SSSSKSaSI fOTKOTtt. EXCELL K?-- bz FAHOUS Where the 1,V stylet' come I nun 'ttvo FAHOUS When it's i:V it's Here W.y f'f By careful and intelligent buying, both at home and abroad, through our New York Agent, we believe we have achieved as perfect a system of buying as can be attained at so great a distance from the markets. & "THESE PRICES TELL THE TORY fe All of the New Styles for Men arc Here. SEASONABLE GOODS AT VERY LOW PRICES ENCE! ?? it ;fi TjV tfi fjV T .ft ?(t V V3r?TTT tT.jf ?.??? ttTTfi ?t ? . " ' i ' w ' ! t . -x .T ..7T .4TTTt) 7T .T7T h T VtTtTt"li ' '! ts AfEV'S CLOTHING American Clothing Go's, strong made Suits at. .$5.00 Hlack and white pepper and salt effects at 6.50 A big line at 7.50 All wool Black Worsteds, guar, color and make 9.85 Hand tailored Suits of Cheviots, Cassimeres at 12.50 EXTRAORDINARY VALUE in Worsteds, Cassimeres, Clieiols, Homespuns and Friccs. This is our best bar euin. handmade and all that is necessary to net S18.00 for tliem would be to nmik it on the ticket, hut 4fX? 1R ff UJ M r r DOUGLAS $3.50 SHOES Why experiment uitli other shoes when you can get the King of all S3. 50 shoes of us? 2-rr PAYS TO BUY THE DOUGLAS-?! $75.00 $75.00 Get your Tickets with each Dollar Purchase on the $75.00 in Gold we are giving away. $75.00 $72.00 wo put the lot in at All new this season's goods. OVERCOATS -cA 5x-r OVERCOATS Our line of the cclcbiatcd Adler Overcoats is now on exhibition; they comprise the short, the medium, the long, 52-inch belt, double and sin gle breasted; made in Cheviots, Kerseys, Meltons, Donegal mixtures, Tweeds, and in lact every conceit of the tailor's art. Pi ices range from $4.85 to $25.00 Our line at $15 and $18 is especially strong. Covert cloth blanket-lined rainproof Coats, were $2.00, now $1.50 CAPS1- -CAPSI- -CAPS! The hit gest assortment of new Fall and Winter Caps for Men and Hoys ever shown in this section. We a:e the introduce) s of all the new styles in Caps 25c to S2.00. . SNAKIiSKINSSNAKESKINSThe new Snake skin Silk is the latest New York Fad in neckwear for men. They look like a dollar; our price, 75c. BROWN'S IN TOWN! With hcadcpiartcrs at the Famous. From Sox to Hats we have all the new Hrown colotings, the Season's Fashion dectec. , HA WES' iTaT"" "AGFE N C Y Earl & Wilson Collars and Cuffs Tgei and Champion Hats John B. Stetson's Hats Douglas Shoes Htman Shoes. We cairy more Union made and htandaid lines of merchandise than any house in the Northwest. MEN'S FURNISHINGS 1000 Mile Black Winter Underwear 50c I leavy Blue Flannel Shirts $ 1 .25 Men's Sweaters, 75c kind 50c Drawers, (doubleseatecl 50c Mulehide Gloves 25c Slicker Gloves, waterproof, (Men) 15C Heaviest grade Rockford Sox, worth 15c, 3 pairs 25c 120 prs men's Bib Overalls, good wt., for 10 days 39c Only one pair to a customer. All wool derby ribbed gray Underwear, regular value $1.50 per garment. We have a lot of broken sizes which we will sell at one-half price while they last. This means 75c per garment ASF" Don't overlook this big bargain. 35 o V"s' is i v re, t tsl jc xv f 1 case of Gray Derby Ribbed Fleeced line Shirts and Drawers silk trimmed pearl buttons, cheap at 35c . wc will sell this lot at 19c eadl. One lot of heavy Fleeces for Boys in Underwear at . . .25c " Boy's Norfolk Suits at $2 .45 New goods icceived Monday, October 10. t New Double breasted Cheviot suits, all sizes, just in, c Blue and Black worth 52. a suit, for 10 days only at . &i.s Come early and get your pick of sizes. Bov's all wool 05c and 75c Knee Pants, guaranteed not to rip at . 50c Everything in the line of Railroad Work Clothes. We carry the celebrated Carhurtt Overalls and Corduroys a?mmmmMMMMm-,m)rMW','mBii' WW I iWfWmMmiaemsxvaatmsmaa Mmwrnmcrssa jHHmmuiKaaB OUR MAMMOTH STOCK OF WEARABLES FOR MEN AND BOYS is now ready for your inspection. The like has not been seen in this part of Nebraska. ONB PRICE TO ALL"Everybody's money "looks alike to Us" Our cash business puts us in a position where we have no enemies to punish and no one has to pay for any person's bad debts. King Cash reigns supreme here. SEE that you get your Tickets on the $75 in Gold OXiZ 3 & n ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA K-M..:..:..M"::..ft. F. J. Brennan & Co..,. I DEALEHS IN"" - Drugs, Perfumesf "" Toilet Articles. ! i Paints, Oils and Wall Paper :; J S'arnskt bnlaoal Alliance, Nebraska. y")iamonds, WatchesL Gold Jewelry, . . Souvenirs . . . Branches. A. O. E$o.-mes Repairing' in all its . Hail orders promptly V 1 W 1 1 VI Vr Wt tV HUMPHRY :: Undertaking and . . :: Embalming Company Calls snsuered promptly day or night. Claude Humphry, Undertaker. firs. Humphry, Lady Assistant Residence phone 269. ZBINDEN BROS,, DEALERS IN. Jeweler and Optician. Ciias. E. Ford, President A. S. Reed, R. M. Hampton, Vice Presidents. 4226 S. K. WARRrcK. Cashier G. Hampton, Ass't Cashier. First National Bank, ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. Capital, $50,000. Surplus and Profits, $20,000 Directors: Chas. E. Ford, A. S. Reed, R. M Hampton. H G. Warrick. S. K. Warrick. Notice to Creditors. In county Court, within and forllox Iluttu county, Nebrasku. Sept. 17. iwi. In the mutter of the estate of HoVrt rreelund, deceased. To tliu cmlltors uf wild cMat: You uro hereby notltled. that I will kit at the County Court Itoom In Alllanco In said county, on the. M duy of March, 1005. to re ceive and uxumlne all rlainis aRuliibt &uUl estate, with alow to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the pres entation of clulini u cut nst said estnte U six monllis, from the 17th day of Sept. A, I, 1904, and the time limited for payment, at debt Is one year from said 17th-day OtiStfBjUJBOl. Witness my hand and UicrseSltiof said county court, this 17th day of bent, 1901. (A True Copy) D. K.Spacht. beax.1 Fp Bept,23-4w. County Judge. Contest Notices. All persons contesting lands have the right to publish notices in any newspaper they desire provided such paper is pub lished in the county in which the land is located. Notice. Persons desiring to enter homesteads or make final proof in other land districts can do so without going to land office. Address or call on T. J. O'Keefe, U. S. Commis sioner for the district of Nebraska, Alliance Flour i Feed. "Home Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It. 'PHONE 105. WT.PT sini: MAIN STKEET.. Dr. J. R. Taggart, D.V.S. Is prepared to treat any and all diseases known to the horse and cow. Special attention to dentistry. All work guaranteed Ham North of Palace Livery. Tho 101 SEE Jos. Carey & Co. For house moving, well boring making and cleaning cesspools moving box cars, ete .... ALLIANCE, NEIiRARKA. Ladies9 Tailoring AND Dress Making (KE1STKU BVBTEM) Kooms otcr the 1'umous Clothing Store. All work guaranteed satisfactory, MH3. e. C. YEAOEIt. ALLIANCE, NEH. iT ' V t' r ' fir t i -W i tr ' ! ' ft fa ft ft ft ft s s THIS for THAT THIS- is goods from our large and complete stock of housefurnishings THAT- is money, or yo u r promise of money. r - Truth is- we want to trade with you. Are you trade? If so and see us. on the come in Just received a line of new things in P or tiers and Couch Covers. GEO. DARLING 304 Box Butte Ave. Alliance, Neb. & J i v '"Si T :ftta V 'f '1 0J ", 'V 'It,