The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 09, 1905, Image 4

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W. S, RAKER Publisher
Entered at tho postoflica at Alliance,
Nebraska, for transmission through tho
mails, as socond-class matter.
fW Tim Herau is tho Ofliclal Publics
tion of Box Butte county and its circular
tion is nearly twi:o that of any other Al
liance paper.
Display, per single column inch per
month ............. .50
Liubiuuhh locals, per line first insertion .to
Each subsequent insertion, por lino .05
Legal notices at statute rates.
Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance.
Direct Primaries
Without waiting for (ho legislature
lo enact a direct primary ballot law tho
citizen committee of Alliance who have
called tho city primaries for next
Thursday night have taken the initia
tive and will nominate n ticket by
direct primniy vote. A word about
direct primaries might bo appropriate
at this time. A direct primaty an pro
vided for in the pall means that no
verbal nomination for 'candidates for
any office will be permitted. Instead
tho primary will bo called promptly at
7 o'clock and a chairman and secretary
elected. Also an election board of
throe membtus who will act with tho
chairman and sccretaiy rind voting will
begin Every legal voter of whatever
party may then prepare hiB ballot by
writing on a slip of paper tho name or
names of the person for each office who
will in his judgement make the best
officer. These will be handed to tho
judge and the voter's name will be
recorded by the cleik. When all have
voted or at niuo o'clock the polls will
close and tile vote bo counted. The
party receiving the highest number of
votes for any office will bo declared the
nominee. This gives every man an
equal chance to express his preference
and every man tegardless of politics,
ciccd or faction should come to the
city hall on -Thursday night and express
his choice by his ballot.
The plan is so eminently fair that it
meets the nppioval of all men who
desiro a fair ballot and majoiity rule.
If another platform than the one an
nounced in the call is desired it is only
neccssaiy (o elect a man who will out
line his platform in opposition to the
one suggested.
Sewerage. 9
Our, Sheridan, is about
to establish a sewer, system and have
completed plans and specifications for
seven and one half mile sewer system,
tlio cost will not exceed $35000. If
Sheridan can build seven and one half
miles of sewer for $35000, Alliance can
build five miles for $25000. ' Another
thing, . Gillett division superintendent
of tho Burlington at that place has se
cured a halt freight rate on all pipe
and tile to be used in tho system. Al
liance can certainly do as well. Now
if we can build five miles for S25000,
let ns get at it at once. '
This is the time of year when the
average man hates to go homo while
his wife is awake for fear she will
broach the subject of spring bonnets.
Tup city council have so far failed
to open a crossing across the tracks to
south Alliance. The railroad right-of-wa
is not in the city limit. If the
raihead was in the corporation it might
be different. This would be a good
time to incorporate all of Alliance, it
would be a good thing to include the
railroad and all outlying suburbs into
one greater Alliance.
Colouado is still without a governor.
And not satisfied with their own scan
dals they try to saddle some of their
mcan-ncss on Alliance. One member
of the Colorado senate who had ac
cepted a bribe of S750, claims to
hail from Alliance. Yesterday Denver
wired here to know about him and it
was found that he was the fellow that
organized a labor union here some
years ago and then skipped.
At the last meeting of the city coun
cil attention was called to the fact that
a bunch of boys are destroying the
electric street light lamps, and orders
were issued by the mayor to arrest and
fine the boys who do it. Now boys
there are other ways to amuse, your
selves beside breaking street lights and
if you are arrested on such a charge
don't blame us. Better quit now.
The receipts fro n water rents last
mouth were less than two thirds of the
expense of pumping the water, There
is something radically wrong when
such conditions exist. Who is to
blame ? The meter rates are 8 cents
per thousand gallons and the price paid
for pumping is 7 cents. There is a
big leak somewhere. The water com
missioner should get busy and find the
I -. .frfrHfrft W
The City of
LblANCE is a thriving city of
perous and glowing prospects
,of Omaha, 136 miles north of
western Nebraska. It has water works, electric lights, a three story city
hall and fire engine house, first class fire company and apparatus. Two
large school buildings; employs twenty teachers to educate its 1000
school children: Seven churches. II. S. land office, Court house, two
National Banks, modern business blocks and handsome residences. Its
railroad facilitlea.are the best. It is on tho main line of the Burlington
from cither Chicago or St.(ouis to Portland nnd the Pacific coast. It
is the Division headquarters for western Nebraska, Wyoming, South Da
kota and Montana, the offices of General Superintendent Rhodes having
been recently located here. Tho western division chops are located
here and more than 600 railroad men are employed here. Its people
are hospitable, enterprising, and intelligent. Its climate is healthful and
invigorating. In short, no town in Nebraska presents superior induce
ments for men of capital, enterprise and push, to locate within her
borders Letters'of inquiry addressed to the Alliance Hsrald wilt be
answered promptly and in detaik Botter write for a copy of our hand
some twenty-four page illustrated Industrial edition, it will tell you more
than wo could write you in a month.
-ji-Hit--! -
Cnttlo, Dipping Legislation.
Washington, March 2; The Nebraska
Stock-Growet& Association has remou
strattd to the Bureau of Animal In
dustry ngainst any order relating to
the shipment of range cattle that would
change the practice in vogue last year
in western Nebraska. The secretary
of that association in a recent letter to
Senator Millatd states the livestock
inspector having juiisdiction over the
range of western Nebraska contem
plates uiaking-a ruling to prohibit the
shipping ot cattle for feeding unless
each animal shall bo dipped, under a
sttict construction of the regulations of
the Animal Bureau. Tlio senator re
ceived complaints lrom other big cattle
growers of large herds. He presented
these protests to the sccretaiy of Agri
culture and also to the Chief of the
Bureau of Animal Industry, urging
that the contemplated action be not
taken if it would cause financial loss to
the cattlemen. Dr. Salmon, Chief of
tho Bureau, replied that no inspector
in tho field hedmuthority to make new
rules; that tho report complained of
lacked foundation: that it may have
arisen fioin the letter of, February 10,
written by' the Bureau to the State
Board of Stock Inspection at Denver.
Dr. Salmon said that the letter may
have been misconstrued; that the de
partment intends to bo reasonable and
to do what properly can bo done to fa
cilitate the shipment of cattle; that the
position of the department is that it
should either prevent tho shipment of
infected cattle for feeding and grazing
or else make no regulations whatever
and leave the matter to bo controlled
by the States; that such control was
essential to the cattle industry, that
mange last season spread rapidly; that
feeders were losing heavily by buying
cattle infected with mange but which
did not show symptoms at the time of
purchase; and that railroads were pros
ecuted for- bringing infected animals
into states not infected.
In view of these facts tho department
had required exposed cattle to be dip
ped in a curative liquid before shipment.
The department, however, fs always
ready to review a specific case and if it
appears that parties in any section have
made proper elforts for the control of
the disease and still are unable under
the inspection rules to ship their cattle,
tho department would "in a given case
be willing to make reasSnabb modifi
cation of existing regulations.
Dr. Salmon wishes it understood,
however, that It will not be easy to get
cattle to market in the fall if there be
iu any case ground for tho belief that
the animals have been exposed to di
Senator Millard has given this mat
ter his earnest personal attention in an
effort to relieve the situation, and at
the same time protect the states from
the spread of cattle disease.
The President's recent message to
Congress bears directly upon the point
of whether or not the government in
spector shall be permitted to placard or
condemn range cattle which may in his
judgement have been exposed to dis
ease. Bills arc pending to authorize
such condemnation. Nebraska cattle
men deny the power of the govern
ment thus to condemn. Two cases in
the Supreme Court are based upon
their contention. Should the law pass,
it would be necessary for the govern
ment to appoint a large number of in
spectors; otherwise the cattle industry
would be greatly crippled.
The Herald will hereafter give a cor
rect list weekly of land entries made at
the Alliance land office.
We also wish to call your attention to
the fact that Tint Herald is now prepared
to publish your final proof notices. When
you wish to prove up on your claim come
to The Herald office, We have blanks
for that purpose.
Beginning with Feb, 8, 1905, the
entries to datu are as follows'
See. Tp. It.
Michael .IP Carrol! 83 31 55
Dell EMUnnor 14 21 5s
William Fugato 13 21 Sit
Geo W llowun &J at 58
Hoy Fierce . a I 23 55
Lloyd It Hayes S0-3l-i m 57
Frank Wolfo S8.S3-) 31 57
Geo V Phillips J.B-33 31-32 54
GuoKSuhmor t 3d 41
Glen M Zerbo 17 31 55
Henry A Lotspoieh 3j a li
Albert M IjOtspeloli 1-2-11-12 2i U
Daid Anderson 20-21 35 54
Joseph Woatloy 5-4-8 25 52
Auna Tlernan 17-20-21 21 51
Agnes Nelson 12 24 5U
John Henderson 1-U 24 52
Jc.ssleNolson 20-27-3135 21 45
William II Thompson 14-15 21 43
Samel W Hall 30-21-25 32 53-50
Hichard Kerbst 31-35 34 5a
George Messenger s-ll 30 02
Ebeneir Garrett 31-3J ai 40
Zllpha G Swurtzentroup 27-2i 34 5J
Charles T Seewell 22-2J 27 57
more than 5000 population, pros
for the future. 400 miles west
DenVer. It is tho metropolis of
-- ---- -a,-
Frank Kadlec It
Augurf Vincent
rh'h wMt't'ermn
Ilertol Hurley
l.oorne Hurley
waiter W Sutton
Fred I.nugt
Henry Wills
hrnst It Jlnlir
, 3-11
:n 401
30 4.1-41
10 45
20 54
2l fit
20 f.4
.11 M)
:n no
811 60
Twenty final proofs admitted In I'oliruiiry
and recorded. Flfteun entries In ubsliacts of
lauds Mild.
Official Directory.
Hon. John H. Mickey Howrnor.
Iloli. R. (1. AIcQIltoii Umitoniiiit, (Imcnwir.
lion. A. Oiiltisliii -Secretary of State.
Hon 1. M Sv'iirie, Jr. Auditor.
Hon. I'eter Mortenscn Treasurer
Hem. .1. 1j. Mellrion-Mnpt. Public Instruction.
Hon. Norrls lironn Attorney flunernl
Hon. It. M. Hnton L'um'r 1'nbllo Lands ami
Hon, Hairy Mnday Stato Librarian.
Kon.S. A. Holcomb Chief Justice.
Hon. Samuel II. Hedgawiek Associate Justice.
Ilou John II. llarues Absoelutu Justice.
Hon. J H. Miilard-U. H, Senate.
Hon. K.J. Hnrkett-U. S.Sonnto.
Hon Ar.P. Klnknld -Congressman BlxthUlst.
17 f liltUl Ol'FItt
Ilrnro Wilcox Hcgtsfcr.
W I! Akors-Itciolier.
.1. II. H. Hewott-Clerk
Hon P. M. Curry Hepresuututivo.Mrd DIst
Hon CIiiih. P. Ilresoo-f-onator 14th Dlst.
IliHTIltCT JtJlxirs 15TII niSTllIOT.
Hon. W, H. Wcstover-llushvllle.
H011..I, J. llurilugton O'Neill.
S. M. rimisor Comity Clerk, Recorder, anil
Clerk District Court
O. V. llrennan - Treasurer.
Ira Hoed -Sheriff
I). K. sqmcht County Judge.
I.eoni'A. Rnstiu Supt. Public Instruction.
William Mitchell County Attorney.
J, P. Hnnrd-CountySurveyor.
A. 8. Heed Assessor.
G. W. Iier Commissioner, Chnlrnian,
Frank Calm Commissioner.
I.. V. Smith- Commissioner.
II, H. ilellwood. M. D County Physlelun.
Dr. J. K. Moore Coroner.
city orrictAiW
Dr. T. W. Uowinan Mujor.
Fred W. Harris-City Clerk.
S. V, Hoon -Chief of Police.
1 A, Herry Police Judge.
H. K. Oilman City Attorney.
Dr. II tl. Hollwood-l'liyHlclun.
Abel Hill Water Commissioner.
Fred Mollrltif; 1 i., ....,!
8. A. Franklin f ' ,rst VUrK
Charles A. Snow I H,.,.,i vi
Mahlou Jodur (BeumU Vurd,
Fred llrennan Chief Fire Department.
I'rof. V. 11. Hart7.-Sup't. City schools.
KP I SCOl'ATi (tegular Sunday services 8 a.m.
11 a. 111.; 7:30 p. in.; Sunday school at 10 11.111,
Cluirlft? D. Coerr. Hector.
CATiluuic iceRUiar Sunday sen ices f- 11
in.; 10n. m.; 7:3H p. m ; Sunday school ut
S p. m. Father I). F. Oalvlu.
METHODIST-HcKiilar Holiday serIeo-ll a.
in,; 7:30 p. tn.; Huudfty school 10 u. ni.;
Junior l.eiiK'uo'J 30 p. ui.j Himorth League
(1:30 p. 111 : Prayer meetinjr Thursdajs,
7:30 p. in. Itcv. C. W. Hay, Fastor.
KIH8T lMtEHHYTKltlAN-Itecular Sunday
service -11 a. m,; 7:30 p m.; Hnnday school
10 a. in ; Christian Endeavor 5:45 p. m.
M. I. V. IJOKUB, Pnstnr.
Hortleo 11 a in. 7:30 p. in.; Sunday school
10 a. 11.; V. 1'. C. U. 0:30 p. 111 . Hov. McCon
nell, I'astnr.
IiaITIST Hogulni'i Sunday servlco 11 a. m.i
7:30p. m.j buuday school 10 a, tn.; Young
People's iiiceliux 0:45 l'nuvr meeting
Thursday, 7.30 p. in. Hov. 15. C. JefTers,
OKHMAN i.UTHr.KAN'-UcBulur Sunday ser
vice II a. mi Sunday school 10 a. ni.;
KvenliiB services twlceeach month. Hev.
uno uociiriK, rasior.
RASTKKN STAH-lst and 3rd Tuesday
iiIkIUh Mrs Anna Davie, Worthy Matron
KEHECOA8 2nd and 4th Friday nights
Mrs Ueo Leldy, N O
DUOHF.K OF HOA'OH-lst aud flrd Monday
nlKhls. Mrs A 1; Kc) nobis, C H
IOVAhNKI(HinOKS-2nd and 4lh Wnlnos
day nlhts. Mrs U N lloaklns, Oracle
h O T M-2nd and 4th Monday nlshts. Mrs
O II Hocky
LADIES AUX1LIAUV H of It T-2nd and 4th
Thursdays 2 u m Mrs U N Hosklns
LADIES AUXILIAHV R of L E-lst and 3rd
Thursdays 2pm Mn It L Harris, Presl-
LADIES AUXILIAHV II of L r-2ml und 4th
Frldiiia 2 p in Mrs W L Austin.
ODD FEI.LOWS-Every Tuesday nlKlit. L T
lx)le, Nuble Grand
A F & A M No. 11-3 Thursday on or before
full uioou. S A Franklin, W M
and 4th Tuesday nights. V E Zollinger,
It A M No. 54- 1st and 3rd Monday ulhts. S
A Franklin, II 1
A O U W 2nd and 4th Monday niyhts, L
iliibclisenstein, Master Workman
M V A-lst und 3rd Wednesday nights. Ed
gar Martin, V C
nAULKS-tindanri 4tb Sundays, 2:S0 l in W
8 Hldgcll, W 1"
IC 1' 1st nutl 3rd Monday nights
lor, G O
night- It C Strong. 1 1
J H Mil
Tuesdaj p iu S A
W Tillett,
J N An
l A Man-
H of L E 1st and 3rd Wednesday :
Frankllu. C E
II of L F-Kveri
Friday night. O
O H C-Every Tuesday
lit ! 1 111
urows, 1
H of K T every Thursday night,
Chester, Master
DiNOicc Notice.
Iu the district court ot Hox Hutto county
Charles U CoIIIngs, PlalntllT '
Carrlo M. CoUiugs, Defendant.
ToOarrloM. CoIIIngs, nou-resideut defend
ant: You are hereby notified tbut on the 16th day
of February, IPoi, Charles UColllngs.plaintm,
Hied a petition against you in iiW- district
court of box llutto comity, Nebraska, the ob
ject and prayer of which are to obtain a di
vorce from you on the ground ot extreme
cruelty, practiced by you toward plaintiff.
You nru required to nnivcr said petition on
or beforo Monday, tho STth day of March, IPOj
CHAHLES C. C0LT.1NGB, Plaintiff
Uy William Mitchell. Id) Attorney, Foil. KM
Land Office Notices.
Ijtmi officio nt Milan. Nebr., Feb.iSth. 1WJS
Notice Is hereby givon Hint tlio following
named settlor linn filed notice of hi Intention
IO ninlto final proof In .support of Ills claim.
And that mill proof, will lie made before
Keglslcr and Herclver ut Alliance, Nebr., on
April 10,1005, vl
of Hemlhgford Nebr, on Homestead entry No.
2314 for tho Booth East 14 section 24 township
I'o names tlio following witnesses to piwo
his continuous residence upon ntnl cultiMitlon
of said land. vU: William llolllnriiku. John
Klusolls. William llolllmake, Jr , .latocs llol
llnriiku. till ol llcmlngforri. Nohr
11-0 Hittrcn Wn.cox, HoglRtor.
Legal Notices.
Notice to Non Kcslilcnt Defendant.
To Alexander it Hoss und Mrs Hoss, lir-t
iiamo uukiionu, wife of (H-felnlent AIe
itinler II Koss, noii-resldeiiMlefendiinlH.
Notice is hereby given Hint on Hie flth ilifv
of KeliiU'iry. liflj. C C 8tByens.plnlntlir.Hled
his petition!!! Hie district court nf llox llutto
county. Nebraska, wherein Alexander II
ltoss, and Mrs. Hoss, first nanio unknown,
wife of defendant, Alexander II Hoss, 'Hi o
MeKlnloy-Launlug Loan and Trust Company
W. II. Ciirnttban. Hecclver, The
McKiulcy-LuniiliiK Lo.iu and Trust
Coinpmy defendants, were made defen
dants, Mio object and praor of
which, said petition fs to fon-closo a tax Hen
bused upon a eeitilic.itu of tax Kale, dated
Nov. 2(5, 11X11. for the (lellninipnl taxes for the
vears. 1897. 1S1P, I81M and won. and nuliseijuent
taxes paid by plaintiff for tlio years, loot,
HMJ and UNO, which certificate of tax wile
was Issued l tho treaurcr of llox Hutto
county. Nebraska, to this plalntllT, for said
tuxes, mn the following deserllieil veal
ustntu. situated In the county of llox Hutto,
state of Nebraska, to-w It: Northeast quarter
of section U In township 27 of runge 47.
The amount claimed by plaint)!? upon said
tax Hen Is the sum of S is 33 with Interest
thereon as orovlded bylaw from the llth duv
of February, HW5. of which sum ?5 0l Is for
attorney's fee und 53 09 for publication of
redemption notice The prarer of said peti
tion Is for a dncreo declining the aforesaid
amount, together with Interest thereon, attor
ney'sfee, redemption notice and costs, to b
11 first lit 11 upon the aforesaid real estat and
that said real esUitc miiy bo sold Under uti
order of tho court to satisfy the Same, and
Hint slid defendants b fotovci haired and
foreclosed of all lute tost or claim Iu and to
said real estate or any part thereof.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 20th day of March, inns
(.' C., I'lainlHT.
Hy W. Mitchell, his attorney.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants
In tlin District Court of Hox Hutto county,
Nebraska. Alice T Lnnnltig. plaintlfT, s,
Mrs. Ed. I'lunkett, first iiamo unknown.
Queen C Hllbert r. Hay Gilbert, heirs of
William (Illliuit. dece-ised, l"d. I'lunkett.
husband of defendant Mrs. Ed. I'lunkett,
first iiamo unknown, Frances Lyons,
formerly Frances Gilbert, wifo of William
Gilbert, deceased. The Eiiultablo Land
Compaii), The MeKlnloy-fvuuiing Loan
and Trust Company and W. II. Curnahan.
receiver. The McKltiley-Lanning Loan
and Trust Company defendant defendants,
Queen G, Gilbert, uon-resldont defendant
Will take notice that on thoKtb day of 1-eb-
ruary l'K5, Alice T. Ijuinlng, plaintiff, herein
filed her petition In the district court of Hox
liutte county, Nebraska, against said
defendants, the object and pray r of which
nro to foreclose a icrtaln moitgnge executed
by Wllllnin Gilbert, deceased, and bis wife,
the dnfeudniit Frances Lyons, formerly
Frances Gilbert, wife of William Gilbert,
deceased, lo Tho McKlilloy-linnlng Loan
anil Tiust Company and duly assigned by
The MuKInloy-L'iuiilng Ixian and Trust
Comp'iny to this plalntllT, who Is the owner
aud holder of tho same, upon northeast
quarter ot section 35 in township 2S of ranno
47 In Hox Hutto county Nebraska, to secure
the payment of a certain nroiiilssoiy note or
real estate coupon bond, dated March 1, 1W0.
for the sum of iuOO.OO due and paablu five
years after date tli reof; and 11 certain
promissory note or Interest coupon, dated
March !, lKUO, for the sum of i.'t 00, duo and
p.ijnbli! March 1, 1105; that there Is now due
and payable upon salili promissory note or
real estate coupon bond; said promissory
note or Interest coupon and mortgage tho
sum of l23K23,for which sum, with Interest
from Fcbruarj 8th. 11X15, plaintiff prays for a
decree that defendants 00 tequlrodto pay
the hanie or that said premises may lie sold
to satisfy tho amount found duo.
You aro requested to answer th's petition
on or before tbu 20th day of March 1003.
Dated Feb. 8, 1005. Auck T, Earning, I'lain
tiir. HyW, Mitchell, her attorney.
Notice to Non-ltcsidcut Defendants
To tho iTnknown Heirs of Alliert Iiowland,
deceased, Addlo Cook, one of the heirs of
Albert Howlund, deceased, and Mr. Cook,
first uamo unknown, husband of Addle
Cook, defendant, one of the heirs of Allien
Iiowland, deceased, non resident defend
ants: Notice Is hereby given that on the Mil day of
Februaiy 1005 Mary E Heed. plalntllT. tiled
line nellttnn In tho district court of llox Hutto
county, Nebriisku, wherein the unknown heirs
of Albert Howlund, deceased. Tlio McKinlej
Limiting Loan anil Trust company, w. 11.
Varuaban. receiver of I'hoMcKinley I-anning
Loqn and 1 rnst company, ueienuant, rraneis
Lyons, one of tlio heirs of Albert Iiowland,
deceased, Mr. Ljous, first name unknown,
husband of Frances Lyons, defendant, one of
thoholrsof Albert Howlund, deceased, Addle
Cook, one of tlio heirs of Albert Iiowland,
deceased, and Mr. Cook, llrt nanio unknown,
husband of Addlo Cook, defeiidont, one of tho
heirs of Ailiort Howlund, deceased, were made
defendants, the object and puijer of which
said petition is to foreclose a tax: lien based
upon a certlllcnto of tax sale dated January
4th, 1C02, for tho delinquent taxes for the years
lsOl, 1WV. lbPO. ISO? and 1S9H undl subseiinent
taxes paid by plaintlfT for the .ears 1001 and
UXtt, which certificate of tax sale was Issued
by the treasurer of Hox Hutto county, Nebras
ka, to this plalntllT, for said taxes, upon tho
following described real estate, situated in the
county of Hox Hutto, state of Nebraska,
to-wlt: Soil'hwist quarter of section 25 In
township 2S of range 47,
Tho amount claimed by plaintiff upon said
tax Hen is the sum of eS5 23 with Interest
thereon as provided by law from the 1st day
nf Mnrcli null, of which sum 410.IO is forattor-
ney's fte and 3.00 for publication of redemp
tion notice. The pra er of said petition Is for
n decree declaring the aforesaid amount,
together with Interest thereon, attornov's fee,
redemption notice and costs, to bo a first lieu
upon tlio aforesaid real estate, und that said
real estate may lie sold under an order of tho
court to satisfy tho same, and that bald
defendants lie forever li.irred.Mind foreclosed
Df till interest or claim In and to said real
estate or any part thereof.
You are required to answer said petition oa
or beforo tho 20th day of March 1005. , , .
IUaiiy E. Heed, I'ialntHT.
Hy Win. Mitchell, ills attorney.
Notice to Nonltesident Defendants.
To Hufus M. NelT and Mrs. NolT, ilrst name
unknown, wife of defendant, Hufus M.
Nell. John Doe. real name unknown,
beneficiary of W. II. Launlng, trustee,
defendant, non-resident defendants.'
Notice Is hereby gh en that on the 0th day
of February, 1005, C C. slovens, plaintiff,
filed his petition In tlu district court of Hox
Hutto county, Nebraska, wherein Hufus M.
Neff and Mrs. Neff, first name unknown, wife
of defendant, Hufus M. NolT, V. II. Lanntng,
Trustee, John Doe, real name unkuuwn, beno
tlelary of W. II. Launlng,
Trustee, defendant, and W. II. Laiinlng
were made defendants, the object
and prayer of which said petition is to fore
close a tax Hen bused upon a certlllcnto ot tax
snlo dated 2th day of November 11)01. for the
delinquent tuxes for the years lsvu. If97. lbW,
ls'.yand 1000 and subsequent taxes paid bj
plaintlfT for tho 5 ours 1!H)1. 1002 and 1111, which
certUtcato of tux sale was issued by tho treas
urer of Hox If utte county, Nebraska, lo this
plaintiff, for std taxes, upon the fo.lowlng
dosorlbed real estate, hltuuted In the county
of Hox Hutto, state of Nebraska, to-wlt-Nortlieastquarter
of section 23 In township 27
Tho amount claimed by plaintiff upon said
tax lion Is the sum of $05. 2S with Intorost
thereon us provided bj law from tho otb day
of February 1005. of which sum iAAl Is for
attorney's fee and 53 00 for publication of
redemption uotlce Tho prnyoruf said peti
tion Is for a decree declaring tho aforesaid
amount, together with interest thereon, uttor
noy'8 fee, rederaptioiuiotleonnd cosls, to be
a first Hen upon tho aforesaid real estate and
that said real estate may bo sold under an
order of tho court to satisfy the same, and
that said defendants bo forever barred and
foreclosed of all Interest or claim In aud to
said real estate or any part thereof.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 20tli day of March, 1903.
O. O. Stevens, 1'lalntlff.
By W. Mitchell, bis attorney.
Home Industry hats
made in Nebraska
. tv ' ." T.kW
T Q .( f . f .0. f tfi
Just came, new neat, well-tailored suits. Jnst
the kind 'Vour tailor would make, only WE sell
sell them for about HALF THE' MONEY.
as cheap as you have been buying- cheap clothing-.
Come in and see before you buy.
W. W. NORTON, the Clothier
Appointment of Administratrix.
State of Nebraska, 1
nox Hutte County 1
At a county court, hold at tho county court
room, lu and for said county, l'eb. -5, A.
1)., 1'jro. '
I'resent, I). IC.Sp.icht, County Judge
In tho matter of thu estate of William J.
HrltiO, deceased.
On reading aud filing the petition of Lena
Hritton. praying that administration of
said estate may be granted to her as admin
istratrix Ordered that .March V0, A. D. 1005. at 1
o'clock p. ni., it asbigucd Tor hearing said pe
tition, when nit pltboiib Interested in said
matter may appear at a county court to bo
held in and for said comity, and show cauau
why the prnjer of petitioner uhoulil not bo
grunted; nod that notice of tlio pendency of
ald petition and the hearing thereof, be given
to all perrons interested iu said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in Tue Ai 1,1
nck HkraU). a weekly newspaper printed in
nald county, for three successive weeks, prior
to said day of hearing.
I) K. dl'ACHT. Count yJudire.
(Atrue copy.)
J ska 1.1 ll-3w,
Special .Master's Sale
Docket V, No. AH.
In the Circuit Court of tlio Uulted States, for
the District of Nebraska.
Jumes N. Clarke, Hecelver of the Nchratika .V Trust Co., complainant, vs. Henry
Touillnson, etui., defendants In chancery.
rublie notIc is hereby given that In pursu
ance and by virtue of u degree entered in the
aliove cuif-o on the 3rd day of September, 190J,
1, Oeo. II. Tbuuimel, Special Muster Iu Chanc
ery of the Circuit Court of the United states
for the District ot Nebraska, will, on the 3rd
day of April, 1005, at the hour of 3 o'clock
(mountain time) In tlio afternoon of said day,
at the front door ot the Hox Hutte county
court housebuilding In the City of Alliance,
Hov Hutto county, Mate and district of Ne
braska bell ut public auction for cash the fol
lowing described property, to-wlt:
Ivotctlireu and four and tlieenst half of the
southwest quarter of hectlou tliirty-0110 (311 in
township twenty-eight CM north and range
fortj-nlue (19) west In Hox Hutto county,
Nebraska. Cko. 11 Tiiummki,,
Special Mauler in Chancery.
Solicitor for Complainant. l-5
' blicrlfrs Sale.
No. 1650.
Hy virtue of tin order of alo Usiied by1 the
ciorK 01 inouisiricicouri oi not iiiuio ooun
tyNebraskn, upon a decree rendered by said
court In favor of Fred C. Audreseu, plaintiff,
and against John Arkfeld, Mrs, Auna L. Ark
feld, wife of said John Arkfeld, Ia I.Iums
Audreseu Hardware Co., John Doe, real name
unknown defendants, 1 will, on the 3d day
of Anril. A. D. 1905. at 10 nVliwt.
a. m. 011 said day, at thu west front door of the.
court nouse iu Alliance, in s.mi count j, sell
tho following described real estate, to-wlt:
The northeast quarter of section 2s, Iu town
ship 28. north of range 47. west of the sixth
principal meridian, in Hox llutto county, Ne
braska, at public auction to the highest bid
der for cash, to satisfy said order of sale tit
the sum of tfH 10 aud interest, costs an
accruing costs, subtoct to all unpaid taxes,
Sheriff of said County.
Smith P. Tuttm1,
Attorney for Plaintiff. - 11-5
, . y Z ., -v A jf .
4 f a ffc .h - 9- 4f f- '
Notice to Non-Kcsidcnt Defendants.
To John Doe, real name unknown, and Mrs.
1 1(W. .illi.l .1.1.11.. ...ll .wi. .i !.. ... ....
Doe. real name unknown, defendant, non
resident defendants. is uriTjiiy gi 11 mat oil 1110 Dili unv
of l'ebruary. 1005, O. C. Moveus, plulntlll,
filed tils nititioii 111 too dUtrlet e,tiir. ..r n,i.
llutto county. Nebraska, wiiereiu Cnrsten
Hennlngs und Mrs. Hcnnlngs, first namo
tinknonu, wlfo of defendant Cnrsten Hen-
ninth Iil ll..n .,.. 1... .. . .
IV "V '. itoi nuiiio uiiMiown, and
Mrs. Doe, real name unknown, wifo of John
l)in ofi 1 tirtmn nut. iimil 1 iifmi.t,. . ..
made defendautn. tho object und prajcr of
.iflttaili l .til .ii.l,l..,. ti a .. ........ I .. .. . T. ..
i,,it.ii oi jicLivioii is i4j lurvuiuso 11 tux tien
lmeed upon ii ceitlllcato of tax salo dated
Julv 12, 1002, for thu delinquent taxes for tho
years IsOT. 1SU3. lHliy and lu.10 and subsequent
taxes paid by plaintiff for tho years ilwi. iuo-J
and 1003, which certillcate of tax salo was
Issued by the treasurer of Hox Hutte county.
Nebraska, t this plaintiff, for said taxes!
nnitti Oinfn)lmfflni.Hnkfillu.fl .. .1 n. ...... ...
uiited In tho county of Hox Hutte. state of
Nebraska, to-wlt: Southwvst quarter of sec
tion 25 in townshtp25 of rango5J
The amount claimed by plaintiff upon said
tax lien Is the sum of $15 30 with Intirest
thereon as provided by l.iw from tho ctb day
of I' ebrimry 1005. of which sum $5,3(1 Is for
attorney's fee and S3.15 for publication of
redemption notice. The prayer of suld peti
tion Is for a decree declaring the uforesald
amount, together with Inteiest thereon, attor
ney s fee. redemption notice und costs, to be
a first lltn upon tnu aforesaid real estnto und
that said real estate may be sold under an
order of tlio court to satisfy the name, and
that said defendants bo forever barred and
foreclosed of all InWreUor claim In and to
said leul estate or any part thereof.
ou aro r quired to answer Raid petition on
or beforo thu 20th day of March 1005.
11vW ,,,, ,, V, hrevENS. I'lalntlff,
Hy . Mitchell, hlsjittoniey
Contest Notice.
U.S. Lam Ofltee. Alliance. Neb,. Ian 2u, jpos.
A bulllclent contest amdavlt haying been
filed In th s olhco by mink uJvViu Sin"
testaut, against Homestead entry No. 313S
made May II, loop, for lots 1 and 2and oastti
nortliwestu section 31. township 0n. niiigo
f0w, by Verney 0 Jlorter, coutestec. in whieli
t is allcgiKl that said Vene, D Mor'to" nwor
resided on said tract and has wholly ubaadoii
ed samo for more than two years last nTist
ami that said alleged absence frim lie it Id
land was not due to hh employment In tho
army, imvy or marine corps of tho United
Mute, as a private soldier, ofllcer seaman or
murine during the war with S(ain or during
any other war In which tlio United Status
may be engaged, nid p irtles aio heroVnoH
lied to appir, respond and offer ovldoiico
tone ilng said allegation at 10 ..Vlook i T m
on MareliSl. ll5 beforo the Huglstor aid
show that after due .llllgonco irso 1 hBrvic0
of the nollcp can not bo mad, it Ik horebv or
dered and directed that such not Ico bo jlv" n
by due und proper publication, v 'w t'lvun
fp Jan 27. Umjcii Wilcox, jteglster.
Local Market Report.
The following quotations of the Alliance
market are correct to date:
Whole dressed hogs .y
Fat beef cattle on foot ,
Eggs ;;;
Butter M IU
Hens,live ' ;
Potatoes ' 9