To Everywhere and Rock. TUP f RUNi.luN S I.1W hl'MMER RATF1 The Hurlington oflers tcur ...n nw in evcrv direction j In v that there is no exctue for taylo at bom. Balow are some ot them : Chicago and bck: Dully low rt cither dlricl ar via St. Louis wllhstop overs at St. I-onl, Knnsn City and Ontnlia. Wotld's fair stopovers at St. Ijoul on through tickets. Colorado and Uttli there and Imck practically hnlf ralos nil summer. To many points in Indiana. Ohio and Kentucky September 0, 13, to, 27 and October 11 at one fnro plus 2 for the round trip. To Michigan, MInnosota, Wiseoasin and the Great Lke rtglon the ideal sunimar country daily low rata to take yon away front home. L. S. Saok, Ticket Agent. VISIT TUB OLD POLKS. One fare plus $2 for the round trip to a great many points in Ohio. Indiana and Kentucky. Tickets on sale September 6, 13, so, 27 and October 11. Good via St. Louis and for stopover at the great expo sition. Finn! limit thirty thirty days. See me for full particulars or write to I.. W. Wnkoley, general passenger agent, Omaha. L. S. Sack, Ticket Agent. Ladies' Tailoring AND Dress Making lICKlSTKIt KYSTEMl ItiMiinx over tlio Famous CJmliliitf Store. All work pnamuteed witUfactory. MH3. S--. 1. YRAOBIJ, ALLIANOK, KKIL ATT0UNKV8. WILLIAH MITCHI3LI ATTORNCY AT L Yi. ALLIANCr;, Ofpick I'honk ISO. NEBRASKA. KESIDHNCII I'HONP.Sfle. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAV. ltooms 1, 2 iiml ;t, rirt. N'ntl-tm I limik build lnR, Allliiucd, Nul). Notary In olllce. ALLJANCK, NUI1RASKA. Collections givon Prompt Attontion. ATTOHNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE. NE1SKASKA. smith v. Tirrri.K. ut. k. ta 11. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. North .Main Ht,, - AI.MANUG, NEII, JULIA V. FREY, OSTEOPATHIC! PHV3ICIAN. Office two bloc I north of Times building, Phone ','58 Hours, 8 to i a. in.. 1 ;30 to 5 p. in. J. E. MOORE, AI. D. i' hi.ock, AI.1.IAMM'., Mill. Calls answered from olllco day i.r niuht. Telephono 'n. it'. DirTrvTDWAl 1'IIYStCIAN AND Sl'RGKOX OfllceoverPostolueo. AI.I.IANCP., NKH H. H. Bellwood, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Ilolstcu lllilldlilK, - A Id. I A? 3K, NKIt L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN ano SURGEON. Ofllco In, 1'Irst Xatlonal Hank blooh. AUl auco Nebraska. DR. G. W. MITCHELL. rhjblclan ano Surgeon Day and nlRhtc&llH. Otllcuovur UOKtiuKUitu. l'hono ISO. DR. Q. W. COLLINS HOMEOPATH Thirty i-esrs experience. Diseases of women and children and uim-surKlcul re moval of Kail slom. and cum of apemllui tls. seclnHIe. Oftlco first door wet of O'Connor's liakery. 'Phone day or nljclit, 11 H. Quy Lockwood GIIADIATH CHICAGO SCHOOL Ol' i:.Mll.VL.MIN(i Funural Director and Hmbalmer Phones Oflico 214. Res 205 Expert Lndy Attendant .. Alliance, Neb. FRED BRENNAN Pluinbinx, UeatitiK. Steam and hot water Phone, No. 356. ALLIANCE, NEB. 0eeeooooosoooeeooeocoos a JDAC. ltillj-(ViXJIt;X, DEITTIST In Alliance 16-30 of every month. Office over The Famous . , . 'Phone 391, f ' Notice lo Nonllcsldeut IKfi'tiJiints , JUn.wh'MilH r ..J nj,U'i ..,nliV , t N'ntirf UIitiIi) imcn i'ihUmi llm -T' ' il.' or AUK'ltl. W- ' ' " """. . I" '"'"" Hlert his jrt-nilon In 1l ill Mlrt i-nurl of Uo.x Hull nullity, .Nulimrtit. wUifnlll The Hh'iwnli'r MiirtsMin nwiuinjr. .lolm LnMKHl. .-'ff m I" 1 11 till 1 -;'l'- IH'J' Kucir, wifi- i.f .luliii Ki.'il-. j. '.-ijil n,i.-re um4 derrrnHnti. it- onie.t km! m iyn f WBlCfl tgtlil iwtltliin U to (iiiis'imMtr erlu.11 tax IJns bAMNl upon two tax cjtil..-ati- it MXmilfldaKtti .limn I-'. iVtU, tun!i ! I fur ila- llnnilHtiL taxis for th ywtfi IS. HW ami IfM, tHXUft lor ln ytr is m. iw uuii nm. Smtpd Hint NUltscqi'iit titxi pala i.r In 11. IV Sixmo iiml KllltM'OI'lil IHTIC HI HI X C.C., Stenttw lot tiw jv'tf lW" ,in'l " "f"n tliefJlhiwlnu iifTti"U rol wuue, sini.ueii In tho eotttitv of lt tlKtle. iftnteof lpiruMa. to-Wltt JsuiiUioaal TttP orssctl -n :.', ami MHtUtwtfst uDHrler of KtHtoa 3, ail In township:! of raneW. Saul d U. titvii- for vhIuo ril0(l bns duly saslftaM. nulrt .mil trannfi'rrwl all his right, tltiu atiU lutiint In ami to khIiI t o lax ft-rUteM ami said W iimiticut anil snhsniueut laxen lit tlici-p-diiUi r to this plaintiff Who Is now owikt mid hoid"r or h mie. ... lliHMiiiouiit fhiliiiMl 1 olalnUir UDoti h.iU SIMMled two Ux llfciis Ik Mi sum of jSa, Willi lutrruHl tlinniu from August J8.I1WI. of whtih urn 1 11 Is fur nUornoy s ico, ami mw for inibiini" r fi', the pnif it of sakl petition IS tfir a lUvri'i- di'Iiirlnit tl.o iifiirt'HOid amount, tovet'ii r wl' li InterMt thereon and oubts, w be a llrst and l.Hriiiiicuinl lien iiixm the aiurfn1il rini istHle hihI tbut Mid H'liI fr.tU' mny 1" sold under an onlerof tlio iimrt to Witlsfy tliowtmi'. miiltliNl mild defpiulHiits In) forwer Imrri'd nnd fori' cIiimxI of all int-i'Histor claim In and to mild it 11 1 relate ot any tiui't thtiMHif. You are rwiulriHl to nnswrr said iictltlon on or lfoiv 1 ho a t day of Oi-tohur, IWJ T. .1. O'ltHiirK. I'lHlnttff. Ily Wm. Mitchell. Ids Attortwv. t Auk- 2i. N'otlci to .Non-ltesldeitt Defendants. To Thonms 1). HhUrtr, T. W. Hrown, Porter llroi. At Co., K. V, Markmaii,.Iuities II. .-Ua foos. N. Hurt, ml I'ltch. It. I.Uutuvseil or it. Jj.UuteM-ll, Tliu Aiiicrlcttii llHiik. . H. I.uwi.t.HltnuiisoiT UtxM , rioUTUsiduiit defend- inns: Notleo Is lii'ieliy jctTun that on tJiuS5th 1I11" of August. 1101. AIIIiiiii'u :mutrv ttssociatlun. a corporation ilulv incorpornliil and cxlMinie uniltir and liy vlittieiif tin- laws of Ui statu of 5ebmiln. loKiiliitlnu i-iiiiKtcry associniloiis, plaltitltl', tiled IW putitioii In tlm dlHtrlct court of Itov llutlH county. Ncliraska, wherein Alliance Cemetery nswM'littloii, n prlvutecoi poriitlen oiVHidfd under tlm lsw of the ntto of Nehriisltit and compiled of the followliiK iKtHolli: Koliert Hatter. Nelson I'leti her, Tliotnnsl). &liutU.T. V. Hrown, II. V. AmpII, l'orter Ilnw A. Ci., I'. V. Miirklniiri, .liiaies li. SIsafoos.N. hurt, IJd Pitcli, I'. M. iiiedeker, V, M. Hands, I',. 1. (lutxenell or It. I.. (.1U1-.HI, The American llsiik, Louis ItiiHimeniti In. W. It. Lewis, W. I), ltumer, Hluionsou Urns, and John Ciirmlcle wer made defendants, tliu olijoct and prayer of which snld pt'ttllon Is to remove the cloud from the titl to tliu imiih wuhtiiuarterof nortliweit ipuuter of huiilh wustipiiirlerof hocllou 3t, lnuMshlii-j, rnntte 47. and Una land commencing at the mirth- east corner of tho Alliance, Cemetery associiv Mom icronuds iih surveyed, platted and record ed. Ilicii running eiist sixteen nnd one half iiaU. tluin south llfty six and one. hull rods on a lino parullul with the east llimof said ceme tery. Then west lifly-elirht and one half mds In it Htm piimlli'l with tliesoiilti llaoof ceme tery, then north on (lie umt section ll'io ot Mild section In which wild cemetery Is situated u urn Miuinweii cornel 01 said cemetery suu utod In Itox llntti; County. ISclirasl.u, Known as Alliancu cemetery, and fiimi any other laud otany (lescrlptloii owned In l.o I'tutto comity liydeTemlant, Alllunco (emuteiy asMiclatlnn, 'nieiirnyerof "alii iiwtitlun N for adecreero moriiiK thecloud rrom the title to the north weKtiiiarterof norlliwe.t i'jfirt.-r of south west iiintrter of section M", townslil)i', imiiku J, and that land roininu:icliiK at the imrthcnst isjrner of tho Alli.tucu t'eiiiuterj nssocliitioti Krmuids us nunejed. platted mid reconled. Then muiiliiK east ltncii inulonn hnlf rods, then south llfly-si and hub Ii.hT riids 011 a line parallel with the cast line of said cenwlcry. Then west llfty elk-lit and one. half roiUlu a line pni'iillul with tlie. south hue of ci.'inetiiry, then niifth on the wese section line of sutd mmiHoii In which said euineiorjr Is nltiiHlisI, to the southwest conn-of suul eenieteij slllinted In Itov Untie count v, Nebraska, known as Alllaiico CHinetery, mill tlio improvemeuts iii.'iciiu nini 11. iih mi uuii-r iiinus, iiiuiii'ys, crixtlts and iirimertv of auv and a 1 descihi- . i...w .... r. a... ..11 ...1 1 1 1u1u.1i ine reiison 01 same oeiin; iieeoeil lo or by the title Ih1iik 111 th- pictendisl Alllmiee Cemetery association, tan defondnnt herein. .... ....- . - . . ...i mid that the title to the sidd laud Known an Allinnce cemetery and all Improvement thereon mid to all othei l.iads.iuonej s. credln and property of every diweiliiilou, which Is in tliu 11111111) of or lielunes to the pretended Alliance t'einolery assoi'l.itioii he ordered, adjudged and decieed lolm In tho Alliance Ueiuetary nssi.cliitloii, pliilutlir, and the prop erty of the SKine anil for such other and timber relief at, may he Just nnd ctpiltahle. Von and ouch ot you mv teipiired lo answer siil petition on or lieforo the Jil day of OctolKir Jil Al.l.lANIT, ChMXTtilty Ansociatkin I'latutirr. llyUm. Mltcliell.ilH Attorney. fpAUKii Contest Notice. U. ?. Ijinrt Oftiie. Alliance. Noli., Auk. IS, 1901. A hUtllclenl cuiitsi iilitiluvlt bulnj Imwii tiled In this oliicn by Wm. Dclsliii. con testant, HKalnit Homestead entry No I75, made Novvm er i I WW, for lot l.southiast ipinrler nmtlienst ip . nuitb hnlf soiillieHl ipiarter sectloa S, tonuslilp norih, t.iutM40 west, by .Ihiiics Wlleox, 'ontotee, Ju liich It tsallccHt tliHtsiild.liiines Wllcov ueer re nlded on Mild tract and bus wholly ulHtndnucd hiimo for mow limn two years last past and ihut Mild rtllcKcil iibseuee from the Mild limit was nut due to hi emploj ment In the army, navy or murine corps of the United States us a private soldier, otllrer seainiiu or iniirlnn diirime the ar nltb spaln or durliur any other war In which the t'uiied Mates limy be ensured, Mild parlies aie hereby noti tleit to nppenr. renuiid mid offer eldeuro touehlni; stild iilUKtilinn at 10 o'elook a in. on October s, ltoi, before the Iiejslster imd uiieiiverui ine 1 iiuuti fetaies j.uuil OIUuhIu Alliance. Nebr.iskn. The said coiitenlaut having. In a proper uf lldavlt. Illed .lunep), HUM. set forth fuels which show that lifter due iIIIIkcuco personal service of the notice chii not be made, It Is hereby or dered and directed thai such notice 1st lilven by dun am! proper publication. fpAiijt.dl. iSltrrK Wll.cox. HeKlster. Contest Notice. U. S. Iind Olllce, Alllnncj Neb.. Ana. H. IWI. A sillllcleut contest nfHdavtl liMlntf been Illed ill lldrt olllco by Mll.e Sliluieh, contestant, UKHlnst lloiuestend entiy No. .I7s). Hindu Sept. as, ItKW, for north half smitheast ipiarter, Houthttost ipiui tor sunt hest qr. soiithea .t or., southwest ipi.uter Mwti.ui -JO, township S.s north, raiiB f,l west, by Joseph Lynch, colltc-tee. In which it Is .illumed thai said Joseph Lynch neer lehlded on Mild land and bus wholly abandoned the sumo for more tbun three veins iust past and that MitiliUlcttisl atseuce from ' said laud was nut due to Ids eiiiplnymen navy or marine corp. of the 1 a private soldier, odlcur seai duriiis' the war with Sji.ilnorir war lit which the I'liiled Stat KiiKtMl, Mild iKiUlesarc linreli; ptar, respond and offer evidi 11 . 1 the arniy, ?d States ns or marine nc any other amy Iw eii- o IIImI to an--unii'ldiix Jilld on October Is UlldKHllOII ut 10 OCllH'k 11. in. IWI, Uifure the IteKlster and Htvelierat the Oftlcu in AUtuueo. tJuitiNi Mates Laud uurHshu. 'I'lie.HHldcoiitefctant liaviuz. In a proper af fidavit, tiled June H, p.hh, set forth facts Which show tlini afterdiatiUlll'uce iiei-sonul sorvleo of this notleo can not 00 inside, It is hereby ordered and directed that such not lee Ihi Kiven by due and proiri)iibllcatlou. fpAiiK. St Jlni'Ch Wiutix, HetfUter. Contest Notice U S. Laud OluVe, AHIhiiw. Neb., Auk. Is. UVU. A Milllclent Contest iifliduv It haiiiu; lieen Hld In tills otlico by Mike Shliuek, contestant, UKHlnst Homestead enlri No. made Sep. 38, 1&W, for wwl hnlf sou t Insist ipiarter MHithetikt imiirter southt-ast quarter ms-Uou lU.Mnithwttei quarter southwest iiiiiriers)Uiiii , township s, raiivte M west, by DaxhH'ook, t'oiiteti. In which it Is allcvcd that wild David Vtxik never reslUid ou wild land and has wholly Abandoned wtme for mure than tints jwirs lut past and that MildiillexedatiMjiice from tlu said lain! wan not due to hlo cmiil) incut lu the army, nay or marine vurivs ot ibe L'nittxl .-tuti hs h pri ate soldier, officer, seaman or marine diirluttlhu war with bpniu or durliiK any othnr war lu which thu United btaMsi may W eiuiaed, said partita are hereby uotllied to appear, reK)nd and tiller evldeiiiK) touching snld alleatiiMi at lUn'elock a. m..ein)ctoher Is, 1!H, before th Holster and ltecelter nt the L'tillitl States Land ottice l'l Alliance, NoUraska. That said eoiitet.taut huvliiK, in a protwr alhdalt, liletl June 11 UMI. st forth f.uUs which show that after due iIIIIhciico pergonal ser ice of this notice cannot lo made, it is ordered and directed that suoh notice lie kIh uy uuuiiiui prupur puoiioaiiuii. fp Aug M. InucK WitiCox. HwUter. Harold 13. Miller, M. D., physician and surgeon, office and residence 321 south Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb, Old papers for sale at this office. M. E. Church Notes. Junior League will be held at j..',o p. in , And Epwortlt Lea Rim at 6:30 instead of 7 p. m. as heretofore. The Sunday school Teacher's mee.t inn will 1 hold at the home of Mr. Mayes next Wotlnosdny evening at 7:50. The regular prayer meeting will he held in the hate met it of the church next Thursday evoiiitif t 7, instead of 8 o'clock. All arc cordially invited to nttund these services; The services will be held at the church as follows: Sunday school til 10 n. in., prenching at 11 a. 111., and 7 p. m. Rev. C. W. Ray will preach on the following subjects: Morning: Take Meed Unto Thyself." Evening: "Tlio Unused Talent." Business Local Column. Advertisements in this column will be charged at the rate of 10 cents pr line first insertion and 5 cnts er line each subsequent insertion. Advertisers should remember that The IIxKALD's circulation is much larger than any other Alliance paper and has tho lar gest circulation in the city and county. Dr. Koon"!, Norton block. .dentist, Office upstairs Hattcnhcrg pnltcrna and stamped linens at Kugatt's. Now stylos in childrcns clonks and drosses at Regan's. Torost Lumber Co. inako .1 specialty of manufacturing dipping vats. See Humphrey for picture framing, up holstering and furniture repairing. Picture framing, upholstering and furni ture repairing C. Humphry. 7-10-tf t'or Sale 75 Cords of dry hard wood W. H Smiley, Crawford, Nebraska. Fall line of ladies waists and wrap, pcrs just received at Regan's. For Sale CirriaRe cash or on time. J. C. and phaeton, for WIlson & Bro. Buy at wholesale, "Cre" matting now 35 cents per yard, others sell it at 50 ceuts per yard. Geo Darling. Hand rubbed, polish finish oak stoves at Darling's, sniuo price others are fit ting for plain finish. Geo. G. Gadshy will lake down screen doors and windows and store .- .... ... ... . tlicm till nrinr v ihic thev will hi ri l,lun "" hpnilg.tieil tllLJ will 1)0 IC . ... . paitud, painted and put up ngnin. He will also make and put up storm doors and windows. l'hotm 400. o-iG If For Kent A good six loom house, close in. Inquire at Tim Hukald offiicc. The Buff Wyandotte chicken is con bidet etl the let all round strain and a poultry yard without them lacking. L. A. Snprisu has a number of such choice fowls to sell and those interested had better see him before they are sold. stroked. July 27, from tnv place in east Alliance, one red cow with white spots on face, branded F U on left side aud right hip knocked down. $5 reward for return of same. Jcon Sciikkinek. TflUoit Up. Stray steer, at my ranch near Lawn about two years, Hereford stock, branded V r (connected) on left side. Owner can have steer by paying nil expenses. Sec. 31-28-51. LOUIS HoMRIftilOUSKN. C$lic Tor Sole. I have for sale 140 steers, 100 are one and two years, .pi arc three years, twos and threes ate dehornod, Wm. O'Maka. Mootnaw, Neb. Children'; School Shoes. Over 300 pnits of (,'ood shoes to be sold from 50 cents to $1,45 a pair. l'"red Mollking, Manager. Dromos Grass Seed. I have a quantity of choice hronios grass seed for sale at my place 5 miles south of Humtngford, at 10 cents a pound. Broinos is the ideal grass for western Nebraska. L. Sahpv, Homesteads. Under the survey of the govennnonl ditch in the Platte valley homesteads aie being taken tin rapidly. These lauds promise to become- very valuable. Upwards of twenty Alliance citizens have made filings this weok. . We have a few choice numbers left hut thuy must he takan quick, See T.J. O'Keefe, Alliance, or G. L. Shutnway, Scotts- bluff. A Bargain. Owing to age aud ill health I will sell my ranch three miles not th of Alliance on very reasonable terms. This is one of the best improved places in the county. There are 1120 acre6 of deed ed laud and 320 actus of leasod laud, all fenced, good soil aud nice laving; t Co acres is good hay land; :Go acres under cultivation; 20 acres soedod to hromos grass. Good frame six room house, ham, granaries, cow stablos, corn cribs, corrals, 2 good wells, wind mills, tanks, etc.: all improvements in good condition. Will also soil machinery and fanning utensils if desired. Liberal teims. See Christian Matz, owner, or T. J. O'Keefe. vyvyvVsvvWlyVs1 r I T 1 I 1 Tl I E UiWilLIU aH&55nRU5tf3fla BIG 'kiksmm m T&ttflAyk'x J? w&jmi i A jj reat western St saiisui ansMtiasiniHitisas His iiiT-nm siwssix isnssisis ssisi ssjsjiiisw hi bs iiibus 11 ii as 1 nil sssjs iwia in issiiiisj ssii asi ifvSBpOTvtFiRi'J1 answraKwsK Kl LM " 1 DCKCCOOCOCXXOSOXCCCXCCXXCOCC30 U We make no charge for putting up a stove and it will be done right; an experienced man to do this kind of work. We have full stock of Enamel, Stove Polish, Brushes, El bows, Dampers, Coal Hods. Shovels and Stove Boards. Come URNITURI VhA-VVv-V-wA HUMPHRY :: Undertakine: :: Embalminof Calls snswered promptly day or night. Claude Humphry, Undertaker. Hrs. Humphry, Lady Assistant Residence phone 2og. ZBINDEN BROS,, nHALERS IS "Home Comfort" Flour k Is Our Leader. Try It,... PHONE 105. WUPT SH)U MAIN STKKET.. Dr. J. R. Taggart, D.V.5. Is prepared to trcatnnyand till disenses known tti the horse and cow. Special attention to dentistry. All work guaranteed Barn North of l'aluee Livery. Tho 101 SEE Jos. Carey & Co. lror house moving, well boring making and cleaning cesspools moving box cars, ete .... ALLIANCE, NEBRAKKA. dig Clonk and Jacket Sale. Misses' and children's jackets and coats, Jackets from $1,25 to $3.50. Coats from $2 So to $7.00. Fred Mollking, Manager. Watch round. Found in Alliance, a watch. The own er can have same by calling on Judge Berry, proving property and payiug for this notice. and . . Comoanv r&rJbzZ &fc-w t JV U ,j,5fc ftfcoJiiSft Jt Flour 1 reed WSSSEHBSSSSSSH fsmsxa THING TO FIND This name on a stove means Dura bility, Style and Finish; so, when you buy one, look for the name. Our store is where you can buy these 'stoves. The prices are right for we don't have to pay excessive freight, just from Omaha. OAK HE A TERS maw swsssasasssaausjrjjsssjswBwiisisisii wnmtmrm as imip iisisiswissuias j m From $7.00 up. COOK SJ0VES From $12.50 up, number '8 size. f n to US for your GHX3. DARLING : aid AH FURNI .x - F J. B DEALERS IN- Drufirs. P 'i '4 0 and Paints, Oils and FIRST DANK NATIONAL LOCK. "diamonds, U 1 oiiet Souvenirs 000 Repairing in all its Branches. - A. C3o Bo-i Jeweler and Ciias. E. Ford, President A. S, Reed, R. M. Hampton, Vice Fresfdents. National X ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. F Capital, $50,000. Directors: M Hampton, Chas. E. Ford, A. S. Reed, R. -- Notice to Creditors. In county Court, within anil for Uo IJntto county, Nebraska. Hupt. 17. 1W1. In tho uiattor of the otlatu of Hubert I'rt'olmul, ilnooiiMfil. To tlio ormlltor.s nf said uslutn: You are that 1 will sit at the County Court Itoom lu Alllimue lu Mild county, on tha 2Sd day of March, 1W5, to ro celvo and c.Miiiiliif nil clanui. against said cntatu, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the pres entation nf claims liKaltitit said ostato Is M montlis, from tlio i"th day of Suit. A. I), mil, and tliotltuo limited for pavmnnt ofdalits Is one yoar from said 17tli day nf Sept. I'.i0. Wit u oss my lianil and tho seal of said county court, this l'th day of nrpt, 1.H)I. (A True Copy) D. K. SpACllT. suALl Kp &pL23-4w. County JiHlga Co-LonCo. FOR axoKSEBXtasasin BSfssxsxasa ove Co "ffi, need SI s - :..;.:.::.::.:.:.:.:..:, xtoi'LrBBoo : errumesi Articles J Wall Paper 1 Alliance, Nebraska. ::: BINGS Watches, Gold Jewelry, 000 Hail orders promptly attended to.- O 9 Optician. S. K. Warrick. Cashier Hampton, Ass't Cashier. Bank, Surplus and Profits, $20,000 H. G. Warrick, S. K. Warrick. FOR SALE! Buff Wyandotte Cockerls Now is the time to buy. come at once aud get your pick. Finest lot of birds in the country. Frices to suit. Come and see them, or write me your wants. The best all around chicken for profit and color. L. A. Suprisk, Alliance, Neb. Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house. h V - l r i ". 4.