hi fsmpHb PUBLISHED THURSDAYS. W.S. RAKER Publisher Knteml at the nostollicc at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the malls, as 6cfcond-c!ass matter. C3T The Hrralo Is the Official Publica tion ot Box Butte county and Its circula tion is nearly twice that of any other Al liance paper. " ADVERTISING RATES: Display, per single column inch per month . Buslnoss locals, per Hue first insertion Each subsequent insertion, per line Legal notices at statuto rates. .50 .10 .05 Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance. A nrsNVKU parson says: hpll to politics." It's about thing in Denver. "I prefer the same Hakmony and advertising will build up u town, while dissontions and fac tionalism will tear it down. Which do you want to do? Ir the Missouri 'logiBlaturo dally much tengor over the election of a U. S. Senator, that state will be rips to emulate the example of Nebraska and elect a senator by tho people, or como as near it as the law will potniit. Formkr fusion candidnte Borgc has prepared a bill to bar railroad passes but a3 yet haB found no one to intro duce it. Wonder what has become of tho nine fusion members of the legisla ture. Let us hope they have not nil acquired the pass habit. A statu association has been foun cd in Illinois for the purpose of check ing tho spread of tuberculosis. A bet ter way would be to send them to Al liance or northwest Nebraska whetc climatic conditions prevent its spread, and sjiccdily euros the afllicted. The Nebraska cditoiial association will meet at M A. Brown's Keaincy Hub" town, Feb. 21. and 22, and every men of us with the price will be there, to learn new methods and exchange ideas that will help each of us to pub lish a better paper the coming year. It is a fitting way to celebrate the birth of tho man who fust graced tho presi dential chair. LoNi.ur.88 has been spending enough time on tha Snioot ease to have enact ed much needed legislation nnd appar ently are 110 ncmrcr tosulta than when tjit began; Sinoot is not a bigamist and if ho were he is not half so bad as a lot uf others who maintain illicit ioIo tion under a cloud. If the refonneis want to reform lot tlwm iliegin to4edu cafe tho i hting generation to right liv in;, lather than attempt to abridge the right of others to believe as they will. TJn purpose of the unti-Smootitos is to gie publicity to a biihch of self styl ed moralibt. Sinoot has a light to think as ho pleases as long as he con forms to tho laws of the land, as well as you have the right to be an atheist, an infidel or a christian. Some local pessimistic publications are disgruntled because Tun Herald advocates sewerage for Allianco and the erection of public or piivnto build ingsthat could be used for similar purposes as those already constructed. Now keep your shirts on brefliren 1 If the erection of a three story block by Norton is going to hurt the town wo fail to sec how. If tho building of a sewerage plant will hurt ttie town wo fail to see in what manner. True thcie may ho a little additional taxa tion but who would refute to pay it that owns proporty here or oxpects to make Allianco his future home. A new Federal building might cause the syndicate block to lose a government tenant ami Simouson who owns the port office building might have to got a now tenant, but is that any valid reason why no more building should by done ? Neither will the establishment of an Elks club here interfere in any a with the present commercial or business men's club, nor the quartet they ocoupy. There h room for both. Neither of you would object to another dr goods or clothing store, where you could hope to get a piece of tho buti- I liess they would bring, and yet you I kick when public improvements aro advocated by Tun Huralu. Shame on you. More Fisli Needed. Tho members of tho legislature from the western part of Nebraska should not hesitate to suppoi t Senator Laver ty's bill for increased facilities and im provement at the state fish hrtohsrtes. If they will glance at the rort r 1 Supt. O'Brien of that institution, at tracts will show that during the past two years 18,956,000 wall-eyed pike have been distributed iu the tttoa ns of Nebraska, Next in number were the rainbow trout, totaling 346,000, f hMhh JM--Mlw-H-Mei The City of H' LLIANCE is a thriving city of perous and glowing prospects of Omaha, 23C miles north of western Nebraska. It has wator works, electric lights, a three story city hall and fire engine house, first class fire company and apparatus. Two large school buildings; employs twenty teachers to educate its 1000 school children. Seven churches. U. S. land office, Court house, two National Banks, modern business blocks and handsome residences. Its railroad facilities are the best. It is on the main line of the Burlington from cither Chicago or Ht Louis to Portland and the Pacific coast. It Is tho Division headquarters for western Nebraska, Wyoming, South Da kota and Montana, the offices of General Superintendent Rhodes having been recently located here. The western division shops arc located here and more than 600 railroad men arc' employed here. Its people arc hospitable, enterprising, and intelligent. Its climate is healthful and invigorating. In short, no town in Nebraska presents superior induce ments for men of capital, enterprise nnd push, to locate within her bordors Letters of inquiry addressed to the Alliance Hsrai.o will be nnswered promptly and in detail. Better write for a copy of our hand some twenty-four page Illustrated Industrial edition, it will tell you more than we could write you in a month. ' '&&M! while the brook trout came next with 292.000. Those are the only species which came ovor the 100,000 mark, it is the policy of the department to plant game fish as much as prnc ticablo. A large percentage of the entire num-ber Idistributed during the two years, 19,881.061, wero placed in the clear sandy bottomed streams in the western pnit of the state. Six-month-old croppios to the number of 87.775 were distributed also. The department also distributed 23440 eightccn-montliH old catfish, 22,200 of the samo species one year old and 16,590 yellow bull heads. The waning popularity of the Gorman carp is shown by tho fact that only 750 fry wero distributed, and 2,3Go of the six-monlhsold fish and 775 of tho one-year-old fish. During the two years the fishery distiibutcd 5,309 gold, silver and pcail fish. ThoNiobara, th'e White, the Elkhorn and the Loup rivers have secured most of those supplies, and the time is near, if we foster tho industry, when rainbow trout, wall eyed pike and black bass will bo within .the reach of ordinary mortals, while now only the wealthy can indulge in thii kind of luxury. COUNTY OPTION. The proposed change of the Slocuui Law which provides for county option instead of local option doos not- mut with public fuvor in any comniunity in which The Uer.vio editor is famil iar. Tho Slocum luw as it now stands is good enough if on f 01 cud. If the county option advocates want to rog ulftto the liquor trufic in the county outside tho cities or incorporated vil lagw let them elect a board of county commissioners who will give them county option, "then let the citv or vil lage elect to have tho kind of option that suits the majotity ot the icspec tivo communities. It is manifestly unfair for one com munity to pro ide regulation for an ottici. The old and well established principle of allowing every man to vote as he pleases is embodied in the con stition and is tho principle for which our forefathers fought, and for us to arrogate to ourselves the right to say what others shall eat and drink is against the well defined principles of American citizenship. Another phase of the situation and an important one is this. So long as as intoxicants ure made they will be sold license or no license, and there is no excuse for allowipg "blind pigs" "holo in the walls" and drug stoies to dispense tho stuff without regulation to a class of patrons who cannot secure it under tho present system, to say nothing of the revenue derived from the present law. By all means retain the present Slocum law but onforce it. LAND ENTRIES. Tiik IIkrald will hereafter give a cor rect list weekly of laud entries made at the Alliance land office. We also wish to call your attention to the fact that Tun IIkrald its now prepared to publish your fiaal proof notices. When you wish to prove up on your claiin come to Tiik H kkali) office, Wo have blanks for tliat purpose. Beginning, with Feb. 1st, 1905, the entries to date are as follows: Honry llutrtmfJnier 31 2ij 57 Utw win It. Mm Idltli S jb 57 Aiiwlm 11. WIhUwi IS is 4g Millard IMUUIeM !-! t M filuiwr II, Btulwl(r 30 31 54 KUuIn I. Avory 30.f a PMIIpTrUr 0 31 45 ItoitH V. llure &) 16 S-St AOttJ. Kuhn .46-i) M 41 Mabel . Uon-uHl 2HK 51 .IuoliJ. Hearr frW-H- X, ii-ta Jotwuaa Mnitor 37b'K14 ' 55 (').,;. j Kalffi)m 15-! K SO BT-r"oJaoU 7 38 45 Maided: Mr. W. B. Hosier and GoldL M. Dutton at Craston, Iowa, Jan. jibt '05. The groom a liur linjiten firoraun. There home will be iu Alliance in the future. Alliance more than 5000 population, pros for the future. 400 miles west Denver. It is the metropolis of HEMTNGFORD. I Keith f.. IMorcu is fullv nutliurlid to mi licit hUlMorliitlons mid job worl; mid colleut nnd recuipl for Miine, and ininsnct nil utliur ousinoss in connection wit 11 111s position us tin accredited reiircsciitiitive of this p.ipor. See Wildy for lumber and coal. Chas. Poivar was in town Monday. A. II. Pierce was quite sick Monday. G. A. l'endric was in town Tuesday. Henry Shimek will soon have a phone. Wiii, Mabin was up from Derca Tues day. Mrs. Lack has been ill with grip recent- ly. B h, Penner was in from Dunlap Monday. Wm. O'Mara and Joseph Maniou were in town Tuesday. T. L. McCandlas was a Heminfjford visitor Monday. Wesley Green visited with his uncle II. H, Green last week. M. C. Beaumont went to Alliance Mon day evening to take iu the M. W. A. do ings there. Tho little baby of J. Herman living sevn miles south of town is reported quite sick with pneumonia. I have a choice lot of rye hay for sale at reasonable prices. Enquire at my store in Hcmingford. II. L. Bushnell. II. H. ToiTilinson lies ip veil tod a potato cutter which he claims to bu the beft so far invented. It is said to be very.rapid and to do good work. Have a fine line of valentines, both comic and oxpensiva. Come and see them. Ucdgecock's, Pharmacy. Bob sleds are a common thing in town now days. It is several winters since the fannura could ninko as good use of them as thayare doing this winter. Am kelling underwear very cheap. Have 1 educed my prices on overshoe , leg gings and felt boots to .1 vary close price No trouble to show goods -H. L Bushnell. Have some fine stilts seed for sale at market price, also millet seed. H. L. Bushnell. The prophets now assure us that the present unprecedented amount of snow means big crops next year and there will be plenty of rain. Here's hopiug they are right. Liquozonc has cured several persons here, will give references. Wo handle it. See large ad in all papers. Hedgecock's Pharmacy. The Hemingford schools havef a brand new library, bought with the proceeds of some magic lantern entertainments. Th: books have been selected with great care and the list they now have is very excel lent. The library has also been added to by private gifts of books, among which "Hie Winning of the West" by Theodore Roosevelt is very highly prized. Wm. J, Brition died at his home north east of town Friday moruiug Feb. 3rd at i 25 o'clock. Mr. Britton suffered a second stroke of paralysis a couple of weeks since, the firM stroke having been three or four years ago. He was in the field getting a load'of feed and was driving a friaky team. He had pretence of mind enough to wrap the lines nrlmnd his arm and thus held the team until help camo probably an hour or more later; he lost the power of speech and his left side was completely paralyzed. He ral lied rapidly and soon became able to write and thus make his wants' known. About this time he received a committee of Ins brother Masons from Alliance which he greatly appreciated. On Tuesday evening he was stricken again nnd this time the paralysis extended to the lungs and hope was abandoned. He passed away the net Friday morning, very peacefully, the im mediate cause of his death being oxygen starvation. He was unconscious for sev eral hours preceding .his death. Mr, Britton was not a memcar of any church but always supported and encour aged tu3 work of the church which he at tended. Ho was a thoroughly good man. His neighbors say that no one could have been a better neighbor than he. He was born near Woodstock, Canada Co years ago a.nd came to Michigan at the age of 20. He has been a resident of this county for more than 20 years. He was married twice and had one child by each marriace. His oldest son is dead but I leaves a son who lives in Michigan. His County Treasurers SemiAnnual rumK Mule taxot ........ ,. ...... ttclioot limit leas .....i.--....!: yiinnty kmhmi tuna ,.,..., Comity lirlilue fund .....,.,.., County roitil fund, won mini , .m! sent mini i (Hill fund ......... ' jioor furm fund....... ...........a.,,, " Jnlli'iiml , ........... " iihnriiluif fund.... ..... -.. MlHi't'Uutii-ousfniid Special mrvoJ fund . Protest, fund Oily r AIIIiimw ,. Allinli'-e vrtiu-r loud ,, Alliance oli-ctric lllit Allium'" oltv hall bond ............, HrniliiKforit village , ... llcmlngfunl water liond.. School Dist. fund ...,.,.., General M'liool fund..... Hcliool bond fund , Hick school fund School Jmlgcmout . Itctlcuiptlpu City of Alliance ncr draft..., Totai In the ubovo ttntomont tlio sum of Jl.M7.74 Kfltifral fund nnd disbursements of other funds. 111.11 .lit 1 ! I'M. in l.fS.i l.i.i 1 in 1 '. I .Inn. 7, lfKO tokil b.itancbs " " " eommlHMtMis.. ...i. ........ v.. nllscolliiiicoas feds.... V" 4 f( . Statu or Nhiiuka, Ilox Duttk County i. I I, (!. W. llrt'iiniiu, treasurer of Ilox Utitto county, Nebraska, do solemnly swear that the above ntul within Is a true and correct stctementof nil jiionejsrecehed and paid out by mo from .luly 1st lil to .Inn 7th 1105 Incluslvo anil balance onlmnd .Ian. 7tli 1003 ns tlio sinnu appears upon the records, of tliis ofllco. SKAM ' C. V. IHi:NNAN. Countr Treasurer Subscribed and nworn to boforo 1110 February 7. 1P03 S. M. Srayner, Co. Clerk. little son. Lester is five years old and was the pride and joy of his father's heart. More than 30 years ago he joined the masonic order and has remained a stead fast and loyal member of the organization ever since. At his request they conduct ed the services at the grave. Kev. Em bree preached the funeral sermon. The funeral occurred Sunday, The bereaved family have the heart felt sympathy of the community. LAKESIDELIGHTS. Winter snows and winds continue. Almost everybody that is'nt well are sick. Mary Ash was quite sick with severe cold all last week but is now improving. Pearl Thompson and Lloyd Tully who have likewiic been confined to their li omits are mending of their troubles and will soon tie out again. The second quarterly conference for this year will be held at Lakeside Saturday Fob. lS, aud quarterly meeting Sunday Fob. 19. Presiding Elder D. J. Clark of Chndron will have charge. He will go Alliance and preach there in the evening. Ranchmen are having hard work getting to town those days, the snow being so deep on the north side 'of the hills. The snow drifts in almost as soon as a track is made so that each traveler has to make his own way as no open roads are to be found. Some miscihevious boy or boy's like to tease our school teacher by overturning the bell. Several times lately the teacher has been unable to ring the morning bells the scholars have been confused and tardy as a consequence. Look out boys, the snow is pretty deep just now. On account of the storm last Saturday Rev. Lyons failed to make his rogular trip to Luella. Anoth'er hindering cause was a .visit of General LaGrlppe to the inmates of the parsonage home leaving Mr. Lyons the only inmate capable of be ing about for several days. All are im proving at this writing. , Conductor C. D. Conn of tho Ravenna-Seneca local run visited fiiends in the city Tuesday. "The Scriptural Eldeiship" will be the subject at the morning service at the United Presbyterian church next Sunday. "The Coming Feast" will bo the tliome at the evening service. Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. an installa tion service conducted by Rev. V. I Johnston, of Omaha, Superintendent of missions of Omaha Prosbytory, will be held, aftor which the congregation will hold an olection of elders to increase the session by the election of two new members. Services preparatory to communion the following Sabbath will be held Friday at 7:30 and Saturday at 2 p. 111, Ordination of oldors at the Saturday sorvice, also baptism. If You Wish to Buy or Sell ranch properties, or irrigated farms, anywhere in Nebraska or Wyoming, communicate with us. We quickly dispose of good properties where a reasonable price is asked. We nego tiate western investments of all kinds. Manage local properties for non-resident owners. Write insurance and fidelity bonds. German Investment Co. J. Y, GERMAN, Manager Alliance . . Nebraska 25 a sit S l'-g go '" So 413 HO :k n 1 4I Hi 11 114? 170 2(1. 3 3 113 1 70 1 117 47 to mi in 1 200 S7 1 Xa 7K ft 44 1 17ll (! seen IpTlNI 2iSl) S 17 Jsoo 71 3- 1 (U7 13 1 ( 71) 31 as- i&t nj lftli tli S7 1 1 vns) .V! 1 Sit 50 1 am m 31 H I (1 OS 4 IU .1177' 4M tr, 2 OS! & 15 fit JS 2 ID 5 mu 01 tS 411 :i (n't u mm ret an S14 7S0P7 ......."I9 Mhl tl transferred from arIo 11 eflntity funds t the county Kuneral fund W inolttdcd Iu rrcctjjts ot Hl ' ., ' i.K ' 1 til' I i . 1 .. ...v.. ,.i 21 072 13 . 473 ! KiiiKlsdlstillmtod 11s follows: . .Inrt. 7. IWJiti I'lrst National "' " In AllhtlU'y National , " " iu I'irst State, Hi'iiilnwforit.... .. " " ill Fiscal Ap-ncy .....i ' " In Suhool Order DIst. No. 1! , " " cnfh In ault.. ," " City of Alllitncb, over draft 4 p "V IS-) t , S 21 53 eO WlLLIAfl MITCHELL ATTORNCY AT HW. ALLIANCL7 NEBRASKA. Orrice I'uo.nr lso. esiiii:nck Phone 203. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Itooms 1, 2 nnd 3, First National b.uik build Injr, Alliance, Nob. Not my In oftlcc. BOYD & BARKER, .. Aitoriio.ys r H.-v .. ALLIANCK, NEIIRASKA. Collections given Prompt Attention. L. A. BERRY, ATTORNCY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. l l TUTTI.K. IIU'K. TA II. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW,. REAL ESTATE, ' North Main St., - ALLIANOi: NT.R. oooooei&oeosooeooooocovssoo 1X. KKKAMIOK, IDB1TTIST I In Alliance 10-30 of every month. Office over The Famous . , . 'Phone 391. ese9aca9 !:: x::-v'K:w? ! t fuss Wnhemine Bonn & Instructress of 5 Voice Culture Class nnd Individual Lessons For terms, etc , call at 809 Ilox Butle uremic 'I'ludieXil -: '."."" !-:: :-:.: oeeooooo909 0 o a c Will Cure Your Cough One 25c bottle of Horehound, Honey and Tar hat. cured many a cough. It will cure yours.' Why not try it? Sold by nriniiele Prescription Druggist 306 Box Butte Ae. o e oi o e oeeBfleetee98cote F. M. WALLACE dhay um Moying Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . , Phone No, 1 Young's grocery, Alliance W ' Statement. a s 5 5 o " 53 $ 2 ail M 053 60 8 201 JO 1 013 87 1 3IW23 a' 44 13 38 t 344 00 4S3 13 4VttJ 3-M 0) 3S17 Sou 2 43s 3 (M3 ft) 00 7 iSi Si 1 181 7B otll 30 S70 35 53717 11 13 213 83 $ 3 347 47 BiO'31, H 9?0 77 'ft im is 8 WO 05 4l 29 tMI 10 if? 1.0 2 37 n S72 ffi ir fo 3 R18 71 in s: ny, 23i on 32 14 24 flj 3l" 3 1 ' 121 01 2T3L7rt ...H7& 48 T 1 mrnmm n , Vs. .3 13 3411 8 7 l'4 W5 1 Mil il 50') 94 510 05 1 1IH1 53 42i 4 ! FREY & BALFE, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. 018 ItOX JIUTTi: AVF.NUE. Pliono 238, Calls answered In town or country. J. E. MOORE, M. D. ri.irrciiKit ni.ocu, ALLiANCi:, ni:ii. Galls answered from ofllco day or night. Telephone No. 02. H. H. BELLWOOD F. E. CLOUGH PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS. JlolMen IllllIdliiK. - ALLIANJK, NKII L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Ofnco in I'irst National Hank olock. ance Nulirnskn. Alll DR. G. W. MITCHELL, Physician uno Surgeon Day and night calls. Ofllceovur Wogue Store. Phono 150. DR. GEO. HAND, HOMEOPATHIC I'HVSICI V X A N 1) S U K G E O N Foirnerly Interne Homeopathic Hos pital University ot Iowa. Phono 251. Office over Allianco Phoo Store. Night calls answered from ofllco. E. E. BARR, M. D. Specialist Eye. Ear, Nose, Throat, ana all Chronic Diseases Piiovf Ollli'o 201 Keoidence 151 Omen Hotms '.Ho 12. 2 to 5. Sundays 2 to -J. Guy Lockwood GKAIHA1E CHICAGO SCHOOL OP E.MHAL.M1NG Funeral Director and Embalmer I'lionos Uihce 214. Res 205 Expert l.ndj Attendant.. Alliance, Neb. Hila Grand Tonorial Parlors. Orville Owen, Proprietor. Firstclass service. Patronage solicited. SEE Jos. Carey & Co. For house moving, well boring making and cleaning cosspools moving box cars, ete .... ALLIANCE, NEBRARKA FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Heating. Stoam and hot water 'Phone, No. 35Q. ALLIANCE, NEB The Alliance Herald and Nebraska State .Imifnni the leading weekly, both ( One year for $ 1.50. ' i