f It It I A i) ImWW $43.75 CREAM SEPARATOR. Fons43.75rr:.u:r."j'!:! hentl cream ataaratar 111.-1. ii,iH aeparator with a. eaparlty of SoJ pound or l.0qui.rtt per hour, amnio I-anrerilireoMoooi too pound! ner Sltwlff ' J.7' or Utrt flrlt. Vnl J fllfbtlr hlaherlnrrlce. Guarantee J the detest eklmmtr, tailc t run- bi. wranpM, roost convenient. 'i'J'J '?."?! ftit capacity and Irait titbit to cet out of or "J of nj cream separator rnadci. "1MB UUARANTEE. Ettrr 'seasrater I! e.fer.d be bup sn. yeer written binding guarantee. AND PART OP THE MACHINE. PROVEN VnuiVii,,,,. 2Ei,T,f needed exeerte and dairy autharltica eeerrwhere. and declared by Uaoueands of users to be In every way superior to any ether epp&ratornnde. Ouaranleett tease tha IS par ctntts to par cant cream thai you now Iota la the dimmed BUlk by the old style of ekimmlnir fpnintiiaataii n W.t- ... t. the sweet skimmed mil for your calrest eares all tba B?.?.v,.ut,,e sweet inliki makes more and baiter butler, witn tile separator you will rt tiooo to tsoM Hr year BUm f IN.. ..... .via. Waal. Hilt ... a a - ---.., vvtwajvu ..... get UVV IBCOOaS ZrOlTl seren oowa than you era now getting from ten. and all with ana-kail tha'labor. Our sVr.fr epsnlVr Is needed S.f JW termer, wbetbsr you milk two ttwa ar tan. Vou ,AVilS J.."LSfib.,.Cr,,r" "" months. .A-B?.T..CAH e-ArlOLE IT. ke simple Met anyene can paratlt,noeipeiienclaiieoeiur7ilt yon bate nerer sen teparator. ne matter, any li-yeer old boy can han dle and run It, the Ideal machine for boy, girl, woman or fnl. ""?! nonB e' " complicated, hard to bandle parte found In otW machines. Comblnaa all the rood quatltlse IJ.t'2l!'5',fTad,MPni,r,niwltl.thedefe'tiof none. &0mS&1,XiJtl!LJL'"t,V w nd our .EPARATOIt I.A1.T.ftDDRIt,s n a O 'are1 trial, to eenelnce yeti llMD CBC .-.PAIIATOr. MADE IN THE WORLD. Cat this ad out and Mud to us and we wTllaend you, rrea by return mall, postpaid, our Pre Separator Catalefua with large Illustrations (picture!), of all our separators. Parte, eta, full description, special Imlde prices. ya will land yon Our SO Dara'Pree Trial Oiler, V will ex plain our Ouarantee. our Quality Challenge. Vl wlllei plain why our machine la the best. Teu will get eur lattat ad meat msrvslsusly llbarel Oreem Separator Otfer, an flier and price! nerer before known. Don't buy a separa tor of any make, at any price, on time, onlniullmentor for rub. until you cut this ad out and vend tomandgrt II we will aend yon by return mall, POSTPAID, PR IE. M yon own two or more cow, write m at once. Addrew, f SEARS, ROEIUCK ft 60., CHICAGO. GHI1U.tfV IT RINIiFR tCMAfi ALWAVS RELIABLE rout Jobber or direct from Factory, l'eorla, 111. VIH BUT WAUTT STSAKMIfi GINSENG Fortune! In little gprd ri:. Eatlly grown everywhere. Bella In American market at 7 to SI 'J perlb.t coiuto arowlen than IL HI Aamsndt rooti and seed for tile; booklet rest write to-dty. OZABS QIKBEMO 00., Dept. 8, Joplin, Xo. Hi THE. BEST WATERPROOF CLOTHING IN THE WORLD Le A"5 THU TCADE WX uvi tr-xikWvsiL-rw vm'r"'v WM w am f ' S-JPt7 ,'r S S0j4: W OimIc h - SRVSJf MAft N IIACX M TtUM TAKCNOSUfiSTITUTCS 0N2AiDrtrwnue . jnowiNa-ruLL unco A SARMCNT3 AND HATi A. J. TOWCn CO..OBTOH. Ulll.Uli TOWER CAN AOIAN CO., jTD.. TORONTO. CANADA.! Strawbirry and Vegttablt Daaltrs The Passenger Department of tho lJllnoh Central Katlroad Company hnvo recently Issued n publication known as Circular No. 12, In v. blcti Is described tbu bosi tsrritory in this country for the growing of early strawberries and early veKCtnblcs. Every dealer In Mich productR should address a postal card to the undersigned at Dubuauo. Iowa, requesting a copy of "Clrculnr No.'l2' ' J. F. aUEHUY, AssU Gcn'l Pass'r AgcnU As to the Teeth. A dentist says that tho more teeth are used, legitimately, the better for them; that perfect mastication on both sides of the mouth prevent re ceding gums and tends to ward oft de cay. Those who chew on one side, and that the fad of chewing every mouthful very fine Is one of the most sensible fashions humanity has ever taken up. Lovo alone can interpret the law. GET A" GRASP ON OUR TRADE MARIC GET-TO KNOW IT WHEN YOU SEE IT AND THEN NEVER BUY STARCH WITHOUT IT. DEFIANCE STARCH IS WITHOUT EQUAL IT IS GOOD. IT' IS BETTER. IT IS THE BEST AND MORE OF IT FOR TEW CENTS THAN ANY OTHER STARCH. IT WILL NOT ROT THE VIOTHES. YOUR GROCER HAS IT OR WILL GET IT IF YOU AM rUK II. n n a n o SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK.' MANUFACTURED BY The DEFIANCE STARCH CO., OMAHA. NEB. Great Reduction in Rates via WABASH RAILROAD Home visitors excursions sold evpry Tuesday in September and October 11th. Half fare (plus $2.00) for the round trip to all points In Indiana, points in Ohio and Kentucky. J8.60 St. L-ouis and return, sold Cally except Friday nnd Saturday, J13.80 St. Louis and return, sold dally. J27.15 Buffalo, Niagara Falls or Toronto and return, sold dally. $21.50 Detroit and return, sold dally. $20.00 Chicago and return (one way via Pt. Louis), sold daily. Long limit and stop over allowed ut St. Louis on ALL tickets. Schedule of our Fast trains. Head up. Arr. 9:00 p. m.8:20 a. m. Read down. 7:4G a. m. 6:30 p. m. T.v. 8:00 a. m. 6:4S p. m. Lv. 7:35 p. in. 7:00 a. m. Arr. 7:50 :. m. 7:15 a. m. Arr. These trains run dally Omaha Council Bluffs World's Fair Station St. Louis Arr. 8:4fi p. m.!3:00 a. m. Lv. 9:15 a. jn. 7:45 p. m. Lv. 9:00 a. m.7:30 p. m. Compare this time with other lines. Tho Wabash lands all passengers at and checks bmrcace to Its own station at main entrance of World's fair grounds. Think what this means; quick time, extra car fare saved, and a delightful trip, and you are not all tired out before entering the Exposition grounds. All Agents can route you via the Wabash R. R. For beautiful World's Fair folder and all Information address, HARRY E. MOORES, G. A. P. D., Wab It. R., Omaha, Neb. For Man Horses For Cattle For Poultry T Limit WHiKt ill USt IALLS. Bait Cough Birup. TMtM Good. CM In Una. d br droaalat& a ! i' i mm Mi When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. k IV rsjfcL. He Knows Better Now. Slir hail n dimple lit her chc U And I wiw lo.Ht in admlmtkiti. Hie tliliiff. I know. It not unique, And In sonii' iifiiplt ' cmIIiiiiUIoii A mere ilcprcHslon of the xlUn. A ort or Inveine of ti pimple; Uut, nil the same. 1 can't lirKln l'o tell you how I loved that dimple. I loved to watch tho lady smile: .,..t.wn"' supreme. tlu satisfaction Willi which 1 looked upon her while. Her dimpled cheek Kot Into action; I liever knew what thliiKs slm won; hat frock or hat or hood or wimple, I was contented to adorn Her fasclimtliiB llttlo dimple. A Ins! In cnursp of time I loanien I hat cozy it-stliif; place for Cupid Had liofii tntu tin nuixclo Imrued Or cut- which I consider stupid. It ciuiBht me fairly, that I own. Hut now I'm not so young or simple. And deimatoloKlsts have shown .Me how u glil can get a dimple. Chlenuo News. The Prickly Pear's Sting. There grows In Africa a cactus tho oave and fruit of which are a terror to tho Just and unjust alike. Tho plant grows so quickly nnd Is bo 'loalthy that a single leaf, If thrown on the ground, will strike root at once, farmers at the Capo find It as great l nulpunce as farmers elsewhere hnvo found the thistle. Ostriches feed on t with sad results to themselves. Their heads and necks become as full of prickles an a well-kept cushion of pins, and the thorns in (he fruit stick n their throats. Sometimes they get 'nto their eyes, too. and the birds ?row blind. In dry weather the stings nre blown about like thistle down and cause much annoyance to tho unlucky persons on whom they alight. Tho fruit, If you know how to peol It, has some good qualities. It Is cool and re freshing In summer heat and tho treacle made from It Is not bad whero Dutter Is scarce or costly. A coarse spirit that may be burned In n lamp when nothing else can be got Is dis tilled from the fruit, nnd blacks, and sven Boers, will sometimes drink it. To peel the pear, stick a fork in It firmly, then cut open the skin and take It off, on no account using your lingers. If you should handle It. nnd eat it, you will feel for days pricks and pangs as if you had been stung by and fed on a thousand nettles. Mexican Street Customs. Many stieet customs of Mexico are surprising and somewhat confounding to strangers when they llrst enter tho country. For instance, hand-clapping Is the usual way of attracting atten tion. If a man wants to stop a street car or call a messenger, ho simply brings the palms of his hands together several times instead of whistling or shouting at the top of his voice. When the attention of a person is se cured, an overhand motion, tho oppo site of beckoning, signals that he or she is wanted by the person signaling. That portion of a pavement farthest removed from tho street is tho path of honor, and is invariably surrender ed to women and by people of the lower class to their superiors. If you walk along tho street with a Mexican, he is careful to take the outsldo posi tion. Salutations at a distance are ac complished by passing the right hand in front of the face, palm inward, tho lingers working during the maneuver. Oldest Known Piece of Money. Chairman Losmann, of the Society it Scientific Ilescarch, in Anatolin, tins Just acquired a coin which Is tho oldest known piece of money In tho world. It was obtained during a re cent journey in Syria. Tho piece, which is of pure silver, contains a per fect Aramean Inscription of Panummu bar Herub, King of Schamol, who reigned 800 years D. C. Although tho LydianB havo been regarded as the In ventors of money, this coin now up .iets that belief, as It shows that two centuries before their time money was iiscd by the Semitic Aranieans. Explosives In Cabbage. In these days of chemical manures, wo often consume ti lot of explosive-. when wo eat n cabbnge. O round, tho nnture of which requires It to bo fer tilized with nitrate of potash, jlolds some of this up to the plant In the courso of growth, nnd so It reaches tho Interior of tho body. BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CURBS caUrrh of tke stomach. ' A Very Useful Dog. A blacksmith in the West had a forge for 'the purpose of making nails for tho coarsest sort of shoes. Tho boy who tended this forge made 1,000 nails a da, with some one's assist ance. And who do jou suppose was his helper? A dog! This clever anlmnl had been trained to blow the bellows by means of a wheel attached to the crank. While Mio Iron wns in the fire the dog would nlow the bellows; when It was taken out he stopped to rest, commencing again of his own accord when it was put in again. Hr. Dnvld Kminod.v'a FnTorlto Krmrilj U adawrtl lo both .fir. anil all aim. IMm Kldnr.r and Llttr wmplalut, anil rurlflta Iba tloxl. It all ilrugElili Seedless Pear. Grand Junction, Colo., lins succeed ed In growing a seedless pear of excel lent flavor, lino nppearanco nnd good size. It Is said to bo freo from worms and other parasites, and in much re sembles tho well known U. do Anjou pear. Mra. Wlnalnw'n Koothlrnr NjTnp. Tot children teelbtnit, tof irna tb mini, rcuurrt lu emmllon,allj pain, euro nlnacollw SJcabullla. Hard Task for Children. In East Indian schools mental arith metic is a vastly moro sorious matter than It Is In tho schools of this coun try. Ppuplls of ten years are taught to remember tho multiplication table up to forty times forty. Sensible Housekeepers will have Dellnnce Starch, not alone because they get one-third more for the same money, but ulso because of superior quality. No Hurry to Leave. "I ain't In no hurry tor leavo iHb world," says Brother Williams. 'It's mighty hot in do summer time; but den, do nox' worl' might blaze In win ter!" Atlanta Constitution. The Murine Kjr Keuirdr Co.. Chti.-i.KO. lend Home Kjra Book tttt. Write tlifui about )uur ejea Acetylene Lights for German Army. An officer of tho German army has Invented an acetylene searchlight, which can be carried by ono man, and which will illuminate everything within a distance of 100 yards. Try One Package. If "Defiance Statvli ' doeB not please you, return it to your dealer. If it does you getone-thlrd more for the same money. It will give you satis faction, and will i.6t stick to the iron. Soldiers Ask Advance Pay. Thibetan soldiers, made prisoners by the British, wero asked whether they would enter the British service. They sold they would If they wero always paid In advance. When You Buy Starch buy Defiance and get the best, 10 oz. for 10 cents. Once used, always used. Valuable Badge. The badge worn by tho lord mayor of London Is studded with diamonds lo tho value of $000,000. Do our Clothes Look Yellow? Then use Defiance Starch, It will keep them white 10 oz, for 10 cents. Peat in Sweden. Tho total quantity of peat In Swed en is estlmntcd to equal a supply for two centuries of tho present coal Im port to that country. PIko's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of ns a cough cure. J. W. O'llmics, 322 Tlihd Aye. 27., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 0, HUO. Bo what you wish others, to become. Let yourself and not your words, preach.. Amiel. Defiance Starch is put up 16 ounces In a package, 10 cents. One-third more starch for the same money. Temper Is so good a thing that wo should never laso It. Birds Killed in Flight. It Is reported from Luhec. Me., that while some parties wero out driving n a buggy at South Lubec tho other i venlng a big flock of sandpeeps, or mipes. suddenly flew ncioss the road, 'nil struck tho bide of tho carriage, billing twenty-five or thirty of them. The occupants of the team brought .hem homo with thorn, and enjoyed l nice lunch off the little birds. "From lha cradla to tha baby chair" HAVE YOU A BABY? II so, you ought to have a PHOENIX WALKING CHAIR 1 Boy Knocks Out Bear. Homer Hill, a 12-year-old boy, was ' mucked b a largo black bear near lis homo at Waterford. Vt a lew lays ago. Tho boy got away from tho I inlmal and throw a cobblestone. ' itriking tho bear In tho head with ' :uch force that the latter fell to tho round and tho lad oscapod. (PATENTED) "AN IDEAL BKLF-IN&TRUCTOR." OUR PHOENIX Walking Chair holds tho child socurelr, pro Tenting those painful falls nnd bnmps which are bo f roqnont when baby learns to walk. 'BETTER THAN A NUR8E." Tho chair is provided with n ro movablo, sanitary cloth scat.which supports tho weight of tho child and provents bow-legs and spinal troubles; it also has a table attach ment which enablos baby to And amnsomont in its toys, etc., with, oat any attention. "As IndUpensablo as a cradle." It is so constructed that it pro vonts soiled clothes, sickness from drafts and lloor germs, and is recommended by physicians and endorsed by both mothor and baby. Combines ploasnro nnd utility. No baby should bo without ono. (Jail at your xurmtnro dealer and ask to eco ono. MAr.rri.cTrnED onlt bt PHOENIX CHAIR CO. SHEBOYGAN, WIS. Youthful Traveler. One of the youngest travelers In Maine Is Harry Marr, aged 9. who for jiorc than a year has accompanied his 'athor, Warren Marr, a coramorclal drummer, on his trips through tho .tate. Can only bo had el your turniturs dealer. aaaatatataaaHl m vi. m m m m W m I Miss Nellie Holmes, treasurer of theM "ViVA V. Mrv- Miss Nellie Holmes, treasurer of the! Young Woman's Temperance Association of Buffalo, N. V., strongly advises all suf fering women to rely, as she did, upon Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, "Deab Mra. riNKirAM: Your medlclno is indeed an Ideal woman's medicine, and by far tho best I know to restore lost health and strength. I Buffered misery for several yearn, being troubled with monorrhagia. My back ached, I had bearing-down pains and frequent headaches. I would often wake from restful sleep, nnd in such pain that I Buffered for hours before I could go to sleep again. I dreaded tho long nights as much as tho weary days. I consulted two different physicians, hoping to got rellqf, but, finding that their medicine dld.pot seem to cure me, I tried your YcgctaWo CompOHnd on the recommendation of a friend from tho East who' was visiting hie. " I am glad that I followed her advice, for every acho and pain is gone, and not only this, but my general health Is much improved. 1 havo a fine appetite and have gained in flesh. My earnest advice to suffering women ia to nut away all other medicines and lo take Lydia E. Pinkham'S "Vejje taulo Compound." Miss Nklluc Holmes, 510 Mo. Dlvlilon St., Buffalo, In. Y. Hiss Irene Crosby, prominent In Social Life in East Savanah, Ga., adds her testimonial to the value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Dear Mna. Pjhkiiam : ' It always givca ma pleasure to find an artlclo of real value and unquestioned merit. I havo found JLydla E. Plnkliam's Vcgotablo Com pound well calculated to relievo and euro tho various troubles arising from irregulari ties and menstrual pains. " Much suffering could bo spared if wo only paid moro attention to proper living end diet, but as long as women do net do this, ?our Vegetable Compound has come to ho front as a truo friend in need. I havo been very pleased indeed with the relief it has brought me. I find that I havo perfect health now, and that my mind is also mora clear and active slnco I used your Vege table Compound. It has been of great benefit to me, and I gladly recommend it Very sincerely yours, Miss Irene Cboibt, 313 East Charlton St, East Savannah, Ga." Remember tbat every woman is cordially invited to writo to Mrs. PInkham if there is anything about her case or symptoms she does not understand. Mrs. Pinkham's address is Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free, and is cheerfully given to any ailing woman who asks for it. irodoe tha original HUt Bad tlfattnrM of hair abinluta cenulnoneM. lordlk E. rlnklism Mm1. Co., Xao, Hum m ,r1rn km mMm ApAAA FORFEIT if wo cannot forthwith P YHllllgl -Urn" tlmoalli, which will proTe 11 Oin ramntt. alb rmu 'Ml nuirr trimuTKLi'D ronoLT -rom-ia to nni" Ml UD1H M KKK2 Uf --t. HOME VISITORS EXCURSIONS FROM ALL POINTS ON MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY. :GREATLY REDUCED RATES EAST,: INDIANA, WESTERN OHIO, LOUISVILLE, KY.t AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. ALSO HAWESnitE, POWERS, LEWSPDBT AKD 0XENSB0R0, XT. September 6Ui, 13th, 20th, 27th and October 11th. Return limit, 30 days. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE To Tlslt the old home and see your friends of other days. f On PARTICULAR. INQUIRC Or COMPANY'S AQCNT, OR U. C. TOWMiK.M, Vcatral 'aacascraadTlcLcl Altai, BU LouU,Mo. W.L WfMmm &f SHiM tw) x vvm z&jnz&z. r-it mae&L. VJriMI -Zl&mmcmwmKZLVmmmmm. T&ZSm--MMm k UGLAS union co K:.rk CLiAec rOR MADE. JtuJ jnW&J MEN. W. L, DeuaSa mmkom mntf aollm nor men'm $3. BO mhoa than any athor manufacturer M tho world, Tlie itajioo W. I. Douglas HM aboea lua lh KtfaUit aeilcra in tbe wotld la bc-rauM of llielr etcalleut style, eur Ettlnf and luperlor wwrimi qiialltira. If 1 coakl aliow roa ina ainereoce iwiwc-ra m luova mi-ae in mr laciorr ua ihoaa of other makra and Ilia lilgt.-Bn.de lealttra .Kit, jou wouia anvieruana wdt vt, i iiouguu m auora coi iuvi to make, why they hold tlitlr ntui., 0. IwtUr, wr lounr. ana are 01 Kirairr inuinsio Taiue man any oinrr aa.ui ,!(. u on tha markr. to-Uaj, auu uij i, in, wero wliy ttw aalea lor Uae year timing l n t rwi WOBLtlsMWj GREATEST 5H0E MAKER $6,263,040,00 W. f Ponglai guarantee their Talne by atsmplnj Ma nar anil prlc on tli lollom. Look lor It take no muuti.te. Sold by ahoe dealers onywherc t'usl I'vlor Jtycltti mtJ AXr.-fiirf.. Superior in Fit, Comfort and AVear. " hose worn W.l.povfflai (J.SO than for the tail twlrf viart ieilltannlulllainjaelion, J Jin J mm tuptnor njtjvinjitl ant terqr lo ethtrt rvitina fryni $SM to fM." B. 8. Me CUE, Dept. Cull, 1..1. Int. Jintnut, Richmond Jfi. W. I.. Uouclua uac Corona Coltaklu In Ills 83.CO ciiori. corona L'oit la coucoaua to do ini.ne l'ntrnt Leatlier inatle. 8U OK CITILOOOI OIVIBO full IKSTEOCTlOU unw tu oniiiic nr miiu . , , W. Ls DOUGLAS, Brockton, Nfass PUTNAM FADELESS DYMS Coltr more ooodt brighter ind biUr colon thin tny other die. Ontloc pickiae color silk, wool nd cotton pquilly, ll tnd loufnt6td to, oW oerlc reilta. .. A4t)ler or e will tend pot paid otlDcopickiti, Write) lor . aUet-Hew to Dje, Bleacfi and Mli Colon. MOtmouvaooCi)., VnUnv(u,'Mmiutl'il nU J fit on u