imwwRWH'aiuww-wJiiWiwwiw.ui BnaBWBWW THE ALLIANCE HERALD T. 4. O'Keefa, Publisher. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. News in Brief Tho French crulsur Protct nrrlvcd at San Francisco from Honolulu. ' Tbo remaining members of tho Dcuntzer cabinet In Denmark have re algncd. Tbo Standard Oil company mndo another reduction of 3 cents in tho price of all grades of crudo oil at Pittsburg. ElUa Island records show tho ar rival of 14,000 immigrants during tho first ton days of January and 478 de portations. Work on a rnllway to Hudson Bay Is to begin In tbo spring, according to an offlctnl announcement made In .Winnipeg, Man. WlUJnm J. Bryan, upon. Invitation, addressed tho Indiana goncrnl assem bly, which held a joint session to listen to him. Tbo work of locating positions at tho ontranco to tho hnrbor of San Francisco for Bubmurlno mines baa been commenced. Senator Harney Eaton of Mllwau kco, who Is nndcr indictment for bribery, has decided, It is said, to quit tho scnato and rctlro to private life. A euro Tor cancer is in sight, ac cording to Bclontists In tho University of Buffalo, who hnvo discovered a scrum that overcomes tho malady in mice. Chicago shipping, manufacturing and Board of Trado interests decide to petition Congress for rnllway legis lation to conserve tho rights of tho shippers. Because of tho Bitddon death of bis third wlfo Georgo W. Scott, a wealthy farmer of Allen County, Indlann, is being hold by tho coroner to await an Investigation, Tho sonato committee on foreign rotations authorized a favorable re port on tho nomination of D. B. Thompson of Nebraska to be ambas sador to Brazil. Tho Supremo Court of Abpcals re fused a writ of error In tho enso of ex-Mayor McCuo of Charlottesville, convicted of wlfo murder and sen tenced to bo banged. Tho boiler of a locomotive attached to a fast express train on tho Erie load blew up while standing at tho Crouton, 0 station, killing tho en gineer and fireman. President Roosevelt has expressed himself as anxious for tariff revision at tho earliest posslblo moment, and regards tho freight rato legislation as even more Important. Fornior' Governor Penbody of Colo rado flietc with tho legislature his con test with Governor Adams' for tho offlco of governor, making chnrges of wholesale election frauds. G. P.. Clark of Wadena, la., secre tary and treasurer and general ofllcer of tho Iowa stnto letter carriers' as sociation has been removed by tho assistant postmaster general. Tho duty on wild animals and bugs Imported Into this country makes them an expensive luxury, except In the caeo of thoso brought In for scientific use, writes William E. Curtis. Witnesses for tho dofenso In the Sraoot case deny political activity of tho Mormons nnd declare there have been no plural marriages in Idaho Inco tho manifesto was Issued. One of the largest buildings of tho plant of tho Farr &Bnlloy company, manufacturers of oil cloth nnd lino louin, which occupies an entlro block, was destroyed by nro at Camden, N. J. Mr. Elkins presented and tho sen ate passed a resolution calling on the interstate commerco .commission for information giving the foml number of cases thnt have been boTbre the com mission. fv A ' ,Tho gross postal receipts for tho flftyvlargest postotneos in tho country forDecember. 1904, as- compared with Docembe, 1903, show a net Increase of about'9-ppr cent. Tho highest in crease was 2jl per cent at Peoria 111. The statement of the treasury bali ancoa, in the general fund. exclusHM of tho 1 150,000,0QUfgold reserve In tho division of redempuou shows: Avail able cash balance, ?W,284.G71; gold 170,272.383. S. ; President Frank J. Hngonbarth of tho National Live Stock i?pe:lation caMed his accusers liars In tlu con vention la Denvor during a ?o"v Over the admission of railroad nion to membership. ', - A decision of tho king's bench dlvi. sioa of tho high court of justice. Lob. don, debars American creditors from, recovering debts from shareholder of British companies doing buslneta in America. Charles Schuman and John Burke of Scran ton, Pa., wero blown to atoms, a small building was, demolished and many windows were shattered by an explosion in tho Lnflln & Band pow der works at Wayne. N. J. President Chamberlain donies the report sent out from Omaha that the St. Joseph Western league baseball club has been sold to Roy Runcie of St. Paul, supposed to bo representing the Tcbeau and Burns Interacts. It is announced that first division o Tlusslan third Pacific squadron jjill nail for the far east the last of Jan imry.' William J. Bryan and other promi nent democrats were present at a tjaaouet given by the Jackson club, Lafayette, Ind. T" KIORTON'SJflEWS HIS IMPRESSIONS CONCERNING TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT. HE FAVORS FEDERAL CONTROL The Secretary Would Legalize Pool Inn, Favor Unification of Ownership and Punish the Giving or Accept ing of Rebates. WASHINGTON Paul Morton, sec retary of tho navy and formory vlco president of tho Atchison, Topekn & Santn Ko compnny, Is tho author of nn nrtlclo on tho railway rato ones tlon which will bo published in tho Outlook. He at tho outset expressly disclaims' writing as a representative of President Roosovolt's administra tion and snya ho speaks merely ns one with a somewhat oxtcnslvo exper ience pertinent to an important sub ject. Tho Bocretnry In tho nrtlclo says there aro very few complaints against railroad rates per so In tho United States, tho chief trouble being with tho "rolntlon of rates as botween markets." He says there nro ns many ratos thnt aro too low as there aro rate? which a court would docldo to bo too high, nnd thnt either class of rates may bo equally disastrous to com munities. Ho expresses tho opinion that federal supervision of railroads is necessary, but adds that regulation nnd protection should go together. Ho snys that ono of tho three things following is sure to tako place In tho conduct of our railways: First Legalization of pools, tho rest of tho railroads to mako enforcl bio contracts between themselves as to a division of earnings, so that they can resist tho temptations of big snip pers and bo assured a fair sharo of the business moving at stable rates, which shall apply allko to all patrons. Second Tho further unification of ownership, thereby delivering In time tho ontiro rnllway ownership of the country in tho hands of a few individ uals of ono syndicate. Third Government ownership, th worst of tho three "ovlls," if such th,oy mny bo called. In tho opinion of Mr. Morton gov ernment ownership of our railroads would bo tho beginning of industrial and eolltical chnos. He rather favors the first proposi tion, with adequate provision to as sure rates boing reasonable. As to pending legislation Mr. Mor ton favors tho continuance of tho In terstate Commerco commission in sub stantially its present form, saying: Let it go on making Investigations and findings, if it finds a rato is un reasonable (cither too high or too low, everything elso being consider ed) let it order such rates as it deems reasonable and tf the railroads do not mako them cffcctlvo In thirty days, then the entire matter to bo referred to a central court of transportation, pf say threo to five members, to be created to especially consider and ex pedite all questions of interstate com merce so far as tho transportation of tho country is concerned, It being un derstood that this central court shall have power, to adjudicate, in all such cases except thoso Involving constitu tional questions nnd the findings of this court In interstate matters to be final. Mr. Thompson for Brazil. WASHINGTON Brazil has finally determined on tho elevation of her legation at Washington to an embassy and will send her minister to London, Mr. Nabuco, as her first ambassador to this country. This will necessitate similar action on the part of tho American government, and Mr. Thompson, the present American min ister nt Brazil, will bo named us am bassador. OPPOSED TO PENDING BILL. F. B. Thurber Argues Against the Quarles-Cooper Measure. WASHINGTON Opposition to the Quarleff-Cooper bill extending author ity to tho Interstate commerce com mission to fix freight rates was made before tho house committee on inter state nnd foreign commerco by F. B. qjhjuber. present of the United States Export association. Mr. Thur T)r stated thai tfo had beard the state ment mado by Mr. Bacon und others atlhe St. Loula convention of the In terstate commerce league that con gress wju owned by the railroads. . M- ItJacon denied making 'Wch a atntem$b tfpon.lnqulry from Representative Steven at Mlnnesora:, Mr. Thurber admitted to and tbVasnoclatton he repreW (;$,. funds from Gavernw fiwba and: Vood of sugur tut U U eurft Cubitf o sc- nuMQoa by iltUfber sute4 that a fray from tne rattroao fir' mt&Mrrn W; "I der dluitoa. ,3yi ,WH UQ coatluuwl imtm r nt Hi ill iiHiiMMi Alva" Atfams In TOGs Wifrw,i DKMVIW$ja4tR hwoagi, :"4ho draped MA pt t Amartoan tfa& while taa iHffU ftfeoat hjin ami the floor bnth feim trmbled in rd spomw to caanoo that roared a salute in Ms hottar, Alva Adamtt was at noon Tae$ajr iaaugur&ted as gover nor of.ColWtyloi White ha stood with uplUtfld JtJ taking tbe oath at otUco. admlrtajarfc by Chief Justice Gab bert, at W slda stood the athletic form of the ex-governor, Jamos Pea body, who wlU at once inaugurate an energetic contest for the place. "lalfiTl laimiuxA vBUSEeiSmm 4 m , nrsimmBr"'"'"1 Aisw&.ve fwmMMmP Wmmmmf: ,J)3!wz& . jf V. Sj TARIFF REVISION. President Roosevelt Favors Action. Early WASHINGTON President Roose velt favors tho earliest posslblo ac tion looking to a roviston by congress of tho tariff. He so Informed tho sena tors and representatives who wero in conference with him at tho Whlto houso last Saturday and ho has made plain his iKjBltlon to Others since that conference. Ho will call tho Fifty-ninth congress into extraordinary session as soon as tho committees havo Indi cated that they nro prepared to sub mit a tariff measure for passage. Ono of thoso present at tho conference on Saturday Eald, In view of tho many conflicting stories published regard ing the meeting, that tho president in formed them that, while he did not believe in any sweeping revision of tho tariff nnd would abide absolutely by tho judgment of tho two houses of cougress, in a matter that related bo particularly to them, yet ho did think the timo had como when the sched ules should bo thoroughly examined and there should bo a readjustment as to certain of them. Tho president added that his own vlow was that tho special Bcsslon should tako placo at tho earliest date, at which the com mittees of tho two houses could como to an agreement as to a bill. If they took this vlow, ho said, ho would hold himself ready to call tho extra ordinary session at whatever timo tho members of tho two committees, nnd especially the houso commltteo on ways and menns, should inform him they would bo ready with their report. If congress should act on tho tariff question in accordance with the presi dent's desire It was mado perfectly pain that tho extraordinary session would be- called to nssomblce tho com ing spring. It has been pointed out howover, by tho tariff experts of tho house and scnato It will require many weeks to prepnro a bill for submis sion to the house. It wns said that there is not tho least prospect of differences so radi cal arising between tbo president and republican leaders In congress over tno tariff question as to cause a split in tho party. While tho president is deeply in earnest in his desire for tar iff revision, he regards tho question as ono of expediency, In which no great principle is at stake. On another question, however that of legislation, relating to tho inter state freight rates of railroads his mind is qulto mado up. Ho will fight for that legislation and fight hard. Ho hopes to Bccuro from congress somo deflnito nctlon regarding that legislation at tho present session, but if ho does not ho will bring the sub ject again before congress at tho pro posed extraordinary session and will urge with all his power tho crystalliz ation into law of tho recommenda tions he already has made to congress on that question. Tho freight "rate question ho docs not regard as one of expediency. Ho holds that it is a subject in which a great moral prin ciple Is Involved, nnd ono very near to nil the people of tho country. Ho regards it, in fact, as tho paramount Issue at this time. THE DOUBA830FF INTERVIEW. He Did Not Foreshadow Peace In Or der to Gain Time. PARIS Owing to the continued discussion of the intervlow with Vlco Admiral Doubassoff favorable to early peaco, the Russian embassy has given out tho following statement: "It is quite true that tho questions cited hnvo been discussed, but It Is quite probable that tho Echo do Paris interviewer gave tho admiral's circum spect responses In a sense too cate gorical. In reality, the admiral h3 not foroshadowed immediate peaco for tho purpose of gaining time and then recommencing the war under circum stances more favorable for Russia. Tho quostlons of peaco or war devolve solely upon the supreme authorities in Russia, and no official personage would publicly express oplulons unaccording with tho resolutions of the Imperial government. Moreover, Admiral Dou bassoff's responses did not give a suf ficiently solid basis to permit of exact ly doflniug tho admiral's confidential opinion." FAVOR JOINT STATEHOOD. Delegation From Oklahoma and In- , dlan Territory at Capitol, WASHINGTON The senate end of the capltol was visited by at delega tion of fifty residents of Oklahoma and Indian territory, who have come to Washington in the Interest of that portion of the general statehood bill which provides for the creation of a stnto of those two territories. The leader, D. C. Lewis, said that his dele gation is Interested only In the Okla homa bill. He said the popleof Okla homa and Indian territory want state hood, but want to come In on tho same footing as other states. It was learned that the delegatloa objects to the proposed regulation of liquor traffic In tho bill. Brady's Opponents Weaken. WASHINGTON The sennte com mittee on territories, ou Friday author ized for a third time a favorable re. port on the nomination' of John O. Brady to be governor of Alaska. The nomination has been called up In the senate tor confirmation' on two occa sions .and both times opposition ww made on the ground that commercial interests wanted to bo heard betaf action was taken. The notaintlo wif sent back" both UdimI jwd iYMay vi set for a Rearing oC?-fth peotrt against Governojvlhraj m&n. ; .hflWN CONGRESS EXTRA NOT LIKELY THAT A SESSION WILL BE CALLED. THE TARIFF TOJE POSTPONED A Disposition to Let Matters Rest Un til Fall Congress May Be Called Together in October if Conditions Necessitate It. WASHINGTON Tho talk of an extra session of congress In tho spring Is gradually dying out Tho leaders of tho Bcnato and house, after careful consideration with tho president, of thoso questions which are very up permost in the minds of tho people, tariff revision and railroad rates, aro almost a unit In opposition to a spring session of congress. In fact, tho op position has crystallized through tho efforts of Speaker Cannon and Sena tor Aldrich and thero Is n disposition now to postpono tariff revision until tho extra session, which seems very likely to bo called about tho ICth or 20th of October. But whilo tariff re vision talk is very perceptibly dimin ishing, tho talk of rato readjustments Is on tho increase, and so vast is the agitation now going on thnt traf flco managers, railroad presidents, general managers and railroad attor neys aro coming into Washington al most In droves to ascertain at first hand what tho schvme of railroad rato readjustments is. Thero nro thoso In congress 'who enjoy tho con fidence of tho president who nro of tho opinion that a bill giving larger powers to tho interstnto commerco commission could bo passed at this session of congress if tho leaders would so order, and if a conservative measure could be agreed upon. T.ho passage of such a bill would do away with any extra Besslon of congress and tnrlff revision, or at least a mod ification of schedules could bo taken up in tho regular session of congress, which convenes tho first Monday In next December. It is admitted that tho president docs not ndvocato radi cal action that would bring disaster to tho railroads. On tho other hnnd, it la conceded thnt thero is ground for complnint and room for reform. It Is not a work that can bo done In ft day. Tho question is big and broad, with fnr-rcaching effect, and must needs bo handled with wisdom nnd deliberation. It lu, therefore, bollov ed that if an extra session is called nt all It will bo next fall, and not this spring. On tho 3d of March next William M. Stewart of Nevada will retire from tho senate. Following tho precedent pot by Thomas Benton of Missouri, James G. Blaine of Maine, John Sher man of Ohio and George F. Hoar of Massachusetts, Senator Stewart will devote bis attention to editing and revising for publication his "reminis cences," which will bo published noxt fall. Senator Stewart took his seat In the United States senate in Febru ary, 18C5, as ono of tho first two sen ators from tho newly admitted stato of Nevada. There aro only two other men allvo today who served with him in 1865, namely, Georgo F. Edmund-) of Philadelphia and John B. Hender son of this city. LONG CALM MAY BE BROKEN Kuropatkln Thought to Be Planning an Important Move. ST. PETERSBURG--Tho war office does not admit that tho appearauco of General MUtchenko's cavalry south wcBt of Llao Yang Is more than nn expedition designed to strike the rail road at Beveral points and interrupt tho transportation of General Nogl's guns from Port Arthur to Manchuria, but from certain indications it seems posslblo that It, Is preliminary to an operation of, magnitude. General Mist chenko has over 20,000 horsemen and, moving rapidly, might be ablo to seri ously damage, communications In the rear of Llao Yang. Tho tono of dispatches from some Russian correspondents vaguely hints at very Important developments' and the writer of the Novoe Vremya ex presses the opinion that tbe long calm since the battle of Shakhe Is about to be broken. It 1b also noteworthy that thero havo been no official dis patches from General Kuropatkln for two days. CUT OFF BY S,009 JAPANESE. Reported Fate af . MIstchnk's Raid ing Party." LONDON A dispatch to Lloyda from Ylnkow, dated January 15, give a report that General MiBtchenko's raiding parly w?i cift oil! on its way hack by 8,000 Japanese, dispic)M from Sanllho by General Oku. Titter re port, however. Is not cpntraed from any other source. Tbo" Dally ''TelegraphVJ&ie Foo eor respondent says the raid waa only a divergence from, a mass of cavalry; bow moving along the basks oC th Llao river, aaa the exceyttowU wIM aesfl of the eea&ott- atforda t caaace for tho repetition pf well opwattom. Central. f Par WASHINGTONFroa i ejonuftlt. tee PR foreat rafwrratfaM jBwMkfof Kittredge rport a bill Inuutorrtef the control of fert rrvatteM trom the Interior to jhm acrieuUursJ iepart ys$aT. T AfltoMia and B4Ma wAtnwoTOK-4 mwmrnan W m QUITS WITH 80ME REGRET. Brlstow Talks of Trials In Postal Department WASHINGTON Fomth Assistant Postmaster General Bristovr, who has been appointed special commissioner to investlgato Panama railroad and steamship companies, said: "I supposo I havo mado somo enemicS'sInce I undertook tho duties of 'ourth assistant postmaster gener al, but I also bcllevo I hnvo mado some friends. At any rate I know thero are many men who havo had business with this offlco who havo said that notwithstanding their opposing opinion in some of tho nctlon I have taken, that I have tried to do my dJty and havo acted as I thought wr.3 for tho' best interests of tho serve and according to whnt I felt to bo tho right thing. It has been In mnny respects a hard office to fill, nnd In many other respects a pleas ant ono. I leavo tho ofilco with re gret, but feel that the appointment which tho president has mado will bo n pleasant ono to fill. I am going to try my best to meet tho expectations of tho president and Secretary Tnft" Mr. Brlstow has not formulated any plans for his now work as yet, nnd will devoto the remainder of tho timo between now nnd tho dato when hi3 resignation bccomoit effective In clos ing up tho affairs of his present of flco. BUILDINGS FOR NEBRA8KA. York and Grand Island Likely to Be Thus Favored. WASHINGTON It Is nlmost cer tain that York and Grand Island will get public buildings nt tho hands of this congress. Sites may bo provided in North Platte, Columbus and Kear ney, but tho present session will not provide for buildings In the last named towns. Congressman Hinshaw has been indefatigable in his labors to secure for York ono hundred thou sand dollars for a building, but tbe chances aro he will got but seventy five thousand. Howover, that amount may be increased at a later session. No definite nssuranco has as yet been given by the commltteo that York will bo included in tho list, but Congress man Norris, who Is a member of tho committee, is making a hard fight for both Grand Island nnd York. Members of tho committee intimate that inas much as Grand Island has the largest population and that congress Is likely to pass a law providing for the hold ing of sessions of tho federal court in Grand Island, the government building there should be a largo one- Hence" tho committee is likely to appropriate 1125,000 for Grand Island. PROGRAM OF JAPS. Naval Station Will Be Established at Port Arthur. TOKIO The Japanese Intend to es tablish, a naval station at Port Ar thur. Vice Admiral Y. Shlbayama will probably be placed in charge of it. The military administration will only retain a small garrison as soon as tho prisoners are withdrawn and order Is restored. The fleet Is busily engaged In clearing mines, but owing to their great number navigation will be unsafe' for a long time. Onrjl gov ernment craft will be allowed to enter the harbor. It Is probable that Dnlny will soon bo opened up to neutrals. Japanese companies are preparing to establish weekly services to that port. It is proposed shortly to float a fourth domestic war loan under the same conditions as the third was ne gotiated. The transfer of prisoners was com pleted yesterday afternoon. Tho total number of officers transferred was 878; men. 23,491. SWAYNE. IMPEACHMENT CASE. Many Representatives Desire to Speak on the Subject. WASHINGTON The Important work before- tho house of representa tives this week is the disposition of the Swayno case. It cannot be fore told just how much time will be con sumed before a conclusion is reach ed, as thero are a number of mem bers who desire to speak oa the sub ject before action is taken on the articles of impeachment, reported by tha select committee. As this Is a question of the highest privilege It Trill have precedence over all other biinlaess undisposed of, Monday being suapeaskm day, the probability is. that soaae time will bo glvea to the cob ikkeratiefi of minor buslaesa under aagpeasio of rules, after which argu tmt will be resumed on the Swayne case. NEW MtMaiON COMMISSIONER. Cewgr wmww Warr f lillnl Glvan ABBBAlfllBWlABt. WAIWIMGTOKTke j-eMet ha yMfiiiA; VtifiW N)Trwr' to b eaiiMtinftfemw of ptMteaa. Mr, War e in trK the Wi44iMUt dtatrkt of Ittiaefe aa4 waa re-fjfeUd lat No Ttr. Ha waa srtron. ea4r4 bf MttMra oc ooarM a a of vtrM. a. Wm M HaytL POBT AIT PBJWO--Mr. PowtL the Aasirtwui ntaiafcw, fea falcyw tfc vraet tf Hftyti t tfce Uaitaa 8W nwrenuewit Mmm t roorub tb validity of tfee ambmt ia ooitittlaaey to MtOtm yean at tori tabor araaoaMti' Vsr tis Hwrtt otMift ajpaimtl?aewr Haber, Apar- tawm nva fi&rfM 'tsiMt tfe - raatratfoft f Ni0tt 81. is mm Bank HAS OTHER WORK MR. BRISTOW TO INQUIRE INTO FREIGHT RATES. IS A SPECIAL COMMISSIONER To Accept tho Place He Resigns Fourth Assistant Pastmacter Gen eralship Will Investigate Railroad Traffic Matters. WASHINGTON Joseph L. Brlstow, fourth assistant postmaster general, tendered to tho president his resigna tion a3 an ofllcer of tho postal serv ice, to tako effect on January 20. By an .executive order President Roose velt designated Mr. Brlstow as o spe cial commissioner to mako an Investi gation into the present trado condi tions and freight rates botween the Atlantic and Pacific coasts and be tween tho west coast of South Amer ica and tho east coasts of tho United States and of Europe, to detcrsoino the best policy of managing tho Pan ama railroad. Tho announcement came at the con clusion of an extended conference Fri day of tho president, Secretary Taft, Mr. Brlstow and Senator Long of Kan sas. Tho order Issued by tho presi dent says, in addition to tho fore going: "Ho Is authorized to employ for this purpose a stenographer at not exceed ing $5 a day, and his actual and neces sary expenses, and to tako evidence of all persons whoso knowledge of trade conditions or rates will assist in reaching tho necessary conclusion. "The secretary of war will furnish to tho Bpedal commissioner a letter of Instructions, in detail, as to tho courso and extent of his investigation anu as to the time when ho shall re port his conclusions. "Until his report is forthcoming the commissioner will bo allowed his ac tual expenses and $15 a day. Tho president will finally fix hia entire compensation. The Isthmian canal commission is directed to provldo tho funds needed In tho execution of tbo order." After the conference at tho White Houso Senator Loud said that tho transfer of Mr. Bnstow from tho post ofllco department to work In connec tion with tho proposed isthmian canal had been under consideration for a olng time. "Secretary Taft," said tho Benator, "desired to utilize Mr. Bristow's serv ices in connection with the work of constructing tho canal and has had tho Idea In mind of appointing him a commissioner to investlgato trade and freight conditions ever slnco ho returned from the isthmus of Panama. Tho president readily acceded to Sec retary Taft's suggestion, and as tho work will be entirely congenial, Mr. Brlstow has accepted (tho new posi tion." Mr. Brlstow has had Interviews with the president nnd Secretary Taft regarding. the affair, but his final de termination was. not reached until Fri day. Ills decision to accept tho spe cial commlssionership was hastened, It Is said, by the transfer Thursday of tho division of postofflco inspectors from tho bureau of the fourth assist ant postmaster general to tho direct control of tho postmaster general himself. Mr. Brlstow regarded tho issuance of tho order of transfer of tho division as a reflection oa him. That the order as to tbe inspectors' division was not issued with tho idea of humiliating Mr. Brlstow Is evi denced by the president's action of Friday. Mr. Bristow will continue as fourth assistant until January 20. CONSIDER PEABODY CONTEST. Adams Will Ask for a More Complete Investigation. DENVER, Colo. The howsa re solved to meet the senate in joint ses sion next Tuesday for the purpose of taking action regarding the contest instituted by James II. Peahody for the governorship. Governor Alva Adams will file an answer to the Feabody contest on Monday. Ho will demand that att the ballot boxes of Denver, of Las Aalmas and Huerfano counties be opened. Mr. Peabody asked for the opeab of part of tho Denver and Las Animas boxes, but none of Huerfano county. Mr. Adama will, also ask for am.tayeett gatlon of the election at LeaavUle,. Cripple Creek and several other cities. Five informations were lie by District Attorney Stidger, charging election crimes la this city. Amoag the accused are Joseph Ray aad Charles Kofsky, who are now serriiir jall sentences imposed by tha su preme court .for disregarding th elec- .ttoa .orders. They are charged with receiving U lal votes when acting ag election ju4ce. Altogether twenty laioma ttoaa for alleged violation of tfce elec tion laws have been lied by District JUtoraey 'Badger during the foar ay tee 1m took office. fAm an infernal Maehln. PHUJk.DLPHIA-A sua vfco gave hi bum m GMlr KcBtjeaa was ar raatwt at th horn of Joten Kelly. brotiMr of k Uwia Owe Kelly, ' a tahfPBjjc bc ha earrfe Wa icmmA to eaatafe.aa., feMfersai acfe!n& VMM te tf WNfclBte Wgnrv Tkf ib M bettr4 to U twi. Ha wa etoBMaMtd to prim. Kdly mm Vl that lu M4 f- awvo idt fMWitp tate hua to m Wfe. hw ,. ; mwtm ww m, mm k 9 - 3-r : - v - ''.4.'! .' - .- i t,i ,x ",& fc- Jii Y . "-wru i ppwyjgpjpr-jwycaa UMBC'-Bt(. f? V TF"! BBBBJ JWUV wUbpS f (N0VQ4fi " 5 ''1.- - v '. ',-:v n , - i ' i, , 'Mm g ?'& J.. t !!' "e A.i Kbi' - ;.' '. ".MT.- v. - ...i ?. U t . i ..--:;; -. f? ;V.j Uttfe-V mz - -i-i "'r ' i'-tt. U.tMIV L .. 'WL, ;: "T?! J ? -mn