The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 28, 1904, Image 2

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i i i
A Recent Instance Proves That a
Woman's Happiness Is Largely De
pendent on tho State of Her Dlood.
When tho blood Is disordered every
organ of tho body Is affected unfavor
ably and falls to dlschargo Its func
tions properly. In tho caso of every
woman nnturo Iiiih mado- special pro
vision for a periodical purification of
tho blood, and bo long as this occurs
lior health and spirits unfailingly re
ical the beneficial results. So slight
a cause as a cold or a nervous shock
way produco a suppression of this
vital function, and until It Is restored
she Is doomed to misery. Tho remedy
that hns proved most prompt and
ffootlvo In all disorders peculiar to
the female sex Is that which brought
such great relief to Miss Mattlo
GrlggH, of No. 807 Indiana street, Law
rence, Kansas, concerning which sho'
speaks as follows:
"In the winter of il902. from immn
Unknown cause, there wns a cessation
of functlono peculiar to my sex for a
period of four months. I beenmo very
weak and could not got up stairs
without help. I had nausea and pain
and a constant headache I was un
der tho care of a physician for thrco
months, but ho did not succeed In cur
ing me. Then a lady friend told mo
nbo'ut tho merits of Dr. Williams' Pink
1'llls which she had used In her fam
ily, and she Induced mo to try them.
It was In May when I first began
to uscthum, and In Juno 1 had fully
lecovered my health, and have slnco
remained perfectly well."
Iu nil cases of dolayed development
of young girls; In anemia or weakness
due to Impoverished blood nnd show
ing Itself In pallor, lack of ambition,
despondency and nervousness; also in
the great constitutional disturbances
nttonding tho period known ns tho
rhango or life. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
nro Invnluablo for women, whose
health Is always closely dependent on
the stuto of the blood. They nre sold
by all druggists. A booklet of valuablo
Information relating to tho caro of a
woman's health at all Important peri
ods, and entitled "Plain Talks to Wo
men," will bo sent free In a Boalcd en
velope to any ono who chooses to
write for It to tho Dr. Willlnms Medi
cine Company, Schonectady, N. Y.
If ft girl wants to bo kissed a young
man doesn't hnvo to wasto much tlino
looking for an opportunity.
' Insist on Getting tt.
8ome grocers say they don't koep
Deflnnce Starch because they have n
Mock In hand of 12 o. brands, which
J hey know cannot bo sold to a custo
mer who has once URed tho-lC oz.
itkg. Dellance Starch for same money.
Could Not Be Bribed.,
A good story is told of A. C. Mac
l.aren, u well known cricket player.
He was playing n picnic match "up
count r ' In Australia when ono of
the batsmen skied a ball very high
between tho wickets. MacLarcn was
watting for tho cutch, but tho' strike.
In running past cried, "Oh, Archie,
drop It, do, and I'll allow you to kiss
my sister." MncLarcn, tt Is addod,
vas proof agnlust tho attomptcd brlb
sry. JR" , Hom.e for Aged Animals.
A wealthy Frenchman rocolvos In
his park near Paris aged animals and
birds. Tho oldest inmato Is a mulo
of seventy-throe, whoso affcctlonato
rpmpanlon In retirement Is a gooso
af thirty-seven. Amang tho other In
mates Is a cow, aged thirty-six, a hog
of twenty-seven, a bullfinch which has
reached iho ripe ago of twenty-eight,
and a sparrow that stepped from tho
egg In JSGO.
Not the Man The Son.
When a man has to support his
grown-up ton, his mother says he hns
an artistic temperament. Now York
Six Doctors Failed.
South Bend, Ind.. Oct. 21 (Special)
After suffering from Kidney Disease
for three years; after taking treat
ment from six different doctors with
out getttng relief, Mr. J. O. I.audcman
of this plaeo found not only relief but
a speedy nnd complete- euro In Dodd's
Kldnoy Pills. Speaking of his cure
Mr. Laudeman says:
"Yes, I suffored from Kidney
Trouble for three years and tried six
doctors to no, good. Then I took Just
two boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and
they not only cured my kidneys, but
gave mo better health in general. Of
course I recommended Dodd's Kidney
Pills to others and I know a number
now who aro using them with good re
sults." Mr. Laudeman's case is not an ex
ception. Thousands give similar ex
periences. For there never yet was a
ease of Kldnoy Trouble from Ilackache
to Brlght's Disease that Dodd's Kid
ncy Pills could not cure. They aro
the only remedy that over cured
Ilrlght's disease
If husbands and wives wero always
invouthearts thero would bo no long
ings for another and better world.
What Men Desire.
It the man who represented the ma
jority of men wcro asked what ho
most liked in women his answer
would be: Glvo me beauty, all beauty,
to walk and to frivol with; sympathy,
ull sympathy, to talk and to live
-Willi!" Chic.
Tourist Enrich Greece.
It is estimated that about 4,600 trav
elers from tho United Statin havo vis
' HedGreeco during each of the last
four years, and have annually loft
about 51C.00O.U00 In the kingdom. -
V VlftTGH-, e-vr,
" IXmBU ,.
mm r i.
Draped Shirred Waist.
Full waists that aro shirred and
draped to form soft and graceful folds
aro among tho latest features of fash
lor and aro exceedingly attractlvo In
tho many pliable materials of tlio sea
son. This ono Is peculiarly smart and
Includes n point at tho front nnd tho
now bIcqvos, shirred to form two
lengthwiso puffs nbovo tho elbows.
Tho material chosen for tho model is
willow green mcssallno satin with
croam colored laco for chomlsotto and
cuffs, banding and bows of darker
volvot, but thero aro many wool ns
well as slllc materials that can bo
treated In tho namo manner with
equal success, and, when liked, tho
dcop cuffs can bo omitted nnd tho
sloovc3 made lu thrco quarter length
Tho waist Is mado with tho fitted
lining, on which tho full fronts and
back aro arranged, and Is finished at
tho neck with n roll-over collar undor
which tho chomlsotto Is attached. Tho
sleeves aro mado over fitted tlnlugs,
which aro faced to form cuffs, and aro
full nbovo tho elbows, finished with
circular frills bolow which fall over
tho gathered onos of lace. Tho clos
ing Is mado invisibly at tho center
Tho quantity of mntcrlal required
for tho medium bIzo Is 4?i yards 21
inches wide, 4& yards 27 Inches wldo,
or 2 yards 44 Inches wide, with "J's
yards of all-over lace, "i yards of
bias velvet and 2? yards of :aco to
tnako ns Illustrated.
Vogue of Light Materials.
It Is astonishing how much thin ma
terials, such as voile, crepe, etamlnc
and others of n llko description, nro
worn by well-dressed women during
tho winter nowadays. Naturally this
docs not apply to tho tiillor-mado cos
tumes, but last year tho most elabo
rate gowns of these fabrics wcro to bo
seen under tho hnndsomo fur coats,
and thero Is every reason to suppose
that they will bo more In vogue thnn
over. Thoro Is a fancy, too which Is
to bo noticed In many of tho now Paris
costumes and which will bo equally
pronounced during the autumn months
for tho skirt composed of two
flounces, each liounco being adorned
with from thrco to flvo bands of vol
vot In graduated widths. Tho flounces
aro, deep, tho upper ono reaches abovo
the knee, and this stylo of decoration
Is naturally more adapted to drosses
of the material ot which I have been
speaking that aro sufficiently amena
ble to lend thonisolves to elaborate
While- the?
Flowered taffeta will mako some
charming winter frocks.
Armholes nro hiding under a nar
rowi ndjustrncut-of trimming.
lluchings, ribbon scrolls and cord
lugs distinguish the new blouses.
Don't have ono of tho now-old dol
mans unless you can afford numerous
Ornaments of leather and molnl
combined adorn tailored hats for fall
It Is predicted that pinking will Like
tho placo of tho strapping that has
held popular fancy so long.
Tho long coat or wrap Is much moro
fashionable than a short ono and in
i,ome distances a necessity.
A buckle that extend: r.u Inch nbovo
and below tho belt Is a slight Innova
tion In crush leather "bolts.
lluchings, pipings, gathers and frills
multiply and overflow in tho present
scheme ot dress ornamontatlon.
Leather folds and cordlngs are de
cidedly smart for turbans intonded for
olther automoblllng, street wear or
Mayonnaise Sauce.
Put tho yolk of a fresh egg in a bowl,
and if tho wcathor Is warm stand tho
bowl in a pan ot chipped ice and add
half a salt-spoonful ot salt and a tea
spoonful of English mustard. Begin
stirring tho ingredients with a box
wood spoon. Stir continually always
ono way, describing a circle. It Is
more easily done by holding tho bowl
steady. After stirring about a minute
or till tho ingredients pro well blended
begin adding tho oil. pouring it in drcp
4 Wtf&i5tfI, m
fH m
by drop. As soon as tho mlxturo Is
stiff nnd waxy add a few drops of tar
ragon vinegar and tho snmo of lomon
Juice. Then resume tho oil, dropping
It steadily. Every time tho mlxturo
becomes too thick add n'fow drops of
vinegar, but continue stirring. Ono
yolk of nn egg will stnnd tho addition
of n pint bottlo of oil. Stop using oil
when tho mayonnaise is as thick as
you wish It and when you havo all you
requlro for your salad.
Military Effects Coming In.
Military effects promlao to appear
largely In tho outdoor garments of
women ths fall. A new Englsh long
coat for stormy weather when has ap
peared on tho market lo frankly called
tho Mllltalrc. It has two wldo Vox
pleats In tho back falling from tin
yoke and belted In at tho waist. Tho
front Is doublc-brensted, with a high,
martial-looking, turnover collar, and Jt
Is finished with brass buttons.
Pretty and Comfortable Coat.
A loose, threo-quarter coat, belted
la across tho back, exemplifies conve
nience and smartness in autumn coats.
It Is called tho "Trossack," and Is of
neutral-colored cloth, which permits of
its being exploited with skirts of any
color In walking length. Tho Tros
sack Is not a dress coat, but for all
those day occasions when a looso sep
arate coat Is desirable It is going to bo
one of tho smartest styles.
Quaint Dutch Pillows.
Taking advantage of tho Dutch typo
of decoration prevailing just now,
women skillful with pen or brush aro
making sofa pillows of linen or coarse
material, with a border of Dutch Httle
folk, represented with Joined hands
and capering about In a livoly manner.
Tho middle of the pillow top Is left
plain and a border lined off with pen,
brush or burning needle, and tho
Dutch figures nre outlined and Illumi
nated In tho bonier. A champagne
colored material makes an artistic pil
low nnd likewise palo green, with red
nnd green of a darker shado for tho
dresses of tho little folks. Delft bluo
and orange aro other shades that may
bo chosen for such pillows with suc
cessful results.
Soak gelatine In sufficient cold water
to cover before adding It tor jellies or
To remove any ordinary stains from
ivory knife haudloa rub with cnicry
powder. Yacht mops aro great conveniences
for dusting tho baro floors -o univers
ally used now.
Before boiling milk always rinse out
the saucepan with cold water to pre
vent the milk from burning.
Tho wax from dripping candles can
bo removed from tablo llaen by a gen
erous application ot alcohol.
No ono of the many Oriental sllka
makes more offectlvo blousos than
Coroan cropo. This smart model is
qulto new and shows tho material in
willow greon with trimming of chif
fon velvet, square of net chiffon lined,
collar and cuffs of lace. Tho trim
nil n; U peculiarly offectlvo and quite
I "r 1
Mix pastry several hour3 before it is
to be rolled out and much labor Is
saved. It should stnnd In a cool place.
When jnnklng mayonnaise sauce se
lect a very cool placo for tho purpose.
If mado In a hot kltchon It is apt to
separate in tho process.
To keep chcoso from becoming
noldy wrap tho cheese In a cloth
which has been dipped In vlnognr and
wrung ns dry as poslblo. Keep it in r
cool place.
Stunning Tea Gown for a Brunette.
A stunning tea gown for. a brunetto
shows whlto shantung silk with a bo
lero anglalsc. Tho bolero Is caught on
either side with shaded rosettes,
showing three popular tints of orange,
dono In velvet ribbon, with streamers
in tho same shades falling to tho hem
ot tho gown. Whlto velvet slippers
and orange silk stockings aro to bo
worn with this gown, which is an ef
fective application of the craze for
orange and whlto in combination.
Cinnamon In Favor.
Cinnamon broadcloth, braided with
black, Is tho combination chosen for
ono smart loose coat of three-quartet
length that has recently crossed the
water. Apropos of which there is n
good deal of this red-brown tint np
parent in displays ot tho nowest out
door garmcus. It la a warm red rus
set peculiarly appropriate for autumn,
if not for most types of beauty.
A Serviceable Coatume.
Suits mado with plnttcd skirts and
tourist coats are essentially now, es
sentially smart and essentially ser
viceable. This ono makes an admir
able model and is adapted to all suit-
Jngar. but Is showni In dark bluo- che
viot with cuffs of chamois colored
clcih and trlmmin;? of braid held by
haidsomo buttons. Tho coat la- ono
ot tho newest and is partly cocJlned
at tho back by means of a strap that
extends from seam to scam, whlto tho
fronts aro looso. Tho skirt I nine
gored and Is laid In plaits that conceal
the seams. To mako tho coat for a
girl of 14 yenrs of ago will bo rcqulr--d
4ai yards of mutorlal 27, 2 yards
f4 or 2 yards C2 inches wide, with
24 yards of braid; to make tho skirt
C yards 27, 4i yards 41 or 3H yards
D2 Inches wide.
now and serves to outllno tho tucks
at tho back, whilo it gives a stole ef
fect at tho front. To mako tho waist
for a woman ot medium slzo will be
required 4 yards ot material 21, 34
yards 27 or 2 yards 44 inches wldo,
with yard of all-over laco and 1
yards of volvei.
Note Tho following article has
Goon wldc'y publlshod nnd is one of
the most remarkable Illustrations of
tho .nine of careful marshalling and
nnalysls of facts lu presenting a sub
ject to the public.
The Mission of Whisky, Tobacco and
Tho Creator mado nil things, we be
ilovc. If so, Ho must have mado thoHc.
Wo know what Ho mado food nnd
water for, and air nnd sunshine, but
why Whisky, Tobacco and Coffee?
They nro hero suro enough and
each performing Its work.
Thero must be somo great plan be
hind It all; tho thoughtful man seeks
to understand something of that plan
and thereby to Judge these articles
for their true worth.
Let us not bay "bad" or "good"
without taking testimony.
Thero nre times and conditions
when It certainly seems to tho casual
observer that these stimulant narcot
ics are real blessings.
Right, thero is tho ambush that con
ceals a "killing" enemy.
Ono can slip Into the habit of cither
whisky, tobacco or coffee easy enough,
but to "untangle" Is often a fearful
It seems plain that thero nro cir
cumstances when tho narcotic effect
of these poisons Is for the momsnt
beneficial, but the fearful argument
against them Is that seldom over docs
ono find a steady user of either wlils
ky, coffeo or tobacco iree from disease
of somo kind.
Certainly powerful elements In their
effect on the human race.
It Is n matter of dally history, testi
fied to by literally millions of people,
that Whisky, Tobacco and Coffee aro
smiling, promising, beguiling friends
on tho start, but always falsa as hell
Itself In tho end. Once they get firm
hold enough to show their strength,
they Insist upon governing nnd drlvo
tho victim steadily towards ill health
In some form; if permitted to continue
to nilc, they will not let up until phys
ical and mental ruin sets In.
A man under that spell (nnd "under
tho spell" Is correct) of any one of
theso drugs frequently assures himself
and his friends, "Why, I can leave off
any time I want to. I did quit for a
week just to show I could." It Is a
suro mark of tho slave when ono gots
to that stage. Ho wiggled through a
week, fighting every day to break tho
spell, was finally whipped, and began
his slavery all over ngain.
Tho slavo (Coffeo slave sa well as
Tobacco and" Whisky) dally reviews his
condition, sees perfectly plain the
steady encroachments of diseuse, how
the nerves get weaker day by day and
demand tho drug that seems to smllo
and offer relief for a few minutes nnd
then leave the diseased condition
plainer to view than ever nmd grow
ing worse. Many times the Coffeo slave
realises that hn Is between bwo fires.
Ho feels bad if ho leaves off and a
Httlo worse if ho drink aird allows
the effect to wear off.
So it goes on from day to day.
Every night tho struggling victim
promises himself thnt ho will break
tho habit and aext day wheir ho feels
a little bad (as he is quite suro to),
breaks, not the habit, but hfs own res
olution. It is nearly always a tough
Bght, with disaster ahead' sure If tho
habit wins.
Thero have been hundreds of thou
pands of people driven to theirgraves
through dlscaso brought on by coffee
drinking alone, affd It is quite certain
that more human misery is caused" by
coffee and tobacco than by whisky, for
tho two first nro more widely used,
and moro hidden and Insidious in the
effect on nerves, heart and other vitul
organs, nnd aro thus unsuspected un
til much of tho dangerous work Is
Now, Reader, what is your opinion
as to the real use the Creator has for
theso things? Take a look at tho
question from this point of view.
Thero Is a law of Nature and of
Nature's God thnt things slowly evolve
from lower planes to higher, a sturdy,
steady and dignified advance toward
more perfect things In both tho Physi
cal and Spiritual world. Tho ponder
ous tread of evolutionary development
is fixed by tho Inflnlto and will not be
quickened out of natural law by any
of man s methods.
Therefore we see manyv Illustrations
showing how nature checks too rapid
advance. Illinois raises phcnomo-,al
crops of corn for two or three years.
If she continued to do so every year
her farmers would advance in wealth
far beyond thoso of other sections or
countries. So Nature interposes u bar
every three or four years and brings
on a "bad year "
Hero wo see the leveling Influence
at work.
A man Is properous In his business
for a number of jenrs nnd grows rich.
Then Nature Eets tho "leveling Influ
ence" at work on him. Some ot his
Investments lose, ho becomes luxuri
ous end lazy. Perhaps it is wliisky,
tobacco, coffee, women, gambling or
somo other form. Tho intent and pur
poso Is to level him keep him from
svoIvdiR too far ahead of tho masses.
A nation becomes prosperous and
;roat like ancient Rome. If no level
ing influence eot In sho would domi
nate tha world perhaps for all tlmo.
But Dame Nature sets hor army of
lovelers" at work luxury, overeat
ing and drinking, licentiousness, wasto
ind extravagance. Indulgences of all
kinds then comes tho wreck. Sure
Sure. Sure.
The tlnw of tho unit Is the law ot
the mas?. Man goes through tho same
process. Weakness (In childhood),
gradual growth of strength, onorgy
thrift, probity, prosperity, wealth, com
fort, case, rolnxatlon. self-Indulgence
lu-mrj, idleness, waste, debaucao-y,
dl&oase, and tho wreck follows! Tho
"levolcrs" aro In tho bushes along the
pathway of every successful man and
womnn, and they bag tho majority.
Only now and then can a mau Btand
out against these "lovelers" and hold
his fortune, fatno nnd health to tho
So the Creator has use for Whisky,
Tobacco and Coffee to level down tho
successful ones nnd those who show
signs of bchig successful, and keep
them back In tho race, bo thnt the
great "field" ithc massesbmay not be
loft too far behind.
And yet wo must admit that samo-all-wise
Creator has placed it in tho
power of man to stand upright, clothed
in the armor of a clean-cut, steady
mind, and say unto himself, "I decline
to exchnngo my birthright for a mess
of pottage.
"I will not deaden my senses, weak
en my grip on affairs and keep my
(elf cheap, common and behind in for
tune and fnmo by drugging with whls
ky, tobacco or coffee. Life is too
short. It is hard enough to win tho
good things without nny sort of handi
cap, so a man is certainly a 'fool trad
er' when ho trades strength, health,
money and tho good things that come
with power for tho half-asleep condi
tion of tho 'drugger,' with tho certain
ty of sickness nnd disease ahead."
It Is a matter each individual must
decide for himself. Ho can be a lead
er and semi-god if ho will, or he can
go along through life a drugged clown,
a cheap "hewer of wood or carrier of
Certain it is that while the Great
Father of us all does not se'ein to
"mind" If somo of his children are
foolish and stupid, he seems to solect
others (perhaps those ho Intends for
somo special work) and allows them
to be threshed and castigated most
fearfully by these "lovelers."
If a man tries flirting with these lev
elers a while, and gets a few slaps as
a hint, ho had better take the hint, or
a good solid blow will follow.
When a man tries to live tpright,
clean, thrifty, sober and undrugged,
manifesting as near as he knows what
the Creator intends he should, happi
ness, health and peaco seem to como
to him. Does It pay?
This artlclo was written to set peo
ple thinking, to rouse the "God with
in," for every highly-organized man
and woman has times when they feel
a something calling from within for
them to presB to the front and "bo
about the Father's businesB." Don't
miftuko it; tho spark of the" Infinite
1b thero and it pays in every way
health, happiness, peaco nnd even
worldly prosperity to break oft tho
habits and strip clean for the work
cut ant for us.
It has been tho business of the
writer to provide a practical ami easy
way for people to break away from
tho coffeo habit and bo assured of a
return to health and nil of the good
things that brings, provided the abuse
has not gono too far, and even then
the eases where tho body has been re
built on a basis of strength and health
run- into tho thousands.
Io Is an easy and comfortable step
to stop coffee instantly by having well
made Postum Food Coffeo served rich
and hot with good cream, for tho color
and flavor is there, but none of the
caffolne or other nerve-destroying elc
ments of ordinary coffeo. -
On the contrary, tha most powerful
rebuilding elements furnished by Na
ture are in Postum and they quickly
set about repairing tho damage. Sel
dom la It moro than two days after
tho change is made before the old
stomach or bowel troubles or com
plaints of kidneys, heart, head or
nerves show unmistakable evidence
of getting better, and ten days' time
changes things wonderfully.
Literally millions of brain-working
Americans to-day uso Postum, having
found tho valuo and common sense In '
the change.
Generous Deed of Elks.
Through th,o generosity ot tho
Bridgeport lodge of Elks, Peter Mar
fcoon of Wallingford,. Conn., will profit
by tho unfortunate accident which ho
met with while witnessing tho Elks'
banner raising. A runaway horso ran
him down and dislocated his collar
Tho bone was not fractured as at
first reported. Markoon was hero
looking for work, and when the Elks
heard that hehad a wife and family
dependent upon him for support they
sent a committee out to Investigate.
Markoon, as a result, was sent back
to Wallingford to-day, after tho Bridge
port lodge of Elks had paid his medical
expenses, secured his ticket, given him
money for incidental expenses, and
told him to calculate upon $ 8 per week
for fho next four weeks.
Tho Elks woW further. They noti
fied the Wallingford lodgo to take caro
of Markoon and help him to got em
ployment. Markoon Is not a member
of tho order, never was. and the Elks
wero not In any way liable for tho ac
cident. Boston Globe.
The Eternal Feminine.
He Will you O, will you bo mine
Slle Mercy, no! I just accepted
Chelly Saphedde last night.
Ho What l Has all your encour
agement to mo meant nothing of af
fection? She Oh, I assure you it has meant
a good deal. In fact, I dont know
hov I'd have managed without you.
You seo, until you came along and I
began to bo so nice to you, Cholly
didn't seem to havo any serious in
tentions at all. Baltimore American.
This One of the Years.
Johnny Pa. whon was tho year of
''O big wind?
Fathei Any year when there was
an election.
, 'r