The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 02, 1904, Image 3

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Rhentnntla.mltnplilly'ntiilllmllrnlly Currd.
Quick Work of a l"ntnou Huiunlj-.
Conveiiicncc, comfort, safety, spoon" nro
donmndeu hy tlio traveling intuitu in our
rapid century nnd the keenest intellects
constantly at work on theso problems
nro malting wonderful progress in tlio
construction of tlio ntcamsbip nnd tbo
locomotive Lilto rnsults nro Bought in
medicines and Dr. Williams' 1'ink Pills
for Palo Pcoplo aro aRtonisbing tbo world
by tbo triumphs tboy aro winning in tbo
rapid euro of obstinate maladies, Mich at
rheumatism. With speed they combine
convenience, perfect safety lnnl cheap
Iloro is fresh proof of their concen
trated virtues : Mrs. Marguret Gautz,
bf No. 1327 Bodeman street, Burlington,
Iowa, is an industrious German woman,
who about two and a half years ago
found herself in danger of losing hei
power to work altogether. Sho says :
"I got rheumatism which mado my
knees ami elbows very stiff and painful.
I had difficulty in raising my arms and
I could hardly lift my feot over my
doorstep. I ought to have gono to bed,
but I could n't afford to do that, so I
forced myself to work in splto of tho pain
nnd stiffness. After suffering for about
i.ix months, I was told about Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills for Palo Pcoplo by a
friend, who said sho had been cured by
them. On her ndvieo, I bought ono box
and iu two weeks after I began to uso
thorn I was well and I havo had no need
to uso them now for nearly two years.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills nro a good mod
iciuo and if I over havo rheumatism
again I will get a box right away. I
havo told many friends what tlioy did
for mo and I qui glad to havo everybody
This is valuablo news to all who suf
fer from rheumatism. Thcso pills havo
also cured stubborn cases of locomotor
ntaxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance,
sciatica, neuralgia, nervous headache,
palpitation of tho heat t and all forms of
Weakness in innlo or female.
They aro Bold by all druggists, or
will bo sent directly from tho Dr. Wil
liams Mediciuo Co., Schenectady, N.Y.,
on receipt of tho price, fifty cents per
box; six hoxcfi for two dollars nnd a half.
Look for tho full namo on every box.
Some people aro so egotistical that
they imagine everybody they meet Is
glad to seo them.
MENTS. Wo aro tho largest mine operators
In the west and cordially invito you
to write for, prospectus and full partic
COMPANIES, which havo joined in
TEE ASSOCIATION, with ?5.000,00Q
Write for free Information and bo con
325 Olive Street, St. Louis. Mo.
An actress may not be an angel
herself, but sho doesn't object to have
ono hovering around at times.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
ey tocil ppllcttloni, at tner cannot retch the dtfr
eutd portion of tbe ear. There la only one way to
cure deafpeM. and that la by constitutional remedlea,
peafneia It cauaed by an Inflamed condition of the
mucoaa lining of tbe Enitacblan Tube. When tbti
tube la Inflamed yon haTe arumbltnic sonnd or Im
perfect bearing, and when It la entirely cloaed. Deaf
neaa U tbe reaalt.and unleta tbe Inflammation can ba
taken out and tbla tube rettored to Ite normal condi
tion, hearing will be deatroyed foreten nine caaea
out of ten are canard by ( atarrb, which la nothing
but an Inflamed condition of the mucoua turfacea.
We will giro One Hundred Dollar for any caae of
Deaf neaa i canted by catarrh) tbat cannot be cured
by Hall't Catarrh Cure. Send for ctrculara. free.
F. J. CUtMiY & CO., Toledo, a
Fold b DrugcUta. 75c.
Take Uall't Family Fills for conttlpatlon.
Dishwashing will whiten tho hands,
but tho druggist docs not sell dish
water in an ornamental jar.
To tho housewife who has not yet
become acquainted with the new things
ot everyday uso In the market nnd
who Is reasonably satisfied with the
Did. we would sugsest that a trial ot
Defiance Cold Water Starch bo made
At once. Not alone because It 16 KUar
antoed by tho manufacturers to bo hu
perlor to any othor brand, but becau&o
each 10c packano contains 10 ozs.,
whllo all the other kinds contain but
12 ozs. It Is safe to say that the ludy
who once uses Defiance Starch will uso
no other. Quality and quantity must
Ho that does good to another does
good also to himself, not only in the
consequences, but in tho very act; for
tho consciousness of well doing is,
In itself, amplo reward. Seneca,
Important to Mothers.
Exnmlno carefully every bottle of CASTORIA
a raid nnd cure remedy for infants find children,
and eco tout it
Hears tho
of Ova&ffi&&JUM
la Uso For Over 30 Years.
Too Kind You Havo Always Bought.
You can't pleaso Bomo peoplo and
you don't havo to pleaso others.
Which class do you mako tho greater
effort to pleaso?
Other states may boast of their cap
tains of industry, but Kentucky has
her colonels.
Try me Just once and I am sure to
come again. Defiance Starch.
A man never kicks If his namo is
misspelled in tho police records of a
pJ Save 3 on Drugs
LJxJ writ for our 100-paga catalogue,
V howin: 10.000 article at cut prices.
rS PXTEaJr medicines, rubbeh
Um goods, trusses.
rr. siiwmah a mccokkeil drug co.
f CWaUtetwdDM, Omaha, Nl.
A Ions trestlo on tho Burlington's'
Omnba-St. Louis mnln lino near Ne
braska City Junction burned. All
trains on that lino wero sent via Ham
burg. Itcd Oak and I'uclflc .1 unction.
Whllo out hunting Sunday young
Peter Slnnct of Harvard received tho
chargo of his rlflo in his right hand,
tho ball passing through three ot his
fingers. Moral: Don't hunt on Sun
day. Alexander Olllaspic, a young man
living northeast of Beatrice, mado a
record husking corn on tho Kusam
farm one day last week. He gathered
104 bushels in eight hours and a half
in corn that would not yield more
than thirty bushels per acre.
Xho mysterious disappearance of
R. P. Ingalls. n jeweler of Ixmg Pine,
coupled with the fact that his wife
died a week ago and that ho bought
a razor on the evening of his disap
pearance, and also that two years ago
he tried to commit suicide, has caus
ed alarm at that place and searching
parties are working In vain to locate
tho missing man.
Constable Smith of Jackson brought
to Dakota City and turned over to
Sheriff Hansen p aiemented man about
40 years old. -vo had been in tho
vicinity of Jackson during the day,
putting people to fright by his wild
and unbalanced talk. The man gives
his name as Joe Sharkley and has
been In the vicinity for several days
with a gang of hoboes.
Commencing January 2. 1905, the
University of Nebraska offers a course
of Instruction in the principles and
practice of agriculture. The courso
covers the subject of soils, field crops,
dairying, butter and cheese making,
breeds nnd judging of live stock, dis
eases of farm animals, horticulture,
shop work, farm machinery nnd Eng
lish. No examinations nro required
for entrance.
Joseph Golssel. the man wanted' at
Tecumseh for forging checks, is well
known in West Point. Ho was sen
tenced to the penitentiary from Cum
ing county for one year about eigh
teen months ago. His crime was very
similar to tho one alleged against
him in Johnson county, the forging of
a check upon which he obtained a suit
of clothing nnd somo money from a
local merchant.
Diedrlch Shindlor, who owns a large
stock farm near Nebraska City, has
lost a number of cattle during the
last week, which have died of black
leg. Several stockmen who own farms
near Shlndlcr's report the disease as
being prevalent among their cattle.
Charles Schank and Floyd Smith
killed a largo black eagle west ot
Beatrice several days ago. After hav
ing its wing broken tho bird put up
a game light and one of tho men killed
it with a club.
A. L. Haecker. associate professor
of dairy husbandry, In charge of that
department of tho university school of
agriculture, has been offered the po
sition of director of the experimental
station maintained by tho Brazilian
government at Plraclcaha, In tho state
of St. Paul. Tho position carries with
it a salary of $3,000 a year and nn in
crease of $250 a year until tho salary
is $4,000, together with free house
rent The professor Is seriously con
sidering tho offer.
Tho preliminary hearing of Charles
W. Derby, who is charged with com
mitting perjury in his evidence In tho
Llllie murder case, was set for trial
at David City November 22, but the
parties have agreed to a continuance
for about two weeks, owing to the
fact that the district court is In ses
sion and the attorneys aro busy in
tho trial of cases there. The arrest
of Mr. "Derby Is tho chief topic of con
versation. Somo aro of tho opinion
that tho case should bo dismissed.
Dr. Peters of tho State Agricultural
college was 1n West Point. At the
opening of tho big salo of Hereford
cattle tho doctor delivered nn address
to tho farmers present, after which
ho awarded a Shorthorn heifer to J.
C. Braun, a resident of Snyder, as a
prizo, ho being declared tho best judge
of llvo stock at tho college.
Ruth, tho 4-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Guy Ioper, living several
miles east of Humboldt, suffered some
Bovero burns by falling into a tub of
hot water which her mother had felt
on tho floor. Sho will recover.
Attempt was mado at Omaha to
wreck tho homo of Attorney Elmer
Thomas by placing dynamlto on the
porch. Tho building was much dam
aged and tho livos of tho occupants
endangered. Tho dastardly attempt
was mado at 1 o'clock in tho morning.
Mr. Thomas Is attorney for tho Civic
Federation, and It is supposed the
crimo was instigated and carried out
by a vicious element for whom ho Is
making It warm. A rewnrd of $9,000
Is offered for arrost and conviction of
tho guilty parties.
A spirited religious revival Is on at
John B. Boose, who was held to tho
district court of Otoe county on the
charge of murder in tho second degree
for tho shooting and killing of his
son during a family quarrel, was re
leased from jail on a $2,000 bond,
which was signed by his neighbors
and friends. He will havo his hear
ing in the district court at tho Janu
ary term.
The Missouri Pacific Railway com
pany has paid its taxes in Otoe coun
ty without a protest. They amounted
to $13,120.27 for this year and $11,
704.36 for last year.
Complete but Unofficial Returns from
Unofficial, but completo returns for
tho state of Ncbrnska show that tho
voto on president at tho last election
was In tho neighborhood or 225,000, or
nbout 10,000 less than was cast four
years ago. Of the votes cast Presi
dent Roosevelt received 1.17,513; Par
ker got 52.C97; Watson, 20,522; Swal
low, C,:!05; Debs, 7.3S0. This gives
Mr. Roosuvelt a plurality of 84,833,
and a clear majority over all of 50,02(5.
On governor the voto wns very nenr
ly tho same in total as for president.
Oovornor Mickey recolvod 111,707;
Borge, 102.470; Swandcr, 5,277; Vail,
5,087; Mickey's plurality, 9,237.
Tho unofllclal returns from tho nine
ty counties of tho stato on president
Hooie- Tnr- Wnt- Swnl-
velt. ker. uii. low.
Atinin) .... 231ft 002 4C7 113
Anlelopo ., IRirt 3RI 509 l
linnncr .... l&r. 18 ! t
Hlulno 127 .14 17 3
Boone 1S23 471 42S 124
llox UuttO.. CCS 218 71 20
Hoyd 1233 328 247 47
Brown .... r,87 130 74 8
Buffalo 2554 730 642 94
Burt 2081 528 171 S3
Butler 1723 1273 281 97
fuss 2711 1465 196 154
(Vtlnr 1797 1021 148 31
Chime 329 111 74 13
rherry .... 978 325 fS 44
Cheyenne .. 681 261 30 35
Clay 2118 701 676 111
Colfax 1180 769 149 77
Cumin .... 1490 1245 61 25.
CttMcr 2658 509 1058 118
Dakota .... 855 523 28 34
PaW'-H .... 818 248 81 23
DnWHOli ... 1712 457 437 129
Deuel 309 108 36 4
Dixon 1524 575 141 82
DodRP 2789 1643- 87 93
DotlKlns ... 15248 6S06 279 S55
Dundy 395 92 94 10
Fillmore ... 1980 839 579 45
Franklin .. 1269 472 362 46
Frontier ... 993 1S9 353 29
Furnas .... 1569 393 479 78
Gafjo 4304 1328 196 238
Ori field ... 406 84 94 4
Gosper .... 518 154 212 24
Grant 113 49 6
Greeley ... 836 447 185 20
Hnll 2508 813 271 93
Hamilton .. 1845 548 410 161
Hnrlnn 1178 299 350 ' 157
Mayes 335 109 48 7
Hitchcock .. 598 166 190 10
Holt 1740 634 706 122
Hooker .... 72 22 8 2
Howard .... 1254 475 401
Jefferson .. 2067 662 122 126
Johnson ... 1611 642 150 119
Kearney ... 1235 393 384 t3
Keith 263 84 75 2
Koya Palm. 448 97 129 10
Kimball ... 143 14 10 2
Knox 2163 826 328 91
Lancaster .. 8167 1981 663 (52
Lincoln ... 1449 326 223 CO
I.oifun 100 22 34 4
Loup 223 23 69 ,...
McPherson . 108 12 5 1
JWndlnon ... 2210 1050 157 53
Merrick .... 1275 400 242 155
Nance 1198 184 224 62
Nemaha ... 1946 784 290 114
Nuckolls .. 1615 5S5 385 46
Otoe 2616 1421 168 104
Pawnee ... 1739 561 91 109
Perkins .. 179 57 85 4
Phelps 1567 217 393 110
Pierce 1122 454 97 39
Platte 1947 1510 158 61'
Folk 1235 239 690 179
fti'd "Willow 1373 305 257 61
Richardson 2554 1664 135 68
Book 498 13S 39 23
Saline 2390 1147 245 113
Sarpy 998 675 49 54
Saunders .. 2880 1094 582 180
Scott's Bluff 530 103 34 27
Seward 2243 1029 279 80
Shnrldnn... 673 172 182 40
Sherman .. 809 140 423 21
Sioux 247 111 24 13
Stanton ... 895 512 57 21
Thayer .... 1930 812 209 101
Thomas ... SC 39 11 2
Thurston .. 757 538 20 C
Valley 1138 220 867 60
Washing-ton 1868 794 104 38
Wnvne .... 1463 661 71 30
Webster ... 1685 423 446 89
Wheeler ... 187 56 69 4
York 2529 753 426 211
Totals ..
Majority ..
.137613 S2C79
. 84,833
. 60,626
20622 306
Postmistress Resigns.
TECUMSEH Miss Orpha Colllnn
has resigned as postmistress at Smart
vlllo, this county. Sho saj'B tho post
offlco will not pay more than from $25
to $30 per quarter and sho cannot af
ford to give it her time.
Osmond Bank Sold.
NORFOLK The Security State
bank of Osmond, has been sold by W.
M. Rainbolt to a number of Osmond
business men.
Typhoid Fever Epidemic.
NORFOLK A serious epidemic of
typhoid fever has broken out through
northern Nebraska and the diseaso
is reaping a harvest of many lives.
Tho causo of tho illness hns not been
determined. It is claimed by somo
that in Norfolk tlio standplpe, which
hns no screen over tho top, is respon
sible, being, as they alleged, filled with
dozens of dead birds.
Ex-Chancellor Fairfield Dead.
Information of tho death ot Rev Ed
mund Burko Fairfield, ex-chanceiior of
tho University of Ncbrnska, and for
years ono of tho uost prominent edu
calors in tho state, wua iccelved in
Lincoln. Rev. Fnirflold died at tils
homo In Oherlin, O., aged 81 years
Gage Farmers Fight Trust.
BEATRICE A rousing mass meet
ing was hold at Adams to consider
tho elevator project. Over $4,000 has
boon subscribed, and a building will
probably bo orocted in tho near fu
turo and an experienced grain man
put in charge.
Stampede of Cattle.
DAKOTA CITY C. J. O'Connor of
Homer suffered tho loss of thirty head
of cattle In Omaha creek, whllo a herd
of COO was being driven from this
place to Homer. Mr. O'Connor had
made a shipment of these cattlo from
his ranch In Cherry county. When
unloaded from the cars hore they wero
not watered, and when they smelted
tho water in tho creek they stampeded
and Instead of going onto tho bridge
wont over tho bnnk and thirty head
were drowned and trampled to death
before they could he gotten out.
Uncomplimentary Physician.
I)r, Gnrth, a witty physician of tho
court of Quoen Anne, had proscribed
a !intt.eeiis dose for tho groat warrior,
tho Duke of Marlborough. When the
duke objectod to following the direc
tions the fdinrp-touguod Duohots
Sarah hroko in by saying: "I'll be
hanged if It doos not euro you."
"Thero, my lord," interposed Gnrth,
"you had hotter swallow it; you will
gain either way."
Txwis' "Slnglo Binder" utratght lo
cigar Made by hand of ripe, thoroughly
cured tnlutrco. which Insures iv rich, witls
fylng smoke. You pay 10c for cigars not
so good, l-owls' Factory, Peoria, 111.
Paid for Daughter's Opportunity.
That his 17-year-old daughter might
got her chnnco on tho tnge, a well
known English stock broker guaran
teed tho whole of tho cxponscs ot n
now production, conditionally upon
lila favorite being given, nnd trnlned,
for tlio leading role. Tho venture- cost
him over 7,000, but tbo young Indy
has slnco earned n crodltnblo theatri
cal reputation.
Mrs. TiVlnslowii Hootlilnfr Ryrnn.
for rtitUlrrn tee thing, aofteoa the itiitni, rodurea to
"Umuailou, allaja pain, curoa wlndcullw Sca buttle.
Firmness Needed.
A flremnn on a Jersey Central loco
motive climbed down on tho pilot nnd
knocked a man off tho trnck when tho
engine got close to him. Tresspassing
on tho railroad tracks must bo sternly
suppressed. Buffalo Express.
All Love Admiration.
No truthful woman will admit that
sho'd rather bo a violet hidden in tho
woodland than an American Beauty in
a florist's window.
lU'!iln, Ullml, llleedlnK or 1'rotrudlnic l'lln. Vimr
druuclit sari II refund lunuur If l'AZO 01NTMKM
falla to cure jou la C to U da) a. 50c
New York Girls Must Smoke.
U'b funny how a girl's lips can smell
of tobacco smoko when alio has been
In a room alono with a man. Now
York Press.
Modern Education.
The Birmingham (Eng.) school au
thorities not only teach tlio children
to cook, but how to shop economic
ally. Mother Cray's Swoot Powder for Children,
Successfully used by Mother Gray, nursa
In tbo Children's Homo In New York, euro
Constipation, Fevorlshness, Bad Stomach,
Teething Disorders, movo and regulato tho
Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 80,01)0 tes
timonials. At all Druggists, 'J5o. Sample
FREE. Address A. S.Olmstod, LeRoy.N. X.
Thought for School Boys.
The boy who docs not go to school
does not know what Saturday is.
Maltblo D. Babcock.
When Your Grocer 8ays
he tlocs not havo Defiance Starch, you
may be sure he Is afraid to keep it un
til his stoqk of 12 oz. packuges ure
pold. Defiance Starch Ih not only bet
ter than any other Cold Water Starch,
but contains 10 oz. to the package and
sells for game money as 12 oz. brands.
Change Color of Plumage.
Ptarmigans change their brownish
gray plumage to puro white in win
ter. rT: Rt,(1 Kennedy Farnrlttt Itemrdy, th
Ore! Kidney nil U-erCur. World amou.. wmillr,
aUoiMdj'aboaa. lloudout, N. Y., f or fre aampla bolt la.
More women weep over onions than
over love affairs.
4 .
Il.lta4tanlAaiaAft A ft
rcucuaiiuu is mo
St. Jacobs Oil
In the treatment of
It penetrates to the seat of torture as no other external remedy
has been known to do and thousands certify to cures.
Price 25c. and 50c.
In t-hects of PURE ANILINE BLUE. Nobottles. Nopaddlcs. Nowaste. Glvcsthosamo
.mount of.bluclns water each vra&li-day. Aslc your grocer for it or send 10c for a book ot 25 leaves.
Fiie Handy Blueing Book Co., 87 E. Lake St., Chicago, III.
tolor mora ooodi brighter and latter colon than in)
lik. letter or we will tend pott paid at 10c a package.
".tTliompaon't Eyo Wttir
W. N. O, Omaha.
No. 491904
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.
Vffy. T? 03f Aa2" 52f4aSfflMaW
jTcLTT'Uf j1,Vj 1 f J . " t -i&lftljH3LjB.
bbbbbbEw rl BxBBBlBSBBBBrv.
bIbbbV' vX bbbbb
Miss Nettie Blackmore, Minneapolis,,
tells how any young
manently cured ot monthly pains by taRing
Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
"Youno Womei : I hiul frequont headaches of a sovero nature,
dark spoU toforo my eyes, nnd at my mciislrual periods I Buffered
untold airony. A member of tho lodgo advised mo to try T.ydla E.
rinklmm's Vrgctablo Compound, hut I only scorned good advice nnd
felt that my caso was hopeless, but sho kept at mo until I bought a
bottle nnd Htarted taking it. I soon had tho best reason in tho world to
chango my opinion of tlio medicine, as each day my health Improved, nntl
finally I was entiivly without pain at my menstruation periods. I am most
grateful"--Nkttii: BLAcicaiom:, 28 Central Ave., Minneapolis, Minnr
- Painful Periods - -:l3t
..t1.1.. n.l r..vmin lv m-ni-nnmn In' T.VHf. T3. TMnldlfUTl St
ura .iuii:'.i,v iuiu ifuiuiuiiuuuj . .. ,, - - , ia
Vcjrctttblo Compound. Tho nbovo letter is un.yono of hundreds oC
tliniiannilu which nriivn ihls HtatfllllOIlt to liO fact. MonBtrunUOlX
is ft sovero strain on a woman's vitality, if it is painful Bomothing'
is ivroiipr. Won't talco narcotics to deaden tho pain, but remove
tho causo perhaps it is caused by irregularity or womb displace
ments, or tho development of a tumor. Whatever it Is, Jjjuia
v.. ilnkhn.mH VfiL-tablo Comnound is jruarantoed to euro it. i
If thero is anvthlng nbout your caso about wnlcn you wouiu hko special
advlco, write freely to Mrs. Plnlchnm. Sho will treat your letter as strictly
confidential. Sho can surely help you, for no person in America can speak
from a wider experlencp in treating female ills. Sho has helped hundreds of
thousands of women back to health, ller address is Lynn, Mass., and her
fcdvico is freo. You are very foolish if you do not accept her kind Invitation.
W j 1
I am now enjoying tho best of health, nnd am most grateful, and only
too pleased to endorse such a great remedy." Miss Jennie KEdwAbm,
604 II St, N. W., Washington, D. C.
Mrs. Plnkham, whoso address is Lynn, Mass., will answer cbee
fully and without cost all letter addressed to her by sick; womem, ,
. . A . . .J?
coruiuut virtue oi
other dye. One 10c cackege colors (ilk, wool and cotton equally well and U guaranteed to olve perfect remits,
Write lor Iree booklet How to Die, Bleach and Mix Colors. MOXiintjiuOu CO., UntoHtUi, MUtouri
,If sho think you ought to bKool to your scalp
uml keep tho hair nature gave you. She knows.
about UNDOMA, tho greatest hair fcuver of tho
age. It's guarantied, lie knows. I
Send us your name for free treatment. I
woman may be per-1
Details of Another Case.
"Drjin Mna. Pikkiiam: -Ignorance and
carelessness is tho causo of most of tho suffer
ings of women. I beliovo that if wo properly ;
understood tho laws of health wo would all bo
well, but if tho fsick women only know tho
truth about Lydlu 13. Pinkhnni's Vegetable
Compound, they would bo saved much suffer
ing nnd would soon bo cured, j
M I used it for flvo months for a local diffi
culty which had troubled mo for years,
nnd for which 1 had spent hundreds
of dollars in tho vain endeavor to rec
tify. My life forces wero being Bappod,
ind I wsb daily losing my vitality.
"Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable
finmnnnnit ptimri mo comuletclv. and
-. .
Evcry housewifcsloatfi,
over finely starched
llncn'and4 white goods.
'Conceit Is justifiable;
after using Defiance'
Starch. It gives a'
stiff, glossy white-'
ncss to the clothes'
and docs not rot
'them. It Is abso
lutely pure. It Is'
the most economical
because It goes
farthest, docs 'more
and costs leas than
others. To be had of all
grocers at 16 oz.
for ioc.
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper.
LUKtS VtniRt AIL Hhfc fllLS.
i ian Brup. Tutea uooa. uu
in time, (told or druEgUta.