I. THE, IIMjfe PUBLISHED FRIDAYS. W, S. ItAKKR Publisher Entered At tlio postoflico at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the malls, as second-class matter, 3T Tim Herald is tho Official Publica tionof Box Butto county and its circula tion is nearly twice that of any other Al liance paper. ADVERTISING RATES: Display, per single column inch per month......... 50 Business locals, per lino first insertion .10 Each subsequent insertion, per line .05 Legal notices at statute rates. Subscription, $1,50 per year in advance. Tun bill providing for committing inebriates to tlio nBylum for treatment should be enacted with the emergency clause nnd then enforced. "Wb have no npologios to offer for this issue of Tim IliiitAi.i, If it suits you come in nnd renew your sub scription. The subscription price re mains the. same. Tun legislature will fail in its full duty if it neglects to enact n new primary law tr. take the nominating power out of tho bands of politicians, and givo every man of every party n voice in saying who, in his opinion, is the man for the office. home. Here is what the Omaha Beo said of him last week: "Frank Currio. '"Old Frank," ns he is affectionately known by hi friends, is one of tho tmliUP characters of the legislature. Cnrrie was a membor of tho session two yeni s ago. He comes from the northwest end of tho state, his post office boing Whitney in the summer time and Crawford in the winter, and represents enough territory to make a good sized state. Currio is just 50 years old, but he's as young a9 his son ot 22, wnois private pccreiaiy iu v,uu gicsaman Kinkaid. Hois one of the members who is, working nil tho time, but dosen't let it worrv him, and when the day is done ho hasn't any overtime chalked up against tho state. Currie thinks this is the best world he pviir snw and for that reason he de votes himself and urges his friends to enjoy it while the opportunity presents itselfi Full ot wit ana good stories, Currio is most serious when it comes to the interests of tho republican party. He goes around looking for chances to put in a plug for tho party. In his unobtrusive way ho slipped into Oma ha last fall and went to work amongj a lot of men with whom he has great in fluence ond piled up at least 200 votes iu one lump for John L. Kennedy for congress. Few people knew anything of this and probably Mr. Kennedy never would bad it not been necessary for him to take a band in older to com plete Currie's plan. Currie is a stock man and owns land enough to lay out several good counties. Sknatoii Burkctt! Sounds good, don't it ? With the combined influence of the two Omaha dailies they wero only able lo induce two membcis of the legislature to violate tho instruction of the voters at the last election. The time is past iu Nebraska when such disgraceful scrambles for tho senator ial toga as happened when liurkctt's predecessor was elected can occur, and the republicans are responsible for the change. Tin: IIuitALn is emphatically op posed to the repeal of that section of the revenue law thai provides for the election of a county assessor and re turn to the old system of election an nually by precincts. Tho valuation under the present system applies to all and favoritism is not practiced. unuer tne oiu system tlio assessor kept one eye on his work and tho other out for re-election, and ivo need as sessors to use both eyes to find and list the property. The tax shirker is in favor of the old system. Watch him. PRF.simtNT Roosevelt's stall! for railroad regulation is emiucntly right and propei' and Tin: Hkkald calls on every Representative of the state of Nebraska in congress to assist him. Alliance has felt directly the effect of amalgamated railroad corporation since the ndvent of Jim Hill' in Burlington affairs. Local officials are powerless to prevent the taking off of trains that formerly added much to the cotnfovt and convenience of Alliance citizens. The train service on the Gurnsey line is an abomination. When the B. & M: was a competitor for business the service was better. If it paid then, why not now? The growing impor tance of the Platte valley . warrants better train service. Oku of the most important needs of Alliance is a Federal building. The post office has for years been in cramp ed .quarters, an addition having just been built for the growing needs and even now tho room is inadequate. The land office quarters are none too largo to care for its increased business and a movement is on foot to establish at Alliance sessions of the federal court, for all of which the government is now paying a rental that would more than pay interest on a Federal building. Alliance now has more than 5,000 population and is growing daily. Sen ator Millard and Senator Burkctt have both declared their intention to help the big sixth district, (in erea over one half of the state) to a federal building. Congressman Kinkaid's efforts, backed by both senators and the press should bring results speedily. , Representative Frank Currie is a leader in the legislature as well as at Random Thoughts. After reading the published views of Secretary Morton regarding govern mental control ot tho railroads, it is hard for one to believe thatho was ever a parly to 11 "Gcntloman's" Agiee nient." An Omaha woman has been spurted to humanitarian activity in behalf of a twelve hour day for the fireman of that city by tho commendable, if unique, efforts of the ladies of Lincoln to reduce the working time of monkeys to six hours daily. Those who accept the Darwinian theory regarding tho origin of tho human species will find comfort in the knowledge that their ancestry is not without influence upon the picscnt day and generation If the Nebraska legislature had hap pened to defeat Mr. Burkctt's senator ial aspirations and elected another to that placo of honor, to what influence would the World Herald ascribe such an act? Would the railroads of Neb raska be short one champion in the upper bouse of the nationl law-making body', or would it be another turn in the tide of battle, which, according to tho Woild Herald, is being perpetually waged between certain Nebraska rail road interests? Is the day coming when the farmer will have a sidetrack from the Inter- urban run through his barn and feed lots? Will not tho ''good roads," the elevator trust, the parcels post, and many other "problems" and proposi tions find solution through these chan nels. Simple industrial and commer cial progress not infrequently leaves the statesman far behind, struggling with theories that are out of date be fore they are sufficiently digested to be practically applicable. In a recent number of a republican exchange we read an editorial para graph bewailing the activity and feroc ity of tho "walking delegate." Inci dentally the writer thereof was much grieved because the anthracite coal miners of Pennsylvania succeeded, largely through the wise and efficient action of President Kosevelt, in secur ing a little incicasc in wages, because such increase made it possible for them to indulge in nioro frequent sprees. Some people go a long ways to place their solicitude when there are so many convenient places around home to indulge it. ingthclot of people who were com pelled to live in a worse climate than our recent coia snap, no grew angry again. We allowed ourselves to be come convinced of another error and the Pcnnsylvanian doparted, happy in the knowledge that his state was both better and worse than Nobraska. Well, that's o:.c kind of patriotism. The violation of the agreement to confine hostilities to certain territory by both belligerents iu the Russo Japanese war, if it has the effect of disturbing Chinese neutrality, will ter minate a condition somewhat unique in history. The spectacle of tho most pcnulous nation in the world supinely gazing upon two foreign powers con tending for an enormous portion of its territory is one that seems impossible of long duration. There is little doubt that current reports to the effect that great numbers of Chinese troops arc found in the Mikado's armies arc well grounded, a circumstance which will not tend to increase the Russian re spect for the boundary lines of the zone of hostile operations. Commissioner's Proceedings. Alliance, Net)., Jan. 10, 1905. Board of county commissioners met in regular session as, provided by law. Present,' Geo. V.. Loer, chairman, Frank Caha and L. F. Smith, members, Attest: S. W. Smyscr, clerk. The following estimate of expense for the ensuing year of 1905 was made, to-wit. County officers i 4000 Precmct oliicers 1500 5000 500 1500 1300 "1500 3000 500 50 District court Fuel Incidental Election expense Support of poor Bridges.. Books and stationery. Institute Lund County Roads 2000 Total $20550 Ordered by the board that L. F. Smith be and is hereby appointed overseer of the county poor farm. Ordered by the board that for the year of 1905 .the salary of the county superin tendent of public instruction be fixed at 9.UU (Jet Ull) m. Ordered that the board adjourn until 8 o'clock a. m tomorrow morning. Geo. W. Lokk, Chairman. S. M. Smyskr, Clerk. RED TAG SALE GFirE astf January 13, 1905 to February 13, 1905 J err' sr, AH furniture and house furnishing goods, including pictures, with red tag attached, wiil be sold at prices reduced 20 per cent held in re- to 33 1-3 per cent below regular price. No goods serve. Every article marked in plain figures. CASH or CREDIT Cash rules for al! goods sold at lowest mark J ed price. Fancy upholstered parlor mahogany finish chaii Regular Price $10.50 Sale Price $7.75 The average man is still a provincial creature. We talked with a man from Pennsylvania the other day and he grew wrathy because we insinuated that his native state was not mention able when it came to discussing deep snows, howling blizzards, and low tem perature. Then, when we finally allowed him to convince us that we were mistaken and begau commiserat- ' Alliance, Neb., Jan. n, 1905. Hoard met pursuant to adjournment. Present same officers as on tho first day. Ordered by the court, that $4 26 taxes paid under protest by L. R. Johnson, be refunded to him by the county treasurer. Ordered by the board that Tim Ai LIANCK Heralij be and is hereby designat ed as the official paper of Box Butte coun ty for the year 1905. That the delinquent tax list, commissioners prceedings and all official notices shall be printed therein and it is further ordered that tlie county ol ficials shall procure all stationery, books and supplies from The Alliance Herald at prices subjeet to the approval of the county board. Tie official bonds of the officers herein after named were examined and approved by the board as follows: William Mitchell, County Attorney. Issac Kickell, Overseer ot Koad LMs. No. 2 James Planansky. 3 OleJ. Moe 4 James Kennedy " " " " G John Severson 10 The report of D. K, Spacht, county judge, for the year of 1904, and of Leora Ruslin, county superintendent of public instruction, for the fourth quarter of 1904 was examined and approved. A. S. Reed, county assessor, reported that he appointed the persons hereinafter named as deputies in the several precincts and upon due consideration thereof said appointments were approved as follows; Fred Moll ling 1st and 2nd ward Al liance precinct. John R. Van Boskirk. Lake precinct. J. W. Christy, Wright and Boyd pre cinct. Christ Hansen, Nonpariel precinct. Ben E. lohnson. Dorsey precinct. John Jelinek, Running Water and Box Butte precinct. Joseph Caha, Liberty and Snake Creek precinct. The application of John C Wilson for refund of taxes paid on lots 11 and 12 block 19 of Alliance was rejected. Board adjourned until tomorrow at 8 o'clock a. m. Geo. W. Loer, Chairman. C. M. Smyskk, Clerk. Alliance, Neb. Jan. 12,-1905. Board met in pursuance to adjournment and proceeded to the Poor farm where an examination ot the condition ot tne pau pers was had and an inventory of the per sonal property belonging to the county was made and upon returning the Board ad journed until tomorrow at S o'clock a. m. S. M. Smyskr, Clerk. Massive Iron Bed, full width, green and gilt enambled, brass trimmed Regular Price Sale Price $27.00 $21.00 Credit given on goods sold at a slight advance over Low est marked price, to be paid in payments each week or month as you prefer. Rattan Arm Rocker, large and comfortable, made of the very best material. Regular Price $9.00 Sale Price $6.00 Golden Oak Music Cabinet, piano polish finish. Regular Price $1350 Sale Price $925 Geo. Dorlin House-furnisher BOSTON CHICAGO The largest Dealer In the U, S. I AM am sole agent for this high grade Coffee and recommend its use. I am not going to make a display of cheap bar gains as it takes cheap goods for cheap premiums, Come to the store, I have the best goods that money can buy and these will be my bargains to my customers. For your patronage I thank you. Why! Bless my Soul! JfS White House Coffee. DWINELL-WRIQHT CO., BOSTON. CUICAQO. James Graham West of Alliance National Bank. Alliance, Neb., Jan. 13, 1905. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present as on the first day. Dr. H. H. Bellwood was appointed county physician and entered into a con ract for the ensuing year of 1905 and the same ordered placed on file by the clerk. Elmer Vaughn was appointed keeper of the Poor farm and entered into contract for the year commencing March 1, 1905, and the same was placed on file. The following claims were examined and disposed of as indicated. W. W. Norton mdse. for Co $ 0 75 Auburn Telephone Co., services Oct.. Nov.. Dec, 1904 600 City of Alliance, water rent 26 03 H. H. Bellwood, services for Co. .. 12 50 II. II. Bellwood, services as county physician 37 25 II. H. Bellwood, salary as county physician 70 00 H. W. Beach, room for election .. 5 00 Foreest Lumher Co- coal, lime and lumber for county 208 70 James Holinrake, road work north of Hemingford 35000 Wm. James, coal for county poor. 13 80 Klapp Bartlett, supplies 24 75 James Heeler, livery hire and baliff fees 6 00 H. T, Lund, guarding insane 4 00 R.J. Lawrence, electric light and lamp G 75 E. C. McClure, mdse, for poor... x 00 George Mitchell, medical services for county 12 50 Wm. Mitchell, salary and office rent 205 00 Maple Lodge W. O. W. No. 165 room for election 3 00 T, J. O'Keefe, printing and pub lishing 7G 92 Geo. Reitmeier, janitor 30 00 Lora Rustin, salary and expense acct ,. - 251 90 Ira Reed, sheriff, jailor fees and ex pense acct 27 70 S. M. Smyser, services as county clerk and expense acct 335 47 John Severson, overseer road dis trict No. 10 . . , 30 00 Elmer E. Vaughn, keeping paupers 230 00 Elmer E. Vaughn, keeping paupers 128 90 J. W. Wehn, services as county 3 00 Frank Caha, services as county commissioner 20 50 Geo. V. Loer, services as county commissioner . , 37 8o L. F. Smith, services as to county commissioner, 1500 Ola J. Moe overseer road dis trict No. a. 27 00 Jas. Huston, services as juror .... 6 00 Grant county, boarding paupers (rejected) 64 75 Board adjourned until tomorrow at 8 o'clock a. m. Geo. W. Loer, Chairman. S. M. Smyskr, Clerk. Alliance, Neb., Jan. 14, 1905. Board met pursuant to adjournment, Present same officers as on first day. It annearine that the northwest M sec tion 11 township 26, range 50 was taxed in the sum of $14.20 for the year 1889 when it was not subject to final proof, it is or dered that the county Treasurer strike sa!d tax from the books in his office. The official bond of Elmer 15. Vaughn was examined and approved. The reports of Ira Reed sheriff, S. M. Smyser, county clerk, for the year of 1904. were examined and approved. Ordered that the board now adjourned until Maick 2, 1905, at 9 o'clock a. m. Geo. W. Loer, Ceairman. S. M. Smyser, clerk. WILLIAH MITCHELL ATTORNEY AT L. W. ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. Omen PnoNK 180. Kesidence Phone 203. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 1, 2 and 3, l'lrst Natlonnl bank build Ing, Alliance, Nob. Notary lnollice. BOYDBARKER ,. Attorneys n Linv .. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Collections given Prompt Attention. L. A. BERRY, FREY & BALFE, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS;. 618 IlOX IIUTTB AVKNUE. Phone 25S. Calls answered in town or country. J. E. MOORE, M. D. FLETCHER ltLOCK, ALLIANCE, NE11. Oalls unsworn! from Telephone No. ft.'. ofllce day or night. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, SMITH P. TUTTLE. NEBRASKA. H. H. BELLWOOD F. E. CLOUGH PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS. Holstcn Hiiildtnj;, - ALLIANJE, NF.B L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. IIIA E. TA II. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North Muln St.. - ALLIANCE. NF.IL 6aceeooc(B(oe9e6)oi) 0 o F. M. WALLACE DRAY LINE Moying Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . . Phone No, 1 Young's grocery, Alliance a e 0 004 IK. ItttlSA-aXJCR, In Alliance 10-30 of every month. Office over The Famous , , . 'Phone 391, Otltce In First National Hunk block, nnce Nubra&ka. All! 0 J IWr- 4 0 1 ; I'XT : .xxxX"Xx-x HissWilhemine Bohn ;aj Instructress of &i? Voice Culture Class nnd Individual Lessons For terms I'te. cull at 809 ltox Uutto uvvnuc, 'PhonoS.! .xx-xX"X"X-xxx FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Heating. Steam and hot water 'Phone, No. 356. ALLIANCE, NEB 00S0000000000000000000 A GOOD NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION. Resolve this year to buy your drugs of Thiele. That's a good resolu tion to make; a good resolution to keep. THIELE'S DR. G. W. MITCHELL, .Musician ane Surgton Day uud night calls. Oflicoovor Hoguo Store. Phono 1W. DR. GEO. HAND, HO.M i:o PATH 1C PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Formerly Interne Homeopathic Hos pital University of Iowa. Phono 251. Ofllce over Alliance Shoo Store. Night culK nnsworiMl from ofllce. E. E. BARR, M. D. Specialist , Eye. Ear, Nose, Throat, ana all Chronic Diseases Phone Otlico 201 Residence 151 Omen llouus 9 to 13. 2 to 5. Sundays 2 to 4 i Guy Lockwood SCHOOL OF 0 Prescription Druggist J06 Vox Butte Ave. 00000000000000000000S0000S miwa w UHAHUATK CHICAGO E.MDALMING Funeral Director and Embalm'er 1 nones uince 214. Res Expert l.ndy Alliance, Neb, 205 Hila Grand Tonsorial Parlors. Orvillk Owen, Proprietor. Firstclass service. Patronage solicited. - A 0 ' " mr 0 'a SEJE Jos. Carey & Co. For house moviug, well boring making and cleaning cesspools moving box cars, ete . . ALLIANCE, NEBRARKA, "M -