
women to enter public saloons within the city
Of Alliance, Nebraska, or to frequent wine
rooms, or to ttollclt drinks at any bar or with
in any saloon within the city of Alliance, llox
Ilutto County. Nebraska.
Sec. II. It la hereby declared unlawful for
any proprietor or a aioon, owner. Keeper or
manager In charge, or any bartender therein,
to sell liquors to uny woman who may como
therein, or to permit any female to loiter
around such saloon, or to permit such women
to f rcquont nny wine room therein or to solicit
drinks within such saloon.
Hec, III. Any person found guilty of viola
ting tlio provisions of this ordinance shall bo
fined In any sum not exceeding S5. 00. and
shall stand committed to Jail until such lino
and cost shall 1)0 paid.
Approved Oetobor 3rd, 1P03.
D. Watf.iis, Louis Hueciisf.nstein,
City Clerk, Major.
Ordlnnncc No. 00
An ordinance providing for tho construction
of sidewalks In lots 10. 17. IS and along the
the west sldo of lot 15 In block 14 original
town, now city of Alliance, und also pro
viding for tho construction of a sidewalk
In front of lots 10. 20. 21. and alonir tho east
sldo of lot 1 In 11 lock 22 original town, now
city of Alliance, Nobruska.and tho maln
Uilncncoof said walks provided for levying
a tax against tno property, in case mo own
er or owners refuse to construct said walk,
and providing on notice, lu case of such
refusal, that the city marshal! may build
such walk,
lie It Ordained by the Mayor und Council of
the City of Alliance.
Sec. I. That there ah all bo a sidewalk built
along tho front of lots 10, 17, 18 and along thu
west sldo of lot 15. In block 14 and along tho
front of lots 19, 20.21 and along tho east side
of lot 1 In block is, original town, now city of
Alliance, OoxJlutto County. Nebraska-
Sec. II. That the sidewalk built under this
ordinance shall be four feet und eight Inches
In width and shall be built of lumber ut least
two Inches In thickness, not less than six In
ches wide, securely nulled to at least three
2x4 stringers set on edges.
Sec. ill. It shall bo the duty of tho city
niarshull to enforce the prolslons ot this or
dinance, and that when nnv roDalrs are need
ed, ho shall in writing, so notify tho owner, the
agent naving cnargo oi, or tno occupant oi tno
abutting lot. who shall cause the needed re
pairs to be- made, and In tho event that such
owner, agent or occupant shall full to make
said repairs for a period of 24 hours after hav
lug received such notice, the city inurshull is
hereby empowered to make such repairs, und
certify the cost ot same to tho council, who
shall, ut Its next regular meeting, levy such
cost as a special assessment against said lot.
Sec. IV. In case tho owner, agent, or occu
pant of any lots fronting on this propoaed
sidewalk shall neglect or refuse to construct
said sidewalk, as required by this ordinance,
for a period of 30 da) s utter the passage of this
ordinance, then the city marsliall is hereby
uutborlmi to trmncdlutly construct said side
walk, according to the provlslona of this ordin
ance, and certify the cost of tho same to the
City Council, who shall levy the same ns a
bpeclal ussessmentugalust said lots.
lc V. This ordinance shall tako effect,
and be In force on und after its passage, ap
proval und publication,
Approved October 3rd, 1005.
Attest: Louis ISceoiisenstein.
1). Wateks, Olerk Mayor.
Legal Notices.
I'ctqr N0U011. plaintiff, v 1 Notice to non-res-A.
H. Ockortim, dofendunt I ident defendant
To A. K. Ookcraon, non-resident defendant!
.nrI"'',,r notified that on tho 1Mb lay
of Ortobor, nuv IVter Nelson Mod n petition
ngnlnit you In tliodlntrlct court of litis Uutto
County, Nebraska, tnm-nso ponding Intiild
court. wherein mild Peter Nolson U philntlfT.
nnd you arc dpfcndnnt, the oujert nnd prayer
of which said petition li to hnvo a certain
Klidrlllndeed, executed nnd delivered to you
on tho lPUi day of iVbrunry, iwrj, by Irn Hoed,
alter ITof llox Uutto county. Nebraska, for tho
northeast quarter of seetlonOT, In township 23,
of KniigoIK, In Hox Uutto county. Nebraska,
HCtnsldn mul declared null ami void, nnd of
no force nnd effect, nnd that the cloud on
plnlntlll s title to said tnuci. caused thereby,
may bo removed, and for such other nnd f nr
thor relief us may be Just and equitable. You
nra required to (insurer wild petition on r lio
foro Monday. tlic27lh diiv of November 1U0.
t'ETKH NBLMIN, plOllltlir.
41 Vr . Mitchell, his attorney.
Snlo of .Minors' Land by (iunrdlni).
Nottco In hereby given, that by virtue of 11
license issued lit chainlwrs by one of the
bulges of tho Fifteenth .ludlclnl District of
Nebraska In nnd for Box Uutto county, to me
granted, I, Charles M. Iotspelch, guardian of
Hay I'owloa. Krnest I'owles. Eden I'owles,
Opal Powles and Mcrltt Palmer Powles,.
minora, will noil for cash, lit public auction,
on Mondtiy.lhe 30th day of Novoinber,A.D.lfK3,
at 10 o'clock a. rn.. at tho west front door of
the court house la Alliance, llox Uutto county,
Nebraska, the following real estnto situated
In Mild llox llutte county, tho land of said
minors, to-wlt: An undfvldcd one-fifth In
terest lit the HK NEJfund N HEM See. 31,
Tp. SO N. H. 60 V, and lots 7 and H lit block 0,
Johnston's addltloa to Alliance.
Omnllnn for ltny Powles, Ernest l'owlos,
Kden Powles, Opal Powles and Mcrrltt
Palmer Powles.
Dated Oct. 10. n3. 41
Divorce Notice. ,
In the district" court of llox Ilutto county,
Alpha M. Moore, plaintiff
Thompson E. Moore, defendant.
To Thompson E. Moore, non-resident:
You nro hereby notified that on tho 12th day
of October, IP03. Alpha M. Mooro tiled a peti
tion against you In tho district court of
llox ilutto county, Nebraska, tho ol
jetit and prnjerof which are to obtain a di
vorce from you on tho ground that you havo
been guilty of extreme cruelty toward this
plaintiff, nnd that you havo failed and neglect
ed to provldo for support of this plaintiff, and
for tho custody and caroof the child, bjlvla
May Moore, child of plaintiff and defendant.
You tiro required to answer said petition on
or bcfoio Monday, tho 27th day of November,
ALPHA M. MOOItE, Plaintiff.
Ily William Mitchell, her Attorney, 44-6
Sheriff's Sole.
No. 1(101.
Ily vlrtnr of nil order of site Issued by th.e
clerk of tho district court of llox llutt9 coun
ty Nebraska, upon 11 decroo rendered by said
conrti in faor of C. C. Steven, plaintiff,
and tho Olrard Trust ComDiiuv. trustee.
cross petitioner, nnd against Alexander
II. Itoss. and others, defendants, I
will on the 20th day of November,
A. I). 1005, ut 10 o'clock a. m. on said day. at
tho est front door of tho court house In Alli
ance, 1n said county, sell thu following de
scribed real extato, to-.wlt:
Northeast quarter, section 9, township 24.
north range 4f. weAtCth P.M., In llo Hutto
County, Nebraska, at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy Mild order
of salt) In the sum of $743.20 and interest,
costs and accruing costs, subject to all unpaid
.Sherlll of said county.
Attorney for plaintiff.
Boyd & Marker. Petitioner. 44-5
Sheriffs Sale.
No 13.SA
Ily virtue of an order of salo issued by the
clerk of thq district court otiiox Ilutto coun
ty, Nebraska, upon ti decree rendered by said
court In favqr of Glraid Trust Co., plain
tlrr, and ngalust John Honomlclilennil others,
defendants,.! will offer on tho 20th day of
Nov., A. D. 1005, at lo o'clock a. m. on said
day, at the west front door of the court
houso in Alliance, lu said county, sell tho
following described real estate, to-wlt:
Southwest quarter, section 4, township 27,
north range 52, nest 13th P.M., in llox Ilutto
county, Nebraska, ut public auction to tho
highest bidder forcash. to satlsty wild order of
sale. In tho sum of J007.P0. anu Interest, costs
and accruing costs subject to all unpaid taxes.
Sheii . 1 said County
HoYD St llAHKElt,
Attorneys for Plaintiff. 44-i
Sheriff Sale.
No. 1591.
Ily virtue of an order of salo issued by tho
clerk of tho district court of Box Ilutto coun
ty, Nebraska, upon a device rendered by said
court In favor of J union Potmcsil, plaintiff, and
against Hannah Mnttson, defendant, I w 111, on
tho 20th day of November, A. H. 1005, at 10
o'clock a. in., on said day, at tho west front
dowrof the court houso in Alliance, In said
county, sell the following described real es
tate, to-wit:
soutnwest quarter, section y, lownsuin s,
north range 47, west 0th f.M, In llox Ilutto
county, Nebraska, nt public auction to the
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy aald order
of sale, In tho sum of yMO-20 and Interest,
costs and accruing costs, subject to till unpaid
Sheriff of said county.
Attorney for ph.lntllf. 4l-5
Sheriffs. Sale
No. 1500
Ily vlrtuo of on order of sale Issued by tho
clerk of tho district court ot llox Uutto coun
ty, Nebraska, upon a decreo rendered by said
court In fuvor of C. C. Stevens, plaintiff, and
against Carstcn Ilennlngs. and others, defend
ants, 1 will, on the 20th day of November A. D.
1005, at 10 o clock, a.m. on said day, at the west
front door of the court house In Alliance, In
said county, sell the following described real
estate, to-wit:
Sonthwcst quarter, section 25, township 2j,
north range 52, west 0th P. M., In llox llutte
couuty, Nebraska, at public auction, to the
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said order of
safe, lu the sum of $45.04 und Interest, costs
and accruing costs subject to all unpaid taxes.
Sheriff of said county.
Wm. Mitchell
Attorney for plaintiff. 435
Sheriff's Sale.
No. 1500. '
By vlrtuo of an order of sale Issued by the
clerk of tho district court of llox Hntte coun-
tyaobruska, upon n uocreo renuercn ny bain
court In favor of Mnry E. Reed, plaintiff, aud
tlie uirura mtusi company, iruBiee, cross-
Eetltloner, nnd against the unknown
clRi of Albert llowlaud, deceased,
and others, defendants. I will, on the
20th day of November, A. D. 1005, at 10
OCIOCK a.m. on suiuuay.aiwio weai iruuiuuur
of tho court house In Alliance, In said county,
selMho following described real estate, to-wlt:
Southwest quarter, section 25. township 28,
north range 47, wst 0 P.M, In llox Ilutto coun
ty, Nebraska, at public nuctlon to the high
est bidder for cash, to satisfy said order of
salo In tho sum of $883.75 and interest, costs
nndtaccrulnB costs,.sublect to all unpaid taxes.
Sheriff of said County.
Wm, Mitchell.
Attorne y for Plaintiff.
lloyd & Uarker. Cross-petitioners. 45
Notice of Sale under Chattel .Mortgage
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a
chattel mortgage, dated the 14th day of Jan
uary. 1905. and duly filed in tho oiJlco of tho
couuty clerk of llox Uutto county, Nebraska,
on the eighteenth day of January, IW6.
nnd a certified copy of said mortgage was tiled
In tho omco of tho clerk of Lancaster couuty,
Nebraska, on May 8. 1005. and executed by hd
ward Pylo toO. v. Clark and John N. Clark,
to secure tho payment of tho sum or 41,500.00.
and upon which there Is now duo tho sum of
J1.017U). Default havlim been made in tho
payment of said sum, and no suit or other
proceeding at law having been in
stituted to recover ...said tlabt or
uny part thereof, wo will soil the prop
erty therein described, namely! 'Twenty
head of colts, nil aged one year in spring of
1005, about half mures and half horses, fcaeh
f ulil .viltilK branded with onoof the follow
ing brands on neck namely: 37, , 40, 41, 43.
44. 45, 40, 47, 50, 51. 30, 35. 33. 33. 31. 30. 2S. 'it and
23," at public unction at the livery barn of 8.H.
Desch, on Laramie, avenue in tho city of
Alliance, llox Uutte county, Nebrasku, on tho
18th day of November, 1905, at ono o clock
p.m. of said day.
Dated October 25. 1005.
(. W. OL.A1UC and
fp Oct 2S Mortagees.
Special Salesmen in
We handle all kinds of stock.
and call when you
Kftferonccs: (
Any Jlank or Mercantile Agoncy. (
Iambs C. Daiilman,
Pros, and Mgr.
J. W. GltlDllLH,
The American
Commission Company
Live Stock
James C. Daiilman.
Ed. Cahow.
J. M. Humphrey.
So. Omaha
Buy Feeders on Orders,
-South Omaha, Nebraska:
Commission Merchants
South Omaha, Nebr. .
Chicago, Illinois. Sioux City, Iowa.
W. H. Dudley,
T. D. Perrine,
Cattle Salesmen
W. F. King,
Allen Dudley,
Hllen Rubles & Co.
ConnissiON Merchants
Telephone 132 So. Omaha. . Telephone 302 Co. Bluffs.
Live Stock CommissionMerchants
Also Chicago, 111.
Sioux City, Iowa corps of yardmen.
We will-be more than pleased to send free masket reports
to all desiring them.
Live Stock Commission Co.
South Omaha
H. E. Tagq,
A. W. Tagg,
Cattle Salesmen.
John Smith,
Sheep Salesman.
G. M. HamiLl,
Hog Salesman.
W. B. Tagg,
107-109 Exchange Bldg.
South Omaha, Neb.
234-236 Exchange Bldg.
South St. Joe, Mo.
Nye & Buchanan Co.
Live Stock Commission
Write TJh i'ov jVTnvlcet Reports or a Pnpor.
Expert Salesmen in AH Departments.
Each Department.
Write for our Market Letter
are at the yards.
Live Stock Commission Co.
II. I1LANCIIAKI) Prcs. nnd Alnnugcr.
Cahow, Vice-Pres.
Sec'y nnd
& Chicago
Ed. Cahow,
Cattle Salesman.
Ass. Cattle Salesman
Jim Clarey,
Hog Salesman.
Martin Collerton,
Sheep Salesman.
Both Cattle and Sheep
. i
Scott Harrell,
Hog Salesman.
Jno. Ross, Jr., Sbeep Salesman.
We have a special salesman in
ilfinnrfwpnt wlin Jr nlilv nccictnrl In.
a full
South St, Joe,
H. 13. Hamill,
Hog Salesman
and Manager.
M. D. Young,
Cattle Salesman.
J. C. Sager,
; t
t t :.