The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 27, 1905, Image 5

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' 1
Copyright,' IS?, by F. Tennyson Ncoir.
CHAPTER XIV Continued.
Jack steps upoli Iho platform ot tho
car adjoining that which constitutes
the rear of the train. He Is bent upon
finding out just how matters stand,
so that .should tho expedition proceed,
giving evidenco that no suspicion or
tho danger ahead has entered into
tho calculations of the soldiers, he
may bo nblo to carry out a bright
thought which has entered his head.
"I believe It can bo done without a
doubt," Jack mutters, after bending
down and making a hasty examination
of tho connection between tho two
"Tho same thing has been accom
plished on numerous occasions. Rail
road men In your country call It
making a flying Bwltch,' " says Smith
ers, almost In his ear Smlthers who
scorns to have Intuitively guessed
what Jack's bright thought has been,
and indeed must have been figuring
himself on the same thing.
"See, thoro is room enough for all
of us to cling to tho end of tho other
coach at tho timo wo separate. Tho
onlyfdanger will bo the chance of dis
covery on tho part of tho soldiers."
"Well, sir, in that wo aro lucky.
Note the fact that tents and a certain
amount of luggage have been plied up
at this end of tho car."
"Yes, you aro right."
"It not only serves to darken tho
platform in a degree, but will, I be
lieve, prevent nny of tho men from
noticing that the last coach is cut
"The let us pray that luck will fol
low us. If It wasn't for that prom
ise "
"Ah, sir, if I hadn't tho utmost faith
la your word of honor, I never would
have betrayed their secret no, not
even to savo the ladles. But no more
on that subject, please. Wo aro here,
and our work is cut out for us. It re
mains to bo seen what Anglo-Saxon
wit can accomplish against the min
ions oT Spanish tyranny."
Bold words these to bo uttered, even
In a whisper,1 within sight ot several
hundred Spanish soldiers, who would
tear the speaker limb from limb did
they hut overhear.
"Look, tho conference Is over."
Travers has kept one eyo upon tho
group of officers nil tho while, and
when ho sees them separate he knows
tho Bubject that has been debated be
tween them is settled.
Afc, the officers hasten to tho train.
Will they order tho men to turn out,
or make themselves comfortable for
the night, since further progress has
been abandoned?
Alasl this Is just what they do not
carry out. Instead, loud orders In
Spanish of "All aboard!" are heard,
and tho soldiers can bo seen scram
bling to enter the cars.
Thus tho station platform, which
hut a minute beforo bustled with life,
appears empty and almost forsaken.
Tho man In charge of the train
glances up and down, and seeing
ovorything in readiness, waves his
An immediate response comes from
tho engine in tho way of a shrill
shriek then is heard a puffing sound,
tho long train begins to move they
are off!
And tho bridge at which the fearful
"Nowl" he cries hoarsely.
disaster is planned to tako place lies
just eight miles beyond.
Jack knows they aro now reduced
to this dernier ressort. Should it fail,
in all probability they will be in at
tho death, if they can find any satis
faction in that thought.
Smlthers has learned ono thing that
may havo a bearing on tho question.
This refers to tho train guard who an
swered tho questions of Don Roblado.
This Spaniard has leaped Into a
compartmont of the rear coach while
tho train was in motion tho section
nearest tho platform upon which
stand, or, rather, crouch, tho three
friends. Thus it is settled that they
have someone to look after, and who
mast not bo forgotten in the grand cli
max, lest ho bo the means of over
whelming them with disaster.
The speed increases. At this rate
they will not bo more than half an
hour, perhaps only twenty minutes, In
reaching the fatal spot
Jack and Smlthers talk it over in
quick' sentence?, while Ah Sin stands
ready to ia just whatever ho is bid
den. No danger of their being over
heard out there, with tho rattle of the
cars and tho clang of the wheels over
the rails.
Ono thing favors their plans tho
til (IwiXDrUB rtfWfffK tzUHMBIH
Cor.yrIfihf, 1S99, by Street nnfl Smith.
night has swooped down upon them
with black pinions, And so lntcnso has
Iho gloom become in this mountainous
regtpn that but for the lights stream
ing from tho car windows It would bo
Impossible. to seo tho length ot half
tho train.
Jack points to tho horizon, where
some low-lying clouds are tinged with
a glow.
"Possibly wo aro near tho camp
fires along tho trocha," ho remarks,
at which tho othor says, with grim
''I would bo more Inclined to bellovo
that Is the handwriting ot Macco on
tho sky."
"Oh, more caneflelds destroyed.
This la n sad day for poor Cuba, throt
tled on both sides. But wo must be
halfway tliero, Smlthers."
"At least that. A few more miles
and the blow will fall. To work, then."
"Look ahead. We arc Just descend
ing a low grade. Beyond appears a
gentle ascent. It Is hero wo must sink
or swim. Everything is planned, ir
the execution turn out as well, we
need havo no cause for complaint. Let
us change quarters."
This is readily done, and In a very
brief space of timo they find them
selves clinging to tho ledgo at the ex
treme forward end of tho rear coach.
Jack Is on his knees groping for the
coupling pin that holds tho two ve
hicles together. If they wait until
the ascent begins, no slnglo man's
strength may drag It out, because at
that timo tho strain will bo wholly
upon it. Smlthers is'on tho watch.
"Nowl" ho cries, hoarsely, as they
reach tho bottom of tho descent and
begin to run along a very limited lovel
stretch, with tho rise close at hand.
Jack half rises from his crouching
position; ho has given a tremendous
try, and is now seen to hold something
in his hand.
"It is done," ho says, tossing tho
Iron pin into tho darkness of tho
Almost Immediately the car begins
to drop behind; a gap appears that
quickly widens, and the military train
speeds on toward doom, leaving them
A Little Affair Concerning 8enor Rob
lado and the Guard.
It Is, as may bo naturally supposed,
a minute of Intense suspense. Wheth
er they will succeed in their desper
ate enterprise depends on tho perfect
alignment of numerous facts, each
bearing on the others.
At tho same timo, our three friends
do not forget to act.
As tho carriage, upon tho forward
end of which they cling so desperate
ly, decreases its speed, their oyes aro
not wholly taken up with watching
the train draw ahead.
Tho business has been shrewdly,
though hurriedly, planned, and' each
ono of the trio has his work laid out
for him.
Thus, Ah Sin, having secured a
spare coupling pin that lay upon the
platform of tho last car of tho retreat
ing train, only waits for tho lone car
riage) to about como to a stand, when
ho intends leaping to tho ground and
placing this piece of Iron behind ono
of tho wheels, so as to prevent any
backward movement when tho mo
mentum already acquired shall. havo
Smlthers has In mind tho guard in
the nearest compartment.
That railway man, accustomed to
the different motions of a carriage,
will speedily know by instinct that
tho rear carrlago Is traveling along
on its individual responsibility, and as
this is a freak hardly within the or
dinary "repertoire of trailing cars In
goncral, Involving considerable dan
ger in its way, like a faithful omployo
ho will bo likely to show somo desiro
for an investigation.
This Is what Interests Smlthers.
Should tho guard discover that they
aro' being deserted by the train ho will
naturally give tongue and endeavor by
all means to attract attention to tho
fact, not knowing, of course, what a
beneficent fato It Is that has thus
guarded his interests, for he can bo
aware of no danger ahead.
Possibly tho voice ot a single man,
no matter how resonant, may not be
heard above tho rattlo and roar ot a
train under full speed, and especially
by the passengers.
Smlthers does not mean that be
shall havo the opportunity to try.
There are other times and places more
nropltious for testing the resounding
qualities of a man's lung capacity, and
since it concerns their fortunes acute
ly, the detectlvo is bound to throw his
Influence against It.
Thus he begins to mako his -way in
the direction of the guard's door.
Smlthers has already discovered one
thing of Interest. There is a light In
tho end section of tho carriage where
nil was dark at tho last station.-
Possibly the fellow has lighted a
'amp in order to read, or it may bo to
better accomplish his regular duties,
'f a guard on a train out of Hnvana
may be supposed to havo any such.
At any rate, this fact suits Smlth
ers to a dot, as ho may now discover
what course to take, and can In his
own way Intimidate the railway man.
Once his feet havo found tho plank,
and ho no longer has any difficulty.
Half a dozen times his hands seek
a new hold, and then Smlthers has
reached n point where ho can look
into the Interior.
By this timo tho speed ot tho di
vorced car baB been sonslbly slack
ened, and oven n very obtuso omployo
of the road can hardly holp realising
that something Is wrong.
Even as Smlthers reaches the open
window of tho compartment door and
crouches underneath it, tho head and
shoulders ot tho Spanish guard aro
hastily thrust Into view, ns tho fellow
endeavors to look up tho lino ahead.
It so hnppcns that tho train, hav
ing completed tho gcntlo ascent of tho
hill, is just at this particular moment
In full view outlined in sllhouetto
against tho heavens.
Thoro Is henco no possible excuao
for tho guard not Immediately discov
ering it, and that ho fully grasps tho
situation is ovldcntt front tho startled
exclamation that escapes his lips:
"Madro do Dlos!"
Smlthers' method of procedure Is as
emphatic as It Is effective. As yet tho
man has not noticed tho dark figure
crouching under tho window, slnco htB
attention Is wholly taken up with
what goes on nhcad.
A hand suddenly plungCB upwnrd
and fastens upon tho guard's throat
with a tenncious grip, and tho hoarso
yell which Is Just on the point ot
bursting forth Is stifled In the act.
"Sllenclo!" says a voice in his car.
Tho admonition is quite superfluous,
slnco tliero is not tho slightest chanco
of tho follow giving even a whispor
while those flngors closo so affection
ately upon his throat.
The carrlago has almost ceased to
climb tho gentle acclivity, its momen
tum having becomo very nenrly ex
hausted, and already tho train has
vanished entirely from view, so that
all danger from that source .s past.
(To bo continued.)
Sklnn-d Out
When It became known that the
best shot In tho regiment was going
Into tho Jungle to compass tho death
of a terrible tiger, the surgeon-major
of the regiment, an enthusiastic curio
collector, at onco buttonholed him.
"Remember, Atkins," said he, "I be
speak the skin at your own price."
"All right, sir," said Atkins.
Tho surgeon-major was netting but
terflies on tho outskirts of tho jungio
that evening, when he saw Atkins
running toward him.
'Shot him?" shouted Uk surgeon
major. "Yes, sir!" breathlessly replied tho
flying Nlmrod.
"How much for tho skint"
"Fivo dollars, sir!"
Tho doctor gave Atkins the money.
"Where's tho skin?" ho cried.
'Behind you, sir!" camo tho reced
ing answer.
Tho doctor looked, and saw tho
skin, with tho tiger in it, coming open
mouthed and bleeding from a scratch
where Atkins had "shot" it. Tho doc
tor dldn.'t get tho tiger's skin, but tho
tiger nearly got tho doctor's.
A Waste of Time.
Health Commissioner Darlington, of
New York, was talking about tho wa
ter supplies of tho world's great cities.
A foreign city was mentioned that, af
ter a groat deal of expenBlvo investi
gation, had decided not to improvo its
notoriously Impuro water service, and
tho commissioner said:
"That reminds mo of a magistrate I
heard about tho othor day.
"A man was arrested and brought
beforo this magistrate, and the case
was argued pro and con for a long
while. Tho magistrate listened Intent
ly, and ho mado numerous notes. To
tho eloquent arguments of tho lawyer
for the defenso ho would nod vigorous
approval. A Uttlo later tho passionate
periods of tho lawyer for tho prosecu
tion would cause him to murmur low
phrases of assent and encouragement.
"Finally, exhausted, tho lawyers
ceased to talk. Thoy had said every
thing they could think of. They had no
more Ideas left.
"Then tho magistrate, looking, down
over his spectacles, said heavily:
'"Dls gaso has been ferry ably
argued on both sides, and dero haf
been somo ferry n'lco points of law
brought up. I shall dako dree days to
gonslder dese bolnts, but I shall event
ually decide for tho blaintlff.' "
Tent Life In Colorado.
Tent life is much in vogue at tho
International Printers' homo at Colo
rado Springs, Col. There are ten
steam-heated canvas houses, equipped
with electric lights and having electric
bell connections with tho drugroom of
the hospital. These probably aro tho
only Meam-heated tonts in the world,
and thoy aro occupied tho year
For whero, is any author In the
world who Jf aches such beauty as a
woman's eyes. Shakespeare.
Creditors Want Large 8um from New
York National Bank.
Archibald G. Loomls has resigned as
second vice president of tho National
City bank, Now York, because of tho
disclosures growing out of tho Mun
roe & Munroo scandal.
Mr. Loomls withdrawal from tho
bank doos not end tho connection of
tho Standard Oil institution with tho
Montreal and Boston Btock-washlng
Tho bank got $GO,000 from Munroo
& Munroo on tho day of tho falluro,
and Samuel Untormyer, counsol for
Receiver Work, claims that this money
should go into tho gonoral fund for di
vision among all of tho creditors. Un
Iosb tho bank voluntarily makes resti
tution of tho $G0.000, suit will probably
bo brought for Its recovery.
Thin mav mako necessary tho call
ing of James Stillman, president of
tho Rockefeller bank, as a witness.
When Mr. Loomls goes on tho stand
he will not bo connected with tho
bnnk, and tho directors aro anxious
that none of tho officials or employes
shall bo called to tell of tho bank's
dealings with tho Munroes.
Tho creditors nro confident, how
over, that tho full relations of tho
bank with tho enormous washing of
Montreal and Boston havo not yot
been disclosed, and somo of them de
clare that the books of tho bank
should bo produced in open court and
closely examined.
Frank Brewer, tho broker who got
30.000 shares of Montreal & Boston
stock from tho Munroes on tho day of
tho falluro, but was only charged on
tho books of tho firm for 15,000 shares,
is said to havo been tho personal
broker ot Mr. Loomls.
Why Brewer should havo been mado
tho gift of 16,000 shares, worth at
tho timo $52,600, is ono ot tho many
mysteries ot the scandal not yet
cleared up. Mr. Loomls will bo ques
tioned about this phaeta ot the caso.
British Government Offers Large
Tract for Settlement
Throo commissioners representing
tho Zionist movement have Just start
ed to British East Africa to inspect n
tract of land as largo as Wales, which
tho British government has offered
tho Jews of all parts of tho world as
a place of settlement preparatory to
tho realization of their ultimate object
of occupying Palestine.
Tho tract is described in a recent
lecture bj Sir Henry Johnston to "tho
Friends of Jewish Freedom" as a fer
tile, well watered country, with a ell
mato "like a perpetual mild summer,"
situated somo twenty miles from tho
Uganda railway. This Jewish colony
Is to bo under a Jewish administrator,
subject to British rule, with a largo
degreo of autonomy. It will bo a placo
of asylum for tho distressed and op
pressed Jews of eastern Europe.
Tho government's offer has been
provisionally accepted by the Zionist
committee, and commissioners, as
already stated, havo been sent to as
certain tho feasibleness ot the pro
posal to build a new Jewish state In
this region.
Knew the Crowd. .
A street preacher In a west of Scot
land town called a policeman who
was passing and complained about
being annoyed by a certain section ot
tho audience, and asked him to ro
movo the objectionable ones.
"Weel, yo see," replied tho cautious
officer, "it would bo a hard Job for
me tao spot them; but I'll tell yo
what I'd dao if I were you."
'What would you do?" eagerly in
quired tho preacher.
"Just gao round wl' the hat!"
Ram's Horn.
Preparation and Combat Brought to
Scientific Basis.
In Bplto of all that tho military
critics may say, war as a romantic oc
cupation Is doomed. Tho killing of
mon on tho field of glory In days long
past Is still pictured as a "pretty
pastlmo," ns Napoleon said. But tho1
favorlto old figures of tradition nro
fast disappearing beforo tho steady
advanco of science.
To-day Browning's boy rider who
wns shot In two whllo bearing news
of tho capture of Ratlsbon to tho om
peror Would bo a matter-of-fact teleg
rapher sitting quietly at his Instru
ment, and Berangor'a grizzled veteran
of tho guard returning to dlo with
tho colors, would bo barred at tho re
cruiting office becauso ho could not
tell blue from green without glasses.
Gen. Grecly grow enthusiasts tho
othor day whllo describing beforo tho
Military Scrvico Institution at Gov
ernor's Island how tho Japanese had
"wired" a wholo army spread out bo
foro tho enemy. Ho quoted approv
ingly a war correspondent who said
that tho clicking of tho tolegraph In-.
strumentB at his headquarters meant'
more to Kurokl than tho sound of tho
guns. What room will bo loft for
romanco when tho general command
ing tho army of tho right can tolo
phono (o tho commander-in-chief's of
fice forty miles away to havo ton regi
ments and four batteries expressed to
him by special train? Ho might as
well bo ordering dry goods or hard
ware, for all tho sentiment to bo got
out of such a situation.
Kuropatkln's headquarters railway
carrlago and touring cars for side
trips are only indicative of what may
bo dono when his mothods ore per
fected. When that timo comes, tho
dnshlng cavalry leader brevetted for
gallantry on tho field of action will
havo nothing to boast of except that
ho burst seven tires whllo charging
across tho tack mines of an enemy
two counties away. There will bo no
more Sherldan'B rides.
Wlion a lookout officer stationed in
an lmprcgnablo bomb-proof with an
automatic range-finder shall direct by
wireless telephone tho firing of
smokeless guns of hidden batteries
against an Invisible enemy jjar will
degenerate into a mere scientific test
between rival lens-makers and clectrl-.
cal-supplles concerns. Tho last' step
will bo a horoless war and a pension
less retired list
International Animosities.
In his reminiscences of diplomatic
lifo Andrew White tells a pleasant an
ecdote ot Empress Frederick, tho Ger
man emperor's mother. Tho Ameri
can ambassador had mentioned a cer
tain pathetic picture of Georgo III to
the king's great-granddaughter, and In
talking of tho long-ended bitter feel
ing between tho United States and
Great Britain he said: "It is a re
membrance of mine, now hard to real
ize, that I was brought up to abhor
tho momory ot George III." At this
tho empresa smiled and answered
and all who havo known her will
imagine tho note In her voico-"That
was very unjust, for I was brought up
to adore tho memory ot Washington."
Chicago Chronicle.
His Own Pronunciation.
When congress resumed business
the other day the house did not re
main In session very long, an adjourn
ment being taken on account of tho
death of Representative Mahoney of
"Mr. Mahoney," said a Washington
man, "was a quaint character in many
ways, one of them being in the man
ner bo pronounced, his name. Ho put
tho accent on the first syllablo and
used tho long sound of 'a' in tho bar
gain. And he was a very good Irish
man at that"
Back aches nil tho time. Spoils
your appetite, wearies tho body, wor
ries tho mind. Kidneys causo It all
and Donn's Kidney
Pills rellovo and
cure it
II. B, McCarvcr,
of 201 Cherry St,
Portland. Ore., in
spector of freight
for the Trans-Con
tinental Co., saya:
"I used Doan's Kid
ney Pills for back
ncho and othor
symptoms of kid
ney troublo which
had annoyed mo
for months. I think
a cold was respon
sible for tho whole troublo. It seemed
to Bottlo in my kidneys. Doan'B Kid
noy Pills rooted it out. It Is several
months slnco I used them, and up to
da to thcro has been no recurrenco of
tho troublo."
Doan's Kidney Pills for salo by all
dealers. Price 60 cents por box. Fos
ter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
8panUh Bridal Customs,
In Spain a brido lins no girl at
tendants to stand nt the altar with
her, but instead n "madrlna," or god
mother. Neither doos sho havo a
wedding cako or any fostlve departure
after tho ceremony. Tho wedded pair
go quietly to tholr now homo, whero
they remain until tho following dny,
when they Btart on their honoymoon.
Bofore loavlng thoy pay n formal visit
tti tholr respectlvo relatives.
Professor's Atrocious Pun.
Professor Strunk of tho English de
partment of Cornell university Is a
fond papa, aa well as a despcrnto pun
ster. His favorlto form ot oxorclBO la
trundtng n baby carrlago along the
caropuB walks. On day whllo ho was
so omployod a friend hailed him with
tho query: "Giving your son an air
ing, Billy?" "No," replied tho profes
sor with dignity. "I'm giving my heir
a sunning ."
Victim of Necessity.
With her husband In tho hospital,
Mrs. Wood, wlfo of a Ixmdon dray
man, sold her fireguard for 25 conts
to buy tood, and soon afterward her
throo-yoar-old child was burned to
That Dodd'a Kidney Pills will cure
B right's Disease. Remarkable casa
of George J. Barber Quick recov
ery after years of suffering.
Esthcrvllle, Iowa, Jan. 23d. (Spe
cial) Tho oxperlonco of Mr. Georgo
J. Barbor, a well known citizen of this
placo, justifies his friends In making
tho announcement to tho world
"Brlght's Dlseaso can bo cured." Mr,
Barber had kldnoy troublo and tt de
veloped into Brlght's Dlseaso. He
treated It with Dodd's Kidney Pills
and to-day ho is a well man. In an
intorvlow ho says:
"I can't saya too much for Dodd'a
Kidney Pills. I had Kidney Disease
for fifteen years and though I doctor
ed for it with tho best doctors here
and in Chicago, it developed into
Brlght's Disease. Then I started to
uso Dodd's Kidney Pills and two boxes'
cured mo completely. I think Dodd's
Kidney Pills are tho best la the
world." .
A remedy that will euro Brlght's
Dlseaso will euro any other form of
Kldnoy Dlseaso. Dodd's Kldnoy Pills
novor fall to cure Brlght's Disease.
It Is very difficult for a man te be
Hove that a girl with golden hair and
blue eyes would over tell a fib. Balti
more American.
10,000 Plants tor lCc.
This is a remarkable offer tha John A.
Baker Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., makes
Salzer Seds have a national reputatioa
as the earliest, finest, choicest the earth
produces. They will send you their big
plant and seed catalog, together wita
enough seed to grow
1,000 fine, solid Cabbages,
2,000 rich, juicy Turnips,
2,000 blanching, nutty Celery,
2,000 rich, buttery Lettuce,
1,000 splendid Onions,
1,000 rare, luscious RadishM,
1,000 gloriously brilliant Flowers.
This great offer is made in order to In
duce you to try their warranted seeds
for when you once plant them you will
grow no others, and
providing you will return this notice, sad
If you will send them 26c in postage, they
will add to the above a big package of tha
earliest Sweet Uorn on eartn oairers
Fourth of July fully 10 dayi earlier than,
Cory, Peep o' Day, etc., etc. Y. N. UJ
"When Vanity enters at tho front
door Reason steals out tho back way.
A Rare Good Thing.
"Am using ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, n
can truly say I would not have been without
it so long, had I known the relief it wonla
give my aching feet. I think it a rare good
thing for anyone having sore or tired f eet.
Mrs. Matilda Holtwert, Providence, R. L
SoldbyallDjiBgUts,25c Ask to-day.
A good reputation Is a fair estate,
but there are others on which It is
easier to get a mortgage.
IttMng.Ullnd, Dletdlng or l'rjtradlo rilai. Y.m
draggtit will reiund money It l'AZO OUUUKKT
tth to car you la ( to it dajr. SOc ,
Tho best way to avenge ourselves
is pot to resemble tho3o who have In
Jured us. Amlel.
Smokers find Lewis' "Single Binder'
straight 60 cigar better quality than most
lOo brands. Lewis' Factory, Peoria, lit
Rattle brains always mako ne most
7 hk 8
P- i mr.' . fnBI