A if v ft irtfc i $ THE DISCOVERER ,r Of Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, the Great Woman Remedy for Woman's Ills. No other feinalo medicine In tbo world has received such widespread and Unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles or such boats of grateful iriends as has Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. It will entirely euro the worst forms of Female Complaints, all Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration. Follinif and Displacement of the "Womb, and consequent Spinal Weakness, and Is peculiarly adapted to the. Change of Life. It has cured more cases of Backache and Lcuoorrhcrja than any other renv edy the world lias ever known. It in almost -Infallible in such cases. It dissolves and expels tumors from the5 Uterus in an early stago of de velopment. Irregular. Suppressed or Painful Menstruation, Weakness of the Stomach, Indigestion, Bloating, Flooding, Nervous Prostration, Headache, General Debil lty quickly yield to it. Womb troubles, causing pain, weight and backache, in stantly relieved and permanently cured by itsubc. Under all circumstances il Invigorates tho feinalo system, and is as harmless as water. Itqnickly removes that Bearing-down Feeling, extreme lassitude, "don't caro" and " want-to-be-left-alone " feeling, excitability, Irritability,' nervous ness. Dizziness, Faintness, sleeplessness, flatulency, melancholy or the " blues" andlicadachc. These are sure indications of Female Weakness, or some de rangement of tho Uterus, which this medicine always yures. Kidney Complaints and Backache, of either sex, tho Vegetable Compound always cures. Those women who refuse to accept anything else are rewarded a hundred thousand times, for they get what they want a cure. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Refuse all substitutes. ft Cures Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat. Croup, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption In Brut Itagcu.nnd a sure relief in advanced stages. Use at once. You will see the excellent edect af tr taking- tho drat dene. Sold by dealers every where. Large bottles 23 cents and 50 cents. 1 Follow the Flag.' EXCURSIONS SOUTH DAILY If you aro thinking of a trip SOUTH SOUTHEAST EAST write and let us tell you best rates, time, route and send marked time tables. This saves you worry and an noyance and make you feel at home all the Tray. Call Wabash City Office, 1601 Far nam St., or address Harry E. Moores, G. A. P. 8. Wafcash R. R Oaafca, Nts. THK FARMERS on trie Free Homestead Lands of Western Canada Carry the uannerf or yield of wheat and other grain for 1804. 100,000 FARMERS tacrira tSS.UUO.000 as a remit of their Wheat Crop lose. The ratarno from Oate, Barley and other grain, ai veil as cattle ana bore, add tuiutderably to this. Secure a Free Homeitead at once, or pnrchaie from some rtlUbla dealer while land are selltaxat present loir price. Apply for Information to Superintendent of Immi gration, Ottawa, Canada, or tu auiborfied Canadian Oovernment Aeot W. V. Bennett, B01 Kew Yurk Life BoUdlDf, Omaha, Hetiruka. rieata aay where yon saw this adTsrtlismsnt MEXICAN Mustang Liniment ia a poaltive cure for Plica. yfiggb llli Evqry housekeeper should know that if they will buy Deflanco Cold Water Starch for laundry ubo they trill savo not only time, because it never sticks to the iron, but because each package contains 1G oz. onft full pound while all other Cold Water Starches are put up in i-prjund pack ages, and tho prico is tho same, 10 cents. Then again because Deflanco Starch is free from all injurious chem icals. If your grocer tries to sell you a 12-oz. package it is because he has a stock on hand which he wishes to dispose of before ho puts in Defiance. He knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package in large let ters and figures "16 ozs." Demand De fiance and save much time and money and the annoyance of the iron stick ing. Defiance never sticks. Even a kind word, when you can do no better .will help to stay the pangs of hunger. Insist on Getting It. Some grocers soy they don't keep Defiance Starch. This Is because they have a stock on hand of other brands containing only 12 ounces In a pack age, which they won't be able to sell first, because Defiance contains 16 ounces for the same money. Do you want 16 ounces Instead of 12 ounces for same money? Then buy De fiance Starch. Requires no cooking. Men who pack water on both shoul ders, alwayB end up with empty buckets. Dr. David rfaunedy Fnyurlte Kemmly Is adapted to both wit nd all men. Cunt KlOuty nl U oomplalut, d purlDx U bleed, (i all drniteUu. Generous impulses will keep one warm and comfortable, even in freez ing weather. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully erery bottle of CASTOHIA, sals and sure remedy for Infanta asd children. and see that It Bi the T Signature Ia Use For Over 30 Years. The Klad Yoa Have Alvray Bought. Tho magic of first love is that it goes so soon and is remembered so long. TO CDRK A COLD IK OKK DAT Take LaxaUre Uromo yulalne Tablet. All 4roj Uta refund the Uuoty If It fall to cure. . W. urors'o atgnatare It oa each box. 13c. Novelty is an essential attribute of tho beautiful especially novelty in hats. Lewis' "Single Binder." Tho richest quality cigar on tho market at straight 0c. Always reliable. You pay I0o for cigars not so good. Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. Happy is the man who is admired and praised by his fellows for he Is dead. All Up-to-Date Housekeepers use Defiance Cold Water Starch, be cause It Is better, and 4 ounces more of It for same money. aaTklMIIM't Eft Watt BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP ctaTM caught asd c44i . News in Nebraska Osceola's auditorium has been com pleted at a cost of i 12,000. Special Pension Agont Rotramel diod in Grand Island last wock. In Madison oounty, Androw Kelson, a young Dane, klllod Carrie Jncobson, and then took his own life, Tho girl had refused to nmrry the man. Threo horses and a barn went up in flames nt Silver Creek. Tho barn belonged to Mrs, Call r Hon and the horses to "Walter Adcock and Frank Waterman. Tho annual meeting ot tho Stato Savinga and Loan association wns held in Beatrice. The business of the year showed n net Increase of assets amounting to $40,000. Josof Shumrtr of Ellis, Gago county, wants 20,000 for tho pain of a frac tured skull and tho collnpso ot his nervous system. His Bult is against tho Rock Island company. Eliza L. Hart has- filed suit in the district court of York county against Alice Haron, in tho sum of $5,000 damages, alleging alienation ot her husband, J. R. Hurt's affections. At O'Neill the Jury in tho caso of Joseph Nlckdllzok, tried for criminal assault on Lena Krinch, 13 years old, disagreed, nnd wan discharged. Tho jurors stood 9 to 2 for conviction, ono man voting blnnk each time. Tho Western Union Telegraph com pany, in a brief filed in tho supreme court, attacked tho constitutionality of that section ot tho new rovenuo law which provides for tho .taxation of Us franchise as an equal valuo to tho sum of the gross receipts. An. attempt to burn up the Norfolk city jail, in which he was securely lockod and in which, if he had been successful, ha and all other prisoners would have lost their lives, William Korge, sorvlng a thirty-day senteneo for stealing, was foiled by tho police. A warrant was issued at West Point for the arrest of Anton Engle mnnn, a prominent jeweler of that city, on a charge of insanity. Mr. Englemann has been suffering for some time with an acute nervous dis order, which has finally affected the brain. The sugar factory at Leavltt has just finished up its season's work. Tho factory was operated 115 days- of twenty-four hours each, bo that on an eight-hour basis it can bo seen that it amounted to more than a year of regular working days. Tho amount of sugar refined was 14,000.000 pounds. Sheriff Bauman of Dodge county, started out for Kansas City in search of Elza Howard, aged 22, who was married in that city a few days ago to Miss Minnie Garrison ot Fremont. Another young woman of Fremont. MIgs Minnie Kaascb, has sworn out a complaint charging Howard with be ing tbo father of her unborn child. Bernard McGreevy, president of tho failed Elkhorn Valley bank at O'Neill, waB hound over to the district court on two complaints, one charging him with receiving $500 for deposit after he knew tho bank was insolvent and tho other with embezzling $2,711 school money. District Judge West over fixed tho bond at $1,000 in each case. Miss May Powell, a graduate from the Stato university in Lincoln, and a similar school of education in In diana, and one of tho most success ful teachers in the PlattsmcAith High school, has tendered her resignation to the school board, and has accepted a. similar position, that of teacher of mathematics, in the High school in Lincoln. l By a decision of the supreme court tTTo stato of Nebraska is entitled to 2,200 acres of land in Boyd county, and the settlers thereon must be ejected. The principal contentions of former Land Commissioner Follmer regarding the rights of tho state aro upheld by the court. Tho settlers who claimed the right to hold the land ob tained no satisfaction whatever. State Treasurer Mortenecn will re tire $110,000 ot general fund state warrants this month. A call for $60, 000, and including No. 107,295, goes Into" effect at once, and another has been made for January 28, for $50,000, which will include all warrants regis tered on or before May 11, 1903, which will make the state only nineteen months behind in the payment of ita obligations. Reports of the Union Pacific road prepared by William Mahl, comptroll er, show the gross earnings for No vember, 1904, were $5,719,798 and the expenses including taxes were $3,023, 846, leaving a surplus of $2,C95,951. Tho surplus in November, 1903, was $2,404,351, showing an increase of $291,000. The gross earnings for five months ending November 30, 1904, wore $20,551,122, and tho expenses for tho same time, including taxes were $13,782,045, leaving a surplus of $12,782,077. The Nebraska Volunteer Firemen a association concluded its twenty-third annual convention in Columbus last week. Tho meeting was agreeably sur prised when Treasurer Graff of Sew. ard reported ho bad something over $700 on hand. The rural county delivery service was put into effect in York county, last week, there being twenty-four carriers for the county, with an aver ago of twenty-eight miles to the car rier. This makes it so no farmer in the county is over one-half mile from a route. Through arrangements made by Sarpy county farmers with the agri cultural department of the State uni versity a farmers' institute will be held In Paplllloa two days, February 3 asd . Paya for- Stolen Vest. v Somb months' ago the vicar ot Ito gate, Sussex, received a Jotter from Australia asking him to try to find a man In his vlllngo who had had his waistcoat stolen thirty years ago. Tho ticnr found tho man and told his Aus tralian correspondent. In duo time ho received n letter Inclosing $50 for tho owner ot tho waistcoat Tho writer paid that with tho $2.50 ho had found Jn tho waistcoat ho had gained a new start in lifo and was now well-to-do. Money Made by Beggars. No beggar In Now York makes lose than $5 a day, according to the Now York Times. They recelvo contribu tions varying from ono penny to $25. Some of them nro oxperts in their lines and play only for donations of $5 and $10 and upward, telling plans Iblo Btorles of unpaid rents, dying jvlvcs and starving chlldron, of fun oral expenses, nnd other harrowing cxperlcncos that appeal to tho sympa thies of tender hearted humanity. Juryman's Truthful Excuse. A Juryman who nppeared "beforo Sir Jamoa Hnnnon in n London court room recently was in deop mourning and claimed exemption from eorvicc on tho ground that ho was Interested In a JCuneral that day at which ho de sired to bo proBont. "Oh, cortnlnly," said tho courteous Judge, and tho man went sad-facodly away. "Do you know tho man you hnvo oxomptod?" asked tho clerk. "No," said Sir Jnmcs. "Ho is an undertaker," was tho reply. Savory Stew Was of Dog. A few officers of a British Bhlp were dining with a mandarin nt Canton. Ono ot tho guests wished a second helping ot a savor stew, which ho thought wan composed ot duck. Not knowing a word of Chinese, ho held up his plato to his host, saying, with smiling approval: "Quack, quack, quack 1" The mandarin was an intel ligent Chinaman. Shaking his head ho pointed to the dish ot stew and said: ''Bow, bow. bowl" Robbed Hearse for Feathers. Horace Walpolo once told this story of Lady Allsbury: On her return to London from abroad her ladyship found that tho duchos of Devonshire had still tho highest featherB. Upon this she trlod to got ono higher, with out success, till slio luckily .thought of Bonding to an undertaker. Ho sent word that his hearses wero all out, but they wero oxpectod home in n few days and then ho hoped to accommo date hor ladyship. Men Arranged Divorce Laws. " Although moro wives obtain di vorces than husband no authority for giving a woman n divorce will be found in ollhor Buddhism, Taoism, Shlntolsm, Confucianism, Hlndoolsm, Mohammedanism, Judaism or Chris tianity. But that part of the several faiths wns arranged by tho men foin as a personal matter of their own. Many Children Are Sickly. MothcrGray'sSweetPowdors for Children, used by Mothor Gray, a nurso in Children's Home, Now York, curoFovorlshness, Head ache, Stomach Troubles, Toothing Dis orders, Break up Colds and Destroy Worms. AtallDrugKl8ts',25cSamplomalledFnEE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Loltoy, N. Y. A good life keeps oft wrinkles, but a good wrinklo sometimes keeps off a tot of trouble. Mrs. 'WUislowa Boothlns; nyrnp. tor children Uethlna, often the gura, reuneee t 4mmaUos, allay pais, care wladoollb. SSoabotUe. Man who knows himself thoroughly has the key which will unlock all knowledge. HUtHUUHHIHimUt THERE IS NOTHING more painful than Rheumatism asaat Neuralgia i but there Is nothlrf surer to cure than Si Jacobs Oil!; The old monk cure. It Is ptne tratlac, promat sod unUIUnj. T Vrlco S5e. aaaet 30m , T THHMiniimm)HHi4 ALWAYS CALL FOR A CIGAR BY ITS NAME "CREMO" MEANS MORE THAN ANY OTHER NAME SHOWS' BIRDS GOOD TOR PSSSBHTS "Lars U la U Wrla." PUTNAM lleBWea4fcjlMerand 5?Wt3ll MARK. afjreaaipl,ejj(Fsja ts?ei1eriaa eeaM er m : eett CAUGHT BY THE GRIP RELEASED BY PE-RU-NA. VwVvzar i OTtKwaaasBv xavT ? iT jflfvi vPllMal YvT",'MaBBBsw S -JVtjtfv v ly WfyaaVamlBaBaBBaV l, m vW. v-." -swWf5l EHamvsaBwr W"M aflw Uv ;: r SsSJJHapletiK "The World ot Medici no Recognizes Grip f as Epidemic Catarrh." Medical Talk. La Grippe It EpWemk) Calarrb. IT Bpaies no class or nationality. Tho cultured and tho ignorant, tho aris tocrat and tho pauper, tho iniuwes aud the classes aro allko subject to la grippe. None aro exempt all .nro liable. Grip in well named. Tho original French term, la grippe, has been short ened by tho busy American to read "grip." Without Intending- to do so, a new word has been coined that exactly describes tho case. As if some hideous giant with awful grip had clutched ns in Us fatal clasp. Men, women, chlldron, whole towns and cities nro caught in tho baneful grip of n terriblo monster. llavo you tho grip? Or, rather, has tho grip got you? If so, read tho fol lowing letters. These testimonials speak for them selves aa to tho efficacy of Verona in cases of la grippe or ita after-effects: A Southern Judge Cured. Judge Horatio J. Goss, Hartwell, Ga., writes: "Some five or six years ago I had a very Bcvcre spell of grip which left mo with systemic catarrh. "A friend advised me to try your $10.00 FOR ALL TbU'i fait II Will COSt tO Rtt Cf nr ISO-ecr lo eubfttora cotnpUW, till down it your rtllro4 iWMciaj U fr) tit rhtvritt f r tsia notuirn HLaw AllrMfioMii SURE HATCH INCUBATORS. I.! rdvtopiaM r th wl4' lUndftrd iDcabklor. Tbr wll Cllfor nl rxlwaod. AibMk llntd throvibo.l. Oppw lutwtwr bMtlni f rtWoi. Ill qsuelDchtiiiMUni lurfac , wUr bcUr. OalrthlrtrMDUatthorllrtalra4 fcrbUU. all mmMbm oI4 en 0 1t' Free Trial, tlvt&f rra itrr pportDl7 ta ir ye w Hjtl. tt.rj oualii eftrrIM a 5 TMr, inknal. Tea Ut no rUk miih U (CBJS RaTCH-tkinMtiliitklbuitalitMlt tlm..4B4of frUoll.lS). If tm 111 u ef aul ) ' 44rMt l4luMlUj If rt. CI Cat. itUMX MATCH lNCUBATeM OOMPANl CJrOrtr,Xftb, lijwHa lmd. Salter's Naflooal OaIs ' nmiMt nt of tha wste?rr. Yielded In Ohio 187. InMlea. Slf. lnMo.S.aodln2(.Iaot llObaa.pcraore. Yoa can beat that record In 118b. Forl0can4ttdSaVrtl we mall roa fre lot of farm seed eampiea ana uik uuaiv,. - , IDftllUUiDBIfUBIMtUU J IBOUsaisas oi outer dwm, 10MNA.9ALZERSEKDC9., I ere, L nun waa. rTHEY3TtTH wm m iz5sn tnc wcm LATEST. STROttdUT. RUT. rKTOST. KAT8KE. KaV BRANCH HOM8K8I Xaaaa City, ., Omaha, b., Sioux Tails, 8,B. Be ntareet dealer er writ for eirenlar. FARMS aai RANCHES WHEAT LANDS KINSAS $6 if $S0 Ptr Aert Splendid Motion. Comblaed fannlaf and stock raltlss. ail.7a toSS.OO 1'erAcre. Kum, Colorado and Keoratka. Oolr one-tealti caah. Detlandbrttnlo Wu Xk 11. A. MoAU-AxTKK. Land Commlulonir Iept. U V. X. K. K. Co., Omaha, Neb. SPINAL CURVATURE Can be Curea ALSO OTHSR DCfORMITICS. I Wrlto or call at office for f rea Inform- Itlon. III(hettetlDiontajfroniproin JtDutttnin, udpbjjicln. Con- liuit your raouir poctor. no brace or appliance ud. Treated euccetafuUr lb mall. El years' eiparlence. . . l ka atesuMit oveaaat lie 4 Or taaae etc Lett. CajCtsWlHi. moMnt. eariTAk . . IS TO SI AHUNOTON BtK., OMAKA. NU. W. N. U. Omaha. No. 4 1W. ' JWj!ziL-l iiivwsai jrmaacjaa,Y w-- aw Lihaij ri si PT vtfSVrosJMiMPSTER improve iisSSS&vSTEEL WIND MILL natiVT K(rmfllarWAMr'l drwJjl m Vkroller rim seam r vi i ni iim I ffc I 1 FADELESS PYE$ efaifaWIVsaVeaiaatarUaHsMaM .BsafsBPsafaYl aaaaaaaaaBaaMBJlsHTiVaV SBreaWLw JVv ' ' ' .fieMlyStfrl. & h I ' Pcruna, which I did anil wai immedi atoly benefited and cured. Tho third bottle completed tho cure." H. J. Gose. Cured la a Few Weeks. Miss Jean Cowglll, Grls'woltl Opera "House, Troy, N. Y., is tho lcadjng lady with tho Aubrey Stock Co. She writca tho following: "During tho past winter of 1901, I suffered for rc vcral weeks from a severe attack of grip, which left a serious catarrhal condition of the throat and head. "Somo ono suggested X'eruna. Aa a last resort, after wasting much time nnd money on physicians, 1 tried the remedy f rilthf tilly and in a few weeka was as well as ever." Jean Cowfrill. Saved sy Pe-ru-na. Hon. Jnmcs It. Gulll la ono ot the old est and most esteemed men ot Omaha, Nob. He has done much to mako it whai it is, nerving on public boards anuraber of times. Ho endorses Verona in the following words : "I tun 08 years old, am hale and hearty and Pcruna has helped mo attain it. Two yearn ago I had la grippe my lifo was dispaircd of. Veruna saved mo. J. R. GnllL . A strikifi; contrast httfrtcu OcfiartctSUrch 'cisaj any tfKr brapd wilt befaund by compariaos. Defiance Starch stiffens,' whitens, beautifies with out rottlnc. It lve clothes' back their newness. ft Is absolutely pure, 'it will not Injure the roost delicate fabrics. Par fine things and ail things use the best there to. Defiance 5tarch I cents for id ounces. Other brands i cants far ta.iHcas. A avtrikinf centraai TE MriANCC STAJtPH CO OsMhft, Nek' INOUB The OUI TRUBTT In eabatora are raada by Jotuuon, the lncbtor Man, vbo made SOiO) be fore toveatlsf bit OLD 5fU8,TT. A Jiar-for-ltMtr hatob er. Jetty da;' trt trial and a Are rear guaran tee, for bl free U logue, 809 poaltrr lllut tratlona. adilret. rn m. vnnn vv. m Box O. T.t Clay Canter. Mob.. u u inuuanu - UNDOMA SAVKS HAIR Ask Your Barbsr When Answering Advertleementa Kindly Mention This Paper. 8 uil y 1 r. ir 1 JtV iiW?