4 4 4 t : 4 4 4 i Is I-1 -4-4 4 4-- - 1904 Was the largest business hmv in oar history. Thanks to our wall pleased customer1!. Now ne propose to make 1905 A still larger and more satisfactory year than its predecessor. Wo shall endoavyor to pursuu the same policy that has heretofore, made this store the most popular HARDWARE STORE in the west. And with our constantly im proving facilities for buying in largs quantities, we shall be able to give you better values lor your money than ever before. Wishing you a Happy and prosperous New Year, and respectfully requesting a continuance of your estemed pat ronage, I remain, YOUUS TO COMMAND, -A.. DSTE3T77":BEI2323"2r Lsn AT4RaHBa.AM.Vj8 .!. .f ' : m i i i f ' i i i i i i . i --. r ' . . --J I I I ' 1 I , t I I L ! r- mMM' -A fit 4U.aiCWlYf IT 1 JJUf 3 r-i-i ws. 5pSfIi. . - ,K lUrtfVH Forest Lumber Company. H0LSTEFS PHARMACY. . . . Best Quality SULPHUR IN 100 POUND SACKS FOR $3-5 Special Prices on Larger Lots at Holsten's. fi ?1tJ I MK -2T fv . ,l7Jj'i' AJ KS -3i ra ss: ft f ' - . .lw i M ifT KKy P Sffil qS? flR-fSfi tsiv .1 - - at-? ?3w . Eac- zwtjvaxi S VGH. 5KKS1 Ww Kill's i Dierks' Lumber i Coal Co. Also agents for Nebr. Central Bid. & Loan Asso. Phone 22 H"K"M:::-x: I F. J. Brennan DEALERS Drugs, Perfumes I nd Toilet Articles J ! I 1 Paints, Oils and FIRST NATIONAL DANK BLOCK. Palace Livery IBsurn. $5. TI. DESCII, Prop, oxr. iilock WKST or Good turnouts, btrict attention to our business, Tim SEW 7.iiindi:n . , aIuj courteous treatment to all has won for us the nrn.niNG. 'Phono Ti excellent patronaRe we enjoy. Trv us. DR. FENNER'S Kidn AND Backache Also Puiufies tuc Blood. Don't become discouraged. There 1b a cure for you. If necessary wrlto Dr. Fenncr. He lias spout a lifetime curing Just such cases as yours. All consultations FREE. Suffered Intensely with Backache. Sold by Druggists, 50c. and $1, t tie Xidaeys 71XS. ! HO Jt HOUSE Nothing is more interesting then the manufacture of high grade lumber. We buy only of the best manufacturers and hence can RRsure you the best of every thing in the line of Iiulldlna Material. tmxxwmm'KBrvjrrji wvwjasnrotwgtntraramiwn CALL AND SEE US OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT 'PHONE 73 For that small repairing we have the fixings, Boards for sidewalk laying-, fencing and the like, can be had from us at reasonable price, lrv & Co.... X IN" v Wall Paper Alliance, Nebraska. , All Diseases of tho kidcuys, bladder, and urinary organs. AUo catarrh, heart disease, gravel, dropsy, rheumatism, backacho, femala troubles. Cure Dr. M. M. Fenner, Tredonia, N. Y. Dear Sir: For nearly a year I suffered intensely "with backache and could hardly hear to stand on my feet: I also felt restless when sitting down. Upon the advice of a friend I tried Dr. Fenner's Kidney and Backache Cure. Two bottles cured mo entirely and I can't say too much for thU remedy. I also find it pleas ant to take. MRS. J. C. IJLACKBURN, Galesburg, 111. Get Cook Book and Treatise on 1 Stock and Stockmen. Stockmen: It will pay you to advertise your brands in, this paper. Tlie Herald has the largest circu lation of any newspa per in "Western Ne braska Ncbinslsn Stock Grower s Association, (lnifirporati'il.) A M. Motllsetl, proslilont, Ilushvlllo; 11. M. lliimptnn, vlce-prostilunt. Allluncoi 15. M Pourlo Jr., soorotnry-trousurur, Ottalnlln i:xlm.hiIIvo counnlttL'o-K. I. Myrrs Lenui K. K. Klnculd, llliiKlii'tn; .tolm llrunmtn, AUluncej.1. 1!. ViiuIlosUirk, AUiutlco; K. K. Ixjwe, Hsrtinnlss .lolm M. Ailnnw, Totter; H. M. Allen, Atnesj It. Llscn, L(h1kojo1oj Eert Eldred, Urlnnilo; 11. C. Hurrln, t'lmtlrou: L. V. lllcUoll, Kltiilftlti Itobcrt Grnlimu, Al Unncej John Conwny, Dunnlns; .1. II. Ooolt. Apato: A.S. Heed, Alliance. MOSfjF.lt & TULia , Joss, Neb. Stook branded as shown on cut on cither hide. Also J-O on eith er side. a " "" i ' in Miyy cisy Township Sfl, und ruiRO 41 CURIIAM 1USOS, Canton, Sioux county, Neb. (Cross II Cross) on left hlriu. Also men left thigh. Underslopo on left e:ir. Uoisok branded SIUIKMIR I'.'ll tli on loft jaw and u on luftfthouUlcr. T. J. UUN I), Alliance, Neb. :i 5 connected any place on loft side. Itangu on head of l'lne I'rcek, Sheridan Ccounty l'OINT-OP-HOOKfe UANCH. JOHN' O'KLV.KK iV SOr. Alliance, Neb. Cat tin bi nulled OK ou left side: ulso ok und ok on leftside. sciiill itr.os., Sclilll, Neb. Cattle branded on right thigh nr XV on right side. Township 27, raugo J5,Shcrldui county. STOKM LAICB ItANUIl, KOltr.KT OHAIIAM, Cleinan, Neb, As In cut on right or left hip; left ear cropped. Horses branded U on left Jaw. E MAIIIN, llenilugford, Neb. Cattle branded flying horhuslioe on light bln.i.s incut. Home raticli .sec. -3-27-f0. Horse ranch in 20-i. HILLING. Hox Huttc, Neb. Cattle branded as Denton left hip, also with tho bur - ocr Instead of under brand. Alsoonleft side K'neh tiwl pv.vkw,l ai.bixj -wiii.,1,.,, ir In township range 40. II A. ALLISON, Lakeslde,Keb. Cattle branded N-o Wglit hip. ltango in Twp. 26, rango 45, Slier- dun county. Time Table Alliance. Neb, LINCOLN, DENVER, , OMAHA, HELENA, CHICAGO, BUTTE, ST. JOSEPH, SALT LAKE CITY KANSAS CITY, PORTLAND, ST. LOUIS, SAN FRANCISCO, nnd all points cast and all points -wct and south. Thains Leave as Toixowb, Mountain Time: No. 41 Passenger dally. Dcadwpod. llllllngM, all ixjluts north and ., , est 12:35a.m. No. 42 I'usspngcr daily, Lincoln, Omnha, uhlcago and all twlnts east , 2:45a.m. No. 301 l'ussenger dully, for Denver Df'rlm, l.,il r ,lso Con I....... '.'-..,... ..nv, Dull 1-11, 1" Cisco nnd all Intermediate ... ., points, departs at , 2:45 a.m. No, 302 1'usseiigor dally from Denver und all Intermediate points, arrives at .,..,.? 10:45a.m. No. 3Q5I)atly, excou Sunday, for points south und west, do- v ww-Ht1!? u , 12:50 a.m No. 300 Dally, except Bunday, from south and west, arrives 4:55 p. m. Sleeping, dining and reclining chair cars (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point In tho United States or Canada. Kor Information, time table and tickets call on or write no L.S.8Ao.Agont.orL. W. Wakklxt. den eral Passenger Agent. Omaha. Nebraska. I J Hv--nlt'SMfAMlKtik -M - IVCK V1IWB VMbn 3ffil Ffgpm " " ""v "SWWrWW "f Tr'JI fUSiJtir-iSSlmU I xv r c2C.iir.ti;yooci-ijwi II. A. nmf ' ' m 5g?!felfEfSS?7-aL ZzcMJz&&sd """'",a'TJ,Jst f-N- jr SS-SF Contest Notice I S LnndOrtld AIUriht Nob N.n 10. lift I A Millti'lent rtiii t -' nlfldnvlt IikvIiik 1hiii fllwl In this onii'f by lhiniiHS ( hitrloslim c-iiii t.stniil iiirnlustlliuiisti iidtmtry Nu tliHI,nmilc Inly U 1101, for vmlhwpst niiHrtt-r Mrtmn m, tnwiiil.ipi north, miiiri JO Mst li John Mi lliilo, ismtuHtov, in wliloli it Ik iilhwisl tlmt John M.'llult' never rpsli1id on wild tmot, nor hiuilo nnv Iniimm'inenlN tlitmni. Tlmt xiilil mIIccmI nbspiii-d f rom tin said hind was no, due t IiIh piii.loytiieut In the nrni), unvy -r ninrlue corps of tint Tutted Males tit n )rlnte Milillcr. ortloer. seHtnnn or timrluu during tlio wnr Willi Simlu or during nny other v;ir In ulilch thH Tnlted tats may tm en unitixl, snid pirtlesitro hor?b nutlliiltu nn pitir, tsspond und oUVrtiVidtt'initouclilnitMild nllfUMtioii tit 10 o'oliw-k a in (m.liiiiiiiiry ID, IIXXV before tin. ItigNur nihI lts'elornt the I'uited States liuul onht in AHinin'O, Nuliriisl.ii fi No 34 Unurc Wit.txix, Henlstur. Older of llenihiR on OrlRlnnl l'robute of Will. ST.VTi: OP NKUUASIC.V i li.i.t Mtn-ri; ( nt'NTV, i fSH. At a county court, bold at tho county court riHitn, In mid for Hltl count), Dec. IS. A. 1)., lmi I'roMiit. 1). K. Pjiitcht. County JuiIko In the mutter of ostatoof Henry (I. Tnjlor, llOOl'llsvil. t)u tciidlnix mid fllliiK the in'tttlon nf Mis. r.llrubeth I nylurjimylliK that tbuliistrilinnut. Illeil on tho ISlli day of DecenilKir, lft'l, mid purixittliiR to bo the tnt will mid 'I cstiiuiiint of tho x.ild ilcceaMNl, nmv im tinned, upprou-tt, iniilmtti1, uilowid, n nil nvortleil as tho last will mid testament of the Mild Henry (I. Taylor, tie ceased, mid tlmt the execution of wild Inntrtt tnunt nny bo roininltted unit the iidliilulstni tlou of suul estnto mnj be granted to nilmlwlli Taylor as oxecutrlx. Onlered, that Jnuiini 10, A. 1). IDiVi, atS oVlui'U p. tn , Is iissluitfil for hi'iirliiK snld lietltlon when all portions luterenled in said mutter may appear at a county court to bo hold lit and Tor said county, und show caiiwi why tin prayer of petitioner should nut bo granted: ami that notice of tho peudencj of snld lietltlon. and tho hem lint thereof, bo Rlvuntottll persons tnlereted In said inntlor hv tiiibllxhliur a conv nf tins order In The A t.l.IAM i: llKHAl.n a weekly newspaper print ed lu Mild county, for three Miecovilvo weeks, prim to said dny uf heiuiliK. Niitlce is further given that on tho 12th. dny of January, IP0J, at 10 o'clock a. in., there, will bi takou the deposition of Mlus K Hat ton and K. It. Ilntlli ticforecoiiipetentnuthorl liesalthuotllce uf II. II. Horth In the city of Itratul Island, Hall county. Nebrnska. xaid deposlllons to tie ui-fil In prulug and probat- IIIK VUltl will. (Atiueeopyl I). K iA(iir, ISmil :iiv-fp-l)ec, 10 I'ounty Judge, Mierlffa Sale. t vlttueof unoidcrof kiiIo issueil by the clerk of Hit district court of tlox llullncoiui tj, Nohraslvti, upon a decree rendered by snld court in fat or of James H, Skinner, plain t i IT, and ugulnst U S Morgan, detendaut, 1 will offer on the I4th day nfKcliriiaryt A. I). I!V).', at lu o'c.oi'k a. m. on said dnv. al the west front dufof the court bouse in Alliance lu said count), sell the following ile-crliieii real estate, to wit. Not thrust Quarter, of .section 17, lu Town- sbln i"i. none Hangu 1. west oth I M lu llo llutto county. NebruHku, itt iubllc attclio'i to tliohlghost bidder for. nisIi, to sat Isty said order of siilu.ln tliosiimof $ WM77und Inturest, costs und nccn Inir costs subject to all unp ild taxes. JKA Ui:nt), Smiiii 1. Tt)Tit.B, Sbcit i t said County Attorney f.jr l'lMuti r r v .inn, n Notice to Keitcum. Tlio Statu of Nebi.iskn, laj Hox llutto County. I ss To Samuel L Shaw, Hank of Commerce of flraud Island, Nebraska, nnd llersebol A. I M wards. ltccelerof Hank of Coiiuueivu of I i rand Island, NcbrasUa: You und each of you are hereby nottfitil that ou the Sth duy of April UTO. Jiiliu Weltiul puri'liiised at tax salo the Noith Lust Quarter or section 24, In Township 25 uf KiiugH4l', in llo Untie County, Nebr.isKa, That suld laud was taxed In the tiuiuu of Sam uel L Shaw and that nald niitchasn of tux sale of said land was made tor the years of IHtt, IW.I7. is".is, I WW, llix) and HMl und that Hiils(Mueiit taxes have been paid oil said land by John Welnel for the years 1KB and HU1. Tlmt tho time for redemption of tho afrould land will etpiroon thc8thday of April I WO Dated Alliance, Nebraska, this liuth day of Noxemlicr, 1WI. fp-Dec2 John Weinbl. Notice to Creditors. In county Court, within nnd for IJov llutto county, Nebrusku, Sept. 21, 1IK)4, lu tho mutter of the estate of John l-oister, deceased. To tho creditors of said estate: You uro hereby notllled, that 1 will sit at the County Court ItiKim in Alliuucu In said county, on the :Wtli day of Murch, 11X15, ut one o'clock p i.i., to recelvu and examine nil claims against said estate, wltli alow tothelr ndjustnient and allowance. Tho time limited for the pres entation nfcluluid ugulnst said estate Is six niDiiths. from tlio 24th day of Sept.. A I), 1001, and thotlmo limited for puitiienl of debts Is one year from said 24th day of September 1010. Witness my hand nnd tho seal of said county court, this 24th day of September, 1004. (ATrtioCnpy) D. K. Si-acht. hiiaiI 1- p Dec 2-4w. County Judge. AlotiK with our fancy hand painted China and Haviland china, we have glassware, lamps and white and dec orated dinner sots at a surprisingly low figure. Geo. Darling. Lstrayed. From 1113 premises about May x, one ted heifer, end of tail white, branded S on right hip; year old last May. L. Sampv, Hemingford, Neb. High Grade Shoe Making is an art. "Florsheim's" ajbility to origin ate smart creations for men in durable, footwear has won popular favor for .L. cf?. ..... CUC I' LUKSttblM Shoe. There is a vast differ ence in shoe making. Atrialofthe"FLOR sHEiM"SHOEwillconvinceyou of its excellent construction. We are desirous of con vincing you. W. W. Norton. ; imhihiiiiiii ctm 1J KtjA. .-HH T V T V V $ I V V ! Ranch Properties Wanted . If you Ucsito to sull your much, no mutter whethor loaatail in Nobrnskn or WyoiniiiR, we would likts to tiava you onll or write nml give ns it ilwcrlptton of it, lofollior with your vary lowost iirieo. Wc want tlio prico boih with nml without such tock ns may be on H. If your prico is rettsonablc, wo will find u purohasor for . mno within a vory slioit titno, tuul our clmrKo for Mttoh Btsr vico will bo ontiroly satisfactory to you. If you want to buy n much or some pasture lnnd, . or an iiri(;ntcd fiirin in tho North Plutto Valley, wo would also like to liavo you cotunitinionlo with us. We Offur for sale boiuo oxcollont propottios--many of them Krent barcnina anil wo enn tnako you sonic Kood pay. incut tonus. Wo also make mortgage loans 6u upprovod ranofi nnd irrigated lands. German Investment Company, J. W. GERMAN. Manager, ALLIANCE, - - NEBRASKA ?V in I I STYLE 689 Mado by Kalamazoo Corset Co. Alio Soto Mnkora ol American Doaulr and F. C. CorieU Nebraska Hide Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, Cow and Horse Hide Robes, Leatherand Saddlery Hardware Established 1878 L. C. BURNETT, M'gr. Nebraska ISTICJLSOIV F'JL.TC-X'CIHSl-t FIRE INSURANCE AGENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWINQ INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford Klro Insurance Company. North American of Philadelphia. I'hocnlx of Iilooklyn, New York, Continental of New York City. Niagara Flro Insurance Company. Now York Underwriters, New York. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Txindon Office Up-Stairs, I'lctchcr Illock. Dray and Transfer Line. W tnem The only spring Phone 139. Tiamonds, U . Souvenirs Repairing in all its i nail orders promptly Branches. "w , " attended to. A. O. Barnes, Jeweler and Optician, ooooocoyko( 0 Eif Insurance. Hemingford, Nebraska. Agent for the Caledonian, of Scotland, which Insure town property only, and the Colum bia, which Insures town and farm property and live stock. Doth are reliable old line com panies XsTotCLria.1 Work.- 1 0dK-0000000 5 3 f T V V V Y V t V T V f T 3 r r T r X '::":::::::::::..x..:..:..:..:.:-.m..:.-x:..:..:. American Beauty Corsets Style 689 MnAMMMMHMMM. New extended hip model, wide lace at top, fine quality sateen with hose sup- porters, size 18 to 30 for OC Style 416 Medium short extended hip, A new model for .05C Style 1089 A medium straight front girdle," very dainty model, wide lace trimmed n for :...5uc Tho pride of American ladies. Low front, long hip. hose supporter side,. , and front best cloth neatly trimmed. . .ip5 Fred Mollring, Nftr. and Leather Co. Always Reliable. City. Nebraska. Liverpool. London und (llobu Ins, Co, Cermuii Amur loan In,. (V, New York, Ifurmers and Mi rcjiuius Ins. Co , T.Ingoli). Cntumbla riro lusiiraucii Coinpiny. t'hlliuli'lplila Unilerwrlters. I'hoenlx las, Co., Ilartfonl. I'tinii. Alliance, Nebraska. HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry about what to do with your Household Goods. , S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store theta in a nice, dry and crol place and pack and ship wnerever oesirca. Charges reasonable. dray line in the city. S. A. Miller. Watches, Gold Jewelry, W. M. FOSKETr -u-ctiorLeer i Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . I On COMMISSION, or t BY THE DAY. fiT Satisfaction guaranteed. If 4 you want to buy or sell ranch prop- . t erty, list it with roe " Unii,u.Bvi,n XT..n , uiiHiurunu, linn, . ftM M ; w f S- L52..a?Br- -?& nm- " w '