The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 30, 1904, Image 4

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    1 onui mm c thus.
II OI U. I. HnrdstniRgle
Mels every
rr aumiay atternoon at
Visiting brothers welcome
Dell's ball.
I. A. Diinnino. V. M.
M. Haokavis. Sec' v.
L. O. T. M Meets every (lint hiiiI thlrtl 1'rr
ilay nl ltaffle Unit YlsltltiK Msccnliees col
illnlly InrUort. Mkh. It. J. llmvoui, li. ('.
Mrs Annmi Yoi-vr, It. if.
ltov.u. lltnm.vxtiims Alliance Cuttle Mo
43 moots VHty second ntttl fourth Tliurwlaj
evening In W. O W. Hall. Visiting Clansmen
enrdlallv liirllod.
K. I. Wooib, O. W. Lniiv,
3ec'y. L !'
Oman Pitoxn ISO. Hiimiiikicr l'lioKitim
Itonnts 1,8 nnil 3, I'Irst National Imnl; Initio
liitf, Alliance, Neb. Notnry In cilllrc.
AlllHMIoj'H tit JL.t-V ..
Collections given 1'rompt Attention.
North Mill it St,
S iu. it jcio a:hou:,
i id e zdjt ar i s a?
q In Alllnnce to-joofevery month.
5 Olfico over The Famous . . .
O 9
o 'Phono 391 $
Ms uox in nTi: aviimm:,
I'liuno a:s.
Culls iiiiHunroil In town or cmiiitrj.
i'M cni'.ii iii.ociv,
.W.I.IAM'.I'., Milt.
t'ulis misuiiri'il from olllce- duy or night.
Telephone No. ti3.
Ilk-uoiei-IWolMYe. AM.IANUi:. NIIIl
H. H. Belhvood,
llolMcn Iluliains, - AJ.IilANJi:, NKU
ORIco In rirr.1 National II ink block. Mil
mice NchriisUu.
riivsli-ltm line Mirgeon l)y nnil iiIkIiI culls.
Ollli-oover Mobile Stole. 1'liimuiM).
II O M I'. () 1 A I II I C
l II Y S 1 (I I V N A X I .s t' It G 15 (I X
Porniurlv Interne Homeopathic llos-
luuii university in low it.
Phone SSI. OIIUv ovur Alliance M100 Store.
NlRht 011IN answered fmhi oflU-e.
Ht- - - .-.
E. E. BARR, H. D.
Physician and Surgeon
All Diseases of the
NOSE and
Successfully Treated
Fitting of Spectacles a Specialty
Office (Her Alliance Shoe Store
Guy Lockwood
KMIlAI.MirsG -
Funeral Director and Embalmer
Phones OITice 214. Res 205
Expert I.uJy
Attendant.. AlllfUlCB, Net,
Hi la Grand Tonsorial
Orvillk Owxk, Proprietor.
Firstclass service. Patronage solicited.
SEE Jos. Carey & Co.
For house moving, well boring
making and cleaning coespouU
moviug box cars, ete . ...
nitobc Ibcralb.
ruHUsm ! rmiAs
T, j. O'KKEFE Publisher
J H. KNIEST Associate Editor
Entered at the postoftlce nt Alliance,
Nebraska, for transmission through the
mails, as second-class matter.
IT Tim Hkkalii is the Official Publica
tion of Box Butts count- and its ofrcala
tion is nearly twice that of any other Al
linnce paper.
Display, per single column inch per
month 5
Business locals, per line first insertion .10
Each subsequent insertion, per line .05
Legal notices at statute rates.
Subscription, $1.50 pur year in advance.
Win. Craw foul was down ftoin A I
lianc( ftcitn Ii idu until Momlny. Hu
11 tul J. M. Caw.kitis lmvp been patlnura
in Hie cattle business but dissolved.
Mr. Chu kimi taking the ranch on' the
Kedwillow and Mi. Crawford the one
In the sfind hills. That icniinds us,
Mr. Cawl.ins' place on the 'Redwiilow
is the boat piece of land in this section
of the country. The liuid under the
Nine Mile canal is as level as .1 floor
and has an excellent stand of the heat
wheat Brass wo have hud a chance to
fee. On foiu teen actes of ground last
year Mr. Cawkins raised 2800 bushels,
of potatoes. Besides thin he raised
oats, com, alfalfa and wild hay. He
has just teeently completed a now five
room house, litis good bains, a good
cellar, a huge shsil coveted with .straw
and a potato cave containiiiR 1800
bushels of fine potatoes. Stand up for
western NebiasKu. Hayatd Trans
hcript. Up-to-dntc Society.
(i)KNVKK rosr.)
"Our up-to-date sweioty is built upon the
'I hat money maUus the nmrit go and it aim
makos the man.
You needn't have an ounce of brains,
You nuudn't have n name,
15ut if you have a million )ou're a leader
just the same.
And if jour reputation shows a freckle
hare and there,
Just gloss ilium o'ur with money and bo-
duty won't care.
To shine in li!)li society and cut a swag
ger dash,
You may bo short on morals but you must
be long on cash:
And as for education,
Never give a thought to that,
It really dosun't matter if the earth is
round or Hat,
But when it comes to pocketbooks it mat
ters quite a lot,
We like ycu not for what you are, but
what ve think you've got,"
Mr. 0. I J. Woods ilesues to an
nounce that be is piepatcd to furnish
music at public or private enteitoin
incuts any eeninn in the week except
Sunday. With the double bom pho
nograph and fine selection of records,
both vocal and instrumental. Mi.
Woods is piepaied to furnish "music
suitable for any social occasion. Reas
onable chaigob. Dates made at Tin.
Hhkvi.o office.
J no. Sullenberger droe up to Agate on
business Tuesday, returning Wednesday.
Miss Beam Ijft on 42 Friday night for
Omaha and will take a two weeks vaca
tion. James Sullenberger came down from
Laramie, Wyo , Wednesday to visit for a
Mrs. G. A. Walbridge of Ardmore is
here to spend the holidays with her
E. T. Gregg has built a watch house on
his ice pond and will keep a man station
ed there.
A large number of people from Belmont
attended the entertainment at this place
Friday night.
Will Nicholson and sister of Whistle
creek came down to attend the cantatta
Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Hollibaugh was
down from Crawford and spent Christmas
with relatives.
Mr. Pearson of Hamburg, Iowa, who
has cattle interests in this vicinity was
out for a few days last week returning to
Iowa Friday night.
Rev Shriver returned home Saturday
evening from a week of meetings at Crow
Butte, which have resulted in much good,
there being seven conversions.
The cantata entitled "Catching Santa
Claus," was presented to a crowded house
last Friday night and we hear nothing but
compliments for the entertainment. The
children all displayed marked merit and
there was not a break from start to finish.
Wanted to Rent.
A good ranch with or without stock,
for a torm of yoars by an oAporiancod
and very toliablu man.
Gijrman Invustmbnt Co.
it Alliance, Nob.
, KiUh I. Pl rei Is fully nutliorl7od to m-ili-ltMiln'il)tliiiis
mill Jil Murk hiiiI rolli-i t
ami rercliil for same, and tninwa nil otlmr
tiiMiiis fu eunntvUiMi with IiIh portion as an
hoc ml I nil n?iiffiitUre of lliU tHwr.j
T Christmas trees
G M. Dnrus is woiking here atpresent.
Mr. I'ikner was in Alliance last week.
Mrs, Ban Price was in Alliance last
week. v
W. M. Ward wnt Christmas in Al
liance. Ira Jluirinell vfns up from Alliance
Mist Ins Greeu is vilithig friends here
this week.
Mm. B. K. Johnson spent lust week with
her mother.
F. E. Olds is spending Christmas in
Rolmrt Hunter is spending1 his vacation
on the ranch.
Mrs. Ward came up from Alliance Sat
urday morning.
Tom PrinRle went back to the Black
Hills Wednesday.
Miss Emma Paul lias been visiting
friends in Alliance.
Mrs Rosa Schilling and husband are
visiting tier parents.
Ore I'oaket and wife spent n couple of
days in town this week.
Miss Pearl Staggs is the guest of the
Walker sisters this week.
Miss Maine O'lveefe was up from Al
liance the first of the week.
Mrs. Ahley gave a Christmas dinner 10
a large number of friends.
The fall term of the Price school closed
very successfully last Friday.
Miss Josie Kate 1 is visiting her sister
Miss-'Jtnnie Katen this week.
Rev. GudmundHon came up from Oma
ha Wednesday for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mra. Duckman of Alliance
spent Christmas in Ilemingford.
C 1C. Ball and family visited with F.
W. Huckn the first of the week.
Insure onr property against lire. Can
you afford to lose it? K. L. Pierce.
Mr and Mrs 1$. L. Fanner took dinner
with C. J. Wildy and family Christmas.
Mrs. was the guest of Mrs.
Johnson and Mrs Davv'son the first of the
Mr.s. C. J. Wildy and wo daughters and
Miss Rlsie Neoland wont to California this
week to isit relatives.
A. L. Muirhead of Omaha, a professor
in the Creighton Medical university isit
ed his brother here Wednesday.
Ora Plippips went up to Crawford Sat
urday for a short visit with his brother Ira
who was at that place temporarily.
The M. W. A. lodge are taking in quite
a number of new members now and they
will soon boast of 100 members if the
neighbors keep on hustling.
The cost of dwelling house insurance is
so low in Ilemingford that it seems like no
one could afford to be without it. Inquire
about it. K. L. Pierce, Agt.
Miss Lottie Worley is visiting her rela
tives here this week. She is employed
as professor of history at Uellvue College
near Omaha one of the prominent de
nominational schools of the state.
A very pleasant masquerade ball took
place in Green's hall Monday night. The
pruo was awarded to Wm. Broich and
Miss Kaper. Notwithstanding the severe
cold a ery large number were out.
There was a Christmas tree in the Con
gregational church and another in the
Methodist church Saturday evening. Both
were well attended and a carefully pre
pared program was rendered at each.
Several other trees and the usual at
tendant esercisos furnished amusement in
the various surrounding Sunday schools,
The time to insure your livestock is now
when the number is low. They are put in
at an average of a fixed amount and when
the unmbor is small the cost is corre-'
spondingly small. Actual value of stuff
killed by lightning or burned, prompt
adjustment, cash as soon as adjusted, old
line companies, and many other advant
ages. Think it over. K. L. Pierce, Agt.
H. R. Green and John Kulin have
strung the wire on the Dunlap line. .This
line is of the finest, being built of good
substantial poles properly insulated and
grounded and is built on the section lines
between here and Dunlap, It is the indi
vidual property of the twenty-one persons
who built it. A similar line should be con
structed from here to Canton either by way
of Nonpareil or Lawn. It could go either
way, depending on which route had the
most rustle.
Someone entered the section house at
Girard Christmas eight and made away
with money and property belonging to the
Keane brothers and to Dennis Bergen a
section employe. The exact amount is not
known but is thought to be considerable.
Mr. Bergen had several hundred dollars in
an old pair of overalls in his trunk but the
thief depising such a garment threw it to
one side or he might readily have increased
his haul. There are not many people in
the country who would have confidence
euough in humanity to leae very much
money in a house in which no one was
staying for the day. One of the Keaue
brother took his out of his trunk that morn
ing liecause he feared fire while they were
all away wit he uever thought of robborv
An arrest was made at Alliaice.
wantsu 10 ouy a
rnuph.- G. L.
Photographs for the
A practical, "satisfactory, economical solution of
problem, which wc an iLrn nmtritiiio; every day
Con Bass has his new wind mill up and
WHter to waste and for the birds
Mr. Mackolhanev is now assisting Km
Hickcy in his ranch- work for the winter
Miss Florence Meek is visiting a few
days this week with her sister. Mrs. Con j
Bass I
Mr. Zimmerman wns in Alliance Tiifs- 1
day with a load of dressed hogs and pmil-1
try for tho market.
Mrs. Julia Zites from Wisconsin is wit
ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joso'i
Knper, Sr., this week. '
Dock Randall is now cutting the finis
ing touches on Arthur Bass' new hous
and when completed will 1j a model one
John Foster, formerly 1 if this count- b,'
now of Montana is visiting with friends
and acquaintances. He is the guest of
J. W, Broshar.
The Sunday school wns asked to gie
St. 00 to help the Belmont people fiuuh 1
their church and a collection taken, ard
S2. 23 was the result
Miss Mary llickey closed her term of
school in the Poole district, oast of Man
land, last Friday and will spend her vaca
tion at home with her parents.
Bert Langford passed through Canton
Friday enroute for Marsland. from
whence his mother goes to Crawford to
sjiend the hoiidavs with friends
Bert Stewart foreman of the fence gang
on Roy Hickey's ranch, severed his con
nection with the same 'last Saturday and
will be looking after his own ranch inter
ests during the winter.
Will Clayton came up from Alliance
where ho has been attending the high
school, Inst Friday and will spend the holi
days with his parents and friends, after
which he will resume his studies,
Geo Zimmerman is one to whom bad
luck visited last h'ridav. A 2oo mare
laid dnun and died. This makes five
head of young horses Mr. Zimwerman hns
lost during the past year, two from disease
and two from lightning.
Charles Snow, of the Forest Lumber
Co., at Alliance, was in this vicinity the
guest of G. E. Zimmerman, the fore part
of the week and on his return home he
took a big steer which had been in Mr.
Zimmerman's herd for some time. '
Rumor has it that one of Canton's model
young men who owns a fine hay claim
and ranch combined on Snake creek and
is well stocked with cattle, is to take unto
himself a help-mate about Jan. 10.
Watch these columns later on as leap
year has played her part in this match.
Another Xmas has come and gone and
all is well. The exercises at the church
Christmas Eve were well carried out with a
big program, and a good time wns the re
sult. A large tree was well loaded with
fine preseuts from every direction and a
treat for every one besides which seemed
to please those preeut.
The Christmas dinner given by Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Randall on Friday, Dec. 2,-j,
was an up-to-date affair and quite a num
ber of their friends were present as fol
lows; Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Clajton, J. W.
Broshar and family, Otis Bass and family,
Consie Bass and Rollie Shetler and fam
ily, li. C. Curtis, Aithur Bass, C. W.
Lockwood and W. C. Phillips. The writ
er wishes to meet Mr. and Mrs. Randall
on many more such occasions.
Early Wednesday morning Dec, 14th,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Moravek, near Canton, there occurred an
event that never will fail to arouse all the
love and adoration that a faithful husband
can possibly feel for a wife that is tender
and true. On that morning a little
stranger a girl perfectly formed and
pretty as a dream, made her appearance
into this home, thus adding another link to
their thus far unbroken chain of happi
ness. Cut flowers, Saturday,
ing. -Geo. Datl-
Swell line of pictures and medallions
nt Darling's.
riissWilhemine Bohn
Instructress of
Voice Culture
Class and Individual Lessons
l"or terms, en-, call at mm llo IlutU'
avenue. ThoiioiC'l
National Roller Bearing Carpet
Sweepeis won the three highest medals
at St. Louis exiositiou. See theni at
Geo. Dai ling's.
Wll 5
ersons to buy first-class
mining stock, sure prof
its. Par vuluo, $5.00,
soiling St. 00 per share. Wiite to
branali office Lacota Gold Mining and
Reduction Co., Crawford, Nob. Box 57.
' vNvN-.A'vvv(rv.v-Nv.,,4
!) )i't forget to send
a Souvenir JSlMtion
Profnselv and Beautifully
,.i 3 3 U 3 S Sis fr-S-S
Would Mnfco it Fine Present.
Now that the hulidav season is near
at band and thoughts of the folks at
home and dear friends will come to
vour u'colltrtiim more vividly than
ever, it is a good time to Send them
something that will bo of special inter
est. Them is nothing that so fasci
nates ths nitiid and eye as scenes and
views of the locality in which the
hondci lives or pei haps for a time is
sojourning. To those in western Ne
braska, and especially Box Butte
county and the citv of Alliance, no
better leniembtance could be had than
a copv of the Tin. Ilr.u.u.n's special
souvenii edition. We still have a few
copies of this fine woik on hand, and
those who desiie to transmit a copy
through the mail, will find them neatly
wrapped and ready to send. The illus
trations aie something fni" and the
frontispiece in colors a work of the
highest art. This edition has won the
distinction of being the finest thing of
the kind ever published in the west and
hence its value as a special holiday
token. The price, 25 cents, is only a
trifle compared to the appreciation it
will give to those receiving it.
In speaking of this beautiful work,
we quote from the many hundreds of
expressions the following comments:
Geo. A. Hills pavs Sc in trade for
fined natives. 7c in tiade foi heavy
side btands, 6c in tiade for light side
bt anils-,; ic less for cash; 7c in trade
for green natives, 6c in trade for hetivx
side brands, 5c in tiade for liht side
biandn; ic less for cash. I buy horse
hides, sheep pelts and fins. Biing
them in. Now is the time to save a
hide for a robe.
Ne-irlv all the ailments of the human
race in these d.i)s are caused by the Blood.
Stomach and Kidneys being out of order.
There is not a case on record than Co-Lon-Co
hasn't ciired. Ask your druggist.
Closing out eveiy thing legardless
of cost. Call and get prices. G. W.
Money to Loan.
S2000 to 1( in on approved security
10 per ceut interest
Dec. 2-jt G. L. Mokfatt.
From my piemises about May 1, one
led heifer, end of tail white, luanded
5 on right hip; year old last May.
L. Sami'v,
Hemingfoid, Neb.
Avoid Risk and Terrors of Operation
for disease, by using Dr. Moses S. Hotch
kiss' perfect specific for inflammation,
Cure for all diseases, acute or chronic,.
Paralysis overcome in from 2 to 4 months
puiting patient on feet. Equal relief for
rheumatism and all other chronic diseases
This specific is a never-failing cure for
diptheria. perspiration induced inside of
6 hours and improvement shown in acute
cases inside of ten days.
Specific single bottle $t 00, ,'j doz.
S5.00. Doz Sio.oo. 15 vears successful
experience. Write for particulars and
circulars, Frank McFahland,
49-4 Crawford, Neb.
Moving Household Furniture
and Trunks a specialty . .
Phone No, 1 Young's grocery, Alliance
the Christmas
Can Ave show vou
our friends and relatives
of tbc alliance Ibcralo
Illustrated. Otilv 20.
Omaha Daily Bee: The Industrial
edition of Tint Ai.lianlu (Neb.) IIi.u
ai i) is as delightful to the eve as the
first flowers of spring. Nothing finer
has issued from any press in Nebraska.
A characteristic pictuio of Indian life,
printed in colois, adorns the front
page. Half-tone pictmes of scenes in
town and countty and pot traits of
prominent people illuminate the many
pages of mattci descriptive, histoii
cal, literal y and statistical. Publisher
O'Kecfe dcseives the glad hand from
the people of the state in general and
from Alliance in paiticulai.
Omaha Daily Woild Herald: The
Industrial Edition ot Tun Ai.liancu
Hr.RAiii, T. I. O'Keefc, publisher, is
one of the neatest and most compie
liciisivc publications that ever made
its appearance in the west. It is print
ed on heavy book paper. The first
page is handsomely illustrated with a
large colored picture, showing a num
ber of mounted Indians viewing m the
distance a passing railway train, and
as one of the red men poi'nts to it he
seems to say, "That is the beginning
of the end." On the inner pages are
many half-tone pictures of piominent
western men and beautiful scenes, in-
teru oven with reviews of the growth
ana Uevelopement of the great west.
It is such publications as these that
help build up the "great American
dtseit," and Editor O'Keefc is to be
congratulated on the valuable contri
bution he'has made to the interests of
his growing town.
Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house.
Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of
manufacturing dipping vats.
Dr. Koons, dentist.
Norton block.
Office upstairs
See Humphrey for picture framing, up
holstering and furniture repairing.
Harold B. Miller. M. D.. phsician and
surgeon, office and residence 321 south
Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb.
Go to the Alliance National Bank to
deposit your money. Oct. 7-tf.
HnHf.'"' S!1,C L"dlcs' Suits "d SUlts (It
Those indebted to Zbinden Bros, ate
iequested to call and settle their ac
counts at once, as the firm wants to
close same by the.rst of the year. 52-2
rnuay is Fresh Fruit Day at
Gleason's Delicacy Store. Nov. n-tf
We've just teceived a line of 5
Burnt Leather
Just the thing for holi
day presents. They're
going fast. Better buy
them now while the as
sortment is good.
Prescription Druggsr 5
306 nox Butte Ae. 5
v a