V t'opyiiglit, 19T. by 1'. Tpiiiimoii Swl CHAPTER XXII. The War of the Elements. Immediately .luck was oh his feet. "When danger threatens lie Is not the :ninii to dream. "You want to tell mo something, old 3iian something dmicedly unplonsant, unless I'm very much mistaken. Now, have It out, without any neology. Tho sooner these things are known tho quicker they can bo met." That Is tho greeting .lob Smtthors rocolvcs. Ho la unable to repress his surprise. "You're n quick one to get on to 'trouble, sir. Hut there's no use in dis guising matters. Theso solriers haven't found out anything wrong yct but It will soon burst on them like n thunderclap, and then you'll see tho wildest scurrying around hero Imag inable." "By Jove, you nro right, Smlthers!" Is what Jack Instantly exclaims. "Tho wind has changed." "It Is even so. Presently it will -grow stronger, and nothing can pre vent that raging forest lire from com ing down on us by another route." Senor Jack Is not naturally despond- ent, and ho as a usual thing does not let a loophole that promises results escape him. "If it camo to tho worst, perhaps wo might lot the carriage swing over to ' the old stand again. There tho flro has burned everything possible,, and wo might be nblc to stand It," suggests Smlthers, though ho advances tho Idea dubiously, as though having little faith in it himself. "Not with a ton of ammunition In tho car," declares hl companion, quickly; "that would bo inviting death. A single spark, and away we would go, every man of us." "Well, of course, before tho run was made that would have to bo removed, and scattered about, since It would no doubt kick up quite a neat little circus. I can seo no other plan, unless wc all made for tho river." "Six miles away. Wo would never reach It If the wind grew Into n gale, as is possible, and the flro swung round, cutting us off." "Ah, sir, you arc so quick to punch holes In my poor plans, I am sure you liave one of your own to submit," laughs Job' Smlthers. Jack shakes his head and resumes smoking. "All I can suggest Is that we sit quietly down and resign ourselves to tho Inevitable." ' "Not give up the ship that isn't your way, sir. There's something back of it. You have made a discov ery. You believe tho situation is robbed or its terrors; hence your se rene manner. Tell me what It Is, that I may Join in your satisfaction." "The same old story has gone on since the world began that eternal warfaro that will never cease to be." . "Eli?" gasps Smlthers, dimly, sus pecting his employer's mind may liuve been affected by tho many strange experiences that Have of late crowded upon them. "Tho war of the elements between flro and water a vendetta that can never cease so long as nature exists. Now you grasp the idea?" r Smlthers does. He turns his face upward to view the forbidding heav onb, and as ho doe so n drop of rain splashes in one of his oes. Never was such more tlcvoutly received. "Sir, ou nro right, it Is coming. The clmngo of wind may precipitate If. sooner. Yes, we can hope for a deluge in time.". Just as they have calculated, the wind, having changed its course, be gins to increase its force. Presently "Now, have It out without any apol ogy." things show a new phase. Up to this time the fire has had a hard time eat ing up ugainst the breeze, hut now it begins to jump. Tlio boldiers have bon made aware of tilts new danger. They nro on the qui vivo, and stand ready to meet Mm emergency. If the fire draws too aloha botnie the rain comes it is their intention to dispose of the ammuni tion nnd try Smlthers' plan, dosfer iilo though it seems. Tho drops of rain fall faster that hofort). but as yet without the least bonefit. This is not what Jack wants, what' he expects, having scou tropical n)uijs ore now. Only a deluge will 1,11 i i ! 7 1 1 O- W ATALEOrnil'CUMNWARf jiZrGZOPGrjQfiMSCmE' e i up) right. W.I. by Strict Hint Smith. satisfy his aspiration under theso clr uunstnnccs. Tho lattllng, roaring sound in ct oases In volume. It is like n can nonade now as the masses of water pitch down upon the burning forest. Another mlnitlo nnd tho Hood gates of heaven seem to "he oponcd, A tropical storm bursts upon them without the slightest warning. Thuu dor crashes, and vivid lightning flames about them. Tho forest lire Is extinguished In a jiffy, for In tho everlasting wnrfaro between theso rival elements water usunlty proves tho victor. All are relieved, since they hnvo been-saved from another grao dan ger. The rain ceases aftor a time, almost as suddenly as It began, though tho electilc glow continues for quito a period. ' Jnck, stnnding In the door of tho carriage, sees a singular spectaclo whenever the lightning illumines the scene. Tho Spanish soldiers who wcro unable to find shelter still stand there, dripping wet, growling anathemas at the fickle .fortune that threatens to roast them one minute nild almost drowns them tho next. Of course, the expedition can go no further, and their one hope Is a safe return to Hnvnna. Betrayed, they have fallen into a snnro, and will bo lucky Indeed to bring half of their number safely into port. One thing Trnvers Is sincerely sorry for. In asking questions ho finds that tho gallant Gen. Toledo, to whom they are indebted for a very great favor, has not been seen since the disaster at the bridge, and as he was on the engine at tho time, the chances are he will never cnll upon Jack In Ha vana to claim tho generous euntrlhu lion which the American promised In return for his kindness. The night wenrs away slowly. Tho day brertks with a rather dis mal prospect ahead, sinco thcro is nothing to eat within many miles of tlicm. Travers remains In tho com partment of tho guard. He hardly cares to face the others, slnco tho senor has undoubtedly seen beneath his disguise, and of course informed his dear friend Spencer. About nine lo'clock a whistle is heard, and when smoko over tho out er hill announces the coming of a train, tho Spanish soldiers burst into a vociferous cheer that no doubt con siderably startles the driver on the engine just coming Into view. Of course their troubles are now at nn end, so far as reaching Havana io concerned. Since the bridge Is de stroyed, there can be no forward movement of the train; and when tho soldiers have climbed aboard, the stianded carrlago Is taken In tow, nnd tho crab-llko journey begun. Senor Roblado, having been baffled In tho outset of his grand coup to secure pos session of tho famous Cuban leader, will doubtless think twico before again starting upon such a desperate under taking, which, if known to tho secret sympathizers of the rebels in the capital, would placo his life In dan ger. About the middle of a hot day the train arrives in Havana, and tho whole city Is electrified by the start ling Intelligence that the expedition was ambushed, the train dynamited, and but for tho good fortune that placed unlimited ammunition in the hands of the soldiers after the rebels had exhausted their stock, not a man of the military force might have re turned to tell the tale. CHAPTER XXIII. "Dolce Far Niente." When the train lias drawn up In the shed that good Havana citizens term n station, Jnck hovers round, eager to have a parting gllmpso of tho woman ho loves. Senor Roblado gives -himself away, now that the danger is a thing of the past. Ho Is reserved and haughty, his very manner tolling more plainly than words the fact that he has dis covered tho truth concerning Jack's Identity. Ho thanks the foreigners for their assistance, and does not forget to con vey tho respects of the ladies, excus ing their non-appearance on somo specious plea. As for Spencer, that worthy also keeps religiously Jn the background since he lias learned tho astounding truth from' tho old don. Jack pretends to depart, but hovers near, and is rewarded by seeing the ladles escorted to a carriage by their cavaliers. Ho has his eyes glued on tho sym metrical figure; there is a yearning in his Intense gaze, Perhaps in somo subtle, mysterious manner it is com municated to the object of his mute adoration; for Jessie without warning turns her fair head and looks straight at him. His very heart ceases to boat, but not by the slightest sign does he be tray himself. That hateful promise ghon in Edinburgh stands bolwoon a deadly barrier. Ah, what cuuscs tho blood to leap like mad through his veins? A little web of laco has been Umken toward him. Sho has seen she lecognlzos him! Heaven Is kind indeed. Now nothing stands in the way of his rais ing his hat gallantly, and loturnlng her salutation; and that ono smile Is orough to haunt Jack Travers, for he i iy audi in love ,vith his own wife The are gone. .lack discovers, that tho dingy stn Hon Is no longer illumlnod. Ho seeks Smlthers, nnd-flnds- Hint worthy has had nn eye on tho parly, for the first thing ho does Is to congratulate his employer on tho progress mndo. At tho house of Loin Montcz they find a cool retreat, and do ample jus tice to tho muni that is soon set he fore thorn. Jnck is endeavoring to study his companion, but when such a human sphinx Is concerned, it requires con siderable acuniou to penotrnto be neath the mask ho wears. Tho mysterious connection he has with tho remarkablo senorltn under whoso roor they hnvo found bholtcr arouses Jnck's deepest curiosity, and ho hopes tho time will soon conio when Job Smlthers will take him into his confidence, Then, again, it scorns so singular that Lola Montoz should turn out to bo the sanio girl whom he was en abled to servo long ago In quaint old Santa Fe. nnd thus severed the cor dial relations then existing between Spencer nnd himself. Really, It would appear as though thcro might be nn unrolling of tho scroll of destiny in nil this, nnd Jack can only wish, tho spinning sisters ot He Is very much In love with his own wife. Fato would display a little moro of tho future to his eager eyes. Will ho win her hero in old Havana town? Heaven grant it! All other things all alms In life sink Into utter Insignificance when compared with this. Ho is by degrees building all his castles in Spain on the foundation of a responso to his wooing; nor will he deny the hope that dally and hourly grows stronger In his heart tho belief that In good tlmo his probation will come to an end the rewnrd of Jacob bo his portion. Slowly tho afternoon passes away. Jack has not retired to his room; the court, with its rippling fountain, Is better; for the light breeze passing through makes a cooling current of air. Indeed, drowsiness overcame him while he sat there smoking, nnd hence he hns yielded to the somnolent god without conditions. The sound of music greets his car as his senses" return. The day Is fad ing. Already shadows begin to crawl along tho stono walls enclosing tho court, nnd through tho arch he can seo them gathering in tho garden, where the myriad of flowers send out their intoxicating perfume, and the larger fountain splashes its scented water unceasingly. Jack Is wide uwake now. Ho listens, nnd hears a voice hears a Spanish melody that onco before greeted his ears. The voico Is no strango one; ho remembers Its deep, rich contralto cadence. And as he sits there and hears tho scng from beginning to end, there comes into his mind a picture that seems in startling contrast to the peaceful one upon which his eyes nro resting at the present moment. (To bo continued.) DREAM OF BROTHER DICKEY. Colored Gentleman's Time of Slumber By No Means Wasted. "Hit's strange," said Brother Dick ey, "dat I dreamed er you all night las' night, en you do fust man I meet dls mawnln, kunnel." "Well, what did you dream?" "I gvvine tor toll you; I dreamed dat I met you right whar you standln now, en lookln' des ns well en happy ez what you lookln' now, eu what you rcckln you said tor me?" "Go ahead and toll It." "You put yo' ban' In yo' pocket Ink dli you turned yo' head sideways lak dis; en you spoke out In meetin' lak dls: 'You looks lak yo' house rent is due. Heah's do money for it! I well knows dat you ain't got no flro wood. Heah's do money fer it! You got a hungry look In yo' eyes. Heah's $2 fer do grocery sto'! Dem closo you wearin' Is highty raggedy. Heah's a warm overcoat fer you! En tako dls dollar en buy you a good dram!'" Hero Brother Dickey paused for breath, and then said; "Dem's de very words you said ter mo in my dream, kunnel sho' cz you Mandin' whar you is!" "But," said tho colonel, "suppose I should do all that for you where Houhl I be." "Whar would you be? Why. you'd ho fconslbler en soberer dan over you wuz slnco de day you raise en bo'n ntor do worl'J" Atlanta Constltu 'ion. " IPIII ! 1 The Consequence. "My undo thought he owned me, body nnd soul, but I wouldn't have It" "And then?" "Why, h dlsownod me." LEGISLATURE o NEBRASKA A Synopsis of Proceedings of (he Twenty Ninth Guv dral Session. 'SENATE Tho senate on tho 7li tmnnt Mm nnflt-A limruliiir In tmautnfr I these bills: S. F. DC Allowing rom plnlutH against opening of roads to h"S filed in district court nnd giving that court original jurisdiction. S. F. D7 Fixing the 'term when mill sites shall revert to original owner. S. F. 22 Allowing tho laying of sidewalks In villages without regard to grades. S. J F. 70 Allowlirg cities of the speoml class to own and operate electric light plants. S. F.- Legalizing osteopathy nnd prescribing examination of those who Intend to practice such n profes sion. S. F. ISO To make state his torical society custodian of public rec ords ot n historical nature. S. F. 108 Providing for the selection ot 'jrand nnd petit jurors. S. F. 105 To estab lish n stuto board of veterinary medi cine. S. F. 1117 Making it lawful to servo n summons on nny ngent ot a foreign corporation doing business in the stnte, and making tho summons binding on tho corporation. II. It. 44 Any person who shall deposit refuso in any drainage ditch shall bo llablo for damages. H. It. 108 Making flro cscnpo laws applicable to three-story buildings. HOUSE In the houso on tho 7th, IL R. 23, by Parker of Otoe, prohibit ing a saloon within 400 feet of a pub lic school, was recommended for pas sage. Leo ot Douglas objected to the bill because It did not include all schools, saying the state was as vital ly Interested in tho meals of private school children as thoso of public schools. Governor Mickey submitted a bill to the house to transfer $800 from the clothing to the repnlr fund at the Geneva girls' school. The bill points out Hint repairs aro greatly needed nnd while there Is $1,770.08 In the clothing fund, tho repair fund Is exhausted. The govcrn&r snys tho Board of Public Lands nnd Buildings ngrees with him In this matter. Tho hoise passed S. F. C9, by Jones of Otoe to provide for annual correction by county boards of evident nnd gross errors in thp valuation of real prop erty. The present law makes this once in four years. H. R, 154, by Ernest of Johnson, limiting the number of sa loons In towns of 1,000 or less to three, and more than 1,000 to four, was Indefinitely postponed on recom mendation of the committee. II. R. 0. by Warner of Lancnster, occupied much time. It provided originally an appropriation of $100,000 for a subex perlmental station at North Platte and the purchase of laud for tlio univer sity. As tho bill did not state what portion of this sum might go to each liurpose the bill was amended, appro priating $18,000 for the purchase ot land ndjacent to tho University campus, $20,000 for tho BUbstatiou, $15,000 lor library purposes and $7,500 for poultry culturo, cutting the total to $82,500. In this condition Iho meas ure was recommended for passage. SENATE-The following bills wero pnssed in tho senate on ttic 8th: Sen ate flic 22(1, a bill limiting the number of proxies ot building nnd loan stock to the actual number of shares held by the member who wished to vote them. Senate file No. 19G, creatlug a state railway commission. Senate fllo No. 157, a dralnnge bill. House roll No. 172. transferring $20,000 from the Norfolk to the Hastings asylum. Sen ate fllo No. 33, by Senator Griflln.-n bill to provide for a prosecuting at torney system In the state, was killed In tho committee of the whole of the senate by a decisive majority. Sen ate file No. Ilj0, a companion bill was' lso slaughtered. , Tho state prison committee reported that tho peniten tiary was in excellent condition, tho damage done by tho flro hnvingbeen repaired and tho administration of Warden A. D. Beemer was most ex cellent. Tho warden was compliment ed on his manner of conducting the institution. Sennto fllo No. 17. by Sen ator Gibson, was indefinitely post poned on tho report ot the standing committee. It provided for the care of dependent children. HOUSE In tho houso on the 8th tho following bills wero read for tho third time and passed. Houso roll No. 188, by Douglas, eliminating the coun ty clerk arid county assessors as members of the county board of equali zation. Houso roll No. 214,by Ander son, to protect labels nnd trademarks of union labor organizations. House roll No. 229, by Parker, to prohibit tho granting by county boards of licenses to sell Jlquors within 400 feet of country school houses. The railroad committee reported to the general file, with a favorable recommenda tion, house roll No. 282, by Hill, re quiring the running of at least ono train dally on every line of railroad nnd fixing a minimum speed of twenty miles an hour for passonger trains, ten miles for freight trains nnd twelve miles for mixed trains. At 2 o'clock Dodgo moved that tho house go Into committee of tho whole to consider bouse roll No. 297 and other bill3 on tho general file. Houso roll No. 297 provides for tho submission of a con stitutional amendment for the creation of an electric railway commission of threo members, which commission shall have tho power to estnbllsh, modify and enforce reasonable freight rates and prevent discriminations and abuses. Mr. Dodgo spoko forcibly In support ot his motion, calling attention to the importnnco of tho bill nnd tho lateness of the session and nrgulng Hint unless1 the bill be considered at once it would have but littlo chance of passage. Porter objected to tho ad vancement of the bill over tho rnto hill, nnd Penhody of Nemaha moved Hint the bill bo not considered nt. this lime, which motion prevailed bya ris ing vote of 34 to 10. SENATE Upon tho persounl re quest of Governor Mlckoy tho sennto on tho Dili allowed the Introduction ot tho county engineer bill, which tho governor vetoed because of defects in the bill recently passed which Invalid nted 11. Thp salary hill Introduced by Good otjNemnhn to maUo tho pay ot all deputy stnto officers $1,800 a year was killed, the voto being 15 to 1.1, not a constitutional number hnvlng voted in tho nfllrmative. S. F. 87, pro viding for the payment ot costs In misdemeanor cases, was passed. S. F. 170 apd S. F. 184 were rocommended for passage. The former fixes tho length of a school term according to tho number ot pupils, making tho shortest term flvo months. S, 184 provides Hint when n district falls to levy a tax for school purposes the same may bo done by tho county clerk upon the recommendation of tho coun ty superintendent. Tho morning was spent, by tho sennto in Hie committee of tho whole, with Slireck in the chair, in a discussion of S. F. 112, wUlch was finally recommended for passage. Tho bill reduces the salary of bank examiners from $1,300 to $1,500. An amendment by Qllligan was adopted to cause the discharge of examiners when a bank falls within six mouths after having been reported solvent by the examiner. These bills wero recom mended for passage: S. F. 174, allow ing cities of the second class to mako a levy for tho purpose ot Improving tho roads leading into tho towns, upon the petition of a majority ot the free holders nlong tho road, nnd to make tho poll tax $2 when paid in cash. S. F. 152, to compel railroads to carry stock at a rata ot eighteen miles' nn hour on the main lino nnd fifteen miles an hour on branch lines and to allow the roads to designate three days in the week as stock shipping days for the branch linos; the law not to apply on branch roads other than on these three days. Tills designation of ship ping dnys was an amendment put on by Gould, the Introducer of the meas ure. 1JOUSE On the 0th the committeo on revenue and tnxatlon reported for indefinite postponement house roll No. cities nnd towns locally to assess, for municipal purposes only, railroad ter minal property within their limits. McElhiuney of Burt moved Hint tho report of tho committee indefinitely postponing tho hill bo adopted and Me Leod seconded the motion. Clarko vlg oiously protested agnlnst any such summary action on n bill which means $250,000 to $300,000 moro railroad taxes a year to the cities and towns of Nebraska. The vote for Indefinite postponement resulted, yens C5, nays 34. Wilson ot Pawnee, chairman of Hie finance, ways and means commit tee, moved that the two big appropria tion bills yet pending house rolls Nos. 342 and 302 be made a special order for Friday, at 10; 30 a. m., and continue such until completed. The motion prevailed. The following bills were read for tho third time and pass ed: Houso roll No. 12, by Horton, to allow counties of less than 5,000 to assess property at 33 1-3 per cent for purposes of local taxation only. House roll No. 250, by Wilson of Pawnee, 'cairying the salary appropriations for nil tho state departments and lnstltu UjHS for the ensuing biennlum; total, SI 091,280, Houso roll No. 247, by Koiit-o, requiring liverymen to post p:Icc schedules In n consplcuom place and to punish by flno and Imprison ment failure to pay livery bills. Houso roll No. 231, by Marks ot Fillmore, C'3;iiblishlng tho yay of deputy county nstestors at $3 per day for tlmo act ually employed. House roll No. 215, by Dodgo of Douglas, to transfer freo High school funds now in county trensurles to school districts main taining such free schools. House roll No. 233, by Hoare of Platte, Invalid ating salary loans unless made with tho written consent of the employer, and reqlrlng tho assent of the wife, if the borrbwer be married. House roll No. 2C1, by Perry of Furnas, to outy law mortgages' In ten years after ma turity and In fifteen years when con taining an indorsement. Houso roll No. :.G7, by Hill of Hitchcock, establishing r. fee system for tho compensation ot the secretary of the state board of ir rigation. Houso roll No. 189, by At wood of Seward, Axes tho salary ot road overseers at $2 per day for time actually employed, not to exceed $50 a year. House roll No. 2C2. by ho frefe, a curative insurance act to al low foreign mutual companies with assets of less than $50,000 to do busi ness In Nebraska, House roll No. 2U8, by Hill of Hitchcock, giving tho state board of Irrigation an otlkial seal. House roll No. 271. by McAllister of Deuel, limiting the amount of war .ants to be Issued by irrigation dis tricts. SENATE Th&se bills wore passed In the senate on the' Iflth: S. F. 184. by ailligan Whluh provides that when a school board at Its annual meeting" mnkos no provision for a: term of sohool the lev crtn be main by the county clerk nftnr Mil fuunty superintendent has estimated. Hie mat S. F. 50 and 52 Two ot the Cadv do codenco bills. S. F. 101. by Motkett Making the statutes conform to tho federal statutes Innimtters pertaining to tho flllng of transcript of judgment S. F. 197, 1y Mcserve Fixing tho boundary lino ot Dakota Pounty to conform to tho agreement between tho Nebraska nnd South Dakota com mlsslonors. S. F. 1?0, by Epperson -Proscribing tho length of a term of school under which a district can so euro n part ot tho state school ap portionment. S. F. 174. by Gould -Providing that cities of tho first class can mako a lovy to Improve roads leading Into tho city and providing that tho poll tnx when paid in cash shall bo $2 Instead ot $3. S. F. 2i)R by Dlmcry Giving the Stnto Board of Public Lands and Buildings power to rent buildings owned by the state S. F. 112, by Good Cutting down tho salary of bank examiners to $1,500 a yenr nnd making It a cause for dis missal should n bank fall within six months nfter It is reported solvent by tho examiner. The vole was 17 to 10. just barely enough to carry. Six wero absent, Tho senate went on record as absolutely opposed to nny Increase In salaries of state employes, but rather a reduction, and expressed Its disap proval of tho liberality of the houso In tho matter of allowing claims in dlecrlmlnutoly, by Indefinitely post poning, with only ono voice oproslng. Hint of Mockclt of Lancnster tho clnlnf ot Tom Kennard for $10 000 It refused by a voto of 10 to 15 to re consider Its action In turning down tho Good bill providing that all da Ijuty state officers bo paid $1 800. A. resolution ot sympathy to Senator Glf fin becauso-of tho death of his brother was ndopted and the senate adjourn-, cd out of respect to the bereaved sen ator. J, HOUSE Committee reports wero read on tho 10th, showing the?- bills Indefinitely postponed: S. F. 70 by Brosee of Sheridan A judicial reap portlonment bill. II. R. 417. by Bur gess of Lancaster Providing for a weather signal sorvice through tho state superintendent to warn eachrs and pupils of approaching storms. On motion of .Leo of Douglas S. F 44, by Gibson, tho South Omnha sower bill, was ordered for third reading. "With Jackson of Antelope in the chair tho house vVcnt into committee ot tho whole nnd took up H, R. 347 and 11 R. 302, Hie deficiency and general ap propriations bills, ok special order. Clarke ot Douglas made a fight for nn amendment providing for a salaried deputy game warden nt, Omaha, but failed. McMnllen of Gngo submitted nn amendment nddlng $4,000 for al lowances to tho National Guard. It was adopted. McLeod's amendment to strike out the $50,Q0Q item was lost by a vote of 21 to 42, Tho approprln Hon for junior normals was raised from $12,000 to $15,000. The statutes appropriation goes to Cobbey Instead of Wheeler. Tho house cut out Wheel er nnd put In Cobbey. The general ap propriations, a total of $1,800,000, ap proximately, was not vitally altered, The deficiency bill had an orlglrnl total of $40,1G0 and tho committee brought this up to $55,560, which Hit house did not change. Both bills. wem then recommended for passage, the houso having concluded consideration of them at 4 p. m. II. R. 235, by Per-y of Furnas, the biennial election bHI. making tho term of all county anil state officers two years, was recom mended for passage. Easily Settled, There was onco In New York n poor tailor whose eccentricities threatened to bring troublo to him, but whoso wit always saved him. Ono morning 11 Mrs. Murphy came into his shop and found him working laboriously wltu a pencil nnd n piece of paper. She ash ed him what he was doing, and lin replied that he was making out a list ot the men on the block whom ho could wU p. 'Is Murphy's name there?"1 inquired that man's wife. Tho tailor confessed tlm llko Abou Ben Adem's, Murphy's nnmo headed tho list. Wher Murphy heard of this ho came to tho shoj) with belligerence in his eyes H inquired If the report was true. "Siri an It's true. Phwat of it?" retnrnel the tailor. "You little grasshopper said Murphy. "I could commit sulcldt on yez wld me little finger. I caul I wlpo up de fluro wld yez wld ma hands tied!" "Are ye sure about that?" asked the tailor. "Suro I'm sure abo it it." "Well, then," sighed the knight of the shears, regretfully, "I'll scratch ye off tho Hsht." The ' oor stood open as I pacsed and therein I beheld silent groups nf women sitting around tables, the'r hands before their faces, their eyes rlvited upon a sheaf of cards whl'h they seemed about to devour. "What Is Uils?" I asked. "Why this appalling silence and lntcuse demeanor?" 'Oh, that Is a bridge whist club," was the response. "It's a matter of llfo or deolh with all the players." Ex change. A tiny fellow was receiving his flrt lesson In physiology. The subject waa bones. Touching the little neck so satin-soft in texture that It requirei a great deal of faith to believe them were any bones In it, his auntie fal' "This MIm', is your collar bone " 'U It?" he cried eagerly. "Well, where Is my necktie bono?" Southwark Eel Market London possesses a curiosity in th Southwark Eel Mnrket, w,hlch Is m'I to have been hld regularly for ovr 300 years. It is little known ev-e t In the neighborhood where it is held. w