HAD TO GIVE tUP. Suffered Agonle from Kidney Disor ders Until Cured by Doah's , Kidney Pills. flporgo W Kmon. of 1953 North 11th St.. I'hlln dolphin. Pa., n mnn of good rep u t a 1 1 o n and standing, writes: "Flvo yearn ago I wns suffering so with my back and kidneys that t often had to lay oft Tho kidney secrellons were ununUiral, m ' legs nud stomach wore hwoIIcii, and I .had no appetite. When doctors faricd to holp mo I began using Doan'a Kidney Pills and Improved until my back was Btrong and my appctlto re--turned. During the four years since 1 stopped using them I hnvo enjoyed exeullcnt health. Tho euro was per manent," (Signed) Cleorgo W. Ration. A TRIAL FUKK Address Foster Mllbiirn Co., lluffalo, N. Y. For snla by a!l dealers. Price, 50 cotila. Owns Costly Book, The Duko of Devonshire, possoses, ns an heirloom. Claude Lorraine's "Rook or Truth," which Is mild to he oiio ot tho rarest and most valuable volumes In Ktiropp. It Is worth six time as much as the. "Mazarln" Jilble, the most costly book that tho llrltlsh Museum can boast, Tho former Duke reHised nn oner of $ 100,000 for It. Frightful Capacity. My little sister Marlon, when fdur years old, was feeding sqme greedy Oiena In tho back yard one day al .noon. She was called to dinner, mid, on taking her chair at tho table, ex claimed: "Oh, mamma, I'm as hungry as a chicken with a hundred tongues." Comments on the Wildcat. A wildcat was caught In n trap In RoHhlrc. Scotland, recently, and 1b In bo cnrerully stuffed and preserved. Tho Westminster Gazette says n wild cat s "beautifully remarked," nnd .mills thai "It Is moro dangerous for game or man than tho fox." Duck Is Natural Surgeon. A hunter who lives at Kustrln, Ger many, Bhot and wounded a wild duck, When ho canio across It, after a long search, he found that It had tried to etuy the tlow of blood under tho wing by stufllng in a number of grass blades. Sermon on Cleanliness. Onco a year tho archbishop of Tuain yreaches a sermon on health and cleanliness. Tho national board ot the Catholic Truth society of Ireland lias issued a sanitary sermon as n pamphlet which sells at a penny, Greatest Slaughter of Officers. Tho greatest proportionate loss of officers to men in any battle was at tho enpturo of tho Redan, In tho Cri mea, where three officers were lost to every twenty-two men. Apples In China. Apples, In central China, aro soft, .lack flavor, and have no keeping qual ities. Imported American varieties aro -doing comparatively well, but soon Jlose their best qualities. If you can't attend tho heavenly feast because you'vo got a now yoke ot oxen, tako the oxen along for tho feast. E. G, Holden in "Tho Sunday : .Magazine." Yeu may havo observed that certain veoplo who believe In saying only 'Komo aro said to bo lucky becauso tthey havo good senBc. Thero is no stage of Hfo in which we nre safo; tho young aro lmpetu ou8, tho middle-aged stubborn, tho old weak all dangerous. Bishop Hall. Every great man is always bolng helped by everybody, for his gift Is to get good out ot all things and nil persons. Ruskln. Wo havo all heard of wolves In sheep's clothing, but tho wolf at tho door generally comes disguised as a bill collector. When a woman talks a great deal about a certain man sho wants others to think that It Is purely a case of ac cident. The very art of life, so far ns I havo been able to observe, consists In forth tud and perseverance. Walter Scott. Defiance Starch Is put up 1C ounces In a package, 10 cents. One-third more Bttnch for the same money. Probably the undertaker looks sol emn at a funeral becauso he Is afraid he will not get his money. I do not bellare PIso's Cure for Consumption bas an equal for coughs and cold. Joay V. UortH, Trinity Springs, Incl., Feb. 15, UXU There would be no debtors if prom ises wero legal tenders. SPINAL CURVATURE Can be Cured AISO OTHCn DCrORMITIC. Write or call t office fur free tnfortua tiou. HUhett testimonials fiora prom injitsutesiueu,audpli)sli ians, Coir uiiourramuy Doctor, ro mares or ipplianccsusetl. Treated sucresitullj tjr maiL SU Tears' einrrieiv e. I he Blommlit fivmilitlc & Orihatvrflr tut. ClftlCBilMZ, M90H.0ll.riD, CITltl.OO.M. (TO II AnllNCTON alK.. OMAHA. NtB, 'iTIUIEnQMUir BINDER ilLMWUVCrfiAR ALWAYS ".AB L tour jubtwr ur airett irom factor, l'orl, 1U. fLJ UjM Warsaw a Milk Twn. The town of Warsaw moy be called the milk producers' 12d?n. although tho milk consumers' Kden It certilnly Is not. There Is probably nowhere such u "milk town" ni this. Restau mnts arc little frequented. On the other hand, tho public frequent the various diaries In great numbers In order to chat with fi lends or read the newspapers; to tho nccoinpanlmcnt of n black or white coffeo or a glass of cold or warm nilllt. Retort Courteous. Sandy McNuti was boastful of his nncostors and of tho noblo connec tions of his family. A tourist who was spending week in the' village where Sandy lived met that Individual driv ing a pig. "Hullo, Sandy." said the visitor. "Is this one of your noblo re lations?" "Na. na. sir." was Sandy's roply. "Sho's no relation at all, she's shust on acquaintance like yorsel'." Lives of Men and Women. No mnn, even the moat wretched, would change with any woman, even the most fortunate. And this Is not an Illusion. He H Instinctively right. Ho gets more out ot life. Ho knows this, nnd It helps him to hear much without complaint. Referee. Found at Last. Alston, Mich.. March 13th. (Spe cial.) After suffering for twenty years from Rheumatism and Kidney Troubles, and spending a fortuno In doctors and medicines that brought him no reller, Mr. James Cttlet of this place has found a complete cure for all his aches, pains and weakness, In Dodd's Kidney Pills. Naturally Mr. Culet feels much elat ed over his euro and gives great credltito tho remedy that gave him health. "Yes," Mr. Culet says, "my rheuma tism and Kidney Troubles aro all gono and I feel Rko a new man. Dodd's Kidney Pills did It. Before I used them 1 spent a small fortune on doctors and one remedy and anoth er. I cheerfully recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to anyone suffering from Rheumatism or Kidney Trouble." ' Dodd's Kidney Pills always euro sick kidneys. Healthy kidneys take all tho uric acid tho cause of Rheu mutism dut of the blood. That's why Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure Rheumatism. Tho first robin will arrive foolishly early, but he would have to wear furs and gum boots to get hero ahead of the tlrst spring bonnet. COMMISSIONER GARFIELD'S RE PORT ON BEEF INDUSTRY. The rejiort of Commissioner Oar field on the beef Industry has ut last been published. It must bu some what of a surprise to those who have been indulging In wholesale adverse criticism upon the methods ot the Chicago packers, as It dischues facta and ttgures which clearly show that the great food producers have been lnnoconl of the serious offenses with which they have been charged. They have been for a long time accused by newspupers all over the country of extortionate prlt.es demanded, and ob tained, of depression of values of cat tle at tho various stockyards where their business Is conducted, of enor mous profits wholly disproportionate to the capital employed, and, in gen eral, of so carrying on their business that tho public, under an organized system of spoliation, were being robbed for their e,xcliibtve benefit. Wo find now, how'ever, tliat not a single one of these charges has been sustained but, on the contrary, that rigid and searching Investigation, of ficially made, has resulted In com plete acquittal. Instead of extortion it is shown that no Industry can be found where so narrow a margin of prollt prevails tho actual records and uiiglnal civ tries, to which the commissioner had free access, showing that the high- , est net prollt any of tho packers made on their sales of beef was two and three-tenths per cent in 100 aud In one instance that the prollt realized in 1901 was ono und eight-tenths pet cent. Tho variations In tho market prices for cattle tiro exhaustively treated and no ovldcnco of any kind was dis covered, or even hinted at, tending tc show that values of cattle are In the slightest degree Improperly affected or controlled by packers at any ol the chief centers of the industry. On tho whole, tho report completely dissipates the prevalent Idea that great fortunes aro being amassed by lUccal and Improper methods env ployed by western packers, showing that notwithstanding the high prices for beef prevailing in 1902 the bust ness was less remunerative than Id years characterized by normal values both for cattle and product. He sayi "that the year 1902, Instead of belug ono of exorbitant profits, as has been commonly supposed, was less profit' able than usual. In fact, during tho months when the prices of beef were tho highest, some, at least, of the leading packers were losing money on every head of cattle slaughtered. It was not possible to advance the prices of beef iu full proportion to tha great advance in the prices of catiU at that time." After all that has been written re flecting upon the great business in terest engaged in tho marketing and distribution of the product of one ol tho greatest ot our national minis tries, it is gratifying to all fair minded people that the prejudiced attacks upon It have failed of verification; and the great western packers may be congratulated for having pasped through buch a searching and thor ough official Investigation unsmlrched. Tho results of this Investigation, based as It Is upon exhaustive data, officially obtaiued and verified by United States go eminent experts, must be accepted without hesitation, as tho Investigation vas made under circumstances that guaranteed com plete accuracy wllh a possible dispo sition indeed, to arrive at entirely different results. Blessed is he who puts a line ot wisdom In a line of type,, oasDT .r -W W Jt SlNJVNJTlOL Useful Cutting Device. A Jiand punch for cutting holci through leather, cardboard and othei similar purposes Is almost as much o' a household implement ns tho ham mer. hut heretofore tho appllcatlor of this tool has been limited to a very great degree by the .net that, tintl' comparative') recently, oach punch wns fitted for tho purpose of maklnr a ho!o of ono size, ro that whore holes of many sizes were likely to br called for It was necessary to have on hnnd a number of punches. Thl was remedied by making u magnzlm attachment by which nny onto or eP different rIzcs could bo obtained. These tools at the best wero suit ed only for leather and paper, bu' there has been recently Introduced an Improvement by which u variety o' holes can be made, as far ns rIzc U concerned, but the Implement ha also tho faculty of operating with grcnt easo on sheet metal. Tho tool is made In two different sires, with a working range of frorr one-sixteenth to one-half Inch. The design of the punch Is such ns to give an unusually great leverage, aH f pressure of ono pound, exerted on the handles gives fourteen pounds at the point of tho punch, nnd It is this great leverage that enables It to cut metal Photography In Colors. Direct photography In colors on pa per has been perfected in Germany. Writing paper free from wood is used and Is mnde sensitive to the different colors by being soaked Irt a bath con slbtlng of a mixture of alcoholic- solu tions of primrose, Victoria blue, cya nln, curciimln, nurnmln, and an addi tion of anothol. Tho bath Is tested b) exposing n sensitized strip of paper under n test negative composed of red. yellow, green nnd blue strips of glass. Slnco tho light sensitiveness dlmin Ishes rapidly, exposure Is made at onco. and under favorable conditions good results are obtained In flvo miu utes' exposure. The exposure Is made under a colored glass transparency or lantern slide. By modifying tho bath a picture of flowers may be obtained directly In the camera. In another modification of tho process an ordi nary platinum print Is made, which Is hen sensltl.ed und exposed under a colored negative. The light sensitive ness of the paper depends essentially, however, on the nature of the libers of which the paper Is made. Toothbrush Substitute. A substitute for tho conventional toothbrush consists gf a wedge-shaped device, preferably made of rubber, or equivalent pliable material, with faces modeled to effectively reach those parts of the teeth that are In accessible to the regulation tooth brush as ordinarily wielded. Tho In ventor of this device, a Chicago muu, declares that his toothcleaner will find effective entry between the teeth at tin front und rear, and at the same tlmo bo adaptable for both the fronts and tho backs of all tho teeth. The edges of tho device aro separated to afford lodging places for the lentl frlces, nnd tho faces aro so disposed with referonco to tho handle that It forms convenient angles for applica tion to tho dental curvatures. The general diameter of the appliance is shown In tho accompanying Illustra tion. Life-Saving Raft An unslnkable life-saving raft for passenger steamships has been in vented by Robert Chambers of Scot hind. It Is mado ot wood and consists of thrc'o longitudinal bulkheads, divid ing the raft Into four longitudinal com partments. Tho bulkheads aro also divided into thirty-two nlr-tlght com partments. Sea anchor and hawser prfevent the iaft from drifting leeward In a heavy sea. The raft occupies small space and several can be safely stowed on top of each other on deck, nnd all can be cut adrift at u mo ment's notice. Each raft will carry forty or fifty people, while life lines will support as many as can hnng on. Tho raft Is self-adjusting and Is pro vided with sockets to hold rowlocks and oars. Steam Automobiles on Ralls. The Hanover railway company Is muklug trial trips from Hanover to Soltau with steam automobiles. Tho third class carriages can tako thirty .hreo passengers; the second class ii-.ve seven seats, and thoro are also en standing places. Thero is no ocomotlvo for driving those cars, but machinery In the carriage, which can oc driven by ono man. If these trial tnps should prove satisfactory the scheme will bo tried on a larger scale k Vjb h. !L-tgagsagi.i i m'i i wi-g'i1 nn in 1 1. in arrirr-- luli SI.Ht Iih- intnr Id low tlly ba- I. ifr dinging ..riin wohIiI loon ttieti r nl r.iri" 'rntn my rvfuctnnt neck, and tier wnrtn fneo Voulil .'rtmr. vry from mine, that trt'Mlv tr To ltM n moment rnnrr tlio hlNs tlmt lip 'ii all or IIk nrt rnivfs tint dflwy sm Oil. Unppy It Th- j-enr cull nul crn mm off mv hatk the Imprepft that I trli. ' winuldr. cU'ftr, If you will erPr Mow low much 1 love you. If sonic fuiiirr day ' Cou'll fel within your lniirt tile knonl- edsrp Brow rbp wlillo you wiit Ii h i-lillil al rist or nifty I l.ili MO. ..! i.ir i wmtiii iikc to thrnv. riiiH nullum im if mini iu-rim j-mr 0OCIETY WOMEN OF AMERICA, 'aim I at Tello of Their Characteristics and Ambitions. "Determination tho kind that over 'ides all feeling nud heait to satisf) ne Indomitable ambition and has cached the point whero It Is simply telflshnosH, that Is the chief charac teristic of the American society woni in itK I read It in her palm." This Is the conclusion of tho myste rious Pandora, noblewomnn nnd for tuno teller, who Is now In New York. "No one could havo a better oppor 'unity than I do to observe tho leaders if American society," said Pandora. "In addition to reading their palms 1 come In closo personal contact with thorn at social events dally. "And they aro so much alike. Al ways striving with ono wild pnsston before their eyes, to bo talked about, envied; nursing a little fad only to discard It to tako another equally as small: now one In tho lead and tho others following llko sheep, and then another taking the front and tho re mainder after her. "It seemed so strange to me to real- how they sacrificed all for this one end. One dny I wns rending some thing that had been published very unpleasant to a society woman. 'Don't you hnto to have your roputa tinn nt lucked llko that?' I said. ' 'Well,' Bin; answered, 'I would rather have a bad reputation than none nt all.' "I told the woman at Newport just what I found in their hands, nnd when it was not all they had wished I put It is plcnsantly as possible, but still stated the facts. Some of them did not like It. "I think Mrs. Mamie Fish did not enjoy what I said. In fact she took it it hit hard. "Mrs. Perry Belmont Is kind and CflPONG DXliW ncAsr 'in twimxA has a heart that Is so large aud true. Mrs. Ogden Goelet Is a charming woman. "I havo had my trials with tho nouveaux rlche, 1 can ussuro you. There aro many such, I am sorry to say. It Is sad to know that there aro many snobs In this society, but It Is true. The veneor Is not very thick, either, and they cannot help but pro claim themselves In every sort of way." Relief of Poverty in England. In 17C7, Irritated by tho high prices of provisions, the poor people of Eng land rose in many parts and seized the corn from the flour mills, which they sold at reasonable prices, glvitig the money to tho rightful owners n well-conducted riot that caused a law to bo passed against the eighteenth century cornering of wheat. But, a severe winter following, tho distress became so great that the London com mon council ordered $5,000 to bo sub scribed out of tho city funds and that "a subscription book should be opened for tho donations of all well-disposed persona." "By this noblo plan," says of writer ot that time, "great numbers ot people wero happily relieved from tho most abject stato of distress." Relic of the Spanish Armada. A huge anchor or extremely autl qiiated pattern, probably dating back to the time of the Armada, which had been hauled up from tho North sea, wns recently brought into Yarmouth ly the mission ship Cholmondeley. Covored all over from Mock to head with barnacles and live oysters, it pre sented n singularly fossilized appear ance. It was fourteen feet long wllh flukes three feet squaro; the shank was thirteen feet long and an Immense wood stock that had formerly beon flyed to it had completely disappeared. Tho weight was over two tons and Its "salvage" will bo of tho utmost benefit to the fishermen, as It caused enor mous destruction to their trawling gear. Loudon Engineer. if r irj ti iih3r,i raw i I i i i I i 8 J" fl i I JMOMfti, It jf , I XtXS 7 f I waL I ,J 1 1 Men That Oucoed. Tho men whom 1 have seen succeed host In life have always been cheer ful and hopeful men, who went about ' their business with n smile on their i faces, and took the changes nnd j chances of this mortal life like men. ' facing rough and smooth alike ns V came. Churles Klugslcy. Swords In Japan. Although wearing swords has al most entirely ceased for twenty years in .Tnpnn, the old esteem and rever ence for the weapon and Its use still exist among the gentlemen of the country, and many of tho nobility havo at their houses regular estab lishments for fencing. Turquoise a Lucky Stone. Tho Orientals have a proverb, "That a turqtiolso given by a loving hnnd carries with It hnpplness and good fortune"; and another, "That tho tur quoise pales when tho well-being of the giver Is In danger." Who, (hen. would not ho tho possessor of a lucky turquoise? Sure Thing. What makes the merchant's busi ness hum what makes his clerks per spire? Is It duo to drummers bland, or to messages by wire? Can it be duo to flno displays or to silly worn out fads? No; tho business boom Is mostly duo to his large, attractive ads. Mexico and tho United States to gether furnish about 72 per cent of tho silver output of tho world. Brit ish India, Straits Settlements and China tako nearly two-thirds of the total In a good year. In tho days of our grandmothers, tho panacea for ull complexion Ills was tho application of decoction made from soaking wild tansy in but termilk, an extremely innocout and effective costmetlc. We live in a world which Is full of misery and Ignorance, nnd the plain uiity of each of us Is to make tho lit tle corner he can Influence somewhat less Ignorant than it was before he entered it. Huxley. The world generally gives Its ad miration, not to the man who does whnt nobody else over attempts to do, but to tho man who does best what multitudes do well. Lord Macaulay. There Is one thing will warm up the man who preaches In nn ice box, and that is to see people looking for a more genial climate. Henry F. Copo in Chicago Tribune. Tho virtue of a religion does not de pend on its vagaries. FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE THOUGHTFUL. A Tribute to Weather Conditions In Western Canada. During the early portion of Febru ary, of this year, the middle and Western States suffered severely with the Intense cold and winter's storms. Trains were delayed, cattlo Buffered, and there was much general hardship. While this was the case, throughout Western Canada, now attracting so much attentlcn, the weather was per fect. Ono correspondent writes, "We are enjoying most beautiful weather, the gentlemen nre going to church with out top coats, while the ladles require no heavier outer clothing than that afforded by light Jackets. In contrast with this It Is Interesting' to read In a St Paul paper of 13th February tho following, In double head lines, and largo bold-faced type: "WARM WAVEJ.EAR ARCTIC ZONE' "CALGARY MUCH WARMER THAN ST. PAUL." "Balm; Breeits are Blowlno in Narthwettern Canada While People are Freeiino to Death in Texas ana Oiher Southern Slates." WARM IN CANADA; FREEZING IN TEXAS. St Paul 24 Omaha 1C St. Joseph 10 Fort Worth, Tex Zero Burlington 7 Moorhead 10 Dulnth 6 Havre, 'Mont 18 WIMUton, N. D 18 Miles City. Mont 2 Medicine Hat, Can Zero Calgary, Can 24 Edmonton, Can 20 Leadvllle, Colo 32 During the month of January of this year the number of settlers who went to Canada was greater than any pre vious January. The movement north ward la Increasing wonderfully. Tho vacant lands of Western Can ada aro rapidly filling with an excel lent class of people. Tho Government Agents located at different points iu tho States, whose duty it is to direct settlers, are busier thau over. They have arranged for special excursions during the months of March and April, and will be pleased to give In- i tending settlers any desired lnforma- I tion. , We know what wo are but wo ltnow not where the slip-up may be. A mJAKANTBKD COKK KOH TILES. llt-nloK. Hllud. lllfcUlue ur t'r trutllnx l'lle. V. ur druEflit will refuud irnrntr If I'AO OIS.TMH.Nr (alii to Curo juj la 6 lo ii dajrs. &0c. Always; turn off the gas. Otherwise tho blow may be deadly. Beauty Is not always shin deep. It is often painted on tho outside. Some men have spring .fever twelve months In the year. ft Cures. CohK PwiienA. Sore Throat, Croup. Influenxii. AVuooplntr counli. tfronchltiH nud Asthma. A certain coroforl'onautnpltoii Inflrsl ttact-h und n sure relief in mlvam-cilstanpM, Vx at onco. You will sec tbe etcelient effect nrtci taking tho tlrst dose Sold liv dealers cerj whero. Lari-o lott.cS5 cents nnd W i-eiitx. Alabastine Your Walls a a a a a a a a a a a a 8 a a a a a a a a a a a Aro you satisfied with the appear ance of your walls? Do they coma up to your ideas. Are you putting on coat after coat of sticky, dirty wall paper, making a sandwich with sour paste between? Alabastine is clean, hygienic and wholesome and more than that, it is beautiful. The most artistic effects can be produced with Alabastine. The AlaBstink Co. will furnish, without expenjo to you, color schemes and harmonies for your rooms. If you aro building or remodeling, simply ask for color schemes, giving size, use and direction of lieht of rooms. Buy your ALABASTINE in original packages. Any dec orator can apply it. or you can put it on yourself. Simply brush it on. It is a permanent, durable, wall finish. Outwears two walls done any other way. The best dealers sell It. If your doesn't, send us jour name and we will see that you are supplied. ALABASTINE COMPANY Grand Rapids, Mich. New York Citr THE. BEST i WATERPROOF CLOTHING IN THE WOULD ,. MARS THU TOADE HJUK ' yZAaSv . r .Wf. v'wey VSHVOi riAt m aiACKMvtuar TAKKOSUftTITUTE ONSALeEVERYurnrjg UTAbOCVUrRK W&. aHOYVIN'fULLUNftOF 7 GARMENT AND HAT3 J TOWER CO., BOOTON, MASS,.. U.S1.A, TQWIW CAWDIrtN CO.. MP.. TORONTO. CANAQA. I y Early In the morning, late at night, or whenever used, Defiance Starch will be found always the same, always the best. Insist on having it, the most for your money. Satisfaction or money back guaranteed. It is manufactured under the latest improved condi tions. It is up-to-date. It is the best. We give no premiums. We sell 16 ounces of the best starch made for 10 cents. Other brands are J 2 ounces for 10 cents .with a tin whistle. Emm3 Manufactured by THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO., Omaha, Neb. UNITED STATES Importing Canadian wheat is now a fact. Gets Vree Homestead In Westsrn Canada, or bur some of the besiwhtai lauds ua ttie continent, aud become a producer. TbeaTeraKe yield of wheat this year will be about twenty Umbels to the acre. The oat and barley crop will also yield abundantly. Splendid cltuiale.Bood schools and churches, excellent lusrketlng facilities. Apply for Information to Superintendent of Immi gration, Ottawa, Canada, or to authorised C'auadlaa (loternment Avent -W. Y. Bennett, 801 icw VorK Life Vuildlnc, Omaba,ebraka. Please say where yon taw this advertisement. i D R . M cGR E W For 30 Tear has mads a aneclalir oflllSfKASKMOKMKN. Klrbt wa yftrs In Omaha, lila Hums Treatment h a pennanrnil cured thouaauds al small cost. Shto time and money by deserlb lus vour csiif and write fur Prro lmjknndl,rm,nrifMiimuiii ,. Iclue trill III nlaln packaie. Box 1(6. Office 116 South nth Street. Omaha Nobraakj JW-"U- ;uhlx WHI Ymh Awn.. .f.- . In time. Sola br niilt. iiUL M MWM mm fTfe"" 75 flRi H4nr3sKaST?MHts?l Giiu-.ti k( ah li.t fsiiV sM ln TTaa Bl llMUUlBtB&aH P , -V,.VVJ,B,BAMI