LOnorc niiirrrnnx. It, Of It. T. llnrJsiruRRlc I.oJrc. No. 042 Mcls every Sunday afternoon at 2., Hell's hall. visiting brothers welcome. J. A. Donnino, W. M. M. IIarodavss, Scc'y. ., , t n. 1 . . . 1a O. T. M -Meots every fltftt and third I'rr (Uy fct Haule Hall. Visiting Mnocnbet col dlally lavltcd. Mas. K. J. llcmouv, 1 0. M119. Annie Yount, It. K. ftbe Iberalb. ItorAl. llioui.ANDKits Alllnnco Oastlo No. 43 moot very Rccotul Mid fourth Thursday uTenltin In W. 6. W. Unit. Vlilttni? Oltindmon cordlnltr invltvd. K. I Woods, 3 W. I.niiiv, cc'y. L. 1'. W. S, PUBLISHED FRIDAYS. KAKIiR Publisher Entered fit the postoflice at Alliance, Nebraska, (or transmission through the malls, as second-class matter. ATTOItNEr. WILLIAH MITCHELL ATTORNEY AT LftW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. OmoK Pilosis lw), Ur.HiDSNcn I'iionuSOO. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Iloomx 1, S and .1, Iflrst, Natlonul tuwk Imllrt lag, Alliance, Neb. Notury In olllce. BOYD & BARKER, AtTtonicyN nt Hiiiav , Atl.tANCU, NEDKASKA. Collections given Prompt Attuntion. "ITXTjERRY ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, - NEBRASKA. BMITIf V. TUTTI.l- 1 11 A K. TA II. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North Alain Ht., - ALMANOH. NKIJ. rf$T Tub Hkralu is the Official Publica tion of Box Butte county and its cfrcula- tion is nearly twites that ol any other Al liance paper. ADVERTISING KATES: Display, per single column inch per month 50 Business locals, per line first insertion .10 Each subsequent insertion, per line .05 Legal notices at statute ratci. Subscription, $1.50 per ycar in advance. aocQooQae?oesuaoce - 2 In Alliance 10-30 of every month. Office over The Famous , , . 'Phono 301. a o oQoeieco8ooseoo FREY & BALFE, OSTEOPATHIC PHYOICIANO. 018 ltOX mJTTK AVK.MJK. I'liono 2S, Calif miRUorod Itl toiyn or roiuiliy. J?TMOORETivir . ri.iTi:iu:it iii.ock, Ai.i.iANCi:. :i:ii. CullK ittiswerod from olllce iltty or nlchl. TuloiihonoNo.ttJ. "drTUedwards" 1'llvstClAN AND SUKCUON fllcoou'rtWollloo. ALMANOi:. NKII H. H. BELLWOOD F. E. CLOUGH PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS. Itolstcn Ilulldlnc, - ALLIAN3K, NJCU LTvvrOWMAN P PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. OMco In I'lrt-t National JtiuiU block. Alll unco Nebraska. lUiyolulun mio .Surgeon Day nntl ntKlit calls. Ofllcoover UoKuoHtoro, I'honoiW. DRTQEoTTiAND II O M 1: () J A T II I c 1 II Y S I C I A X A N I) S I'KGi: O N Formerly Interim Homeopathic lIo lUiil UnlvorMty of Iowa. , I'hono S5. OHlo mtr Alliance Shoo Store. To Tho Public. I liopc St will not be too much of a surpilse to the insny friends and pat rons of Tim 1 1 i:u AM) when I inform them of a business transaction between the undersigned and Mr, W. S Rakor of Grotnn, Neb., by which for a good and sufficient mouutary consideration Tins Herald from tho present date be comes the property of the latter gentle man. During tho ten years of its pub lication in Box Butte county Tun Hint 4ALM has built up for itself a reputation second to none of the journals published outside of tho citiosof thu metropolitan class. It is almost impossible for mo to ex press sufficiently my appreciation of tho good will and patronage which I have L variably leceived from a gioat majority of tho citizens of Box Butte county, and especially from the busi ness and professional men. I have labored earnestly to promote the best interests of this county and that my efforts were appreciated is eviduueed by the business I have built up and by the flattering offer which induced me to patt with it. The gentleman under whose auspices Thij Hbkald will be guided in the future will, with his family form a welcome addition to the citizenship of Alliance. Ho is an experienced news papar man, u well known and in fluential citizen of the eastern pait of the state and brings with him a reputation for integrity and ability which will prove tho best guarantee of success. While in 11 certain sense I 1 egret severing my connection with Tin: Her ald, because it has grown up under my care, I feel confident that in the futuic it will stand up for everything tending to promote the welf.110 and prosperity of northwest Nebraska. I wish it every success and the continued patronage of its many friends in Box Butte county. T. J. O'Ki-Bi'E. Opera Company Secured. Edwin Patterson, representing the "Beggar Prince" Opera company spent Tno8day and Wednesday in Al liance and proved most successful in the matter of securing a sufficient number of signers for tickets to war rant his company in coming to Alliance and he announces the company's pos itive appearance fot Monday and Tues day evenings, January jp and 31, pro touting ''Era Diavolo" and the "Beg gar Prince" two oAcellont comic operas. After concluding an engagement at Lead City, tho company goo.? to Sheri dan, coming direct from there to Al liance and thence to Broken Bow. With such long jumps for perform ances in but three places it is neces sary that some substantial support be guaranteed and the way people in Alliance liavo taken hold of the pro position boBueaks a splendid patronage for the company when here. The commutation book subscription is still open at Holstcn's for a limited number of signers up to January 21. Postal catds to each subscriber, notifying him of the time when the seats may bu reserved will be mailed in due season and after that the board will be placed on sale to the gonoral public. Regu lar prices will be, lower floor $t and gallery 50 cents. HEMINGFORD. (Kulth li. Plurco Is fully iiutliorlod to so Ilolt subscriptions mid Job work mid collect and recotiit for hiiuiu, mid transact nil other tiiiblnoss In eoiiiiL'Ctton with his position us mi accredited representiitlvu of this paiiur.l NIrIiI calls hush m i'd irom olllce. E. E. BARR, M. D. Specialist Eye. Ear, Nose, Throat, and all Chronic Ulsea-tcs 1'JtONK Otlliw 501 ltuxideiK'o 151 Ort'ioe Hours ii to 1?. 'j to x bundiiys 2 to 4. Guy Lockwood QKADCATi: CHICAGO SCUOOL OI K.MOAI.MINU . Funeral Director and Umbalmer Phones Office 214. Res 205 Expert Lndy Attendant.. AlllQnCG, NeD, Hila Grand Tonsorial Parlors. Orvillk Owen, Proprietor. Firstclass service. Patronage solicited. F. M. WALLACE DHAY LINE Moying Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . . Phone No, 1 Young's grocery, Alliance SEE Jos. Carey & Co. For house moving, well boring making and cleaning cesspools moving box cars, ete . . . . ALLIANCE, NEBRARKA. Announcement. Haying parcltased Tub Herald printing plant, type and stock as well as the subscription list, building and property, I only desire to add to the announcement of Mr. O'Kcefe, the re tiring publisher, that it shall bo my ambition to maintain the high standard of The Hbkald and improve it if pos sible. To enable me to do this I need, want and will try to merit your continued patr uage. Thu political complexion of The Herald in the future will be tepubli cau and it shall be my endeavor to make its editorial columns one of the intciest ing features of the paper. Time and space piohibit a more extended an nouncement at this time. I shall be glad to have you call at The Hekld office and become better acquainted. Very Respectfully, W. S. Raker. The Washington correspondent to the World'Hcrald says that on the oth instant Representative Kiukaid intro duced another bill which proposes to tinker with what is known as the Kin kaid act having to do with the unappro priated and unreserved public lands in Western Nebraska. Upon the day of the opening of the present session, Mr. Kinkaid presented a bill in the house which authorizes entrymen to this land to increase their homestead to 640 acres by entering pieces of land on the sides of their present holdings. His latest bill is to permit these homestead ers to also acquire "corner lands," or pieces of land at or near the comer of their holdings as well as pieces of land on the sides. Secretary Hitchcock reported adversely to congress on the first proposition, and it is thought he will do likewise on the second. Glen Pierce is quite sick this week. Nollie Abtey has t)on sick this week. Miss Jennie Katun is at home this week. Ernest Ohlny spent Sunday in Heming ford. Mrs. Curtis is visiting with II, II, Pierce. Luther Neeland made a trip to Alliance Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Iotlence were in from the ranch Monday. A very ploasnnt party at Osborn's last Friday evening. Miss Bessie Wlinley is teaching in the Holland district. I-ee KiiRtin accompanied Mr! Ward to Alliance Sunday. Mrs llradford Tinner is visiting in the hand hills this week. Sam Grass has returned home and will work in Hemingford this winter. Revival meetings are in progress at the (Congregational church this week. A, I. Miller and C. A. Shiudlcr went to Alliance the first of the week. Insure yonr property against fire. Can you afford to lose it? K. L. Pierce. Mis. A. H. Pierce has been very ill this week, but is now much better. Ole Hedgecock ran the barber shop here last week during the absence of Mr. Everett at Marsland. James Waisner spent one day here this week. He has been to Wymore on busi ness for the last ten days, Mr. Cams, of Lincoln, representing the antijsaloon league lectured at the Congre gational church Monday evening, Mr. Uartlett, Mrs. Beaumont's father died Thursday morning of this week very suddenly. Full particulars will appear next week. The cost of dwelling house insurance is .so low in Hemingford that it seems like no one could afford to be without it. Inquire about it. K. L. Pierce, Agt. The Marple Literary club met at the Manion homestead a few days ago. There were more than fifty present and a most excellent and entertaining session was held. James Potmesil was unfortunate enough to lose a S20 bill out of his pocket while on his way home recently. One of Anton Uhrigs sous found it and turned it over promptly to its owner. Friday evening a coon party at the resi dence of Principal Baker was a "howling success." Each of the young persons present dressed .as a darky and to judge from the racket no darkies ever had more fun. Some of the young men about town assisted in the celebration with blank cartridges. Our merchants are selling goods to a sister town of larger dimensions than ours and shipping them down to the retail trade at local freight. It looks like their prices ought to be nearly right to enable them to do this. It is worthy of note too, that lumber is being freighted overland at a considerable saving. Stand up for Hemingford, The time to insure your livestock is now when the number is low. They are put in at an average of a fixed amount and when the unmber is small the cost is corre spondingly small. Actual value of stuff killed by lightning or burned, prompt adjustment, cash as soon as adjusted, old line companies, and many other advant ages. Think it over. K. L. Pierce, Agt. Remember the all day farmers' institute to be held here the 18th inst. Noted speakers from abroad furnished by the State University besides local talent will furnish the program. If interested in any phase of stock raising or farming you can not fail to receive a great deal of ben efit from this meeting. It Is hoped to make a permanent organization at this time and continue the work in the future RED TAG SALE January 13, 1905 to February 13, 1905 LU furniture and house furnishing goods, including pictures, with red tag attached, will be sold at prices reduced 20 per cent to 33 1-3 per cent below regular price. No goods held in re serve. Every article marked in plain figures. m:r ill it"' mWZ4iaffl CASH or CREDIT " Cash rules for a!! goods sold at lowest mark" ed price. Fanc upholstered parlor chair, mahogany finish ' Regular Price Sale Price fD Credit given on goods sold at a slight advance over Low est marked price, to be paid in payments each week or month as you prefer. w. wii w Mjwamiiowwm $7. Massive Iron Bed, full width, green and giltenambled, brass trimmed Regular Price Sale Price Rattan Arm Rocker, large and comfortable, made of the very best material. Regular Price Sale Price pJt A Golden Oak Music Cabinet, piano polish finish. Regular Price Sale Price ?.5i $n nxmrm i-im , $925 We cordially invite our customers to call at our store on Wed nesday evening, Jan, 18, at which time a Phonographic concert willbe given, commencing at 8 o'clock, sharp Geo ornm House-furnisher m Xk?j'a'BBaB'HaaHHHHH!HHESSKHHHHMKSHHKF nn Ira Bushnell will leave for Chicago where he will receive treatment for his hearing. Lee Holland is now employed on the dray line in place of Fred Davison, who has gone home to help with the stock. Remember the meeting of the stock holders of the Hemingford Telephone Co , February 2, 1905. A number of the men who built the line from Dunlap to Hem ingford have already joined tho company. Now is the best time to join and every one will then have a voice and vote in the annual meeting. A surprise party on Mr. and Mrs Ben Price occurred Tuesday afternoon and was a very pleasant affair, In the neighbor hood of forty guests were present. Lack of space forbids enumeiatinc them. A fine willow rocker was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Price which, no doubt they will keep as a memento of a very pleasant occasion. Stand up for Hemingford. It is the people living near here that make and support the town. Why not try your local merchant on your $25 or S75 or larger, cash orders' They will make you good -prices. Stand up for Hemingford by patronizing the town and your mer chant will appreciate your business. Program of the Farmers' Institute to be held at Hemingford, Jan. iS, 1905. MORNING SESSION Opening Exercises. Lecture State Speaker. Song. Medicines that ought to be found in the farm house W. T. Eikner, M. D. Dinner 12:00. Frae Coffee.- AFTERNOON SESSION Opening of Question Box and discussion. Lecture. State Speaker. Song. Address: The entire cost of keeping and marketing steers; buying them at yearlings and selling them at 3 years old G. L. Taylor. Business meeting; 15 minutes. Song. Adjournment. Do not fail to be in Hemingford Jan uary 18th. Cut out this program and bring it with you next Wednesday. Moses Johnson's little daughter, Laura, aged six and one-half years was accident ally killed in the switch yards at Stans- berry, Mo., on Dec. 21,1904, It seems she failed to see or hear an approaching switch engine with several cars attached. The brakeman made an heroic effort to save her and was knocked senseless trying to reach her. All the cars passed over her body at the waist. Mr. Johnson and fam ily lived formerly on a farm seven miles northeast of here. He was an M. W. A. and still keeps his memDership here. The M. W. A., and people generally mourn with him in his affliction. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Co-Lon-Co. Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house. Good 4 100m Iiuusa for rent. P. J. Nolan. 2.3L Dr. Koons, dentist. Office upstairs Norton block. Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of manuiacturing dipping vats. Go to the Alliance National Bank to deposit your money. Oct. 7-tf. See Humphrey for picture framing1, up holstering and furniture repairing. Don't forget George Darling's house furnishing store when in need of goods in his line. Home rendered leaf lard 11c per pound. Gauranteed pure. Bushnell & Olday, proprietors Palace meat market. 3-tf. Can you afford to do without the official publication of the county for 1905 when it can be had for the small sum of Si. 50 in advance ? Bank drafts are cheaper and more convenient than post office orders. When you want to send money away go to The First National Bank. 3-tf Sabbath school at the United Presby terian church at 10 a. m. Y. P. C. U. meeting at 6:35 P- rn. Preaching ser vice at 11 a. in.; subject: "Divine Protection." At 7:30 p. m., "The Young Man Whom Jesus Loved." Midweek prayer meeting at the home of J. N. Johnston, Thursday at 7:30. Mr. G. D. Woods desires to an nounce that he is prepared to furnish music at public or private entertain ments any evening iu the week except Sunday, With the double horn pho nograph and fine selection of records, both voeal and instrumental. Mr. Woods is prepared to furnish music suitable for any social occasion. Reas onable charges. Dates made at The Herald office. Tinware, enameled ware and all kitchen utensils at Geo. Darling's. Friday is Fresh Fruit Day a Glcason's Delicacy Store. Nov. 11 -tf Harold B. Miller. M. TV nWc'riDiv -nl surgeon, office and residence 321 south ocvciueeuui street, i-incoin, Meb. Nearly all the ailments of the human race in these days are caused by the Blood. Stomach and Kidneys being out of order. There is not a case on record than Co-Lon-Co hasn't cured. Ask your druggist. r Money to Loan. $2ooato loan on approved security at 10 per cent interest Dec. 2-3t G. L. Moffatt. II'AMMJ Hill l Persons tn hn v fii-cf .V-lnco mining block, sure prof its. Par VillllP Sc nn selling Si. 00 per share. Write, to branch office Lacota Gold Mining and Reduction Co., Crawford, Neb. Box S7. 12-io-Sw " ;::-:-:xx::..:-:..x-::..::.-:..:..:..x.y :: HissWilhemine Bonn Z x -.1. . . . : x B Instructress of Voice Culture Class nnd Iiidlvidunl Lessons . Tor terms, etc., call ut MO Ilox llutto X uvunuc. TIIUHCX21 J. mk-:.w::-:..wm:-:'..w eoeeease90a9eaeeasaa 5 j"TTi. "eeee9 A GOOD : NEW YEAR'S ! RESOLUTION. Resolve this year to buy your drugs of Thiele. That's a good resolu tion to make; a good resolution to keep. -flmvw- THIELE'S Prescription Druggist 006 Box Uutte Ave. 9 V