4 r k? i S: -w JQHN PILKINGTON Grain, Flour and Feed AT THE OLD STAND. ,.1177 not be undersold.. In Everybody's Mouth! Newberry's Line of Buggies. Prices lower than ever before. Style and fnush unsurpassed. Road wagons from ?a8. to S85. ' . Top buggies from $40. to Si 00. Spring wngons from S50. to Sioo. Freight on buggies from Omaha to Alliance is S1.51 per 100 lbs. And from Chicago to Alliance it is S2.71 per too lbs. We are prcpatcd to meet any and all prices on the best as well ns the cheapest buggies. See them at -fsNEWBERRY'S Ts ICLSON ITJL,lGrrOinCT2, v FIRE INSURANCE AGENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford I'iru Insurnnco Company. North Amerlcitn of I'JiltndotpIilu. Phoenix of Ulooklyn. Xow York. Continental of Now York Olty. Niagara Klro Insurmico Company. New York Underwriters. New York. Commercial Union Assuuinco Co., London Dray and Transfer Line. 1 w Phone 139. ZE?a,la,ce Livery Barn S. II. 13ICSCII, Prop. oni: irt.ocK wi:st 01 tiii: xr.w zmndun liCII.DING. 'Phone. FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Heating. Steam and hot water Phone, No. 356. ALLIANCE, NEB. Wm.. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ... WOOD 'Phone No. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. Checkered LIVERY AND FEED BARN JAMES KEELER, . Proprietor. DR. J. G. BRENIZER ni!i:i:i)i:it of Pure Scotch and Scotch Topped SHORTHORN CATTLE BROKEN BOW, NEBRASKA. ' Herd headed by CRIMSON SCOTT, -177035, Straight Scotch Breeding. Herd numbers 90 breeding cows that weighing 1400 to 1800 pounds, a large number being pure Scotch, and as, good breeding as was ever brought from Scot land. Experience has taught me that for breeding purposes cattle shipped in are very little good the first year, their consti tutions must become accustomed to our high altitude and our grass. Hence ani mals raised here are preferable. I intend to raise them here. Good, first class Nebraska breeders, the equal to anything raised in the U. S. Come and see me. (20-Cm) F. M. WALLACE DRAY LINE Moving Household Furniture - and Trunks a specialty . . Phone No, iYoung's grocery, Alliance. IT WILL PAY YOU TO GO TO N. FROHNAPFEL The llcniingfortl Merchant WHEN YOU WANT LJl. 3 V nnnnc 1 V-IVVVIV.-J, GROCERIES OR CLOTHING l&U$3ttfcZ!V&Xl2LtiiSlKS2IZSES 'Liverpool. London mid Globe Ins. Co. Oermiin American Ins. Co., New York, runners mid Mt-rclmms Ins. Co , Lincoln. Cnlumblii Klro Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwriters. Phoenix Ins. Co., Ilnrtford. Conn. Office I'p-.Stnlr.s.Plctchcr Mock. HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worr) about what to do with your Household Goods S. A. Miller will take charge of them: store ther Sjg in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and sbii ws them wherever desired. Charges reasonable The only spring dray line in the city t.... S. A. Miller. Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, and courteous treatment to all has won for us the excellent patronage we enjoy. Try us. MCPOKT OF TIIK CONDITION Ol" The First National Bank, CHAUTBH NO. I.'M. At Alliance. In the stnto of Nebraska, lit the close of business. May 2i, mxi. UR.4DIICES. Loans anil discounts, $ Overdrafts, secuied and iiiinucurcd.. V, S. Ijouds to secure circulation.... ItankliiK house, furniture and fix tures., Duo from national banks (not ro sorve agents) Due from statu banks and bankers., . Duo from approved reserve agents Checks and other cash Items Notes of other national b'inks Fractional p:per currency, nickels tiud cents Lawful .Momsy Kkskiivk ix Hank, viz: Specie $I0.8I.(H) I'al tender notes .... 2,uo 00 Krdcmptlon fund with U. S. treasur er (5 percent of circulation) Duo from L. ,S. tieuxurer, otberthaii 5 percent redemption fund -3l.0Jl.ltJ U.jOO (W 8.500 00 3.IT1.1S 125.K5 11,-215.41 55.44 2,745 00 25.1(l 12.SI4.00 US 00 2 50 Total . 708.K2 i.iAim.niH. Capital stock paid in "! 50,000 00 Surplus fiiuil 10,000 00 Undivided profits, loss expenses and taxes paid 4.TI0..VJ National bank notesnutMnnillU!,... Vi.MM 00 Individual d('HMt!MilJifi to check ivi.r.l'.tv? Demand 'ortltlcatos of deiHJsIl O.tiio.O- Tliue eortllU'ates of deposit f.i.SW.-ll) Total .$283,70s.82 Plate of Nebraska, county of IJox Jlutte. ss. I, r5. IC. Warrick, cashier of the abovo- lamcd bank, do solemnly swear that tho about statement Is truo to tho best of my Knowledge and liollef. f. K. Waiiiuck, Cashier. Couulct -Atto.st: A. S. ItUBD, ) It. M. Hampt.n. Director.,. II. G. W'AltlllCK, Subscribed and sworn to In my presence this 2nd day of Juno, A. D. IKOt T. J.O'ICheni, sua J, U. B. Uind ComtnlHalouer, District of Nubrusku. Ordinance No. 93. An Ordinance Providing for an Occupation Tax on Saloons. Ho it ordained by tho iimjor and city coun cil of the our of Alliance, that section (1) one. of Ordinance No. H7, of wild city, entitled An Ordinance ProWdiui; an O.vujutlori Tax on saloons where Intoxicating Hiiioisaro sold in the city or Alliaucn and providing penalties for the loljU ion thereof. Tlint SK'tlon 1, Of b.ild Ordinance No. b", Imi amoniU'd to road: SU'TION 1 Any person onnlnK or rimnliiK u saloon where intoxicating liquors jne sold in tliu city of Alliance, t-lmll my. Into tho city treiiinrj, llie sum of JW0.O0 per car, U) Ikj known us un Occupation tuv. to bo n.ild us follows. Mioaou at tliecomliieijcemeutof thollscal vear. iir- vhled auj nerson or lwrsous em;ai;lu; in such nusinsaitur luucoinmeuceiueiii or (lie liscul jear shall ouly lo roiiulrtsJ to pay pro ratn of the bald J80J.00. that the rumatulnj; sum shall be paid at the rate of 950,(10 per month duriiiK tcn iiiomn burn uesiness is so o)eratoil ami carried on In the city of Alliance', prodded that if such person or ixTsons shall outage In the (scupailon after the bceinnlm.' ot the lis cul year, biicli iMjrsou or imtsoiio shall only be n-Jliilrvtl to pay buck tax at tho rate of $50.00 iwr mouth for tho time actually engaged. That sahl last Mini Is oxclusUo und outsldo of the ?;!S0O.OO, tlrot paid or fractional pan there of. If such iersou or persons unjiaj-'u lu bald business after tliu boxlnnlii!; of the Usual jear. Approvod und n&shisj this June (1. VMJ. 1 1. HutfliisK.sSTl.i.s, .Major. V. W, IUunifc Clark. HEMINGFORD. (Keith U Plurce fully authorised to fit subscriptions and Job work mid cpl id MriliiL for satim. iiml transact nil lit mi- !t liur business In connection with his position lis 1111 accredited rtfurcseiilntlt oof this pa pur. Elinor Rowland was. in town Wodnos day. ' It. .. Everett wont to Alliance Sunday evening. Dilhng Uros. were in from Marplo Sat urday. Garfield Dull and family were In town Wednesday. ' C. J. Wildy wont down to tho ranch Wednesday. Uert Hopkins lost a valuable steer by lightning Friday, Fred Nagelschnoidur lost one head of stock by lightning recently. H. H. Sinter had a couple of horses bit by rattle snakes last weok. - The band boys have been offered a job playing at Alliance the 4th. W. A. Clark lost a cow in the thunder shower of Friday by lightning. II. 1'. Swezey has sold his farm, consist in of 350 acres, to Mich.il Hutler. Miss Httrloigh returned from Lakoside Sunday where she has been visiting. FretJ Harris returned to Lincoln Mon day night aftor spending a week here. Miss Mao Wanok and Miss Knyeirt wont to Alliance Friday to attend Normal. Hnrvcy Alliason hats rented the E. D. Piper farm and has moved out to his new location. A. Mr. and Mrs. II, L. Hushnoll visited with Claude Brown and wife tho first of the week. A session of the Hemingford Hipping Company, or Snidor Dipping Association, was held hero Wednesday, Mrs. E. M. Bean, with Milla and John, are visiting with friends here this week and looking alter business interests. Insure our house, barn and livestock now, Lightning season just beginning. K. L. Pierce, t.gent. First State Bank; Safe, conservative and reliable. The best place to deposit your idle funds. We carry burglar insur ance. Some one was in from the Marple neigh borhood and stated tli.1t the name of the post office there had been changed from Box Butte to Marple. Miss Mary Herncall came up from Hecla and visited fripnds from Thursday to Sunday. She will attend Normal at Alliance this summer. The Nonpareil ball nine will give a dance at Green's hall Friday evening, June lC. Everybody invited, 2t UOMMITTEK, J. K. Neal sent flowers for the grave of Mrs. Lemon for Decoration day. She was also remembered by her son Everett Cook who was present with flowers. E. W. Anderson, a young man from Pennsylvania and a relative of J. C Os born, departed for Dickinson, N. D,, Thursday where he expects to spend the summer. The Odd Fellows lodge will be started here on the 24th inst. if arrangements can be made to cet tho hall on that night. Quite a crowd is coming up from Alliance to do the work. EUie Green was quite badly injured by a flying piece of tin in the high wind of Mcnday. It struck her just over the eye and the wound wasoLsuch a nature that two stitches were necessary to close it. Notice All thorfe knowing themselves indepted to me will please call and settle same with .lohn Anderson in the Millet pharmacy. I have sold out and want to collect all outstanding debtsjat once. tf Geo. F. Hedrkcock. Word has come from St. Louis that Will B. Goodenough, son of M, H. Good enough and wife of this place, had died in St. Louis May 23. He was here in April for his health and was returning to Mem phis for his wife when he was taken sick at St. Louis 'and died there. He leaves one daughter Mrs. Mattie Olds of Hem ingford. He was one of the early settlers in this county, having taken up land in 1884. The Herald extends its sympathy to the bereaved family. Amusements. The Allen-Web Amusement Co. have arranged to give a pioving pictuie entertainment in the opera bouse Sat urday night, in which they will give n vivid description of the Jap-Russian war and many of its moU important battles, also many other important events of the recent past arc portrayed in an interesting and instructive man ner. A good evening cntortainment. Miss Carter, pf Chicago, entertained a house full of literary people at the First Presbyterian chinch, Monday night in her recital of Justiti McCarthy's "If I Were King." The elite of the city were present and her tecital was of the highest order, one of the verv best elocutionary entertainments ever presented. When E. R. Southern pre sents this, there are always those in the audience who cannot hcari but Monday night brought out in detail, both in voice and gesture, what is lost by Southern. Miss Carter is theguest of Mrs. W. II. Maple while in the city. "King of Kings," the Cantata by the Choral union under the direction of Prof. Halstead, at the opera house, Friday night, promises to be a musical treat, a chorus, of select voices, has been practicing for the event for some time. In addition to the entertain ment, those purchasing tickets, will be entitled to ton votos, each, for a lady's gold watch that will be given as a pres ent to the young lady receiving the most votes. Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. MARSLAND. T, J. Poote took 41 for Crew ford Satur day . Mr. and Mrs. J. Tollmnn wre Crawford visitors on Saturday. Ransom Bjers hirtd to Kendrie Bros, and will try railroading. Mastor Willie Gregg and sisor Fay wero Alliance visitors Snturday. The sale at Will Dewltfs, Juno 1st was a failure There was only one cow sold. A. Mclaughlin attended the stockmen's association meeting in Alliance last week. W. A. Moyer, of Crawford, proprietor of tho telephono lino was in to.n Sunday night, Fred Tnllman came down from Bronk neck 011 Wednoidny with a four horse load ot posts. Mrs. E N. Cramer ot Allianco, with her three children, are visiting at the home of L. Snow. A nice new twolve-foot flag was turned to the breoio on Decoration day. from the school house cupola. Mr. vand Mrs. J. C. Woods spoilt apart of last week in Clmdron. Mr. Wood was a witness in a law suit. L. Snow took 41 for Mystic on Suudny joining othors from Allianco who aru in terested in mino$ in tlint vicinity. Miss Thomas, who has been teaching the past year in tho Allinnce schools, oamo up on. 41. Saturday. W. II. Thomas and family. Mr. and' Mis. Logan of South Table gnve a pleasant party on Saturday night which was attended by a mini bur of our younsters. Miss Attie Snow, the efficient clerk in the postollicc and who spent a fortnight visit ing at Alliance, is again behind the botes handing 01ft mail. Mrs. Engstrom was down from tho raucli on Sunday and informed us that her ranch is for sale. This is a fine place con sisting of 1, oho acres. Mrs. J. C. Bennett, who was called to University Place two weeks ago, still re mains at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Knyeart, who is very ill. Messrs. Songster and Sutton, now set tlers of Sioux county, came down Friday remaining until Saturday, taking out a load of supplies for-the, ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Crawford, are in camp on tho town site. Mr. Wilson is repairing the telephone lino from Craw ford to Alliance and has already" been out four weeks. II. P. and E. A. Kendrie, who took a mile of grading under Contractor Burke on the Guernsey extension, left on Friday with their families and work outfit for their field of labor. The Misses Hazle and Hallie Furman are spending a week with tho Agnew's, former residents of near this place, but now owner of the Russell Thorp ranch south of Lusk, Wyo. Miss Addie Ream left on 41 Saturday and will visit at Belmont, Crawford and Whitney before returning to her home in Omaha. Her many friends ire sorry to See her leave Marsland. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Gregg, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, Mrs. Morava, A. E. Byers, C. H. Richey, P. L. Wilson, N. S. Poole, Bruce and llallibaugh, H.G. Fur man and son Bert, Hitelin and and others from this valley, spent last week in Chad ron attending county court. The larger number of them have to be present again this week. School closed oh Thursday with appro priate exercises. One pupil, Elizabeth Thomas, completed eighth grade work and received her difiloma. Several others were promoted to higher grades. On Fri day, teacher and pupils betook themselves to the grove on II , S. Turman place and enjoyed fishing and a picnic dinner. And so closed another school year with best of feelings between teacher, pupils and pa trons. Most Invigorating Bath In Great Salt Lake. The late Charles Dudley Warner author, editor and traveler while bathing in Great Salt Lake, remarked to a friend that in all his travels he never before saw such a splendid com bination of salt sea bathing, blue sunlit skies, pure mountain air and pretty women and childien. The climate of Salt Lake City, while temperate the year around, is particularly delightful sin ummer, with its sunny days and cool nights. One, three and seven-day tours to the mountains can be made from Salt Lake City. Tourist rates aro now in effect via. the Denver & Rio Grande ("The Scenic lino of the World") and tho Rio Grande Western ("The Great Salt Lake Route.") For beautifully illustrated pamphlets, etc., write S. K. Hoopor, G. P. & T. A., Denver, Colo. Time Table Alliance, Ncbr. LINCOLN, DENVER, OMAHA, HELENA, CHICAGO, BUTTE, ST. JOSEPH, SALT LAKE CITY KANSAS CITY, PORTLAND, ST. LOUIS, SAN FRANCISCO, and nil points oust und all points west and south. TltAIKS LUAVK AS l'OI.Ut., JOUNTAIN TlMK; No. 41 Pussonscr dally. Doadwood. Hillings, all points north und west 18:50 p.m. No. 42 Pasionger dally, Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago and all points east 3: 15 u. in. No. 301 Passencor dally, for Denver Ok'den.siiit ijxko, tan rran clsco and all Intermediate points. departs at 30u.m. No. 302 PasMJiiifor dally from Denver and ull lutermedlute polnta, arrives at 10; 45u.m. No. 305 Tuesdays. Thursduy, Satur days, points bouth and wut, departs 8:00 a. in. No. 30a Tuesdays, Thursdays. Satur days, south and west, arrlves.0:2ap. m. .Sleeping, dining and reclining chair ears (bouts free) oil through trains. Tickets sold ami baggage checked to any point in the United :-lntoi or Canada. For information, tine lablos and tickets mill 011 or write L. S. t?A(iK, Agent, or L. W. Wakei.ev. Gun. rrul l'utHUnger Agent. Omaha, Nebraska. AUCTION On Saturday, July 1st The STANDARD CATTLE COHPANY will sell at Mulien,Neb.,10:30a.m. at PUBLIC AUCTION, to the highest bidder for cash, aproximately the fol lowing": 300 Head of Horses and Mares which include the company's best hayingteamsfor mow ers, sweeps and rakes. Saddle horses and some mares with colts by their side. This number will also include about 60 head of young native mares and geldings (by pure bred Percheron stallion), raised on the company's ranch and running from yearlings upward. Also their best wagons, mowers, harness, and a large assortment of various kinds of farm machinery. In addition to the above auction sale, the Standard Cattle company will hold the following sales: At Pass Ranch, Friday July 7th. At Big Creek Ranch, Monday,! July 10th. At Carve Ranch, Wedndesday, July 12th. At these sales they will offer for cash to the high est bidder all of their haying and farm machinery not included in the Mullen sale. V. E. Mite, assisted by George Tracewell, will conduct the Mullen sale, and George Tracewell the three sales on 7th, 10th and 12th of July. 22-Sw crrr'd' F TELEPHONE The Palace For a Leg of Mutton A Loin Roast A .Fresh Fish or . . . A Soup Bone If you haven't time to cook them, we can send you a Steak, a Chop or some Ovsters QUICK!. Phone 131 y)iamonds, VI s Souvenirs o Repairing in all its Branches. A7. CX Barnes, Jeweler and Optician. A WORD WITH YOU WOODEN TANKS AND sheep Dipping Vats cattle We make a superior article in our factory and wact you for a customer. Our material is the best and our prices are right. New list just out. Send for it. FOREST LUMBER CO. - Alliance, Nebr. Absolutely Pure Paint STANDS THIS CLIMATE BEST Every Gallon Guaranteed.. ron sale by F. E. H0LSTEN SALE! A Big Come-down in lumber is not at all likely, unless the unexpected happens. Prices aro more likely to go up, Wc carry a full line of LUMBER AND COAL Dierks' Lumber and Coal Co. D. WATCUS, Mnur. Also agents for Neb. Cent. Did. & Loan Asso, 'Phone 22, ' f fleat Market BUSHNELL dc OLD AY. 0 Watches, Gold Jewelry, o 0 Hail orders promptly attended to. it ri m ImP BPirSlIF (S&J