The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 02, 1904, Image 4

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    urse Kjeraio
T, J. O'KEIil li
. . , Publisher
Associate Kditor
Entered at tit postoftUa at Alliance,
Nebraska, far trnnttfiissidn through the
mails, as seoond-clnwi matter.
K5T.THK IlKfeAt.n Is th Official IMbllCB
tion of Hot Hulte county nd iti circula
tion is nearly twi: that o J any other Al
liance paper.
Display, per single column inch per
month........ .50
business local, par lino first insertion .10
Each subsequent insertion, par lino .05
Legal notices at statute rates.
Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance
l'nr l'rt!t1mit,
ot Now York
For Vice I'rwMetit,
Vt VltgtotH,
1'or Confrere. HI x tit lMstilet,
of Lincoln county.
Por Governor,
GKOItolt W. liKKOK,
of Lam-aster eoHmy.
For Llttllonlfitlt Governor,
1)11. A. TOtt'NfJUND.
of I'rftnklln county.
For Auditor,
.1. R0ANDAy.
Of Kearney county.
Por Treasurer,
.10IIN O3H0KN.
Of 1'uwnoo county.
For I.nml Commissioner,
A. A. WUltSLlIY,
of Boyd county.
For of Public Instruction,
of Perkins county.
For Attorney General,
of Holt county.
- . For ffecrotary of Slnto.
of Richardson county.
Fur County Attorney,
Por County Commissioner.
(I'lrnt Dlrtrlct)
The republicans nre at it again.
Thousands of dollars tiro being paid re
publican papers in this state for pub
lishing a constitutional- amendment
giving the legislature power to change
the constitution of the state of Nebraska.
This fnrcc is" gone through with every
fall and the notice must be run at lcgnl
rates for three months. Take your
medicine Mr. Voter. This is another
case where you nre compelled to dance
becnuse you liitvo placed your order.
Rushvillo Standard.
A statement in another column shows
that the "redeemers"' have appropria
ted a million dollars more of the
people's money than was necessary to
carry on state government for two years
and so long ns this amount must be
blowed in, Thk Hhiulu is glad to see
the newspapers get a slice of it.
It is a dead moral certainty that the
fanners of Nebraska must this year
and for several years suffer from the
effects of "republican redemption."
There is no escape. Hut the amount
and degree ' they must suffer depends
upon the state board's action in as
sessing the railroads.
Not entirely," however, as some of
the now thoroughly frightened republi
can editors would have their readers
In the first place, the state board's
action in assessing tho railroads will
not now change tho fact that tho railroad-ridden
"redeemers" in the legis
lature of 1903 appropriated at least a
pcopli-o money than was needed to car
ry on state government for two years.
For example, look at these figuros:
Appropriations by the "Re
deemers" in 1903.... J?3, 740,280.70
Appropriations by the Fn-
sionistsin 1897 - a,335i343-4Q
Republican increase. . , .$1,404,437.30
An increase of FOUR HUNDRED
bly necessary to meet the growing
needs of tho state but no sane man
believes an increase of FOURTEEN
HUNDRED THOUSAND was neccs-sary-
It, was nothing short of the
Now, this appropriation was made,
and warrants will bo drawn against
most of it substantially all, in fnct,
by March 3:, 905. The warrants
MUST HE PAID sometime, and until
thoy are paid, they are part of the
This floating" debt bears 4 percent
interest on all registered warrants.
Hence, the longer payment is delayed
tho heavier is the burden. Tho Re
publican party is responsible for every
dollar of tho state debt. They caused
every dollar of it. On
,.i.i&tt $ 1 fa mf gffm'
ui. n nmi
Ci.w wuali..u
debt wflB
IOt',205 (ih '
Light cars later it wai r,3' .73 47
Nov. 30, ijuo tho Popu
lists had reduced it to 1,727.447.72
And 3 vears later it had
climbed up to 2,203,177.21
That tells tha story. Every dollar
of it up to Nor. 30, tSgO, urns a re
publicnn dobt. Tlmt nnint be conced
ed. And four yemr later the Fusion
ints loft it 208 thousand dollars loss
than when they cntno in. Hefidos tho
Fusionists paid off ovury dollar of the
STATE BONDS. Under no possible
method of figuring short of actual
lying can it bo shown that a single
dollar of the state dobt todny is oven
rcmotoly the result oT Fusion admin
istration. Up to Nov. 30, 1903. the "redeem
ore" htul increased the dobt $535,600.
It was then $326,903.74 greater than
it was 7 years before, in the palmy
day? of Joe Bartloy an increase of
nearly 1 7 par cant.
Joo wasn't regarded as a howling suc
cess as a financier, at loast not fot the
people; but he, after stealing and los
ing upwards of a million dollars of the
taxpayer's hard earned money, did bet
tor than the presonl republican admin
istration. At any rate the floating
debt will bear that construction.
Now, if tho state board had nssoscd
the railroads as high, dollar for dollar
of actual vnltio, as the county assessors
and their deputies have assessed the
property of fanners and other business
the folly of the Republican Redemp
tion of iqoo. . The railroad assessment
was made lower, dollar for dollar of
actual value, than had been placed on
other property, and the
They will be compelled to pay their
own share of the extravagant appropii
ations of 1903 and they will bo com
pelled to pay a largo portion that ought
in right and justice to fall upon tho
That's the situation in a nutshell.
As was said in the beginning, it's "a
lead-pipe cinch" that the farmers of
Nebraska will pay a heavy penalty for
so industriously SHUCKING CORN
"Votc'er straight." Otherwise shuck
Mnny of Our Gitizcns Would Favor
on Experiment in This County.
W. H. Jcwctt, living eight miles
northwest of Alliance, was in the city
Wednesday and from a conversation
with him we are learn that he is heart
ily in favor of tho idea of artesian or
flowing wells for the better developing
Box Butte countv lands. Mr. Jewett
is the possessor of about five sections
of land in this county and would give
liberally to such a project believing it
to be of vast impottance to himself as
well as cyery land owner in the county
in a financial sense.
Mr. Jewett advances a theory by
which an, experiment might be brought
to a head His idea is that a well
be put down on the countv farm 'by tho
county and thus demonstrate that it is
possible to get what is so much needed
to make this one of the best and most
productive counties in the great state
of Nebraska, and that is water, and
plenty of it, and as he has given some
thought and study to this subject, he
figures that tho expense of such an un
dertaking would require a levy of only
4 mills to be made, thus making a very
small cost to each individual tax payer.
After talking with Mr. Jewett wo are
of tho opinion that this would bo a
good investment for the county at large
and if properly taken up and handled,
and the experiment proving successful,
it certainly would make Box Butte
county a "shining star" in the firma
nent of Nebraska counties, and would
undoubtedly attract large numbers of
people with capital to our midst and
soon cause Alliance to become a city
of at least twenty thousand people and
Box Butte county one among the most
wealthy in the state.
With the rich soil, healthful atmos
phere, wonderful climatic conditions,
and flowing wells throughout the land,
bountiful crops of all kinds would bo
the result of such an undertaking, be
sides an influx of thrifty farm
ers, skilled mechanics, and in
fact, all classes of craftsmen who go
make up a great and prosperous com
monwealth. We also learn that there
are other gentleman throughout the
county who are becoming somewhat
favorably impressed with tho above
idea and wo trust that steps may
soon be taken s. whereby this im
portant matter may be brought before
the people.
Kc tli h l'krrc Is fuliy nulla rlzcd t" u.-
itsuosrr prions ihi jo worn nnti coi. j. t
rt II it S riui u-j nniiinui i ii'iu- in' "1.1111 i
ouMiuviiaf.muK Mun with M portion na an
.. .4 . .4a, 9. .- tin i nnal 1 , t ft r t. t I I . .ll.nM 2
ac muted representative of this paper 1
Mrs. Rustin was up from Alliance
D. P. Mc Limit was in from Marplo
Miss Nellie Curry want to Clmdrou
C, C. Huckc returned from Omaha
Thursday. ' , -
Soe Johnson for onrringe, wagon or
power grease.
. Mrs. J as. Montague was in from
Dunlap Friday.
A hay loader, for sale at a bargain at
B. E. Johnson's.
Morton Sweeney was in town a few
hours Thursday.
Miss Katcu is an efficient clerk in the
Frohnapfel store.
Wolfgang Froimuth was a Homing
ford visitor Thursday.
Emil Kockey wont oast for a couple
of weak visit Monday.
A Sherwood and son went to Chad
ron tho first of the week.
Miss Mary Hcrncall was a guest of
her brother Victor Sunday.
Repairs for tho Keystone mower will
be kept constantly on hand at John
son's. A fine line of top buggies and spring
wagons always on hand at 13. E. John
sou's. Frank Nagelschneider shipped a car
of his cattle to Hecla where they will
be kept by W. K. Hcrucall.
Claude Brown has decided to enter
the train service again and will leave
soon to go on the toad braking.
Mrs. J. M. Pierce went to Aurora
Monday to spend a few weeks with her
sisters.who are there from the east vis
No-bcrt Frohnapfel opened up the
potato buying in car lots here Wednes
day he paid 25 cents cash, 30 cents in
C. J. Wildy has put in a full line of
furniture and undertaking goods on
second floor, having secured a coin
potent embalmer and hearse when ever
A. D. Millclt has purchased the fine
residence owned by Thomas Killeen and
will improve the same and provide him
self with a water supply sufficient tor
lawn purposes.
At the special telephone meeting Sat
urday it was decided to raise telephone
rentals to 50 cents per month and as
sess the stockholders $2. 00 each to pay
off the indebtedness of the association.
II. R. Green is constructing a new
store building between his store on the
corner and tho Bushnell store. It will
be occupied for the present by a restau
rant under the management' of E.' D.
Strayed Between Box Butte post
office and Hemingford since May 1,
one two-year-old white faced roan steer
branded K on right jaw. Liberal re
ward paid by Robert Kettleman'or C.
J. Wildy.
C. C. Huckc sold a carload of 3 year
old steers to an eastern buyer Monday
for $3.10. They averaged 120(5 lbs.
netting him $37-39 ahead. He shipped
another car of steers to South Omaha
tho same day.
W. T. Eikner is thinking of erecting
a commodious building for general pur
poses on the second lot south of the drug
store. He will make it large enough
to accomodate a dry goods store and an
office for himself.'
Rev. Father Loecker writes from
Hot Springs that there will bo Catholic
services in Hemingford Saturday Sep
tember toth. Father Loeeker has been
in the hospital there for a few weeks
but is now improving.
Chas. Brinkman returned from Alli
ance the last of the week. He is con
sidering locating here permanently in
view of the large amount of building
which will bo done bore- and in the
country from now on.
11. A. Armstrong adjuster for hail
inssurance company which did business
here this summer was here Friday and
con- firmed the adjustment of the losses
of Anton Uhrig and Patrick Kinsley as
made by the local agent.
If you want a mowing machine it
will pay you to see the Keystone at
Johnson's; the best machine on the
market. He has the five and six foot
cut and will sell on time to suit pur
chaser or trade for cattle.
Pete Swanson's stacks of rye and
barley were struck by lightning Wed
nesday evening and totally burned up.
Mrs. Swanson was knocked down and
was unconcious for some minutes.
Thore was no insurance. Mr. Swanson
was absent in the Pine Ridge at the
t --
Hcmuiiord Wednesday
V. R. Hcrucall Bpcrtt-n. short tine on
, . 4, , - t f
the much Yeiincsua, near 1 1 ecu
Miss Jessie Sweeney came up from
Alliance Tuesday to spend a few days
with E. C. Stewart and wife.
E. Mahin and son Ed suturued from
Illinois Saturday after satisfactorily
dlsposiiif of their car of horses.
Rov. Smith and Mrs. Bassetl went
out to Canton the last of the week to
hold a sorios of revival muotiugs.
C. Olds & Co. have a threshing ma
chine nild a corn binder for sale.
TerniB to suit purchaser. This is a
bargain. Call on or address, Clark
Olds & Co,, Hemingford,
A patty in honor of Mrs. Jackson of
Omaha occured at the home of Win,
Fosket .last ' Friday. A number of
young ladies were presont and a pleas
ant afternoon was spent.
A. M. Miller returned from his trip
to Boston Thursday and reports a
most pleasant and profitable time. Ho
left Mr. Barry at Boston. Mr. Barry
is visiting friends and relatives in
Alva Sherwood and family went to
Hot Springs Wednesday to spend a few
days. He will go from there to Kan
sas to buy a car load of Shetland
ponies which he will take back to
Michgan with him and dispose of them.
I have the best potato digger on sale
in Heniiugford that there is manufac
tured. Aarragements have been made
wheteby for a short time only in order
to introduce them I am permitted to
dtit the regular price $10. Will take
the digger, for which I am agent, into
a contest in which the other diggers for
sale here aie represented and will
demonstrate its superioity over all
others to the satisfaction of everyone.
D. J. O'Kkefe, Agent for The
Brown Potatoe Digger.
A wedding announcement was re
ceived this week stafing'that Ed Loomis
and Miss Delia Van Pelt would be
married at the bride's home on Thurss
day evening, September i.The wedding
occurs at Ogden, Iowa. Mr. Loomis
lived here for one year a short time
ago and is well known' in thi3 com-
muniU as an upright and honorable
young gentleman. The bride is un
known here but presume Mr. Loomis
will make his home here and she will
no doubt prove a worthy helpmate for
E. M. Snider took two cars of stocic
to Brighton, Iowa, Monday. 0110 was
a fine car load of horses and the other
was mixed bunch ol his own cattle.
The inspector would pass none of the
sluiT consigned to Iowa until the con
signees agreed to dip at South Omaha.
He also refused a certificate to Frank
Nagelschneider but later telegraphed
back that they might be shipped. It
seems that the government ought to put
no obstacles in the way of transferring
cnttle from one point in an infected dis
trict to another point in the same dis
trict. CANTON
Hay making is about to be some
thing of the past for this season.
Mrs. Hassett had charge of the mail
between Lawn and Canton Saturday.
Mr. Leavitt and family from Lawn
were among the audience at church
Those wishing nice pigs should visit
Doc. Randall's hay ranch as he has
some fine ones.
Mr. Jones and lady from Wilson's
Ranch, on Snake Creek were in attend
ance at church also.
Geo. P. Jones wife and son of Alli
ance, are visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Hickey this week, and
attended church Sunday.
Rev. Smith preached to the people
Saturday night and Sunday, and there
will be services Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday night of this week and also
There was quite a crowd in attendance
Sunday evening at Langford's dam on
Snake Creek, The candidates for bap
tism were Messrs Arthvr Bass and L.
E. Hood, Misses Myrtic Broshar, Jes
sie Leavitt, Florence Meek, Mrs'. W.A.
Randall, and Mrs. Coil. Bass.
. OK It. T. HardstriiKSlo Lodge, No.'
Mets every Sunday afternoon at 2.,
Bell's hall. Visiting brothers welcome.
J. A. Dunning, V. M.
M. Hargraves. Sec'y.
43 meets very second and fourth Thursday
uventtiR In V. O. V. Hull. Vlslttns Olimsmen
cordlallv Invited.
Sec'y. U P.
L. O. T. M.-Meets every first and third Frr
day at Eagle Hall. Visiting Marcabees cot
dlully Invited. Mus. E. J. Hetzomi, L. (J.
Sins. Annie Vount, It. K.
Adopted bv the Athanca Janijr Normal
at the closf of the term of t )M
Resolved That v.e th" students of the
Alliance Junior Normal, express to the in
structors, to the countv sjperiatennents,
especially to Mrs. Rtistin, Mrs. Knox, Mr.
Borky and Mr. Smith, our heartfelt thanks
and grateful appreciation of tholr untiring
efforts in our behalf, and be it further
Resolved, That , we lender special
thanks to Mr, Bnrtz and his assistants
Mr. Brindley, Mr. Stfbdgrass, Mr. Dan
forth and Mr. Philpott and assure them
that we have never known patience, zeal
and perseverance equal to that they have
Resolved, That it is the sense of the
Alliance Junior Normal that a continuance
of these Normals will conduce greatly to
advancement of the cause of education in
the west, and that no effort should be
spared on the part of county superinten
dents, the state superintendent, aod our
representatives ip the next legislature to
ecure a continuance bf the same.
Rosolved, That the memory of the
kindness of the people of Alliance and the
friends we have made will inspire and go
with us in our educational work,
Mrs. Ella L H.vlbs,
Siou county,
Mrs. Dora L. Merriman,
.Scotts Bluff county.
Mrs. Ida mNFernaiu
Box Butte county.
The First State Bank,
rilAKTT.K NO. (1.15
Incorporated in the state of Nebraska at
the close of business Aug. 23,1904.
Loans and discounts $ 31,313.84.
wtirruriiiuvti-i-uri'tiiuiu iinsecureil.. 17&. 411
I urnlturound fixtures) 510.0(1
uurrtHitpxpunscH una taxes paid.. O.M.40
Due-f rum national, stiito nnd pri
vnto batikHund bankers. .J4,i5s.i7
t'nsh 3,13-1.47 H,00(l,0i
Total JU,0.si43
Cunitnl ntock paid in $ fi.lOJ.OO
Surplus fund 1 .osn.OO
undivided protlts 3.l':t3.Ml
iiiiiiTiuiiui ucposuKftuujenitii cnerk
Time certlllcateH or depo.sU . l.r.7H1.0u
Casliiar'h checks outstuud-
. inir UN.S0
Due to state ami private banks and
liuukei'.s :r.t.vw.r,i
Hills payable OOO.OO
Countv op Ilox Huttf,
I, Anna .M. Piurce.iisslstnui vashicr of the nbove
named bunk, do nolemnly swear that tho alxne
otiitemont is correct nnd a true copy ot tho
report made to the otato Hanking beard.
Anna M. Pifiicu. Cashier.
lliA-ffif Erectors.
Subscribed and .sworn to before mo this 31st
day of Auk. Mill.
T.J. O'Keefk, T. S. ConimlRsloner,
District of Nebraska.
Notice of Special .Mcctincof County Hoard
County Clerk's Oflleo, Alliance. Veb..
,. , ,, , . . Septembers, 11)01.
Public notice Is lioreby civen that 11 special
meotinjr of the county commissioners of Hox
Itutte county. NebruHku, Ih called to meet
at tho court uuiisu In Alliance, r-cptember
10, HH)4. at iiiuo o'clock n, ui. for
the purpose of hclcctlinr 11 list of sixty
names from which 11 petit Jmy luay bo drawn
for tho net term of dlwtriet court of .said
County and also for tho purpose of auditing
nnd nllowins wieli claims us may be filed
UKitlust lite rounty and which in tho judgment
of the lHanl Miould be p .Id.
K. M. Hmyhkh, County'derk.
Notice to N'on-KcstUcnt Defendants.
To Clarence Lewi;,, non-resident defendant:
ou aro hereby notllled that on the 31st day of
August 1!04, Delia Lewis liled a petition
against you In tho District court of Ho Hutto
County, .Nebraska, the object and pruyer of
which aro to obtain n dlorco fiom you and
t-jhnoOur murtiago with the defendent .set
aside and declared and decreed to be null and
void without force, effect, and illegal, on the
ground Unit you bad a former wifo living ko
whom you hud leeii legally married nnd from
whom you bad lift been divorced at the time
of onr marriage to tho plaintiff and for the
restoration of the plaiutllfs maiden name of
Delia .Moschenross, You aro required to an
swer said ix'titiou on or befoio Mondai, the
10th day of October liWI.
., .. DKI.lA I.KWIH. Plaintiff.
Hy . Mitchell, her Attoney. .'p Sep y-4w.
Appointment or Administrator.
State of Nobrnskn, 1
kn, 1
Dor. Hutto Count
At a county court, helU.ut tho Manly court
room, in and for uaid county, Sept. :., A. D.
Present, D. IC. Spaelit. county Judge.
In tho matter of the estate of Ilobort
Kreeland, deceased.
On reading and filing tho petition of Mary
Alice rreelnnd praying maladministration of
said estate miiv be grunted to her as admin
istratrix. Ordered tlmt September 1", A. I). 1004. at 2
o clock p. in., is assigned for bearing said pe
tition, when ull persons interested in hald
matter may appear at a county court to bo
held in mid for said county, and show cause
why tho prayei ot petitioner should not bo
granted: and that notice of the pendency of
fcald petition and the hearing thereof, beglvcu
to all pernios interested in said matter by
publishing u copy of this order In Tub Alli
ance llL'nAl.n, 11 weekly newspaper printed in
paid county, for three successive weeks, prior
to said day of hearing.
D IC. Si'ACiiT, County .ludgo.
(A true copy.)
Ibbai.1 fpSept 2
Contest Notices.
All persons contesting lands have the
right tc publish notices in any newspaper
they desire provided such' paper is pub
lished in the county in which the land is
Real Estate.
Wanted Cash offer for SEJ sec 4-
I can locate you on" a C40 acre home
stead. For Sale Good farm in Custer county
and desirable ranch property - in Holt
To Exchange House and lot in Alli
ance for quarter section near town.
A SNAP $600 will buy a quarter sec
tion 3 i-2 miles from Alliance; has frame
house, barn, corn crib, sheds, etc., and
good well; 30 acres under cultivation;
land lays nice and soil is good.
T. J. O'Kkepb.
csiiiciu Wb-icuunnis.
lotia Sl.j.viilt M-..rtfjtn:t romp, iiy
Vitwc uhpriuy itiwu Uia 111 to .'it n day
of j-it, HOI 1' J liui mil.
Hi 1 . s tittntjii In tlio I' " t r.iurt
t ll.'X Mint" rottntr V'br.i. t wherein
Til. Ktiow.ii'1 r !.t)tKH!i nupaiij lolm
I.arn.ih. (eirtc VVnrmf .Tolin hwtie Lury
Kucfti, wife of John Kti'fte ,lofoinlnnts.wiro
niaiti- dcfciKliints. tl.t- oliJ--t mid prayrr of
ttlilcti util pUitinn Is to torfi-ltw- two ciTtutn
lux Huns Imw'tl upon two tux certlllciitM of
tHXsslf. dated .lunt? Vi. ttvti iiurchaauil for do
IliHturnt tnxfs for the years IrtM. Isnp nwl liWO,
Uy i'. '. Htevens nod subM-qeut tuxos paid by
u. 1 . sievuint ror uio jenrvmii ami nw, upou
the f JllowliiK desi-t-IlMd rial estate, sUimtod
In the rounty of Itox Itutle stntc of Nobr-nnka,
to-wlt: Southonst quarter of'iii 3, and
southwest imnrter of Miction 2, nil in
ton nlilp 35 ot l-aiijtt: 5(1. Hid V. (X SUvmiis tor
value received has duty nsstned, sold and
traupferrwl all tils rlelit. tttie and Interest In
and to said two tax eertilleiitos and Mild de
lluiiueut mid suliiiiient tuxes pulil tliorc
nnuVriu this plaintiff who Is now owner and
holder of sumo.
The 11 mount ehiluied l? itlniti 1 11T unoti Mild
t tvu tax Ileus Is Uib sum of S3S rti, with interest
thereon from Auaust 18. 1014, of which snm 84.15
Is for attorney's f"t mid Sli.00 for puhllrlier'H
Xe, the pruyer of Mild petition Is for it decreo
deelnilu the uftruiiid utn.iuiit. toother with
Interest thereon and eots. to be n first unit
paramount lien upon the uforesaid real estate
mid thutsuld real entnto may bo sold under mi
order of the court to satisfy ihesnmo. and that
wild defendants bo forever burred and foru
c!odu nil Interest or elulni In and to Mild
oai CMulu or liny pun tliureof,
You are teijulred to answer said petition on
or before the 3d day of October, iwt
T. .1. U'ICukfh, I'lutntlir
Uy Win. Mitchell, his Attorney (p Aug. 36.
Notice to Noit-HeslJent Defendants
To Thomas 11. Shurtz, T. V. Drown, Porter
lints, .v Co., L' V. Marknmu,.lHines II. Sbjn
foos. N. Hurl. Kd Pitch, It. l.tlutze)! or
It. L.. Uuteseil, The American Hank, V. It.
T.evTis.iSIiuonsyn llros , non-resident defend.
jmKr'lVy WC. tllUl 0I1 thc,-ll' '" ot
August, limi, Alliance I'einetery iiHsoclutiou. n
corioriitloii duly Incorporated nnd existing
under and by vn tue of the laws of tho state of
C 1 ,i,1!ni,!iriU.ultl"? cpnnjtory associations,
plulntlir, filed its petition In tho district court
,f,i.IJox ."utte cW'"y. Nebraska, wherein
Allliiiico ( emetery Ion, a private cor
poration organized under lite laws of the statu
of Nebraska and composed of the following
Die American Hank. I.mik Hikw'iwi'.iwi.iI., v'
H. Taw is, . D. Itu.ner, Mmonsou llros. nnd
John ( armlclu were made defendant, the
object and pr.ijer of which said petition Is to
remove the cloud from the title to tho noith
weal quarter of northwest iu.irter of outh
west qu irttr of .section 2i, township , r.ingo
4i, nnd thai land commencing at the north
east corner or the Alliance Cemetery associa
tion grounds us survejed, platted and record
ed. 'I hen running east sixteen und one half
rods, then south fifty six and one half rods on
a lino parallel with tho east lineof said ceme
tery. Then west llfty-elght and ouohnlf lod.s
In a linn parallel with thesoiitb lineof ceme
tery, then north on the west rectum lino of
said section la which said cemetery is situated
to the southwest corner of said cemetery nltu
"ted In Box Hutto county Nebraska, known
ns Alliance cemetery, ami from any other land
of any description owned in Box Butte county
by defendant, Alliance Cemetery association.
The prayer of ald petition Is for a decree re
moving the cloud from the title to the north
wett quarter of uorthwet quarter of soulli
westouurter of section Si, townships range
4,, and Unit laud commencing at the 1101 theast
corner of tho Alliance Cemetery association
grounds as suneyed, platted nnd recorded.
1 hen running east sixteen and one half rods,
then south fifty-six and one half rods on a lino
parallel with tho east lino of said cemetery.
Then west tlf ty eight and one half rods in a
Hue parallel with the south lino of cemetery,
then north on tho wesr. soctiou line of said
section in which said cemetery Is situated, to
the southwest corner of said cemetery situated
lir llo.x Hutto countv, Nebraska, known us
Alliance cemetery, and the improvements
thcicou ami from all other lands, moneys,
credits anil property of any and u'i descrip
tion, by the reason of sau. o being deeded to
or by Uio title being In tho pretended Alliance
Cemetery association, tue defendant herein,
and Unit the title to the said laud known as
Alliance cemetery nnd nil improvements
thereon and to all other lands, moneys, credits
and property or every description, which is
in the name of or belongs to the pretended
Alliance Cemetery association ho ordctcd,
adjudged and decreed to ho in tho Alliance
Cemetery association, plaintiff, and the pro)
erty of tho same and for such other and
rurther roller as may bo just nndvnuttuhlc.
Vou and each ol you aro required to answer
said petition on or bforo the ad day of
October 11W4.
ByWm. Mitchell, its Attorney. fp Aug 26
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Ofllce, Alliance. Neb., Aug. Is. 1TOI.
A sufllclcnt contest allldavlt having been
filed. In this ollico by Win. Delsing. con
testant, against Homestead entry No 4T.10,
niatlo November Hi, 11)01, lor lot 1, southeast
quarter northeast qr north halt southeast
quarter section S. township 28 north, range 4!)
west, by .lames Wilcox, contestee, in which
it is alleged tlmt said James Wilcox netet ro
hldedou said tract ami has wholly nliaudiiued
same for more than two years last past
and that said alleged absence from the said
land was not duo to his employment In the
army, navy or marine corps, of the United
Stutes as n private soldier, olllcer seaman or
marine during the war with Siialn or during
any other war In which tho United States
mnv bo engaged, (.aid parties aro hereby noti
fied to appear, respond and offer evidence
touching said allegation ut 10 o'clock 11, in.
on October is. 100 1, beforo tho Iteglstor und
Receiver ut tho United States Land Oillce lu
Alliance, Nebraska.
Tho said contestant having, in u proper af
fidavit, tiled JuiiolO, 1001, set forth Tacts which
.Show that after due diligence personal service
of tho notico can not bo made. It is hereby or
dered and directed that such notice bo given
Jy duo and proper publication.
fp Aug. 20. llItUCK WlLCO-V. lteglster.
Contest Notice.
U. H. Land Ollico, Alliance, Neb., Aug. is, lOOI.
A sulllclent contest allldavlt having been
filed in this oftlcu by Mike rihlmek, contestant,
against Homestead entry No. 37S0. made Sept.
2S, liwe. for north half southeast quarter,
southwest quarter southeast qr. southeast qr.,
southwest quarter section :, township
L'S north, rnngo 31 west, by Joseph Lynch,
contestee, in which it Is alleged that suld
Joseph Lynch never resided on said land
and has wholly abandoned the sumo for
more than three years last iast and
tlmt said alleged absence from tho said lam!
was not duo In his employment In the army,
navy or marine corps of tho United States as
a prlvato soldier, olllcer seaman or marine
during tho war with Spain or during any other
war In which the United States may lo en
gaged, said parties are hereby notified to ap
pear, respond and oiler ovidenco touching s.iid
allegation at U o'clock 11. m. on October IS
1001, )Hrore tho lteglster and HmcoI ver at tho
United States Land onico lu Alliance,
Tho said contestant having. In a proper af
fidavit, tiled ,luue ii, IP04, set forth l'.icts which
show tint iittcriiu)d Illgeuce personal service
of this notice cm i made. It is hereby
ordered and HlrectHi that such noii'o bo
given hy due and propoi puieicatlou
fp,A llui't Wilcox, lteglster.
Contest Notice ,
U. i- Oillce, Alliance, Nob., Aiw. 1. i;x)'.
A ulll lent (.outfit ullidavlt hqiliig iieeu
filed n tuM u.i ce hy Mike tihlmek, contestant,
ugiii i iit.uiut'.itleiiir) No. 37sl. made tiep.
SS, 19 u, ftr wmt li.ilf southeast quarter
southeast quaitor southeast qmitlcr section
lP.soutliwest quarter southwest quarter section
iV, township &., lange SI west, liy D.ivhlCot)k,
contestee, In winch it is alleged that said
David Cook netor resided on said land and
has wholly abandoned same for more
than v three years last past ami Unit
said alleged ubt-euce Iiom the said laud wan
not due to Iiis euiplymeut lu tho iirmy, navy or
murine corps of tno United .-states as a pri ate
frontier, ollicur, seaman or marine timing the
war with rJpaiu or during uny other war In
which the United States may lie engaged, said
parties are hereby notified to appear, respond
und oiler evidence touching said allegation at
10 o'clock it. in., on October is, 1001, beforo tho
lteglster and Iteceiver at tlio United State
Land Office ia Alliance, Nebraska.
That said contestant having, in a proper
ulhdavit, Mod June U 1001. set forth facts
which show that after due dillgouco personal
service of this notice cannot be made, it is
ordered nnd directed Unit such notico bo given
by duo and proper publlent Ion.
f P Aug -M. Biiuce Wilcox, HegUtor.
Harold B. Miller AT TY 1,C.V:, j
surgeon, office and residence 321 south
Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb.
Old papers for sale at this office.
I1UIMW9, itouvrt naxier, kelson iietcher.
aiiomas 1). blitirtz. T.'W. Ilronn, II. W. Axtell,
Porter Pros. & Co.. P. W. Matkiuan, James H.
Mpafoos, N.Hart. Kd Filch, l M. Snedeker,
h. M. .tmls. it. 1. (I,tt9i.v..rl ..p 1? 1. f..w..n