The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 14, 1904, Image 1

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    Statu UMorlrnl vlctv
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The Alliance Herald.
Official Publi
cation of Box
Butte County.
Largest Circu
lation of any Ah
1 lance Paper.
General and Personal News of Alli
ance and Vicinity.
We take pleasure in announcing
that we have secured the agency
of the famous
La Force
GLOVES They are the highest
grade gloves on the market for
the price.
We guarantee every pair and fit
aA AvvA'VNvUAn'U'lA
Business Local Column.
Advertisements in this column will be
charged at the rate of 10 cents per line
first insertion and 5 cents per line each
subsequent insertion.
Advertisers should remember that The
Herald's circulation is much larger than
any other Alliance paper and has the lar
gest circulation in the city and county.
Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house.
Battenherg patterns and stamped
linens at Regan's.
New styles in childrens cloaks and
dresses at Regan's.
Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of
manufacturing dipping vats.
Dr. Koons, dentist,
Norton block.
Office upstairs
See Humphrey for picture framing1, up
holstering and furniture repairing.
Picture framing, upholstering and furni
ture repairing C. Humphry. 7io-tf
For Sale 75 Cords of dry hard wood
W. H' Smiley, Crawford. Nebraska.
Fall line of ladies waists and wrap
pers just received at Regan's.
For Sale Carnage and phaeton, for
cash or on time. J. C WIlson & Bro.
Go to the Alliance National Bank to
deposit your money. Oct. 7-tf.
Harold B. Miller, M. D., physician and
surgeon, office and residence 321 south
Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb.
Hand rubbed, polish finish oak stoves
at Darling's, same price others are get
ting for plain finish.
Children's School Shoes.
Over 300 paits of good shoes to be sold
from 50 cents to $1,45 a pair.
Fred Mollring, Manager.
A .Millinery Opening.
Pattern and Dress Hats, .Street and
Tailored Hats. I.urficst and most clc
Kant line ever brought to Alliance now
on display at Itl'.GAN'S.
for Sale.
Cattle Ranch, 1 1 quarter sections all
deeded land, good title. First class
improvements. Inquire at this office.
is the result of properly
fitted, neat appear
ing, serviceable foot
original foot
form lasts in
sure a pro
per fit.
Grade materials make it look
and wear well. The exclusive
designs and individuality or
this make are prominent and
desirable features.
We solicit your inspection
of this superior shoe before
making your next purchase.
Mrs. Jack Bignell and son departed
Monday for St. Louis to visit the fair
and relatives residing in that section of
the state.
The Baptists will give their annual
Harvest Home Festival at the church,
October 25. Supper will he served.
Also a sale of articles useful and need
ful. Tom Campbell, the well known and
popular manager of the Rigell bowling
alley, but later employed at Mallcry's
grocery store, is now trying his hand
at railroad breaking, having began
work on the road this week.
E. M. Simpson has opened a butch
er shop in the building one door south
of the International Hatvestcr Co's.
office, on Box Bhutto avenue, and will
suuply the trade with the choicest cuts
of steaks, etc. Mr. Simpson only asks
you to refer to his price list published
elsewhere in this issue to convince you
that you can save tnouey by dealing
with him.
A change has taken place in the
ownership of one of the city dray lines.
B. S. Hinman has disposed of his in
terests to E. M. Martin, who will con
duct the same. Mr. Hinman will lo
cate on his homestead 40 miles south
of this city. He has at excellent plot
of ground including some choice hay
land, which will make him a fine home
and a profitable investment.
Cattle For Sale.
I have for sale 140 steers, 100 are
one and two years, 40 are three years,
twos and threes are dehorned.
Wm. O'Maka,
Moomaw, Neb.
Rromos Grass Seed.
I have a quantity of choice bromos
grass seed for sale at my place 53
miles south of Hcmingford, at 10 cents
a pound. Bromos is the ideal grass
for western Nebraska. L. Sampy.
Under the survey of the government
ditch in the Platte valley homesteads
are being taken up rapidly. These
lands promise to become very valuable.
Upwards of twenty Alliance citizens
have made filings this week. We have
a few choice numbers left but they
must be taken quick. See T.J. O'Keefe,
Alliance, or G. L. Shumway, Scotts-
Taken Up.
Stray steer, at my ranch near Lawn,
about two years, Hereford stock, branded
VT (connected) on left side. Owner can
have steer by paying all expenses. Sec.
31-28-5:. Louis Homrigiiousen.
Watch I'ound.
Found in Alliance, a watch. The own
er can have same by calling on Judge
Berry, proving property and paying for
this notice.
Nearly all the ailments of the human
race in these days are caused by the Blood.
Stomach and Kidneys being out of order.
There is not a case on record than Co-Lon-Co
hasn't cured. Ask your druggist.
Geo. G. Gadsby will take down
screen uoors anu winuows anu store
them till spring when they will be re
paired, painted and put up again. He
will also make and put up storm doors
and windows. Phone 400. o-iG tf
Big Cloak and Jacket Sale.
Misses' and children's jackets and coats,
Jackets from $1,25 to $3.50.
Coats from f 2.5o to $7.00.
Fred Mollring, Manager.
Simon Spry ami Louis Buechsen
stein went over the Guernsey branch
as far as Mitchell last week.
Iowa apples have been shipped in
and are being peddled through the
streets the past few days. The apple
crop in the Hawkeye state has been
quite prolific this season.
An alarm of fire from the eating
room at the depot yesterday morning
brought out the department, but be
fore they arrived the blaze was over
come by the help. Only slight dam
age resulted.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Vaughn were among
the fortunate this week to welcome a
new comer to their home in the shape
of a baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. D. W.
Hughes are likewise happy over the ad
vent of a daughter Sunday morning,
; ucu, .Mem nau 111c misioiiuuc 10 iau
from a freight car which was in motion
last Tuesday night and received severe
but not permanent injuries. He was
taken to his home in the first ward im
mediately after the accident and on
examination it was found that he was
suffering with concussion of the hip.
The Famous Clothing store is to the
front again. In today's issue this
firm is quoting prices on fall and win
ter clothing and gents' furnishings,
overalls, etc., of the latest fabrics and
patterns and at astonishingly low
prices. Take time to read over the
Famous ad on the last page and you'll
learn something that will be of profit
to you.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wilson returned
Wednesday from an extended visit to
the coast. They made a thorough in
spection of California and enjoyed the
the sights. The notthern part was to
them of gteatest interest and they pre
feried that part of the state. Howeyer,
when everything is considered, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson prefer to reside in
Grant Hale informs us that his six-year-old
son was set upon last Friday
on his way home ftom school
by a boy fully three years older
and pumelcd anu choked until un
conscious. He was taken home and
back to a position that almost wrehched
remained unconscious for two days
and has continued in a semi-conscious
condition since.
S. C. Reck was home from Rush
ville over Sunday with his family, re
turning Monday. Mr. Reck states that
the work of building the new court
house at that place, of which he has
the contract, is progressing satisfactor
ily and that within the course of a few
weeks the brick work will be completed
and progress on the interior of the
building will be pushed.
The elegant residence of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Mitchell was the scene of a
pleasant gatheting of friends Tuesday
who sat down to an elaborate six o'clock
dinner served by Mrs. Mitchell and
daughter Pearl. The event was most
enjoyable to the following gentlemen
who were the guests of the host and
hostess on this occasion: Judge West
over, Hon. M. F. Harrington, A. F.
Jones, Dr. Edwards, J. D. Scott, and
T. J. O'Keefe.
A. R. Davis, chief assistant con
sulting engineer, and five assistants,
held a meeting at Scottsbluff last Tues
day with a number of land owners
to determine the number of acres
of land that should be allotted to each
homestead right under the irrigation
act. While no decisiou has as yet
been made public, it is believed that
the amount will be 120 acres. It was
announced that active work on the
government ditch would begin next
The contract has been let to George
Fox for the erection of a new brick
livery barn to take the place of the
Palace, which was totally destroyed by
fire a few weeks ago. Mr. Desch, the
proprietor of the Palace, has awarded
the contract to Mr. Fox for the con
struction of a brick building to be 56X
90 feet, 14 feet in height. This will
make Mr. Desch a commodious aud
safe livery barn and also give room
for the great amount of traffic that has
always patronized the Palace. The
cost of the new structure, which is al
ready under course of construction,
will be between $3,000 and $4,000.
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