The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 20, 1905, Image 8

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Whon Regular Medical Treatment
FiHed, Or. Williams' Pink Pills
Sired Her Rheumatism.
HaMarcdsof peoplo afflicted with rheu
matism bare spent years under tho cars
of cxcetleufc physicians iu valu. Then
(tteyi)KT settled down to tho conviction
that it is fastened on thorn for life. Mrs.
Dfasmora was not willing to join tho
ranks ot Hie hopeless raorely because her
dftotar did tiofc know how to help her.
Here la iicr story :
" fYmr years ago I suffered greatly
with rheumatism iu tny hands and
s kaecfi After! ha-drbaea Bitting a while
tny; Slms seemed so heavy I ooald hardly
Walton the first attempt. So long as I
fctptmovliig I was all right, bat just as
6ookm I stopped, something seemed to
teUl&la my kuocs and make them ache.
My fcauds wore ao had I couldn't touch
the palms of them ou a flat surface; they
were iiwallcHud pained so,"
"Did yea call In a physiclnur"
"I doctored steadily for over a year;
thou aae dootor said : ' You liavo taken
fiiedidliie strong enough to kill almost
anything. Still, it did not kill mo uor
the rkoBUift Usui."
Hew, then, did you got rid of it? "
"At different times I li&d rend in vari-
ons jmWicntlous about Dr. Williams'
wenaorf ul Pink Pills for Palo People,
nnd I finally dooided to try them I look
them steadily for four months in no
cordaiico with tho directions, iiy that
timo X war completely cured."
"Ila to you boon freo from it ever
"Gmce thou I hnvo lindbnt ono slight
return of iy tronblo, and n box or two of
the name pills mado nio all right again."
Mrs. F A. Diusmoro lives in hearty
enjoyment of her recovered health at
VpburH,XrIits., entirely freed from tho
grayo RUidelies that rhoumntism always
brings,, When jt appears iif butrt siuglo
joint it fihowa ttiat tho blood is iu a faulty
stateta tho ivhnlo body. It may at any
tuomcutbreak out elsewhere and ouo of
thodftugorsis that it may break outiu
hoitcart And then tho result must ba
fatal. Tho only security is to keep tho
blood nil tho tlmo iu a porfectly Bound
Dr.WMmmH' Pink Pills mako honlthv
blood. All other relief is Kupcrficinl.
This is thorough. These pills uro sold
by all druggists.
Albatol is to bo built at Cannes.
VraacQt (or tho uso oft motorists. At
tached. t tho hotel thero will bo gar
itgcs aafi repair shops, and M. Char
ley, who is ono of tho promoters, says
that do ono will bo accepted at tho
liotol who cannot glvo ovldenco of
being a Jiona fldo motorist
"Potatoes the Finest I Ever 3aw."
Owing to tho great amount of in
terest unl, ts being taken In Western
Canada, it is well to bo informed of
Komo of "tho facts that aro bringing
about -tho great emigration from por
tions of tho United States.
Tiiti Canadian government has au
thorised agents at different points, and
the facts related In tho following may
bo corroborated on application. At tho
homo tlmo thoy will bo ablo to quoto
you ratee, and glvo you certificates en
titling you to low rates on tho differ
ent ilaos of railway. Tho following
letter oopiod from tho North Dend
(Nob'i Eaglo is an unsolicited testi
monial, and tho oxpcrlenco of Mr.
Auton. la that of hundreds ot other
Americans who havo mado Canada
their' Stoma during the past seven or
clgh.t years:
"d presume somo may bo Interested
to knew haw wo havo progressed this
year is tho Canadian Northwest. Wo
liRYO'tia complaint to offer. Wo havo
had a good year, crops were good and
w.a fcavo had a dollgbtfui season. I
thcoshqd from my placo 8,Cr.O bushels
of grain. My oats mado 65 bushels
per' acre and welghod 42 Vfc pounds per
bushoL My wheat mado 31V& bushels
per acre and Is No. 1 quality. My
barley mado about 30 bushels of good
quality. My crop Is a fair average ot
4 tha'bcps'ln tho Edmonton district.
"All crops wore good hero this sea
son. Potatoes tho finest I over saw,
and dH vegetables adapted to tho cli
mate. Wo havo had a very tine fall,
but ao exception to tho rule, as tho
fall fieaeon Is, I think, tho most pleas
ant of tho year. Wo havo had no
snow yet (Nov. 9), and havo been
plowing and working tho land prepar
ing for an early seeding next spring.
Last night tho mercury dropped lower
than any previous night this fall, and
this morning thero Is a crust ot frost
on-tfro fields sufficient to prevent field
work No doubt many would Imaglho
that AJborta bad put. on her winter
overcoat before this and that the peo
ple were wrapped in furs, but it is
only a question, of time when this
constry will not bo looked upon as an
fce)erg,-4ut a country fit for tho best
ofvBek1nd to live la.
"We are now assured of a trans
contlaental railway, which is to be
built to tho Pacific during the next
five years. The Canadian Northern
road, le -graded to within seventy-ftvo
roUea of. Edmonton. It cornea from
WJenlpogr. and will reach us next sum
men m with ouo railroad already at
baa, ike second to reach us In less
'''"iaaa'err!', and the third' to penetrate
our citr and open up this country to
tha .vest across the Rockies to the
caastflthln five years, wo surely have
reasotr tq JalIevo that tho country Is
"Verrreapectfully, i j. AUTEN."
Bare Feet for Health.
Peoplo.who -go barefooted and those
wha wear sandals tnsteaa of Bhoes, It
Is said, rarely have colds la the head
r any form ot influenza.
A Synopsis of Proceedings of the Twenty Ninth Gen
eral Session.
In tho senate on tho 11th, Lloutcn
nnt Oovornor McClllton delivered a
short address on tho matter of pro
paring bills that arc to be enacted
Into laws. Ho urged tho senators to
bo careful In each bill In specifying
whatover sections of tho statutes wero
to bo repealed and not to wind up
tho bill by saying that all sections In-'
conflict with tho hill bo repealed. Be
causa of this slipshod way of prepar
ing bills ho said tho section permit
ting stato officers to glvo guaranty
bonds' had been repealed and much
confusion had resulted. A messago
was rocoived from tho governor an
nouncing tho appointment of William
S. Askwlth to tho position of com
mandant ot the Soldiurs' and Sailors'
homo at Grand Island for tho period
of two years from December 1, 1903,
and requesting his confirmation by tho
senate. Tho following hills wero Intro
duced and rend for tho 'first' tlmo: An
act to provent tho illegal expenditures
of public funds by making officials re
sponsible for money spent out of any
funds In excess of tho amount contain
ed in such funds. To punish jurors
and refcrocs for receiving bribes by
a ponitentlary sentenco of ono to flvo
years. To provent officers from spend
ing public funds in oxcoss ot statu
tory limitation. To defino conditions
ot child dependency, neglect, cruelty
and III treatment, and to prescrlbo
methods for tho protection, disposi
tion and supervision of dependent,
neglected, cruelly or Ul-troated chil
dren and to provide punishment for
tho violation of this act. To defino
brlbory of jurors and referees and to
fix punishment for tho conviction of
tho snmo. An act providing for tho
examination of dipsomaniacs, Ine
briates and persons addicted to tho
oxccsslvo uso of morphine, cocalno or
other narcotic drugs, for tho deten
tion, caro and treatment of such per
sons In tho Lincoln lnsano hospital,
and for their parolo.
Tho house, by resolution, on tho
11th, Invited Congressman Durkott to
return from Washington nnd say per
sonally whothor or not ho will support
President Roosovolt's anti-railroad
policy. The resolution was introduced
by Mr. Mcradith of York. Speaker
Rourso announced his commlttoos, ac
companying the same with a lotter In
which somo explanation Is mado. A
motion by Wilson that tho printing
commlttco bo authorized to ascertain
tho cost ot mimeograph copies of tho
dally minutes for the members was
passed. At the first of tho session a
motion was passed doing away with
this custom on tho grounds that $5 a
day, tho cost last session, was too
much. Tho commlttco on rules return
ed a report, which was adopted and
does away with two clerks employed
heretofore. Among resolutions Intro
duced wub ono condemning Postmas
ter Slzer of Lincoln for his activity In
tho Bpcakorshlp contest nnd recom
mending that tho postal department
at Washington Investigate his case.
Thoso bills, among others, wero In
troduced: Reapportionment bill,
ulvldos tho tBate into sixty-seven rep
resentatives districts and thirty-seven
In tho senate. District No. G Includes
Douglas county to havo four sena
tors. District No. C shall lncludo
Douglas and Saunders and have ono
float senator. Representative district
No. 9 -shall incuulo Douglas county
and havo thirteen roprescnatlves. To
compoi railroads to run passenger
and freight train on schedul tlmo; an
net to do away witu the tonnago sys
torn. An net making it obligatory on
county attorneys to fllo complaints
whon in possession of ovldenco which
warrants a prosecution. At present tho
county attornoy may enter a nolle at
his discretion. To punish 'jurors and
roforees who take bribes, nnd defin
ing tho crimo ot jury tampering.
Dividing Omaha firemen Into two
shifts, each to work twelvo hours a
day. Defining child dependency and
providing punishment for the ill treat
ment of children. Houso Roll No. 40
provides that the county clerks shall
do tho duty of county assessors In
counties under 10,000 population.
Houso Roll No. 41, provides a ponalty
that, in tho discretion of tho judgo,
ono who is accused of attempting to
pojs.on a person shall be Imprisoned
or flned.,lIo"uso Roll No. 42 Imposes'
restrictions on traction engines on
tho highway, and provides they must
ho stopped within 100 yards ot teams
or stock. Houso Roll No. 43 amends
tho criminal codo, allowing prosecut
ing attorney blx challenges, for each
SENATE Tho second section of S.
P. 29, Introduced by Senator Schreck
on tho 12th, for regulation of automo
biles, reads as follows: "Whenever It
shall aunear that any horso or mulo
Apples as "Nightcaps."
The applo Is such a common fruit
that very fow persons aro familiar
with Its remarkably efficacious medi
cinal properties. Every ono ought to
know that the very best thing ho can
do It to oat apples just before retir
ing for tho night. Family Doctor.
Bonaparte's House Now a Barn.
Longwood, Bonaparte's house in St
Helena, Is now a barn. The room in
which ho died Is a stable. On the site
of his former grave is a machine for
grinding corn.
driven or ridden by any person upon
any of said streets, tonus or highways
Is about to become frightened or Is
frightened by tho approach of any nu
tomobllo or vehlclo, or when It shall
appear that any horse or horses, mulo
or mules, driven by any person or
persons upon any of, said streets, roads
br highways aro about to become
frightened or aro frightened by tho ap
proach of any such automobile or ve
hicle It shall bo tho duty of tho per
Bon driving or conducting such auto
mobilo or vehicle to causo tho samo
to come to a full stop, unless borso
or horses, mulo or inules, havo pass
ed." Mrs. W. H. Sutton was selected
to furnish . a Journal of the proceed
ings' at 3.50 a dny, she to furnish all
material except machines. Tho ap
pointment of W. II. ABkwlth as com
mander ot tho Grand Island Soldiers'
Homo was confirmed by the senate in
executive session by unanimous vote.
Bills wero introduced: 8. F. 33, by
Glffln of DawBon, an act providing for
tho election of n prosecuting attor
ney for each judicial district In tho
state, to hold offlco for n term of four
years', tho first election to bo held in
190G; tho prosecuting attorney shall
bo paid $2,000 a year; In districts
containing counties with a population
ot moro than 100,000 ho shall havo
two deputies, each to bo paid $1,600
a year. An act to establish local option
by counties; providing that 10 per
cont of tho voters enn fllo a petition
with tho county clork thirty days bo
foro a general election and got tho
question voted on. Providing that
whon an Irrigation district is formed
overyono owning land in tho district
Is entitled to a votd. S. F 35, by Shel
don of Cass Providing that when tho
Missouri river changes Its courso
and puts a part of Nebraska In an
other stato, tho accretion and tho in
habitants thoreof Bhall becomo a part
of tho other state, tho same to ho an
nounced by proclamation of tho gov
HOUSE Replying to tho action of
tho houBo demanding Information
from Congressman Burkctt as to
whether ho would support President
Roosovelt in his rnilroad reform legis
lation, tho clerk on tho 12th, read
tho following: "Am advised of action
of Nebraska houso of representatives
today, asking my views. Please say
to the houso for me that I stand
squarely with tho president and In
dorse his message for proper control
of railroad rates." Tho telograra was
received by Speaker Rouse. The houso
adjourned at 2:50 p. m. out of re
spect to the lato Governor Garber,
whoso death was announced In a tele
gram rocoived by Governor Mickey
from Joseph Garber of Red Cloud.
When tho telegram was read Kaloy
of Webster moved for tho appoint
ment or a commltteo to draw sultablo
resolutions. Tho following wero pass
ed: "Whoroas, By tho death of Hon.
Silas Garber the stato has Buffered tho
loss of a distinguished and honored
citizen, who hns served many times
iu public office and by reason of his
exemplary llfo and honorable service
has endeared himself to tho people of
our commonwealth; thoreforo bo It
Resolved, That wo honor tho memory
of tho Hon. Silas Garber by adjourn
ing for tho remainder of tho day, and
that theso resolutions bo spread upon
th journal of tho houso and that a
copy of tho same bo forwarded to his
Immediate family, to whom wo offer
our sincere sympathy In this their
hour of grief." McAllister of Douel,
introduced his reapportionment bill.
It Is houso roll No. 37, and with ono
slight change is Identical with houso
roll No. 371, which ho Introduced two
years ago and which failed of pas
sage. Tho only point of difference be
tween tho two measures is that tho
presont bill adds ono moro county,
Banner, to district No. CO, represent
ed by McAllister, which now Includes
Douel, Keith, Cheyenne and Kimball.
Tho new bill reapportions the senator
ial as well as tho representative dis
tricts. It takes Douglas county out of
tho Tenth representative district and
placos It in tho Ninth, giving It four
more representatives, and Instead or
leaving Douglas In tho Sixth senator
ial district, as at present, with three
senators, the new bill creates tho
Fifth -district of Douglas alone with
four senators, and tho Sixth, with
Douglas and Saunders, with one sen
ator. So under the new bill Douglas
county has seventeen and a half mem
bers In senate and houso together,
whereas at present It has twelvo.
Among bills Introduced tho following
occur: To provldo for tho erection and
maintenance of a hard fiber binding
twlno plant at tho Nebraska state
penitentiary and to make appropria
tions therefor. Appropriates $45,000
for establishment and $160,000 for op-
A Pittsburg rabbi Bays Adam was a
myth. But there must have been a
first man somo tlmo and somewhere.
Buffalo Express.
Knew Nothing of Alcohol.
Tho North American Indian Is one
of tho fow savages who havo never
Invented an alcoholic stimulant
New Decorative Stone.
Gallallthe, or "mllk-stono," Is being
much used for decorating, and prom
ises to take the place of marble.
eratlon H. R. No. 51, by Warner of
Lancaster An act to provldo for the
reassessment of nil real property In
1905; permits county nssessors In
counties of over 30.000 to make up
assessment books; permits annual re
vision of real cstnto valuation; gives
stato .hoard power to increnso or do
rrcaso assessment on nny class of
property; provides for county levy
after state board has mado its equali
zation, as recommendod by tho gov
ernor In his message.
SENATE Tho first thing the son
ato did when it got down to business
on the 13th was to authorlzo the pur
chase of two thermometers so that tho
sergeant-at-arms could keep the cham
ber at an "oven temperature. Tho
Sheldon resolution to allow-tho finance
commlttco to visit the stato institu
tions and allow expenses to that com
mittee only, except in casos specified
by the senate, then occupied the time
of tho law makers until noon. Tho
resolution was tabled. Resolutions in
respect to tho memor of ox-Governor
Gargcr wore adopted, Bills wero In
troduced: Providing for Instructing
children in public schools in the hu
mane treatment of animals nnd birds,
nnd to prevent cruel experiments on
animals, birds and fowls. To provide
for election of 'deputy assessors. To
redlstrlct tho stato of Nebraska Into
senatorial and representative districts.
To provent overworking of and cruelty
to animals. Act authorizing corpora
tions to act as executor, administra
tor, trustee, guardian, receiver, as
signee, ngent and attorney In fact To
provide for primary elections and to
regulate tho same.
The senate adjourned till Monday
HOUSE Tho houso was in session
just thlrty-flvo minutes on tho 13th,
but when It adjourned it had all avail
ablo business cfdared up. It adjourn
ed until 2 p. m. Monday, and tho great
majority of members Immediately took
tho trail for homo. The only business
transacted was tho Introduction ot
new bills, tho promotion of H. Rs. 53,
54 and 55, tho bills for houso salaries
and Incidentals and transfer of funds
from tho Norfolk to tho Lincoln asy
lums, so thoy could be engrossed fo
third reading, and tho announcement
by tho speaker of additional employes.
Bills Introduced included tho follow
ing: An act authorizing tho construc
tion on the state fair grounds of a
llvo stock pavilion und a fish building
and to appropriate for such purpose
tho sum of $25,000. An act to pro
vide for nominating candidates for
public office by direct voto of tho peo
plo at primary elections, except can
didates for stato offices, and candi
dates other than members of congress
to bo chosen at any special election,
candidates for township or precinct
offices, nnd members of tho school
boards outside of cities. An act re
quiring at least ono session of the
grand Jury annually in tho district
court of each county. An act to per
mit tho governor to parolo a life pris
oner after serving ten years, instead
of twenty-flvo. An act defining the
crimo of slander and providing a pun
ishment therefor ot not exceeding a
fine of $100 or Imprisonment of moro
than three months.
How the Senatorial and Representa
tive Districts Are Arranged.
If the bill Introduced in the house
on tho 12th becomes a law, the sena
torial and representative districts will
bo distributed as follows:
Senatorial Districts.
District 1 Richardson and Nemaha,
one sonator.
2 Pawnee, Gage and Saline, two sena
tors. 3 Johnson nnd Otoe, ono senator.
4 Cnss nnd Sarpy, one sonator.
5 Douglas, four senators.
G Douglas nnd Saunders, one sonator.
7 Washington, Burt and Thurston, ono
8 Dakota, Dixon and Cedar, ono sona
tor. & Cuming, Vayno and Pierce, one sen
ator. 10 Stanton, Madison and Antelope, one
11 Boone, Nance nnd Merrick," ono sen
ator. 12 Platto nnd Polk, ono senator.
13 Dodge and Colfax, one senator.
14 Butler and Seward, one senator.
1& Lancaster, two senators.
16 York and Fillmore, ono senator.
17 Jefferson and Thayer, ono senator.
18 Nuckols, Webster and Franklin, one
19 Adams and Clay, one senator,
20 Kearney and Buffalo, ono senator.
21 Hall nnd Hamilton, one sonator.
" Unvvnrd. Sliorman, Greeloy, Valley,
Wheeler, Gar-Hold, Loup and Blalno, one '
23 Knox, Holt, Boyd and Rock, one sen
ator. 24 Brown, Keya Paha. Cherry, Sioux,
Sheridan, Dawes and Box Butte, one sen
ator. 25 Lincoln, Logan, Thomas. Hooker,
Grant, McPherson, Keith, Perkins, Duuol,
Cheyenne; K I tubal 1, Banner and Scotts
Bluff, on senator..
20 Custer and "Dawson, one Benator.
27 Harlan, Phelps, Frontier and Gos
per, one senator.
28 Furnas, Red Willow. Hitchcock.
Chase, Hares and Dundy, one senator.
Representative Districts.
1 Richardson, two representatives.
, tJs'enjaha, ojje representative.
3 Pawnee, we representative
4 Johnson, one representative.
6 Nemaha, Pawnee and Johnson, one
ft Otoe, two representatives.
7 Cass, two representatives.
8 Sarpy, one representative.
9 Douglas, thirteen representatives,
IS Washington, um lepretatallve,
Jl Hurt. (.iiq Btrpnifttti
fca- Lrv? t Biaui.iul.
GugjLUttro-roa of beautifying. If not,
why did Ho take such great patnB to
make the tiny snowflako so fragile
and perfect?
Deaths Caused by Opium.
It Is estimated that every year
twenty million persons die In China
from tho use of opium.
Longevity In Mild Climates.
More people over 100 years old are
found In mild climates than in the
higher latitudes.
12 cumlnp, one representative.
13 Washington, Burt and Cuming, one
14 Dakota and Thurston, one represent
ative. 15 Wayno, ono representative-.
16 Dlxori, orio representative.
17 Cedar, one representative.
18 Stanton and Pierce, one represent-,
19 Knox, ono representative.
20 Knox and Boyd, ono representative.
21Antelope, ono representative.
22 Madison, ono representative.
23 Platte, one representative.
24 Platte and Madison, ono representa
tive. 25 Nance, ono representative.
26 Colfax, one representative.
27 Dodge, two representatives. t
2R Saunders, two representatives.
29 Lancaster, six representatives.
30 Gage, three representatives.
31 Jefferson, one representative.
33 Saline, one representative.
.,33 Snllno nnd Jefferson, one representa
tive. 34 Seward, ono representative.
3S Butler, one representative. .
36 Butler nmnsswdTaT'one representa
tive. 37 Polk, one representative.
33 York, ono representative.
S9 Fillmore, ono representrtlve.
40 York and Fillmore, one representa
tive. 41 Tharcr. one representative.
, 42 Nuckolls, ono representative.
44 Thayer, Nuckolls and Clay, ono
representative. '
43 Webster, ono representative.
46 Adnms, two representatives.
47 Hall, ono representative.
48 Hamilton, one representative.
4! Hamilton nnd Hall, ono representa
tive. 60 Merrick, ono representative.
61 Boone, ono representative.
62 Howard, one representative.
63 Garfield, Wheeler and Greeley, one
64 Sherman and Valley, ono representa
tive. 65 Holt, one representative.
66 Rock, Brown, Ixiup. Saline and
Thomas, one representative.
67 Keya Paha, Cherry, Hooker and
Grant, one representative.
68 Sherman and Dawes, ono represent
ative. 69-Box Butte. Scotts Bluff and Sioux,
one representative.
60 Deuel, Keith, Cheyenne, Kimball
and Banner, ono representative.
61 Lincoln, one representative.
C2 Custer, one representative.
63 Custer, Logan and McPherson, one
61 Buffalo, two representatives.
65 Kearney, ono representative.
66 Franklin, ono representative
67 Harlan, ono representative.
6S Phelps, ono representative.
69 Furnas, one representative.
70 Dawsbn, one representative.
71 Dawson, Gosper and Furnas, ono
72 Frontier nnd Hayes, one representa
tive. 73 Red Willow, one representative.
74 Hitchcock, Dundy, Chase and Per
kins, ono representative.
Fatten Your Calves.
It requires about one-half as much
grain to produce 100 pounds of gain
on calves as on two-year-olds. Tho
work of tho Missouri Agricultural col
lege has definitely demonstrated that
tho most profitable ago to fatten cat
tle is while they aro still young. Tho
older tho animal tho moro food is
required to produce a given gain. Oth
er stations have investigated the ques
tion and arrived at the samo result
One Cause of Nervousness.
A frequent caso of nervousness Is
tlght-Cttlng shoes, and this is preva
lent mostly among ladles. Tho com
pression of the foot Irritates the
nerves and muscles within It; this
Irritation extends up the legs; It
reaches tho heart; and so It contin
ues its upward journey until it ar
rives at tho brain, whero mischief is
Full of Business to the End.
Commercial Travelers (wrecked on
a desert island) to cannibals: "Well,
since you're determined to oat mo,
kindly do me ono last favor: Uso our
brand of mustard for tho sauce. It
improves tho flavor of all meat; it
never molds or absorbs moisture.
You'll find a sample box In my right
hand coat pocket"
British Soldiers Are Vain.
From a British war oflico order
lately issued It appears that the most
frequent of, Tommy Atkins' minor of
fenses aro wearing his cap on tho
back of his head, "so as to display ef
feminate and unsoldierllo curls on
tho forehead," and carrying a cigar
ette behind his ear.
Keats' Opinion of Hamlet
Tho mlddlo age of Shakespeare was
all coversd over; his days wero not
moro happy than Hamlet's, who is,
perhaps, moro like Shakespeare him
self In his common everyday life than
any othsr of his characters. Prom a
Keats Autograph Letter Sold in Lou
don. World's Postal Employes.
Germany has 242,000 postal em
ployes; the United States, 239,000;
Great Britain, 184,000. None of tho
other states in tho postal union pos
sess 100,000 postal employes. France
has 81,000, Austria 59,000 , Russia
57,902 and Japan 57,905.
Ban on Salvation Army.
All efforts to establish tho Salva
tion Army In Russia has so far been
of no avail, said General Booth, as
thtf" Russian government had Issued
strict injunctions against the general
or his followers crossing the frontier.
Valuable Oyster.
An oyster containing pearls of the
value of 250 was found by a flsher
ma5t"at NeumunBter, Germany.
Russia's Model Cotton Farms.
Tho Russian government has estab
lished half "a dozen model farms for
tho cultivation of cotton In different 8 of Turkestan.
Shows, .Japan's Rapid Advanpe,s
It was only in 18CG that the emper
or repealed the law forbidding Japa
nese subjects to leave their own coun
try. In 1090 there were 124,000 Japa
nese living abroad, 15 of whom wero
In Russia.
First American-Built Vessel.
It was 297 years ago that tho keel
of America's first vessel was laid. It
being the little Bhlp Virginia, built
by members of Sir George Popham's
colony at the mouth of the Kenneboo
The January Pearson's.
Pearson's Magazine for January
presents a remarkable collection of in
teresting special articles and clover
short stories, numbering in all eigh
teen. Tho leading article is a clear, con
cise, exhaustive narrative, haadsomo
ly Illustrated and describing In a pop
ular way tho dangers, the dlffloulUes
and tho magnitude of that most recent
marvel of engineering, tho New York
"Subway." "Skin Sculpture, tho Mod
era Taxidermy n and "A Seveniy-fhre-Thousand-Pound
Meteorite" aro ar
ticles that will plcaso thoso of a
scientific turn of mind. "Tho Making
of Incandescent Lamps," "Tho Llfo
Story of a Wild Boar" and "Pnou
moniavan Unsolved Jroblerd," aro ar
ticles that will appeal to thoso Inter
ested respectively in industry, fa ani
mals and In probloms of health.
Some churches are solid simply be
cause they are frozen stiff.
Everybody's Magazine, January, 1905.
Tho sensational "foreword" to Mr.
Lawson's story In Everybody's Maga
zine promises strange disclosures of
certain proceedings In a Delaware
court room, In which two dress-suit
cases, filled with money changed hands
under tho judge's eyes. This Incident
forms tho climax of the January in
stalment of "Frenzied Finance," and i8
tho closing scone of a tremendous
fight for tho control of Bay Stato Gas.
Tho unfortunate company Is shown in
tho throes of a receivership, frem
which It Is rescued after an incredible
struggle. Tho reader is Introduced to
three new characters, and, in passing,
learns that tho "System" spent flvo
millions of do'iars to change tho votes
ot five doubtful states In the '90 na
tional election.
A retiring disposition is not tho
best thing for a Christian soldier.
Tho January "Arena" (New York)
contains tho opening paper of n series
of eight contributions which promlso
to prove the most important addition
to tho campaign against corruption
and political debauchery that has ap
peared, and wo should not bo sur
prised If this scries marked the Inau
guration of a tidal wave of political
morality In Philadelphia and Pennsyl
vania as irresistible as that Inaugur
ated by, Thomas Nast In "Harper's
Weekly" and carried forward by tho
Now York "Times," which culmlntrted
in tho overthrow of the Tweed Ring
and the downfall and dlsgraco of mon
long supposed to bo invincible. Theso
papers are entitled "Forty Yeare In
the Wilderness; or, The Masters and
Rulers of 'Tho Freemen' of Pennsyl
vania." A straight sword Is better fhan a
crooked cannon.
The frontispiece of tho January Cen
tury will bo a reproduction ot Timothy
Colo's engraving of Murillo's "Hely
Family" in tho Prado Museum, Mad
rid. Thero will bo a full-page portrait
of John Hay, from tho bust by Aagnst
us Salnt-Gaudens, and one of Anna
Whelnn Betts's quaint nnd dclightfal
figures, illustrating a poem by Cliaton
Scollard, "On a Sampler." Of anhruo
Interest too will be a portrait of Ealo
aga, tho Spanish painter, and repro
ductions of somo of his more striking
paintings. Eight portraits of Helen
Keller, showing her with Joseph Jef
ferson, Miss Sullivan, Edward Everett
Halo, and Professor Alexander Gra
ham Bell, as well as Illustrating how
she "sees" with her fingers, will bo,
of course, much popular interest
Tho rejection of tho messenger does
not rescind the message.
St Nicholas For 1905.
It has seemed in years past as It St
Nicholas, that true nnd tried friend of
more than ono generation, was as
good as a magazine could possibly be;
but 1905 promises to bo a banner year.
First and foremost in Importance
comes the new serial, "Queen Zlxi of
Ix," by L. Frank Baum, author of "The
Wizard of Oz," "Father Goose His
Book," etc., etc. Beginning In Novem
ber, 1904, this now story will ran to
Octobor, 1905. "Queen Zixi of Iz" will
be notable for Its Illustrations, sixteen
full pages in color, a charming inno
vation for St Nicholas, besides sixty
or more colored Illustrations In tho
Eight pigeons recently flow from
Klmberloy to Capo Town, South Af
rica, a distance of 512 miles, In four
teen hours.
Every housekeeper should know
that if they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundry uso they
will save not only time, because It
never sticks to the Iron, but because
each package contains 16 oz. on" full
pound while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up In -pound pack
ages, and the price Is the same, lb
cents. Then again because Defiance
Starch Is free from all Injurious chem
icals. If your grocer tries to sell yoa
a 12-oz. package it Is because he has
a Btock on hand which he wishes to
dispose of before ho puts In Defiance.
1$-. knows that Defiance Starch has
'printed on every package In large let-
ters and figures "16 ozb." Demand De
fiance and save much time and money
and the annoyance of the Iron stick
ing. Defiance never sticks.
If you would llvo long and prosper
let the other fellow do the worrying.
riso'sCure for Consumption Is fan tnralrlbla
medicine for coughs and colds. N. W. SlImoku
Ocean a rove, N. J., Feb. 17, 1000.
Many divine appointments look like
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