The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 27, 1905, Image 7

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Time Table
Alliance. Neb
and all jiolnts oust and all points west und
TiiAiss Leave as Toixowx, Mountain Ttviu:
No. 41 Passenger ilnlly. l)didivod.
Hillings, nil points north and
, west 12:35 a.m.
No. 42 Passenger dully. Lincoln.
Omiilm, Chicago mid nil
points east
No. 301 Passenger dully, for Denver
Ogdcn.Sult IJike, au I'ran
Cisco and all Intermediate
points, departs at 2!5h.uj.
u.b r
I'nssengur dully from Denver
and all Intermediate points.
ft'tt llt
No. 305Dally, excep Sunday, for
points south and west, de-
.. ..l"lpt? 12:50 n. tn
No. 301 Dally, except Sunday, from
south and wost. arrives li55p. m.
i.otar. niuiTToijv.
II. OP R. T. llnrdstniKRlc Lodge. No. 0V2
Mets every Sunday afternoon at 2.,
liell'sl hall. Visiting brothers welcome.
v J. A. Dunning, V. M.
M. Hakgraves. Sec'y.
L. O. T. M Meets every find, and third Krr
dayatEnKlo Hall VisltlriR Maccabees eol
dlally Invited. Mus. E. J. lUfraiLU, L. C.
At ns. Anmk Yount, 15. K.
UOVAb IlioWAMiBiis Alllnm-o Castle No.
41 meets very second and fourth Thursday
evening In V. O. V. Hall. Visiting Oliinsmen
coidlallv Invited.
K. P. Woods, G. V. Leiuv,
Sec'j. L. P.
General and Personal News of Alli
ance and Vicinity.
Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house.
Good 4 room house for rent. P.
J. Nolan. 2-3t.
Dr. Koons, dentist. Office upstairs
Norton block.
Wanted: something we can't re
pair. Lockvvood.
The C & C club met at the home of Mrs.
Hillier last evening.
Go to the AllianceTNational Bank to
deposit your mono. Oct. 7-tf.
Just, received a new car of Lexington
Flour- Geo. W. Young.
Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of
manufacturing dipping vats.
Pianos and Organs sold on eaby
payments at Lockwood's.
See Humphrey for picture framing", up
holstering and furniture repairing.
Have your furniture repaired and
pictures framed at Lockwood's.
Wm. Fosket of Hemingford was a
county seat visitor this week.
The little daughter of George Run
3an is now in quarantine with scarlet
C. E. McFall, a well known citizen
and valued fiiend of Tuu Herald, is
up from Lakeside today.
Harold B. Miller, M. D., physician and
surgeon, office and residence 321 south
Seventeenth street, Lincoln. Neb.
Nearly all the ailments of the human
race in these days are caused by the Blood.
Stomach and Kidneys being out of order.
There is not a case on record than Co-Lon-Co
hasn't cured. Ask your druggist.
For Sale: Bakery and confection
ery in good Colorado town; 6000 peo
ple. Steam heat and light. Two
wagons. Sales last year S14.256.32:
price Si, 800.00. For full paiticulars
call at The Hrrald office. 6-tf.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Allison are the
happy parents of a girl, bom yester
day. Harvey thinks their first born
a son was the "only" boy, but we'll
wager that he wouldn't give this new
acquisition to the family for a dozen
HI A. Lindley and M. E. Getter, of
Lincoln, representatives o'f the Secur
ity Mutual life association, are in the
city today. Mr. Getter expects to
. spend all his time in Alliance and vicin
ity henceforth in the interest of his
Ring No. 512 for full information.
We want your trade. Deliver prompt
ly on time wav beyond the street car
line. South of bank 3rd door. The
new Flour and Feed store. Call to
day; I want to see you. W. D. Dav
idson. 6-tf
Messrs. G. H. Tuttle and C. T.
Thurber are working up the interests
o& the American Order of Protection.
Ex-Governor Poynter is supreme com
mander of this organization with head
quarters at Lincoln. This society ex
pects to start in Alliance with at least
seventy-five charter members.
G. L. Shumway, the well known
real estate man of Scottsbluff, has been
in the city since yesterday attending to
business before the land office. Mr.
Shumway predicts a big rush of immi
gration to the North Platte valley in the
spring and says there are many people
from the east already looking up loca
tions there. .a.
Win. Baclitnan was adjudged insane
today and will bo taken to Lincoln to
night by SlioiiiT Reed. Mr. Knchmnu
has been engaged" ill tho restaurant
business liuro (or somotimc but domes-
i tic and financial affuirs unbalanced bis
The young people of Carpenter organ
ized a Christian Endsavor society- Sunday,
Jan. 22, 1905. The following officers wore
elected and committees appointed. Presi
dent, Mr. Knight; Vice Pfefl., Miss
Hngpnman; .Recording Sct., Mist
Carpenter, Corresponding Sect.,
Minnie Clark. Lookout committee
Sadie Undcvvood, Miss Kthel Ilaggaman,
Miss Betsy Iirowers, Mr. Cliff Coloini,
Mr. Harley Carpenter The Prajor
Meeting committee, Miss Jessie Carpenter,
Miss Sylva Haggaman, Mr. Albert Wright,
Mr, Otto Haggaman. Number of active
members, iS. Number of associate mem
members, 4. Number of affiliated or hon
orary, 8,
The 1'oet Ilnil a Lout Search, but It
rinnlly, Turned I 11.
Eugene Field waft a book collector,
nnd 0110 'of his favorite Jokes, accord
ing to the Philadelphia Post, was to
enter a bookshop wlu-rv hi- was not
known nnd nsk in the aolemuest man
ner for an expurgated edition of Mrs.
Ileninns' poems. One day In Milwau
kee he was walking ulong the street
with his friend, George Ycnowlne,
when the latter halted In front of a
bookshop and said: "Gene, the pro
prietor of this placo is the most serious
man I ever knew. Ho never saw n
joke in his life. Wouldn't It bcli good
chance to try again for that expurgated
Mrs. Ilcinaus?" Without a word Field
entered, asked for the proprietor, and
then made tho usual request "That la
a rather scarce book," onnie the reply.
"Are yotr prepared to pay 11 fair price
for It?" For just a second Field was
taken aback. Then ho said, "Certainly,
certainly. I I know It's rare." Tho
man stepped to a ease,' took out a
cheaply bound volume and handed It
to Field, saying, "The price Is $5."
Field took It nervously, opened to tho
title page and road In correct print,
"The Poems of Mrs. Felicia Iletuans.
Selected and Arranged With All Ob
Jectlonal Passages Excised by George
Ycnowlne, Editor of 'Isaac Watts For
tho riomo,' 'The Fireside Hannah
More, etc.," with the usual publisher's
name nnd date nt the bottom. Field
glanced up nt the bookseller. He stood
there tho verj plctuie of sad solemnity.
"I'll take it," said Field faintly, pro
ducing tho money. Outsldu Yonowlno
was missing. At his olllce the boy said
that ho had Just left, saying "that lie
was going to Standing Itock, Dakota, to
keep an appointment with Sitting Bull.
A Little .'Hulking; Lp Tlcfore llreuk
faxt I u Good Till UK.
For almost every person under fifty,
nnd for u great pony people over fifty,
exercise is tho nearest approach to a
panacea for bodily Ills that has yet
been devised. Causing the body to
move and stretch nnd push and pul'
makes the blood circulate, the liver do
Its work and the nerves pick up their
dropped stitches. An excellent time to
exercise is before breakfast. Neither
man nor beast, as n rule, goes to sleep
hungry. During sleep there is llttlo
waste of energy. On waking there is'
no Immediate demand for replenish
ment of lost tissues. Furthermore, the
long sleep has left the nerves and the
digestive apparatus dull and leadened.
To sit down to a heavy breakfast with
in fifteen or twenty minutes after get
ting out of bed means that the stomach
receives food which It does not need
nnd will not readily digest.
A little shaking up before breakfast
arouses the vitality and consequently
makes the appetite and digestion better.
That means better work done during
the day. If a man can get away from
work In time to, take additional exer
cise during the afternoon he will have
a better appetite for tho evening meal
and more power to digest It. That will
mean better slcen at night. Many a
I man has succeeded In the world with
out paying any attention to his body
Joseph Chamberlain, for Instance. But
such men would probably have suc
ceeded more easily and certainly with
nioro pleasure to thenioclves If they
had taken care of their bodies. A
strong mind Is certainly stronger nnd
more enduring in a healthy body than
in a sickly one. Tho best way to keep
the body healthy Is to.usolt-khicaga
Tribune. ' cty
A great source of cruelty la temper.
When it Is considered what a vast sum
of misery temper causes iu tho world,
how many homes are darkened and
how many hearts aro saddened by it;
when we remember that Its persecu
tions have not even tho purifying con
sequences of most other calamities, In
asmuch as Us effects upon its innocent
victims are rather cankerous than me
dicinal; when we call to mind that a
bright face and a bright disposition
are like sunshine In a house, and a
gloomy, lowering countenance as de
pressing as an Arctic night, wo must
acknowledge that temper Itself Is only
another form of cruelty, and a very bad
form too.
A Family Problem.
Teacher was explaining tho meaning
of the word recuperate.
"Now, Willie," she said, "If your
father worked hard all day ho would
be tired and all worn out, wouldn't
"Then when night comes and his
work Is over for the day, what does
he do?"
"Thatfs what ma wants to.know,"1-"
Clereland Leader.
A Valuable Scrnpbook,
To devote n scrnpbook to ono subject
makes it much more Interesting nnd
valuable, and when ion begin to gath
er material on any one theme you will
bo surprised nt tho nmouut which will
come to hand. Suppose you want to
know nil about some famous person,
either in the public eye nt present or
some one of past times. From maga
zines and o' or sources can be collect
oil articles, portraits, perhaps poems
In relation to tho subject, etc. When
matter Is clipped, the scrnpbook maker
may copy It neatly with a pen Into a
book. The educational value of such
a book is something worth while, as
well as the satisfaction of having gath
ered oncsolf so much information on a
single subject. ,
Artcimm AVnrtl'n Protector.
While in tho show business In Penn
sylvania Artomus Ward was put to
sleep In an attic where tho sash had
been taken out for ventilation. In tho
night it turned cold. Artomus got up
and was busy at tho window. "What
aro you doing. Artomus?" his cojupan
Ion nuked. "I'm so c-cold," he chattered.
"I was hanging up some of those hoop
skirts. 1 thoueht they'd keep the
coarsest of the cold out."
Ilia Experience.
"There are some songs that will
noter die." said the musical enthusi
ast. "I guess that's right," answered Mr.
Cumro. "My daughter sits down at
the piano niul tries to kill n few of 'cm
every evening. Hut It's no use."
Washington Star.
Children soon learn that It Is father
who has the money and mother who
hns the generous disposition. Atchi
son Globe.
fcm.ijiiniiii i.p.i 11
l.und Of I ice Notices.
Land OlhVont Alliance, Neb.. .Inn; 20 KW.
Notice Ik hereby Kireirlhnt tlin follow Ins
named bottler litis filed notice of her Intention
loranlcctiiml proof In tmnpiriuf lior claim,
uud that mild proof will lie made befoie
KcKlsieruml Iteeelver nt Alllain-u, Neb., 011
Mnrcb H. IMS, viz
AUGUSTA uiima.
of HemliiRford, Nek. one of the heirs of
Conrndlne llasso, deceased, on II. K. ."So. 11)11
for tint nolf suction I), township 2fln ranee 4Vw.
She names tho follow Inc witnesses to provo
her continuous resldencu. upon und cultiva
tion of said land, vi: Andrew' L. .Johnson,
Huns Hanson, Orvillo ICIdwoll, liohcrt Curry,
nil of llonduicford, Neb
Uuuci: Wiwox, llpgKter.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Ofllcc. Alliance. Nek, .Tan it? WO...
A suillclent ( out est unidavlt having !ecn
Hied In this allien by I'nink lltvuii eotl
M'staut, URnitiHt Homestead entiy No. 311s,
miido Mav 11. 1P00, for lots 1 .111 1 and easts
northwest' ( section 31. township 21n. ranim
50iv, liy Verney U Morter. contestee, In which
It liAili'gcd that said ' erne) I) Mortnr
ri'Blded on said tract and has w holly abandon
ed same for more than two joars Ihm past
and that satil nlli'Kcd absence from the t.atd
lniid was not duo to lib- employment in tho
army, navy or tnariuo corps of tho United
htnleu iih a private (.oldler, olllcer seaman or
marine durlm; tho war with Spnln or during
any other win In which tho United Salutes
may lie ciiKiigi-d, said parties ate hereby noli
lied to nppenr respond and olfer evidence
touching said alligation at 10 n'cliy-k iujii.
on March 1, ItXVS, before tho ltijtlster and
Uocclver at tho United states Land Ollluolii
Alliance, Nebraska.
II10 said contestant havlni;. In 11 proper uf
lldavlt. died .Ian. 'i 1W.", set forth fuels which
show that nfttir duo (IIUkciick personal hervleo
of tho notice can not bo mucin. It Is hereby or
dered and directed that hucIi notice bo kIvoii
by due and proper iiubllvatiou.
fp .I:in7. UltUCK Wll.cox. llcglslcr.
Kdvrlh L. Johnson, Victor Johnson, Mr.
.Johnson, first name -unknown. In other of
Charles. I .lolmson, deceased, Sirs Jolmvon,
llrst name unknown, mother of Clmrle. J,
Jolinnon deceased, heirs of Chnrlcs.l. Johnson,
deceased and unknown heirs of Churlo.l.lohn
miii deceased, defendants will lake notice that
on thn 2S day of liecemlMir I Ml, John 11. Shirk,
plalntilT heieln. liletl IiIh lx-tillon in tho dis
trict court of box Untie county. Nebraska
against said defendants, thnohlcctnud pni)er
of which are to foiecloio a certain inortKUKo
executed by the Mild Charles . I. JohiiMiu, ilo-ccusr-d,
to fiott fried Rulrmmn and by him sold
and nsplKucd to plaintlil upon tho S li. ' of
S. W. M section 7, township -7. rangi' VI, lu wild
county, to securo tho pajmout of 11 promissory
note dated robruar 15 1KO, for Uih sum of
150dm I'ehruarj 5,1M.). 'Ihnlthcrcj8 now duo
upon Raid note and ruortir-iKo the sum of 1135
for which sum with Interest from this date
plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants ho
required to pay tho sumo or that Mild prem
ises mav bo sold to satisfy tho amount found
You aro required to answer said petition on
or before the 1.7th day of February ipav.
John II. iimtK, Plaintiff.
Dated .Tan. 10. i!W5. fp -.0
Mieitft's Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sale is.-nmd bv the
clerk of thi dlsli let court of Hot Hutta coun
ty, Nebraska, uimn a decree rendered by said
court In favor of .lames H. Skinner, plain
tlfl, and nsaiust O S. Morunn. defendant,
I will offer on tho Itth day ofl'ehruary,
A. I). 1!H)J, at lu o'ejook a. in. 011 sani
day, at tint west front door of tho court
house In Alliance, in said county, sell tli
following described real estate, to wit:
Noitlieiist Quarter, of section 17, In Town
ship i norto Hange in, west Cth 1 M
lu llox Kutto county. Ncbiaku, ut public
auction to t)ie highest bidder for ash 10 sat
lslj said onlurof sule.ln tlipsuinof $.W)I77 and
intoreat, costs (inducer In? costs subject to
all unpaid ta.xos. I It A lUXI).
Smith V, Tctti.k, Shoiij 1 said Count,,.
Attorney for I'lalntilf, V I' Jan. 0
Sheriff's Snlc.
No. 1KJ5.
Ily vlrtuo of unorder of salo issued by the
cleric of tho district court of llox lliittocoun
tyNcbrusku, upon a dncreu rundered liv said
court lu favor of John Lelth. plaintiff, and
against William (Irlmos, Thomas l'ralim, W.
II. Launiug, Tiuntee, W, II, Lanulug
defendants, I will, on the 28th dav
of February, A. I). loj, nt 10 o'clock
a. m. on said tho west front door of tho
court house In Alliance, In said county, sell
tlio following descrllxxl real estate, to-vvlt;
The northeast quarter of section -a, In town
ship 27. nortli of range jo, .,i .,' tho sixth
principal meridian, iu llox Until aiiiy. Ne
braska, ut public auction to urn hlgiu t bid
der for cash, to satisfy said order of ald In
thu sum of 1 5811 und interest, costs and
accruing costs, taxed $G0.bQ, sullied to all un
paid taxes,
Sheriff of said County.
Smith I'.Titttlf,
Attorney for Plaintiff. fp Jan. 20
Contest Notice
No. 3&s$.
U H. Land Olllco, Alliance, Nek, Aug. 18. 1001.
A sufficient contest affidavit having been
filed in thin office bv August Urows, contestant,
against Iloniesteiidentr) No. 3733. made Hop.
10, 1000, for north half southwest cpiurtcr
uud north half southeast quarter of section
15, township 28, range 4M by Chas. O. Klug,
contestec. lu which it is altcKcd that said
Chas. (J. King lias not resldod upon said tract
since date of entry, nor made any Improve
ments thereon. Said allodgud nbvjiicu,
from the said land was not duo to
his employment In thu army, navy or
marine corps of tho United States us a private
soldier, officer, seaman or marine during tho
war with fcqiain or during any other war In
which tho United BlaU may bo eugaged, said
parties aro hereby notltled to appear, retqiond
and offer evidence touching said allegation at
10 o'clock a. m.. on March, 16, 10O5, hcf6r the
KeglsUir and Receiver at tho United States
Land ORlco in Alliance. Nebraska.
Tho said contestant having, in s proper
affidavit, tiled .luniuy 10, ltu'i, set forth facts
which show t hut ufter due diligence pergonal
service of this notice cannot bo niude, it la
ordered and directed that such notice be given
by doe and proper publication.
fp Jatcw liHcca Wilcox, UetfUtor.
Stock and
Stockmen: It will
pay you to advertise
your brands in this
paper., The Herald
has the largest circu
lation of any newspa-'
per m Western Ne
braska. Ncbutskn Stock (irowcr a Association.
A. M. Modlsett. president, Kushvillo; It. M
Hampton, vice-president, Allhineo; R. M
Sourlc Jr , leeretnry-trcHstirer, Ognlalln.
H-vecutlvo committee U. P. Myers, Lena)
It K. Klneuld, lllughani; John llretiuaii,
Vlllance;.!. II. Vuntkuklrlt, Alliances V.. K.
Lowo, Hjaiinlsj John At, Aduins, Potter; It.
M. Allen, Amos; It. Lloco, Lodgiipolu; Kvert
Klilrod, Orlando; U. C. llarrlH, ('l.udion; L.
W. lilckoll, Kimball; Kohert Oinhiim, Al
liance; John Conway, Dunning; J. 11. Coolc,
Agato;A.S. Heed, Allinnro.
Joss, Neb.
Stock biaudcd
us shown 011 cut
on either side.
Alsoj-O on eith
er sldo.
Town ship ttL
and range 1.1
Hlonx, 11I V ..I.
",UVI .It'll. J,,
li.'rosi 11 Dross)
on left. side. Also
jjlon left thigh.
Uuderslopi) 011
left ear.
Horses branded
samuiiKcnttl on
left Jaw and U on
loft shoulder.
T. .1. DOWO,
Alliance, Nek
3 5 connected
tiny place on left
Hide. lentigo on
head of l'lnc
Ureek, Sheridan
AUiauee, Noli,
Cattle branded
OK on left ftldo:
also ok and ok
on leftside.
Schlll, Nek
Cattio lirandcd
on right thigh or
XV on right
Township 27,
raugo 45,Sherldan
Cleman, Nek
As In cut on
right or left hip;
left ear cropped.
Horses branded O
ou loft Jaw.
i: MA1UN,
Cattio branded
flying horseshoe
on tight hi n. us
Incut. Homo
ranch sec. 23-27-S0.
Horso ranch
iu 23-III.
llox llutto, Nob.
Cuttle branded as
I) cut on left lilp,
also witli tlio bar
over Instead of
under brand.
section 17.
In township
range 40.
Lakeside, Nob,
Cattle branded
-N-ou right hip.
llaugo iu Twp.
20, range 15, Siier-
dan county.
--To.ctIorn.eer ;
Will Cry Sales in This and
Adjoining Counties. . . ,
SQT Satisfaction guaranteed. If t
you want to buy or sell rancn prop
erty, list it with me
Hemingford, Neb.
Agent for tho Caledonian, of
Scotland, which insures town
property only, und tho Ooluu
bla, which Insures town and
farm property and live stock,
ltoth ure reliable old line com
panies L 3MoteLiia.l Worlc.
,, 1
-: r
1 iVwr.f'H. iii...giyrarWA-
nai ilia, "ilVI
II. A,
7?V? i" Mish Jli MJ
D l?:n9 5-s
Repairing in all its Hail orders promptly
Branches. -- attended to. ts
A7. O. Barnes,
' Jeweler and Optician,
Was the largost IiubIposs year in
pleased customers. Now wo propose to make
A still larger and more satisfAclory year thnn ill predecessor. Wo
shall endeavor to pursue the same policy that lias heretofore, made
this storo the nlost popular
in the west. And with our constantly improving facilities for buying
in Inrga quantities, wo shall boablo togivo you better values ior your
money than ovor before. Wishing you a Ilnppy and prosperous New
Year, and rospectfully requesting a continuance of your cstemed pat
ronage, I remain, . .
C -- nSl'E3",s7s7"a3E)E2S""
R J. Brennan & Co0.., f
Paints, Oils and Wall. Paper
L f J 4 I
::x - - : - - x - - :': - - - : -
1 -!
!jifi " fte-ny
---. iH'l
tsaa -EKX2 w: T
mpj?imr "-Rr
Forest Lumber Company.
Dierks' Lumber Coal Co.
Also agents for Nebr. Central lHd. & Loan Asso. Phone 22
Palace Livery B e'r qa.
S. II. XICSCII, lJrop. r .-
on'i: lil.ocic wlst OF Good turnouts, strict nttention to our buBiness,'
Tiir. Ni: ziiindln . , nnd courteous treatment to all lias won for us the
ui'lLDlNO. 'Phono 72 excellent patronage we enjo. Trv us.
Why! Bless my Soul!
Ifs White House Coffee.
Best Quality
Special Prices on Larger Lots at Holsten's.
Gold Jewelry
our history.
Thanks to our well
Drugs, Perfumes
Toilet Articles.
Alliance, Nebraska.
: - .M..:..H' - :'M': - ':" - :': - ': - - MH''r
Nothing is more interesting than the
manufacture of high grade lumber. Wo
buy only of the best manufacturers and
hence can assure you tho bc3t of every
thing in the line of liuUdlna Material.
For that small repairing" we
have the fixings, Boards for
sidewalk laying', fencing and
the like, can be had from 'us
at reasonable price.
Trv ' ' '
The largest Dealer In the U. S.
AM am sole agent foe this high grade
Coffee and recommend its use. I am
not going to make a display of cheap bar'
gains as it takes cheap goods for cheap
premiums, Come to the store, I have
the best goods that money can buy and
these will be my bargains to my customers.
For your patronage I thank you.
James Graham
West of Alliance National Bank.
fWJi! ;!