r k'- i I ?f if A . Efe u.j r HP' -. J- i id-- W z a .$. 1904 Wns the largest business year in our history. Thanks to our vll ploftwtl customers. Now we propose to make 1905 A still larger anil mors satisfactory yonr titan its pradtewwor. We pliall endeavor to pursue the same policy that hut urtofors, mn.de this store the most popular HARDWARE STORE in the west. Anil with our constantly ira proving' facilities for buying in larga quantities, we shall be able to give von better values lor vour money than evor lie fore. Wishing you a Happy antl prosperous Now Year, and respectfully requesting a continuance of your cstemctl pat ronage, I remain, YOURS TO COMMAND. Jgg 1 T J"' """Si! m i k - " i rvi-v i I KOM HOUSE Nothing is more interesting than the manufacture of high grade lumber. Wo buy only of the best manufacturers and hence can assure you the best of every thing in the lino of tiulldlntj Material. MtfWKJB"rtVMinvwijrw?riOTn?nreKrM CALL AND SEE US OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT 'PHONE 73 Forest Lumber Company. HOLSTEFS PHARMACY.... ;. . Best Quality v . SULPHUR IN 100 POUND SACKS FOR $3-5 Special Prices on Larger Lots at Moisten 's. For that small repairing- we have the fixings, Boards for sidewalk laying", fencing and the like, can be had from us at reasonable price. Try ierks I s Coal Co Also agents for Nebr. Central Bid. & Loan Asso. Phone 22 I F.J. Brennan & Co.... J nrMTDS iu- a91k .C A .....-.. W.. if llii n s, rerrumes; 1 ' Oft and 1 one rw AI 4-! :!' UUG&. : Paints, Oils and Wall Paper PvcscvVpVvows CavexWyj C,owpovw&.cl. FIRST NATIONAL $ DANK ULOCK. Alliance, Nebraska. i Palace Livery Bain . II. DJCSCII, I?i-oj. OXU 111.OCK wr.ST oiJ Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, Tin: XKW zmxDi:x . . and courteous treatment to all lias won for us the iiril.uixn. 'Phone 72 excellent patronage wo enjoy. Trv us. DR. FENNER AND Backache Also Puiufids thc Blood. All Diseases of tho kidneys, bladdor, and urinary organs. Alio catarrh, heart disease, gravel, dropsy, rheumatism, backache, females troubles. Cure Don't become discouraged. There Is a euro for you. If necessary write Dr. Conner. 11 o tiua spent a lifetlmo curing just such cases as yours. All consultations FREE. Had all the Symptoms of Bright's Disease. lock and Stockmen. Stockmen: It will pay you to advertise your brands in this paper. The Herald has the largest circu lation of any newspa per in Western Nebraska. Nebraska Mock. Grower s Association, (lucorpomieil.) A. M. Modlsott. president, Itushvllloi It. M. Ilmnpton, vice-president, Alliance; 15. M Senrle Jr., seerotiiry-troitMirer, OriiIuIIu. Kxeeutlvo coniuiltloe K. 1'. Myrrs, J.uun; It. 1!. Klncutd. HlnKlmm; Jolm Hremuui, Allmueo;.!. K. Vtinllosklrk, Allluuco; K. K. Lowe, Hjuunh; John M. Adams, rotters II. M. Allen, Ames 11. IJco, Todgrpolo; Kvert Eldred, Orlando; K. O. Uurrld, Clnulron; U V. Ulckoll, Kimball; llobort ftrahaui, Al llaiicci .lolin ConxMiy, Duunliii i, II. Cook, A Rata; A. 8. Heed, Altintire MOSLKLl fi TUl.r.V, Jo, Nub. Slock branded as hiinwu on cut ou ultlior sldo. AlsoJ-O on eith er side. Towuslilii l. and range 4.1. Mr. I. N. Poole, proprietor of one of the best barber shops in Muncie, Ind., has words of praiso for Dr. Fen ner's Kidney and Backache Cure. Ho writes Dr. Fenner : "I have taken several bottlea of your Kidney and Backache Cure, have used many other kinds of so-called kidney cures, but nono are to be compared with Dr. M. M. Fonner's, a3 all others have failed and Dr. Fonner's has com pleted a cure. I bad been troubled with kid ney diseaso for many months; some doctors thought I had Uright's Disease as I bad all tho symptoms, but I took your advico and now I am a well roan. You may send all who doubts to me and I will convince them that Dr. Fennels Kidney and Backache Cure U a genuine healing and curative Remedy." Sold by Druggists, 50c. and $1. Get Cook Book and Treatise on the Kidneys FREE. M. M. Fenner, M. D., Fredonia, N. Y. V C J 7 Ifrf; mil? Sw1 r Darlington Uullctin. WIN! IK TOUKIST IUTU to Cal ifornia, thr Gulf Country, Cuba, Florida, the South and Southeast. LOW ONK WAY SETTLliRS KATKS first find third TuotdarR of Innunry, Feb runrv, Mnrch and April to Southeast )talnt bevond tiis Ohio Rivar. iri6atud i-Axns. In tho Hig Horn Hatlu, North Platte Valley nml eastern Colorado seveml Ih'r irrigation entcrprist nru practlcnlly com plotcd.nnd will be propnrad to deliver vntor thiB year, lltey are olTering spec ial inducements In the way of low priced lands and water rights to onrly settlers. Huy land now ahead of the wnter und reap the big increase in value which will surely follow. It is tho best investment in tho world for your son if you want to start him out right, In a few yonrs he will be independently woalthy. Write me for relinblo Information. L. W. Warily General I'artcnger Agent, Omaha Nobr CimiiAN HHOS., Canton. Sioux v county, Neb. &$& tuross ii urosj ou lu(lslUi). AImi 1 1 1 on left thili. Under .slojio un luflmr. Hordes briindi'd sumo un (attli on left law unci u on tsM& I Off ci 1 Will 1 1 1 11 i "ttiil. .V.VO..WM...V,., . "ftfYPh T"inj(ji-i .. ...j inipiifc -H- Ymm3Kmzf'-&x- AlSxsixrS'tTmif. 'l .1. DOWD. i VSf W '..' ftl - 1 r--.vLjAllr- iL f?k Alliance, Nub. ,1 S connected any yluco on left h(v. KuiiK'i) on bead of IMuo reelc, Slicrldmi ounty. I'OINT-Ol'-ltOOKS KANOH. JOHN O'KHi:! Mi&SONS. Aillanee, eb. Cattle branded OK on left Hide: also ok, and ok on left .side. w -v T" 'I . 8Srg ft ; AV WMIlbL HltOSJ., Scblll, Neb. Cattle branded on rlgdit tlilK'li or XV on rlKbt hide. Town bill) 2", range Jj.SlieildMi founty. STOKM LAKK UANCII, UOIliniT GltAIIAM, Cremau, Neb. As In cut on right or left lilp; loft ear cropped. Horses branded O on left Jaw. I ml K MAHIN, llemliiKford, Nob. Cuttle branded flylnx horseshoe on ilKiit bin, ns luctil. Ilnmi' ranch hee. 25-'.7-M. Hoie raneli in 28-49. II, A. MLUNG. SS? Vox Hutte, Nob. Cuttlo branded iih 1) cut on left hl). also with tho bar over Instead of under brand. Alsooiilcft Side R'neh nwU section 17. In township rniiKoiu. II Lukestdo, Neb. Oattlc branded N on Wsht Id p. Itnngu In Twp. 8, runse 15, Sher dan county. ALblSON A. ISITiifiTii: sm Checkered LIVERY AND FEED BARN JAMliS KliELUR, . I'rapriulor. Ooiitc.st Notice. V. S."Lnd Oflleii. Alliance, Neb., Nov. jn, itvil. A Mittlclent contosl nllldnUt hntltiK been lllcd In this nfllco by Tliomns Chiirlustou, eon tcstHiit, HKnliisinoniestcad entry No. IlW.nmdo July 12, I1VU, forM)iitliwostunrtr Miction 33, toft nulilp ) noi th, rnimc f0 west by John Mc lliilu, conU'stee, In whliii It Is alloKed that John Mcllale noter resided on Mild tmet, nor iiim(Ii any linimivpineuts t hereon. That ald alH'ttnl ubsenco from the said land was not due to IiIh cui)loyment lu the army, n.ivy or marine corps of the rutted Stntcsas a prlvnlo soldier, olllcor, soituiiiu or marine ibirlnu thc war with Spain or durlii): mi) other war In which the United Suites inny lie cii KKKwl, said parties are herebj uotlllisl to aii lieur, rvsiond nud oiler ovideueotouchlni; stud iillivntion at lu o'clocU ii, m. cm January 10, 1UCB. Ix-'forotlio Register mid Jtelverat the ITnltikl States Kami Uiilcu In Alliance, NobrusUn. fNo.'J.i l!m:cK Wiluox, ItoKlxtur. Sbcrlff'a Unlo. Ily viitueof nil older of hiiIii issued by the dork of Uii dbtrlet coin t ol' Hoxltutto coun ty, Nebraska, upon a, decree roniloi eel by hiiIiI cuiiri. in iiiiur ui iiiiu-n ii. DKiiiiier. ilium tin, nnd tijrulilst O S. Moi'Kiiti.dofeiidHUt. J will olTer on the Utli day ofreliruiiry, A. I). 1W3, at le o'e o"k u, in. on salii day. nt the west front door of tho cmrl house lu Alliance. In h.ild county, sell th follo but described real ostnte, to wit: Norlhpnst Onurtor. of section IT. In Town ship 26, uorto Hmiro 4ii, wom iltli 1. M. In llox llulto i-jiinty. iNuimiRku, at public auction to the IiIkIicki bidder for ash, in sat Liu l.i 1.1 ii,.liihikf klji In lliiii.ii,.,,f mil?? ti , i, i Interest, costs and acctv Insr costs subject to all unpaid taxes. IHA JU.i:i). Smith l. Ti'ttmi, Shell . I said Count Attorney tor L'lulntt.l. K r Jan. 0 Order or Hearing on Original I'robntc or Will. STATi: OP NEIIUASKA I . M llax lltn-ru CciuNrv, f,M At a county court, bold at Uio county ootitt room, lu Mid for Raid county, Dec. 12. A. I)., ltnii. Present, 1). K. Spucht. County .TuiIko In the mutter of cHtjito of Henry O. Talor, deceased. On'reaiUiu; uud lllliik' the petition of Airs. r.llxabeth laylor.iirnyluKthiittho Instrument, hied on tho 12th day of December, itl, nud )iiriMirtiiiK to bo the hmt will uud Testament of tho said deceased, may bo proved, approved, piohatcd, allowed, and recoidcd as the last will and testament of the Mild Henry (1. Taylor, du ceased, mid that the execution of said hmlni nieiit tuny Ik) committed unci the ndmluislra tion of said estate) nmy beKrunted to Kllznbeth Taj lor as executrix. Ordered, that January 10. A.I). 100.", at 2 o'clock i. m.. Is assigned for benitii); said petition when nil pcrnons Interrated In huIi! mutter may appear at u county court to be held In find for s.ild county, and hlicnv cause why the prayer of petitioner should nut be granted; and thut notion of the pendency of Mild petition, and tho hearing thereof, bo given to all persons liiteionted lu tcild matter Uy publUhlug a copy of this order lu Till: Ai.i.ianuk IlKnAi.D m weel.iy newspaper print ed hi said county, for three huccosslvo weeks, prior to said day of bearing. Notice in further given that on tho 12th day of January, l!Hut 10 o'clock a. in., there will bo taken tho deposl Hon of Silas It. nat ion and It. It. Ilorth hoforocoiiipotcnluuthorl tlcs at tho otlleo of It. It. Horth In the city of Orand iBlniid, Hall county, Nebraska, said deiosltlons totieuned in proUnguud probat ing said will, (A true copy) 1). K. Ppaoht, Seal 3w-fp-I)oc. 1(1 County Judge. Notice to Hcdoein. Tho Ptuto of ebrasks, I ,,,. Hox llutto County. f To Samuel L. Shaw, Hank of Commoreo of firm id Island. Nebraska, nnd llorsuhol A. Kdwiirdh, lteeoiverof Hank of Conuuuivu of Uriinu island, ebriuKu: Holland each of you aie hereby nolllled that on the Mb day of April leos, John Weliu-1 niirchiiMxl r.t tux sale tho North Hast. Quarter of section 24, lu Township 2i of Kang4P, In Hov llutto County, Nobrasku, That said land was taxed In the naiiio of .Sam uel h Shaw and that wild purchase of tax sale of Mild laud was made for the years of 1MB, 1MJ7, Ihtfp, 1NW. l'JUO uud UW1 and that Hiibseiiueut taxes have lieeu paid on bald land by John Welucl for tho years 11U2 and lliil. ihfit the tlmxfor rcdHiipltou of the iifurosald land will expire on the btli day of April lint') Dated Alliance, Nebraska, this 30lb day of November, 1WI. fp-Ueo2 Jons Wkixkl. RPTime Table Alliance. Neb. LINCOLN, DENVER, OMAHA, HELENA, CHICAGO, BUTTE, ST. JOSEPH, SALT LAKE CITY KANSAS CITY, PORTLAND, ST. LOUIS, SAN FRANCISCO, and all points oast and all points west and south. TltAINS LEAVK A8 KOM-OWS, JIOONTAIN TIME! No. 41 Passenger dully. Ueudwood. Hillings, nil points north una west ..... 12:33 a.m. No. 42 1'asscnger dully, Lincoln. Omuhu, Chicago and ull txnnts east.... , 2:45a.m. No. 301 Passenger dally, for Denver Ogdcn.Salt Luke, San Fran cisco and ull Intermediate points, departs at 2M3a.m. No. 302 Passenger dally from Denver and ull Intermediate points, arrives at 10:45u.ni. No. 30oDally. excop Sunday, for points south and west, de parts ,. , ,,,... 12:50 a. m No. 306 Dally, except Sunday, from bouth and west, arrives...... 4iS5p.ni. Bleeping, dining and reclining chair cars (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point In the United btatesor Canada. For Information, ttmo tables and tickets call on or write to L. S. Haoe. Agent, or L. W. Wakelkv, Gen eral Passenger Agent, Omaha. Nebraska. o a jo 7th Anna I Discount Sale Sale Commences January nth, and Continues'..' Until Saturday Night February I J ONE-FOURTH OFF 'V On the entiru line of Gouts', Ladies', Bos iMisscS'a'nXl Cluldrons i i i i i : r in r ... : SHOES and SLIPPERS also 25 per cent discount off tho regular all the season prices, and our shoes are marked in plain figures. This is no old out of style or past decada offer, but all new,' up-to-date poods. ' Remember the Dates--January It to February II ' Don't Miss it. There is money in it if you come in and.' make a purchase at thc: Alliance Cash Shoe Store The latest styles always The best shoes only No shoes cmrircd or sent out on approval during this sale flam J J ft STYLE caa Made by Kalamazoo Corset Co. Alto Sola Maters nl American Beauty anil F. C. Corsets American Beauty Corsets Style 6S9 Now extended hip model, wide laco at top, fino quality sateen with hoso sup- porters, sue 18 to 30 for ,,OC Style 416 Hliiw.nwnnM(i Medium short attended hip, A'nouy modal for ...,.,, ,OuC Style 1089 i urn .A medium straight front Rirdlo, very ' dainty model, wide laco trimmed r" for OUC Style 123 - The pride of American ladies. Low front, long hip. hoso supporter sido,. nud front best cloth neatly trimmed. . t$5 Fred Motiving, flfir. Nebraska Hide and Leather Co. Established 1878 nanlaHi? i -i l-lfffac? ToIIa? !?it VVSVY U1IU I IUI .lb IllUb lUUkC, 1 r4-td 1 C2i rll trxumr l-l n ! vmf L.WMIUK1 HW JUUUIWI J I 1 J VCl M L. C. BURNETT, M'gr. Nebraska City. Nebraska. Always Reliable. isrrcr.teJON iriL.iGrroiiici FIRE INSURANCE AGENT REPRESENTS THE KOLLOWINO INSURANCE COriPA.NICO. Ilartforil Flro Iiisunmeo 'oinmny. North American of I'lillaileliihlu. Phoenix of Hlooklyn, Now York. Continental of Now York City. NI11 guru yiru Insurance ("ominmy. Xuw Yosl. riiilerurlterb. New York. Conuuercliil Union Asmuiiiico Co., IxiihIiiii Ltverpiiol. I.diKloit unci (llolio Ins. Cio. Oeriimii Aiuorlciin Inn. Co,, New York. I'jinnore mid Mereliuuts I111. Co,, Lincoln. Columbia 11 10 litMiraiiru i'uniuny. I'lilliiilt'lplilH Unditrwrlier. I'lioeut'c Ins, 1 . , llrtforcl, ( nun. Office L'p.Stnlrs, l'lctchcr lllock. Alliance, Nebraska. Dray and Transfer Line..' Notice to Creditors. In county Court, wltliln and for Dox llutto county, Nubnibku, Hept. .'!, 1004, lu tliu rnnttor of the estnto of John I'orstor, ileceused. To tho creditors of said esuto: r .. I...iuil..r nnllHn.1 l.... I ... 1 1 I .tl .. tho County Court ltoom lu Alllttnre in said county, on tho 30th clay of Mnrch, 1005, at one o'clock P m., to receive unit examine all claims nguinsi suiu ehtatc, with a view to their adjustment and UUCIWilllUU. XI1U 11II1U IIUIllt--U lur iliu ilir- untutlou of claims uunlnst said estate lit six . ..,.,. m .i.m.. .1.. .. (J,... A 1, nt Iiioiliiis, irum cnu-iiii uuy ui oiji. , i ', iivi, iind tho tlmo limltecl for oavinciit of debts is oun your from sulci 21th tiny of September in in Witness my hand and tho seal of sold county court, this tilth dny of September, 11)01. (A True Copy) D. K. SpAClir. Isbai.1 TpDecMw. County Judge. Along with our fancy hand painted China and Haviland china, we have glassware, lamps and white and dec orated dinner sets at a surprisingly low figure. Geo. Darling. WHEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry about what to do with your Household Goods. S. A. Miller will tako charge of them; store them ajg in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and ship n'' them wherever desired. Charges reasonable. The only sprint; dray line in the city Phone 139. S. A. Miller. diamonds, Watches, U Estrnyed. From my premises about May i, one red heifer, end of tail white, branded S on right hip; year old last May. L. Sampv, Hemingford, Neb. Read The Herald Gold Jewelry, . Souvenirs . Repairing in all its . Hail orders promptly Branches. wu attended to." - A7. O. Barnes, Jeweler and Optician, oooooooocv Fire- Insurance. Hemingford, Nebraska, Agent for tho Caledonian, of Scotland, wiiicu insures miwii Lknnrtv Aniw nnfi inn imiiiimi .in ulklh IntiiPAQ tnvn and V'"! vm .... " ,"" farm property ana uve kukk. liom arc rouuuie oiu unu cvw panics...,. 0 JSTotai'lELl "Worlc rCJr0Y W. M. FOSKETT -A-u.ctio3n.eer Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On. COMMISSION", or BY THE DAY. 3T Satisfaction uunmntiiH Tf " you want to buy or sell ranch prop- erty, list it with me Hemingford, Neb.