J y Htf r m JJBRT Copyright, 1897, by F. Tennyson Ncely. CHAPTER XII. Continued. However, thero Is no help for It, and no precaution must be neglected that will conduce to tho success of the game. Her safety first, no matter what may becomo of his hopes. That is Jack Travers for you. Presently ho Bearches for Ah Sin, and gives that humble individual quite a sovore bhock whon ho runB across him. Tho Celestial has bocn Jtocplng quiet, feasting on tho good things placed before him, and await ing orders. When he learns what has occurred to can for immedlato attention, Ah Sin is at onco on tho qui vlve, and ready to act as best his master sees fit At eix o'clock Smlthcrs shows up, looking very unllko himself. He would easily pass for one of the na tive Jehu whips upon tho thousand cabs of Havana. .Tack and his man tumble insldQr thero Is a crack of tho whip, and uway they go. The crowds delay them a little, but Smlthcrs pushes his horses, and at a quarter-past six they draw near the station. Thero Is tho usual noise of moving trains, for tho presence of an hundred thousand Spanish soldiers on tho isl and presses tho limited railroad ac commodations at times. Smlthcrs has mado all arrange ments, and leaving Jack mounted on tho box, with Ah Sin near by, ho hur ries into tho station to meet the con federate ho has engaged. Jack sees him two minutes later waving his hand as a signal to come at once. Something is evidently wrong or he would not appear bo agitated. With a terriblo fear clutching his heart as If with fingers of Ice, Tra vera leaps to the ground and runs. Ah Sin docs likewise, and together they reach Smithers. "What is it tho train " cries .lack. "Has gono, five minutes ago. They changed the' tlmo to a quarter past. That was It wo saw hauling out as wo came up," Is tho crushing reply. CHAPTER XIII. The Man Who Owned the Engine. Jack Btares at the other ho even repeats tho words Smithers has used, five minutes too late, and tho spe cial train, laden with Spanish soldiers, has gone to destruction. Before his eyes, as plain as day, ho cm see tho awful wreck, the dead and. tho dying, and among them, oh, horrors! tho lovely form of his High land lassie, the girl ho loves. No wonder Jack feels for one brief moment as though paralyzed. The reaction comes. InsteadAof a deadly chill, he has a-burning sensa tion pass over his wholo frame, and experiences an earnest, furious deslro to do something in order to savo her from this fearful fate. Smithers Is endeavoring to collect his senses Smithers, who has, under almost every condition, shown such wonderful nerve, seems broken up by thla decreo of Fate. And while he thinks Jack acts. U Is Ah Sin who loads tho way. Tho Celestial nover gets rattled no matter what accumulation of disasters ovortako them. Jack sees tho China- "What is It the train" cries Jack. man's arm extended, and following tho lino of his flngor bo discovers what it is to which Ah Sin would attract bis attention. The railway company's telegraph of fice. At sight of It Jack's hopes revive True, ho has sworn not to betray tho plot of the rebels, but whon tho last resort is gono and her life is in peril, ho will feel compelled to do so. Bet ter a broken vow than that sho suf fer.. So he leaps toward tho office Perhaps nearly, If not quite, sixty seconds have flown since ho first re ceived tho dire news sixty precious seconds, during which tho doomed train has been shooting on toward the destruction that lies In wait. His positive Intention is to have tho telegraph agent wire the conductor in charge of tho train', warning him of the awful danger ahead, and having him use extra precautions when ap proaching the bridge where the dyna mttq Is supposed to lie. Smithers sees him dash Into the ."Am and stifles a groan. Perhaps UN ATALCOriTiaiMNWR Copyright, 1ST?, by Bitbtt iiptl pmltli. this is for the rebels whoso plan for striking a blow atlhelr hated focB will fall through. At any rate, he does not raako tho least attempt to hold Jack in check, but awaits results. When ho looks ngaln ho discovers Jack dashing out of the telegraph of fice, His manner Is not that of a confi dent man who, by a bold stroke, has accomplished what ho sot out to do. On tho contrary, Jack appears ox cited his face Is almost ns pale as ono who has seen a ghost, and ho glances sharply from right to left as ho runB toward them, after the man ner of a mau who seeks a remedy for some dreadful malady. As he draws near whero Smithers stands, ho can bo heard exclaiming aloud, ns though to savo oven tho pre cious seconds of tlmo: "Wires down Macco raided tho outskirts of Havana Impossible to reach even tho first station no way of reaching tho train now been gono seven and a half minutes, and already four miles away." Yes, thoy can hear the rumblo of the train among tho hills It comes very plainly during a cessation of noise about tho station, though grad ually growing fainter and more dis tant. "Can you suggest anything?" cries Jack, endeavoring to cudgel his brains to greater rapidity of action. "Think ns you nover did before. What can overtake tho special, since telegraphing Is out of tho question?" Smithers Is looking down tho tracks, where they gleam In tho lights be yond. "If wo had an engine wo might do It." Jack snatches at tho Idea like a drowning man might clutch at a straw. "Then wo will havo an engine If It takes a thousand five thousand dol larsall I have in tho world. Follow me!" ho ejaculates. Jack has not started off at random ho generally knows what ho means to accomplish before sotting out to begin. Some moving object has caught his eye just down tho track something that in this crisis of his existenco looks moro valuable than tho best paying mine In the Cripple Creek re gion. It is an engine just emerging from a shed, upon a turntable. Smoko Is pouring from tho largo, old-styled stack, black smoke burning resinous plncwood, than which few species of fuel will generato steam more quick ly. It means a posslblo chanco to solve the torriblo problem that has been suddenly set before them It means tho case of life and death may yet bo decided in favor of continued exist ence Under theso conditions, therefore, it can be readily understood with what tremendous satisfaction Jack starts in tho direction of this locomotive. As he advances with such a burst of speed ho takes notu of several things. Everyono connected with tho engine seems to bo in the utmost haste, and this is the moro wonderful whon tho fact is taken into considera tion that in such hot countries as Cuba they do not, as a general thing, use any too much speed in anything undertaken. Ho sees tho stoker tossing pine knots Into tho yawning mouth of the flro box, while tho engine driver leans part way out of tho cab window, his faco streaked with grime, but looking anxious In the light of tho fire Thus bearing down upon tho scone, Travers is not long In reaching tho placo whero several stout men stand ready to turn tho engine around on tho revolving table Two men stand besldo the trucks, ono of them having an official air, and holding a paper In his hand that may be an order. His companion seems to bo an ordi nary citizen a Spaniard, Judging from his olive skin and black hair. Jack instantly surmises that tho of ficial Is tho party who can attend to his wants, and ho means to obtain possession of that engino if money CR buy It "Senor, arc you in charge hero I havo missed the special by a hair's breadth. It is very Important that I should overtake it I would havo sent a message, but the wiros aro down." Tho official shoots a quick but ex pressive glance toward his companion, who moves a little closer, cocking his ears as though he takes an unusual Interest In what Jack says, "SI, senor, the wjrea are down that Macoo is always on the move, and he keeps tho wires cut so that we In Havana may not know what ho is do ing. It is very sad," Is tho consoling remark mnde by tho official. "But, senor, you did not answer my question aro you In chargo hero?" "For tho night yes," is tho reply. "I wish to hlro a special." "A what?" ejaculates the other. "A special an engine to overtake the train that left hero somo minutes ago." Tho official throws up both arms. "Madro do Dlos! anothorJ" ho gur gles. "Senor, it is a case of life and death," Jack breaks out with, husk ily, for the men aro swinging 'the iron monster around, and Jack Is Inwardly swearing ho will control the destiny of that engino, como what may. "Alas! I am sorry!" with a shrue. "If money stands in the way, X am prepared to pay you any price." "That Is not it. Alas! I have no en gine." "This ono will do, I am sure." "But" ' "You hcsltnto when many lives aro In peril." " "It Is no longer under my control." "Senor .explain." "Tbla gentleman Is Gen. Toledo. Ho has .also'ralssod tho train, but boars authority to ovortako it it tho means can bo had. I havo ordered out this engine It belongs to him. 6lnco tho Government commands. Sonor, you must deal with Gen. Toledo." Jack whirls upon tho soldlor In civ ilian attire "General, as I said be foro, It is a caso of life and' death with us to ovortako tho special. It you have tho power to allow such a thing, I beg that we may find a lodge ment somowhero on your engine. If a thousand dollars would be of any scrvlco to you " Tho other shakes his hoad. "Wo can talk of that later, senor," he smiles. "You consent?" In sudden rapture "Cnrramba! there Is no ono who can prevent me I own this engine lm mm am Mai n bMmb . "It Is a case of life and death with ui to overtake that special." for the hour. And you say It la a case of life and death, senor. I sympathize with you I offer you a chanco tc overtake tho special, which left fifteen minutes ahead of time" His manner tells Jack plainly thav. ho has been entirely Influenced by the prospect of a heavy pecuniary reward, and not because he has a big heart. "Then you will allow us to accom pany you? A thousand thanks, Benor, If you only knew the facts, you would rover regret your decision." Jack feels as though a load of a thousand pounds has been lifted from his heart Thero is a fair flold andnc favor now. It Is all ho asks at any time Tho engino has been faced down the track, and a man dashes down tc change tho switch that will run il upon tho main lino. "Come, senors, all aboard," sing out General Toledo, as he swings him self up Into the cab, quickly followed by Jack and Smithers, while Ah SIi clutches hold even as the ouglni bursts forward. (To be continued.) Force of Character. Porhaps you remomber Hawthome't lovely talo of tho groat stone face and tho llttlo boy who loved It and watched It, day after day, until the villagers discovered that his own face had been transfigured into a flesh and blood Incarnation of Its glories. This Is a parable of the Influence exerted on tho character by an Ideal fixed and never forsaken. It Is a beautifully true parable We cherish an ideal, only to have It enter tho warp and woof of oui character. Wo entertain great expectations of ourselves only to havo them fulfilled. Our lovoly dreams como true Our fond hopes are realized. Our ethereal air cautles aro founded on colic rock. "Wo grow Ilka what wo contem plate," Longfellow said. "Let us, lhorcfo;o, contcmplato tho truo, tho beautiful, and tho good." Changing the Subject "Well, my son, havo you been a good hoy to-day?" said papa upon his ro turn from his daily labors. "Yes,' said 3-year-old Harold, hesitatingly. Then, after a moment's pause "pretty good," but as It to square himself, he added, "Momma did 'pank me onshe" "Why, what .did sho apankyou for?" " 'Cawzh I wazh naughty." "Well, what did you do that was naughty?" "Papa," said tho doar little feljow hetweon smiles and tears, "letsh talk about shomeplng elshe." 8he Was Cornered. Mother Why have you taken all of the chairs out of tho parlor, dear? Daughter Because George Is bo fearfully bashful, I'm not progressing at all. Now thero 1b nothing left In tho room but a tete-a-teto and he's got to sit near me! Detroit Free Press. Their Smile Came Off. Maud I always like to stand be tween a couplo of brawny football players. Both (pleased) Aw! why, now? Maud Their hideous appearance sets off a girl's looks so. Sunday School Enrollment More than 13,000,000 persons are en rolled in tho Sunday Schools of the country. In public schools tho enroll ment is more than 16,000,000, or only 3.000.000 more LEGISLATURE of NjBBR ASKA A Synopsis of Proceedings of the Twenty Ninth Gen eral Session. In the capltol building shortly after noon on tho 3rd, 132 citizens stood with uncovered heads and with right hands uplifted, before Chief Justice Holcomb, nnd repeated attor him a solemn oath of office Tho men who Involved God to attoat that thoy sworo truly woro tho members of tho twenty ninth session of tho legislature, and this Is what they sworo: "I do solemnly swear that I will support tho constitution of tho United States and tho constitution of tho stato of Nebraska, and will faithfully discharge tho duties of member of tho legislature according to tho best of my ability, and that, at tho election at which I wa3 chosen to fill the said ofllco, I havo not Improperly Influenced any voto of an elector; that I havo not accepted nor will I accept, olthcr directly or Indirectly, monoy or othor valuable things from any corporation, company or person, or any promise of ofllco for any official act or Influ ence, for any voto I may give or with hold on any bill, resolution or appro priation, so help mo God." Tho business to bo transacted was that of organization only, nnd was car ried out strictly along tho linos deter mined on in tho republican caucuses. The 'houso was called to order by Secretary of Stato Marsh. Tho roll was called by C. II. Barnard ot Pawnco county, who was later mado first as sistant clerk of tho house R. B. Windham of Cass county was unanimously elected speaker pro tern., and John Wall was mado temporary chief clerk. For the olcctlon of permanent speak er, tho vote stood: Rouso, 91; Hunk er, 9; and on motion ot tho latter, tho election of Mr. Rouso was mado unanimous. Tho oath was administered by Clilof Justlco Holcomb, nnd was repeated by tho members standing with right hands uplifted and afterwards waa signed by them. Tho houso then proceeded to per manent organization, electing George L. Rouso of Hall, speaker; John Wall, chief clerk, nnd tho other officers nnd employes as agreed on In caucus last night Tho nine fusion members supported for speaker F. D. Hunker ot Cuming county. Tho speakers and officers wcro sworn by tho chief Justice Mr. Rouso was escorted to tho speaker's chair by Burgoss of Lancas ter, Cascberr of Gago and Porry ot Furnas. He addressod tho houso briefly, informally and in a very gon eral way. A commltteo of flvo was ordered ap pointed on legislative supplies. Tho rules of tho twentyolghth session wcro adopted as tho rules of tho pres ent session. Windham of Cass, Anderson of Douglas and Burns of Lancaster were appointed to act with a senate com mittee to wait upon tho governor nnd Inform him tho legislature is ready to hear from him. Casebcer of Gago moved that tho c!erk bo Instructed to furnish requisi tion blanks, which should bo exclu sively used by tho members In calling for supplies, and that such requisi tions bo pcrmnnent preserved In tho record. Tho resolution was votod down. Windham of Cass, chairman of tho commltteo to confer with tho gover nor, reported that his excellency had fixed 2 o'clock Thursday as tho hour when ho would convey his wishes to tho legislature In tho form of a mes sage, Tho houso thereupon adjourned. In the scnato work began at noon. Lieut Governor McGUlon called tho body to ordor. Rev. J. H. Presson led In prayer. Ho Invoked the divine blessing on tho legislators and asked for harmony and peace throughout the session. A roll call showed that all the sen ators woro present except Hart of Adams county. He was detained by ill ness. Senator Wall moved that Senators Begthol of Lancaster, Saunders of Douglas and Jackson of Gago bo ap pointed a commltteo on credentials. They reported there wero no contests. Senator Saunders of Douglas moved that the 1903 rules bo adopted until new. rcgulatlpns wcro formulated, and. tho motion prevailed. Senator Haller of Washington moved that Senator Jennings be elect ed president pro torn. Senator Wall of Sherman moved as a substitute that all tho senate caucus nominees bo declared elected. Tho latter motion prevailed. Wall thon moved that Sen ators Epperson of Clay, Tuckor of Richardson and Sheldon of Cass wait on tho secretary of state and ask him Discretion. "You never laugh at young Mr. Bllz ilno' Jokes." "No," answered Miss Cayenne. "I like Mr. Bljzzins. I am afraid he will get to trying to bo clever every tlmo he meets me and become a nuisance" Social Economy, One SInco poor Jack Waring died his widow really seems to bo on tho decline. The Other Declining, is sho? It will be safe to ask her to dinner, then. to swear In the sonato omployes. This was carried. Secretary of Stato Marsh could not bo found, and, Sonator Mock ott ot Lancaster moved that tho Uou tonant governor administer tha oath. This was adopted and tho omployes wcro sworn In, Begthol of Lancaster moved that tho commltteo on standing committees and tha commltteo on omployes, se lected by the caucus, bo chosen by tho sonate Tho selections wcro approved. Senator Jones ot Otoo asked that tha pay ot tho enrolling and engross ing clerks bo fixed at f 4 a day. This was dono. Sonator Wall of Sherman movod that Senator Cady of Howard, Fries- of Valloy and Nlclson ot Doug las compose a commltteo to notify tho house that tho Renato bad organ ized. Tho motion, carried, and tho com mltteo notified tho house Without transacting further busi ness of Importance tho senate adjourned. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4. Tho sonate held a short sosslon. Tho body was cnllod to ordor by Lleuton ant Governor McGllton. A commltteo composed of Beghtol ot Lancaster, Fries of Valloy and Bhrock ot York, was appointed to confer with a houso commltteo to sot a tlmo for a Joint session to canvass tho voto on execu tive officers and flxod tho tlmo at 11:30. Mockctt of Lancaster moved a resolution, that was unanimously car rlod, to furnish representatives of tho newspapers in tho oenato copies of tho Cobboy statutes for uso during tho session. Tho board of secretaries of tho stato board of health sent In a communication requesting tho favor ablo nctlon of tho sonato in tho mat tor ot providing a homo for tho opllop tlcs. An invitation was road and placed on file from the National Live Stock association for tho legislature to attond tho 'meeting of tho associa tion In 'Denver, January 10, or to send a commltteo. Adjourned until Thurs day, when joint inaugural coromonlos will tnko placo. In tho houso complaint waa entered against tho railroads for tho longth of tlmo thoy tako to get lumber Into Ne braska and tho way In which thoy treat tho doaler. Lumber is sometimes on tho road a month, with tho dealer un- ab'.o to locate It When It does arrlvo, unless It Is unloaded within forty olght hours tho purchaser has to pay $1 n day demurrage. Frequently tho cars stack up on tho dealer and In many cases shippers havo been unnblo to unload tho cars within tho proscribed tlmo, and hnvo had to pay tho demur rage charges whon It is nil tho fault of tho railroads. Should a measure be Introduced to rcgulnto this ovll It will havo tho support of tho lumber deal ors, who two years ago were tied up with the railroads. Tho following members wcro excused from attend anco for the rcmalndor of tho week: Jouvonat of Boono, Jackson of Antel ope, Bacon of Dawson, Peabody ot Ne maha, LIvlngood.of Franklin, McAl lister of Deuel, Richardson of Madi son and Smelscr of Sherman. Roberts of Dodgo offered a resolution, directing tho chief clork to furnish to tho re porters of dally nowspapore regularly represented In tho houso a copy each of the compiled statutes for uso dur ing the session, tho resolution being seconded by Perry of FurnaB. Tho question was put to a viva voce vote, and tho speaker was in doubt as to tho result Burns of Lancaster then explained to the members the neces sity for furnishing statutes to tho newspaper men, after which the ro Bolutlon provallcd. Following this ad journment took place until Thursday, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5. Brilliant and elaborate ceremonies marked tho Inauguration ot Governor Mickey and tbo stato officers. Tho capltoi building was decorated from top to bottom with flaunting bunting. Forns, palms and flowers woro In all tho offices, nnd thero was nn Inter minable receiving lino leading up to Govornor Mlckoy, who was surround ed by his colonols, their uniforms ablaze with gold lace. Thero was a recoptlon in tbo sonato chamber which lasted from 8 to 8:30 o'clock. Several thousand marched through tho chamber and Into Represontatlvo hall. After this thero were receptions In tho various offices by the new offi cers. Tho First regiment band fur nished music and Adjutant General Culver of tho national guard had chargo ot tho ceremonies. But llttlo business was transacted beyond inau guration ceremonies. Jennlpgs of Tbayor reported tho standing commit tees. Glffen of Dawson moved that Wall of Sherman, Lavorty of Saun ders and Gould, of Greeley bo appoint ed a commltteo to represent tho mem- Nothing to 8ay. Cholly I suppose sho doesn't like mo because I nevor flatter. I always say what I think. Mlsa Sharp Ah! Is that all? Per haps her dislike, then, is due to the fact that you nover say anything. Tho Remarkable Thing. He Mlsa Elder tells me sho'si only 22. That seems remaraable, doesn't She Not ot alL It would have been remarkable Jf she had told the truth. bcrs of the senate at the meeting of tho National Ltvo Stock association at Denver. Tho , commltteo on em ployes reported theso names' to tho sonato and they were sworn la and placed on tho pay roll: Miss Ollvo Utt, secretary to lieutenant governor; Charles 10. Furay, copyist; F. J. Bene dict, custodian of the senate; Edgar McCrca, cualodlan ot the gallory; Mrs. B. S. Cameron, copyist; Tom Wright, clerk; J. A. Pollard, pessen ger; Jerry WUhelm, night watchman; II. JL llobor, janitor. In Uio houso tho sosslon was very short lasting but ten minutes. Chair man Perry ot the committee op ad journment reported that as agree ment had been reached with the sen ato committee for an adjournment un til 11 o'clock Tuosday, Tho report was adopted. McClay of Lancaster moved that a commltteo ot threo be appoint od to nrrango for tho securing oC mimeograph copies of tho houso jour nal; ono to bo placed dally oa tho desk of each member, and that tho committee bo given power to act Tho speaker seemed to regard thte a en tailing unnecessary exponse, and tho motion was defeated. Tho houso then wont Into joint session and, oa recon vening, adjourned. No Sign. Ethel Aro you suro tho couat was Intoxicated last night? Edytho Positive Why, ho couldn't pronounco his own name. Ethel But you must remomber that ho Is a Russian count It All Depends. Giles "How far is It from your houso to tho nearest saloon?" Smiles "Well, it la threo minutes' walk from my houso to tho saloon and about thirty minutes' walk baeV." Didn't Want a Change. Nell Ho soems to bo dovoted to you. Belle Yes. Noll Why don't you marry him? Belle Oh, I llko to have hiss de voted to me A Lobs Indeed. Jakey What makes you so blue to day, Ikey? Ikey I I was fired yesterday. Jakey Fired? And you had no in surance? Long-Felt Want. Customor "Say, what kind of a crazy novel Is this, anyway? It begins with tho last chapter and ende with tho first" Bookseller "Oh, that edition is In tended for Indies only." The Usual Size for Him. Llttlo Elmer "Papa, what is a h' pochondrlac?" Professor Broadhead ''A,' hyper. confldonco man, isn't ho? Caloolio case, but many complaints. Puck. Tells Why. Aunt Julia Why did you break off your engagement with young ' Hag gins? Protty Nioco Because ho get a fool notion In his head that I Intended to marry him. The Retort Proper. "Ah, you poor cbapB of bachelors! Now, when a married man gets a little rent in his clothes' "He's got to pay it to tho landlord! t see!" Some Think So. Willie Pa, what does "trust" mean? Pa Welt, "trust" means confidence for ono thing. Willie Then a "trust magnate" la a condonco man, isn't he? Catholic Standard and Times. Proof Enough. "Oh, mamma, I know there's a flea on me," cried little EthcL "How do you know it is & flea, dear?" asked mamma. "Why, because I can't catck R!" Parental Promptitude. Willie Mamma, I think I like God better than I do papa. Mrs. Sllmson Why, WllUo? 'Well, papa punishes mo a great deal quicker than God does." Collier's Weekly. Criminal Offense. Lawyer 'Did the defendant, to your knowledge, ver incite another to perjury? Witness Yes; onco I heard hica ask a woman her age Measuring Ingredients. It Is useful to know that sixty drops aro equivalent to one tcaapoonful, three teaspoonfuls equal to one table spoonful. A gill la four tablespoon Jols. Ono cupful of liquid is equal to one-half pint Two cups of butter or Bugar weigh one-half pound, and six teen tablespoonfuls ot liqnld are equal to a cupful. Day of Heaviest Rainfall. A celebrated aeronaut asserts, aftet patient investigation, that the ninth day of tho moon is tho most rainy of tho wholo twenty-eight, nnd four o'clock In th afternoon tho rainiest hour ot the day. To Procure Sound Sleep. Unrefreshing but sound sleep near ly always Bhows that the blood does not leave tbo brain by the veins at the normal rate. Soaking tho feet la hot water, and using a high pillow, will be beneficial.