The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 28, 1904, Image 3

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h j.
The Wabash Is the Only Line Landing
You at tho World's Fair.
Ilrouiul trip rates from Omaha aro
as follows: 8.50 sold dally except
Friday and Saturday, good 7 days.
513.80 sold dally, good 15 days. Tho
Wabash Is tho only lino that land's
passengers at tho main entranco of tho
World's Fair grounds. Also tho only
lino that con check your baggago to
tho World's Fair station. Think what
a saving of time, annoyance and ex
tra car fare.
All agonta can soil you through
ticket and route you over tho Wab03h.
Very low rates to many points South,
Southeast. For beautiful World's Fair
folder ana all Information call at 1G01
Farnara St. or address Harry E.
Moores, Gen. Agt Pass. Dopt. Wab.
It. R., Omaha, Nob.
It is easier to win a girl's heart than
It Is to earn her hand.
Superior quality and extra quantity
must win. This is why Defiance Starch
Is taking tho place of all others.
Virtuous and rioblo deeds aro bet
ter than high descent. Euripides.
Evtsry housekeeper should know
that if they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundry usb they
will savo not only ttmo, because it
never sticks to tho iron, but becauso
each, packs so contains 16 oz. one full
pound while all other Cold Water
Starches aro put up in Si-pound pack
ages, and the price is tho same, 10
cents. Then again because Defiance
Starch is free from all Injurious chem
icals. If your grocer tries to soil you
a 12-ox. package it is bocause ho has
a stock on hand which ho wIbUcs to
dispose of before he puts In Defiance.
Hoknojrs TEal Bronco Starch has
JJrTnTedon every package In largo let
ters and figures "10 ojs." Demand
Deilanco and eavo much timb "and
money and tho annoyance of the Iron
sticking. Deflanco never sticks.
a aiaa atcsoHnuiuu.
iiiiibiiiwiiiih i umiiM
f. KUtTiWJ)iii)iiiiliriinni.
anim -a. i irU i.u ,mracu. u ' u. !.' n
Afcgelablc Prcpacalionfor As
similating IhcFoodandHegula
Ung theStomacbs andBorwels of
Promotes Digcslion.Chccrfur
ncss andltest-Conlalns nelllier
Opium.Morpliinc norMicraL
ifprnraxt -USttrynmrnanr.
Apcrfecl Remedy forConsUpa
Tlon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish
ness and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature or
a -vrs. i m in WW1 n
"tAg " V JjcSfcgfi?.Jf lfr!Mr 'J!Mfe?t?friyj?
j W. L, Denetam mkm and moHm maw men'm $ (C.
mnoom than any othor mmnufmeturmr At tho world. -
The re&aoD W. I Donglai H.60 aboce are the rrratc
lst4 aetwljk ni Atlina? etn.1 ititvAA waarlno niiBlltlSL.
eboas made a ray f ar .rr and ihnee or other makee and the litsh-araile lr.thcrnuised.yoa would under
aund whr W. ll lioLvlaa $tM ahoee cot more to niiike, why thej liold tbelr ahapftL nt better, war
loier. and are of greater lutrtneie valne than any other KM eboa on the market Vu-djr, aud why the
ealev for Ue year endlnc July 1. WA, were S(t,V0S.O4n.()O.
W. U. Itoudaa (uarantexe their Talua by xmiAn hi name and price on the bottom. Look lor Up
take uo (ubaUtute. bold l iioe dealers ererywlieie.
"I hare worn W, L. Dovnlai IS CO ihnttfor tut Utf ivtlct vtarl tm aoioiuit
tatiifiKltnx. I find llitm tupmor m jlf. ttimfiwl a'l fttnr la otnirt toning rot
tiMta r?M."-U. X. iledVE, Itrpt. Coll.. V. .V. . Itntnut, ItithnumJ, i
Y. T. IonrIa inn Corona TolUkln In liU sn.CO ahna. Coronn Colt In conceded to
bo tho flneat l'atcut Ltuther uiotle. Faat Color iiycleU urd excluaUeljr.
W. L. DOUGLAS, Dpooktoa, Mamachatta.
Ileet Conjn fiyrnp. TaitesGood. Uee I
In time. Sold brdruraUta. I
Iter. Jacob D. Van Dorcn, of 57
Sixth street, Fond Du Lac, Wis..
Presbyterian clergyman, says: "1 had
attacks of kidney dis
orders which kept mo
in tho house for days
nt a time, unablo to
do anything. What I
suffered can Lnrdly
bo told. Complica
tions set in, tho par
ticulars of which I
will bo pleased to
give In a personal in
terview to any one
who requires Infor
mation. This I can
conscientiously say:
Doan's Kidney Pills
caused t general im
provement in my
health. They brought
great relief by lessening the pain, and
correcting the action of tho kidney
'Doan's Kidney Pills for salo by all
dealers. Price, 50 cents. Foster-Mil-burn
Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
A girl's watch is usually moro orna
mental than herself.
How's This ?
TV offtr Oat Hundred Dollar Itewmrd fcr my
eM of Catarrh ibal cannot txi cured by llall'a
F. J. CHBNET CO., Toledo, O.
"W, tho andertlmed. bare known F. J. Chaser
for tnelaat 15 Taar. and belUTa htm perfectly hon
orable In all builneM traaiactlona and financially
able to carry out any obligations made by hit firm.
Walviko, Kikhaic A MVbtix,
Wboloaale Drarsliu, Toledo, O.
mil' Catarrh Care U taken Internally, actloc
directly open the bluod and mucoei aarfacea of tn
yitcm. Tettlmeolala tent free. Frlce 79 cent per
bottle. 81d by all DnieyUU.
Take Ilall'i Family I'llU for eonaUpaUon.
A young man likes to have a girl
sit uj? with him till midnight during
courtship, but after marrago ho does'
not want her to sit up for him tho
late. Cjiicflgb 5?gwb. $fr
aTlTC Prmn ntly cured. No fit or rPT.vaine arte
Tile nrtt dajr'a dm of Ur. Xllne'a Off UKerre lWor.
( Bond for FHEtS 83.00 trial bottle nod trwatlM.
lS.U.U.iauix,Ltd.,UArc&lrtct, t'hUadelphte,r
Pointers for Statesman.
If wo wcro a statcman wo never
should begin an interview with: "My
attention has been called to an article
concornlng," etc. Wb would not want
people to think we didn't read the
Law of Sacrifice.
The law of sacrifice Is this that to
those vho win, to those who pay tho
price, the sacrifice la no sacrifice;
that is to say, the element of pain is
not present.
New Use for Breakfast Food. -.
A near-sighted Milwaukee man who
loves his pipe recently smoked up
three packages of breakfast food be
fore discovering his error.
For Infants and Children.
The. Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
VN ocarTAun momKJtr. new von crrr.
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper.
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
.' -"-aafaTHgj"'.fc
".""-""jB""""'' "
rm lA
One Caee of Qulcldo Generally Suffi
cient for All Time.
There recently visited Washington
an KnBllshman, who nt homo Is moro
or less known for his nowspnpoi
leaders" on matters sociological. Tht
Drlton wns Introduced to Clifford
Pinchot, who is nt tho head of tho dl
vision of forestry of the Department oi
In conversation with Mr. Pinchot
tho foreigner soon Initiated a discus
sion of his favorite topic, and, In con
nectlon with somo statistics of suicide
in this country, observed to Mr. Pin
chot that he rather fancied that It
proportion to tho population of tho twt
countries that thero wcto more casof
of self-destruction hero than in the
United Kingdom.
"I am inclined to think," orncularly
remarked tho Urltlahcr, "that ono of
tho prime causes that make for sul
cldo In tho United Stntcs is tho groat
nervous strain under which you rnco
through everything. I shoud say, you
know, that In tho case of tho English
man, ho doesn't commit sulctdo so
often, you know!"
"And yet," said Mr. Pinchot, musing
ly, "I never heard of an Amorlcan kill
ing himself moro than once, liavo
you?" New York Times.
He Didn't Know It All.
He understood philosophy, tlieoaophy and
Of poets he hod every one, from Homer
down, hy heart;
Ho understood thu lnngunges, from
Chocktaw to Clilnoso:
He understood the chemist's art of turn-
lntr chalk to cheese;
Ho understood Ills business and the ways
of maklnc monov:
Ho understood the meaning of a joke
when It wns funny:
In fact, until Ho put tho wedding- ring
. I'jvin liq1 liunil
lie thoiiKtil thnt thero was nothing much
lie did not undiixtuud.
uut now he luintvCiOnB, alack! that sur-
mlim wiia ubetlnl.
lie's told of Twenty tilings n day of
which lie neer heard:
Of tliliips lie iK-M-r dreamed could bo In
tlilx peculiar land:
Of thliiRs he never uiidcri'tooU and nc'fr
will undcrHtuiiU.
H'o ne'er had understood hefotc a rasor'a
many usm
l-'or pointing pencil1, cuttlnif cards and
other Mtr.ume uhiiEes
llo did not iinderstitiid Indeed, this man I
mm nevei kiiov.ii
The imrpuFu of a pipe-ruck when you
turn It uisldf down.
And when It ciiine to chopping, such n
stupid nul wns he.
He did not oven understand that true
Is pu Iiik double price for things to get
u trading stump.
I-'or twenty pounds of which you net a
thirty-nine cent l.imp.
He did not understand tho wondrous
tliliiKs the li.Uiy F.ild,
Nor why It mndn hlni happy to ho iIuiir-
led oil 1i!h knee.
Hu did not understand Uut there! The
man was only human!
And what men ever dreamed of uuder-
Ktutullni,' any woman?
. New York lresi.
His Consolation.
Senator Charles L. Guy tells a story
which has not yet been appropriated
by the spellbinders who reel off
"original" nnecdotes by the mile. Mr.
Guy was with u putty of politicians
at the Hoffman house, and thu'- talk
touched upon the topic of consolation
in iHilltics. At last a inlld-mnnncrcd
little man, with a fnco llko n pump
kin and a voice hetwepn a whlajwr
and a wheeze, remarked:
"Speaking of consolation, gentle
men, reminds me of a pers.onal experi
ence. I have a young baby at home,
and last night I was walking tho
floor with it I nearly dropped from
fatigue. Finally 1 told my wifo that
perhaps there might be some men who
suffered moro than I did, yet I couldn't
believe it, for I had carried that crying
child nearly all night. She looked up
and calmly retorted:
Yep, dear: but you liavo the con
solation of knowing thut we're not
Jiving in tho Arctic regions, where tho
nights are hlx months long!" -Xcw
York Times.
Good Work Done by Women.
In striking contrast to the seclud
ed life that the women of India lead
stand out tho careers of the six Sora
bjl sisters. Uclonplng to a high caste
family, they nevertheless broke away
from the traditions of their family,
went to England to lie educated and
now each one or the sisters stands out
prominently In some line of work.
One Is n musician, another Is an art
'st, and n third has gone baek to her
jatlvo country an a Christian mUslou
iry. The most dlstlngulbheil of them
ill, pcrhups, is Miss Sorabji, tho law
ver. She has been working for yenr.s
slth her brains and her pen to right
he wrongs that nre Inflicted upon her
'shut-In" countrywomen by their "trus
tees," who so often defraud them of
heir wealth. A great step toward the
tticce-sa of her efforts has been accom
plished recently, for she has been ap
pointed by the Iiengal government as
cgal advlber to Purdah women In the
administration of her estate:!.
The Soft Answer.,
At a certain inn on tho fashionable
eastern shore of Massachusetts, the
proprietor Is noted for his easy-going
disposition and his lisp. It happened
that tho coffee was never just right
and the women guests, after a piazza
talk, finally went to the proprietor and
complr.Ined. Ho promised to havo the
matter looked Into at once. A week
passed with no noticeable improve-
mum, bu cuuipiuuiL niie ukuii inuuf.
Said one of the women: "Really, Mr.
S , the coffee was worse than ever
this morning."
"Yes," chimed In another, even
worse than in NIco, whore thoy boll
chicory and call it coffee!"
"And I've Just had to take chocolate
which I detest!" added the third
" Finally the proprietor turned, with
his affable sniilo and ,Hsp, and ic
"Was it that bad, weally? Well,
am glad I took tea."
Tho habit of Industry can bo ac
quired ns easily as tho habit of idle
ness. Hut It is always tho man or
boy of character who intrenches hltn
self with good habits, and it is always
the moral weakling, tho characterless
person, who becomes tho slavo of evil
liablta. Accomplishments aro cither
hclpB or hindrances to gonuino sue
coss. High qualities of character nlono
can mako thorn worth whllo, mighty,
and enduring.
No chromos or cheap premiums, but
n better quality and one-thlnl more
of Defiance Starch for the Biime price
of other starches. x
Virtues of the Amethyst.
Tho nmothyst, In days of chivalry,
was believed to havo great power for
good In battles. Tho wearer was ren
dered brnvo, far being and honorable.
Tho nmcthyst was also said to destroy
tho craving for lquor, which was as
prevalent in those days ns It Is in this.
Many Days Without 8leep.
A Philadelphia physician tolls of a
doctor who went without sleep for
eight days and nights, and of another
who did not go to bod for elghteon
days. Napoloon rodo for days in tho
Baddla apparently without sleep. No
authentic tests probably exist.
The Useful Alphabet.
"Thoro's ono good thing nbout it
chuckled tho ancient Phoenician p he
lnvontod tho alphabot, "eomo of thoBO
politicians will b suro to writo let
ters now that will knock them into n
cocked hat when they run for offlce'
Moro. F5xlble and tatting,
won't shake out or blow out; by Using
Deflanco Stnrch you obtain btuer re
sults than posalblo with any other
brand and one-third mme for same
Little Objection to Slavery.
It may bo better to be an old man'a
darling than a young man's slave
yet there nre more slaves than dar
lings. Write MUIIISI! KVK IIKMKDV Co.. t'hlcaen. If
your eye aro mrn nr Inflamed, and vet firnllni'e
ad Ice sad free uni!o Ml! UIN K. 1 1 itirrt nil rye-lllk
Sometimes a stern patent allows his
daughter to wed the man of her
choice becauao hu Iiub a grudge
aganst him.
Mrs. "Wlnnlowe Rootlilnu Syrnn.
rorrlilldren tecthln, eoftenn the iniru, reiure In
flamu.Mliou,ii,,jiiu,Luro wtudcoilo. Ucabouiu.
Tho female shoiipctydoesn't have to
go to tho exchango deBk In order to
change her mind. Philadelphia Rec
ord. Did you know thnt you can got
moro LIGHT for less money from a
Monaich Carbide Feed ACBTYU5NE
GENERATOR thnn from anything else
In tho world except tho sun? Why
not Investigate. Send for catalogue
U, Monarch Acetylene Gas Co., 1012
Farnam street, Omaha. Neb.
A grain of sand lends to thu fall of
n mountain when - the moment hits
come for the mountain to fall. Er
nest Renan.
Dr. IiTld IOtJiiel,v In or 1 If ttrmriljr la
titfllVm for thu liver citml n- ntiur ritfht trarauf
jutlM-luc." t.l'eruD, Allm, . . urui fuuuk. tl.
A good woman Is usually too good
for any man but fortunately she
doesn't know It.
Those Who Have Tried It
will uiw no other. Defiance Cold V
lr Starch lins uo equal In Quantity
tr Quullty 16 c. for 10 cents. Other
brands contain only i oz.
Things that aro almost right are al
ogether wrong.
IMso's Cure is tho IjchI m dlclne w ci cr usetl
V)rall uBccltonsof the tlirout hiu! 1uih:. V.'W.
J. Emjsliv, Vunbuieii, Ind., l-'ili. 10, ll).
A little elbow grease Is woith a lot
nf oily phrases.
Magnificent Crops for 1904.
Western Canaaet'o
Wheat Crop this
Voar Will be 00,
000,000 DuDhela,
and Wheat at Proli
ant lo Worth si. 00 a
fha Oat and Barloy Crop Will Alto Yield Abundant!'.
Splendid prices for all t:tnd of grain rattle
ln.l other farm produce for the t-ioulnK of
which tho ellmuto Is unsura,eU.
About lW,0(AiiierKans hate hettled In Wrat.
ern c'unudu ilurlut; the paxt three ).ur.
'lliouRatids of freo liomrstcutlK of I ft ncrei
each htill mailable In thu beil Ji:ik:i:Hurul tIK
It hnsbfen n.ild that tho tfnlted States will
la f orceil to Import wheat wltlilii u ry few
)uarc. Secure n farm In Caiiudu aud become
ono of tbose who w ill produce It.
Apply for Information to Superintendent of
ImnilKratluu, Uttunu, Canada, of to iiuthorlM-d
Ciiuadiikii Oovernracnt Aitent W V. Iteimctt,
bOl Nuw Vorlt Llta UuIWIuk, Umubti, Neb.
Strawberry and
Vegttabla Dealers
Tho russenccr Department of the Illinois
Central Kallroad Company hue recently jf-surd
u publication known uxClrculur No. 12, In h bleb
IsdeM-'rlbed the
bttt territory in ihis country
for the growing of early htrawberrlei und early
trtfeUbleH. Kvery dealer In aucb piixlucu
Bhould uddress a postal tard to the unUcrMi-ned
atDubtiquo, Iowa, riNpjeutlni.' a iopy of
Circular No. 13 '
J. r. MKItKY, Asst Oen'l l'aw'r Accnt
'KanywhofortncrlysooXcdlOSCi-sars oowsreoie
Yot.r Jobbur or direct from Faotorr, Peoria, III.
W. N. U., Omaha.
No W 1904
Color more ooods brlohttr and (attar color than inj
Uk Ceilcr or w will nd pott paid at 10c a package.
OOOmoTki.yfctim' kVVFJjajp .2tatP.ilflhhVi
ammmmi i r-ovo .:-: h
Mi6s Agnes Miller," of Chicago, spek
to young women about dangers of the
Menstrual Period how to avoid pain and
suffering "and 'remove the cause by using
Lydia E Finkham's Vegetable Gmpound
"To Youno WbMKN: I sufforctl for sir years frith' dysmenor
thctj, tnaiuful perlotls), so much bo that I dreaded oVBry month, m I
know it mount tlnvo or four days of intense- pain. Tho doctor sai&i
thia was due to nn inliiuned rondition of tho uterino appendages caused
by rouoatcil and neglected colds.
"If yountj girls only realized how dangerous it is to tako cold aft,
thl3 critical time, much KUiVcring would bo snared thom. Thank Godi
for Tj.vdlu E. Pinklmm'H Vcffotnblo Compound, that wns tho only
modlcino which helped mo any. Within threo weeks after I started to
tako it, I noticed a marked improvement in my general health, and at
the tlmo of my next monthly period tho pain had diminished consider-.,
ably. I kept up tho treatment, and was cured a month later. I am like I
nnnllinriviisjon ulnrn T nm In -nni-fiinl linnWli mtr nvna nrn "hrlcrlifnr T Tia-f
added 12 ounds to my weight, my
nappy." jswh agnrs jiillku, 20
Tho montlily sickness reflects tho condition of a -woman'
hcallh. Anytlilns; unusual nt thnt timo should bavo prompt
nnd proper nttutlon Fifty thousand letters from women prova
that JjyUia JO. Plnklinm's vctjctiihlo Compound regulates Btten-
ctruation and uuiices thoso periods painless. 4
.trouble was
ri)ionth went
JL v- W
I O I A.
' mm 1
1 i
Lynn, Irass., her udvico is freo und cheerfully ttfvcn to every all
intr -wi-iniim who auks for it. Hcrmdvlce has restored to health
more than one hundred thousand women. Why don't you try
It, my sick sisters? 1
FORFEIT U wecMinot forthwith prodcoa the orlrln-t) letters and llfnatQrM t
uUore MitlnioniaU, which will prots tbelr abiolnto Rrnnlti'iim.
Iordla K. l'lnkbaiu Modlctni Uo I.ynu, Mm.
Mustang Liniment
curea Cuts, Burn, Ui-ttlHCH.
Don't forget when you
order starch to get the
best. Get DEFIANCE. No
more "yellow" looking clothes,
no more cracking or
doesn't stick to the iron. It gives satlw
faction or you get your money back. Th
cost is 10 cents for 16 ounces of tne best
starch made. Of other starches you gel
but 13 ounces. Now don't forget. Bt'ft.tfB
your grocers.
olher dm. One 10c pickiot color atlk, wool and cotton qull well and I luartntMdtt) ob rtrftjl iaHt.
Writ lor Ire booklet-Hew to Dt. Bltach and Uli Color. HOVUOKDHVii 0O.,VrHmiaia,miSKH
color is good, and Igfeel light and
rotomao Ave., cmcago, xu,
"Deau Mns. PiNKHA:jr: Lydia E. Flnk
hnm's Yc'ctnlilo Compound has greatly beno
litted me. I -will toll you how I suffered. My
painful menstruation. I folfc as each
by that 1 amis getting worse. I had
sovoro beanng-uown pains in my back ana abdo
"A friend advised mo to try Mrs. Pinkham'a
medifino. I did so ami am now freo from all
pain during my periods." Jessie C Lindbkcx,
1201 Oth Street, Rockford, 111. .
Konicmber, every tvomnn is cordially
to wrlto to Mrs. Pliikiinin If there
Is nnythlnpr nbout her symptoms Hho docs
not understand. 3Irs. Plnkham's address is
w Save 3 on Drugs
wilte (or our 100-pase catalogue.
xliowlriK 10,000 rtrtlclCK at cut prices.
Cor. 16th and Dodno, Omaha. Neb.
breaking. It