m ' 4- 7 jjki" r IK: I !? QllCrrpCn P"OM CATARRH OF tUNGS OUrrC.nE.LI so common in winter, CURED BY PE-RU-NA. MH9flP jfl i aTk ih fnSs2 1 1 1 I I UJ-UaJlxl Mill I IFD''ML.E'bvI ! i 1 1 1 finS? "" HBHvlU I IWI olllllllllllllll!lll W til iMilwr m 8 HLmWj MM WmmKW&nmMfck ill! m o. o-. v -fSawawawPsfcHEy G&Jzk0 TRANctsmsoH rggjgjjai A PLAIN TALK On a PJain Subject in Plain Language. The cor.ilnp ivluter will cause at least one-half of tho women to have catarrh, colds, coughs, pneumonia or consump tion. Thousands of women will lose lliuir Hvwt and tens of thousands will acquire some chronic ail ment from which they will never recover. Unless you take the necessary precautions, the chances are that you (who KEEP PERUNA IN THE HOUSE. t-.ttl this) will bo one of tho uufortu- tiute ones. Little or no risk need be run if Peruna is kept in the house and at tho first appearance of any symptom of catarrh taken as directed on tho bottle. l'eruna is a safeguard, a preventative, a specific, a euro for all cases of catarrh, aeuto and chronic, coughs, colds, con bumption, etc. For free medical advice, address Dr. S, 15. Ilartman, President of The llar't man Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Put your lin ger on our trade mark. Tell your dealer you want the best starch your money can buy. Insist on having: the best, DEFIANCE. It Is 16 ounces for to cents. No premiums, but one pound of She very best starch made. We put all our money in the starch. It needs no cooking. It Is absolutely pure. It gives satisfaction or money back. DR. McQREW For SO yearn has mado a specialty otlHSKAHESOFMKN. EUrht-i-eu years In Omaha, lilt Home Treatment has tternianeiuly eureJ thousands. ONLY 1'IVK DUI.LAK9 for two months treument. Medlclun aunt lu Walii piKkaje, Box 766. Office 215 South luh Street, Omaha, Neb raska, UNDOMAi SAVES HAIR Ask Your Barber SPINAL CURVATURE Can b Cureo ALSO OTHER DCFORMITICS. Write or call at office for free informs Won. HiEhett testimonials from prom' Imeut statesmen, and physicians. Con suit your Family Doctor, Nobracesor appliances used. Trested successfully nr mail, on years' eipenence. M ae IU ommlufivmiii ttr.fi (VI bar rflrl' CttfilattDU. INCOKrOK.TID. CAPITAL Sll.M.C. TO St AMIN6TON SILK., OMAHA. NEB. FARMS and RANCHES WHEAT LANDS KINSAS $5 it $10 Fir Icn Bnlandld ssetlons. Combined farming snjLsHck rsltug. 2 1.70 to ssa.ou rer Acre. Kuiu, CuUrrsdo -na Kcbrssks. Only one-testa cub. Best una osrcsins in west. JUk JB. JL. MoALUsxTKK, lind OomBalnsloner IMfit. B, V. P. . K. Cc, UBUlb, Mt W vCII ik MTHE DEFIANCE STARCH Ca 5&y M rasn A COLD ON THE LUNGS THREATENS TO BECOME SERIOUS. Pe-ru-na Brings Speedy Relief. Mrs. IT. E. Adams, Kx-Vrcsidcnt Pal metto Club, of Now Orleans, La., writes from 110 Garfield Court, South liend, Ind., as follows: " am pleased to endorse Peruna, as I took It about a year ago and it soon brought me relief from a cold on my lungs which threatened to be serious. "The lungs were sore and inflamed, 1 coughed a couple of hours every night, and I felt that something must be done before my lungs became affected. "Peruna was suggested by sumo of my friends who had used it, and acting upon their advice I tried it and found that it was able to bring about a speedy cure. You have my highest endorse mentaud thanks for the good it did me." Sounding the Praises of Peruna. Mrs. Frances Wilson, 3a Nclbon St., Clinton, Mass., writes: "Had you seen mo at the time of my illness and now, you would not wonder that I take delight in bounding tho praises of Peruna. "My ailment was a sovero cold which attacked tho bronchial tubes and lungs. "I followed your special directions and after using six bottles of Peruna, I was on my feet again. I think Peruna a wonderful medicine." If everybody possessed tho sense of humor most people would have to laugh when they look in their mirrors. If you cannot procure Sandholm's Eczema Lotion and Dandruff Cure from your (lrugiflst or barber, write baudholm Drug Co., 27 Man hattan UM., Dm Moines, Iowa, the; will send It express prt'puld. It cures when all doctors' Internal nieiUdno.Brea? Halves and ointment fall. Free booklet for the asking. Describe your disease and Hpeclal directions will be furn ished Koiema, Pimples, Acne, Old sores, ltln Worm, lllood l'olson. Ulock Heads. Insect Ultes. Dandruff, Sculp Trouble, Kalllnir If air. Nervous Trouble. It never falls. Lotion, 81; .soap, 25 The Bible proveB itself supernatural by its simple naturalness. No chromos or cheap premiums, but a better quality mid one-third more of Defiance Starch for tho same price of other attaches. S7 It Cures Colds, Coughs. Bore Throat, Croup, Influenza, Whooping Cough, UronchitU ami Asthma. A certain euro f or Consumption in first stageK.anda surort'lltf In advanced atuges. Umj atonic. You -Hill see the excellent effect of tcr taking the tlrnt done. Sold by dealers every w here. Largo bottles S3 cents and 50 cent. 10,000 Plants far 16c. More r ardent unci farm r pUnt4 to kQAueri De?e?u ua4l auj utuvr rmjir4ia Tliir la rruon fur tnlf. W nwii nrar &.030 ttl fat tha DrO riiiAtlatn nf nur avsaa.mttil aVAtAdla r -r : ----- -. --.- - iaaniartaiatiuea you to irr menu -we mfck ou d ouowtntf unprv- , For IS Omntm PatmaU aaniwi ouiri klSMSarif. iUBWIUtalakafH Itsoa rtaa J.Ur Taralaa, ftOOO RlaMU( Clary, I 1000 Uk IilliUtlu), 1000 lpl.al UaUaa, 1000 Bar Laaal.a. MaiUkai, 1000 VIWKatlr aruiual naowa. Aboto aatrn paxkaxaa contain auftt ttn( aaa.1 to crow 10.000 plautt, fur- flower nJ lota ami lolaor cauico Ttfaublaa, tog.thar lib our crass cstsJog-.telling all about rluvars. nunintr ousneis or oriiiias loo In atarapa and this outlee. OIBKlf intlU, Vir., Ml ,wr Dig Ito-pag CAtAloc s Aioiia.ap. junn AiOAUtn sin y nuu a antra atrfl rtA ' wjf.u. Un Crosse, Wis. INCUBATO The OLD TBU8TY In. enbstors are made br Jobnson, tbe Incubstor Man, who made SUftM lie fore loYentlDg bis OLD TKU8TY. Ajr-for-1Uelf hatch er. Forty days' & trial and are year's cuarsn tee. For big free cata logue, 800 poultry Illus trations, address. M. M.JOHNSON CO., Box O. T.a Clay Canter. Neb. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment 1 Sprains uud Strains. rmimmmmm rcs. News in Nebraska A Borlcs of evangelistic mcctingB ore in progress at Pawnco City. Frank Parker and wlfo of Silver Creek havo eight children uudor 18 years of age. Scarlet fever is epidemic at Sum merfleld, n Kansas town eighteen miles from Pawnoo City. W. Plum, u farmer, had his horso and buggy stolen in Hastings wbllo attending church in that city. Tho Polk County Fair association Is said to bo in a very prosperous condition. An ngent of the" Grand Island boot Bugar mill was In Ogallala making contracts with tho farmers for crops of beets this Reason. About 400 acres wero contracted for. Tho Success (Neb.) Creamery com pany of Seward, held Its annual meet ing and decided to closo up its affairs niter settling with tho Beatrice com pany at $16 per share. Shares wero 925 each. Mrs. O. A. Foldr-n of Bcatrlco sus tained threo broken ribs and numer ous bruUcs about tho body by falling from a small box on which sho was standing and which gavo way from under her. Panic among 100 llttlo girls In tho Catholic academy at Crelghton, was narrowly averted. Tho building was partially burned, but not destroyed. Tho flro was caused by spontaneous combustion in tho slack coal. Tho Young Men's Christian asso ciation of Chadron has secured A .M. Gould to take chargo of Its gymnas ium as director for tho coming year. Ho has tho reputation ot being vory competent and has had many years' Tho board ot county commissioners of Otoo county havo made their an nual estimato of expenses. Thoy esti mate that it will cost $144,000 to meet tho expenses of the county for noxt year. This is $19,000 less than tho es timato mado last year: Tho dead body of R. A. Swift, 78 years old, wok found In hiB room In tho Schmuck block at Beatrice. Ho had been missed for several days from his accustomed haunts and In vestigation led to tho discovery of tho body. At tho regular meeting of tho Cass county board of commissioners that body decided that tho sum of $38,700. would be sufficient to pay tho coun ty's expciiFes for this year, although last year's estimate was $12,700 moro than that amount. The pelt of n red fox was brought to Papilllon by John Hughes of near South Omaha. During tho last few years these animals havo been rare ly seen, but lately their numbers aro Increasing and very often they aro seen on the highlands adjacent to tho Missouri rjver. near Bellevue. A legal battlo was fought at He bron before County Judge Whitney, this being tho second trial. In tho first the jury disagreed. It was all over a whip that cost just exactly 10 cents. J. Willmoro charged A. Tib bets with stealing his buggy whip. Tho cost of both suits Is $30 besides the defendant's attorney fees. Tho record of Ked Willow county for tho year 1904 as to mortgage fil ings and releases is as follows: Farm mortgages tiled. 199. $145,848.07; re leased, 2H9, $150,789.31. City and town mortgages filed, 104, $04,310.35; re leased, 114, $100,101.90. Chattel mort gages filed 978, $244,468.35; released, 887, $230,713.99. Sheriff's deeds filed, fourteen. Tho Nebraska Historical society elected these officers: Presfflent, II. T. Clarke of Omaha; first vice- presi dent, Dr. Georgo L. Miller of Omaha; second vice president, Georgo B. How ard of Lincoln; treasurer, S. Ij. Gelsthardt of Lincoln; secretary, H. W. Caldwell of Lincoln. Judge Gaslln of Kearney and C. O. Whedon deliver ed addresses. Sarpy county has decided to oper ate under tho scavenger law. From the report of the Grand Is land sugar beet factory, which has just shut down for tho season, this factory received from Lincoln county 11,820 tons of beets out of tho total of 36,4 CO tons handled by this fac tory. By this factory Leonard Laub nor of Sutherland Is given tho credit for tho best yield per acre in tho dis trict covered by tho Grand Island factory, his tonnage being thirty-two tons per acre, for which ho received $5 per ton. Mrs. Lena M. Lilllo of David City, convicted ofj tha murder of her hus band to secure his llfo insurance, it was charged, arrived In Lincoln to en ter on a llfo term at tho penitentiary. The Lilllo family was one ot tho most prominent at David City, nnd tho trial of Mrs. Lilllo, consuming several weeks, furnished many sensations. Tho evidence on which she was con vlctod was circumstantial, her story being that her husband was shot by a burglar as ho lay sleeping. The city council of Beatrice has passed an ordinance which calls for a heavy fine for persons violating tho smallpox quarantlno regulations. There are about two dozen cases In tho city at present, mbstly of a very mild form. Senator Giffen has outlined and In troduced a bill to create the office of prosecuting attorney In every Judi cial district of tho state. According to tho terms ot tho measure, the prosecutors aro to havo chargo of criminal .cases In the district courts. Th salarr Is fixed at-$2,000 year. It Rained. This Is how tho Junior roporttr does it In sonio ot tho country news papers: Ho was asked to wrlto n paragraph mentioning tho fact that It had recently rained, and this Is what ho let loose: "After many days of arid desiccation, tho vapory captains marshaled their thundering hosts nnd poured out upon scorching humanity and tho thoroughly lnclnerato vegeta rian a fow Inches ot aqua pluvlalls." British Army Red Tape. A good idea of tho extent to which red tnpo is carried by tho British army is glvon by tho following para graph from recent station orders at Aden: "Stationery 589. Tho G. O. C. sanctioned tho purchaso locally of n bottlo of red Ink under tho flnanclat powers granted to him In A. It. 1. (Army Regulations, India). Vol. Ill, Para. C (II) and 7 (II)." A OCARANTKi:i CtlUK FOIt VIL.F.t. Itching, Hllnd, Weeding ur 1'rutruillng l'lle. ur drugglit will refund money If l'AZO OIKTMKNT fslls to ears you la to It dsys, soc. Facts About Mahogany. The United States Is not a mahog any growing country, unless Cuba may now bo said to bo a part of tho United States. It Is a tropical wood, its homo Is In Central America and In Cuba, Jamaica nnd Santo Domingo. Theso islands, says tho Mississippi Valley Lumberman, glvo tho smallest but heaviest and prettiest wood. More Flexible and Lasting, won't shake out or blow out; by using Defiance Starch you obtuln better re sults than possible with any other brand and one-third mole for same money. Divers Get Mess of Sprats. While a diving bell seventeen feet in diameter was being lowered at tho government harbor works, Dover, tho other day, it passed through a shoal of sprats and a thouuand ot tho ilsh wero caught in tho bell and carried down to tho sen. bottom, whero tbo divers secured them. Those Who Have Tried It. will use no other. Defiance Cold Wa ter Starch lias no equal lu Quantity or Quality 16 ounces for 10 cents. Other brands contnln only 12 ounces. This world would bo far moro dis mal than It Is If tho public found out about It every lime anybody made n fool of himself. The only ttmo a man has any admi ration for a strong-minded woman is when it is necessary for him to take rcfugo behind her skirts. Mm, Wlnslows Soothing Syron. Porrhlldrea teethlnc, softens the gurus, reduces to CammatloD, allays pain, cures wind collu. liic a bottle. A Madrid restaurant keeper has sued a woman for a meal. He swears that sho ato and drank without ceas ing from 8 p. m. to 2 a. in. CIV rrmnntly curat. Mo fits or ncrTeasnet art rl 1 3 nrattUr-a uae of Dr. Kline's OreatNsnrs Kartor- & U.U.XUXX, Beoaror fhkis i.uu inai coui ana irraiiaa, Ml Arch Street, l-felladslpula, r Pity tho boy who, at his birth, is sentenced to idleness for llfo. Superior quality and extra quantity must win. This Is why Defiance Starch Is-taking the place of' all others. If sho marries for money she earns a lot moro than sho gets. Happiness is tho harvest of help fulness. irsfiwiiiM mi mrnmmmum vimMm f tf"jlH wUltHSHt 'T.l4H.Mtl siiwJUMWtalllr.Js. m lj w?l LVfcgetable PreparalionfbrAs slmilaling HicFoodandBcgula Ung theStoinachs andBowcls of Promotes DigcslionXheerfur nessandRest.Contains neither Opium.Morphinc norIicral. INOX "NAIIC OTIC . JVafOUSrSiHUarUWUt JtultHt fr'ft- AperTecl Remedy forConsUpa non.SourStomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signnlure of NEW YORK. EXACT COFlT OF WRABfiER. PUTNAM Color more coods brighter and fatter colors than any fcik a-eHerof wewlll send pott paldatlOt packsge. iriMIC'SINeLE 'MtUITejMUTV I BINDER ALWAYS RELIABLE ct Iroia Isctery, rsorta. IU. Ks s'lrVfal 'VlkKalffl ?2aCiSsiS.JCMf aStfflflHaHaiaaV sbIbbbbbbbbbbbbV WSjCjgfdHWTwifljgSflSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBv assBHtXaS3i$'V'V'iBBBk aaaHasW sKfewVJftknM BEjv jjPCx yVMBSdaalaslBBBW aasBSf 1saaattsaaaBsV3- F 'aWaavalsaaBsssV raaaBSHBsw oasaV Hsaba1 k ttavaaaaaaasw xlBaaaaasRka aasBSm aEavBxaaaaHlBaV jsvPBraaaaaasr Baararaasai Blasm 8sSaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaB jC"Mmlwaaaaar kT .kkk BBBBsV V SsaaBHM r 'U&aBsflBB f .aBBSH aasLm. vbH y'IIi'eaFTBlaL b ataBBaR BBBBBBBBBBBVS! xA H 'ltf"tw, aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi rf"iV&'"is'i' 2r . .'XrJl ' ' .'.,' bbbbbbI BBBT A St".'S'rV WV' .X'C'' C. SBBBbI . . ar-. . smssstr Miss Rose Peterson, Secretary J&i ti ii x a - m - jrarKaaie i enms i ii penence advises all young gins wno nave pains and sickness peculiar to their sex, to use Lydia E Pirikham's Vegetable Compound. How mirny beautiful young hopeless women, simply becauso sufficient uttcntion has not been laid to their physical development No woman ia exempt from physical weakness nnd poriodio pain, and young girls just budding into woman-! hood should bo carefully guided physically as well as morally, ' ' If you know of nny young' lady who Is sick, and needs Bietherly advice, ask her to wrlto to Mrs. Plnkliam at Lynn, Mass., whowill glvo Iter ndvico free, from a soucno of knowlcdKCWhlch Is wi cquallcd In tho country. Do not hesitate about stating details which ono may not like to talk about, and which aro essential for a full understanding of tho case. 9bU 3gfc jF menstruato "Dkah Mrs. wmo ana ten you ot tno uenont l navo uenvcu irom your auvico anu the use of Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vcgetahlo Compound. Tho pains in my back and womb havo all loft mo, and my menstrual trouble Is corrected. I am verv thankful for tho crood advice you gave mo. and! shall recommend your medicine to Jkiiss HANKIE kuutk, luaa Cheater Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vegetablo Compound "will, cure any ' woman in tho land who suffers from womb troubles, inflamnm- J tion of tho ovaries, kidney troubles, nervous excitability, cervoua prostration, and all forms of woman's special ill. ' $5000 sbo"58 wtuoli will CASTQRIA For Infants and Children. the Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Twa carrausi sbmv. new voaa errr. Bears the x Signature fX? fV alii1 FADELESS DYES other die. One 10c paekio colors silk, wool and cotton equally well and Is guaranteed to oiie perfect results, Write lor Iree booklet-How to Die. Bleach and Mix Colors. MOXltoVUCu CO., VnlonnQU, Mlttnmi When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds. .i - rM r t uiu, vinccigo, irom ex- i t i i girls dovelop into worn, listless and; Miss Hannah E. Mershon, ColUngs i wood, N. J., says : "I thought I would writo and tell yoa that, by following your kind advice, I feoniko a now person. I was always thin and dolicale, and so weak that I could .hardly do anything. Menstruation was irregular. "I tried a bottlo of your Vegetable Com pound and began to feel bettor right away. I con tinued its use, and am now well and strong, and regularly, i cannot say enoogu lor what your medicine uiu tor mo." How ilrs. Hiikham Helped, Fannie Kumpe. Pinkham: I feol it is rnxduty to' all who suffer from femalo weakness." I su, jutuo itocK, Aric (ieo. 10, iwv.j cannot forthwith produce tbs original letters Md atntMtrcaot irora their absolute nsnuliisness. LjdU K. riBbhsim J led. Co X.y(M, MtMi ' Follow the TUg." EXCURSIONS SOUTH DAILY If you arc thinking of a trip SOUTH-SOUTHEAST-EAST write and let us tell you best rslfis, time, roulo una send murkutl Urns tables. This saves, yon worry and an noyunco iiiul tnakea you foel at home ull the wuy. Call Wabaih City Ofllce, 1601 Far nasn St., or uOdrcaa Harry E. Moorcs, G. A. P. D. Wafeasfc R. R Onaka. Nek. (HHHaWHaVaMH UNITED STATES Importing Canadian wheat is now a fact. Geta Frsa HonicstesdlnlVeitern Canada, or buy some or tbs Ustitheat IsaOs un tbo eoiittiMot.'sua becomo a producer. Tbearertirr) jleldof wheat this yaar trill be about twenty tmsbcls to the acre. Tbooat and Uailaj croi will alao yield abundantly, gploodld cllmale.kood scbuols and churches, excellent marketing faJIUei. Apply for tuformatlim to bupertDteadent of lmrnt (traiioo, Ottawa, Canada, or to aolborlzod Canadian lurerouieut Axent W. V. Dennett, W1 Hew lurk Life building-, Omaha, Nebraska. rieuo ssy where you saw this adTertliemeat. W. N. U. Omaha. No. 31905. cmx B.riii n nii. I Best cbuib tiyrun. faatsaOood. Vm I Jte WM Best t!oun tirrun. TaatsaOood. Vm H M. la time. Sola by-aVaaiata. , , .wM. tvtmS