: V .) a; nirxajsvp'---' i LS8B TLrWiif sa Forest Lumber Company. Dier Its' Lumber 5 CoaS C Also agents for Nebr. Central Stock and men, Stockmen: It will pay you to advertise your brands in this paper. The -Herald has the largest circu lation of any, newspa per in Western Ne braska. Nebraska Stock Grower s Association. (Incorporated.) A. M. Modtsctt, president, ISushvllle; H. M. Hampton, vice-president, Alliance; V. M Bearlo Jr., secretary-tieasurer, UkuIuIIii. Executive committee K. P. Myers, Lena; R. K. Kincnld, Ulnghuni; John Hrcnnnn, Alliance;.!. I. Vunlloskirk, Alliance; K. C. "l-owe, Hjannls; John M. Adams, Potter; K. M. Allen. Ames; It. Llsco, Lodgcpulu; Evert Kldred, Orlando; E. C. Harrie, Cliadron; L. W. Hlckell, Kimball; Robert Graham, Al llnnce.Iohn Conway, Dunning; J. II. Cook, Agate ; A. S. Heed, Allianee. MOSLEU & TULLY, Jefjs, Neb. Stock branded .as hbov.-n on cut on eitlicr side. AHo J -O on eith er side. Township 28 and range 4:1. CUItRAN IJItOS., Cunton, Sioux county, Neb. (Cross II Cr6s) on left side. Also 1 1 1 on left thigh. Under slopo on loft ear. Horses branded game as cat tl a on left Jaw and u on left shoulder. STOKM LAKE ItANl'lI, KOUHKT OKAIIAM, Cleinan, Neb. As In cut on right, or luft hip; left oar cropped. Horses branded 0 on left jaw. r K. MAIIIN, Henilngford, Neb. Cattle branded ilying horseshoe on left hip. as in cut. Homo ranch sec. 23-27-&0. Horse ranch in 20- !. Mullndu, Nub. On left side. JM on loft bide J. It. Nerud. Alliance, v"fb. 3 5 connected any place on left bide, ltango on head of Pine Creek, Sheridan tounty. POINT-OF-HOCKS KANOII. JOHN O'KEKFE tc SONS. Alliance, Nel), Cattle branded OK on left side: also ok and k on left side. SCHILL ItUOS.. Schlll, Neb. Cattle branded on light thigh or XV on right bide. Township 27, range 45, Sheridan county. lock V C 8 4 aSSM&ffisSffi: i 1 XLiXii.M,VJMA J-1&2 4 (ML I J s s wKM I wF&JKt II .(OS. NKUUD. T. .1. DOW I ). 4KVaTw0TOMMMM'W IM&JKW&ef- Ie "t ft vTf,"w To-KaJ MUI TiH HOUSE Noth'Pg 11 more interesting tlmu the manufacture of hgh grade lumber. We buy only of the best manufacturers and hence can assure yott the bet of every thing in the line of ISulldlns Uuierlal, tnfrvoMt-in wr',ii CALL AND SEE I'S OUK PRICES ARK RIGHT PHONE 73 For that small repairing1 we have the fixings, Boards for sidewalk laying, .fencing1 and the like, can be had from us at reasonable price. I rv ' Bid. & Loan Asso. Phone 22 WM. O'MARA. Moomuw, Neb. Cattlu branded Catholic cross on rlrrhthlp. IIotse branded same on right Shoulder. Hunch on St V. V of section 29,45 and adjnee; range II. A. IULLING. 1lrx 111., I.. V.tl. vJ Cuttle branded as Dent on left hip. also with the bar - over instead (if under brand. Alsooiilcft U'ni-h .... ..!... I- in township -?, rnnti 4li. AI.MSON Lakeside. Nel). Cattle branded N-on Wghtlilp. Range In Twp. 28, range 43, Slier dan county. I V A A.4.. J - y-A .. A A .. 1L.A.A.JL For a Full Line of... StapIeAND Fancy -Groceries s, I Finest Tens, mv That Can't be Beat In Town.,.. Queen swaref Tinware .... y Enameled ware CALL ON. A. D. RODGERS. Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD o 'Phone ISo. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. F. m. WALLACE ' DBAY LINE . Moving Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . . Phone No, i Young's grocery, Alliance. For Fine Root and Shoe Repairing call on 1. D. NICHOLS Also has in stock a new line of GENTS' SHOES of the best manufacture and at prices that will suit. Call and examine the stock before you buy and you will save money. At R. Madsen's old stand, first door south of Cigar Factory. JLJ .... SnTl 19 r no, -,t&- Ytstt.-atMirMaia"i. V5QesvvB Sarsi3iiiyi!t3;fc... -T&KS fuehwa nw'iH'TJPCM A. l imoi THE roA si POTATO DIGGER. This machine is offered to the public after years of ex periencennd practical opera tion in the potato field, dur ing which time many altera tions and improvements were made, nor was it offered for sale until the inventor was as sured thai it was nearer per fection, both in construction and the ability to do the work of a first-class digger in the field, than any other machine ever offered to the public. D. J. O'&ELTE, (Agent,) Siemingforcl, - Neb. pKttsiTime Table y ii.-'i &!-!? hhii Alliance, Neb, LINCOLN, OMAHA, CHICAGO, DENVER, HELENA, BUTTE, SLT LAKE CITY Si;. JOSEPH, KANSAS CITY, PORTLAND, ST. LOUIS, SAN FRANCISCO, mid all points cast nud nil points west and south. TllAINS I.KA VK AS J'OI.I.OWS, MOUNTAIN TlMR! No. 41 Passenger dully. Deadw xd, Hilling!., nil points noith and west .-: 12:35 a.m. No. 42 Passenger dully, Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago and till points cutt 2:45.i, m. No. 301 Passenger dally, for Denver Ogdcn.Salt l.al.0, San Fran cisco and all Intermediate i.olnts, departs at 2:l5u.ru. No. 3tt! Passenger dally from Denver and all Intermediate points, arrives at 10:45a.m. No. 303Dally, exeeii Sunday, for points .south and west, de parts... lu':50u.u No. SCO Dally, u.cept Sunday, fiom bouth and west, arrives 4:55 p. m. Sleeping, dining and lccllnlng chair cars ise.itsfree) on through trains. Tickets sold and lnpgago checked to any point in the United Slates or Canada. Tor information, time tables and tickets call on or write to L. S, Saoe. Agent, or Ij. V. W'AKnr.EY, Gen eral Passenger Agent. Omaha. Nebraska. The Summer Season Is here So are We With Special Prices on provisions of all kinds. Call in and see us before buying1. Lee Acheson 'Phone No. 4. W. M. FOSKETT Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On COMMISSION, or BY THE DAY. "Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me Hkmingfokd, Nnn. Contractor and Builder. Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. O. GADSBY, Ilrick Shop West of Alliance Nntlo-al Hank. Alliance, Neb. PHONE 400, Hair Rnjes to Newcastle and Return. For the Weston county fair at New castle, Wyoming, September 8 to jo Rur lington will sejl tickets at one fare for the round trip. Return limit September 14. Ask the agents for details. MODERN MAGAZINES. flic Work Thnt Miml )r Don, by Sueoeful lid I tor. The 1 iui' Oilltv whu li 1 ill be no fntivit", s to t "i ! 1 1 fi ;!' 'Miui'Mis of his luntf.ixllie iu tilt' t! ,'' 1 il tli..t came in to hli'i v. 'it'll xi .1 bo i--placed or his tnR., !;:c wvikl need . otil of business. ,..i irti.y h'M tht day gone by when Xk'.'.x r vt l.i easf chain uinl iimet;c.l.!j I'd' J whe..t from ib.nff In U.i ( l of R'.nff seut prayerfully to thorn, but jrouc. too, li tiio dny whon rui editor could sit In his utllco. mid plan u goud imignsliio out or his Inner consciousness. A good mngaxlno today represent the skillful collaboration of several bright, keen men, or men nntl women, nml Its mnke up is a nice medium between wlint the editors have reason to think their sub scribers want and wlint they have ten son to think their contributors can do be.st It Is an Important part of good edit ing nowadays to keep In as close touch ciB possible with the greatest possible number nud variety of persons who write. It is part of nn editor's busi ness to keep woll Informed on all the new books and nil his contemporaries among the periodicals to know (bet ter, perhaps, than the man himself knows) wlint kind or kinds or work any given man enn best do and to have the knowledge filed away In his mem ory for ready reference. It Is part of bis business, too, to see and talk with, whenever he can. not only the persons who are trying to write for him, but all persons whose situation In Ufo Is at all Interesting In a way which ought some day to make them valuable to hliu.-Clara K. Laughlln In Header. SPORTING RIGHTS, Only Source (it Income or Mny Ti tled ICiikIIsIi l'liinlllen. Were it uot for tho enormous sums pnld for llshlng nud shooting rights ninny people of nuelent names nml goodly title would, In the moat literal sense, have no means of livelihood whatever, nud only the other day one of the best known property agents of the west end of London drew up for tho writer a lint of a dozen people mixing In society of nn exclusive kind, every penny of whose Income Is de rived from the letting of sporting rights. Nearly all the money thus expended has been made In commerce, and tho agent referred to above "showed docu mentary evidence proving thnt there are lota of men who do not tulnd pay ing as much as 100 for every deer, 3 for every trout and 20 every salm on they kill, plus the sport of kill ing them. One of tho most remark able features of this letting is the fact thnt only about one In every hun dred of tho owners of ancient sport ing rights ever enjoys his privileges us ti sportsman. He either prefers or is compelled to part with such privileges, and those who take ait vantage of them are nenrly nil people In business. This renting of fishing and sporting has even extended, down to compara tively htimblo people In the provinces. Many a small lorkslilro fanner is be ing kept, nnd well kept, not by his farming, but by the letting of somo comparatively Insignificant sporting right. London Tit-lilts. Holmes' Inspiration. There Is hardly room for doubt that Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes was en couraged to write his "Autocrat of the Brcakfnst Table" by reading "Table Talk" being "Tho Discourses of John Sclden, Esq., or Ills Sence of Vurlous Matters of Weight and High Conse quence Uelntltig Especially to Religion and State." The work belongs to 1034-54 and treats of such topics as ar ticles, baptism, Ilible, bishops, books, ceremony, Christmas, clergy, confes sion, conscience, creed, duel, epitaph, faith and works, gentlemen, holy days, Idolatry, Jews, Juggllug, king, law, lec tures, IJturgy, marriage, money, oaths, oracle., poetry, popery, presbytery, proverbs, lellglon, sacraments, trade, truth, university, wit and women. , For the thousandth time, "Nothing now un der the sun!" New York Press. Gonil Watch Stand Mnrd Knock. "The knocks a good wuteh may bo subjected to and yet come out un injured are most remaikable," said tho Jeweler ns he attached his glass to one eye and peered Into the workings of a timepiece. "This watch Is supposed to have fallen a distance of nioro than n hundred feet, and 1 can detect not the slightest disorder. A few days ago a countryman brought a wnteh to me which he wished examined. Ho had lost it in a field, and It hud lain out there, exposed to the elements, for six weeks, part of the time being sub merged In water. It was in perfect condition, not even a speck of rust in the case." Columbus Dispatch. AiilninU' Love of Scct, This love of sweets Is very common In our animal neighbors, from the beo to tho horse. If you want to please a uorso try 'giving him two or three lumps of sugar. Not only the beea, but tho wasps, flies, butterflies and In deed nearly all Insects, are conspicu ously attracted to sweets, and it Is this sweet tooth which leads the In sect to visit (lowers aurt thus help them to produce seeds. St. Nicholas. Thought. "Dut you enn't make n machine that will think." "No," replied the Inventor, "and I wouldn't If I could-lf I thought it would think ns some people do." Chi cago Uecord-IIernld. A bad memory "often enables ua to remember the things we should forget Just to help business along for a limited time I start the ball rolling with pure Leaf Lard, in any quantity, at 9 cents per pound. You will find a good price on Vigor nt toe per pkge. Two pkgs. of Gloss Starch selling rapidly at toe lb. Increasing the sale of Rice at 20 lbs. for "a dollar. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Prunes 20 lbs, $1. To help the packing houses out a little, Bacon at 15 cents per pound. A great manv other bargains too numerous to mention. These prices can't last long Come Early, Join the Crowd and Receive a Cordial Welcome at ' GRAHAM'S' GROCERY STORE 'Phono 5O Corbin Building HOLSTEN'S PHARMACY.... Is One of the Most Up-to-Uato Drug Stores In Nebraska. ....... Prescriptions Carefully Compounded a Watches and Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty ' r. E. IIOLSTEN, Proprlotor. --------- --- ---- If You Have Never Bought t MfAEnWAF? t NEWBERRYS? TRY IT ONCE! You will be Pleased with the Quality and Prices. We guarantee satisfaction. No trouble to show goods and quote prices. Nebraska Hide Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, Cow and Horse Hide Robes, Leatherand Saddlery Hardware Established 1878 L. C. BURNETT, M'gr. Nebraska City. Nebraska. FIRE INSURANCE AGENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hart fold l'lie Insurance Company. North American of I'hlludelphln. Phoenix of lllooldj-n, Now York, Continental of Now York City. Niagara l'lro insurance Company. Now York Underwriters, New York. Commercial Pnlon Assurance Co., IomUm Office L'p.Stnirs, Fletcher lllock. Dray and Transfer Line. Afe W S. A. nr w- in a them The only spring Phone 139. Palace Livsry 3am S. TI. 13ICSOLI, 3?i-op. (INT. 1ILOCK Wl'.ST )P Tin: NLW ZIIINDKN . , lU'II.DINO. 'Phone Ti. excellent ! The placing- of a few e dollars monthly in the ... ALLIANCE ... s National Bank will soon enable you to buy a comfortable home. o e- r ' M. Knioht, President .... V. II. OouuiN, V. Prosldent O. 11. CoNNETT.Onshler. Staeeeeoe;:; 0000OOr0OO0A t TR.eYv . Twee. $ 0 Fire f 0 Insurance. IiEMirfGFORD, Nebraska. 0 0 0 0 ft A front for the Caledonian, of Scotland, which Insures town property only, and tho Colum bia, which Insures town and farm propurty and live btouk, ltoth aro rellahluold lino com panies ... Notai'ial "Work.. SO V 00000000 A SELECT stock or Daimonds. , . . - Alliance, Nebraska. 4 and Leather. Co Always Reliable. Liverpool. Loudon nnd Globe Ins. Co. German American Ins. Co.. Now York. I'armers and Merchants Ins. Co., Lincoln. Columbia FJro Insurance Company. ( Philadelphia Underwriters. j Phoenl.x lux. Co., Hartford. Conn. . Alliance, Nebraska. sMlr HEN YOy GO TO LEAVE TOWN about what to do iih our House on '1 worry Id t.oodi Miller will take charge of tlo'ii ; am re tber nice, dry and cool place ant1 (. nnd shir wherever domed. Clli.ltf! 's'l.iable. dra) Hue in the citv. , , S. A. Miller. Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, and courteous treatment to all lias won for us the patronage wo enjoy. Trv us. - x - wo J. Rowan DEALER IN FLOUR and FEED WHOLESALE ANI ItETAIL HANDLES THE 'W fllf Celebrated Ravenna Flour At Pilklngton's old stand, 'phone No. 71. t 5