mssjte PUBLISHED THURSDAYS V. S. RAKER ........ PublislicH Entered nt the postoflico at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the mails, as second-class matter. 135 Tin: Herald is the Official Publica tion of.Dox Butte county "and its circula tion is neatly twice that ol any other Al liance paper. t ADVERTISING RATES: Display per single column Inch per month 5 Business locals, per lino first' insertion .10 Each subsequent insertion, per lino .05 Legal notices at statute rales. . Subscription, $1.50 per year In advance. Politics. Today is primary or caucus day. Tonight at 7 o'clock tlio primaries will open and close at o. Every voter in tlio city is expected to bo present and vote his sentiments. Tho Judges and clerks will bo there nt 7 o'clock and the polls will bo open. No bpecinl form of ballot is required, printed, written or typewritten ballots-will all be used. You simply write or have written your choice for the. different offices on one ballot and hand that to the Judge, who will deposit it inthc ballot box and record your name. That's nil. SCHOOL OITJCICttfl. As the school district extends beyond tho city limits those outside tho city and in tho school district will vote only for two candidates for tho schpol'board, and their names will ho recorded sep' nratcly from tho others and a separate,. ballot box will be used for these bah lots. You vote your choice for two. That's all. . . AHTI-SALOON I.KAOUK. - The Anti-Saloon lenguo'liave violated their contract with their conscience and arc working for the election of n saloon or high license ticket at the primaries tonight. They having like Bishop Potter, decided to have saloons run their way if they can nominate and elect a ticket. It is none of our bust nesR, hut it does look like tho mcllctii uhm..u at hand when that organiza tion will advocate the election of men who have anuounced over their signa ture that they arc -for saloons. But we have no objections. ' Only sym patic for the league when thoy come to square up with their conscience. TUG CJUIP AND TIMES. Brother Ellis, of the Times, only comment on tho direct primary is this: "Yea, a direct primary caucus is fair to everybody, providing 'everybody' is not allowed to vote." Does tho Times mean to insinuate that the twelve prominent and representative citizens of Alliance who signed that caucus call, would be guilty of not allowing any citizen 4o vote? Docs ho mean to say that F. V. Harris, Dr. Bowman, C. A. Aspenwall,-Dr. Knight. C. A. Newberry, Fred Mollring, Chas. Brcnnan, Jules Zbinden,' W. O. Barnes, Judge Berry, D. W. Buttler or R. M. Hampton, who all signed the call for n direct primary, are not fair, honest men? The very purpose that inspired those men to call such n caucus is the spirit of fairness, for by that method, and by that mn,thod only can a fair, unbiased expression of tho people be reached as to who the people want fof officers. T1IK GRII'. Brother Broome, of tho Grip, says: "Scheme to beat Dr. Bowman." No more unfair statement could have been made. Dr. Bowman was tho first man to suggest a call for a caucus by the direct primary system and also set the time to call the primary, giving ten days notice; and ample time for every citizen jo make up his mind how he wanted to vote and to further prevent the unfair method of other systems, which permits a little coterie to get together and at a given moment have those present vote. Mayor Bowman is too fair a man to be charged with wanting to object to a fair and free ballot. Dr. Bowman's record a& an executive is all he needs. Broome's zeal to shut out all other candidates is not the desire of Bowman who only asks for, or will accept a nom ination to carry out his .well defined plans for municipal government, and a diiect caucus is decidedly In his favor, if the people want to rotain him as mayor, and yet it does notcompel people to vote for him, who may have a preference for some one else, and the same is truo of tho other city officers. FAIR J'UAY. If any man or sot of men will or do object to a dirrct primary, in the mat ter of nomination it is evidence that he is either unfair, dishonest, or afraid. The citizens of Alliance are all able to go to a caucus and express their choice and Dr. Bowman, Dr. Knight, Fred Harris, Judge Berry or any other mem ber of the present city official staff are ready and willing to submit the matter -1 -- - The City of B" LtilANCE is a thriving city of porous and glowing prospects of Omaha, 236 milos north of western Nebraska. It has water works, electric lights, a three storr city hall and fire engine house, first class fire company and apparatus. Two large school buildings; employs twenty teachers to educate its tooo schoolchildren. Seven churches. U. S. land office, Court house, two National Banks, modern business blocks and handsome residences. Its railroad facilities are tho best. It is on tho main line of the Burlington from either Chicago or St. Louis to Portland and the Pacific coast. It is the Division headquarters for western Nebraska, Wyoming, South Da kota and Montana, the offices of General Superintendent Rhodes having been recently located here. The western division shops are located -here and more than 600 railrqad men are employed here. Its people are hospitable, enterprising, and intelligent. Its climate is healthful and invigorating. In short, no town in Nebraska presents superior induce ments for men of capital, enterprise and push, to locate within her borders. Letters'of inquiry addressed to the Alliance Hxrald will be answered promptly and in detail. Better write for a copy of our hand somo twenty-four page illustrated Industrial edition it will tell you more than we could write you in a month. ---- .) y to tho people and' tiro willing to abide by the result. 00 AND VOTlt. Now its up to you, go to tho caucus and vote, and vote your own honest sentiment and vote for the man or men who in your judgement will do the best for the city. It is" your duty to go and express your choice, and then go homo d I content that an honestly cxpre choice of candidates has bcin made and make up your mind td nbidc by the result. Tonight at the' city hall from 7 to g o'clock. The candidates who have been sug gested, and who are actively hoping for nomination tonight lino up as follows: Dr. Bowman, Mayor. Fred V. Harris. Clerk. Dr. F. M. Knglht, Treasurer. A. A. Berry, A. F, Haldridge, Judge. J. P. Hazard, Engineer. Fred Mollring, II. K. MacCrny, Councilmen. Mrs, Mclntyrc, C. C, Smith, School Hoard. A. O. Aspenwall, Mayor. Fred Hoyt, Clerk. R. M. Hampton, Treasurer. D W. Butler, Judge, J-P. Hazard, Kncinecr. Fred Mollring, V. II. Pardee. Councilmen. C, A. Newberry, F. li. Reddish, School Board. Direct Primaries. The Nebraska State Journal of yes terday had this to say editorially: "Alliance has set a 'good example to other towns in tho matter of the direct primary. Without waiting for tho leg islature to pass n compulsory direct primary law, they have gone about it to let the people of tho town vote directly for their nominees for town ofnecs'tobe filled at the spring election. Alliance people evidently feel that they are as capable of choosing candidates for offico as would be n few local bosses: They aru not likelv ever to go back to tho old way, for it can usualU be said of tho direct primary as advertisements sometimes say of an articlo of merchandise; 'A trial will convince the most skeptical' " Aiinuuiii.viii'"i- 1 take this means to announce myself a candidate for the office of Police Judge of Alliance, for the ensuing term. 1 have held the office for one term, and have tried on all occasions to act for the best interests of the city. Having been for thirty year's engaged in law business, I think myself fitted for the nosilion. If chosen to fill the position, I promise to give the office tho same careful attention which I have given to it during the term about to close. L. A. Burky. Alliance, March 2, 1905. Burlington March Bulletin. Cheap one way rates to California, Puget Sound and the northwest country, daily until May 15. Eastern trips. U you arc contem plating an eastern trip this spring bet ter write for information. Wo will probably be nblo to offer you money saving suggestions. L. W. Wakely, General Passenger Agent, Omaha.Neb. L. S. Sage, ticket agent. HErOUT OV THE CONDITION OF The First State Bank, OF HEMINOVOltl), NEUKASICA. CHAHTEIt NO. 035 Incorporated in the state of Nebraska at the close of business Feb. 23, 1905. HKsouitCEs: Loans ami discounts ...J Overdrafts.swuriKl and unsccurwl.. I'urnlture aud fixtures vt" 30,711.87 135.ftJ 5t0.(O 4ii.5'J 10.'-V7.1i tairreufcuxiiuiiusuiiu nwws ii.m.i.. Duo from national, statu und pri vate iKinksand lmukerH..fT,u0.fe'J Cash .... S,s0tf.07 Total . J,0H.W UAUII.lTltW: Canltal stock ild in ? K.tOO.OO Surplus fund l.fleO.OO Uuillilded protlt 078.13 luilividual deiosit f uiijeotto chwik, 615,713.73 TimoccrtlllcalOKOfOoposH. 17.0t.W Cashier's clnvks outstand- iug 1.8I0.U Duo to national banks SISu.81 Total moiui; STATE OP NKIMlASlvA.l , OUJ(TY OK IJOX IIDTTE, J I, Keith L. Pierce, catihier of tho ubovo named lank, do solemnly swear that the uhoio ttatt ment U I'orrticl and a true cony of th report made to the State Hanking bo.wd. Keith L. Pieuce, Cashier. Attkst: JiMtslnilltV, Inlrpctors ILlLQiiEKN. fUIrectors- Subscribed and sworn to before me this iii day of March, lttos. C. M. UUULEW, Notary Public. -'- - t Alliance more than 5000 population, pros- for the future. 400 miles vvest Denver. It is tho metropolis of . ., ) ft-HH-a Shipping Potatoes South. The Nebraska State Journal of Tues day morning states that the potato growers in northwest Nebraska are moving their crop as rapidly as the railroads can furnish cars. In the sand hill country pierced by the Burlington nnd Northwestern railroads a heavy crop of tubers was raised last year, nnd the larger part " of the crop was hurried in the ground last fall owing to uiu siuijjj in tmccs. incsiiiavc uce.11 excavated and the railroads arc now taxed to furnish cars as rapidly as the growers wistt to snip. I lie heaviest potato growing section on the North western is near Rushvillc, where it was estimated last fall that eight hundred car loads were awaiting a market. Many other stations in that part of the state also reported heavy yields. On the Burlington the heavy shipping points arc Hcmingford, Minntare and Scott's Bluff. Each of these three stations is offering about ten cars a day for shipment and enough stuff is offered the road to make a heavy po tato train for the south every day, if cars' could be supplied. Official Directory. HTATI'.OmCKltg. Hon. John 11. Mickey Uorornor. Hon. K. (2. McOUtoii Ucutonaiit Governor. Hon. A. (Iiiluslin Secretary of State. Hon. K. M Hmrli-, Jr. Auditor. lion, l'eter Miirtensen Tronsiirer. Hon. J. 1 1. Mcllrlon -Supt. Public Instruction. Hon. N'orrls llrown Attorney Ociu'rnl. lion. II. M. Katnii-L'om'r l'ubllc Lands and llulldliigs. Hon. Harry IJudMiy Statu Librarian. SUTIICMRCtlUKT. Hon. S. Af Holcoinb -Ohlef Justlco. Hon. Samuel H. SodgaVick Associate Justice. Hon. Jtihn 11. Ilnrnes Associate Justice. CONdllCSrl Hon. J It. Mtllnr.l-tT. fl. Somite. Hon. K.J. liurki'tt U. S. Senate. Hon. M .P. Klnkald-Cungressniiin BisthlMst. District. V. H. t.NII OKFtOU. , Ilruco Wilcox Itegister, ' W. it. Akers Iierciver. .1. II. H. Howett-Olerk. MOI6LATUHR. Hon. V. M.Curry -ItepresentiitlynMrd DIst. Hon. OIiuh. P. Senator -11th J)M. ItlHTIUCT JUIM1KS 15TII DIKTIUCT. Hon. W. II. Wci.tovcr-ltushvlllo. Hon. J. J. Harrliigton-O'Ni'lll. cotr.vrromcEUx, nox huttk county. S. M. Sirtyuor County Clerk, KocorUar, and Clerk Ult.trh.-t Court (). W. Uranium -Treasurer. Ira Heed-Hherlir. 1). K. bpacht-County Jinln" l.eora A. Itiihtin bupt. Public Instruction. William Mltoliull County Attorney. J. P. Hazard County Surveyor. A. S. ltoed- Assessor. (i. V. I.oer--Commissioner, Chairman, i' niiiK (.ana- commissioner. L. !'. Smith Commissioner. li. 11. llellwood. M. U.-County Physician. Dr. J. I.. Mooro-- Coroner. city oKi-icivr.s Dr. I.. W. Dow man -Mayor. I'reil W. HarrICity Clerk. H. O. lioou-niilnf of Police. I A. Horry -Police J iidco. It. V. Oilman--City Attorney. Dr. 11. H. Itellwixxl-I'liynli-lan. AIhjI Hill Water Commissioner. COUNClLMtX. l'red Mullrlni; 1 ., w...i Charles A. Sncw I ,,, 1 w,.,i M.iblnu.Ioder f8011!1 ",ir''. l'red llrennan -Chief Pfhi Department, Prof. W. II. Ilnru-Sup't. Olty ScIiikjIh. ciii'itcnurt EPISCOPAL - Itpgnlar Sunday fcervIcetf-8 a,in. 11 11.111.; 7:;t0p. 111.; Sunday school at 10 n.m. ClutrlcK D. Coorr, Itivtor. CATHOUC-lleKular Sunday services-fe a. m.; 10 a. tn ; 7:110 p- in.; Sunday school at !.' p. m. l-iitlier II. 1 (ialriu. MSri'HODIST-KeBular Sunday hervlro-11 a. in.; 7:30 p. in.; Sunday school 10 a. 111.; Junior Leamma 30 P. 111.; i'pworth Leauuo a-.W p. 111.5 Prayer nieetniK Thurbdays, 7:30 p. m. nev. u. w, , Hay, Pastor. service -11 11. 111.; 7:30 p. m.; Sunday schoo 10 a. m.; Curutlun Endeavor 5:45 p. in. W. 1. V. liocun. Pastor. UNITED PHE8HYTE1HAN- Ueaular Sunday ervlce 11 a. m. 7:30 p. 111.; Sunday school 10a.m.; Y. P, C. U. 0:30 p. in. Ho-rMcCon- uell, Pastor, HaITIBT lteguhir Sunday service 11 a. m.; 7 U10 1. in.; .Sunday school 10 a. 111.; Yonog People's meetlii',' 0:45. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7::t0 p, 111. Itev. (. C. Jeiicrs, Pusuir. OE1LMAN LUTHEHAN-Hegulur Sunday sor- vlco-U a. m ; Sunday school 0 u. ui.; Evening services twice each mouth. Itev. Otto Hochrig, Pastor. ALl.lANOi; SKOHKT SOCIIITIKH. EASTEItN STAH-lst aud 3id Tuesday nights. Mrs Anna Davis, Worthy Matron KEHECUAB-Snd 1111A 4th Friduy nlglits. Mrs ueo Lehly, . u DEOltEK Ol' HONOH-lst and 3rd Monday ulglits. Mrs A K Iteynolds, C H ItOYALNKUllIHOllS-Siid and 4th Wednos- duy nights. .Mrs U N Hosklus, Oracle liOTM-tfnu and 4tli Monday nights. Mrs O II Kooky L.VDIHS AUX1LIAHY H of It T-Sinl and 4th Thursdays 2 p in Mrs U N Hosklus MistresH LADIESAUXILIAHY 11 of L E-lst and 3rd Thursdays Up 111 Mrs K L Harris, Presi dent LADIES AUXILIAItY II of L P-iud and 4th Fridays s P m Mrs W L Austin. ODD 1'KI.LOWB-Evory Tuesday night. L T Pixiie, Noble O rand A K & A M No. Jh3 Thursday on or before full moon. S A Franklin, V M IIEULAII COMMANDEltY No. SO. K T-2nd and 4t!i Tuesday nights. W E Zollinger, tlE It A M No.51-lstniul3rd Monday nlKhts. 8 A l'runklin, It P A O U W 2nd und 4th Monday nights, L lluechsensteiti, Master Workman M W A-lst uiul 3nl Wednesday nights. Ed- gur Martin, V O l.nnd Office Notices. Lam! UHltr fit Mlltitipe. Ncbr.. Peu.tisih. 1005. Notice' N liorcliy alVMi Mini tlio follotvlnK nnnuil settler Ims Hlwl iioMcl of his Intention t(i iiiiiWo Html proof In support of Ills rlulrn. mid tlmv tmi proof will Ik.' irmuV Ix-forc ltotrtittcrnnil ltwcivor nt Allltinre, Nlr., on April in 11X, vlx UKUItniC V. HATCH. Of Heinlimfnrd, Nctir. on ilnmostoml uittry No. 29it for tin Booth Kant H srftlon lil township SO N-It 50 V. Ho mime llm following witnrsxm to provo lit cnnltrimiu resilience upon mid cultUittlon oTsnid lmnl, vUs William llolllnriiko. John KliiM'lln. Wllllnm Ilolllnrnko, ,lr., .lui.ies Hoi llnrtiki. nit ol lli'iiiliiftford. ."solir. 11-0 llmrcK Wiu-ox, ItegMer. ImuiI Olilrotit Alllinici. Neb.. Mar. 13, llKtt. Notice I Imfpujr klven tlmt tho following mimed senior lias filed not leu of hi Intention to make Hunt proof In ttiipporl of III claim. met thin mill proof will ho nimln before Itt'KlMor ami Ileceiver at Alliance, Nob , on April . m viz OYUUSCIOY of Jc.s, N'Pbiiskii, on II. K. K11. UftSl for the uuU of sui wctlon 10 town 20 11, riiiiito It w. ilu iinmv. tho following vritiH-Mics to provo hi continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of Mild land, viz: it. II. Bourne, or Ittish vtllc, Nobr..und .lames Kpelor, H. M. Smyscr, It. M. Hampton, nil or Alliance. Nebr. 13 0 HnuCE Wiwox,- Uctdster. Appointment of Administratrix. Htntflof Nebraska, I llox Unite County. At n county court, hold nt tun county court room, in ami for mild county, Tub. 25. A. 1)., W03. Present, I). K.Spiielit, County Judito la the. matter of the ustiito of William ,T. Urlttox, deceased. On rending and flliiiK tho petition of Lena Ilrltton. prayliiK that administration of said estate may be granted to her as admin istratrix. Ordered tlmt March '.'0, A. I). 1005. at 1 o'clock p. in., is assigned forbearing said pe tition, when nil purxou Interested in sold mutter may appear at n county court to bo held 111 and for said county, and show cituno why tho praver of petitioner should not lw emitted: and Hint notice of tho pendency of paid petition and tho hearing thereof, hoKiven to all persona Interested in said matter by publishing u copy of this order in 'I'm: Alli ance llEitAM), u weekly newspauer printed In Bald county, for tlirco succes'iivo weeks, prior to Mild day of hearing. 1) K. Sr-ACHT, County Judge. (Atrue copy.) SEAI.1 11-3W. Spcclul .Muster's Sale Docket V. No. an. In tlio Circuit Court of tho United States, for tho District of Nebraska. James N. Clarke. Kecelver of tlio Nebraska Loan S. Trust Co., complainant, vs. Henry 'l'omlliisjn, etvi.t defendants In chancery. !roiiEci.osimK oif iioniaAon. Public notlco is licreby Kfven that In pursu aiico and by virtue of n decree entered In the nlxivo cauxu on the 3rd day of September, 1004, I, Geo. II. Tliummel, Special Master In Chanc ery of the Circuit Court of tho United Statas rorthn District or acuruskn, win, 1.11 tno ;ini day of April. 1P05. at the hour of 3 o'clock (mountain time) in thcalloriiouli of said day, at tho front door of the Hox Iiuttu county court housebuilding In tho City of Alliance, llox llutto county. Ktato and district of Ne binska noil at public auction for cukIi the fol lowing described proi'rty, to-wll; I Ait.vjlirvo and lour and tlio east half of tho southnest quartf rot section thirty-ono (31 In township twenty-eljfht list north nnd range fort.-nlno (40 west In llox llutto county, Nehraslcn. llm, 11. Tiiummei., Special Muster in Chancery. John M. Haiian, Solicitor for Complainant. 11-5 Sheriff's Sole. No. 155!). lly virtue of an order of nalo Issued by the clerk of tho district court of llox llutto eotiu tyNebraska, u)kiii a decree rendered by said court In favor of Fred C. Audreseu, plalntllV, and against John ArkMd, Mrs. Anna L. Ark fehl, wife of said John Arkfeld, Leo Ulass Aiidre.sen Hardware. Co., John Doe, real name unknown defendants. I will, on the 3d day of April. A. D. 1W5, at 10 o'clock 11. tn. on Raid day, at tho west front door of tlio court house in Alliance, in said county, soil tho following described real estate, to-wlt: Tho northeast nunrter of section "-'H, In town ship 2. north of rungo 47. west of tho sixth principal meridian, In llox llutto county, Ne braska, at public auction to tho highest bid der for cash, to satisfy said order of enlo In tho sum of $2-'1.10 and interest, costs un accruing costs, sublect to nil unpaid taxes. UA ltEED. Sheriff of said County. Smith P. Ttrrrt.F, Attorney for Plulntlff. 11-5 FREY & BALFJE, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. C18 IlOX HUTTi: AVENUE. Phone 258. Calls answered in town or country. J. E. MOORE, M. D. pi.irraiKK ih.ock, ALLIANCE. NEIL Calls answered from Telephone No. tH. oMce day or night. H. H. BELLWOOD F. E. CLOUGH PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS, ilolstcn lluildliiK, - ALLIANJE. NEB L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. OOice In First National Bunk block, anco Nebraska. All! DR. G. W. MITCHELL, Physician line Surgeon Day and nlghtcalls. Oliicoover Iloguo Store. Pliono 150. DR. GEO. HAND, II OMEOPAT1IIC PHYSICIAN' AND SURGED N Formerly Tiitcrno Ilomeomthlc Hos pital University of Iowa. Phono 251. Oilico over Alliance Shoo Store. Night calls answered from ofllce. Guy Lockwood OHADUATE CHICAGO SCHOOL OF EMBALMING Funeral Director and Kmbalmer Phones Office 214. Res 205 Expert Lady Attendant .. ; AlllQllCG, Neb. SEE Jos. Carey & Co. For house moving, well boring making and cleaning cesspools moving box cars, ete .... ALLIANCE, NEBRARKA R. C. NOLEIYIAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 1, S and 3, First National bunk build j tng, Alliance, Neb. Notary in office. IT ij i i i i i0 '. 1. 7. il 1 t li -' ?;? ..4. yviociu SHIRTS New Spring Shirts IIS NEW SPRING STYLES &&&ftmm&&&&&&& COPYRIGHT 1905 BY CR0USL& WANT A OUR SPRING Just came, new neat, well-tailored suits. Just the kind vour tailor would make, only WE sell them for about HALF THE MONEY. GOOD, NEAT, STYLISH SUITS as cheap as you have been buying cheap clothing-. Come in and see before you buy. W. W. NORTON, the Clothier fc 'b 4- Lt . ti x! t ! f i., f - 19? '!. t i . -i. i. . 1ILV K. 1ILS1INKI.L BUSH NELL & OLDAY tip V- ii . !' ' ' Proprietors of the Palace Meat Market Choicest Fresh and Salt Heats Always on Hand FISH AND OYSTERS IN SEASON Your patronage solicited. Give us a trial Phone In your orders We huvc the goods and will deliver them .First door north of Post Office. PHONE 131 ?r . 'ti yet. '. '. FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Steam and hot water Heating. Phone, No. 35G. ALLIANCE, NEB WILLIAH MITCHELL ATTORNEY AT LdW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. OrriCK I'lIONB 180. HKSIIIKNCK I'llONE203. boTdbarker ,. A.t:toiiiys nt. JL,n-v .. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Collections given Prompt Attention. L. A. BERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. SMITH . TUTTLE. Ill A E. TA II. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North Main St., - ALLIANCE, NEB. i i. il! -4, ? m. t. .'1 f f l SHIRTS m m BRANDEGEE.UT1CA.NEWY0RK. SUIT LIKE SUITS ARE HERE 'ft "y, !. i ..i .e. .it .tv .tt .1 i. 1. -Jf- i. -J n -i 'f V"j"liT .i i:kni:st c. olday l A' f4Jr4riJ? $ W. M. WILSON New and Second-Hand FURNITURE Bicycle and light re pairing. We buv and sell second-hand - &uuu. rnone 502. 260 Box Butte Ave. For Fine Boot and Shoe Repairing CALL ON I. P. NICHOLS Also has in stock a nev SHrtRc:f ,u ,.- ." ""B ol JliIM& III ftnn I Itttlfinf -.- uo5i manutacture and at H"kra WUl win suit, Call and examine and you will tne stock before you buy save money. At R. Madsen's old stand, first door south of Cigar Factory. I'ercheon Stallion for Sale. I have a 4 year old Percheon stallion dark gray ahnost biack that will be Fhank McCoy. i f n A. 4